Return of the King of Schemes

Two old Predacons and one new one bring havoc to both the Predacons and the Maximals.

Return of the King of Schemes


Dannn Sanew



               On aVok ’s space ship near earth

Two vok talking between each other. Should we begin the experiment? Yes let see what would happened if 

a  Vok enter a transformer body. Are they ready? Not yet Terrorsaur and Scorponok are almost repair from falling into the lava. How long until they be ready? About 30 cycles. Come let report back to the others.


Where am I Terrorsaur said as he try to sit up and found that he couldn’t move and that he was on a metal table with restraints on. How can I get out of here Terrorsaur thought as he look around the room. Next to him also on a metal table was scorponok but he look diffent. Then he put his head down to rest.

 Then he remembers what happened he fell off his flying platform into the lava below. He remembers something began to happen to him and the heat. Then he felt nothing.



Scorponok wake up Terrorsaur yell at Scorponok when he reawaken. Scorponok began to move and look around the room. Scorponok use your tail to get out of those restraints and then free me Terrorsaur told Scorponok trying not to sound too harsh. If I going to get out of here I have to be nice to Scorponok Terrorsaur though.  I working on that Terrorsaur Scorponok told him as he got his restraints off.Now let get you out Terrorsaur.


            Soon Scorponok got Terrorsaur out of his restraints and they both began to look for a way out of the cell. The only way out is this door Terrorsaur said. We got our weapons too Scorponok said. They probably just not to take then because we needed repair. So that what they are not restraints but it their version of the CR chamber whoever this belong to. So we in their mec center oh this is going to be easy to escape Terrorsaur said.


The door unlock too this is so easy Scorponok  said as he open it. As he did alarms went off. Nothing never easy for us Terrorsaur said as they began to run. As he ran he felt faster and swifter then before. Wait a minute Scorponok do I look diffent somehow. Scorponok stop and look at him for a minute and said I can’t believe you are right you do look different. So do you. Scorponok  now had a black and blue body and his legs were gone and in place of then were wheels. Terrorsaur now was now a mix of red and blue. He still has his wings but he also has wheels for feet.


Now he understood why they were going so fast. These new bodies makes us more powerful, do you know what this mean Terrorsaur said. That we can serve Megatron better. I what an idiot, with this power I can beat Megatron and be the leader of the predacons. Soon Megatron I going to be seeing you real soon Terrorsaur though as he said  Yes so we can serve Megatron better. And then they began to run.


They keep on running until they came to the docking bay. Lets get out of here before they find out where we are Terrorsaur said. Too late Scorponok said. Let see what new weapons we got Terrorsaur. Scorponok terrorize. His claws move back onto his shoulders pointing upwards and reveal hands where they use to be claws. And his tail came off and turn into a spear. Terrorsaur terrorize His wingspread open, two flame-throwers came out of his arms. Plus his old weapons were still there.


This going to be fun Terrorsaur said with a smile on his face. I get those two empty escape pods over there ready. I want to give you a thank you gift for doing this to me Terrorsaur said as his shoulders cannons came out and began to fire at the Vok. It kept on missing the Vok and hitting the wall. Fine if I can’t kill you I just destroy your ship Terrorsaur said as he began to set the ship on fire.


Open the docking bays doors Scorponok so we can get out of here Terrorsaur said as he began to run to one of the escape pods. By the time he got there Scorponok had open the docking bay doors and was in his stasis pod already. Terrorsaur turn around to see two more Voks join the first and were coming after him. He jumps into his and closes the latch. And both their pods were launch and headed to earth. It almost time to began my plan. And I know just the people to help me too, I not the only one with schemes.




      In Tarantulus lab

            Stasis pods detected in sector Omega the computer reported. Computer how many stasis pods are there Tarantulus said. There four all are heading in the same direction. Computer calculates the coordinates of where they will land. Coordinates 5,2 5,3 5,4 and 5,5 all in predicons territory. I go for the nearest one get it then I go to the others if I can. Tarantulus beast mode Tarantulus said as he drove out of his hideout.


            Terrorsaur was awaken by the sound of a thump. As he look he looks out his window of his stasis pod he saw the stasis pod he hit collide into another one. Then that one hit another stasis pod in the area and they began to head to earth together. Good now I can now get more recruits when we land. When I get back to earth nothing going to stop me. I need to get Scorponok out of the picture he the only competition I got. Terrorsaur grin to himself as he continues to look out the window.


Inferno was at his station when the computer report stasis pods detected in Omega sector. How many stasis pods is their Inferno asked. There are four stasis pods Coordinates 5,2 5,3 5,4 and 5,5. Loyalty there four stasis pods all headed towards the Omega sector coordinates 5,2 5,3 5,4 and 5,5. All in predicons territory my queen. Inferno how many times did I tell you not to call me that. Don’t answer that let me think for a moment.

             Just go to coordinates 5,5 with Waspinator and get that stasis pod. Quickstrike you and me go to coordinates 5,2. Blackarachnia you and … blast where is Tarantulus. Sensors show that Tarantulus is heading to coordinates 5,3 Quickstrike said. Fine let him go to those coordinates. Blackarachnia you then go to coordinates 5,4 and when you done in those sectors head for coordinate 5,3 after you done. Is everyone clear with what I said? Yes Megatron. Good, now lets get going. And then they began to head out to their coordinates.


            Rattrap was playing virtual poker when his computer reported the incoming stasis pods and where they were going to land. Optimus we got four stasis pods all heading for sector Omega coordinates 5,2 5,3 5,4 and 5,5. It in predicon territory and look like the predicons are wasting no time Dinobot said. Sensors show predicons heading towards the all of the stasis pods. Dinobot and rattrap go to coordinates 5,5. Silverbolt and me will go to coordinates 5,2. And Cheetor and Rhinox go to coordinates 5,4 after you radio Tigatron and Airazor to go to coordinates 5,3. Maximals head out.


            Ah yes, there it is Megatron said as they approach the escape pod! Stop right their Megatron Optimus said as he and Sliverbolt got there. Ah Optimus wish I could talk now but I too busy Quickstrike attack. Soon every one was out of their beast mode. Then the battle began shots coming from both groups. Wasn’t this suppose to be a stasis pod Sliverbolt said as try to find cover? Outside of his escape pod Scorponok heard shooting. Time to get out of this escape pod Scorponok said as he open the hatch to the pod. When he got out of his pod he saw Megatron and Quickstrike engage in battle with Optimus and Sliverbolt. Things weren’t looking good for Megatron and Quickstrike. They were running out of cover of the little cover they did have and couldn’t get a good shot at the two flyers. I got to do something but what.

            Look like we got here before the before the preds did rattrap said when he and Dinobot got to their coordinates. As they approach the stasis pod Dinobot jump to his left as fire came toward him. Burn maximals burn Inferno said as he came attacking from one side and Waspinator attacking from the other. Look like we walk into a ambush. Dionbot maximize. Rattrap maximize. Rattrap took out his sword and reflected an incoming shot. Nothing like a little pressure to help us get done with this faster huh Dinobutt. Shut up vermin and let finish this.

            Here it is Blackarachnia said as reach her coordinates. Stop right there Blackarachnia said a figure as the figure step forward. Think you can stop me Rhinox think again. Look again you outnumber Rhinox said as Cheetor appear from behind a rock. I really need to get that stasis pod Blackarachnia thought as Cheetor pointed his gun at her ready to fire.




            Now I can put my plan into action Tarantulus said as he approach the escape pod in front of him. Why is there an escape pod there? How can this be? I sorry to disappointed you Terrorsaur said as he came behind him. You but how you suppose to be dead. Well I not and now I also a transmetal Tarantulus. I tell my story later, right now let get down to business Terrorsaur said with a grin. Go ahead you got my attention.


            Scorponok decided that the time to think is over and it was time for action as he got out of the escape pod and took out his staff and shoots his toxic sting at Sliverbolt. Scorponok was the only word Sliverbolt got to say when Scorponok toxic string hit him. Sliverbolt went down and he went down hard. What is this Megatron said as he look where the shot came from that took Sliverbolt down. Megatron was shock to see it was Scorponok who hit Sliverbolt. So he still alive and a transmetal too. And best of all he still loyal to me.


            I going for the stasis pod cover me Rattrap said he ran toward the stasis pod. Dinobot got out from behind his cover and began a frontal assault on Inferno and Waspinator. When rattrap got to the stasis pod he checks the statue of the stasis pod and put the correct code in to begin the process.


Waspinator see Dinobot, Waspinator attack as he flew in for a better shot. As he closes in Dinobot jump up and grab him as Inferno unleash his flame-thrower on him and poor Waspinator. Dinobot was still a little brunt since Waspinator was smaller then him. Time to finish you off maximal Inferno said as he got ready to attack again. It done Rattrap said as a woodpecker flew out of the stasis pod.


Pecked maximize. His wings went behind his back and his beak disappears. Ha, think you came defeat me maximal burn Inferno said as he went to face the new comer. You know you got an ego problem pal, time to cut you and your ego down to size, as chainsaws came out of his forearm and he flew toward Inferno.


Got to act now Blackarachnia though as she took out her gun as she did a black flip. Take her out Cheetor before she tries to take us out Rhinox said as he begins to fire at her. But it was too late as Blackarachnia shot at the rocks above Rhinox and Cheetor. Rhinox and Cheetor tried to get out of the way of the falling rocks but they were pin down by incoming shots coming from Blackarachnia. Time to turn this maximal into a predicon she said as she began the process of doing so. 


What do you think Tigatron Airazor said as they sat behind a fallen log as they listen to Tarantulus and Terrorsaur Scheme.  I said we should give them something else to think about Tigatron said as he grenade launcher came out. Tarantulus and Terrorsaur were almost done talking when a grenade landed five feet away from them. Tarantulus beast mode. Get on Terrorsaur Tarantulus said as he began to drive away. Let go after them Airazor said as she went into her beast mode, pick Tigatron up and went after then.


As Optimus saw Sliverbolt go down he began to shoot at Scorponok who was coming at him deflecting shots with his staff. Quickstrike head right we get him in a cross fire Megatron said as he began toward Optimus. Your time is up Optimus surrender or be destroy. You got to catch me first Optimus said as he went into beast mode and Optimus began to hover away. I hope the rest of the maximals aren’t doing as bad as me Optimus thought as look around to see the three predicons go after him.


Ah it done Blackarachnia said as the stasis pod hatch open and out came a hyena. Hyde Terrorize. As he transform a shield came out and his tail grew longer and turn into a sword. Let see what I also have as a missile launcher came out of his arm and he put away his shield and sword. Hee hee hee time to find some thing to blowup Hyde said as he ran behind the rock in front of them and disappears. Wait don’t go. Oh great why do I always get the weird ones Blackarachnia though as she head in the direction he went in.






When he collide with Inferno he got the wind knock out of him. That it Pecked said as he caught Inferno arms and knees him in the gut. Inferno just got out of the way when Pecked swung his chain saw at him but couldn’t get out of Dinobot laser beams coming out of his eyes. As he fire back he got hit from behind by shots coming from Rattrap. Realizing he outnumber and couldn’t win he begins to fly away. We will finish this later maximals. We can’t let him get away Pecked said as he flew after him. Rattrap beast mode, get on Dinobot and they were off after Inferno.


When Rhinox and Cheetor got out Blackarachnia and the new predicon were gone. My sensors show four groups all heading to coordinates 5,6 Cheetor said. Look like we didn’t miss all the action after all Rhinox said. Let go then before we do Cheetor beast mode. Rhinox beast mode And together they headed off to coordinates 5,6.


What in the world, is that Optimus Tarantulus said as they saw four figures heading in their direction? And Megatron right behind him Terrorsaur said. Get ready to engage Terrorsaur said as he flew off Tarantulus back. I need to gain Megatron trust and this the perfect way to do it.


This doesn’t look good for me Optimus thought when he saw Terrorsaur and Tarantulus heading in his direction. How is he still alive? Wait a minute whom that behind them, he couldn’t make the figures out. Wait a minute it Airazor and Tigatron at least I not by myself, maybe we can win. And that when he heard it loyal I here.


            That idiot he still alive Terrorsaur said as he saw Inferno coming from the east follow by Rattrap, Cheetor, Rhinox, Dinobot and a new maximal. Inferno somehow manage to get follow by the rest of the maximals. Now it was 8 to 6. Now they outnumber us. This doesn’t look good.


            Rhinox and Cheetor were running through the woods when they saw Inferno flew pass them. There Inferno Cheetor said as they ran after them. And look like we not the only one going after Inferno Rhinox said as he notice Dinobot riding Rattrap and A new maximal flying above them.


Hey whom the new maximal Cheetor ask. That Pecked Rattrap answers him. Predacons pick a target and attack Megatron said as he terrorizes. Tarantulus terrorize. Everyone who was in beast mode also transform. Megatron attack Optimus. Scorponok and Quickstrike attack Dinobot, Rattrap and Rhinox.  Terrorsaur and Tarantulus attack Airazor, Tigatron and Cheetor. And Inferno attacks Pecked.


            Time to die maximals was the only thing they heard before missiles explode around them. Who that Megatron said as he saw a hyena shooting missiles and laughing while doing it. Megatron this is Blackarachnia the new predicon is out of control. I can see that Megatron said as he dodges an incoming missile.


            I need to take him out Pecked thought as he headed for the hyena. You want me maximal come and get me the hyena said as he disappear right before his eyes. Come and get me I in the woods came a voice. What woods Pecked said as he began to chop down tree after tree with his chain saws? As Pecked began to chop down trees the voice began to mock him. Ha ha ha I not there. Miss me. You not even close. Come out you can’t hide forever Pecked said. You right the voice said as a missile blew up the tree beside him. By the way my name Hyde the voice said when he reappear.


Let do this hand to hand Hyde said as his missile-launcher disappear and he took out a sword and shield. But wait a minute wait me show you something Hyde said as his chest open and out came two cartridges. And the cartridges open up to reveal mini transformers. One was a man and the other was a bird.

That unfair Pecked said. Why are you complaining for you can do this too Hyde said? Now I remember. Let do this Pecked said when his mini transformers came out one was a tiger and the other was a man too. This going to be fun Hyde said as he ran up to Pecked and deck him with his shield.





Predacons retreat Megatron said as he and the rest of the predicons began going back to base. How could things have gone so wrong? He did manage to get a new predacon and two old ones. One was a traitor and the other wasn’t that much of a good fighter. The new predacon was out of control. And they don’t even know where he is. And thanks to the new predicon Quickstrike and Inferno were taken out. It not too bad since he took out Cheetor and Airazor . On the good side this day couldn’t get any worse.


Damage report Dinobot Optimus said as he looks around at one time was a meadow. Two of our people are offline thanks to the new predicon Dinobot said. Two of the predacons went off line Dinobot said. And the new maximal and Sliverbolt is still missing.


Ok Tigatron and me will take Cheetor and Airazor back to base. Dinobot, Rattrap and Rhinox you go look for Sliverbolt and Pecked. Let move it maximals for all we know Pecked could still be fighting the new predicon. They found them real soon thanks to all the nosie they were making. When they found Pecked they were surprise by what they saw.


They found Pecked blocking incoming shots from Hyde. They saw a man running away from a tiger shooting at it as he ran. And a bird with a man on his back, the bird trying to shake the rider off it back. Is it me or am I seeing things.


I like to say welcome back Scorponok and Terrorsaur Megatron said. We glad to be back Terrorsaur said. Terrorsaur I have something I like to tell you Megatron said. And what would that be Terrorsaur said. I warning you ahead of time if you betray me you shall be destroy.


Well Megatron I have something to tell you Terrorsaur. You too late it already begun Terrorsaur said as he took out his gun and pointed at Megatron. And Megatron I not the only one in on this Terrorsaur said as Blackarachnia, Tarantulus and Quickstrike pointed their guns at Inferno and Scorponok.


            You see we going to get rid of you first and then fight over who will take over the predicons later. We know whom loyalty to you already. You know if you kill me you be outnumber Megatron said. Hyde should take care of that and then we let Inferno and Scorponok go later after you gone. Let take them away Tarantulus said as the four of them took their prisoners away. This day just got worse Megatron said as he was led away.


So what do we do about the mini transformers there Rattrap ask? We can’t tell them apart Rhinox said. We just have to take them all out. Dinobot said as he aims his gun at the bird. The bird knocks the man on his back off when he flew just below some trees. As the man got knock off by a branch and the bird flew out of the cover Dinobot shot it. Two down, you handle the rest while I help Pecked Dinobot said.


Finally I get to fight people my own size Rattrap said as he began to shot at the tiger. The tiger stop and look at Rattrap. Umm nice kitty. The tiger growl as it ran towards Rattrap. Why did my beast mode had to be a mouse Rattrap said as he began to run?


Stop goofing off Rattrap Rhinox said as he pick up the tiger and flung him at the remaining

Mini transformer. There now let help Pecked with Hyde Rhinox said as he and Rattrap ran toward the chaos. Do you think Pecked and Dinobot need help with one predacon Rattrap asked?


As Rattrap said that five missiles hit the ground around them. Did that answer your question Rattrap Rhinox ask?  Hey that almost hit me, he going to pay for that as he ran toward the battle that was raging. Give up Hyde now it four on one Dinobot said as he saw Rhinox and Rattrap headed their way. Hyde was going to said something but stop and disappear then his mini transformers. I hate it when he does that Pecked said. Come on let get back to base Dinobot said as he began to walk away.


            As Sliverbolt got up he saw Waspinator pointing a gun at his head.  Let him be Hyde said as he appears behind him. I got separated from the rest of the predacons show me the way to the base. Waspinator was going to say why can’t take both of you back to base when he notice a one way comlink in his hand. Yes let doggiebot be Waspinator said as he helps Sliverbolt up.


            Hyde then pat Sliverbolt on the back letting the one way comlink cling to Sliverbolt. Let get on our way Waspinator said as he took Hyde to the predacon base. A very confuse Sliverbolt try to understand what happened, gave up and flew back to base. That was sneaky Waspinator said as stood out side of their base. Thank you, go inside I join you in a minute I had to work on something Hyde said. What that? You see Hyde said with a smile as he walks away.


            Waspinator welcome back Terrorsaur said. There a new order here, you don’t had a problem with that do you. Not at all. Good, where Hyde? Right here sir Hyde said as he came in. You two will relieve Tarantulus and Quickstrike. Come on Hyde don’t loose it, it also time to put my plan in action Hyde thought as he and Waspinator headed to where Megatron and the others were held.


            Look at Megatron now Terrorsaur just came back and he taken over Waspinator mock him as Hyde and him watch over Megatron, Inferno and Scorponok. Come on why won’t you free us Megatron ask Waspinator. What can you offer me Waspinator ask? When I get back in power I won’t put you in the line of fire. Deal Waspinator said. And how about you Hyde you get to blow things up Megatron ask. Megatron then notice that Hyde now have an errie calm look. Sure I get you out so I can blow things up Hyde said calmly.


            Hyde silently took out his sword and cut out a doorway for them and took off all of their restraints. After they were freed Waspinator got them their weapons. I take the front, Waspinator and Scorponok will follow and Inferno and Hyde will cover us Megatron said as he began to head toward the command room.


            Tarantulus and Quickstrike were about to relieve Waspinator and Hyde of guard duty when Waspinator, Hyde and the predacons being held as prisoner began shooting at then. Fight back Terrorsaur said as both groups headed for each other.  When the two groups almost reach other they turn into three. What going on here Megatron and Terrorsaur both said with shock as they watch Waspinator, Hyde and Blackarachnia form their own group.


            Why so surprise Megatron almost everyone try to take over the predacons or have an ego problem from what I know of Hyde said. And even if one group take out the other two then that group members will turn on each other. As Hyde said those words everyone began to eye each other suspicious not knowing whom to trust.


            Good point Hyde but you can’t be trusted either with your two personalities Inferno said. So finally you figure it out good for you Hyde said as he put his gun to Waspinator head. And Waspinator put his on Inferno and Inferno pointed his gun at Terrorsaur and this kept on going until everyone have a gun pointed at them. Look like this going to be a free for all, but who have the guts to shoot first Hyde taunted them as he laugh.


Round and round we go, where the death toll will stop, no one knows Hyde said as laugh. What so funny Hyde, Terrorsaur said. You die too Blackarachnia added. Maybe, maybe not, so many things can happened Hyde said as a remote came out of his arm and slid into his open arm. I knew this was going to happen Hyde said as he took a step back, if I go everyone goes. You mean you rigged the base with explosives Megatron said, as he looks for an exit.


            That right Hyde said as he took a step back. I knew there was something with you Tarantulus said. Oh great, we got the stasis pod with a predicon with two personalities Megatron said. As if the name wasn’t a big give away Blackarachnia said. You knew Terrorsaur ask? What you telling me none of you knew, talk about slow Blackarachnia said as she began to laugh.  No not now Hyde yells as he began to laugh.


Hyde, Quickstrike said as he began to step toward the exit. Let the fun begin Hyde as he hit the remote and a man voice began to count down from sixty seconds. Don’t let Hyde escape Terrorsaur said as he ran toward Hyde. You do that Terrorsaur but me and Inferno going to teach you traitors a lesson Scorponok said as he hit Terrorsaur in the back with his staff.


Forty seconds, I may be just a computer but I wouldn’t want to be here if I was you as the mechanical voice continue to count down. For loyalty Inferno yell as he shot at Quickstrike. Stop fighting and get out of here Megatron said. Why leaving so soon the party just getting started and things going to get exciting Hyde said as he pull out his missile launcher. We got to take out Hyde, he blocking the exit Blackarachnia said. Come on Megatron, Blackarachnia together we can take out Hyde, Tarantulus said as all of them headed for Hyde.


Thirty seconds are you taking this serious, I would the mechanical voice continue. Want to play Scorponok, lets Terrorsaur said as his shoulder cannons came out. Scorponok block two incoming shots, shot a toxic sting. Terrorsaur dodge it and shot back with his laser eyes. As Terrorsaur did that Scorponok jump, did a 360 and landed a blow with his staff against Terrorsaur head.


            Twenty seconds have you though about evacuating the mechanical voice said in a mocking tone.

Fool we all going to die because of you Hyde said to himself. If you didn’t want me coming out you should try harder. I want you out of my mind. How can you get yourself out of your own mind and I thought that I was the crazy one?


            Ten seconds, sun block anyone? Hyde didn’t know what hit him, when Mgatron, Blackarchnia, and Tarantulus attack him. Tarantulus and Megatron turn back into their beast modes. Tarantulus came in first and slid to a stop ten feet from Hyde. Megatron came next and use Tarantulus like a ramp to fly over Hyde head. As Megatron was in the air he transform. Finally Blackarchnia came from the left and fire at Hyde. Tarantulus transform and began to shoot at Hyde. They got him in crossfire and took him out. Get the door open, before it too late Megatron said.


            One, Zero ready or not here i go. Time was up and they all knew that. All their effort to escape was in vain. Fire erupted from the bomb and it engulfs everything in the base. Megatron saw the fire but couldn’t feel it. What going on here, why are we not dead Terrorsaur ask as he touches the flames. What you see isn’t always what you get the computer said as it laughs. HYDE YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS Megatron said as he headed for Hyde.


            Why you so upset when I wasn’t the only one who betrayed you Hyde said. That it if i see any of you again today, i will send you to the scrap pile myself. Megatron had more important things on his mind. The Voks were up to something. They would steal the stasis pods that were still in space and switch them with escape pods. Then they gave the escape pod a stasis pod signature. So when the fake stasis pod hit earth and self-destruct we think a real stasis pod was destroyed. He knew that much but are they doing to those stasis pods they stealing Megatron wonder.

I still alive after all the things that went bad today Terrorsaur said to himself. And all because of Hyde. That Hyde he a character. What a minute i just got an idea. And Terrorsaur wasn’t the only one scheming at the time. But would his scheme be the best, would he still be the king of schemes? Waspinator forgotten about that one way comlink I put on Sliverbolt. Good what happened today threw them off my real plan Hyde thought as he listens to the maximals talk. When we get a newcomer I going to get to it first he said as he began to laugh.


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