Plant Psycho

By: Megatron Wannabe & Darkshadow15


Jessie was walking home from school she only had a about an hour or two before her sleep over with Sammy. So she got home right away and started to pack. Sammy was home and she got the Beast wars DVDs ready. Her and Jessie are big fans of Beast Wars. Sammy LOVES Megatron and Jessie LOVES Rampage. So Jessie had about 10 minutes before she had to be at Sammy’s house. So she got all the junk food and stuffed it I her bag. She thought she would be late so she left about 5 min. earlier. Jessie finally reached Sammy's house. She rang the doorbell waiting for Sammy to answer.


Sammy: Hey Jessie come on in. Did you bring the junk food!

Jessie: Yep. Hey lets get this marathon started.


Sammy: All right. This is going to be great. I call the couch!

*Lands on couch* *Evil laugh*

Sammy: sorry. I'm not that mean. You can have some.

*Puts the first DVD in*

Sammy: What kind of food would you like to start with first?


Jessie- I want a Pepsi and some popcorn! So Jessie went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. Sammy came in to get something to drink. The popcorn was done so they went back to watching the DVD. Jessie: this may sound weird Sammy but I wish we were in Beast Wars! As if by command the TV. Sucked Jessie and Sammy in and they ended up in a weird jungle


Sammy: This is just too weird.

*Hears giant footsteps*

Sammy: OMG! Don't tell me, Jessie what did you do? What did you wish on?

Sammy: This is just too weird.

*Hears giant footsteps*

Sammy: OMG! Don't tell me, Jessie what did you do? What did you wish on?


Jessie- I don't know but I'm freaking out.

Sammy- I hear something loud. And I think it's coming towards us!

All of the sudden Rampage and Inferno appear. Rampage picks Jessie up by the ankles.

Rampage- Ahh! Humans what are you doing here?

Jessie- I don't know!

Inferno- we must take them back to our queen

So Jessie and Sammy were taken back to the Predacon base.


Sammy: where's the queen? I gotta see the queen

*Yanks on Inferno*


*Rampage stares at Sammy*

Sammy: Sorry. The queen is soooooo hot. I shall seduce her! Him. It. Whatever.

*Jumps out of Inferno's arms and looks around*

Sammy: Rampage, I’ll help you get your spark back if you hold Jessie longer. But be nice.


Rampage- no way!

Rampage drops Jessie on the floor. Inferno left the room

Rampage: There is no way I’ll help humans.

Rampage went to his quarters. All of the sudden Tarantulas appears.

Tarantulas- Oh look dinner! Yum!


Sammy: Back off buddy! I have the power!

Tarantulas: What power?

Sammy: This power

*Rubs feet on the floor* *zap*

Sammy: HAHA!

Sammy: I am the new royalty! You will listen or be destroyed!

*Looks at Jessie*

Sammy: you know it's true about this power thing. It goes straight to your head.

Sammy: Wanna find Rampage and turn him into your man slave?


Jessie- No you just hurt the second hottest bot around

*Glares at Sammy*

Jessie- I hate you! Besides Megatron is coming!

Sammy: how do you know that?

Jessie: Because he's behind you laughing his head off!

Sammy turns around and hugs Megatron

Megatron- Get off of me human!


Sammy: Awe. You're a transmetal. You're evil!

Sammy: you hurt Rampage. I like him you know

Megatron: like I care. Now get off.

Sammy: NO! You are mine! I shall rule the Predicons and Maximals alike. And you shall be my man slave

Megatron: *twitch* *twitch* I don't think so. Besides, what do you humans know about the Maximals?

Sammy: We were around since G1. We know all! Want our help?


Megatron- Yessss! You (pointed to Sammy) will stay with me. And you (pointed to Jessie) will stay with Rampage

Rampage walked in

Rampage: oh no that wild thing isn't staying with me!

Megatron- That’s in order!

Rampage dragged Jessie in his quarters. Inside Rampages quarters~

Rampage- If you come near me I will kill you. A slow and painful death! Understand!

Jessie nods her head


~Back in the control room~

Megatron: do you know how to work this machinery?

Sammy: are you nuts? I hardly know how to work my computer.

Megatron: maybe you aren't as useful as I thought you were.

Sammy: please don't get rid of me. I am good with strategies. And Jessie's real good with everything else. I bet we could infiltrate there base without them knowing.

Sammy: we are small and new here. They'll think we got lost or something. What do you think?

Megatron: ...That might work. *Over comlinks* *Megatron to Rampage*


Rampage (Over comlinks) Yes oh great one? What do you wish for me to do know?

Megatron (Over Comlinks) Bring me the other human to the control room. Megatron out

Rampage- Human come here!

Jessie- what

Rampage- what do you mean what?

Jessie- I am not supposed to talk to you! You said you would kill me if I did!

Rampage- Oh yes I did say that! Well I’m giving you permission to talk to me! Megatron wants us in the control room.


Sammy: so.... how are you?

Megatron: what? Are you addressing me? Pitiful human. Do you think I really care about you? I just need you to get to the Maximals

Sammy: ...oh. I'm sorry. I just thought....

Megatron: OH Stop it! I command you! If you disobey me one more time, I’ll kill you

*Keeps quiet*

Rampage: We're here oh great one.

Megatron: I can hear the sarcasm dripping from your voice Rampage. Do you need a reminder of whose boss?

*Squeezes the box with Rampage's spark in it*

*Rampage falls to the floor*


Jessie- Why you...

Jessie hops on Megatron and throws the box with Rampages spark to Sammy

Megatron- Why you little...

Megatron threw Jessie into Sammy

Sammy gave Rampage his spark back

Tarantulas came out of his quarters

Tarantulas- what's going on around here?

Megatron: Tarantulas I want you too get rid of this human (that's Jessie)

Tarantulas: yes! Of course Megatron

Tarantulas picked up Jessie by her arm and went of to the dark shadows of the base


Sammy: HEY! I wont help you Megatron if you harm her.

Megatron: oh I wont harm her, nooo. Tarantulas will.

Sammy: ... well if anyone does, you'll be sorry

Megatron: I’m sure. *Puts a collar on Sammy* Now you have to listen to me. Like Rampage, you are my prisoner. If you disobey, you wont breathe.

Sammy: I’m sure.

Megatron: let me demonstrate. *Presses button*

Sammy starts to choke*

*Hides Rampage's spark*


In Tarantulas's lair~

Tarantulas- Now what should I do with a little human?

Jessie- Let me go!

Tarantulas- I want your help to over throw Megatron

Tarantulas put something that looks like a necklace on Jessie

Tarantulas- Every time you don't listen to me you will be punished!

Jessie- Wow how fun!

Tarantulas presses a button

Jessie falls to the ground in pain

Tarantulas (Evil laugh)


Tarantulas: what to do with you.

Tarantulas: what skills do you have?


Jessie- I dunno everything but strategies

Tarantulas- Maybe you and I can rule the Predacons together


Jessie: perhaps we can. But I get to be commander

Tarantulas: how about a deal? Equal power?

Tarantulas: or should I just rule by myself and left you as a maintenance bot?


Jessie- well fine you can be the stupid ruler I quit!

Tarantulas pressed the button and Jessie fell to the floor growling in pain (Growling like a tiger)

Tarantulas- Silly little human you can't quit.

Jessie- Your right so I’m gonna kill you instead

Jessie jumps on Tarantulas and doesn't get to far because...


*Tarantulas moved out of the way and caught Jessie in a web net*

Tarantulas: how do you like that?

Tarantulas: now you must obey me. Or I shall eat you. And believe me, *moves close to Jessie's ear* I’ll enjoy it.

*Tarantulas walked towards his control panel. Leaving Jessie in the web*

Tarantulas thinking: foolish girl.

*Tarantulas punched in a few keys and her web cage started to move

Tarantulas: don't worry. It's not like I’m going to put you in a pot to boil.

*Jessie starts to whine*


Tarantulas: don't tempt me! *Turns back to his work* I should have known that this was a bad idea. Like with Black Arachnia. But I know how to handle this one. *Evil laugh*


Jessie- (singing) why can't we be friends la la la

Tarantulas- That's it human you are really tempting me

Jessie shuts up. But sings it in her head

Back to the pred base-

Tm2 Dinobot walks in.  In Beast mode and sees Sammy.

Dinobot- What is this?

Sammy- Sammy and your Dinobot! I never liked you!

Megatron presses the button and Sammy starts to choke.


Sammy: Meanie.

*Megatron pushes button again*

*Chokes Sammy*

Dinobot: Let her go

Megatron: pardon?

Dinobot: I just meant that she is needed. If you kill her now, she'll be of no use.

Megatron: hmm. Good point. I’ll give you more leverage human. But anger me again, and you'll pay

Sammy: so you want me to kiss your skid plate more then he does?


Meanwhile back at Tarantulas' lair

Tarantulas- I still don't know what to do with you!

Jessie- (to herself) that's because you’re a fat spider that likes to torture people like me

Tarantulas- what was that?

Jessie- What was what huh?

Tarantulas- you just called me a fat spider!

Jessie (to herself) that's because you are but we all can't be thin!

Tarantulas- I heard that!

Jessie- What are you talking about?


Tarantulas: I can hear every little thing you say. I suggest you be quieter with your thoughts.

Tarantulas: I know every little thing you do. This cave echoes everything. You can't do anything without my knowing so.

Tarantulas: so will you talk like a civilized human, even though I think you can't, or shall I choke you to death? Or perhaps I’ll drink your blood slowly. Which would you prefer?


Jessie- Umm the first choice whatever that was!

Tarantulas turned around and mumbled something about Jessie being a idiot

Jessie (to herself) Tarantulas is so nice I get to live for Now!

Tarantulas went outside of his lair real quickly

Jessie (to herself) man I thought I was an idiot. But Tarantulas takes first prize for that


~Back at the base~

Megatron: could you hurry it up human? You are really trying my patience!

Sammy: I’m sorry okay. I told you I’m computer illiterate. Meaning I can't do much


*Sammy starts to mumble*

Megatron: don't forget... *puts finger on button*

Inferno: ROYALTY! I have found Tarantulas for you.

Megatron: Yesss. *Accidentally pushes button*

*Sammy screams*

Megatron: oops. Sorry. Well, not really

*Dinobot walks over to Sammy*

Dinobot: it's okay. I'll distract him while you make a break for it.

Sammy: no that's okay. He’s falling right into my hands.


Inferno dragged Tarantulas to Megatron

Tarantulas- what do u want?

Megatron- Where's the other human?

Tarantulas-she tied up at the moment (evil laugh)

Megatron- In about 10 minutes I wish fir you to scout over by the jungle.

Tarantulas- as you command Megatron!

Rampage was over by Tarantulas' lair and thought he heard something but kept walking.


As Rampage kept walking, he heard a thundering noise. It seemed to be coming from underground Rampage looked around for the source. There had to be an entrance somewhere. Finally, he found a rock with a strange marking.

Rampage: Looks like one of Tarantulas’s. Better check this out or "mighty Megatron" will have a fit.

Rampage lifted the rock and proceeded to walk down into the bowels of the earth.

There, he found the human playing with Tarantulas's beakers.

Rampage walked up behind her.

Rampage: what do you think you're doing?


Jessie- Back away Rampage!

Rampage-calm down I just wanted to know what you were doing

Jessie (thinking to herself) Man first Tarantulas, now Rampage. And I thought Tarantulas was a moron

Rampage-Whatever I’ll be back for you later.

Tarantulas came right as Rampage left. And Jessie was still playing with his beakers


Tarantulas: WHAT...ARE.... YOU...DOING?!

Jessie gulps and turns around.

Tarantulas: do you have any idea of what you are messing with?!

Jessie: just some useless beakers?

Tarantulas: FOOL! You’re the useless one! You are messing with a highly combustible compound that will erupt into a giant cosmic cloud that will create the greatest crater this planet or any planet for that matter has ever seen.


 Jessie- OH! So what where all those words you were mumbling?

Tarantulas snatched the beakers away from Jessie

Tarantulas- I heard what you called me! A moron!?

Jessie- Yeah! Hi how are you!

Tarantulas was walking towards Jessie he grabbed her by the throat and....


Tarantulas started to choke her.

Tarantulas: I don't care what Megatron thinks right now! You are far more inferior then I thought. You must be destroyed. There is no further use for you!

Rampage was making his usual route around Tarantulas's lair.

He heard raised voices and being to worry

Rampage: Megatron said that he wants the human taken care of. I don't want her bothering me but she's with Tarantulas. That could be worse then death.

Rampage made his way back down the hole. He found Jessie struggling with Tarantulas.

Rampage: I wont allow this!


Tarantulas let go of Jessie. Who was gasping for breath?

Tarantulas- How did you get here!?

Rampage- It doesn't matter I will take the human back to the base.

Tarantulas- She's staying with me

Jessie (thought to herself) awe to guys are fighting over me

Tarantulas- I promise I won't hurt here again.

Rampage- Fine but if I catch you hurting her I will come and show you real pain!

As rampage left Tarantulas looked around for Jessie. Jessie was still in his lair and was hiding from him.

Tarantulas- Come out human I won't hurt you.... Much!

Tarantulas found Jessie and he was behind her and he...


Tarantulas: you think you're so swift. Think again. You need to learn manners. And what better way of learning, then to survive

Tarantulas: you know what I mean?! You must survive in the jungle for the night. If you survive, I’ll let things slide. But if you come back crying and helpless, you HAVE to obey me. Understand?!


Jessie- (whining) do I have to?

Tarantulas- Yes!

Tarantulas grabbed Jessie and they walked to the jungle and he threw her in there.

Tarantulas- Remember our agreement!

Jessie- Yup whatever fag err I mean Tarantulas

Tarantulas walked back to his lair. Jessie didn't know that she had a camera thing attached to her

Jessie- Fine I don't need him! He just tried to kill me.


Cheetor was making his usual rounds in the jungle.

He heard footsteps. He thought that I might be a Predicon. He waited until the steps got closer. He opened fire. When he looked back, he saw a girl holding her head


Cheetor: I... I’m sorry. I didn't know you were human.

Cheetor: wait a minute... how can you talk? And what are you wearing?

Cheetor: I thought you were supposed to be covered in fur


Jessie- FUR HUMANS DON'T HAVE FUR. Oh I need you to go away!

Cheetor- What's going on!? I'm not gonna hurt you!

Jessie- Fine whatever! I need you to leave right now

All of a sudden Rampage comes and shoots Cheetor in the chest and he goes off line

Jessie- Rampage!

Rampage- Oh sure now I save you and you don't want me to! You’re a messed up human!

Jessie- No Rampage will see you

Rampage- Right!

Rampage lifts Jessie up by the shoulders and carries her a little more into the jungle

Tarantulas- Ahh! He's messing up my plans!

Rampage sat Jessie down. While he got some water. Jessie ran back to were she was.


Rampage turned around.

Rampage: now where did she go to?

Rampage walked around for a while. Finally found her near an old tree

Rampage: I was looking for you. You need to stay close to me. It’s dangerous here at night.

Uneasy silence

Rampage: Uh.... here, water. Thought you might be thirsty.

Rampage Stood there for a while watching her drink.

Rampage: So...what did you do to anger Tarantulas so?


Jessie-Umm nothing!

Jessie turned around

Rampage turned her around

Rampage- I know you did something! Just say it!

Jessie- ok. I just called him a moron, and an idiot, and I would help him overthrow Megatron. Oops nope I didn't say that!

Rampage- That's it!

Jessie- Oh and I called him fat. He listens into what I'm thinking.

Rampage kinda had a worried look on his face

Jessie- He tried to eat me!

Rampage- WHAT!

Jessie - Yup! And he did a lot more. Anyways thanks for your help but I have to stay out here the whole night without help. If I do it right he said he would goes easier on me. If I don't will then I'm probably dead


Rampage: Don't worry. He wont be hurting you anymore. I wont let him...I mean.... we need you.

Rampage: Don't get the wrong idea. I would kill you in a second, but we need your help for now. Understand?

Jessie: yep.

There was another uneasy silence.

Jessie: You know... you don't have to keep up your tough guy routine. You can be yourself out here. It’s just us

Rampage: Pardon me? Are you saying that I’m not as heartless as you think I can be?

Jessie: that's just it. I think you're a nice bot.

Rampage: I’ll prove it to you!

Rampage put his hands around her neck but didn't squeeze.

Rampage: I... I can't do it.

Rampage puts his hand on her cheek.

All of the sudden Inferno came out of nowhere.

Inferno: Rampage, the royalty wants you and that human to come back to the base immediately. What are you doing to her?

Rampage got back up.

Rampage: Nothing that concerns you. And we're not leaving. Tell your royalty that!

Inferno: You will do as the royalty commands.

Rampage: Command this!

Rampage put his arm around Jessie and fired at Inferno.


Rampage slowly lowered his gun.

Rampage: you okay? Huh?

Rampage looked around. Jessie was gone. He panicked. Where was she? She had to be close by. He heard laughter in the background. Laughter he knew all too well. Tarantulas.


Tarantulas dragged Jessie into his lair and held her by her shirt.

Tarantulas- I told you know whelp! Fleshling!

Jessie- It wasn't my fault that Rampage came!

Tarantulas- It looked like you two were having fun (Evil laugh)

~Back at the Predacon base~

Sammy was walking around when Quickstrike saw her.

Quickstrike- isn't it a bit late for you to be up. Fleshy-bot?

Sammy- Quickstrike stay out of my bizz

Quickstrike walked back to his quarters      

She was walking and a hand grabbed her leg and dragged her into a room

It was Dinobot.

Dinobot- There you are! I've been looking for you!

Sammy- why?

Dinobot was in beast mod. He sunk his teeth into the collar and bit it off.

Sammy- Thanks. For all that you have done!

Dinobot- Don't expect too much more!

Sammy went back to Megatron's chair and slept there with him


Sammy: Megatron feels soft for someone made of metal. Must make him human.

*Evil laugh*

~Back to Jessie's problem~

Tarantulas left Jessie in a web hammock high above the

Tarantulas was busy working but didn't want ground. If Rampage came back, he couldn't reach her. To wake her

Tarantulas: Like I’d want to hear her blathering for the rest of the night

Tarantulas: Oh well, she'll be put to good use soon.

Tarantulas went back to work. Every once in a while looking up at her. She was no good to him as a human. He had to change that.

Tarantulas: what could I turn her into that would be useful? Other then a communicator.

Rampage was sitting outside of Tarantulas's cave. Wondering if Jessie was okay

Rampage: he better have not eaten her.

Rampage shook off the idea.

Rampage: I’m getting soft. Soon I’ll be like that monkey Primal.


Back to Sammy and Megatron~

Megatron woke up and saw Sammy beside him.


No answer


Still no answer

Sammy woke up

Sammy- morning sugar bot!

~Back to Jessie~

She woke up and saw a huge metal spider by her. She screamed and fell off the hammock.

Tarantulas transformed and went over Jessie.

Tarantulas- I think I should...

Rampage- Oh my gosh I need to stop thinking of her. She is a human and I am a Predacon.

Back to the Predacon base~

Megatron threw her in to Dinobot because she would not get up.

Dinobot- You again!? How many times does this have to happen?


Sammy: many times. I wouldn't let go of Megatron so he's giving me to you.

Dinobot: What makes you think that I want you?

Sammy: Nothing. He just doesn't like me. So I have to follow you now.

Dinobot: great.

Sammy spent the rest of her day following Dinobot around. She started getting on his nerves but he let her. He wasn't about to kill something that he needed.

Dinobot: Having fun?

Sammy: Yes. Want one? I found it.

Dinobot turned around.

Dinobot: You can't eat that. It’s bad for you. Why don't you go play? You can have the day off. Just come back by nightfall.

Sammy: How about I go infiltrate the Maximal base? I could get info while Jessie makes some stuff for you guys.

Dinobot: Sounds fine. *Thinks* she wont do it.

Dinobot: Rampage come in.

Rampage: What?

Dinobot: Go get the other human you play with. We need her right now.

Rampage: Why do I have to get stuck with her?

Dinobot: Just do it!

Rampage: Fine. I’ll get her. But you owe me.

Dinobot: Fine. You get fish. Happy?

Rampage turned off his comlink. He didn't care. He had a job to do.


Rampage walked towards Tarantulas' lair and stood there for a min.

~Inside the lair~

Jessie- I am bored! I am bored! I wanna do something!

Jessie plunged towards Tarantulas again. She landed in the web again.

Tarantulas- That's it I've had enough I'm going to eat you!

Tarantulas pressed a few buttons

Jessie- Take a joke!

Tarantulas- I am sick of your inferno jabbering

Poor Jessie she was hanging upside down in a spider’s web.

Tarantulas- I look forward to this! Ahh! Dinner is lunch is severed!

Jessie was screaming her head off.

Tarantulas- Stupid Human. Your friend rampage can't save you now!


Rampage: Wanna bet

Rampage ran towards Tarantulas and scrapped him beyond repair.

Rampage was so furious. He looked at Jessie.

Rampage: You okay? He didn't bite you did he?

Rampage started to untangle her.

Rampage: The blood must e rushing to your head. What do you want when you get down? I feel like being nice.

Rampage took her in his arms and took her into his chamber. He placed her on the bed.

Rampage: You relax here. I’ll go get you something to eat. Stay here and don't let anyone in. even if they sound like me.

Rampage: Tarantulas knows how to warp his voice.

Rampage walked down the hall. He saw Sammy walking behind Dinobot. She was pulling on his tail like a lost child. Dinobot bent down and let her on his back.

Rampage: Interesting. The little human I have wouldn't be able to ride me. Stop thinking like that! She doesn't like you. You need to make her fear you.

Rampage went to Sammy and tried pulling her off.

Rampage: I need your help. What do human eat?


Sammy-Well fish!

Rampage- Oh yes. Thanks

Rampage ran to the lake/ocean and was hunting for fish.

Dinobot and Sammy where in Dinobot’s quarters

Jessie heard a knock at the door

Jessie- Who is it?

Tarantulas- It's Rampage open the door human!

Jessie- What's the password?

Tarantulas- Please.

The door opened and she saw Tarantulas and screamed.

Tarantulas put his hand over her mouth. But she bit his hand.

Rampage came back and Jessie was in the room

Tarantulas- Oww! That stupid little human! I'll try later tonight

Rampage opened the door and Jessie was pale white

Rampage- you look like you've seen a ghost!

Jessie- Ta... Ta... Tarantulas came back here!


Jessie-He tricked me!

Rampage- That's it I’ve been soft long enough

Jessie- Wow your like a red color like your gonna blow up!

Rampage- Don't do that again! I was worried about you!

Jessie- sorry!

Rampage- It's fine! Here’s your fish!


Jessie: Uh... it needs to be cooked

Rampage: ...Don't go there. I’m mad enough.

Rampage walked out carrying the fish and dragging Jessie. He began to mumble

Rampage: It just occurred to me, I don't know you're name. What is it?

Jessie: Jessie.

Rampage: That's nice.

They walked past the main control room.

Rampage: Everyone who wants free food come with us.

Sammy: Go Dinobot, mush!

Dinobot: you're pushing it.

Everyone followed Rampage outside. He put some fish on the ground where he would be sitting. He gave the orders. He told them to get water and wood. Megatron wasn't around to complain. Soon the fire was going. Everyone’s appetite was getting bigger.

Rampage gave the task of stabbing fish to Jessie. Sammy was still riding on Dinobot's back. But he didn't seem to mind. She nearly hit a tree branch but other then that it was fine. Tarantulas was found a while ago and was being repaired. Rampage handed the first fish to her. He saw Waspinator trying to steal his uncooked fish off of the ground. Rampage slapped his hand with a half cooked fish. Rampage glared at Waspinator. He was thinking of the many ways of tormenting Waspinator. He began to laugh to himself.

Soon, everyone was eating. Megatron walked out.

Megatron: Where's the other human pest? She needs to clarify her plans with me.

Inferno: She ran off with Dinobot royalty. Shall I retrieve her?

Megatron: No. I think she shall be punished later. Yesss.


After that wonderful dinner everyone headed back to the base

Jessie said she would catch up. She wanted to get some water. After that she stood up and saw a figure approaching her!

Jessie- RAMPAGE!

It was to late Jessie was gone!

Sammy- Where is she?

Rampage- Tarantulas took her!

Dinobot- we must think of a plan before we rescue her

Jessie- Oh joy back to this ugly place!

Tarantulas-Shut up Human!

Tarantulas pressed the button while Jessie was screaming in pain.

Megatron- Where were you human?

Sammy- I was out with rampage, Jessie, Dinobot, and Waspy


Sammy - No I’m making it up!

Back to Jessie~

Jessie- all right what do you want me to do!

Tarantulas- Tomorrow night I want you to kill Megatron.

Jessie- But I'll die!

Tarantulas:(to himself) With any luck


Jessie: What do I kill him with?

Tarantulas: With this.

Tarantulas passed her a multi-functional blade. It was similar to the one Megatron used on Rampage to cut his Spark out.

Tarantulas: You must get his spark at destroy it.

Tarantulas: Do you think you'll have any problems with the other human?

Jessie: I shouldn't. She’s with Dinobot.

Tarantulas: Good. Now do it.

Tarantulas: You'll get your freedom the sooner you do it.


Megatron: I think it's safe to call it a night

Rampage and Sammy: What about Jessie?

Megatron- well find his in the morning

Jessie was on Tarantulas in his vehicle mode

She went in Megatrons room and...

Megatron woke up and saw Jessie with a knife

Sammy quickly walked in and saw Jessie

Sammy- Jessie No!

Jessie- I have to!