Trust Me Partner

Chapter 3

- Into the Storm -

By: Kidcat and MariaSunderland



The CR chamber still held AirRazor. Unfortunately it did not seem to have much of an effect on whatever was slowly eating at her, except maybe to slow it down. The scanners detected a lot of energon, and alien substances from the crystals. In other words they had no idea what it was....


In the meantime, Cheetor was trying to contact Rattrap and Felina only to receive no answer, "Huh, Big Bot?"




"I know you're really busy, and that you’ve probably had enough bad news for the day, but..."


"What is it now?"


"...I can't contact Rattrap or Felina anymore"


"What do you mean?"


"Well, it's like Rattrap's comlink is simply...gone."


"For Primus sake, they must have been fighting again." He sighed and shook his head. "It's useless. Well, at least they're headed for the right coordinates."


"Yeah.... Hey! What's that?", Cheetor pointed to a red spot on the screen. It seemed to be following the Maximals emblems representing Felina and Rattrap, "Uh oh... SilverBolt, could you find out what that is?"


"Right away!", SilverBolt activated the computer. As they feared, the computer to recognized the Predacon emblem and the signature attached to it, "It seems to be...Tarantulas."




"Man! It's way too cold for mah wheels in 'dis slaggin' snow!"


"Stop complaining, Lunch Box!"


Rattrap swerved quickly and without exactly realizing what had happened, Felina lost her balance and fell in the snow, swallowing some of it as it happened.


"Hey!" she yelled as she sat up and coughed out the ice and water, "Don't drink and drive! Ever hear that? Huh...? What…?"


A shadow vanished in the distance, but had no distinct form to it... To her it looked like the silhouette of someone shooting a weapon, only, there were no sound of firearms. In such a vast area, there had bound to be an echoe, only this weapon was completely silent. Worst yet, the shadow held a much familiar silouette: her own.  She woke from her trance when one of Rattrap’s wheels passed right by her and fell into a huge crevasse. Before she could make anything out of the current event, the rat transformed and jumped her with his gun pointed at her forehead.


"I knew it y'slaggin' traitor! Y'worst than da preds!"


"B-But I didn't do it! It wasn't me!" she mumbled, "I swear! It wasn't me! Least... I don't think so.... I...."


At this instant, Rattrap was shot another time, making him fall over. He stopped himself a couple of inches from the crevasse, but he did not remain there long: the snow was making him slip further toward the pit.


"Alley Cat! Behind ya!" he yelled at her.


She did not have time to turn around before a stasis rope surrounded her neck and begun to strangle her. This time, it was not the result of the apparition.


"You thought you could stop me with a simple kitchen knife, and a couple of karate moves? How pathetic! Hahahahahahaha!!" Felina's eyes widened, unable to breathe. The air was no longer going to her lungs. Her legs became week, and soon she was fighting to regain her balance, "And so the roles have changed, it seems", the Predacon snickered, "as they should have been all along!"


"Hey! Let her go ya 8 eyed psycho-maniac!" Rattrap shouted, desperately trying to get back to stable land. Fortunately, he was able to grab hold of his blaster and shoot Tarantulas' arm. The tall robot screamed in fury and let go of his pray, more in shock and surprised the rat had made such a suicidal move. The girl took the opportunity to get free and kick him out of the way with before she stumbled out of his reach. Now it was her turn to find her gun and shoot Tarantulas repeatedly.  Still dizzy from the strangulation, she came to realize that the only thing that Rattrap was now hanging over the crevace, holding onto the edge at tightly as he could, so she momentarilly forgot about Tarantulas and went over to her partner quickly.


Only as she got there, she was hesitating. She watched in confusion as to what to do now. ‘I could just let him fall, she thought, and be free from this stupid partnership... and even take my Robot Huntress status again. An accident can always happen.’


She took one last look at Tarantulas: he was still dizzy from her blasts. She took her magnum and walked up to her partner, who was just trying to hold on at this point. He saw her standing above him, the barrel of the weapon aimed at him. He knew much too well this kind of weapon was illegal, so how she had ended up this weapon on the Axalon was a complete mystery. A blaster made a lot less damage then a magnum bullet. She meant business now. Or death. Either way, Rattrap was out of option and there was nothing he could do to stop her.


"Why am I not surprised?" he whispered, more sad than angry.


Felina was still hesitating however. The weapon was pointed at his head: one bullet and there were no CR Chambers or CR Tanks that would have brought him back. Her hand was trembling, she was biting her lower lip and  frowning. There was a  strange feeling making her almost sick to her stomach... and she shook her head, no more aiming at her partner to offer her other hand to him to take a hold of, "Gimme your hand."


"Sh'yeah right", he first exclaimed.


"Just trust me! C'mon, gimme your hand! Hurry!"


He hesitated, looking for the catch.


"Just this once, won't you trust me?" she said, "I've got more honor than y'think. I wouldn't kill you by just lettin’ y'fall! I got much better ways than that to finish you off, y'know! So for the last time, gimme your hand!"


At last he listened to her and she helped him up. He wasn't even half way up though, when he yelled out, "Watch out!!!"


Felina was surprised at first, but it did not take long for her to realize why Rattrao had become agitated. Taking a look behind her she saw Tarantulas with his gun pointed in her direction. His armor was black and still smocking from the blaster's shot he had received from the Huntress, but he was still standing.


"Aw shit... ", She whispered.


"Say good bye, Minimals!"


Tarantulas shot. Felina and Rattrap both fell into the abyss. The Predacon took a look down and saw them crash onto the snowy ground a hundred feet below. He made sure they weren't moving anymore, standing over the edge for long moments.


They did not move.


With an eerie laugh, he went back to beast mode and continued his way toward the alien paradise, as heavy snowflakes made their way down from the sky.




"Slagin' useless computer!" he shot and punched the console of the computer in front of him.


Rhinox was trying to work on whatever those alien crystals were. It seemed to be useless to even try: hours of work for nothing. Every time he thought he had found a cure for AirRazor, or even just a slight clue of the original elements from the structure trapping her body, something would come up and block the way. It’s very existence seemed to mock him.


A white silhouette passed in front of the screen and jumped on his shoulder. It purred and rubbed its head against his cheek.




"Huh, Hi Fiona. Wondering where your mistress is, huh?" He laughed softly, seeing that the little kitten was too busy enjoying the caresses the huge robot was giving behind it's ears to answer or even think about Felina now.


The computer made a quick noise, startling the little creature. It hissed at this sound and ran off. The poor little thing was always afraid of the computers, but this time, something had made it upset and scared, making it hide under Rhinox' large bed.


[Unit Optimus Primal opening communication], the computer said dully.


"Open link."




Optimus' face appeared on the screen.


"Rhinox; Cheetor, SilverBolt and I are going after Felina and Rattrap. I'm leaving you in charge of the base."


"Wh-What? Why? Did something happen? Are they alright? Where are they?"


"Calm down, Big Guy. The scanners indicated that they encountered Tarantulas. He got away not long after. It took at least 10 cycles before Felina and Rattrap began to move again..." he sighed, "and by the time they finally got going again, a snow storm had begun. We can't contact them, so we're going after them."


"I'm coming too", Rhinox said quickly.


"No. It'll be faster if we fly there, besides, we need someone to keep an eye on AirRazor."


"Dinobot can do it!", Rhinox protested.


Optimus raised an eyebrow in answer, giving the green'bot a funny look. He didn't need to speak, ‘Remember, the golden disk, Dinobot, Megatron? You're not serious. Please’.


"Okay, okay", Rhinox finally agreed and calmed down, "But contact me if something happens."


Optimus smiled, "I will."


"Computer, close link."




With troubled thoughts, he crossed his arms over his chest. He was so tired. Tired of all this... Optimus was right. Felina was so much trouble: too much in fact. She would never completely change and come back to that little girl he used to love so much. That little girl had been buried long ago. He knew Optimus had thought of getting rid of her... because despite it all he had also thought about it. But he just couldn't bring himself to hurt the little girl he once knew. She had to be there, somewhere. Still, he had the feeling that there was a connection between her and the weird events that had happened lately. He simply had to wait to get the answers he wanted.




The storm had come down hard and fast. Fortunately, the feline had gained consciousness before the rat, and was able to carry him with her in search for shelter… for now at least. Of course, the idea of leaving him there to die in the cold had crossed her mind, but she preferred not to be alone incase another uninvited spider might mysteriously appear. Besides, after this little ice cube trip, she could kill the rat with her own hands...if they ever got out of this anyways.


The wind was stronger and colder than ever, and it seemed to whisper words that Felina could not understand.... Messed up words she believed to be the creations of her tired imagination... but she could never be certain...


*“...child... our child... our...child...ours...”.*


Now, the snow was mixed with hail.


‘Why do I even bother carryin' 'dat overgrown bag of garbage?’ she asked herself. Then, the image of Tarantulas, beast mode, came back in her mind. She moaned at this thought, ‘Oh yeah...spider alerts...’


All she could see was the large snowflakes, blocking her view. Pieces of ice were scratching her face and the rest of her body. The wind was too strong and she kept wondering how she could still be walking. It was useless… She didn't even know where she was going. She always, or almost always, was able to get out of any situation, being the most wanted criminal of the galaxy. And now, she did not know what to do. She had fought entire crews of robots, won every time, and now, a simple storm was about to take her down. How embarrassing.


Again, she thought she saw another one of those silhouettes disappear in front of her. It was running in the very direction she would be heading to, and then it would simply vanish every time.


"H-HEY! HEY!!!" she screamed at it, but only the wind responded, ‘What the Hell ARE 'dese things?!’


That’s when Rhinox's words came back to her: ‘As a robot, you have more abilities now. After the scans I did on you, I noticed that you have an ability that so far only Rattrap has had. Infra-red. But it’s more powerful than Rattrap's, being unstable. It's hard to tell how to use it though..."


She did not like the idea of using any robotic skills, but she had nothing to lose if it could help her... She sighed in defeat. "Infra-red... on-line", she said, but it was more of a grumble... hard to believe her internal computer could have heard it.


[Acknowledged], it answered.


Her eyes passed from red to blue a few times, before settling on blue. To her great relief, things appeared more clear... but no sign of the strange shadow.


Guess I found a use for it’, she thought.


She looked around and noticed some kind of cave a couple of meters behind her. Without hesitation, she headed for that direction, still carrying the unconscious rat by the leg.


She entered the icy cave and found that it wasn't very deep, but just big enough to protect both of them.


"Infra-red, off line", she grumbled again.




Her eyes came back to their normal bloody red color. She threw Rattrap at the other side of the cave. Returning to beast mode, she jumped onto his chest and sat down. He didn’t move. She rolled her eyes. "It faints at a single hit and it calls itself a warrior."


She slapped him with her left paw; and with the other paw; left again; right again, and so on.


"Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up", she kept singing as she slapped him. He groaned a little. She kept hitting him, "Wake up, wake up, wake up..."


"But Blade... all the others are sayin' I'm too short ta be a cop...", he moaned, like if he was gonna cry.


She gave him an amused look as she kept slapping him on and on.


"Not only the cops", she said giggled, "Now, wake up,wake up,wake up..."


He opened his eyes, and tried to block the hits with his hands, "Okay! OKAY! I'm up! I'm up!"




"Soooo... THIS is the alien paradise, huhuhuhuh."


Tarantulas was walking in the same field of flowers AirRazor and Tigatron once did. It had been their greatest error. He laughed out loud, crushing flowers by walking on them. He came to a stop to examine a curious golden plate incrusted in the ground: the same one that had intrigued the bird and the tiger.


"Hmmm, interesting. Better make a copy of this."


His eyes turned red as his internal computer copied every sign that appeared on the plate. He took out the cube, which was now glowing like it had never before. He noticed the fountain with the blue liquid... and that mysterious other cube he had seen on his computer screens. It was still hard to see inside, but it looked like a humanoid robot. Green face, white body with stripes... he knew who it was. Tigatron.


The cube seemed to glow brighter reacting with the blue liquid which seemed to react to the cube in turn. Like a crazy laser, a bluish beam came out of the cube and struck Tarantulas in the head. He screamed with pain and utter surprise as he felt his interiors burning...


End of part 3


Click here for part 4