Beast Wars
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Beast Wars belongs to Hasbro, Mainframe and Alliance Entertainment. We are just fans dedicating a website to the TV series they created.  We hold no rights over their characters.  All characters belong to them, except the original ones created by the respective authors and artists. All original images, characters, stories and poetry belong to their respective creators.  We own no rights to the Beast Wars pictures taken directly from the television show.  Should there be a problem, please contact us.

This is a fansite and nothing is being used to make money.  We rely solely on donations to keep the site up and running.

Thank you.

None of the artists and writers featured on this website claim any rights to Beast Wars Transformers and the original Beast Wars characters. They do, however, own the rights to their fan fiction and self created characters therein, stories and/or artwork and none of their work can be used in anyway without their consent.  They are making no money from displaying their work and are, like me, fans of Beast Wars.  

As far as crossover fanfiction with other TV shows goes, neither the site owners or the writers claim any rights over shows such as Yu-Gi-Oh or Lord of the Ring etc.

The following characters are copyrighted to Hasbro, Mainframe and Alliance Entertainment:

Dinobot, Rattrap, Rhinox, Cheetor, Airazor, Tigatron, Silverbolt, Optimus Primal, Tigerhawk, Depth Charge

Blackarachnia, Megatron, Waspinator, Quickstrike, Terrorsaur, Tarantulas, Scorponok, Transmetal 2 Dinobot, Rampage and Inferno, Ravage, Tripredicus Council, Transmutate, Vok, Snow Stalker. As well as any Beast Machine or Generation One TV show characters.

This site's design (including site name and url, background images, frame image side banners) is copyrighted to Sapphire and may not be reproduced.  Created with Dreamweaver and FrontPage.


The Missing BWA Fics Page


The Fan Fiction with green stars I (Sapphire) have permission from the authors to put up on my website but haven't yet.  The fics with no stars are by authors who have given me permission.  All the writers who I either haven't contacted, or haven't replied to me I have hyperlinked to a web page where you can view their stuff.  I haven't asked if I could link to their pages, but I haven't gone as far as to put up their fics on my page, or for Dawn to put them up on hers without their permission.  I was the one who started the entire operation of Rebuild Beast Wars Anonymous (find out more here) so if you have any complaints direct them to me at malachite157@yahoo.com I am not trying to claim their work as my own or break any copyrights, I am merely trying to restore a wonderful archive which was tragically deleted by Geo Cities.  Neither I nor many others want to see their fics disappear and get forgotten. 


Site Design: Sapphire. Created by: Sapphire, Miss Special, Hacker, Blaze Raptor, Pacerpaw and Araneae. Bwint.net is copyrighted to the bwint.net team.
Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment. Neither the owner nor the Bwint.net team and visitors claim any rights to it. This is a non-profit fansite. Original template designed by
JSB Web Templates