Beast Wars
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Fan Fiction by:

Lady Venom:

Her Fan Fiction:


In the Beginning

- She wanted to be human, to be normal. But nobody ever gets what they want. (First in the LV series)


What Do I Want

- Things are getting complicated with memories from a past Lady Venom would rather forget. And what exactly are the scientists doing to her? (second in the LV series)



- She's escaped, free just like she wanted. But can she deal with what awaits her?


Stand Alones:

Tortured Sanctuary

 - Locked together in a sterile hell, two "failed experiments" take comfort in one another, while screams echo through the halls. Co-written with Sapphire. - Nominated for "Most Frightening" 2005


Walking in My Shoes

- Why he is how he is, why he wanted desperately to escape, and to gain retribution. What happened to Protoform X, this, is the true recounting. - Runner-up for "Most Frightening" 2005



- An excerpt from a possible Depth Charge journal entry.


I Am What They Made Me

-Do you want a taste? Do you want to come to my world? I'm sure you'd love it...


The X Factor

- Psychopaths have an X-factor unfamiliar and incomprehensible to most of us. No one knows yet whether this X-factor is genetic, pathological or spiritual.


Eternally Damned

- The soul should never be taken for granted, it is a never ending child always learning, and always evolving.
Winner of Most Thought-Provoking and runner up for Best Tear-jerker '04


Megatron's Requiem

 - Megatron reflects about who has made him what he is today.


Persephone Reborn

- Set in Starath's timeframe, Megatron takes a little time to reflect on his current love status.


Tests, Quiz’s, Robots and Killers Oh My!

Part One || Part Two || Part Three || Part Four || Part Five || Part Six || Part Seven || Part Eight || Part Nine || Part Ten || Part Eleven

- I take one little quiz, and poof! I really don't think that having Rampage in my tiny three bedroom apartment is really such a good idea.


This Riptide Runs Deep

- Nominated for Best Romance '03


The Right Kind of Wrong

- Runner up  for Best Romance '03

- Trying to sort out her feelings, a Predacon runs away. But even in the jungle she cannot hide. (one shot)


Broken Heart

A story of the power of love...and how great the cost can be when someone loses it

- Runner up for Best Tear-Jerker and  nominated for Best Overall Fanfic '03


Triyet and Eightrax


Rest in Peace

- A different perspective on what a certain Predacon really thought...


For Better or Worse 

A fan fic including the authors and writers of this site - Sapphire

Tied winner for Best Overall Fanfic '04


Mirrorverse: Rampage is the innocent

- A switched world where Rampage hunts the murderer Depth Charge


A Dream or a Nightmare


Beautiful Goodbye

(Note: This collection of fics has an age restriction)

- A darker look in the mind of a Leader, and the rippling effect it has on those around her.



Fics Inspired by Evanescence:



- A rewriting of an episode, showing us how deep a friendship in the Maximals run.



- Can't really summarize this. A Depth Charge-Rampage fic.



- She always said she would be free...


My Immortal

- A brief look back, it seems Depth Charge cared more for Rampage than what he'd like to admit.


Taking Over Me

- This is a Depth Charge-Rampage fic and should only be read after My Immortal if it's to make sense.


My Last Breath

- What if Rattrap had arrived before the others? What if he was the one to hear the warriors' last words? What would he do?

Tied winner of Best Tear-jerker 04



- A songfic. Short and pointless, but I promised myself to write at least one Rampage Transmutate fic.




40 Things We Hope To Never See in a Beast Wars Fan Fic

 - By Lady Venom & Cheetra


Cute Couples

- Some things it *hurts* to imagine...


The Beast Wars Drinking Game

- by Lady Venom and Nightfire

Beast Machines:

What If...?

- In a different version of the technorganic war, one Maximal is allowed to see how important her role in the war really is.

Co-written BW Series:

Lady Venom and Sapphire plan to co-write this series.  No Title for it yet and the first fic was done solely by her.  The series will be a blend between her characters and Sapphire's from the Uprising series.

Prologue to Lady Venom

Next part coming soon...


Like her work?  Send your comments to lady_venom_bot@hotmail.com 


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