By: Mark Harris

The organic forces that are seeking the eradication of everything Cybertronian has launched its largest attack ever, in fact it is the largest attack in the history of space fights. Each planet in the war has been working tirelessly to build a space fleet capable of attacking both Earth and Cybertron at once, with each planet having to face a trillion ships each. The ships are coming from all over the universe and are going to one of two planets taking out anything and everything Cybertronian on its way. They have so far taken down the Decepticons' three most powerful warships along with the Autobots' only warship. Hundred thousand Cybertronians died on all four ships. They were only the first to go in this humongous battle. 

Galvatron had known about this fight for a decade. He has prepared Cybertron well for the onslaught. He has placed orbital defenses all around Cybertron as well as every planet in the local galaxy. He has each planet littered with Guardians all over, with one Decepticon per hemisphere to give orders to the Guardians he commands. Galvatron once a week for the past ten years runs a simulation where the organics are attacking with a HUGE fleet. This has lead to a perfect victory record over any and every attack on Cybertron. 

Rodimus is clueless about the pending attack upon his planet, but he has prepared for it. He is not as prepared as Galvatron due to fewer resources and less manpower. His record against the organics is not as good as Galvatron’s but he has won more than he has lost. 

“Eccles how soon until the United Organic Forces’ fleet reach Earth and Cybertron?” Fleet Admiral Shippera demands to know of her second navigator. “The fleet heading for Cybertron will be in the system within the hour. The fleet heading for Earth will be there in twenty minutes.” Eccles replies. “Open hailing frequencies to all UOF ships. I want to address them all.” Shippera orders her coms officer. “Yes m’am.” Replies the young woman who is terrified of the future and hopeful for the victory. “Captains I want to speak to everyone aboard your ships.” The captains all put through the hail throughout the entirety of their ship. “This is Fleet Admiral Shippera. Today is the day we take out the Cybertronian menace once and for all. Many of us will die today, if not all of us. But don’t worry all who die here today will be welcomed into the gates of heaven with open arms and your families will be well taken care of. But know this none of that matters in comparison to the eradication of the Cybertronian threat. We may not be as strong as them; we may not be as smart as them; but we are not as inferior as them.” Fleet Admiral Shippera goes on for another ten minutes. “Let slip the dogs of war, for we are ready to destroy!” Her final statement, as every UOF personal cheered. 

The Autobots were not caught off guard but they were not ready for the attack. The organics has managed to hide their advancement towards Earth from all sensors. Everyone was scrambling to fighter jets and the space cannons when the first strike stuck earth taking out every Autobot in Japan and the island. The orbital defenses were taken over by a virus that spread like wildfire and they turned and attacked Earth.

“What in the Matrix is going on? Why are our own defenses attacking us? I want answers damn it. Ultra Magnus time to activate the Operation Finality.” Rodimus Prime demanded. Ultra Magnus took off to a restricted area of the Fortress Maximus remains. 

The Maximals were scrambling to safety because they had to survive this fight no matter what to put right what they let go oh so wrong. Rodimus was heading to the ‘brain’ of the base when he bumped into Grimlock (OTM version). “You three come with me I need your assistance.” Rodimus orders. They follow him as fast as they can in robot mode before they convert to their much faster vehicle forms. They reach the ‘brain’. “Grimlock I know you have a Matrix in you. Time to put it to use along with my own. Ever since the humans fled Earth we have begun the slow process of converting this planet into biggest war machine ever to exist. We just finished it before the three of you arrived. Time to bring him online.” Rodimus and Grimlock pull out their Matrix and open it. Energy envelops the room, and expands all over the planet engulfing it. Ships that touch it for even a mere second come to life. Then in an instant the light collapses in on the Earth. 

“Stupid Autobots they actually thought that would scare us away. We are on a holy mission to rid them from time and space.” The captain of one ship belittles. “I wouldn’t be so sure of that you stupid human.” A voice from seemingly nowhere says. “Who the heck do you think you are?” The captain fumes. “I am your ship given life by that light. I am Cosmos. An Autobot that you killed personally. Time for you and your pathetic organics to die in my transformation.” Cosmos then transforms into a hundred foot tall robot armed to teeth. He begins firing upon the other ships disabling engines and weapons. He hears something behind him. He turns to see Earth being cyberformed. He then witnesses the largest Autobot ever transform to robot mode. Earth is now the most powerful Autobot in existence. 

The Autobot just stands there and allows himself to be pelted again and again by the tiny laser fire from the UOF. “I am neither Autobot nor Decepticon. I take no sides in the affairs of my children but you organics have caused enough problems in one lifetime to turn my admiration for your kind into pure unadulterated hatred for your kind. I am Primus. He then turns every UOF ship into a Cybertronian. They then transform just like Cosmos killing all that reside in. “Come with me Children we must put an end to this organic war and this civil war.” All the ones who were not once UOF ships joined their comrades on Primus for the ride to Cybertron. The former UOF ships went to war on all UOF ships they encountered. 

Fleet Admiral Shippera saw the whole thing on her view screen from the connection with her ships, until all of them were turned against her. She had no idea that death was coming for her. She continued the attack on Cybertron taking out everything possible while watching ship after ship be destroyed. 

Grimlock and Rodimus after turning Earth into Primus, a possibility no one ever thought would happen. Were unconscious their minds consciousness floating in the void. “Rodimus, Grimlock you have done well today. The events of today will recognize you both as great heroes if this was to actually allowed to happen but alas this can’t be allowed to exist I must send back the Maximals to fix what they have broken. You will not go back unrewarded for showing what could happen if civil war goes unchecked among my children.” Dark Night (TM version) and Jawbreaker then join them in the void. “Dark Night your twin in this reality has expressed a desire to help you in your war but he is to badly damaged he would not survive the trip back in time. He must merge with your spark. Jawbreaker you were an accident of hate. Two sparks so consumed with hate for one another merged into one by an energon explosion. If I was to separate the sparks and finally give them peace that would kill you, I am going to free Depth Charge and Rampage finally giving them each peace and I will give you life. You will be exactly as you are now but you will no longer be plagued with your internal war. Are both of you ready?” Primus asks. They nod their head in agreement. A spark enters the void and Primus merges it with Dark Night’s. Jawbreaker’s spark becomes three. Two join the afterlife. “Grimlock you have everything you need, you are meant to wield the Matrix but not to lead, teach those in the ways of peace and war, make sure they know to seek peace before they ever pick up a weapon.” Grimlock nods in affirmative. “Cosmos wishes to join you Maximals in your war to make sure you don’t screw up ever again. He will only attack in the direst situation. He will be your last line of defense. Prepare to go back.” When they wake up they are on the bridge of Cosmos, which is littered with blood and bodies. “Disgusting!” Jawbreaker says in a tone of voice that surprises Dark Night and Grimlock because for once he doesn’t sounds like he is at peace with himself. They all then go back in time to five days before time was slagged.