A Note from the Authoress


My Writing:  

The first fan fic in the "After Earth" series was the first fanfic I published on the Internet.  I was very young and an inexperienced writer and so it wasn't terribly good.  However, as I continued writing the series, my fanfics improved considerably.  The characters became solid and interesting and the storylines grew more complex and dramatic.  The story that runs through the After Earth series is unique, as at the time of my writing it, I had only seen the first season of Beast Wars and so my idea of Cybertron was left to my imagination.  I created a Cybertron that I am sure would have G1 fans screaming bloody murder at, because it was so non-canon.  I don't care.  In not knowing about it, or what happened in the resdt of Beast Wars (which went to satellite TV before we got to season 2, which is why I didn't see the 2nd and 3rd seasons until much later) I was left to my own creative devises and came up with an epic story that, after reading well over six hundred fanfics, I can honestly say is original.  However, the fact still remains that the first fics in the series are grammatically awful and I don't want that to put off potential readers, hence this note explaining myself.  All I can say to you is read it for big story running through it, the evolving characters, and give it a chance as it WILL get better.  

How I write: I used to 'just write', forgetting details and generally forgetting what I wrote two chapters ago and getting names and places muddled.  I especially got muddled when writing my very first war drama 'The Great Battle' where I had to rely on limited military knowledge and remember ranks, places and other such things.  I do apologize if this confuses you; my editor almost went berserk with the amount of mistakes, but at least you know now that it has been edited.  I've learnt a lot more since then about the military and I pay a lot more attention to detail.  A war drama is very technical and very difficult to write, so there are bound to be errors I might not have picked up.  If you aren't sure on the military rankings and whatnot, click here to see a summary.  

In the After Earth series I write stories that don't just focus on one theme. For example, I don't write a simple horror.  If I write a story, you'll usually find some romance, tragedy, horror,( though not much horror), suspense thriller, action etc.  They're all big mixes.

Thank you: To all of those who are going to read or have read my stories, particularly my After Earth and Uprising series.  I want to thank you for your patience during the first few stories to get to the better bits.  I hope my stories have enriched you in some way, have inspired you to write or given you ideas if you already do and have put smiles on your faces.  If you would like to write a fic related to my stories or containing my characters that I have created, email me first. 

