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Beast War Chronicles 
 Into Dreams... 
By: Eliot Lefebvre (aka Stormcloud)

Transformers are blessed or cursed, depending on who you ask, 
with numerous abilities outside their birthright of transforming 
from one form into another.  Among those documented are 
teleportation, flight, invisibility, unnatural marksmanship, and the 
ilk.  But one of the rarest cases is a vestige of psionic power.

One of the most sought-after powers, psionic capabilities seem 
to appear at random throughout the population of Transformers.  
Elaborate studies upon the phenomenon have proven that there 
is no apparent rhyme or reason to the appearence of psionic 
power, making it impossible to control where it will go.

One standout experiment, performed largely in secret by the 
Decepticons and Predacons, involved a single Predacon, whom 
the scientists attempted to forcibly instill with psionic powers.  
The results were never published, but it is reputed that their 
experiment backfired and overloaded the unfortunate's brain.  
Another report, however, says that the abilities were turned on so 
completely and forcibly that nobody was able to control them.  
Including the subject.

But if that was the case, what would be the result?

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Pod coming down, folks," sighed Stormcloud as the bridge's 
computer beeped.  "Signature's hazy, though.  No faction visible.  
I can't tell whether it's Maximal or Predacon."

"You sure?" asked Optimus.

"It's my JOB, Primal.  I think I'm sure."  He hit a few keys, 
bringing up a display of the scan on the main viewscreen.  
"Normally, the Axalon's scanners have no trouble picking up the 
unique energy resonance of the pod, which indicates whether it's 
a Maximal or Predacon pod.  This one, though... something's 
strange about it.  Something's producing more energy than the 
pod."  He frowned.  "Looks to be coming from the protoform, 

Optimus mirrored the computer expert's frown.  "From the 
protoform?  What could that mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's spreading in a pretty wide area 
around the pod, and it doesn't look like any sort of energy I've 
seen before.  It's not energon, which was my first guess.  It 
doesn't seem to be harming the protoform, but I'm not sure about 
the effects it might have on a recovery team."

"All right."  Optimus tapped his communicator.  "Vixen, 
Razorbeast, Ground Zero, get down here.  There's a pod coming 
down, but it's something of an... unusual case.  I'll explain when 
you arrive.  Optimus out."  He snapped off the communication, 
then looked back at Stormcloud, who was giving him a strange 
look.  "Do you know something I don't?"

"Not a thing, Optimus," replied Stormcloud.  *Not for sure, 
anyhow.*  He vaguely recalled hearing about something like 
this... but no, it was a myth.  There was no chance of it being 
true.  Especially here, and now.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*


The bulbous, twitchy spider nearly jumped a meter in the air at 
the sound of his commander's voice resonating behind him.  
"Tarnatulas, you weren't planning on hiding the arrival of another 
stasis pod, were you?  I'm disappointed."  Megatron hovered his 
throne in closer, smirking.

"No, of course not," said Tarantulas swiftly.  "I was merely... 
testing the pod.  Something's unusual about it."

Megatron looked at Tarantulas with an expression halfway 
between amusement and anger.  "Honestly, Tarantulas.  You're 
one of the brightest minds on this ship.  Did you really think that I 
would fall for that?"

"It's the truth!" argued Tarantulas.  "Look at the display.  Some 
sort of energy is being given off by the protoform!"

A frown crossed Megatron's face.  "What do you mean?"

"Something's litterally radiating from the pod.  Whatever it is, it's 
coming from the interior, and it's strong enough to mask the 
resonance we use to identify the faction of the pod.  It even 
masked it from our sensors until it had penetrated the 

Megatron thought for a moment, considering the situation.  "Do 
you believe that the effects of this energy would be harmful?"

"I have no way of knowing -"

"You do now.  You, Bloodclot, and Swampsnap will investigate 
this pod, and either bring it back alive, or make sure that it isn't 
alive at all."  He turned and began hovering his throne over to 
retreive the other warriors.

"Wait!  But... how will I contain it -"

"That, Tarantulas, is in YOUR job description, not mine."  
Megatron smirked to himself as he turned away, because he 
knew, even without looking, that Tarantulas was fuming.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Vixen sighed as she checked the small handheld scanner.  
"We're about ten meters from the landing site," she said.  "At 
least, to the best of my estimation.  The field expands about 
three meters out from the pod, according to Stormcloud, and 
seven meters ahead I can't get anything except static."

The three Maximals continued towards the disturbance.  "I've got 
a bad feeling about this," muttered Razorbeast.  "Wouldn't the 
Predacons pick up a disturbance like this too?"

"If so, they'd be coming at it from the other side, so I can't read 
them," replied Vixen.  "Six meters."

Ground Zero frowned.  "Wait - I think I can see the disturbance.  
Look ahead."

Vixen and Razorbeast looked forward.  Not far from where they 
stood, there was a shimmering purple field, translucent and 
undulating.  "Primus," breathed Vixen.  "What is that?"

"You're the genius here, Vix.  We were hoping you could tell us."

Vixen closed her eyes for a moment.  "Hang on.  I'll try sensing 
ahead psionically - maybe then I can - GAAA!!"

The air around Vixen's head erupted in a nova of crackling 
psionic energy.  The Maximal medic fell to the ground, wincing in 
obvious pain.  "Vixen!" shouted Razorbeast, as he and Ground 
Zero lunged to her aid.  "Are you all right?"

Vixen choked on air, gasping for breath.  "Yes... I... whatever the 
hell that is, it's manifesting on the psionic plane as well.  
Whacked the hell out of me... I'm not sure what effect actually 
being IN it would have."

"Did you get anything else out of it?"

"Yes.  The pod's scanned a beast mode, but I can't tell what.  
And... and one other thing, ricocheting through that wave of force 
that hit me.  FEAR."

Ground Zero and Razorbeast looked at each other, then back at 
Vixen.  "You really think we should go in there?"

"We don't have a choice," replied Vixen.  "Whatever's 
manifesting itself here, we need to put a stop to and fast.  If the 
Predacons got control of this... they might be able to end the 
Beast Wars."  She regained her footing then straightened herself 
and strode towards the shimmering field.  Ground Zero and 
Razorbeast followed.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Vixen looked around.  The forest was clear again!  What could 
have gotten rid of that field?  She glanced over to see both 
Ground Zero and Razorbeast getting off the ground, rubbing their 
foreheads.  "Guys, do you have any idea what just happened?  
Last thing I remember, we walked into the field, and now -"

"We're here on the ground," replied Razorbeast with a nod.  
"Same thing on this end.  The field must have knocked us for a 
loop, but seeing as how it's nowhere to be found, I guess the 
three of us at once overloaded it."

Vixen looked at the scanner.  "Well, well.  The Preds did decide 
to show up, and they aren't that much further away from the 
landing site than we are.  Let's get there, and fast!"

The three Maximals took off running.  Vixen flipped into fox 
mode, running at her beast mode's full speed.  Razorbeast 
stayed in robot mode, but his natural agility and speed allowed 
him to keep up with his companions.  Ground Zero let his flight 
system kick in and rocketed after them, low to the ground, 
smashing through trees in his path.

"There!" shouted Vixen, transforming and flipping forwardwith her 
crossbow at the ready.  It was filled with neural inhibitor darts - 
should it be nessecary, she was prepared to sedate the robot 
inside the pod.  She looked on the small meetal pod as 
Razorbeast and Ground Zero came to a halt behind her.  "It's 

"And it's ours," said Tarantulas, walking out of the woods flanked 
by both Bloodclot and Swampsnap.  "The pod is ours, Maximals.  
Turn back now, and we shall not be forced to harm you in order 
to retrieve it."

"Please, PLEASE, give me a reason," smirked Bloodclot, waving 
his blade arms ominously.

Before any of the Maximals could respond, the pod's door 
opened with a hiss.  A black, white, and green robot emerged, 
seeming to be stumbling from pain.  He looked around.  "Oh, no.  
No.  No, no, no.  This can't be.  Not again..."

"What do you mean, 'not again'?" asked Swampsnap.

The robot looked around.  "My name is Retrax, and I'm asking 
you all, please, leave my mind!"

Vixen gasped.  "You mean... we're on the psionic plane?"

"I don't know," sobbed Retrax.  "I never learned.  I never had a 
chance to learn.  I can't control my mind... it just IS!  Please... I 
can't control what happens when I get stressed!"

Tarantulas was staring aghast.  "My God.  This is impossible.  
You can't -"

"NOOO!!!" shouted Retrax, his voice slicing through the mind of 
everyone present.  The ground rose up around him like water, 
then suddenly began spinning and whirling out of control.  The 
Transformers felt themselves being lifted off of the ground, flying 
through the air.  Retrax was sobbing.  "Please, go away, just go 

A bolt lashed out from Retrax's mind, and snatched the 
Transformers.  The three Maximals and three Predacons were 
hurled deep into the dark spaces away from where Retrax saw.  
Sobbing still, he prayed to a god he had long stopped believing in 
to let them be okay, no matter what he accidentally did to them...

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Um, Primal?  I really think you're going to want to take a look at 

Optimus moved over to where Stormcloud was sitting.  "What is 
it, Stormcloud?  Did something go wrong at the pod's landing 

"Saying something went wrong in this situation is akin to saying 
that the core of a star is a little warm."  Stormcloud gestured at 
the terminal.  "All life signs within the vicinity seem to have 
completely dropped out of concious activity.  Everything.  Animals 
included.  Our troops - along with the Predacons - are out of it."


"No, just out of it.  They're still alive, but it's as if their brains are 
completely disconnected from their bodies.  I'm reading brain 
activity, but only a contracted amount.  The lights are on, but 
nobody's home."  He turned to Optimus, giving him a frank look.  
"I don't know what this is, but I'd bet that it's a result of the pod's 
energy field."

Optimus sighed, worried for his troops.  "Is there any way you 
can pull them out of it somehow?"

"I'm afraid not.  Physically, we could remove them, but I have a 
feeling - and this is going to sound ridiculous - that something hit 
them psionically that's left all of them reeling."  He held up his 
hand.  "I know, I know, psionics is a mostly unexplored science, 
but it would explain what's happening."

Optimus looked hard at Stormcloud.  A theory was beginning to 
form in his head, and it was not an entirely pleasant one.  
"Stormcloud, do you know more about this than you're letting 

"No," he replied.  There was silence for a second.  "I just 
*suspect* more than I'm letting on."

"What?" asked Optimus.

"Well... back on Cybertron, there was a rumor going around 
about a Decepticon-Predacon experiment.  According to the 
rumor, they were going to attempt to forcibly instill a subject with 
psionic energy in order to study the exact reasons for 
manifestations of psionic ability.  But something went wrong, and 
the unfortunate's powers raged out of control until he was killed."  
Stormcloud sighed, cracking his knuckles.  "At least, that's what 
the rumors said."

Optimus's eyes narrowed to slits.  "You think the Predacons had 
this unfortunate on their ship when they took off, and they're 
trying to get him back?"

"Assuming it's true, yes," replied Stormcloud.  "This wasn't public 
knowledge, though.  Someone who was on the experiment 
must've suspected that this was the one they had instilled with 

Optimus thought for a moment.  "He's a weapon to them now," 
he muttered, almost to himself.  "But why did he attack both the 
Predacons and our troops?"

"Like I said, this guy can't control his powers," replied 
Stormcloud.  "When the troops entered the energy field, he 
probably unconciously pulled them telepathically into the psionic 
plane.  They're on their own."

With something halfway between a sigh and a growl, Optimus 
turned and sat back down.  He was worried - but not just for the 
troops.  *If the Predacons know what they're dealing with, they 
could use this robot as a weapon.  And if they do... Primus help 
us, could we stop them?*

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Vixen felt herself reforming, pulling back together.  
*Concentrate,* she thought, practicing the excercises she had 
learned long before in her early telepathic training.  Her thoughts 
collected themselves, her concentration revitalized her.  Within 
minutes, her psionic form was repaired, back in one piece.  "First 
step," she said - somewhere between thinking and speaking in 
the psionic plane.

With a slight effort, she extended her perception around her, 
sensing the shattered forms of Ground Zero and Razorbeast.  
Calming herself as much as possible, she tried to psionicallly grip 
their forms, bringing them back together.  She strained under the 
psionic effort, but felt  their conciousnesses coalescing as she 
strained.  As they reformed, she breathed a sigh of relief, as her 
psionic abilities were nearly spent.

"What the heck was THAT?" asked Razorbeast, rubbing his 
forehead.  He looked around himself, at the unproportioned and 
almost random structures, the multicolored sky, the 
unperceivable dimensions.  "And where the heck are we?  The 
Salvador Dali Dimension?"

"That was a VERY nasty psionic attack," replied Vixen.  "And this 
is the psionic plane."  She sighed, gathering her energies again.  
"We'd better find Retrax as soon as possible.  I only got a brief 
telepathic glance at him, but if that was any indication, we're 
going up against something seriously powerful."

"What about the Preds?" asked Ground Zero, obviously 
confused.  "Didn't they get smacked by the psion-psychic-plane-
attack thingie too?"

"Not nearly as badly, Maximal," came a voice.  The three 
Maximals turned.  Bloodclot, Tarantulas, and Swampsnap 
hovered there.  Bloodclot was smiling as his hand glowed with 
purple energy.  "Tarantulas gave us a crash course on this stuff, 
so we -"

"Forget about it, Bloodclot," snapped Tarantulas as he turned to 
face Vixen.  "The attack wasn't targeted at you, but psionic 
energy follows the opposite of the law of diffusion - from a low 
concentration to a high concentration."

"Isn't THAT an interesting bit of trivia," snarled Vixen, obvious 
angered.  "What were you planning to do - destroy us and try to 
defeat him?  Not going to happen, I can tell you right now.  For 
one thing, I am the only psion among us, and I could defeat you 
in this enviroment without trouble."  She stared at Tarantulas, 
eyes now filled with more urgence than anger.  "More 
importantly, even I couldn't even TOUCH him psionically; if he 
wants us to stay away, we aren't going to have a choice in the 

Tarantulas cocked his head to one side, eyes slightly wider than 
before.  "Exactly what are you proposing?" he asked.

"We need to team up temporarily," replied Vixen.  "Unless we get 
him under control soon, he's not only a danger to himself, but to 
everyone else.  Considering how panicked he was the last time 
we saw him, it can't be long before he starts losing more control 
with his energies... and that could very well spell our doom."

For a moment, Tarantulas did not respond, seemingly lost in 
thought.  He looked at Vixen again.  "All right," he replied with a 
sigh.  "We'll play by your rules... for the time.  But when this is 
over, Maximal... the pod is ours."

Vixen's eyes flashed a bright purple, energy spilling out of them.  
"We'll see about that, Tarantulas."

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Optimus looked at Stormcloud with a sudden urgency.  "The 
troops didn't transform before they were knocked unconcious," 
he said, rising to his feet as the train of logic struck him.

Stormcloud looked at Optimus, not quite following what Optimus 
was thinking.  "Yes, they were taken by surprise and didn't have 
a chance to shift into beast mode.  Don't see how that makes 
much of a difference -"

"Think, Stormcloud!" snapped Optimus.  He slammed his fist into 
the chair in spite of himself.  "Their bodies and minds might no 
be in synch, but they still are going to need to return to their 

With a flash, Stormcloud realized what Optimus meant, and his 
eyes widened appreciably.  "They're still in robot mode," he 
gasped.  "Their energon resistance is wearing down.  If they don't 
get out of there soon, the energon fields will start to damage 

"Can you trigger their autoshift systems from this range?" asked 
Optimus.  Every Maximal's internal CPU had been wired to 
automatically shift to beast mode if energon resistance hit 0%, 
but with the Maximals unconcious, the system couldn't kick in.

"Theoretically, yes.  Practically, probably not.  We don't nearly 
have enough power to generate a beam of that range..."  He 
sighed, resting his head in his hands.  "If we did try for it, we'd 
have to just pulse out the signal.  It would shift the Preds, too... 
but it'd probably knock out most of our power in the process.  

"But you could do it?"

"With Rhinox's help, maybe."  He rubbed his chin.  "I suppose we 
could reconfigure the radio projection antenna to emit the 
command universally..."

Optimus hit his comm.  "Rhinox, get to the bridge immediately.  
We've got a project for you."  Before his lieutenant could 
respond, he shut off the comm, turning to face the now-
astonished Stormcloud.  "We don't have a choice, Stormcloud."

"I know, Optimus.  That doesn't mean it's safe..."

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Vixen squinted as the six Transformers flew towards their quarry.  
"I see him," she said, her hands beginning to glow with psionic 
energy.  "Everyone clear on the plan?"

"Perfectly," replied Swampsnap, eyes narrowed.  "Although I'd 
like to mention again that this what is known as nonconsenting 
mental interaction, also known as mind rape?"

"You're awfully freedom-oriented for a Predacon - and a security 
chief, at that," snarled Razorbeast, staring at the Predacon.

"Everyone has certain rights we CAN'T subjugate, Maximal," 
replied Swampsnap.  "The rest have to be reigned in, or anarchy 
will -"

"Pay attention!" shouted Vixen as they came closer to Retrax.  
The Transformer turned to see them, and his eyes widened.  
"That wasn't nessecary earlier, Retrax," said Vixen as she 
banked to a stop, speaking as calmly as possible.  "If you'll just 
let us help you -"

"I..."  Retrax convulsed in pain, and the landscape around them 
shifted unpredictably.  "I can't!  Please... it takes every ounce of 
concentration I have to even exert this level of control over my 
powers.  You saw what happened when I lost any of that 
control... the next time, I don't know what I might -"

"Only one way to find out, then!" shouted Ground Zero.  Before 
Retrax could react, the black-white Maximal slammed into 
Retrax's psionic barrier - his unconcious defense against 
telepathic intrusion.  Even as the barrier strained against the 
brunt of Ground Zero's concentration, Razorbeast slammed into 
the same spot on the barrier, and it began to falter ever so 
slightly.  Bloodclot slammed himself into the barrier along with 
Swampsnap, and Retrax reacted as if in physical pain.

Vixen saw what she was looking for - a crack.  "Come on!" she 
shouted to Tarantulas, flying around and into the crack.  The 
spider followed, moving as swiftly as thought would allow.  
Seconds after he slipped in, the crack slammed shut, and the 
barrier shoved back Ground Zero, Razorbeast, Swampsnap, and 

"I can't see them!" shouted Swampsnap.  "Do you think that they 
made it in all right?"

Before anyone answered, Retrax looked at the three of them, 
seeming to have tears pouring from his optics.  "No... nooooo!  
I... I...I - can't - hold - it - back -"

The two Maximals and Predacons looked at Retrax, and saw the 
massive buildup of energy around him.  "Oh, boy," sighed 
Ground Zero as the energy crackled.  "This is really going to 

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Stormcloud dove into the Axalon, Rhinox close behind.  "We've 
finished the modifications," said Rhinox.  "We've only got one 
shot at this, though, so we'd better make it a good one."

"I've radioed all the Maximals in the perimeter to forewarn them 
of the shift," said Optimus.  "Skydive and Skyfall have made the 
nessecary preparations in engineering.  All we need to do is flip 
the switch."

His hand on the button, Stormcloud looked at Optimus.  "We 
won't know if this works, you know.  ALL of our systems are 
going to go offline - we'll be blind until they reactivate.  We'll be 
able to transform, but nontheless..."

"There aren't any other options left," said Optimus.  "Throw it."

Stormcloud sighed, then pushed the button.  There was a crackle 
from the radio transmitter above, and a blue-white wave swept 
over them.  Stormcloud squawked as he was forced back into 
falcon mode, and flapped away from the console.  The floor 
shook with the impact as Rhinox fell to the floor in rhino mode.  
Optimus lept in the air as the wave hit him, and so landed 
gracefully in gorilla mode.

Within a minute, the crackle had died out, and the three 
Maximals on the bridge transformed as the lights went out.  The 
room was only illuminated by the glows of the Maximal's optics.  
"We should have full power back in thirty cycles," said 
Stormcloud, rubbing the back of his head.

"Do you think it worked?" asked Optimus.

"Let's hope so," said Rhinox gravely.  "Because otherwise, their 
energon resistance would have gone down by now."

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Retrax looked around.  The world around him was black as night, 
featureless, except for Vixen and Tarantulas.  "Wh... where are 
we?" he asked, panic evident in his voice.  "The last thing I 
remember, I was surrounded by -"

"We're off the psionic plane, Retrax," replied Vixenn, moving 
slowly towards him.  "We're in your mind, communicating with 
you directly."  She smiled slightly, and cocked her head to the 
side.  "I'm sorry for assaulting you, but it was the only way we 
could have gotten this close."

"Quite true," said Tarantulas.  He stepped towards Retrax.  
"We're offering a way for you to finally control these telepathic 
powers that plague you.  Give you sanity.. give you the ability to 
walk among others without knowing everything about them at a 

"Both of you?" asked Retrax, surprised.  "But... I know you're 

"No," said Vixen softly.  "Just him.  But I have to disable your 
powers first... and that means knocking you unconcious.  It's the 
only way to return us to our bodies."

Retrax thought for a moment.  "All right..." he said, spreading his 
arms wide.

Her head sunk low, Vixen stepped forward, and gently let his 
psionic powers flow into Retrax.  His optics closed as Vixen shut 
him down temporarily, and the world around them melted...

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Ground Zero blinked, and transformed to robot mode.  Weren't 
they just on that psionic thingamajig about to get blasted?

"We're back," said Vixen as she, Razorbeast, and the Predacons 
stood and transformed.  She checked her computer.  "Energon 
resistance low... but that's to be expected.  And everyone's still 
sane, to boot..."

"If that's the case, we've got something to settle," said 
Razorbeast, drawing his weapon.  "The pod's still coming with us, 
Preds, and we -"

"They take the pod," said Vixen softly.

Razorbeast and Ground Zero looked at Vixen in shock.  "You 
can't be serious, Vixen!" shouted Ground Zero.  "They want to 
use him as a -"

"They also want to help him control his powers," replied Vixen.  
"When I touched his mind... I sensed his huge longing to be rid of 
his powers.  We might be able to control them eventually... but 
not fast enough.  Tarantulas will do it with no compassion for the 
soul... but he will do it without question.  They'd win sooner or 
later, regardless."  She dropped her head.  "They get the pod."

Tarantulas transformed and shot a web out to catch the pod, 
then began scuttling away.  Bloodclot and Swampsnap 
transformed swiftly afterwards, and followed after the spider.  
The Maximals simply stood, watching the Predacons revel in 
their hard-won triumph.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Optimus looked towards the lift as his three troops came on 
board - without the pod.  "What happened?" he asked.  "Did the 
pod self-destruct or something?"

"We gave it to them," replied Vixen, head still hung low.

If Optimus were a cartoon character, steam would have begun 
shooting out of his ears.  "You GAVE it to them?!?  Why in the 
name of - they want him as a weapon!  Do you know what they'll 
do to -"

"They'll let him control his powers!" snapped Vixen, optics 
flickering from sadness.  "Optimus, there was no way for us to 
win this battle, no matter what we did.  I... I couldn't have helped 
him, not fast enough.  They could, and would..."

For a moment, Optimus stayed silent, lost in thought.  "I 
understand, Vixen," he said at length, still obviously angry but 
calmed.  "Go to your quarters for a while..."

Vixen complied without a sound.  Razorbeast and Ground Zero 
stood for a moment, then followed after Vixen.  Rhinox, 
Stormcloud, and Optimus stayed on the bridge, a silence 
weighing heavily on all of them.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Retrax opened his eyes to silence.  For the first time in more 
years than he could remember, his head didn't echo with the 
noises of millions of thoughts that weren't his.  The black and 
chrome architecture that surrounded him at that moment seemed 
the most beautiful thingh he had ever seen.  "You... you cut off 
my powers!"

"No, Retrax, I dampened them to controllable levels," replied 
Tarantulas as the new Predacon sat up to face him.  "If you try, 
you can still activate them, but with you in full control."

Retrax suddenly felt the new weight bearing down on him.  He 
tried to move his arms to investigate the massive apparatus he 
felt inside him, but all he could manage was a slight tilt upwards.  
"What... what did you..."

"The dampeners required were so masssive that I had to weave 
them into your internal structure," replied Tarantulas, showing no 
emotion.  "Even afterwards, I found I needed to strip out massive 
amounts of your body mass to accomadate them, and most of 
the arm actuators had to go.  You can do little more than give a 
hug with your arms now.  Fortunately, your beast mode can 
probably allow you finer manipulation..."

"I appreciate it at any price," replied Retrax, but his voice gave 
away the first vestige of suspicions.

"Then you had best go to meet Megatron as soon as possible."


Tarantulas's optics gave a small glint.  "You are in service of the 
Predacons now, Retrax.  This is the price of sanity, in this case.  
He is looking forward to meeting you...."  Tarantulas gestured 
towards the door.  For a moment, Retrax faltered, then stood, 
and shambled as best as he could in his oddly-structured new 
body out towards the command room.

For a moment, Tarantulas said nothing.  "Computer, open log."  
There was a beep of acknowledgement.  "Today is a great day.  
Experiment 3822-AE... the Neuron Project... has finally been 
completed with the assistance of an uninformed Maximal.  
Subject is restricted to minimal movement... but instilled psionic 
powers have been dampened to controllable levels.  It is my 
conclusion that there is a possibility of the installation of psionic 
energy in a military application..."

And Tarantulas laughed, for he had found a control for psionics.  
The rarest of powers.  Their dream would end.  Their nightmare 
would begin.