Beast Wars
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Winner of Best Series '03


T h e    U p r i s i n g




It is advised that you read the 'After Earth Series' before this one, as this is After Earth's follow-up.


Note: I hardly stick to the technicalities of the Beast Wars TV show at all.  For instance, in my fic, the Tripedicus (yes, I know it is supposed to be Tripredicus but I made a spelling mistake long ago when writing the series and was too lazy to fix it in every single fic, so now that is what it's called!) council are the head of not Predacons as such, but a small separate faction with no real identity to the Maximal or Predacons.  They could be regarded as a sub group of Predacons but ones with different ideals and values.  I've never seen the original Transformers, only Beast Wars.  I'm not trying to make my fics historically correct in the TF world, but enjoyable and hopefully understandable.  

The Uprising series is a follow up to the After Earth series but this time with more action, more pace and more relationship developments.  As well as supernatural stuff, touches of comedy and romance and of course, something that can never lack in a war series, lots of drama and tragedy. 


It is a war drama, so if you don't know the military rankings, you can visit my military page for a summary.   

 If you'd like to see pictures of the characters in my series, click here for art by Blaze Raptor, and here for my art, even if it's nowhere near as good as Blaze's! 



If you are having trouble remembering all the characters I have created, click here for a mini summary of each

Feel free to send your comments to malachite157@yahoo.com


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