
Omega Wars
By Spectre the Hechidnat

Chapter 2: Axalon Fall

"Sentinel, replay scanner readings time index Trion 6," Rhinox ordered. Complying, the security computer displayed the energy spike it had detected at that point in time. Gesturing to the anomaly, the Maximal scientist inquired of his commander. "What do you make of that?"

Optimus Primal wore a frown of curiosity, his arms folded across his muscular torso. His orange optic sensors locked onto the screen, processing what Sentinel was showing him. Approximately half a megacycle ago, the Axalon's scanners had picked up a massive power surge in the midst of Predacon territory. It had lasted for only an instant, and no apparent aftereffects were visible.

"I don't know what to make of it, Rhinox. You've already told me that the surge is neither Cybertronian or alien in nature, so I really have no idea what it’s supposed to mean. For all we know, this is some natural reaction of the planet. We've certainly dealt with stranger."

Dinobot chose that moment to enter, a characteristic scowl on his face. "For all you know, that surge you detected is a glitch! We have more important things to deal with, such as the fact that we haven't heard a thing from the Predacons since Megatron press-ganged Protoform X into joining him. For all we know, a sneak attack is on its way!"

"Be that as it may, Dinobot, there's no reason to act so harsh. And where's Silverbolt? I thought I sent you two out on patrol— together."

Waving a hand in dismissal, the former Predacon snorted. "That one is mind-numbing; he takes your Maximal code of conduct to a height that borders on vomit-inducing. Silverbolt is currently outside practicing with those feather blades of his. I gave him a few exercises to work on, in the hopes that he will at least know how to handle himself in close combat."

"Cheetor and Rattrap just came in; I wonder if they found anything," Rhinox said.

Talons gripping the rocky ground, Silverbolt twirled his melee weapons in a flourish. Picturing an opponent in his mind, he ran through a series of blocks, slashes, and stabs. Unfortunately, his concentration was broken as the enemy he pictured in his mind kept shifting. One moment, he could see Protoform X, now known as Rampage, towering over him. The next, his blade sank into the torso plate of Blackarachnia.

"Lady, your beauty is truly bewitching to me. How am I to fight these Beast Wars alongside my companions if my heart belongs to one who is on the side of my enemies?"

Ever since they had worked together against Rampage, he had been captivated by the Predacon female. The problem was, he didn't know what to do about it. His memories brought to mind a popular Earth work, a play called “Romeo and Juliet”. It had told the story of two young lovers, each a member of one of two feuding families. So intriguing had the story been that even Cybertronians had come to enjoy it, and it had been one of the few interstellar works to become popular on Cybertron. Now Silverbolt felt as though the Maximals were his Montagues and the Predacons Blackarachnia's Capulets— that is, if Blackarachnia felt the same way about him.

As he stood there in silent contemplation, Rattrap came racing out from behind a nearby outcropping of rock. The Transmetal shifted to Robot Mode, focusing his crimson eyes on Silverbolt. "Learning how to use those over-sized razors, Bird-Dog? At least I won't have to worry about you chopping off your own foot when we fight Preds."

"Rattrap, get off his case," Cheetor said, landing nearby in flight mode. "Cheetor, Maximize!"

Growling softly, Silverbolt quickly regained control of his emotions. "Any word of what caused that energy surge?"

"Not a thing; Horn-head and the Boss Monkey sent us on a wild goose chase. If Megs is up to something, we won't find out until it's too late."

His green eyes going wide, Cheetor pointed off into the sky. "You've got that right, Rattrap, look!"

"Predacons!" Silverbolt gasped, seeing the approaching forms of Waspinator, Megatron, and Inferno. Unfolding his wings, the Maximal paladin shot into the air towards them. Howling at the top of his lungs, he hurled the weapons he gripped, detonating them and sending the insectoid flyers tumbling. Two more missiles shot out from his wings to strike Megatron, but showed no apparent effect on the Transmetal dinosaur.

"You'll have to do better than that, Maximal!" Roaring, Megatron shot towards the Fuzor. Before he could reach his antagonist, Cheetor shot between them. While Megatron was unharmed, he was distracted long enough for Silverbolt to unleash two more volleys and veer away.

Reading the approaching Predacons, Sentinel's auto-guns rose from their enclosures, opening fire on the flying attackers. On the ground, Tarantulas led his fellow arachnids towards Axalon. Quickstrike hollered excitedly, whooping with his trademark accent. "Yee-haw, let's get to slaggin'!"

Blackarachnia gave a giggle of glee as she took aim at the grounded ship, opening fire with one of her cyber-venom missiles. "For once I agree with you, desert trash!"

"Now is not the time to talk; concentrate your fire on the Axalon!" Tarantulas followed his own advice, opening fire with missiles and laser pulses in an effort to weaken the Axalon's shield.

Mounting his hover board, Optimus shot out into the sky with his clubs drawn. Inferno rose to challenge him, screeching insanely as always. "Burn, Maximal, burn!"

Looping out of the way of a stream of fire, Optimus rammed into the Predacon ant. Inferno's body crumpled as he pounded down with his clubs, striking with all his considerable might. Waspinator watched from nearby, somewhat happy that it was Inferno being damaged and not him.

Green laser beams lanced out to ruin Waspinator's dreams of escaping damage. He found himself plummeting towards the ground, road kill waiting to happen. The relief of being caught faded when he realized that he was in the grip of Dinobot.

"Afternoon, insect! Prepare yourself for pain!"

"Waspinator no like this job," the poor Predacon muttered, just before Dinobot stretched him out until he resembled a long, metallic rope. Casting his defeated enemy aside, the warrior drew his drill-bit sword and rushed forward to meet the arachnid trio.

Rattrap was already attacking Quickstrike, his pistol pouring fire into the Predacon Fuzor. Catching sight of Dinobot, he gave a nod of acknowledgement. "Glad you could make it to the party, Chopper-Face! Mind giving me a hand?"

Some distance away from the intermingling combatants, Shokaract watched the battle with some amusement. Terrorsaur, in Beast Mode, hung from his forearm like some giant prehistoric bat.  While he shared in his master's enjoyment of the situation, he didn't dare to speak, fearing to anger the unpredictable giant. No one knew just how much of Shokaract was Rampage and how much was Unicron, and neither was known for having a good temper.

"Entertainment at its finest lies before you, Terrorsaur. Notice the components that make up this battle: two opposing forces, both of them seeking power. True, one side seeks to keep the other from having it, but the fact remains that their goals are not all that different. One other thing remains sure; if they want that power, they will have to overcome me."

Cackling, Terrorsaur added his own opinion. "Then power shall forever escape them!"

"Very perceptive, my Herald," Shokaract said with a low laugh. "Well, I think we've spent enough time waiting in the wings; let's see if we can get more entertainment out of participation!"

Weapons locked together, Optimus and Megatron staggered back and forth, pitting their massive strength against each other. Both leaders fought with intense fury, hatred burning in their Sparks for each other. As Optimus pressed his clubs against Megatron's claw arm, he gave an inquiry. "What's so special about today, Megatron? Usually you're in the rear of the battle, letting your men take all the hits for you. And where's Rampage; I wouldn't think that you'd hold back your newest trump card."

"Much as it pains me to say it, Primal, I am no longer the one in charge! One far more powerful than I has taken command of the Predacons! If you want to know who... then just look behind you."

Perplexed, Optimus struck him across the faceplate to knock him down. Turning, he felt his jaw drop as a towering figure emerged from the nearby rocks. Rampage's design was recognizable, but the Transformer facing him was somewhat larger and radiated evil and insanity beyond those he had ever sensed in the monstrous Cybertronian. Gripped in the monster's fist was the familiar triple-barreled missile launcher, which he lifted towards the Axalon.

Diving out from behind his master in Robot Mode, Terrorsaur opened fire on the Maximal leader. "Remember me, Maximal? I bet you didn't expect to see me again! Prepare to face the wrath of Shokaract!"

Terrorsaur's laser cannon was joined by the weapons of the other Predacons as they opened fire on Optimus' beleaguered troops. Seeing that the battle was against them, the Maximals fled. Silverbolt swooped down, picking up Optimus as he shot away from the battle zone. Rhinox emerged from the Axalon, his scanners clearly sensing the power levels of Shokaract in comparison to the vessel's shields.

One missiles flew to strike the Axalon, shattering the protecting field that insulated it. Another flew out, cracking the support mechanisms and leaving fractures spider-webbing through the ships' armor. Finally, a third missile hit the Axalon, turning the once proud fortress into a fiery plume that could be seen from miles away. When the explosive boom faded, one sound could still be heard: the chilling laugh of a Transformer more evil than any seen before.

To be continued...