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This is the Night

By: Sinead

Lyrics transcribed on: 7 January 2004

Written on: 21 January 2004



Author’s Note: Got a few ideas, so I’m back at the good old compy, even though I’m technically not supposed to be writing. *grins* I’m supposed to be doing vocabulary for English class, but I don’t like Edgar Allen Poe, so I’m putting it off for the moment. I’ll crack down on it in a moment, though. Right. So. I don’t own Hacker, Beast Wars, Depth Charge, Clay Aiken, or the song, “This is the Night.” So nyah. . . . But I own Donovan.




When the world wasn’t upside-down

I could take all the time I had



Hacker yawned and stretched. It was a Saturday morning, and a lazy one at that. Her clock-radio read the time 10:32 in blocky red numbers. She groaned, and sat up, running a hand through messy hair, and looking at her mirror. She hadn’t had a chance to go back over to Depth Charge since she had been there the first time. And she felt guilty about it. She had heard him whisper to himself as she left her room, that he didn’t want her to leave.


What’s worse, is that she, herself, didn’t want to leave.



But I’m not gonna wait when a moment can vanish so fast

’Cause every kiss is a kiss you can never get back



After changing, Hacker walked though the mirror, and into the middle of an argument between Optimus and Depth Charge. The leader was just about to reply, when he saw her. His mouth closed prematurely, and Depth Charge turned. Hacker blinked. “I can come back later, if you’d like. Arguments are sometimes good things. They get the blood flowing. Sometimes you even think when in the middle of one.”


“Primus, you’re slagging irrepressible!” Depth Charge managed to sputter out, once Optimus had clearly and angrily stated that he’d be back when the Manta was in a better mood.


“And what else would you have me be?” Hacker asked, walking up to him.



Lift me up

In your eyes


She reached up for him, and he blinked, then picked her up completely, to sit upon his bed, with her leaning against his chest. She blinked, and whispered, “She was right.”


Depth Charge blinked. “Huh?”


She looked up at him, and pointed to his chest. “Two separate beats in there. Sinead said so a while back, and . . . I’ve always wanted to know if she was telling the truth.”



If you told me that is what happened as well

You’d be right



His optics glittered with amusement. “Spark and mech-pump. Soul and body. Even our slagging neural system has a pulse, but it’s nigh undetectable. Only when . . .”


“When what?” Hacker asked, all seriousness, now. Something was up, and it was the same thing that had kept him from talking before. “Tell me.”


“When a bot is dying . . . their mind slows. The neural pulses are detectable then, and only then.” He sighed, and looked away from her. “Their final memories are broadcasted into the nearest bot, so that they can be identified. It’s a special frequency that cannot be deleted from the system. If the bot carrying the information is killed, then both his, and the previous bot’s memories are transferred into another bot. And it just goes on.”


The human reached up to rest her palm upon the side of his face, gently moving his head to look back at her. “How many memories do you hold, Depth Charge.”



I’ve been waiting forever for this

This is the night



He shuddered, and covered his optics with his free hand. “Too slagging many. Just too many.” He sighed huffily, and then growled, “But why the slag am I telling you?! Blast it. Go away. You don’t need this.”


“What, a so-called ‘weak’ bot?” Hacker asked, folding her arms across her chest. “Yeah, I was warned of this. Megs and Starath went through this. Megatron, now known as Micheal, thought that he had to be the strongest person for Starath. What does she do? Completely disregard it. None of us really care how strong or weak you are.” Her voice lowered to a whisper, “Besides. I don’t need to go away. I need to be here. With you. Something’s telling me that there’s something you want to say, something that you need to get out of your system.”


When the answer to all my dreams

Is as close as a touch away



Depth Charge shook his head. “I can’t. It’s too slagging painful to tell you of what I wish I could unload upon someone. I don’t want to submit you to that kind of horrors.”


“Pal, I’ve lived through horrors of my own. Know what alcohol is?” As she said that, Depth Charge looked at her solemnly. She sighed, and looked at her hands, resting in her lap. “Not rubbing alcohol, but stuff that’s made out of fermented grain. Smells bitter, most likely tastes worse than urine, and it can and has ruined lives. My father . . . he’s an alcoholic. Me and my mom couldn’t even live with him for a while, and it’s hard. Alcohol rips apart families, and it ruins people. I know. I’ve seen it first-hand.”


The large Maximal’s shoulder sagged, and he laid back. Hacker struggled to stay on his chest, and just as she was about to fall off, Depth Charge’s hand reached up, and caught her gently, helping her sit up straight again. She felt one of the beats within his chest speed up, and she looked at his face. He sighed, and then said, “They have stuff like that on Cybertron, too. My mother’s two brothers were like that. I don’t even know where they are, or even if they’re still alive. But . . . oh, Primus.”



Why am I here holding back

What I’m trying to say?



“What is it?”


His optics deactivated, and he whispered, “My brother could have been like that, had he been allowed to lead a normal life. But now . . . I’m sworn to . . .”


Hacker didn’t press in, but instead, she slid to sit by his side, leaning against him. She felt the tremors passing over him, and then turned to look at his face. His red optics were off. Hacker left his room quietly, only to grab an item and return. Depth Charge was about to leave, just as she was entering. “Charge? Don’t go yet.”



Lift me up

In your eyes



He walked over to her, and knelt upon one knee, to reached out and take the outstretched object. He sat again, then looked at it. “What is it?”


“A stuffed animal. That’s my bear, Vinnie. He’s my favorite, but . . . I’d like you to keep him.”

Depth Charge looked at Hacker. “I-I can’t take this! Hacker . . .”


“You can, too. And If you try returning it, you’ll only find yourself waking up with it in the morning, ’cause you know how quiet I can be,” Hacker replied, grinning.



If you told me that is what happened as well

You’d be right



Depth Charge sighed, then let his shoulders fall. “You’re generous.”


“There’s a price.”


“I figured as much. You’re sneaky, too. What is it?”


“I’ll tell you when you’re ready to give it to me.”



Hold me close

To your heart



Depth Charge reached over, and pulled Hacker close. She heard his soul and mech-pump start to synchronize as she rested her ear against his chest. His voice reverberated deeply. “Is it my love?”


“No. I’m being insolent, but I’m guessing that you’ve already considered giving it to me.” She looked up at him again, and said quietly, “You won’t accept the price now, and I know that, but I’ll ask it of you soon. I promise.”



I would go with you to the ends of the earth

And we’ll fly



The words slipped out of Depth Charge’s mouth before he could stop it. “Stay with me until I’m asleep?”


Hacker blinked up at him, then smiled, and wrapped her arms around his neck, as he froze awkwardly, not knowing what to say after that. With a laugh, the human teenager replied, “As long as you don’t throw out the teddy bear!” Her voice sobered. “You have nightmares.”



I’ve been waiting forever for this

This is the night



“Yes . . . of . . . of my past. Almost everything that I remember is a nightmare. A nightmare that I still haven’t seemed to wake up from yet.”


Hacker slid down to sit in front of Depth Charge. “You’ll wake up. I know you will. And I think that it’ll be painful, but . . . I think that when you wake up, you’ll be in heaven.”


“I’ll die, you mean.”


“All the others had to.”



This is the night where we captured forever

And all that tomorrow’s begun



Depth Charge blinked once, slowly. “The others . . . Matrix, you’re saying that . . . they die, and–”


“And become human, to live with their life-companion.”


He saw the blush creep up onto Hacker’s face. With a mental evil grin, he leaned forward, and asked, “So why are you telling me this, hm?”


See the bait, gauge how she would answer to him . . . Hacker grinned through her blush, and leaned closer to Depth Charge. “Because you’re my favorite.”



After tonight

We’ll never be lonely again



“Favorite?” This wasn’t what he had been expecting. He sat straight again, still holding the bear, and looking quite confused.


Hacker laughed, and sat back. “Right. Favorites are the characters that we love the most. Megatron is Starath’s favorite, Rattrap is Sapphire’s favorite, and Dinobot is Sinead’s favorite.”


“Yes, Rattrap said something about us being cartoon characters,” Depth Charge replied softly. “About how he had seen how a few had made actual shrines to characters. Sinead’s part of the web site, he especially mentioned, was practically a shrine all onto itself for Dinobot.”



Lift me up

In your eyes



Hacker laughed, nodding, understanding that it most certainly was. She’d seen it many times, and knew that it would only grow over time. Depth Charge reached over Hacker, and into one of his drawers in the desk. He pulled out a necklace, with a delicate cross hanging upon it. “Will you see Sinead soon?”


Hacker reached out to touch the pennant. “Why?”


“Dinobot passed this to Rattrap, telling him that if he ever saw Sinead, to give it to her if he had died in the valley. When Sinead managed to come to the Wars through Starath’s mirror, he didn’t have it on him at the time.” Depth Charge handed the Celtic cross to Hacker, who looked it over. He smiled at her intense studying of the object, and said, “When Rattrap knew that he wouldn’t live, he told me to take care of this. It has to get back to Sinead and Dinobot.”



If you told me that is what happened as well

You’d be right



Hacker pulled on Depth Charge’s hand, tugging at him to follow her. “Come on.”


“Through the mirror?”


“Dinobot wasn’t as tall when he went to Sinead’s time and place. That, and Megatron didn’t have the time to really get over to Starath’s house often, so I think that you shrink a little if you come over.”



Hold me close

To your heart



When they crossed through, Hacker looked up at a six-foot-tall version of Depth Charge. He folded his wings closer to him, as he followed her into the living room, where she sat at a computer, signing into an instant messenger service, activating the voice service. “Sapphire!”


“Nope. Dis ain’t her. ’Sup Hacker?”


Depth Charge chuckled. “Mouse, you’re still alive? Pity.”


“Depth Charge?!”


Sapphire’s voice screeched, “What?!”



I would go with you to the ends of the earth



Hacker laughed, as other authors activated their microphones, and asked for more proof. A new user signed on, and Hacker smiled, as Donovan’s voice called out, “Sinead’s about to pass out on the couch, but she says hi to everyone.”


“Even Depth Charge?” Sapphire asked mischievously.


“Yeah, pass it on.”


“Consider it passed,” Depth Charge rumbled. “I have something that belongs to you.”


“Slag!” Rattrap cried out.


Something hit something wooden, causing Sapphire to sigh, as Rattrap’s grumbling and whining of pain carried over. “Didn’t I tell you that hitting your head upon my hardwood desk is a hazard to your health?”



And we’ll fly



Donovan was silent for a moment, before Sinead’s sleepy voice piped up, “Was that Depth Charge? Hacker!!!”


“Yes?” the drummer replied sweetly.


“We have to meet.”


“Well, considering that Depth Charge is in possession of something Dinobot left behind, I guess that we have to.”


Donovan’s voice was soft and disbelieving, as he asked, “Is it the necklace? The cross?”


Depth Charge’s reply was just as soft, but reassuring. “Yes.”



I’ve been waiting forever for this



Sinead’s laugh carried over, and she said, “Botcon! Crud . . . OTFCC. That’s what it’s called, now. We’re going to OTFCC, and you’re bringing Depth Charge, whether he’s human or not!”


“Sinead, that could be a very bad idea,” Sapphire said cautiously.


“Oh, okay. Whatever. But we’ll record it for him to see! Howzat?”


“Sinead, you’re barely this side of sanity, aren’t you?” a new, male voice asked.


Sinead laughed again, and replied, “Megs, I’ll have Starath sit on you!”


There was an evil chuckle that came from the once-Predacon tyrant, and an uncomfortable silence filled the chat room. Finally, Donovan’s irritated sigh sounded, as he grumbled, “You’re a sick man. Don’t you even think about saying what I think you’re about to say. Primus . . .”



This is the night



Depth Charge chuckled, and Hacker reached for his hand, finding it, and holding it, as he leaned against her chair lightly. His other hand rested upon her shoulder, knowing that what she had said earlier was true.


He had already given her his love, his heart and soul. And he never wanted to be alone without her ever again.