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 Beast Wars Chronicles 
 Power Corruption 
By: Eliot Lefebvre (aka Stormcloud)

"Left, Rattrap, left!"

"I'm telling you, he needs to do a Psycho Drill!"

"Naw, he can dodge to the left and then hit him with a Power 

"Will you both please just SHUT UP and let me do what I will?" 
bellowed Rattrap at Razorbeast and Armordillo.  He decided to 
take neither of their advice and do a slide towards his opponent.  
The burst barely whizzed by his head, then Rattrap began to set 
up for a Cyclone Kick.

He never finished.  His opponent suddenly whippped out a 
gigantic gleaming scimitar and brought it down on Rattrap, 
splitting him asunder.

Words appeared on the screen:  


Razorbeast gave a low whistle.  "Holy Primus, where did you 
learn to play like that, Stormcloud?  You've beaten all of us three 
times in a row each!"

Stormcloud shrugged.  "I spend a lot of time on the computer, 
and even I feel the need to do something other than run 
diagnostics checks on all the systems."

"C'mon, one more match," pleaded Rattrap, losing his normal 
attitude to make up for his (severely) wounded pride.  "I hear that 
Starbeam has a really easy twenty-hit combo."

"Keylock has a forty."

"But you just beat me when I was him!  Please, one last match."

Stormcloud smiled and chose Hackup on the select screen.  
"You're a glutton for punishment,  Rattrap."

"Shut up and eat floor."



Rattrap practically snapped the controller in half.  "One more 
match," he growled.

Stormcloud laughed.  "Believe me, I would love to rub the 
proverbial salt in your festering wounds of former pride.  But I do 
have duties to attend to, and that does not include handing a 
overzealous rat large slices of humble pie."

Stormcloud got up and walked over to the main console as 
Rattrap stalked out of the room, followed by taunts from his 
companions.  Stormcloud waited a couple moments to see if 
there would be the sound of laser fire, but it did not happen.  
Satisfied, he began attending to his normal duties.

A warning message on the long-range scanners prompted 
investigation.  Like the robot who had aided in his programming, 
named Skyfire or something similar, he was extremely intelligent, 
but was often unable to turn away from a curiosity.  *This is one 
of those time,* he thought as he investigated the warning.

Curiosity turned to shock as he read the message.  He did a 
double-check of the scan, then ran a diagnostic to make 
absolutely sure that the reading was not a data log accidentaly 
called up or a similar failure.  It was not.

He patched a comm link through to Primal.  "Primal?" he said 

The commander's face appeared on screen.  "Yes, Stormcloud?" 
he asked.

"You'd better get the chief officers decked out in finery, sir.  A 
ship is coming in, and it looks like the flagship from the size of it."

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

The crew stood around Primal, all polished up and with their 
typical ornamental dress for recieving an unknown ship.  Primal 
squnited into the distance, and could see the ship growing larger 
over the horizon.

"There it is," whispered Primal with awe.

The ship settled down, scorching the area around it with it's retro-
thrusters.  It turned so that it's main entryway was facing the 
assembled Maximals, and as it landed the door slid open.  A 
large robot walked out.

"Good day, subcommander Neogene," said Primal tensely.  The 
subcommander?  Since when had he, the captain of a small 
cargo ship, been worth the subcommander.  And considering the 
fact that the subcommander was little more than a puppet, then 
that would mean...

"Kneel before Maximal Commander Primus Trion," said 
Neogene, stepping aside to reveal an even taller robot.  His gold 
and silver coloring sparkled in the sun.

"Primus Trion," whispered Primal.  He knew of the commander, 
of course, but he had never actually met him.  He was extremely 

"Excuse me, sir," said Stormcloud, raising up off his knee, "but 
you must allow me immediate acccess to your medical facilities."

"Why?" asked the commander in a deep growl.  "Nobody tells me 
I 'must' do anything.  I choose to do what I do."

"Well, in about ten seconds you're going to 'choose' to keel over 
from lethal energon overexposure," snapped Stormcloud.

"Explain yourself," replied the commander.

"This planet is surging with raw energon.  The only way to 
effectively keep from dying is to bond with organic beings, which 
are unaffected by the lethal overdosage."

"Why was I not immediately contacted with this information?"

"I tried," growled Stormcloud.  "My hails were all ignored.  If you 
want to ignore me, go right ahead, but don't be suprised when 
you keel over from overexposure -"

Primus Trion waved him away with a hand.  "Just go through with 
the bonding procedure."

Stormcloud motioned to Vixen to come onboard.  The two of 
them walked into the ship, followed by Neogene and Primus 
Trion.  The door slid closed, and Primal was left to wonder what 
had happened.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"So, you are..."

"Grimlock," replied the tall soldier, who looked oddly like Dinobot.  
"Former member of the Autobots."  Well, that explained a few 

"Great.  Vixen, get this one a Velociraptor transform."  
Stormcloud made a note of this on his comm pad and went to the 
next soldier, who was already feeling the effect of overexposure.  
"You are...?"

"N-Nightpounce," stammered the female.

"Okay, gotcha.  Vixen, give her a Panther transform."  
Stormcloud began to help the female into the CR chamber.

"Why have you not given me my new mode yet?" asked Primus 
Trion as he entered the room.

"Sir, these troopers are already suffering from the energon fields.  
If we don't get them the organic mode now, they'll probably die."

"I don't care.  I am in charge, so I take precedence."

"With all due respect," replied Stormcloud, setting Nightpounce in 
the chamber, "those with the greatest need take the greatest 

Primus Trion growled and gripped Stormcloud by the throat.  "I 
am _always_ the greatest need, Maximal."

A blast from a laser pistol caused Trion to turn around.  Standing 
there was Windrider, gun in hand.  "Mess with him, you mess 
with me," he said stubbornly.

"No way in Inferno he's going down without me," added Vixen as 
she put down her medpad and picked up her crossbow.

Primus growled as he felt Stormcloud's lightning gun pressed 
against his stomach.  "I'd say that you're in a less-then-favorable 
situation," he said with a slight grin.

Primus roughly dropped Stormcloud.  "Continue as you had 
before," he grumbled as he left the room.

Vixen and Windrider walked over to help Stormcloud up.  "You 
okay?" asked Vixen.

Stormcloud rubbed his neck.  "When I was on Cybertron, I heard 
all about Primus Trion.  I heard he was wise, kind, powerful, 
respectful -"

"And now you can't believe them," finished Windrider.

"No, I can still believe all about Primus Trion," replied 
Stormcloud.  "I'm just wondering where in the world he is."

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

After the Maximals split from the Autobots, it was determined that 
the Maximals needed an honorary title for their leader.  Instead of 
Prime, which was now so associated with Optimus Prime that it 
was almost disrespectful to use it, they chose Trion, the 
secondary name of Prime's creator, Alpha Trion.  Optimus Primal 
was originally named Primal, but when he became a captain, he 
added "Optimus" as a symbol of respect to the legendary 

*I wonder where he got Primus," thought Primal as he walked 
through the Axalon with Primus Trion.  *Naming your kid Primus 
isn't a lot more respectful then right-out Prime.*

"This ship is being run terribly," commented Trion, jolting Primal 
out of his thoughts.

"What?" asked Primal.

"This ship.  It's a disgrace to the Maximal name."

"Well, sir," began Primal, "given the...unusual circumstances that 
brought us here, I would hardly say that it is -"

"The circumstances do not matter.  The point is you failed."

Primal gaped.  "S-s-s-sir, I-I-I don't think y-y-you're taking this 
seriously -"

"I am taking it perfectly seriously.  Your crew does not address 
one another by formal titles.  There is practically no observance 
or reverence of rank.  This is unacceptable."

"I-I-I-I-I'll take care of it right away, sir."

Primus Trion nodded, then transformed into a bat and flew out of 
an access hole.  Primal wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Not what you'd expect, eh?" asked a voice from behind.  Primal 
was suprised to find Cavewing there, his large wings tucked 
behind his back.

"Great.  Two loony bats in one day."  Primal looked at Cavewing 
with suspicion.  "Where have you been for the last two weeks, 
anyway?  We could have used your abilities."

Cavewing shrugged.  "I had other things to do."

"You didn't just come here to drive me insane," said Primal.

"No," said Cavewing.  "Although it is an added bonus.  But back 
to Trion.  He doesn't seem right to you, does he?"

Primal sighed.  "No," he replied.  "He's certainly not what I 

"Nor should he be," replied Cavewing.  "Someone on the crew 
feels the same way.  Maybe the two of you are right."

Primal nodded and decided to go onn to the flagship.  As an 
afterthought, he turned around to ask Cavewing one last thing.

Cavewing was gone.

Repressing a shudder, Primal turned around again and resumed 
course for the flagship.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Soon.  Not yet, but soon.

They had moved into position perfectly.  They thought they were 
going where they wanted.  But in reality, it was all just a cosmic 
game of chess.  And they were all his pawns.  Risk one for a 
queen.  If you lose, just find another one.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"I'm telling you, something is wrong with him!" cried Nightpounce 
as she followed behind Stormcloud.

Stormcloud whirled around.  "Look, I agree with you, but I've run 
every kind of test I can and he's perfectly fine!"

"Then...rerun them!  Have him come in for one!  I don't know!  
Just trust my instincts!"

Stormcloud gave a sigh.  "I.  Can.  Not.  Do.  Anything.  To.  
Prove.  Your.  Theory.  So.  Quit.  Bugging.  Me."  He then 
hunched over a terminal computer, signaling that the 
conversation was over.

Nightpounce growled and stalked out of the room, nearly 
knocking over Primal.  "What's the rush?" he asked, a little 

Nightpounce sighed.  "Something is not right about Primus 
Trion," she said at length.

"That's what I was thinking.  In exactly what respect?"

"He just isn't acting like he used to.  I dunno - more like a 
Predacon than a Maximal."

"And what are you willing to bet that the Preds are involved 

Neither of them answered that question.  "I'll get a scout party 
ready," said Primal, wandering off.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Wazzzzipinator always get dumb slag assignments," moaned 
the Predacon as he flew in a holding pattern over the Pred ship.  
Manterror and Blodclot were still around, but neither one seemed 
very friendly towards Waspinator.  As for Drill Bit, well, he was 
tunneling around, saying he was watching out for underground 
attacks.  Everybody knew that he was just looking for choice 
energon crystals.  Leaving Waspinator, the self-proclaimed 
"greatezzzt of Predaconzzzz", to moan over this dumb slag -

A blast whizzed past Waspinator's head.  Turning, he saw 
Ground Zero bursting out of the ground, tossing Drill Bit to one 
side.  "Wazzzzpinator will zzzzzmash thezzze Maximalzzzz into 
the ground!" he cried out, transforming to robot mode and firing 
twice at the other forms rapidly bursting from the forest.

"Don't bet on that," growled Tigatron, leaping and pouncing on 
Waspinator.  Nightpounce rushed forward behind him, and 
seconds later the trees parted (or rather splintered) as 
Bonecrusher charged forward.

Ground Zero converted from badger mode and fired a pair of 
missiles at Bloodclot, who dodged to one side.  "Battle..." cackled 
Bloodclot as he blasted out with a couple of shoulder cannons.  
Ground Zero ducked out of the way and slashed at him with his 

"And we have LIFTOFF!" shouted Ground Zero as the two of 
them exchanged blows, Bloodclot with his four blade arms and 
Ground Zero with his roto-claw.  "Escape velocity, terminal 
velocity, optimum velocity, any velocity you want, this battle is on 
and it's heatin' up!  We're gonna rock this terrain and we're 
gonna -"

Bloodclot struck Ground Zero with one of his blade arms.  "Will 
you please SHUT UP?!?!?!" he bellowed.  Ground Zero replied 
by chopping off one of Bloodclot's blade arms with his roto-claw.

Bloodclot transformed and began strafing Ground Zero.  *This is 
not going to be easy,* he thought to himself.

"Get off Wazzzzzpinator now, Maximal!" bellowed Waspinator as 
he shoved Tigatron off of him.  Tigatron drew his acid blaster and 
fired at Waspinator.  Waspinator shouted in pain.  "You pay for 
doing that to Wazzzpinator!"

"Like Primus I will," replied Tigatron.  He dodged to the left, then 
rushed forward in an elbow charge.  Waspinator lept up into 
beast mode, and Tigatron lept on Waspinator's back.  Extending 
small claws housed in his fingers, he slashed into Waspinator 
again, causing the Pred to bellow in pain.

"Wazzzzpinator no likezzzzz you!" screamed the Pred as he flew 
under a branch, knocking Tigatron off his back.  Transforming 
back to robot mode, Waspinator fired off a few more shots at 
Tigatron, who tumbled to one side to keep from beign 

Tigatron drew forth his acid blaster and prepared to hit 
Waspinator again.

Drill Bit fired on Nightpounce before she even had a chance to 
transform.  "Disturb *me*, will you?" asked Drill Bit.  Nightpounce 
transformed and drew her gun from her subspace pocket, and 
dodged out of the way from another blast from Drill Bit.

"Happily," said Nightpounce.  Her gun fired off a slew of laser 
bursts, making Drill Bit furiously scramble to avoid the shots.  He 
was near the Pred ship, and began automatically trigger the 
alarm.  Nightpounce realized all of this too late to avoid a gun 
being pointed dead at her head.

"Raise your arms where I can see them," said Drill Bit.  
Nightpounce complied.  "Put your gun back into subspace."  She 
did.  "Kneel down onto the groung, hands behind your head."  
She did.

"Now beg for your life," said Drill Bit, a smile twisting across his 

Bonecrusher slammed right into Manterror.  "You Preds get 
smashed way too easy!" he said to the Praying Mantis.  A 
sudden swipe from one of the powerful arms brought 
Bonecrusher to a halt, allowing Manterror to transform.

"Now I will destroy you," said Manterror, his rams flailing in front 
of him.  Bonecrusher transformed and leaped away in time to 
avoid getting hit by one of the arms.  He whipped out his missile 
launcher and fired at Manterror.  Manterror raised his large 
armored arms and swiped away the blasts from the missiles.

Bonecrusher lunged forward, hitting Manterror with a well-placed 
uppercut, making Manterror step back.  Manterror ducked 
beneath a jab from Bonecrusher, and replied with a low sweeping 
slash to his legs.  Bonecrusher fell down and narrowly rolled 
aside to avoid a stabbing blow from Manterror's large arm.

Another chop from Manterror sent Bonecrusher desperately 
fumbling.  He realized that Manterror had an advantage over him 
in close-combat fighting.  He got up and took a fighting stance.  
Advantage or no, he was going to fight this to the end.

Blasts riddled the ground as Bloodclot flew over the battlefield.  
Ground Zero dodged the blasts, and finally got sick of dodging 
and making clumsy attacks.  It was time to level the playing field.

The powerful rockets in Ground Zero's backpack and boots 
thrust him skyward.  He twisted around to face Bloodclot, who 
had entered a desperate kamikaze charge.  Ground Zero 
gracefully shot upward, then twirled around and dived into a level 
flight behind him.  He locked his arm cannons' sight onto 
Blooclot.  As the large mosquito turned around, Ground Zero 
fired on him.  Explosions engulfed Bloodclot as he transformed 
and landed.

"You can not defeat me!" bellowed Bloodclot as he fired a row of 
missiles at Ground Zero.  Ground Zero dropped down, practically 
hitting the ground, and then shot along the ground, grabbing 
Blooclot's legs and swinging him into a rocky outcropping.

Bloodclot saw his oppurtunity.  Raising his two remaining blade 
arms, he aimed at Ground Zero and stabbed directly through his 
chest.  Ground Zero growled in pain and let go of Bloodclot, 
gliding to a soft landing.  The holes in his chest leaked blood and 
energon, mixing into an sickly goldish mixture at his feet.

A cackle emerged from Bloodclot's mouth.  Then, he charged.

"Wazzzzpinator not zzzzztupid enough to fall for zzzzame trick 
twizzzze!"  He kicked the acid blaster out of Tigatron's hand and 
leveled his missile launcher at the Maximal's head.  "Now you 
pay for hurting Wazzzzzpinator."

Tigatron moved like lightning.  One minute, he was at 
Waspinator's mercy, the next minute, he had kicked Waspinator 
back and was dashing towards his acid blaster.  Waspinator rose 
woozily and fired at Tigatron.  It only slowed him down for a 
minute, but that was all the Predacon needed.

Waspinator transformed into wasp mode and flew towards 
Tigatron.  The Maximal looked suprised, then suddenly had his 
instincts kick in and tried to dodge out of the way.  He was too 
late, and Waspinator thrust his stinger into Tigatron's side.  The 
venom began to course through the organic form.

Tigatron stood for a moment, then fell to the ground and lay still.

Nightpounce's head was reeling.  Drill Bit was still standing there 
gloating over the begging female Maximal.  She growled, and 
suddenly lunged forward, toppling the gloating Predacon.  Totally 
unprepared, he was unable to even think to swing his drill at 

She extended the small claws in her fingers and slashed into Drill 
Bit's central motion relay.  He jerked once and then lay still.  She 
picked him up and began dragging him back into the forest - he 
might prove useful.

Bonecrusher reeled from yet another slash on Manterror's part.  
The Predacon's large claws and high strength gave him an 
advantage in the ferocious melee the two were engaged in.  
Bonecrusher tumbled to the left and began to try and get up, but 
could not.

Before Manterror could slice off Bonecrusher's head, a blast hit 
him in the back.  He turned around to see Razorbeast and 
Rattrap behind him, with Armordillo close behind.  He growled, 
annoyed with these weak robots, and moved in to kill them.

A large tree hit him square in the back of the head.  He woozily 
turned back to Bonecrusher.  "You can't knock 
that," he said.

"Maybe like this, then," replied Bonecrusher, and he swung the 
tree right into Manterror's face this time.  The Predacon's face 
split into a demented grin, then he fell to the ground.

Waspinator and Bloodclot versus him was not a matchup that 
Ground Zero liked much.  He moved out of the way of 
Waspinator, only to be hit by Bloodclot.  He was beginning to lose 

*I can take out at least one of them,* he thought, and fired off a 
bunch of missiles from his various cannons at Waspinator.  
Waspinator convulsed as the massive number of missiles hit his 
body, then fell to the ground smoking.  Bloodclot tackled him and 
ran another blade arm through Ground Zero -

- and was knocked off by Stormcloud in falcon mode.  Rattrap 
whistled low in suprise.  Stormcloud had told him that the 
perigrine falcon could do that, but actually *seeing* it was an 
entirely different affair.

Stormcloud landed in front of Bloodclot.  The Pred looked 
around, and saw Silverbolt land behind him.  "Blackarachnia!  
Activate the perimeter security system!" he called into his 
wristcom, and grabbed Manterror and Waspinator as he rushed 
inside.  He couldn't see Drill Bit - that dumb slag would just have 
to take care of himself.

The massive cannons turned and trained on the assembled 

"Guys!  I have what we need!" called Nightpounce.  She dragged 
Drill Bit away, and the other Maximals began to follow.  Rattrap 
transformed into rat mode, and began running away, but a blast 
from a cannon knocked him over, sending him sprawling.

"Get clear, Rattrap!" said Stormcloud, grabbing the cannon in his 
talons and twisting it away.

"Primus, could that BE any dumber!"  Rattrap blasted the cannon 
with his gun.  "You're just trying to make it look like I NEEDED 
your help!"

"It didn't seem like you were doing much to get out of the way," 
replied Stormcloud, taking off.

"Oh, you just want to look bigger than me 'cos you never had 
ANYBODY want to be you," said Rattrap, transforming back into 
rat mode and scampering away.

"I still have that energon field generator, you know," said 

"Yeah, right," replied Rattrap.  "Then howcum we've never seen 

Stormcloud did not reply.  *Self-righteous bastard,* thought 
Rattrap to himself.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Drill Bit's eyes slowly came into focus.  He was in a large room, a 
repair bay by the looks of it.  He started to get up...

MOVE?!?!?" Drill Bit bellowed.

"Well, I don't know," said Rattrap tauntingly.  "We're so sorry.  
Please let us restore your motor control center, so that you can 
tear up the repair room, call the rest of the Preds over here to kill 
us, and place my head on a pigpole."

"YOU SLAGGING PIECE OF -" began Drill Bit.

"Oh, now you've gone and hurt my feelings," said Vixen in a 
sickly-sweet voice that was dripping with sarcasm.  "We actually 
WERE going to free you, but now you can forget it."

Drill Bit growled in a low tone.

"If you're done ranting and raving," said Stormcloud from across 
the room, "we can begin the game.  It's called, 'Tell The Truth Or 
We Shock You Until You Do.'  I'd explain the rules, but it seems 
rather self explanitory.  Shall we begin?"

"Yes," said Rattrap.

"Yes," said Vixen.

"No," said Drill Bit.

"Overruled, three to one," replied Stormcloud.  "Now, have you 
done anything to Primus Trion?"

"No," replied Drill Bit.  He was then treated to Stormcloud balsting 
him with nearly 500,000,000 volts.

"Maybe the rules weren't simple enough," said Stormcloud.  "Let 
me go over it again.  You tell the truth, we simply shoot you out of 
a cannon back to the Pred ship.  You lie, I treat you to another 
dose of electricity.  Now, what have you done to Primus Trion?"

"I'm telling the truth!  Nothing!  We couldn't get within forty klicks 
of him without him blowing our heads off!"  Stormcloud blasted 
him again.

"Wrong again!" replied Stormcloud.  "Last chance!"

"You think I'm doing this to defend the Predacons?  Get real!  I'm 
far more concerned with my own hide!  We really can't do 
anything to Primus Trion!"

Stormcloud refrained from blasting him again.  "Shoot him back 
to the Predacons," he said.  Bonecrusher and Rhinox walked in 
there and picked up the immobile Predacon.

"Waitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminute!  You don't REALLY intend 
to shoot my back in a cannon, do you?"

No response.  The two Maximals began to shove Drill Bit into the 
aforementioned cannon.

"Okay, the joke's gone on long enough, I would say, wouldn't 
you?  Right?  You aren't actually going to go through with 
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..."  Drill Bit presumably kept
rambling until he landed, but the Axalon was spared that fate
as he moved out of earshot.

"So if it ain't the Preds who got to him..." began Nightpounce.

"Then it's just him," finished Stormcloud.

"Okay, so we have an oppresive and tyrranical ruler!" exclaimed 
Vixen.  "It isn't that bad."

Nobody replied.









"All right, so it's the worst thing since Unicron!" she finally 
exclaimed, exasperated.

"What in the world is WITH him?" mused Nightpounce.  "I knew 
him when he first became leader of the Maximals.  He was 
nothing like this.  What happened?"

"An Earthern philosopher once said, 'Power tends to corrupt, and 
absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely."  Stormcloud stared 
intently at Nightpounce.  "In other words, he's drunk with power."

"Then let's just hope things don't get too bad," said Rattrap.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Closer still now.  This was almost too easy.

He was almost sure that during that last time, he would have to 
give them a push in the right direction.  But that Cavewing helped 
without even trying.  Very perceptive, he was.  So were those 
two, Rattrap and Stormcloud.  They'd have to be destroyed 
afterwards, but for the time being they were actually helping 

He was, overall, quite impressed.  These two factions proved to 
have such a conflict between them that they did much of his work 
for him.  It was the easiest job he had ever had.

Perhaps the flagship's crew could be saved.  Some of them 
seemed intelligent enough to figure out where the real winners 
were.  But the two ships that had already landed would have to 
be completely destroyed.  Too bad, really.  But then again, this 
was war.

And that meant all was fair.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Wazzzzpinator have to find zzzzzafer job," moaned the 
Predacon as he stepped into the CR chamber.  "Wazzzzpinator 
no like being blazzzted by zzzztupid Maximals.  Wazzzzzpinator 
think that if Megatron had -"

Bloodclot smacked Waspinator with his last remaining blade arm.  
"Be quiet, stupid!" hissed the larger Pred.  "You want Megatron to 
start asking about where Drill Bit is?"

The ship shook briefly, then Drill Bit's body fell through the 

"Somehow, I don't think it's going to be hard for Megatron to 
figure it out for himself," moaned Manterror as he stepped into 
the CR chamber.

"Damn right it isn't," said Blackarachnia from across the room, 
leaning in the doorway.

"Blackarachnia!  You didn't give Megatron the..." began 

"Mission report?  Oh, no, I didn't even look at it myself.  None of 
my business."  She walked over to a chair and sat in it with a grin 
on her face.

"W-w-what do you want?" asked Waspinator nervously.

"Me?" she asked with a fake air of innocence.  "Well, guys...I 
think it's time we talked about loyalty."

The three wounded Preds looked at each other, confused.

"Now," she continued, "if you are truly loyal to Megatron, then I 
really would have no choice but to give him the mission report of 
such loyal soldiers.  But if you'd be more loyal to me..." she 
flipped the disk in her hand around, "...then I might...oh, 
accidentally lose this disk for some reason or another..."

"We accept," said Manterror as Drill Bit began to regain 

"Good!  You're brighter than you look."  She got up and walked 
towards the door.  "When you all get out of the CR chambers, 
come see me.  I have big plans - that don't include Megatron as 
the leader."  She stepped out of the room.

Bloodclot glared at Manterror.  "Thanks a lot.  Now if we screw 
up, we're ASSURED to have Megatron blast us apart."

"At the moment," replied Manterror, "I seemed to be the only one 
with half a brain."

"Wazzzzpinator not care right now about who izzzzz leader," said 
the insane Predacon as he stepped into his own chamber.  
"Wazzzpinator hazzz headache in hizzzzz whole body, and he 
want to make it go away before he thinkzzzzzz about anything 

The other Predacons shrugged and stepped into their respective 
chambers.  Waspinator had a point, for the first time in his life, 
and nobody really wanted to debate it right now.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Vixen wiped the sweat from her brow and finished setting the 
comatose Tigatron into the CR chamber.  She sat down just as 
Skydive walked into the room.

"Cheetor said that you could use some help," began the Maximal.

"Get slagged," said Vixen, glaring at him.

Skydive was taken aback.  "Call this paranoia, but do I sense just 
a little unfounded anger towards me on your part?"

Vixen glared at him.  "Why shouldn't have some hostility towards 
a former Autobot?"

Skydive's face was twisted into an expression af suprise.  "Since 
when has that been a BAD thing?" he asked.  "The Maximals 
sprung from the Autobots, didn't they?"

"Sort of," replied Vixen.  "You see, after the defeat at Nebulos, 
the Decepticon ranks began to fall further and further into chaos.  
Some of them thought that it was best to try and remain on Charr 
until a new oppurtunity arose.  Others thought that it was time to 
throw in the towel and join the Autobots.  This led to infighting 
that pretty much divided the Decepticon ranks and reduced the 
now totally insane Galvatron's power to practically nil.  So he and 
the other reborn Decepticons - Scourge, Cyclonus, and the 
Sweeps - all up and left, and the remaining 'Cons fell further and 
further into chaos.

"The real clincher was when the female Autobot leigons showed 
up on Charr and began making guerilla raids against the already 
shaky Decepticons.  The large majority of them, including the 
recently-revived Megatron, surrendered, with only maybe a few 
thousand Decepticons not submitting.  These Decepticons found 
Galvatron and the rest, and made them the leaders.  Galvatron 
took them all into the great expanses outside, leaving only the 
new Autobot-Decepticon alliance, often simply referred to as 

"Eventually, the rebel Decepticons showed up and established a 
few bases on Cybertron.  So that meant that for the most part, 
the whole Cybertron society was, for once, at peace."

"So when do the Maximals come into all this?" asked Skydive.

"I'm getting to that," replied Vixen.  "Not all of the Transformers 
thought that demilitarization was a good idea.  The most 
prominent among them was Fortress Maximus, who felt that the 
war was eternal, and peace only a brief pause.  Maybe the others 
thought it was overly poetic, maybe not.  But either way, a splinter 
group seemed to become increasingly more defined, following 
the general philosophy of the Autobots but with a few more 
realistic viewpoints, and calling themsleves...the Maximals.

"Shortly afterwards, Fortress Maximus was nearly killed by an 
unknown assassin.  He lived, but he lost all memories of the 
Maximals, and rejoined the Autobots.  The Maximals then 
adopted a new leader, naming himself Primus Trion, and took on 
the idea that the Autobots and Decepticons were both enemies, 
the Autobots just slightly less so."

"That would explain your hostility," reasoned Skydive.

"Don't interupt," snapped Vixen.  "The tension between the 
AutoCons and the Maximals, not to mention the Decepticons, 
caused a whole lot of oppurtunity for anyone with ambition to 
start grabbing power.  Megatron would have loved to have taken 
the oppurtunity, but the years of war had taken their toll on him, 
and he was in no shape to go seizing power.  So he created a 
clone of himself, only younger, named Megaplex.  Megaplex then 
took those who would follow him and formed the Predacons.

"Any fool could see that a criminal operation like the Predacons 
would benefit from a war, and Megaplex was no fool.  He began 
running covert operations, tricking the Decepticons into finally 
attacking.  The AutoCons and the Maximals were thrust into a 
war, with tension between them already high.  So the Predacons 
were able to swipe a whole load of stuff that they could use to 
seize even more power.

"One day, a Predacon commander, also known as Megatron, 
was working with several of his troops when he discovered a 
golden disk that contained the location of a planet with plenty of 
energon.  Taking the disk, he took off and began heading 
towards the planet.  The Maximals had no choice but to take a 
desperate option - notify the only ship in the area, the cargo ship 
Axalon.  The two ships dropped into foldspace, and were not 
heard from afterwards."

"Because we landed here," finished Skydive.

"Exactly," replied Vixen.  "That's why I don't trust you."

Skydive grumbled.  "I'm a Maximal now, Vixen.  And a former 
Autobot.  My code prevents me from betraying you, or any of the 

"Codes and laws are nothing compared to true companions," 
replied Vixen, going over to the med computer to check on 

"I can understand that you might have some resentment towards 
the Autobots," said Skydive.  "But this is far more than you 
personally should feel.  What happened to you that made you 
hate the Autobots so much?"

Vixen looked at him.  "I just do.  There's no good reason for it, it's 
just the truth.  I always have, and I always will.  I don't care how 
many times you save me, how hard you try to convince me 
otherwise.  I always have hated the Autobots, and I always will."

Skydive sighed.  "I guess you really can't change everyone," he 
said, and he walked out of the room.

He felt as if Vixen's eyes were actually burning holes in him as he 

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

The four Predacons were lined up in front of Blackarachnia, who 
was examining them meticulously.  "Harumph," she snorted 
finally.  "You're not exactly the best of starts, but I guess you 
have to take what you can get in situations like these."

"Umm, Blackarachnia..." began Drill Bit.

"From now on, you will address me as Empress - unless we are 
in the immediate position of any other Predacons," snapped 

"Yes, Empress," said Drill Bit, correcting himself.  "Umm, can't really expect one report that you hold over 
our heads to work forever, can you?"

"Not now that you've officially defected onto my fold," replied 

"If you reveal that to him, he'll kill you," noted Manterror.

"And all of you as well," she added.  "I'm assuming that your self-
preservation instinct will keep you from doing anything unusually 

"Damn straight it will," said Bloodclot.

"Now," said Blackarachnia, "I happen to have a few things I want 
from the Maximal ship, and you're going to go get them for me."

"Wazzzpinator izzz not going on zzzzuizzzzide mizzzzzzzzon," 
buzzed Waspinator.

"Let's just list the things Megatron could do to you," began 

"When do you want uzzzzz to go?" asked Waspinator, the light 
draining from his eyes.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Onslaught glared at his two infantile companions.

"Okay, so then the Seeker said, 'Do you really think I asked for a 
tiny pianist?'" said Claw Jaw.

Primus, that's a good one!"  Armordillo was rolling around on the 
ground, doubling over with laughter.  Onslaught shook his head.

"Will you two shut up?" asked Onslaught.  "Our orders were to 
keep an eye on this engine bank, not to make foolish jokes."

"Will you lighten up, 'Slaught?" asked Armordillo.

Onslaught narrowed his eyes.  "First of all, my name is not 
Slaught.  And if you ever call me that again, I will beat you until 
you will welcome a journey to Inferno.  Second, I will do the same 
if you do not stop your infantile -"

A blast interrupted their bickering.  "Scramble!" shouted 
Manterror, with the four Predacons spreading out and firing all 
around.  Drill Bit erupted from underground and began loading 
the engine parts into his subspace pocket.

Onslaught tumbled beneath a tailfin.  "All Maximals - we are 
under attack by Predacons!  We need backup!  Repeat, we need 
backup!!!"  He was about to continues, but a blast from Bloodclot 
disturbed him before he had a chance to.

Bloodclot leaned over to try and smash Onslaught, but stopped 
as he felt Claw Jaw in squid mode biting into his back.  He began 
to turn around to rip off the squid, but was cut short by 
Onslaught's powerful missile pack blasting him in the chest.  
Claw Jaw leaped off, and Onslaught squarely hit Bloodclot with 
an uppercut, sending the Pred flying.

Manterror was busy pounding Armordillo with blow after blow.  
Armordillo wasn't hurt by the blows, but it was rather irritating.  
He swung his mace at Manterror, who smacked it away and 
continued pummeling Armordillo.

NOW it was past mild irritation.  Armordillo fired his laser blaster 
at Manterror's head.  It didn't hit the head, but it hit his chest, 
which knocked him back enough to let Armordillo tumble in 
another position.  Manterror growled and advanced, and then 
was cut short by numerous blasts from Onslaught and Claw Jaw.

Waspinator began to assault the trio, but was cut short as 
several crossbow bolts pounded into his body.  He began to turn 
around, but the other three Maximals were beginning to aim at 
him.  Not wanting to be nearly destroyed again, he zoomed up 
into the sky in a maneuver he had learned while Starscream was 
in his body.

Drill Bit finally finished with the engine parts just as the Maximals 
noticed him.  He transformed and dove into the ground, barely 
missing a multitude of blasts.  Blooclot and Manterror also 
transformed, and ignored their minor injuries as they ran off.

"Why in the world did they attack the engine?" puzzled 
Onslaught.  "This is not a crucial engine - barely even useful.  
Why would they waste four warriors on it?"

"Whatever it is, I really doubt that it's good," replied Wolfang.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

It was time to make his play.

Primus Trion strode into Subcommander Neogene's quarters.  
The subcommander looked up in suprise.  "Sir," began Neogene, 
"what is the reason for this -"

Primus shot his cannon throught the subcommander.  He fell 
with a gaping hole in his body.  "Neogene, will you ever shut up?" 
he asked.  The subcommander wasn't dead yet, but he wouldn't 
live without medical attention.

Something that the leader of the Maximals would do easily.

He leaned over to the comm monitor.  "B'Boom, are you there?"

The large gunner appeared on screen.  "Yes, sir.  All weapons on 
the ship are at full functionality."

"Good.  Fire on the Axalon immediately."

"What?"  The large Maximal looked confused.  "But sir, the 
Axalon is on our -"

"Primal has been conspiring against us for quite some time now," 
said Primus Trion.  "Neogene was allied with him, so I had to kill 
him before he could notify Primal of this attack.  Now, you will do 
as I order, soldier!!!"

""But..."  B'Boom finally stopped trying to comprehend.  "As you 
order, Primus Trion."  The comm screen winked out.

"Well, that's all I needed to know," said Cavewing, shutting off his 
invisibility.  "Thanks, Trion, but I think I'll be going now."

"How did you...?!?!?"  Primus was suprised, but not disoriented.  
He raised his cannon and blasted Cavewing across the room.  
The smaller Maximal was blown across the room, nearly dead.

"Primal, put up the Axalon's shields!" called Cavewing into the 
comm.  Primus leveled his cannon at Cavewing's head.

And fired.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Primal - >skrzzzzt< - shields - >kratzzzzt< - now!"

Rhinox heard the message from Cavewing.  For a minute, he 
wondered about it, then he heard the comm link to Cavewing 
snap off suddenly.  He stopped hesitating and slammed on the 

And the blast from the flagship's cannons rocked the entire ship.  
Rhinox was knocked loose from his chair, and the other nearby 
Maximals fell.

"What the slag was that?!?" asked Optimus Primal, getting to his 

Stormcloud rushed over to the computer console.  "We took a 
direct hit from the flagship's main cannons!  Damage on the aft 
and lower decks, fires on all of the lower decks, and sheild 
strength is down to 72%."

"How did we find out about that?" asked Cheetor, getting up.

Rhinox began to regain conciousness.  "Cavewing...blasted..."

The Maximals all bowed their heads in reverance of their fallen 
comrade.  Then they began to scramble madly, trying to make 
sure everything would hold against a second attack.

That question was answered seconds later.

"Hull breach in the aft and lower sector!  Fires causing severe 
damage on all of the lower decks!  Shields down to 44%!"  
Stormcloud lept out of the chair.  "I'm going to check on Vixen in 
the medlab!"

"Good luck!" said Rattrap, spraying a fire with coolant.

Stormcloud rushed out of the command chamber rapidly.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Dinobot slashed through another door, and was greeted with 
another burst of flame.  Fanning the flames down with his rotor, 
he picked up the two Maximals inside, then leaped out of the 
room and brought the two of them to Vixen.

Stormcloud sprayed another fire with a column of ice, then 
transformed and flew over a wall of flame between him and the 
medlab.  He rushed past Dinobot to see Skydive and Vixen 
working furiously to help all of the scorched Maximals.

"Are you all right?" asked Stormcloud of Vixen.

"I'm fine," she said.  "It's these guys I'm worried about!"

Stormcloud walked over to one of the Maximals and began 
patching him up.  "What in the world are you doing?!?" asked 
Vixen incredulously.

"I may not be a medic, but I have at least enough knowledge to 
help out!" he replied, beginning to work on the charred robot.  
Vixen nodded and went back to work on the one she had just 
started on.  Every pair of hands they could use.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

B'Boom fired yet again, and he saw the cargo ship shudder 
under the impact.  "What's their status?" he asked Grimlock.

"Shields at 16%.  The next hit will blow their shields away, and 
probably a good portion of the ship as well."  Grimlock turned to 
the aim console.  "B'Boom, isn't it possible we might miss and 
cause a rockslide burying them?  Maybe leaving them alive, but 
burying them?"

B'Boom saw what Grimlock was saying.  "Yes, I think it is.  Think 
you could aim to miss like that?"

"Not a problem," said Grimlock.  He aimed the targeting grid.  
"Oh no, I think we're going to miss."

"Primus willing," said B'Boom, and he hit the fire button.  He 
watched as the rocks tumbled over the Maximal ship, burying it.

"Ooops," he said.

*Let's just hope that they survived,* thought B'Boom.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

It seemed like an eternity before Cheetor woke up.

The whole world seemed dark and painful, but at least it was 
solid.  Cheetor stood up and tried to walk over to the console.

Ouch.  Yes, very definitely solid.  That floor was most certainly 
solid.  Cheetor got up again and tried again to walk.  This time, 
he succeeded.  He walked over to the computer console.

"Unnnnnnh..." came a groan from Rattrap as he slowly raised 
himself up.  He saw Cheetor.  "Hey, kittycat, what's going on?"

"Not much," replied Cheetor.  "We've been buried under nearly a 
ton of rocks.  Shields are out, engines are damaged even worse 
then before - but we're alive."

"Thank Primus," said Rattrap.  "Think you can contact 
Stormcloud?  That brainiac might come in handy if we're going to 
get out of here."

"I'm trying," replied Cheetor, sending message after message 
and waiting for a reply.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Stormcloud's world came hazily back into focus.  The medlab's 
left half was buried in rocks - thankfully, nobody had been 
standing there.  Dinobot was pinned under a large stone, and 
Vixen and Skydive were sprawled across the medtables.  He was 
lying facedown on the ground, his skull echoing with a headache.

His comm blinked on.  "Stormcloud here," he said.

"This is Cheetor," said...well, you know who.  "We seem to be 
buried under nearly a ton of rocks.  Can you come up here and 
give us a hand?"

Stormcloud looked at the entranceway.  "At the moment, I'd say no -"

Cloudspin blasted another rock out of the way with her particle 
cannon.  Windrider slashed through to form an entryway with his 

"- on second thought, I just might be able to," finished the 
computer genius.

Vixen gave a low wimper.  Stormcloud picked her up and walked 
out of the entryway that the two gestalt members had created.

"Cloudspin, keep an eye in here, will you?" he asked.

"No sweat, Stormcloud," replied the female.  She stepped inside 
the medlab as Stormcloud and Vixen headed towards the control 

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Neogene's world slowly came back into focus.  "Well, it's about 
time," said Cavewing, standing over the larger subcommander.  
"It's been over a day since Primus tiredd to kill the two of us."

Neogene sat up.  The two of them were sitting in the waste area 
of the ship.  "How did you manage to survive?" asked Neogene.  
"I saw you get blasted."

"Yeah, that was pretty convincing, wasn't it?" said Cavewing.  His 
face mask did not allow him to show emotion, but he seemed to 
be smiling.  "I managed to twist just enough so that Primus's 
second blasted destroyed my shoulder, not my head.  He really 
wasn't examining to closely, so he just threw both of us into here, 
at which point I pulled my repair parts out of my subspace closet 
and used whatever I could find to repair you."

"Great," said Neogene, flexing his arm.  The parts felt natural 
enough - Cavewing had done a good job.  "What else has 

"The Axalon is buried," replied Cavewing.  "Not destroyed, just 
buried.  Primus Trion must be stopped at any cost."

"Excellent plan," siad Neogene.  "One problem: the Axalon is out 
there, and we're in here."

"Ah, ye of little faith," said Cavewing, waggling a finger at 
Neogene and shaking his head.  "I got this far - don't think I don't 
have any way to get further."  He grabbed Neogene by the arm.

And they fell right out of the ship.

It only took a few seconds, but it looked very odd.  They dropped 
right through the ship to the ground.  Neogene looked around in 

"Phasing," explained Cavewing.  "Useful when nobody opens the 
door.  Are going to stnad there and gawk all day, or are you 
coming with me?"

Cavewing transformed to bat mode and flew off towards the 
Axalon.  Neogene turned into a ground sloth and followed.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*




"Worse then before."




"Barely on-line."

"Power generator?"

"On-line, but badly trashed."

Stormcloud sighed in exasperation.  "Can you think of any way to 
get out of here?" he asked Rattrap.

"Short of divine intervention, I don't have a clue," he replied.  
"Skyking and Magnaboss might get somewhere with Ground 
Zero's help, but they'd blast us again in seconds."

Stormcloud looked over the ship map.  "Maybe if we tunnel OUT, 

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"How are we doing?" asked Stormcloud.

Cavewing looked over his sensor readings.  "You're about fifty 
klicks from the surface.  You're far enough away from the ship to 
start tunneling up."

Stormcloud nodded and turned to Ground Zero.  "You can start 
going up now," he said.  The large badger nodded and began 
digging upwards.

"I've got to admit, this is a pretty good idea," said Rattrap, 
following behind Stormcloud.

"Let's just hope it works," said Optimus Primal, carrying a large 
device under a cloth.

"What is that?" asked Rattrap.

"With any luck," said Stormcloud, "it'll be something that we won't 
have to use.  Otherwise, I'd say it's our ace in the hole."

Ground Zero finally burst out of the ground in front of Neogene 
and Cavewing.  The Maximals that had tunneled out assembled 
in front of the buried Axalon.

"Now what?" asked Rattrap.

"We try to take out Primus Trion before he kills us," replied 

"An admirable goal," said Primus Trion, hovering overhead.  "Too 
bad it will never come to fruition."  He lashed out with a blast from 
his cannon, smashing into Skyking and knocking him back.

"Primal!  The device!" said Stormcloud.  Primal nodded and put 
the device down.  Stormcloud rushed over to it and began turning 
various knobs and dials.

"What are you going to do with it?" asked Rattrap, firing at 
Primus Trion.

"You'll see soon enough," replied Stormcloud.

Neogene and Optimus Primal flew up towards Trion, cannons at 
the ready.  Trion rolled out of the way and blasted twice with his 
cannon, clipping Neogene's shoulder and hitting Primal's 
forearm.  Primal whipped out a large mace and began swinging it 
over his head, trying to build up speed to hit Trion out of the sky.

Trion grabbed the mace and tried to yank the mace out of 
Primal's hands.  A pair of cannons flipped out from Primus's back 
and fired on Trion, hitting him squarely in the chest.  Trion barely 
noticed the missiles.  He swung the mace upwards with Primal 
still holding on, and completed a full turn, sending Primal 
plummeting to the ground.

Neogene slammed into Trion in a full side tackle, throwing Trion 
into a barrel roll.  Trion swiped at Neogene's head, knocking the 
subcommander off of him.  The subcommander extended his 
arm blades and slashed at Trion.  The slash bounced off of 
Trion's heavy armor plating.

Laughing, Trion uppercutted Neogene, who flipped over 
backwards, then righted himself.  Two chain gun missile 
launchers popped out of Neogene's arm and aimed at Trion, then 
began rotating rapidly, blasting the Maximal leader.  The 
explosions didn't even seem to faze Trion, who flew over to 
Neogene and blasted him in the chest, sending the 
subcommander plummeting.

"You nearly done with that thing?" asked Rattrap, blasting his gun 
at Trion.  He might as well have been shooting spitballs at 

"This takes time!" growled Stormcloud, continuing to fiddle with 
|hm device.

"Oh, excuse me!  Sorry if my self-preservation instinct made me 
feel like it's high time you added something to this battle!"  
Rattrap tumbled out of the way of a blast from Trion.

"May I remind you who designed those two?" asked Stormcloud, 
waving at the gestalts.

The two gestalts flew towards Trion.  Magnaboss smashed hard 
into Trion.  For once, Trion actually seemed to react from the 
blow, tumbling down a bit.  He growled in anger, and fired 
repeatedly at Magnaboss.  The tricombiner moved remarkably 
nimbly for such a large robot, and dodged out of the way of the 

Skyking slashed a talon at Trion, now at his level.  Trion backed 
off and transformed to bat mode, diving low and then zooming 
back up, firing a series of blasts.  The shots riddled Skyking with 
holes, and a terrible scream came from the gestalt as it 
screamed with the voices of all five of its members.

Still woozy from the collision, Primal leaped onto Trion's back 
and began slashing at him with his swords.  Magnaboss opened 
up on Trion with powerful cannons, and Trion finally seemed to 
be injured, wobbling a little in his flight.  He blasted Magnaboss, 
knocking the gestalt away, and went into a barrel roll to knock 
Primal off his back.  He transformed back into robot mode and 
dived straight at Stormcloud and Rattrap.

"If you're going to do something, Stormcloud, you'd better do it 
now!" said Rattrap, still desperately firing his gun.

"Get down!" replied Stormcloud, and the machine spewed forth a 
large globe of green-blue energy, encasing Trion in it.  The 
organic half of Trion melted into a mess of dead cells.  Trion 
growled as the field dissapated and flew at Stormcloud.

"Say good-bye, pal," said Stormcloud, and flipped one last 
switch.  A yellow-orange beam shot out of the device and blasted 
Trion back.  Trion's computer could be heard saying familiar 

Sparks shot out of Trion as he twisted and convulsed.  His body 
melted into a hunk of slag.  His eyes glared with anger at the two 
Maximals operating the device, Stormcloud and Vixen.  Then the 
light vanished, and Trion's Spark was extinguished.  The hunk of 
metal fell to the ground and shattered.

Stormcloud patted the device once.  "That," he said smugly, "is 
where my energon field generator is."

Rattrap just gaped.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"So what do we do now?" asked Neogene as Vixen fused 
another patch of metal to his arm.

"Well, your ship was sabotaged by Primus Trion, so you can't 
take off," said Razorbeast.  "On the other hand, there are still 
enough working parts to repair the Axalon, so if you'd be willing 
to stay here -"

"We would," said Grimlock.

"Then we'd better get to work on repairs," said Razorbeast, 
leaving the room.  "I have some great ideas with what we could 
do to the weapons systems..."

"Just one thing I'm worried about," said Primal, looking at 
Neogene.  "Who's going to lead the Maximals now that Trion is 

Neogene thought for a moment.  "I know of some generals that 
will probably take Trion's place."

"Yes, but will they avoid the same fate?" asked Primal.  Neogene 
could not find a decet answer.

"No matter how virtuous the cause or the person," said 
Stormcloud at a nearby computer console, "it is certain that 
power will corrupt them.  The question is: are they strong enough 
to remain more or less the same?"

None of the Maximals had a satisfying answer.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Ahh, so you got the items I requested," said Blackarachnia with 
a grin.  "Very good.  You might turn out to be an effective army in 
the end."

"Empress," asked Drill Bit, "why do you want these engine parts?  
They aren't enough to power(a(ship."

"No," replied Blackarachnia.  "But I have my reasons.  Reasons 
that you will simply have to accept, not question."

Blackarachnia smiled and picked up the small crafted figure of 
Nightbird on her shelf.  "For the first time since I came here, I 
have power over you in a way that cannot be denied.  And I 
intend to make sure that I keep it."

She turned back to her four soldiers.  "You are dismissed," she 
said.  The four of them bowed and left her quarters.

Blackarachnia began to chuckle.  That grew into a laugh.  And 
that grew into a cackle of power that echoed throughout the 
Predacon ship.

"Power..." she hissed quietly.  She finally had it.

And she was going to do her best to keep it.