
Secret Revealed

By: Syntia13


Words 'Losing Face, part 8' were visible on the screen. Long amount of text below them was being deleted.

Sapphfire tugged at the bonds. "I'm going to kill you for that, Tarantulas!" she gritted passionately.

He chuckled. "Like THAT could be worse than what you would have Rampage do to me. I know precisely what you've planned, and I

won't have that."

Sapphfire struggled again. This was ridiculous. How can an author suddenly end up tied up to the chair by a character?

Suddenly she thought of something.

"Was it by any chance you who kept fusing the lights every time I felt like writing?" she asked suspiciously. His chuckle said it all.

He ignored incoherent death threats coming from behind. Finally Sapphfire calmed down a little.

"You can't keep me here forever."

"Heeheehee, maybe not, but long enough."

"Long enough for what?" she tugged at the bonds again. The one that tied her left hand to the arm-rest seemed to loosen...

At that precise moment Tarantulas glanced at her over his shoulder and narrowed his visor. "None of that, my sweet!" He stalked to her and tightened the bond again.

"You will remain here till I finish this fic for you."


"Teeheehee, you see, I only have to rewrite it so that it ends with me capturing those two renegades and turning them to my

slaves, and put it in the net. Then it will be official and there will be nothing you can do about it." He chuckled again,

but his amusement was cut off abruptly as the door exploded.

"Oh no, you don't!" enraged voice bellowed in the smoke.

After mere seconds Tarantulas was laying in the corner unconscious, and Sapphfire was lifted along with the chair to green optics' level.

"Well," she said. "Untie me!"

Rampage smiled nastily. "Oh, I don't think so."

He put the chair in front of the computer screen and snapped the bonds that kept her hands...but left the others intact.

"Now," he said, fingering his launcher meaningfully, "write!"

And that, boys and girls, is the secret of why we have to wait for some fics so long. So don't bring your characters home,

they're never as tamed as you'd like!

*goes into fit of insane, maniacal laughter*


*calms down*

sorry. It was just a thought...