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Darkfire’s Arrival

by Darkfire75

Author’s note: Okay, Darkfire is mine. The plot is mine. The Beast Warriors are not mine. If anyone has a problem with this fic, I don’t care. It’s not my best. I have better ones to come. Also, I like the Predacons more than the Maximals. You’ll notice that I stay pretty close to the Preds. So, anyway, could you read it and tell me what you think?

Megatron was sitting in his command chair as bored as he could possibly be. He had not ambushed the Maximals in three days. It was as if time had stopped.

He began to drum his fingers and sigh heavily. Nothing new was showing up on the scanners. Life, at the moment, seemed worthless. It’s at moments like these that I wish I HAD a lover, he thought with a chuckle.

A sudden beep from the scanners got him out of his dreamy trance. "STASIS POD DETECTED IN GRID TRIUNE."

"Finally!" he said standing up. "Hmm, I’ll go and get this pod on my own. Flight mode!" He transformed to flight mode and flew off.

* * *

Maximal Base

It wasn’t any more exciting for the Maximals than for the Predacons. Rattrap was at the scanners nearly asleep. Dinobot walked in and glared at him. He muttered, "Worthless pest."

The raptor then took a deep breath and shouted, "VERMIN!!" Rattrap jumped out of the chair and landed on his feet. He saw Dinobot and scowled.

"Why’d ya do dat, huh?" he snapped.

"You are supposed to be watching the scanners. Or would you prefer I let you sleep and dream about all those females you will never have?" he sneered.

"Hey, watch it, Chopperface!"

They were about to start fighting, when a beep interrupted them. "Aha! See? If you hadn’t been awake, you would never have heard the beep," Dinobot said with a satisfied smirk.

"Eh, shaddup," Rattrap growled. He looked at the screen. "Dere’s a stasis pod in grid Triune!" he exclaimed.

"Inform Optimus, I’ll go and retrieve it."

"Oh no ya won’t! I’m comin’ too!"

"Well someone has to tell Optimus."

Silverbolt then entered and Dinobot and Rattrap exchanged evil smiles. "Hey Bird Dog," Rattrap began. "You ain’t got any plans fer dis afternoon, do ya?"

"No," he replied slowly.

"So ya wouldn’t mind tellin’ Optimus somethin’ for us?"

"Of course."

"Fuzor, there is a stasis pod in grid Triune. Rattrap and I are going to retrieve it. We need you to inform Optimus," Dinobot stated.

"Why me?"

"Because we know we can count on you."

"I suppose—"

"Great, see ya later!" Rattrap called as he and Dinobot took the lift down.

* * *

Megatron was even having a boring day flying. No matter how much he told himself, going out to find a stasis pod wasn’t as much fun as usual. There were no Maximals to fight off and the day never seemed to move any faster.

The tyrant decided to rest in a clearing in the forest. He landed softly and transformed. "This is the most boring day of my entire life," he announced. "No Maximals, nothing. There’s no joy in finding a pod anymore."

"Perhaps we can change that!" said a gruff voice from behind a tree.

Megatron turned around and was nearly hit by a blast from a gun. "Traitor! Vermin!" Megatron snarled. Rattrap had walked out as well.

"Face it, Megatron," Dinobot sneered. "You’re outnumbered. There’s no one here to save you from death."

"I believe you’re wrong," Megatron said powering his jets. He transformed to flight mode once more, but was shot.

It wasn’t as bad as he thought so he continued to fly away.

"You think he’s after da pod?" Rattrap asked Dinobot after Megatron left.

"I’m sure he is."

* * *

It was horrible now. Megatron was losing control. He couldn’t fly properly. He was going to crash.

"FLIGHT SYSTEMS DISABLED," beeped his computer.

"I know that!" he growled to himself. "Megatron, Terror—oof!" He had just crashed into a redwood tree. "Oww…" he moaned trying to see through blurred vision.

He then spotted something a distance away. "The stasis pod!" he breathed happily. He transformed and began to walk towards it.

* * *

The stasis pod was no ordinary pod. It carried the essence of a legendary robot from the Great War.

The lid of the pod was open and a strange creature had emerged. It was a horse with wings. It had green/yellow eyes that sparkled. Its mane and tail were on fire. It also had dragon-like wings that were orange. The Pegasus looked at itself in a stream.

"Nice form," it said in a femme voice. "Must be a Pegasus. Only they have a hybrid of horse and eagle. I’m a hybrid of horse and possibly dragon."

There was a rustle in the bushes. "Hello?" said the horse. "Anyone there?"

Megatron suddenly stepped out with some difficulty. "Greetings," he began. "I am Megatron, commander of the Predacons."

"Megatron?" she gasped. "You wouldn’t happen to have an ancestor with that name, would you?"

"Yes, my Decepticon ancestor."

"Well, isn’t that ironic?"

"What is your name, my dear?"

"Um…it’s…" the horse thinks awhile, "…Darkfire."

"Hmm, a lovely name for a lovely—eh—creature."

"Thanks, I think."

"Can you fly, Darkfire?"

"I think so, but I don’t know. What about you?"

"Can’t. My jets were damaged during a recent battle."

"Oh. So we’re stuck out here? Together?"

"You make it sound like that’s a bad thing," he mused. "Follow me. We shall travel by foot."

"Whatever, just as long as you know where we’re going."

Megatron went to beast mode and stalked off followed by Darkfire.

* * *

"Where d’ya think ol’ Megs is?" Rattrap asked Dinobot as they walked.

"Anywhere, if I know him," the raptor replied.

"Wait, I hear somethin’. Listen."

"—joking. You mean to say that you kicked their butts and they still shot you?" said a female voice.

They then heard Megatron’s voice next, "Exactly. See, Maximal minds work in ways we Predacons will never know."

"Sounds like Megatron’s got himself a girlfriend," Rattrap commented. They peered through the bushes and saw a red horse with wings talking to a purple and bronze humanoid robot. Dinobot was in beast mode and getting ready to ambush the two.

Rattrap saw him and walked over. "That creature belongs with us," Dinobot growled. He then jumped out and began hissing at Darkfire.

"Wow, that’s real impressive," she said sarcastically. "If only you didn’t have legs and arms, you’d pass as a snake."

Megatron hid a smile of delight. Dinobot transformed and fired his eye lasers at Megatron. Darkfire felt the beast within her lose control. "Darkfire, TERRORIZE!" she shouted.

She then transformed into a beautiful orange, red, and silver robot. She had blood red optics shaped like an Egyptian’s eyes. She had a silver face and red hair in a long ponytail. Her dragon-like wings extended on her back.

Darkfire then drew out a large fire sword. "Go ahead, fight me if you can," she sneered with a grin.

Dinobot, who was still gaping at her sword, could not find the words to reply. Darkfire walked over to Megatron and helped him up. Dark clouds loomed overhead and lightning began to glaze the sky.

Dinobot saw, in one brief moment, the face of a devil. Evil marred the face as the blood red optics glared at him. The figure he was seeing was holding a sword, a fire sword to be more precise. He shook his head and dodged an oncoming blow from Darkfire.

He suddenly remembered looking up a certain Decepticon rogue’s name… "Venus," he whispered coldly.

"Say what?" Rattrap asked with confusion.

"Venus," he repeated. "The Decepticon rogue."

"Yer losin’ yer marbles, Chopperface."

But Dinobot wasn’t listening. He was glaring at Darkfire. He was trying to put two and two together. Yes, her eyes, actions, and voice—it’s becoming clearer—it’s her—that bloody bitch of a female—it’s Venus! he thought.

Dinobot suddenly barked, "VENUS!!"

That turned everyone’s attention to him. Darkfire looked at him in fury, as if he were a deadly virus that had just killed someone she cared for. "W-What did you say?" she stuttered while walking towards him.

"VENUS!" he said again.

Her optics widened and she pointed her fire sword at his throat. "You’re a smart one," she whispered so only he could hear. "You know who I am."

"I should think it was obvious to anyone," he whispered back with a sneer. "There is only one robot who has ever owned a fire sword, and it was Venus."

Darkfire looked into his crimson optics. They stared at each other for what seemed ages. "Megatron," Darkfire finally said; her eyes still looking into Dinobot’s, "we’re leaving. Let’s go."

Megatron glared at the raptor as they left. Dinobot lowered his weapon as Rattrap looked up at him. "You okay?" he asked.

"Let’s go," he simply said.

* * *

"LEAVING WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Optimus was shouting. "Please tell me you at least found out who the protoform was," he lowered his voice.

Rattrap cast a glance at Dinobot who looked away. "Ask him," Rattrap muttered pointing to the raptor-bot.

"Dinobot? Do you know anything?" Optimus asked.

"I know who she is. Have you ever heard of the Decepticon Venus?" he replied.


"The new Predacon, Darkfire, is her."

The room fell deathly silent. "Come now, Dinobot," Rhinox said. "Venus was killed in the Great War."

"Actually, she returned to Cybertron after the Ark crashed on Earth," corrected Dinobot.

"What was her reaction when you called her Venus?" Optimus wondered.

"She pointed her fire sword at me and her blood red optics widened."

"Sounds like Venus to me," Rhinox mumbled.

"I still don’t get it," Cheetor cut in. "Who is Venus? What did she do that was so horrible?"

"Cheetor, perhaps you should sit down," Optimus suggested. "Dinobot, would you please tell all of us who Venus really was?"

He nodded. "Venus was a fiery, dark, evil female born into a time of war. Her mother was Zambiona and her father, Mauritius. They separated when Venus was very young. The two had had four children: triplets and an elder son. Venus’s sisters were Angelana and Melana. Her older brother was Chad.

"Anyway, she was quite young when her parents divorced. Her mother took her and Melana while her father took the other two. Being the fiery, beautiful catch that she was, she paraded around showing herself off. Her British sister, Melana, disgusted her for that. One day, Venus got word that there was a war. Megatron, the original, was looking for recruits. He found her irresistible and made her his second-in-command. Foolish, I know.

"Her sister later joined as well. Many men that she dated had wondered where she had gotten her name. She always said ‘My parents wanted their very first daughter to be named after the most gorgeous and brightest of planets. Because of my beauty, the name Venus stayed as my name.’ Now, during the Great War, Venus was horrible. Megatron bribed her to kill innocent Autobots they had captured. None lived to tell the tale of how horrible she was. She was a rogue. That is why, if you look her up somewhere, it is titled ‘The Decepticon Rogue’."

Cheetor and most of the others stared wide-eyed at him. "You’re sayin’ that the new Pred is…" he gulped, "…Venus?"

"Yes, there’s no doubting a face like hers. Now she has Megatron in her trance. He takes one look at her and falls deeply in love. But it’s only a matter of time before she kills him."

"Why would she kill him?"

"Many say that after she was through with a man, she would slay him in his sleep. But if she does kill him, we’re all done-for anyway. She shows no mercy."

Cheetor gave Optimus a scared look. "How are we gonna stop her, Big Bot?" he asked.

"I don’t really think we can," he sighed.

* * *

Darkfire was in her new room. "I am Venus," she muttered to herself. "The one and only."

That foolish Maximal knows not who I really am. Yes, I am Venus. But a rogue, I am not. Love is an emotion I can handle. I loved once, after all. I never killed him; he just went into stasis lock.

The Maximal said my name like a deadly virus that must be hated. Is that what everyone thinks? That I’ll kill them without a moment’s thought? That I show no mercy? It’s all false. I show mercy. I don’t kill people just for fun.

That job is for assassins and mercenaries. People like me don’t go killing people just for fun and pleasure.

What if Megatron reads up my file, though? I can’t afford to lose his trust and possible love for me. If he knew I was Venus, he’d kill me. I can see past his dark nature and uncover a whole new side to him.

If only he shared his heart with me. If only he told me how he truly feels. If only…ugh…stop thinking about ‘if only’. They only lead to despair.

Suddenly, there was a knock on her door. "Miss Fire, can we talk?" It was Megatron.

"S-Sure," she muttered. He walked in.

"Who is Venus?" he wondered narrowing his optics.

"Oh, um…I k-knew her."

"You’re sure?"


"That’s all I wanted to know. Good day to you." He then left.

Darkfire sighed helplessly. "I will have him to myself," she growled. "Yes indeed…"

The End!