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Botcon 2005: Beastbot's Report:


Thursday: Right after class, got on the airplane with my dad in Columbus, Ohio and flew 2 hours down to the 'Con, doing homework all the way. Yeah, my eyes were pretty... I didn't want to read anymore. Ever. Stupid psychology chapters, sixty pages of solid words in a big ol' hardcover book... Anyways, my dad had a former student in Dallas who was kind enough to give us a ride to the hotel. I lived in Texas from '96 to '02, so it was nice to see the place again, even if I lived in Corpus Christi and this was Dallas. But they were both in dry and flat areas, so it was all good. Got to the convention and was standing in line to get my prereg stuff when I noticed Sapphire, Miss Special, and Outtsyder walking along! We introduced ourselves, and they were about to take all the stuff they just got back to their own hotel, so while they did that, I got my own stuff-- the Botcon core 7 set, the Virulent Clones, a Botcon T-Shirt, and Ratchet & Flareup-- and then sat around and forced myself to do a few more pages of homework until they showed up again. Hacker and Dragonsflayme were with them too, so we all decided to get a quick snack at the hotel bar before the MSTF panel. They all got crud like cookies and stuff, but I went for the good stuff- Starburst. Awww, yeah. Anyways, the MSTF panel was pretty funny, though not as good as previous years'-- I think the guys who crack the funnies are starting to run out of material. It was also mildly dissapointing that all 4 eps they made fun of were G1-- they always had more variety in previous years. After that, it was off to bed for me.

Friday-Saturday: Outtsyder pretty much covered nearly everything that went on these two days that was really worth mentioning. Occasionally I would take my leave of the group to go and do more homework-- Ugh, the only black spot on the entire weekend. In the dealer room, I managed to snag a Reverse Convoy (a toy with a Megatron AND an Optimus head-- how could I resist?), a Giga Storm (Japanese re-release and slight repaint of G1 Trypticon), a Transformers: Infiltration #0 comic book, a Legends of Cybertron Ramjet toy that Hasbro was handing out for free, and a Robotmasters Thundercracker and Skywarp. Pretty good haul, if I do say so myself. Talking with Brian Dobson for so long was also insanely cool, and one of the best experiences of Botcon-- not to mention Paul Dobson giving us enough gambling credits to buy me a FREE Binaltech Blue Prowl and Sapphire a TM Rhinox, w00t! Seeing all the cool toys at the Hasbro panels was also a big highlight-- get me some of that Cybertron Unicron tank, and pronto! The Friday night dinner was also pretty good, and the voice actor entertainment was pretty hilarious, though at times it was hard to understand because of the acoustics of the room. Talking with the other BWI people about various things was also a lot of fun, too.

Sunday: Pretty uneventful, up until the time we all left. The highlight of the day for me was the big Hasbro design panel, where a lot of cool info was revealed (Beast Minicons forthcoming, whee!) as well as the big reveal on the G1 redux line for the first half of 2007! Most of the other time was spent just hanging around, waiting for the 3:00 drawing for a free Botcon trip next year (none of us won). After that, me and Sapph talked a while about various things, and then it was time to go, alas. It was a wonderful time, though, one of the best weekends of my life, and I hope I can come next year to do it all over again!



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