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Beast Wars Chronicles
Proving Ground
By: Eliot Lefebvre (aka Stormcloud)

Another round of blasts riddled the otherwise peaceful forest with 
explosions as Optimus Primal continued to avoid his attacker's 
relentless pursuit.

"Yeeeeee-haw!" yelled Terrorsaur as he and Lazorbeak swung 
back and forth, firing a multitude of blasts.  "I haven't had this 
much fun since Cybertron!"

"Well, it looks like it's not going to last a heck of a lot longer, 
because here comes more firepower!"

"Who the - aw, damn!"

Primal looked up and saw Bloodclot and Jetstorm coming at him 
from one side, with Buzz Saw and Waspinator coming at him 
from the other.

"Well, I'll just kill him now!"  Lazorbeak went into a spiral dive 
straight towards Primal.  Primal grabbed Lazorbeak and hurled 
him at Terrorsaur.  Lazorbeak tranformed before he hit 
Terrorsaur, and the two plummeted downwards in a tangle of 
limbs and wings.

"Die, dammit!" shouted Waspinator, he and Buzz Saw using their 
stinger missiles to try and force Optimus towards Bloodclot.  
Jetstorm swooped low to try and take out Primal before he had a 
chance to recover...

And was greeted by Primal transforming and sweetly blasting 
Jetstorm right in the head.  The dragonfly fell very quickly, and 
landed in a crumpled mass.

Another burst of laser fire told Primal that Lazorbeak and 
Terrorsaur had recovered enough to take back to the sky.  
Jetstorm and Waspinator were transforming, with Jetstorm firing 
his missiles with amazing accuracy.

"Hi, Waspi!"  A blur of blue and yellow zoomed out from behind 
Primal and tackled Waspinator, sending him sprawling into a 
tree.  Right behind Cheetor were Tigatron and Rhinox, and he 
saw Polar Claw's claw weapon digging into Bloodclot.

Rhinox whipped his gun out of subspace and blasted at Jetstorm.  
Tigatron lept up, twisted around, and started clawing at Buzz 

Minimus Primal, Polar Claw's bat companion, began attacking 
the still-woozy Lazorbeak.  Primal simply lept on top of 
Terrorsaur, his weight sending the smaller Predacon right to the 

"Maximals, retreat!" called Primal as the rest of the Predacons 
fell.  He didn't want to wait around and see if any of the other 
Predacons were about to show up, especially considering that he 
wasn't sure backup was around for another round of attacks.

The Maximals transformed and sped away from the battle.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"You IDIOTS!" shouted Megatron as he clutched a large object in 
his T-Rex hand and threw it at his injured warriors.  "You 

"How were we supposed to know that -" began Buzz Saw.

"SHUT UP!!" shouted Megatron.  Buzz Saw wisely said nothing.

"YOU two," said Megatron, pointing at Lazorbeak and Terrorsaur.  
"YOU two had him in your GRASP!  And what did you do?  You 
TOYED with him!  You didn't KILL him - no, a competent warrior 
would have killed him.  Instead, I, mighty Megatron, am stuck on 
a planet with all of YOU idiots as an excuse for an ARMY!"

Megatron finally stopped ranting.  "All of you go to Scorponok's 
lab and have him patch you up."  The wounded Predacons gladly 
complied, moving as fast as they could towards the door.

"AGAIN this time."  Megatron sighed and slumped into his chair.  
He pushed the comm button.

Tarantulas' face appeared on the screen.  "Yes, lord?" asked the 

"I want you and Blackarachnia to go on patrol around the 
Maximal ship.  Inform me of any comings or goings.  DO NOT, I 
reapeat, DO NOT engage them."

"Yes, milord." Tarantulas replied, and the comm winked off.  
Megatron was always amazed that he could have such incredibly 
competent warriors like Tarantulas under his command, and 
such mindless fools as Waspinator, all on the same crew.

He sighed and decided to go keep an eye on Scorponok's 
repairs, to make sure they were being as painful as possible.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"That was bright, Primal," said Dinobot loudly.  "Really, REALLY 

"Calm down, Dinobot, I'm fine," said Primal as he winced from 
yet another pulled muscle.

"Since when have I worried about whether or not you're okay?" 
Dinobot asked quizzicaly.  "The dumb thing was leaving the 
wounded Preds.  You could've blasted them to Inferno!"

"Keep your loads of slag to yourself, Dinobot," snapped Vixen as 
she finished connecting one last neural pathway.  "There.  You 
should be fine now, Primal, aside from the strained muscle of 
your organic form, which, I'm afraid, I can't do anything about."

"Well, just so long as I'm not keeling over," Primal muttered, 
rising to his feet.

"Primal!  You're back!" Rhinox exclaimed.  "Did you get the 

Primal reached into his subspace pocket - something that had 
been quickly shrinking for all of them since they got here - and 
pulled out a small chip in the shape of the old Decepticon sigil.

"Thanks," said Rhinox.  "Stormcloud was pretty sure that he lost 
it in the stasis pod."

"What IS it?" asked Bonecrusher.

"The gestalt chip," Rhinox replied.  "Me and Stormcloud are 
working on configuring a gestalt."

"Anyways," said Razorbeast as he walked out of the core section 
of the Axalon, "you should recognize it.  It was from YOUR pod, 

"Huh?" asked Bonecrusher.

Dinobot sighed.  "You used to be a member of the Decepticon 
gestalt team, the Constructicons - though considering your 
complete technical ineptitude I find it difficult to figure out WHY.  
Stormcloud had removed the chip because you no longer wanted 
to be reminded of the joining process."

"I see," said Bonecrusher.  "In that case, I probably still have 
some of that engineering knowledge in the back of my head."

"Assuming the memory circuits that held the data weren't 
destroyed," said Vixen, leaning on the table in the center of the 

"In any case," continued Rhinox, "now that we have the chip, 
we've got the required technology for the robotic half of the team 
set.  All we need is to figure out how to make the organic 
transformations work right."

"And does anybody ask ME about any of this?  Nooooooooooo!" 
called Rattrap sarcastically from the security controls.

"You're supposed to be giving the security report, Scrapface!" 
bellowed Bonecrusher.

"Yeah, well, nothing much going on...birds singing...Wolfang 
patrolling...wind blowing...sun shining...Tarantulas and 
Blackarachnia watching us from a tree..."

"WHAT?!" shouted Primal.

"Please don't tell me you want me to repeat all of that AGAIN?"

"No.  Send a comm mesage to Wolfang to attack them.  
Bonecrusher, Dinobot, you go give him a hand."

"Yeah!" shouted Bonecrusher.  He transformed into bison mode 
and ran out of the ship, shuddering the structure as he ran.  
Dinobot sighed and followed in robot mode after him.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Uh, mighty Megatron?"

"Yes, Blackarachnia?"

"We've got three Maximals leaving the base."

"Where are they headed?"

"Ummm...oh dear."


"I think you're going to have to wait a little while for the full report, 

The comm linked winked off as Megatron heard the sound of a 
bison charging.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Let's take 'em out!"

Bonecrusher charged forward, ramming straight through the tree 
Blackarachnia and Tarantulas were nestled in.  Blackarachnia 
shot her grappling line and swung over to another tree, but 
Tarantuals converted to spider mode and landed on top of 

Wolfang sprang at Blackarachnia while Dinobot whirled around 
as he heard a slight buzzing noise, and was face-to-face with 
Jetstorm, now fully recovered.  As Jetstorm readided to launch 
his missiles, Dinobot took his rotor weapon and thrust it at the 
Predacon.  Jetstorm fell to the ground and began staggering to 
his feet.

"C'mon, Pred, is this the best you can do?" shouted 
Bonecrusher.  He was charging through the forest at breakneck 
speeds, plowing straight through trees.  His thickly-built frame 
could shatter right through trees without any problem.  
Tarantulas, however, was not built to withstand these sorts of 
blows, and was clinging on half-conciously as Bonecrusher 
plowed through the multitude of trees.

Bonecrusher enjoyed moments of combat like this.  It kept him 
from focusing on the jumble of thoughts still ricocheting through 
his mind.  He was still unsure as to who he was in his past life, 
and he often wondered if these people truly WERE his allies.  But 
moments like this were moments of joy for him.  Moments that 
could, for once, be taken at face value, with no underlying 
emotions or hidden meanings.

His thoughts were shattered as he felt Tranatulas leap off his 
back.  He stopped abruptly and spinned around to face his foe, 
transforming as he did so.  "C'mon, Pred, get out here and fight!"

"With pleasure," a voice replied as an array of missiles pounded 
into Bonecrusher's back.

Wofang lept forward and transformed into robot mode, crossbow 
and shield leaping into his hands.  He blasted twice at the form of 
Blackarachnia, rapidly fleeing into the trees, then began running 
after her.

He heard a noise behind him and whirled about to see 
Blackarachnia squatting in a tree, missile launcher pointed 
straight at Wolfang.  "Nice day to die, isn't it?" she said in her 
melodious voice, then fired twice at him.  He dived to the left and 
rolled into a bush.  Twisting around, he fired a crossbow bolt at 
her previous position, but by that time she was gone.

A low whislte sounded behind him, and he did a backflip as 
Blackarachnia's grappling line hit the ground.  Wolfang grabbed 
the line and yanked hard, trying to pull her out of the tree.  
Instead, he was greeted by a mass of self-weaving web, trying to 
ensnare him.  Wolfang used his claws to shred through the web, 
then sprung out of the way as it quickly regenerated.

"You can't escape, Maximal!" Blackarachnia's voice cried, 
mocking him.  Wolfang had the distinct feeling she was right.

"Megatron will be quite pleased if I bring back your head!" 
shouted Jetstorm as he made a vicous attack with his missile 
launcher at Dinobot.

"Bring back the head of ME?  One of his best soldiers?  He'd 
more likely have YOUR head on a stick!" replied Dinobot, 
swinging a blow at Jetstorm with his sword.  Jetstorm ducked 
under the blow, and got a series of swipes from Dinobot's rotor 
weapon, tripping Jetstorm up.  Dinobot tried to spear Jetstorm's 
head with his sword, but Jetstorm rolled out of the way and 
kicked Dinobot in the midsection.  Dinobot staggered back.

"We both know that there's far more to this then the fact that 
you're a good soldier," said Jetstorm, raising to his feet.

"Yes," said Dinobot, jumping away from another barrage of 
missiles from Jetstorm.  "Megs always was uptight about 
respecting my heritage."

"Considering his relation to you, I don't think you should be 
suprised," said Jetstorm, speinging into the air and transforming 
into dragonfly mode.  He twriled around and made a strafing run 
with missiles against Dinobot.  Dinobot sped up his rotor weapon, 
using it as a sort of shield against the undogably fast barrage.

With a roar, Dinobot lept high and transformed, trying to come 
down on top of Jetstorm.

"This is an honorable end to a warrior's life," said Tarantulas 
calmly, choking the life out of Bonecrusher.  "You should be glad 
that your journey to Inferno will be so dignified."

"I've got better things to do today than die!" said Bonecrusher, 
smacking Tarantulas away.  He blinked.  Who had he heard say 
that before?  It was someone, he knew it...

...he saw an image of himself a lifetime away, lined up with many 
others, in front of a city smoking with damage.  "Attack!" their 
commander yelled, and they sprung out, twisting and reshaping 
to form...

Bonecrusher's thoughts returned to the present.  Raising his gun, 
he fired a few blasts at Tarantulas.  The nimble ninja master 
sprung out of the way of the blasts and shot more missiles at 
Bonecrusher.  Having learned from his first encounter, 
Bonecrusher spun out of the way of the series of blasts and 
launched more missiles back at his foe.  Still, Tarantulas dodged 
the missiles.  Tarantulas launched a web at Bonecrusher, who 
easily tore through the web.

Bonecrusher was by no means the sharpest Maximal - indeed, 
Dinobot had often pointed out his learning curve verged on a flat 
line - but he could see when he was getting nowhere.  Changing 
tactics, he suddenly transformed into bison mode and charged 
forward at Tarantulas.

Tarantula's face was frozen in an expression of a sudden, 
unpleasent suprise as Bonecrusher charged right into him.

Wolfang raised his shield to parry another missile barrage.  As he 
fired his crossbow at the source of the missiles, another barrage 
came from behind.  He twirled around and fired, but by then 
missiles were coming at him from another direction.

"Face it, Maximal!" screamed Blackarachnia, her scream echoing 
around Wolfang.  He desperately tried to locate her, to finally get 
a target to shoot at.  "You have no chance of escaping with your 
miserable hide!  Why not succumb right now, and surrender to 
the mighty Predacons?  It would be a whole lot safer, and you'll 
proabably be able to get off with a minimum of torture."

No response.  Blackarachnia smiled to herself, sprinign to 
another place and launching another volley of missiles.  She 
knew that she never got any response.  In truth, it actually was 
preferable not to get any response.  That way it was all that much 
more satisfying to blow the self-righteous slagpit away.  She only 
repeated the line to emphasise the futility of trying to resist the 

Wolfang spun away from the barrage of missiles and accidentaly 
tripped over a branch blasted loose earlier.  He fell to the ground, 
losing his hold on his shield as it spun across the luch green 
forest floor.  He tried to roll out of the way of the next barrage, but 
then he had another idea.  He stopped dead and let himself be 
consumed by the series of blasts.

Blackarachnia's face split into a wide smile.  She dropped out of 
the tree to the ground, striding with practiced ease towards her 
dead adversary.  "Megatron will be pleased," she said to herself.  
"And he didn't think females could hold a place in his army."  She 
saw a slight spark in his eye, moved her launcher over his head, 
and prepared to send her foe to Inferno -

Wolfang suddenly leveled his crossbow at her and deliverd 
repeated shots to the elegant female Predacon.  She screamed 
in pain and raced out of the path of his missiles.  "But how?" she 
began, firing a missile at Wolfang.  Wolfang rolled away and 
stood up.

"It's called rolling with the impact, Blackarachnia," said Wolfang, 
firing more blasts at Blackarachnia.  "They taught it to you in the 
Cybertronian War Academy.  It allows you to take possibly even 
fatal damage without dying."

As Wolfang sprang towards Blackarachnia, Blackarachnia kicked 
him away with a quick leap.

"I'm not going to die today, Maximal!" she cried as she steeled 
herself for the battle about to ensue.

Dinobot gave a definitive swipe with his large claw, slashing deep 
into Jetstorm's back.  Howling in pain, Jetstorm rolled, shaking 
Dinobot off his back.  Dinobot transformed and landed on the 
ground, weapons at the ready.  His sword was still fine, but his 
rotor was too badly damaged from being used as a makeshift 
defense shield to really be useful anymore.  He slung the rotor 
weapon over his back and turned to face Jetstorm.

Jetstorm had transformed and was peppering Dinobot with 
missiles.  Dinobot nimbly dodged back and forth to avoid being 
hit by the missiles.  As he closed in on Jetstorm, Jetstorm 
suddenly straightened his wings, slamming into Dinobot.  Dinobot 
was shoved backwards.

"Why not defect back, Dinobot?" asked Jetstorm, standing over 
Dinobot with his missile launcher poised to fire.

"Megatron would never take me back," Dinobot said calmly, 
without the slightest hint of remorse in his voice.

Jetstorm laughed.  "That's not true, and you know it.  Megatron 
would rather sever his left arm than turn you away."

"Then he can amputate himself," said Dinobot, swinging his 
sword upwards at Jetstrom.  He cut a deep gouge into the 
Predacon's side.  Lubricant and blood flowed from the wound 
and mingled, forming a gruesome puddle at the feet of Jetstorm.

With a cry of rage, Jetstorm transformed and streaked into the 

Dinobot got up and looked in the direction Jetstorm had gone.  
An odd course of action, all things considered.  Dinobot knew 
Jetstorm fairly well.  While not courageous by any stretch of the 
word, Jetstorm certainly would not not have allowed that severity 
of wound to make him retreat.

Unless he wasn't really retreating...

Dinobot toppled forward as Jetstorm smashed into him from 
behind.  The Predacon raised his launcher and fired point-blank 
into Dinobot's back.

Dinobot shuddered slightly at the impact of the missile, then lay 
perfectly still.

Bonecrusher charged forward, Tarantulas desperately trying to 
free himself from the Maximal's horns.  Tree after tree was split 
asunder as Tarantulas shuddered with the force of the impacts.  
Bonecrusher was beginning to lose steam, but he still charged 

Tarantulas finally managed to free himself, and silently leaped off 
of Bonecrusher, prepaing to dissappear into the forest and 
ambush Bonecrusher again.  He was not going to win in a toe-to-
toe slugfest like this one.

"Not THIS time!" roared Bonecrusher.  He charged forward and 
impaled Tarantulas on his horns, slamming through a couple 

Tarantulas drove a large needle deep into Bonecrusher's robotic 
body, then withdrew it.  He pulled himself off of Bonecrusher's 
horns, and fired his grappling line into the trees, swinging away 
from the Maximal.

"All Predacons - I have the sample!  Retreat!"

Blackarachnia looked at Wolfang.  "We will continue this battle 
another day, Maximal!' she exclaimed, then fired her grappling 
line into the trees.

Jetstorm had his launcher pressed against Dinobot's head.  If he 
waited just a little bit longer, he could kill the traitor - and risk 
Megatron's wrath...

He lept off the Maximal and flew off after the two spiders.

"Dinobot!" yelled Bonecrusher, hefting the damaged robot and 
returning to base.  Wolfang transformed and followed suit.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"You got what you were supposed to?" asked Megatron.

"Yes," said Tarantulas, holding up the long needle.  "A sample of 
Bonecrusher's gestalt circuitry.  Mind you," he said, pointing 
towards to two large holes in his chest, "it wasn't exactly taking 
energon from a Nebulan."

"Wait a minute," interjected Blackarachnia.  "I thought we were 
just on a scouting mission.  How did the two of you set this whole 
thing up?"

"Well," began Megatron, "I figured a while ago that the gestalt 
members would eventually fall to this planet, and that most likely 
one of the members would still have a chip that was functioning.  
So we patrol the area, find out which Maximal it is, and boom!  
The Predacons have the gestalts again."

"But how did you know this would be the one?" Blackarachnia 

"Bonecrusher used to be a Decepticon," replied Jetstorm flatly.  
"It was inevitable that he would want to lead the charge when he 
found us."

"But if we don't have the actual chip..," said Blackarachnia, still 
not entirely clear on the strategy.

"Scorponok already remebers a good portion of the gestalt 
technology.  We just needed some of the finer circuits to finalize 
it and begin working on the really hard part: merging the organic 

"Here's the circuitry, mighty Megatron," said Tarantulas, handing 
him the needle.

"Thank you," said Megatron.  "You all go into the restoration 
chamber and get repaired."

The three of them hurried to the restoration chambers.  Megatron 
twirled the long needle in his hand.  He pressed another comm 
button.  "Scorponok!" he said.

The second-in-command's face appeared on the screen.  "Yes, 
lord Megatron?" asked Scorponok with a slight smile.  "Are there 
more incompotents that I can...he he he...reapair for you?"

"Not exactly, Scorponok," replied Megatron with a large grin 
spreading across his face.  "You remember the gestalt you've 
been tinkering with?"

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"He IS going to be okay, right?" asked Cheetor tensely.

Vixen looked over the comatose Dinobot once again.  "He should 
be.  He took a lot of damage to the back, severing his spine, but 
he didn't take much other damage.  A few days in the 
restoraation tank and the organic spine should have reconnected 
itself.  If we're lucky, he might even be fine by tomorrow."

"I thought you knew the severity of the wound," said Cheetor, 
springing off the table he had been sitting on and dashing over to 
inspect Dinobot's wounds for himself.

Vixen sighed, leaning on the table Dinobot was resting on.  
"Biological medicine is not my specialty.  It was included in my 
training, but I can only do so much."  Vixen shoved off of the 
table and walked over to the restoration chamber, preparing it to 
recieve the wounded Dinobot.

"Why don't you talk to Skydive, then?" said Cheetor, dashing 
from the table to lean over Vixen's shoulder.  "He's a biologist.  
Heck, he even served on Earth at one point.  He should know 
plenty about biologicals."

"To start - could you please stop leaning over my shoulder?"

"Sorry," said Cheetor.

"Why don't you bring Dinobot over here?" asked Vixen.

"Sure," he replied, zooming over to the table.

"Thanks," she said, continuing to prep the chamber.  "Anyhow, to 
start with, Skydive is busy being reconfigured into a gestalt."  She 
helped Cheetor load Dinobot into the chamber and began sealing 
it.  "And what's more, he used to be an Autobot.  I wouldn't trust 
him with a comrade's life."

"Oh, come on," said Cheetor.  "The Autobots couldn't have been 
THAT bad.  I mean, the Maximal faction DID spring from them, 
after all."

"In a way," she replied, sealing and activating the chamber.  "Still, 
I really can't blame you for your ignorance.  You weren't on 
Cybertron long enough to really experience what went on."  She 
finished activating the chamber and walked out of the medical 

"But they're on our side," said Cheetor in a meek tone.  He 
looked at the Maximal sigil on the restoration chamber.

"Aren't they?"

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Slag," muttered Stormcloud under his breath.

"What?" asked Rhinox, operating on the prostate form of one of 
the new Maximals - Wingspan, he was called.

"I can't seem to find any lifeforms on this planet tha repeatedly 
join to form larger entities," replied Stormcloud, fingers flying 
across the keyboard.  "I know that earth possessed entities 
known as 'slime molds' to the natives, but I can't seem to find 
that lifeform on this planet."

"Well, if you're not making any headway on the biological version 
of all of this, then come help me install the energon shield into 
Wingspan," Rhinox replied.

Stormcloud walked over, transformed into a Peregrine falcon, 
and helped lift up the device.

"There," said Stormcloud.  "By the by, exactly what do you mean 
by the energon shield?"

"It's a smaller version of what keeps the Axalon from being 
flooded with energon.  I've designed it into five segments, one for 
each member of the gestalt team.  With this ability, the merged 
robot should be able to fight indefinitely."

"Why couldn't we just install it in all of us individual robots?"

"Energon consumption.  If we had a generator in each of us 
personally, then we wouldn't be able to consume energon.  The 
gestalt does not need to consume energon directly, therefore it is 
able to have the shield and yet still not have to suffer the inability 
to consume energon."

"Hmm.  Not bad."  Stormcloud flew back over to the computer 
and resumed typing.

"You never give up, do you?" asked Rhinox.

"No," replied the Maximal.

*Sheesh,* thought Rhinox.  *And they say that I'M tight-lipped!*

Rhinox walked out of the room.  He turned off the light, and he 
saw Stormcloud hunched over the computer, the slight glow from 
the monitor illuminating his face, focusing resolutely on the task 
ahead of him.

Rhinox shook his head and closed the door.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"C'mon, Stormcloud, you can do this."

"You won't fail this time."

"What happened back then was not your fault."

"You did your best."

Stormcloud wiped the sweat from his brow.  He did a double 
take.  Sweat?  Oh, well, a part of the organics, he supposed.

He once again went through the motions he had gone through so 
many times before that night, giving the same commands




"Damn!" he exclaimed loudly.  His head ached with the sleep his 
organic from wanted so badly.  Shoving it to the back of his mind, 
he repeated the sequence.


"SLAG!" he cried loudly.

"What's the matter?" asked Vixen, slipping into the lab.

Stormcloud looked up.  "I didn't hear you approaching," he said.

"It's my organic form," she said.  "It's practically silent.  Unless 
you had been trying to hear it, you wouldn't."

"Ah," he said, leaning back over the computer.

"What IS the matter?" she said again, sitting in one of the chairs 
in the room.  "Why don't you just go get some sleep?"

"I can't do that," he said.

He started as he felt her hand on his shoulder.  He was suprised 
at its soft warmth.

"What are you afraid of?" she asked with a certain sympathy.

Stormcloud sighed and whirled around to face her.  "It happened 
back on Cybertron," he said.

She sat down in a chair to listen.  From force of habit, he got up 
and started pacing back and forth.

"I was the computer technician for a small group of Maximals," 
he continued tensely.  "We were planning a raid on a Decepticon 
base.  My job was to simply break into the computer system and 
shut down the security system.

"I spent a few hours on the program.  I figured that I had it pretty 
much down pat.  I knew that their were a few loose ends, but I 
figured they wouldn't come up.  I stopped working, went out, and 
had a good time.  And I let my work alone.

"I brought up the program.  The force began their attack.  And all 
hell broke loose."

Stormcloud sat down again.  He bent over slightly, and his words 
carried a thick cloud of sadness.

"I had left open some things, and the Decepticons broke through 
my program.  All of the systems came on.  We were totally 
unprepared.  They slaughtered the troops.  Chaseplane, 
Retrograde, Breakneck, Longtooth..."  He bent over and stopped 

Vixen was shocked.  She found her tongue again.  
"Stormcloud...I know how you feel...but it wasn't your fault..."

"Bullslag!" he exclaimed.  His voice was heavy with sorrow.  "I've 
been told the same thing time after time, and it's all bullslag!  It 
WAS my fault!  I KNEW the loose ends were there, and I let 
them go!  I KILLED THEM!  Maybe I wasn't holding the gun, but I 
killed them!  I was their excutioner!!!"

He turned back to the computer.  "I can't allow myself to fail this 
time," he said, beginning to type again.

She grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up by it.  "Maybe it was 
your fault.  But you can't let yourself die along with them."

"Why the slag not?  I should've died, not them."

"But you didn't die.  You lived.  Because Primus still has things 
for you to do.  But that doesn't include torturing yourself over the 
event until you destroy yourself."

He looked up into her green eyes, and saw an incredibly strong 
compassion...and he knew that she saw the something in his, 

She recovered and kissed him lightly on the cheek.  "Now, as the 
primary Repairion and Medic, I insist that you get some sleep."  
She exited the room.

He turned off the computer and walked off to his rest area.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

*Barren,* was the first thought he had as he awoke.  *This room 
is completely barren.*

He was right.  He had landed in stasis right as the gestalt 
technology was beginning to come to the forefront, and since 
then had spent very little time in his quarters.  Not even to sleep, 
in fact.  Many times he had been awakened slumped over the 
computer console, Rhinox shaking him to attention.

"Mornin', technofreak," said Rattrap, walking past his quarters.  
"Finally found where you sleep, eh?  Pillows are softer than a 
computer, y'know."

Stormcloud considered just telling Rattrap to slag off, but then a 
better, much nastier idea came to his mind.  He smiled 
sadistically.  Then, losing the smile, he turned to Rattrap.

"Have you ever considered how a falcon kills it's prey, Rattrap?"

"No.  Why?"

"Just very interesting.  It climbs to a high altitude, and dives on 
it's prey."  He made a swooping downward motion.  "It kills from 
sheer impact.  Usually they prey doesn't even know what's hit it."

Rattrap gulped.

"Of course, they don't always kill from impact.  You see, they 
have immense control over their dives.  They sometimes just 
paralyze their prey and eat it while it's still alive.

Rattrap shrank a little and walked away at a brisk pace.

Stormcloud smiled.  Then he headed back to the lab.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*


Stormcloud gave an exasperated sigh as the same response 
came up for the umpteenth time.

"At this rate, we'll be here for a couple thousand more vorns, at 
least," he groaned.  He began typing again.

Rhinox was sitting near the prostrate form of Windrider, polishing 
his chain rail gun.  "What if we just disable the organic forms 
during the merge?"

"I already tested that theory.  There's a 96.4789% chance that 
disabling the forms even temporarily would permanently sever 
the bonding of the forms."

"Never tell me the odds," said Rattrap, walking into the lab with 
Armordillo and Razorbeast close behind.

Stormcloud looked up.  "In case the three of you hadn't noticed," 
he stated coldly, "nobody is fighting in here, there isn't any 
energon, and there aren't any females in here."

"Ah, give us a break, will ya?" asked Armordillo, peering over 
Stormcloud's shoulder.  "Watcha doing?"

Stormcloud sighed.  "We are TRYING to finish the organic half of 
the gestalt merging process."

"Say what?"

"We're trying to make the animals merge."

"Ah, so it's sort of like group sex for combat purposes," replied 
Armordillo, the light of realization finally dawning in his eyes.

"That's just sick, Armor," said Razorbeast, examining Windrider.  
"Hey, what happens when I press this -"

Windrider leaped up, tearing off the array of tubes that covered 
his body.  He slammed Razorbeast into Rhinox, and fired his 
launcher once at Armordillo and once at Rattrap. Rattrap 
dodged, but Armordillo was flung across the room.

Stormcloud smiled.  "I like these Maximals already," he said.

Windrider stopped and straightened up.  "Sorry," he said. 

"Well, it's understandable," said Rhinox.  "I expected that would 

"Then why didn't you tell Razorbe - never mind, I just answered 
my own question."

"Umm," began Windrider, glancing around at all of the other 
gestalt members still comatose, "did I sorta miss something?"

"You mean ASIDE from crashing on the planet, having to bond 
with organics to protect ourselves from lethal energon fields, 
having one of the Predacons defect to our side, and you being 
configured into a gestalt arm?" said Stormcloud.

"Yeah.  Besides that."

"Nope.  You didn't miss anything."

Armordillo and Razorbeast staggered to their feet.  "What was 
THAT all about?" asked Armordillo.  Despite the small smoking 
spot of ash on his chest, he was none the worse for wear.  
Stormcloud had to admit, that kind of armor was pretty 

"Adjustment shock," replied Stormcloud.  "You'll be fine."  He 
knelt over the computer and resumed typing.

"Hey, what's the problem?" asked Windrider, looking on to the 
computer screen.

"We're having trouble figuring out how to make the organic forms 
correctly meld," replied Stormcloud.

"Huh.  Reminds me of slime molds."

"Yeah, me too," said Stormcloud.  "But it's not native to this 
planet.  If I could just get a bit of the DNA, then I could make it 

"Is that all you need?  Then why don't you get my stasis pod?"


"I had a few DNA samples in there.  I was trying to preserve 

Stormcloud stood up.  "Rhinox, where is the stasis pod for 

Rhinox stopped polishing his gun.  "We kept them all on the 
mountain where they landed."

"I'm going to retrieve the DNA," said Stormcloud.  "Windrider, 
Razorbeast, come with me.  I'll get Airazor and then we're off."

"Yessir," said Razorbeast, transforming to boar mode and 
galloping out of the Axalon.  Stormcloud went out to get Airazor.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"This is Stormcloud to Airazor.  Come in Airazor."

"Airazor here," she said into the wrist communicator as she 
hovered over the pods.

"Any Pred slag in your area?"

"Nope.  From what I can see, when you guys get here we can 
just get the DNA and get back to the Axalon."


A few minutes later, Stormcloud and Windrider swooped into 
view, transforming into their robot modes.  Razorbeast ran up a 
few seconds later, a little winded.

Stormcloud opened up the stasis pod.  "You know the code to 
open the storage chamber, right?" he asked.

Windrider kneeled on the gound and began fiddling with 
something on the interior of the stasis pod.  A few seconds later, 
Airazor heard a soft >psssffffft< as the compartment opened.  
"Ladies first," said Windrider, making a motion for her to retrieve 
the DNA capsules.  She bent over and gathered the small 
capsules up, placing them in her small storage compartment in 
her right shoulder.

"Sure they're safe there?" asked Stormcloud tensely.

"Yes," she replied.  "It's well armored.  They should be just fine."

An explosion suddenly echoed through the mountain.  They 
whirled around.  Lazorbeak and Terrorsaur were flying in front.  
Buzz Saw, Waspinator, and Bloodclot were in the rear.  Hovering 
nearby was Inferno, waiting in his helicopter attack mode.

"Take cover!" shouted Stormcloud.  He leaped forward, folding 
into his sleek falcon form.  Windrider pulled Airazor down behind 
a large rock.  A missile exploded behind them.  "Stay here," he 

"No way!" she said indignantly.  "I'm going to help you!"

"Not this time, Airazor," said Razorbeast, leaping forward into 
robot mode.  "You've got to protect the DNA.  Charging into a 
battle is not a very good protection strategy."

Windrider began to transform.  "Hold it!" she said.  "You're part of 
a gestalt team.  By your own reasoning, you've got to stay here 

He finished transforming.  "I can be replaced," he said flatly.  He 
then flew off to help Stormcloud.

Airazor knelt on the groud, her pistol coming together in her 
hand.  *Nobody said being ground support was unsafe,* she 
thought as she took shots at the Predacons.

Stormcloud climbed, then suddenly turned and dived, using the 
natural speed of the perigrine falcon to his advantage.  He dove 
with incredible speed towards Bloodclot, talons extended.

Bloodclot screamed as the claws dug into his back.  
Transforming to robot mode, Stormcloud brought his missile 
launcher to his hand, and pressed it into the wound.  Preparing to 
leap away, he pulled the trigger.  Chunks of the Predacon flew 
loose as the huge explosion consumed the giant mosquito.  
Stormcloud jumped off as the Pred spiraled down towards the 

Stormcloud transformed into falcon mode again and climbed 
once again to full height.  He dove down, but Inferno must've 
heard him because the hovering Predacon twirled around and 
fired his missile launcher.  Stormcloud banked a hard left and felt 
a searing pain as the missile clipped his right wing.

Coming out of his roll, he change his technique and hlew straight 
up at Inferno.  Inferno was suprised by the kamikaze tactic and 
was caught off gaurd.  Stormcloud transformed, grabbed on to 
Inferno's back, and began punching him repeatedly.

"Must - defend - the colony!" grunted Inferno, tossing Stormcloud 
off his back.  Stormcloud began hovering, bringing his lightning 
gun and launcher to his hands.

"Ha ha!  C'mon!  You can hit me!"  Windrider continued to weave 
in between Waspinator and Buzz Saw's shots.  He dove, then 
climbed up and to an angle, making the two Preds try to trace his 
path.  Flying up behind Buzz Saw, Waspinator's shots ripped 
through his partner's shoulder.

"Hey!" exclaimed the wounded Predacon.

"Smooth move, scrapbrain," said Windrider, diving on 
Waspinator.  The Predacon fell to the ground as Windrider's 
talons dug into his back, rending flesh and metal.  "Say, you mind 
if I snap out your wings, too?  They'll look just great on the 

Windrider screamed out as Buzz Saw's shots strafed across his 
back.  He turned to Buzz Saw, releasing Waspinator.  
Waspinator transformed before he hit the ground and began 
flying wobbily towards Windrider, blasting all the while.

Trying to dodge the pincher-style attack, Windrider dived to one 
side, wings tight against his body.  The two Preds transformed to 
beast mode and chased him in his mad dive.

Razorbeast dodged yet another series of bursts from the two 
pterodactyls and returned the fire with a short burst from his 
double-barreled cannon.  Lazorbeak squawked as the shot hit his 

Razorbeast hated flying, but he kew that he really had no choice 
in the matter.  He ignited the small rockets, spread his large 
"wings" on his back, and glided towards the two Predacons.

They banked away suddenly.  "Whatsamatta, guys?" he asked, 
smiling.  "Ain't ya never seen a guy fly before?"  He punctuated 
his comment with a sweeping burst of fire at the two.  They once 
again banked apart, then flew towards him, cannons blazing.

He said nothing more, instead dived straight down, raking fire 
across their vulnerable bellies.  Screaming, they turned to his and 
concentrated their fire on his left leg.  The leg melted under the 
intense heat, and Razorbeast felt the rockets in it give out.  He 
began to spiral, losing the crucial counterbalance.

Controlling the spin, he wobbily did a barrel roll and flew right at 
Lazorbeak.  He grabbed the Pred by the crest and swung himself 
up onto it's back.  He pressed his cannon into the Pred's back 
and fired.  The Pred cried out as he spiraled down.

As he leaped off the back of the Predacon, he looked up and saw 
Terrorsaur swooping in on him.  His chest was riddled with holes 
as the Pred blasted him with his lasers.  Razorbeak lost 
conciousness before he hit the ground at 20 MPH.

Stormcloud reeled from yet another barrage from Inferno.  He 
almost lost hold of his launcher and lightning gun, but steadied 
himself.  Diving low, he began to sweep across the ground.  
Inferno transformed to fire ant mode and chased after 

"Perfect," said Stormcloud.  He cartwheeled over, spinning onto 
Inferno's back.  Calling out his lightning gun, pressed it hard into 
Inferno's back, and pulled the trigger.

A burst of electricity spewed forth from it as Stormcloud leaped 
off Inferno.  It practically exploded, and flowed through Inferno's 
body - the nearest electrical conductor.  The fire ant went into 
convulsions, twitching madly from the immense amoount of pure 
voltage.  He transformed to robot mode, took two steps towards 
Stormcloud, and fell down, a charred mass of smoking electirfied 

Windrider went into a roll, missiles clipping his wings.  He dived 
straight down and then climbed up again, firing at the Preds from 
beneath.  Waspinator finally gave up and plummeted to the 
ground, a damaged hunk of metal.

"Give it up, Maximal!" cried Buzz Saw, firing madly.  "You can't 
hold out forever!"

"As someone I once knew said," replied Windrider, "I've got two 
words for you: Up, and yours!"

Another slew of missiles whistled past his side.  *Maybe that 
wasn't such a great thing to say,* he thought.  He twirled around 
and rushed right at Buzz Saw, talons at the ready.  Buzz Saw 
tried to swing away, but by that point it was too late to veer off.  
Windrider's talons slashed through Buzz Saw's bug face.  
Windrider, however, kept going, flying over Buzz Saw and 
transforming.  Landing and Buzz Saw's back, he raised his arms, 
endowed with his powerful talons from hawk mode, and thrust 
them through Buzz Saw's body.

Buzz Saw screamed as he plummeted into the ground.  
Windrider leaped off and shot towards Terrorsaur.  Stormcloud 
did the same.

Terrorsaur took stock of the situation.  He could probably take 
out one or the other of them, considering the severity of their 
wounds, but the likelihood of him being able to take them both 
down without severe wounds was very low.  Also, he had seen a 
fourth Maximal who had not engaged in combat, and their was a 
high probability that the three of them could take down the one of 

He picked up Waspinator and Lazorbeak as the severely 
wounded Bloodclot picked up Buzz Saw and Inferno.  The two 
Predacons then limped off to their ship.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Two in the chambers at once?  It's a new record!"  Vixen 
continued patching up Stormcloud's wounded arm.  "Well, you 
almost died that time.  Now do you feel any better?"

Stormcloud chuckled a little.  "Actually, yes," he said.

Vixen looked up in terror.

"I'm kidding," he said.  "I just wanted to see your reaction."

She punched him lightly.  "You're starting to act like Armordillo," 
she said.

"Now there's a scary thought," he said.  He hopped off the table 
and walked over to Airazor.  "The DNA?"

The compartment in her shoulder popped open.  "Here you go," 
she said, handing him the small capsules.

He took them and began walking back towards the lab.  He 
motioned for Windrider to follow him

"Wait just a slagging minute!" she called after them.  "You aren't 
repaired yet!"

"That can wait," he said.

Vixen buried her head in her hands and sighed.  "You are 
INFURIATING, you know."

"Apparently," he replied.

She hopped off the table after him.  "At least let me come with 
you to finish the repairs."

"Feel free," he said.

Airazor watched as the three robots left the room, throughly amused.

"Well, what do you know.  Stormcloud has finally realized that 
Vixen existed," said Rattrap, his words practically dripping with 

"You've gotta admit, it is pretty amusing," she said.  She got up 
and walked out of the medlab.

"Was it something I said?" asked Rattrap.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Did the strike succeed?" asked Megatron.

"That would depend on whose immediate positon you were in, 
sir," replied Terrorsaur.  "But yes, we did get the DNA scan."

"We most certainly did," said Fadeout, only his outline visible.

"Where were you?" asked Terrorsaur in an irritated tone.

Fadout's body became visisble, filling in his faint outline.  "I was 
still using my camos form," he replied.  "If I had attacked the 
Maximals, they would have noticed me, and my cover would 
have been blown."

"Really?" said Terrorsaur in an irritated tone.  "How convinient for 
you that you couldn't attack our you'd endanger our mission."

"Shut.  Up.  Terrorsaur," said Megatron.

Terrorsaur considered the merits of speaking his mind over 
disobeying someone who's original namesake had been called 
"The Slag Maker."  He shut up.

"Take your scan to Scorponok," said Megatron.  Fadeout nodded 
compliantly and headed off to Scorponok's lab.

"The rest of you get into the restoration chambers.  And some of 
you," he glared at Terrorsaur, "had better stay in there for a 
LONG time."

As usual, his troops scrambled to the restoration tanks.  
ANYTHING was better than risking Megatron's wrath.

"Excuse me, mighty Megatron," said Blackarachnia, turning to 
face him, "but how is it that you continue to snatch some small 
victory out of every defeat?"

"Knowing what will happen before it happens can be a great 
asset," Megatron replied.  He leaned back in his throne and 
began chuckling to himself.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

"Okay, is everybody ready?" said Stormcloud, standing in front of 
all of the other Maximal troops.

"Get on with it!" called somebody, probably Armordillo.

"Alrighty then," he said, turning to the five gestalt members.  "You 
guys all ready for this?"

Windrider was flexing his wrist, slashing through the air with his 
repaired talons.  Skydive was absorbed in the arm-stored 
computer.  Skyfall was perched on the top of the Axalon in falcon 
form.  Cloudspin was leaning against the wall, her arms folded 
across her chest.  Over them all, Wingspan stood as leader of 
the team.  "We're ready," he said.  "Aeriomals, merge to form...

The five robots leaped together, twisting and melding into one 
gigantic form.  The robot forms fit together, and the organic 
forms intertwined with small tenderils, all forming one massive 

"Skyking," whispered Vixen.  "Impressive, Stormcloud."

"I agree," said Megatron.

The Maximals whirled around to see the Predacons standing 
behind them.  One of them stood tall and cried out "Reptilicons, 
form Reptilitor!!!"

The five gestalt members twined together as the Maximal gestalt 
had done but a few scant moments ago.

Reptilitor and Skyking stood across from one another.  Reptilitor 
was a ensemble of scales and claws.  His face was a twisted in 
an expression of rage.  Skyking was feathers and talons and 
smooth, gleaming metal.  His face was a rigid expression of stoic 
heroism.  Then, he tossed Reptilitor a cocky grin and charged 

The two met in a giantic clash.  Reptilitor threw a vicous 
uppercut, but Skyking dodged to the right and shoved him 
backwards.  Reptilitor, as he fell backwards, aimed a cannon at 
Skyking, blasting him in the shoulder.  Skyking leaped backwards 
and fired an arm cannon a Reptilitor, who lept skyward and 
lashed out with a whip towards Skyking.  He dodged out of the 
way and extended the talon on his right arm.

For a moment, the Predacon and Maximal armies were frozen, 
watching the titanic opponents batter each other with arrays of 
weapons.  Then, almost as an afterthought, Megatron yelled 
"Charge!" and the battle was on.

Stormcloud fired blast after blast, knocking out various 
Predacons.  He waded through a sea of them, not looking for 
anybody in particular, just trying to cause the most damage.

Then he saw it.

Vixen had somehow found Megatron, and had tried to take him 
down.  Now he was proving his position as leader of the 
Predacons by displaying the only sort of politics that existed in 
the Predacons: raw power.  He pounded her with blow after blow.

screamed Stormcloud.  He launched himslef dead at Megatron.  
The Predacon leader barely had a chance to turn his head before 
Stormcloud slammed into him.  He began blasting and flailing at 
him, his assault carrying strength only from his frantic actions.

"Your side killed my CREATORS!" he cried as he punched 
Megatron in the face.  "They killed my FRIENDS!" he yelled as he 
blasted his lightning gun into Megatron's flank.  "They killed my 
SISTER!" as he elbowed Megatron in the stomach.  "And they 
killed my LIFE!" as he clenched his fists together and smacked 
Megatron across the face.  He pressed his missile launcher into 
Megatron's head.  "But you won't kill her," he said as he tightened 
his grip on the trigger.

He felt a huge force ripping through his chest.  He looked down 
and saw Megatron's T-Rex head cannon ripping through his 
chest, propelling him up and backwards into a tree.  The gaping 
hole in his chest was charred around the edges, and sent 
painrocketing through his entire body.  He couldn't see straight.  
He saw Megatron stepping towards Vixen, and clumsily fired a 
lightning bolt at Megatron.

He hit purely out of luck.  "Want more, eh?" said Megatron, 
aiming his cannon at Stormcloud's head.  "Hopefully, this will be 
enough to finish you ugh!"

The next word was hypothetically "off", but it was cut short as 
Optimus Primal charged into him at full speed.  "Leave my troops 
alone!" he yelled.

Vixen walked over to Stormcloud.  "You nearly died for me," she 

He smiled weakly.

She picked up and cradled his remains, and ran with him towards 
the Axalon.

"Get OFF me!" screamed Megatron as he shoved Primal off him.  
Primal rolled to one side, then turned at Megatron and fired at 
him.  Megatron recoiled from the blast and shot at Primal's 
shoulder.  Primal was knocked down from the intensity of the 

"Now SURRENDER!" said Megatron, pointing his cannon at 
Primal's head.

Priaml said nothing, simply hurled his mace at Megatron.  The 
large weapon slammed into Megatron, and Megatron was 
knocked back.  Primal drew his swords and lept at Megatron, 
trying to keep Megatron away from the Maximals that were 
fleeing into the Axalon.  He recognized one of them as Vixen, but 
he didn't know the other one very well, although he knew that he 
was the Maximal who was head of the gestalt project.

Primal and Megatron continued to fight.

Reptilitor struck Skyking again with his whip, leaving a trail of red 
and yellow behind it.  Skyking, knocked down, rolled backwards 
and then lept forward, smashing into Reptilitor with his talon.  
Reptilitor aimed his cannon into Skyking's chest, but Skyking 
grabbed the cannon and twisted it shut.  Reptilitor tripped 
Skyking and prepared to smash Skyking's head.  Skyking rolled 
away and got up again.

Grabbing a large stone, Skyking swung at Reptilitor.  The 
Predacon gestlat fell to the ground.  Preparing to stab through his 
enemy with his talons, Skyking was knocked back as his enemy 
kicked him hard with both legs.  Reptilitor picked up a rock and 
hurled it at Skyking, who leaped into the air and fired at Reptilitor.  
Reptilitor fell down to the ground.

"I grow weary of this battle," growled Megatron, as he pummeled 
Primal with yet another blast.  "Now, fall!"

"NEVER!" yelled Primal.  He blasted wildly at Megatron.  
Megatron steps back, startled by the assault.  Primal picked up 
his sword and drove it through Megatron's chest, and began 
ripping it open.  He stopped and stood back, yanking out his 

Megatron fell to the ground.

Terrorsaur looked over the battlefield.  Although the Maximals 
were taking a beating, the Predacons were being pushed back.  
Megatron and Scorponok were too injured to fight anymore.  
Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, he screamed, 
"Predacons, retreat!"

The gestalt fighting Skyking broke up and disperesed.  Firing a 
few last shots, the Predacons gathered up their wounded and 
left.  Skyking stood tall, a towering pillar of strength.  *Stormcloud 
would be proud,* thought Rhinox as he headed back into the 
Axalon, carrying a wounded Maximal.  *He would most certainly 
be proud.*

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

Stormcloud's world hazily came back into focus, showing Vixen's 
smiling face.

"Don't do that again," she said, reconnecting various internal 
wires.  "If I hadn't been nearby, or Primal hadn't stopped 
Megatron - well, you might've died."

""  His face was twisted into 
an expression that Vixen couldn't quite read.

"Yes," she said.  "It worked perfectly, Stormcloud.  You've proved 
yourself.  You did wonderfully."

He smiled.  "," he said weakly.  He allowed himself 
to drift back into unconciousness.

She gently ran a hand up his head.  "Rest," she said, smiling 
softly at him.

	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*	*

They were gone now.  He could be released.

He leaped out of the small compartment, unfolding from his 
small, tiny, hidden form.  He stretched his arms high above his 
head - Primus, it felt good to be able to STRETCH again!  He 
stretched for a few more minutes, letting his motors get used to 
the atmosphere and movement again, then sat down.

He began a scan of the area.  There were high levels of energon 
on the planet - he mentally activated his energy absorbtion field 
to keep the energon within safe levels.  There were also two 
crashed ship, apparently of Cybertronian origin.  Further scans 
revealed a Predacon sigil and a Maximal sigil, confirming his 
theory about the origin of the ships.  He wondered how the two 
had come to be here - but then again, most likely it had 
something to do with the stasis pod he had hidden in.

Getting up, he searched around for any sort of cavern or the like.  
Finding a small cave, he began to drag the stasis pods into the 
cave.  He also grabbed a few loose robot parts that looked like 
they could prove useful in the future.  When he was done, he left 
the cave, squatting on a small ledge and gazed out over the 
landscape, with the exoctic flora and fauna blossoming over the 

He was quite pleased with this world he had landed on.  He 
would take the pods and spare parts, and he would finish 
reconfiguring himself to a slightly more opportune form.  When 
he was done with that, then he would want to go exploring - find 
out where to get energon, where the hideaways were, - and 
possibly find out what the Predacons and Maximals were doing 
on this planet.

It was certainly an interesting mystery to investigate.  He might 
wind up lending his assistance as an ally to one of them - or 
maybe he'd just destroy them.  It really wasn't something he'd 
planned for, but it was an interesting new twist to decide upon.  
He would figure it all out in time.

And, if nothing else, time was one thing he had plenty of.