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The Cast Get Their Say.



“I have been waiting for a moment like this for a very long time!” said Rhinox

“We all have!” added Cheetor.

“We’ll show 'em what we really want!” exclaimed Rattrap.

Then all the Maximals and Predacons sat down around a long rectangle table.

Lined up on the wall were hundreds of  intercoms.

Behind each intercom, on the other side of cyber space, sat a fan fiction writer.

All the writers had agreed reluctantly to let the characters have their say for the next fan fiction, which would be written by a chosen writer.

They now had to sit through all the comments and suggestions the characters had to offer.

The Maximals and Predacons waited anxiously for a response from a writer.

“All right, begin!” said a voice.

“Ahem,” started Rattrap.  “Firstly, stop giving me such pathetic comments ta say!  I have much wittier ones that I made up myself!” he said

“Ok...” said one other voice.

Then Optimus, a little nervous as he knew what these writers were capable of, hesitantly stressed a point that was bugging him.  “Please, don’t make me so stubborn and serious, I do laugh occasionally, I mean, I can do that!” he said

There was a pause

“We will consider,” said an author.

Then Waspinator spoke up.  “I would like to stress to you all, that I am tired of buzzing all the time, and that I am not that dumb, please try and brighten up my character in the future!”

“There is a slight possibility,” said another author and their was a mumble in the background.

“Do I always have to say yessss at then end of my sentences?”asked Megatron

“Yesssss!” laughed a cheeky author.

He pulled a face.

“I have something to say too!” yelled Cheetor rising from his position, his fists clenched.

“Why am I always so sweet and immature, please, someone make my character grow up!  I’m always the same in every fan fic!” he moaned.

“Me too!”snapped Inferno.  “I always have to yell ‘For the Royalty!' or something dumb like that, honestly people, I am an educated actor and I am capable of more than that!”

There was a big flare of chatter coming from the characters.

“Order!  Calm down, one at a time!” said an authoress firmly.

The noise hushed.

“Um, could I ask that in future episodes, I am NOT in love with Blackarachnia?  No offence Black, but I am a little sick of chasing you all the time,” Tarantulas said timidly

“And visa versa!”yelled Blackarachnia.

“Speaking of love, why in so many fan fics, do I have to fall in love with some desperate female that stumbles into my life!  People, people!  If you want to write romances, don’t always pick on me!”said Dinobot

“He has a point...” said one of the authors.

“Yes!  I agree!” interrupted Tigatron.  “Do Airazor and I ALWAYS have to be together or be separated by cruel means?  Why can’t we just live with the fact that we are separate robots and be left alone occasionally!”

“Yeah, how come Dino-butt and I are always fighting!  Can’t we just knock it off!  I mean, can’t we just give each other a break!  And why does Lizard Lips always try to eat me!?”

“I hate it when you call me those horrible names!” he spat

“What, it’s not like you don’t call me nasty things fat-so!”

“Fat?  I’m hardly fat!  I am just big wired!”  Dinobot said, hurt.

“Calm down, please, some order here!”  said and author.

“I’ll deal with you after this!” Dinobot hissed.

“You’re on!” snapped Rattrap.

Then there was once again silence.

Rhinox spoke up.

“Why am I always at the computer, I never do anything but that.  Yes occasionally I fight but really, my heart has always been set on a romance,” he sighed.

“We could arrange that,”giggled a teenage authoress.

“Now you’re gonna get it!  Believe me, I know!” said Dinobot.

Then Scorponok spoke up.

“Can I be a clever scientist in the next fan fic?  I mean, I liked Taratron’s story, it was a change,” he queried.

“I’d like a change too, I’m forever plotting against Megatron, can my character please give up!  It is so irritating playing the same role, every fan fic!” Terrorsaur commented.

Then the noise level rose again, but the authors hushed them.

“Can I have a bigger part?” asked Airazor.  “I mean, I hardly ever speak.”

“Me too,” added in Tigatron.

“Of course,”said a voice.

“Anymore comments?”

“Yes, one last thing, can I be in a musical?  I’ve always loved Opera,” said Optimus

“Oh, no!  Please!” exclaimed Cheetor

“If you're gonna do anything like that, don’t include me!” he added.

“Um, we will think about it,” the authors replied.

“Anything else?”

“Yes, I want to beat up Dino breath in the next fan fiction!”  Rattrap called.

“SHUT UP RATTRAP!” everyone yelled.

“So, I guess that’s settled then,” said an authoress.

Then the authors left and chatted excitedly.

“Boy oh boy, are we gonna have fun!” Chuckled one evilly.

Her name was Theresa Barcarrott.

Then the authors went down and schemed together the ultimate nasty fan fic of all time.

Come one!  We are not going to give in that easily?

Heh heh heh!



Corny, yes.  But hey, if you liked it, email me and enlighten me!

