This website is dedicated to the television show Beast Wars: Transformers, the writers, the voice actors and the characters themselves but most of all, it's dedicated to all the fans, fan fic writers and fan artists of the Beast Wars world.  

The site contains everything from information on the show, the cast and the characters, to Fan Fiction and Artwork, to Beast Wars extras located at the Beast Wars Express page

Updates will take place every weekend and any newcomers to the site are welcome to send in their fan fiction and artwork.

On behalf of the team, I hope you enjoy this website and all its content.


If you join the mailing list, every time the site is updated, an email will be sent to you to let you know!

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Site Design: Sapphire.  Created by: Hacker, Miss Special, Solar Blaze (HDW), Pacerpaw. is copyrighted to the team. 

Disclaimer: Beast Wars Transformers and its respective characters, plots and images are a product of Hasbro, Alliance and Mainframe Entertainment.  We do not claim any rights to it.  This is a non-profit fansite.