
By Spectre the Hechidnat

Chapter 9: Return of the Emissary

Towering above Silverbolt, Primal Prime's gaze was both stern and sympathetic. The Fuzor refused to meet his commander's eyes, though he stood with his head high and his back straight. With a sigh, the Living Matrix sat back in his enormous chair.

"Silverbolt, I won't pretend to understand your actions. Blackarachnia...the other Maximals...memories transmitted to me through Optimus Primal's brief carriage of the Matrix...even my own experience tells me that you are a being of honor and nobility. And yet, you savagely disabled multiple foes and murdered a helpless opponent. Do you have an explanation?"

"No explanation that would look good on a report, sir. I'm afraid that my feelings towards Jetstorm provoked me into action against his comrades when they stood against me. On top of that, I have always disliked Quickstrike profusely. Whatever punishment you deem worthy, I will submit to."

Eyes softening, the enormous Maximal put a massive hand on his subordinate's shoulder. "I have no intention of punishing you, Silverbolt. The memories of countless Autobot rulers are in my mind; I know that the life of a soldier is strenuous. Given Dinobot's disappearance, I see no reason to enforce discipline."

Bowing respectfully, the chivalrous Maximal departed. Smiling behind his faceplate, the Maximal commander turned his thoughts to the rest of the Maximals. Dinobot had left, leaving a vague message stating his reasons for leaving, and warning that he would be coming back with a new ally if all went well. Knowing Blackarachnia, she was waiting in the quarters she and Silverbolt shared, hoping that her love would not be punished too severely. Rattrap and Cheetor were on monitor duty, though knowing the former they were engaged in a poker game. As for Depth Charge, the Maximal marine was occupied in a training simulation.

Flying high above the streets of Cybertropolis, the remaining members of the Axalon crew smiled at each other. Airazor and Tigatron had been assigned to serve on the same shift, the whole team aware of their intense feelings for each other. Now both natives of Earth spent time flying through the air, enjoying Cybertron's unique beauty.

"This is truly a world of wonder," Tigatron said.

Airazor nodded. "It's not Earth, but with a little time I suppose I could come to feel at home. Especially with you here."

Chuckling, Tigatron turned his eyes to the ground. Nothing appeared amiss, so he let his guard relax. That was all it took for a pair of missiles to slam into himself and Airazor.

Dropping to a nearby roof, the pair of Maximals switched to robot mode. Before she could draw weapons, Airazor was caught in a crossfire orchestrated by Tarantulas and the Vehicons. As she crashed to the ground, Tigatron let out a roar, drawing his freeze pistols. "Airazor!"

Nemesis Prime watched from a nearby rooftop, looking on as his fellow 'Cons opened fire on the beleaguered Tigatron. It had been his strategy in the first place, a plan to shift the balance of power in the wake of Quickstrike's death and Waspinator's defection. Now as he watched the former scout's efforts, the Predacon Mammoth felt a twinge of remorse.

"It's just sad to see such a worthy combatant get shot down," he rumbled.

Concealed on another rooftop nearby, Windrazor watched the exchange of firepower with dismay. Even more strongly than his chosen enemy, Windrazor was saddened to see Tigatron facing such impossible odds. Drawing his Energon katana, he made his decision then and there.

"I will not allow this brave warrior to fall alone. Even if I am destroyed with him, it shall be in honorable cause." Lifting his sword, he howled a battle cry. "For Primus! For Life!"

Jetstorm tumbled out of the way as Windrazor swooped down on him, his sword slashing. Though Jetstorm's Spark was supposed to be immortal, he didn't want to take any chances with such a weapon. Turning on his jets, the Vehicon general rose into the air. "This is too hot for me; I'm out of here!"

None of the other combatants watched as Jetstorm fled. Scavenger and Rampage double-teamed Tigatron, firing on the Maximal as he struggled to shoot down their missiles with his weapons. His body was slowly wearing down under the Predacon assault, and he slumped to his knees as he struggled to keep up his barrage.

Windrazor found himself being pelted by the attacks of the Vehicons and Tarantulas, their laser weapons unleashing a storm that even his sword skills were hard-pressed to thwart. Fighting his way through the barrage, he took dozens of hits. At last he was by Tigatron's side, slashing at lasers and missiles alike. Briefly liberated, Tigatron picked up Airazor, cradling her limp form in his arms.

"Rest easily, my love...I'm here."

Looking up at him, the female replied weakly. "Doesn't look like we're getting out of this one. I'm sorry that we didn't have longer." Airazor coughed, and her voice grew even weaker. "Remember what we said when the Vok abducted us? No matter where we go in the universe, my Spark will find yours..."

"And mine yours," Tigatron finished.

Suddenly, both of them were surrounded by an energy field. Before their eyes, a pair of Vok appeared. Looking at the two Maximals, they spoke in their toneless voices. "We can save you both, if you so wish. As one we once made you, and as one you can be again. Know that it will not be eternal; when the spawn of Unicron falls, you shall be separate again. Do you accept?"

"We do."

Light flooded the battlefield as the Vok energy field exploded. Windrazor slumped to the ground, overcome by the Predacon barrage. Vehicon and Predacon alike stared as the shadowy figures of Tigatron and Airazor merged within the light. Scavenger and Rampage cringed as a familiar form appeared.

Tall and powerful, the massive Maximal known as Tigerhawk landed upon the ground. Looking around with amber eyes, he growled. "You have tried to kill me and the noble warrior at my feet. Now you will know the power of the Vok!"

His hands glowing with power, Tigerhawk unleashed a pair of lightning bolts. These struck Tarantulas, Scavenger, and Rampage, sending them flying off into space. The remaining soldiers looked at each other, wondering if it was worth the effort to try and attack. The sight of Primal Prime, Depth Charge, and Cheetor jetting through the air towards them quickly dispelled that idea. Both Vehicons fled, and Nemesis Prime followed them from his rooftop perch.

Landing on the roof, Primal Prime recognized Tigerhawk clearly. "Welcome back, Emissary."

Tigerhawk shook his head. "I am Emissary no longer, Primal Prime. That is your role now."

"Never expected to see you again," Depth Charge muttered.

Gazing down at Windrazor, Cheetor whistled. "What happened to him?"

Primal Prime lifted the enigmatic warrior from the ground, cradling him in both huge hands. "Tell us on the way back to Axalon Tower; our friend needs a CR Chamber."

To be continued...