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Welcome to the 'After Earth' series section.  This series has been a good learning experience for me as a writer and as you read along, you'll see that each story gets better and better and more and more interesting.  Please note, the very first in my series which is unfortunately a first impression, was my very first fan fic!  So it, for obvious reasons, wasn't very good.  As a writer now working on her first book (which hopefully will be published someday) I have come a long way since my first story.  Even the second in the series is a big jump from there.  You can, if you want, read the first, though if you'd rather dive into the better quality stuff, click here for a one page summary of the first story.

I really hope you enjoy the series, and if you do, then read the Uprising series which is a direct follow up to this series.  Please send your comments or suggestions to malachite157@yahoo.com  and tell me what you think!  Please note that I am South African and that South African English is slightly different.  If you are American, you would spell color with no 'u', but in South Africa (and Britain) the word is spelt colour.  There are numerous little words like that.


  After Earth 

 - The Beast Warriors hitch an early ride home, and meet up on Cybertron 16 years later.


The Great Battle

 - War is coming to Cybertron, but this time it is an external attacker.  Predacons and Maximals unite in a never seen before Alliance against a foe both powerful and hungry for Energon.



 - Something dark and menacing is lurking in the shadows causing anxiety amongst Cybertronians.  For Diamond, though, the battle has been internal, until now...


  Picking up the Pieces

- Diamond's life is in jeopardy and those who care for her are worried.  Little do they know there's a much greater fear growing in the background. Winner of 'Most Frightening' 2003


When the Tide has Turned

 - Change is in the air.  Trust, friendship and fear are developing.  The problem is that no one is aware of it as they should be.


Whetting Calamity's Appetite

 - The lull before the storm should be ominous, but if you're too caught up with your own problems, you might get a shock at the first sound of thunder.


Prologue to Hell

 - When nightmares and fate become interlinked, disaster is about to strike.  Who will be ready for it?


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