The VR's Most Hilarious Quest!







By:  Lady Scale
















INTRO: RattrapARR and MegatronARR run out the door of the ‘Emperor Starscream’sARR Golden Wing’, and the TM rat stops to try find the senior Autobot, KupARR in the parking lot. 

Megatron: ::dusting his metal:: “Okay, let’s flee from Party Central and call it a night. How about SembreARR/MP?” 

[They both get in Kup.] 

Rattrap: ::tries to start his engine:: 

M: “Oh yeesss! Let’s see what this bot can really do!” 

[The engine chokes and hums…. But…] 

RT: <_< 

M: >_> 

[Kup’s engine finally goes out, and he falls apart.] 

RT: ::pulls out a trumpet and does that morgue theme:: 

M: (to the heap of scrap) “Hmmm. That is an interesting feature.” 

Starscream: “Get back here, you sons of a-!!“ ::almost runs in an FVMP:: “Hoa! Watch yourself, lady!” ::kisses the rug (of him, of course) at his feet:: “I love this rug…” ::goes back to catch ‘our two heroes’:: “I’m going to get you, you-!!“ 

M: ::pushes Rattrap from the driver’s seat:: “RUN! MOVE! GO!” 

[They both get out of the dead bot, and run through the traffic. Cars stop to a halt as they do.] 

SOMEWHERE ELSE: Arcee is talking with Bumblebee. 

Arcee: “Can you bring him out now?” 

Bb: “Sure, ma’m.” ::gets out Rodimus Prime from the cleaners:: 

Arcee: (to Rodimus) “Hi honey, did you-?” 

[The Seeker trio comes up.] 

Starscream: ::pushes her away:: “Back off, lady! Were in a hurry, and our wings are ‘clipped’! After him, boys!” 

[Skywarp and Thundercracker get into the ‘bot, but leave Screamer behind.] 

SS: ::runs after then:: “Grrr! Slagging stupid windmates!” ::manages to catch up and get into Rodimus:: 

BACK WITH OUR HEROES: Rattrap is running through the crowd along with Megs, making the people gasp, yell, and other stuff at them. 

M: “Hey! Slow down! It’s a 50 miles/h speed limit here!” 

SS: ::is driving Rodimus Prime through the screaming crowd:: “GET BACK HERE, YOU COWARDS!!”  

SOMEWHERE ELSE: Mehmed with Sapphire (she is still wearing the blue dress) and TM2 Dinobot, are driving casually through Party Central. 

Sapphire: “There must be 200 casinos, 350 hotels and 190 clubs in Party Central! We’re NEVER going to find Megatron…” 

TM2 Db: ::hears the tyrant’s voice yelling, and he stops sharpening his claws:: 

[Indeed, Megatron gets in Mehmed’s way.] 

M: ::notices he’s about to get smooshed:: O_O “NOOoooo!”  

Meh: “Yipe!” ::stops to a halt:: 


[Megatron hits the windscreen of the car like a fly.] 

Sapph: 0_o 

TM2 Db: ^_@ “Hehehe. Megatron never misses a cue…” 

[Suddenly, TM2 Megatron hits the windscreen too.] 

Sapph&TM2Db: 0_0? 

TM2 M: -_- “Don’t ask.” ::slides down the glass and off the car:: 

[Rattrap comes up, is not looking, grabs Megatron off Mehmed, throws him in the back seat, and goes around the front of the car to the driver’s side.] 

TM2 Db: (to Megs) ^_@ “What’s up… ‘dad’?” 

M: ><* “Don’t. You. Start with me. Oh noooo.” 

RT: (to the driver) “Scuse ‘meah, can-“ ::notices it’s Sapph:: o_O “You!” 

Sapph: 0_0 “You!” 

M: “You!” 

TM2 Db: “Him!” 

M: “Her!” 

TM2 Db&M: “THEM!” 

BACK WITH THE SEEKERS: They are kind of lost through the traffic and go around the frightened bots and random FVs. 

SS: “OUT OF MY WAY!!” ::goes through a clothes rack:: 

[The Seeker trio is now dressed like tourists.] 

BACK WITH THE HEROES: Rattrap is getting in Mehmed’s driving seat. 

Sapph: >_< “You are in big trouble, mister!” 

RT: “Riaght.” ::the engine starts again and the others go flying back a bit:: 

Sapph: “AAAAYYYEEE!!” 

[Mehmed roves off down the road, and we see that Rodimus is right on their tail.] 

M: ::tries to push TM2 Dinobot out of the Meh:: “Out! Out! OUT!-” (Db hangs on the wing of the black car) “This is MY adventure!” 

Sapph: (to RT) “What are you doing?! Kidnapping me?! Stop Mehmed NOW!” 

{Insert cool music as a chase theme.} 

[We see the two cars chasing each other through the traffic.] 

TM2 Db: ::swings from off Mehmed’s hood to his interior:: “Coming through!” 

M: (*THWAP!*) “Agh!” ::is squished to the side by Dinobot’s foot:: 

RT: (to Sapphire) “So, ‘wat bringhas’ ‘ya ‘tah Party Central? Com’ ‘tah nag at me again’?” 

Sapph: “You stole ‘the T-rex’!” 

M: “That’s King Megatron to you, miss!” 

TM2 Db: ::rolls eyes:: 

RT: “’Ya know ‘wat? ‘Ya can have ’em!” 

[The ‘possessed’ Rodimus is catching up to the black car, gets close to it’ side, and Thundercracker lights up the huge energon-dynamite he’s got.] 

Sapph: ::sees it:: “Hold it! They have dynamite?! Where did they get that?!” 

M: *shrug* “Welcome to my world…” 

TC: ::gets ready to throw:: “Heheheheahahaha!” 

RT: “Hang ‘ahn!” ::they take a crowded road, but Mehmed’s alt. mode goes through the other cars like a snake in the grass:: 

BACK WITH THE BADDIES: Thundercracker still has the stick of dynamite. 


TC: “But innocent people can get hurt!” 


Skywarp: “It’ll send the wrong message to children!” 



[The trio looks like they went through a demolition derby.] 

SS: ::says bad words:: 

BACK WITH THE GOODIES: The TM rat does a tight turn, the car spins a bit, making the others in it get squished to the side. The black car stops to a halt. 

Sapph: (with her hair all messed up) ::holds on to Rattrap’s shoulder and gets up shakily:: 

TM2 Db&M: ::get up all shaking:: 

[Rodimus appears in front of them.] 

Sapph: 0_0() ::points:: “Weren’t they supposed to be behind us?” 

TM2 Db: O_@ 

M: “Hang on!” ::goes at full speed, making them fall back again:: 

[The cars chase each other through a deserted alley.] 

TM2 Db&M: -_-/-_@ ::are writing their wills:: 


SS: “We’re having T-rex fricassee’ tonight, boys! Heheheheheah!” 


TM2 Db: -_@() “Uh, just a suggestion, but all those in favor of not hitting that wall say ‘AYE!’” 

M: 0.0 

[Indeed they were…] 


M: “Mommy…” 

TM2 Db: ::gets a last ditch plan:: >.@ “To the Tower!” 

Meh: “Taking you to the ‘Tower’!” 

[Mehmed forms two huge jet engines on his sides of his alt mode, he goes up on the wall of the building and goes flying like a jet.] 

SS: O.O “Uh oh…” 

[On the wall says ‘Emperor Starscream’s Golden Wing :Back Stage:’, Rodimus goes right through, on the stage, and people go screaming. 

Roddy: “AAAAAAARRRGGHHH!! THAT’S IT!! OUT YOU GO!” ::opens his hood:: 

[The Seekers go flying out. Starscream in fact, hits the lights, gets an electric jolt and goes through a door that says ‘Danger! Explosives’] 

[In the dark, we see Screamer’s optics, and he lights up an energon candle.] 

SS: ::notices all the TNT:: 0_0() “Ooops…” 


[Screamer lives up to his name and goes flying like a firework.] 

TM2 Db: ^_@ “Oh look! A ‘Shooting Starscream’! Quick. Everybody make a wish.”  

M: “Hey now! I’m beginning to think that this one is the spy car!” 

TM2 Db: ::facepalms:: 

RT,Sapph&Meh: “WHAT?!” 

End of Scene 8