Beast Wars
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The End Game series



The Reflections series

Innocence, Past and Present

- Tamme is found and Rampage begins reliving the formative years of his dark life. First in the series ‘Reflections’. - Nominated for "Most Like a Beast Wars Episode" 2005


Lonely Among Us

 - While Tamme adjusts to life with the Maximals she finds out its not always easy fitting in. Rampage continues on his journey through his past memories and finds something new to distract him from his past pains. Second in the series ‘Reflections’.


Stand Alones:

Last Days

- Runner-up for "Best Romance" 2005




- Nominated for Best Battle Sequence '03


The True Difference

- Winner for "Most Like a Beast Wars Episode" 2005




Skyfire's Vault


Send Skyfire your comments!


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