

By: Blackbolt52003

Two Vok were in a meeting. Seriously. Just two. “The robots are destroying our planet.” One said.

“Yes, brother. They are. What should we do?” another one asked.

“We will send down one of us to penetrate their forces.” The first one answered. “They have managed to escape from whatever we throw into the atmosphere un-harmed.” The second one caught on quick.

“So, if we attack from within, they won’t be escaping from whatever we give them.”

“Exactly.” The second Vok turned to the supercomputer.

“Let out pod # 6231.” The super computer complied. The pod was last seen shooting down into earth, two determined Vok prepared to see both the Maximals’ and the Predacons’ doom.


“Tree-Climber!” ordered Optimus over the COMM link. She snapped to attention. “There’s a stasis pod in Grid Delta, where the Axalon fell during the find of the Ark. Get to it before the Predacons do, alright?”


“OK!” She said, and went into Beast Mode. With a swish of her bushy tail, the red squirrel was off.

Tree-Climber was in robot mode, walking around, looking for the robot that had come out of the empty stasis pod. “Where are yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooou? Come out come out wherever you aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare!” she yelled, left and right.


She noticed a cave at the corner of her optic, a bit away from the water. She looked in. Darkness. She stepped in and walked for a couple of cycles (minutes) and waited. Pretty soon, her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she saw something shift.


“HI!” she yelled, so loud that her victim whimpered. “What’s your name?”


“K-Kameko.” The being said, shaking. The voice was that of a little girl…


“Is that in Japanese?” Tree-Climber asked. The being’s head nodded slowly. “What’s it mean?”


“Tortoise child,” it muttered.


“Come on outside where I can see you ok? I can’t see very well in the darkness, you know!” Tree-Climber said and went outside. “HEY!” she yelled back in. “YOU COMING?”


She saw the figure walk slowly, and when it finally reached the light, Tree-Climber saw a tortoise. “Are tortoises really slow?” she asked. The little tortoise nodded. “Can you transform?” Once again, a slow nod. “Can you do it right now?”


“Transform.” The little tortoise said softly and transformed into a robot, a little girl, her skin pale green like the tortoise had been and her organic hair being black and chin-length. Tree-Climber’s organic hair was orange and was in a ponytail, but who cared?


“Are you Maximal or Predacon?” she asked.


“Maximal,” Kameko mumbled, “I think.” Tree-Climber didn’t hear the ‘I think’. She just got a call from Rhinox.


“Rhinox to Tree-Climber, do you read me?” Kameko’s eyes were wide.


“Yep, I’m here. Kameko’s here too.”


‘Where is his voice coming from?’ Kameko’s eyes asked. Tree-Climber gestured to her COMM-link. Kameko mouthed, ‘oh’.


“Who’s Kameko?” Rhinox wanted to know.


“A new friend and Maximal,” she answered truthfully.


“Well, come back to base, quickly. The Predacons are headed your way. Rhinox out.”


“Come on!” Tree-Climber said, Beast-Moding. “Let’s get out of here! I wouldn’t want to be around when old Sourpuss takes a spin with that cannon of his!”


“B-But…” Kameko stuttered, going into her Beast Mode. “I can’t run fast in this beast mode!” Tree-Climber stared in disbelief. Then she snapped out of her disbelief and hauled the tortoise onto her back.


“Hang on!” she shouted, and ran as quickly as you please. And let me tell you, running with a tortoise on your back is not easy. Plus, it’s pretty annoying if the tortoise is screaming her lungs out. A few cycles later, Tree-Climber and Kameko were at the base.


Kameko stared at the base in aw. “It’s big,” she said. Tree-Climber nodded in agreement. She had gotten lost in the Ark a few times too many.


“Hey, bird dog!” she transformed, letting Kameko down from her back. The little tortoise transformed as well and sat cross-legged on the ground, staring up at the Ark in silence. “Why don’t you get those guns out of our faces? You know it’s not polite to stick a gun in another Maximal’s face!”


And with that, Tree-Climber went into the base, Kameko scrambling up and racing to her, not wanting to be alone. When Tree-Climber reached the control room, she sneaked up behind Rhinox and yelled, “BOO!”


Startled, the rhino dropped his tools. Unfortunately, one of the landed in a small vent and no matter how hard he tried to reach it through the open vent, he was too big for even his hand to fit. Tree-Climber tried next, apologizing, but she couldn’t reach, even though she could fit her arm (up to her elbow, hey, it was pretty small) in.


Sighing, the rhino sat back on his seat and said, “Looks like we won’t get Sentinel back online, Optimus.” Optimus looked up from his work.


“What happened?” the Maximal leader wanted to know.


“I startled Rhinox and he dropped a tool in the vent where we can’t reach it. Sorry,” Tree-Climber apologized and hung her head. Kameko, not wanting to see her new friend get in trouble, stuck her arm in all the way and grabbed the tool, taking it out with ease.


She accidentally dropped it back in, which got everyone’s attention to her. She kept getting it out again and again and dropping it back in until Tree-Climber caught it.


 “You’re an even worse butterfingers than me,” Tree-Climber smiled.


Then, Kameko noticed something at the corner of her optic and said, “Is that big purple dinosaur your friend?” Everyone looked to where she pointed on the monitor. “Is that Sourpuss, Tree-Climber?” Rhinox quickly finished installing Sentinel and activated it.


Megatron got blasted into a hundred smithereens (I’m exaggerating here…er...maybe I'm not...heheh...), as did many other Predacons hiding and ready to fight (I am so not exaggerating about them.).


“I’m Optimus Primal,” Optimus introduced himself. “What’s your name?”


“Kameko,” she answered shyly. She had a reason to be shy. She was way smaller than he was. He smiled and introduced everyone.


“Cheetor, Rattrap, Silverbolt, Blackarachnia, Depth Charge and Rhinox,” he said, gesturing to each with a hand when he said their name. Kameko nodded. “Now for your quarters…”


“Say no more, Optimus!” Tree-Climber immediately said, grabbing Kameko by the wrist. “I’m on it!” She ran quickly out of the control room. Kameko’s terrified voice could be heard.




Rhinox chuckled. “Do you think Kameko will get used to that?”


“Eh, I doubt it, Rhinox,” Rattrap said. “She doesn’t look like she could slag some Preds,”


“Hey, don’t judge bots by the way they look!” Tree-Climber’s voice called out angrily.


“I gotta watch that,” Rattrap said in mock-horror. “Or else the she-squirrel’s gonna be after my mech-fluid!”


Suddenly, Tree-Climber stood before him, grinning evilly, vaporizer gun in hand. “Don’t tempt me.” She murmured, drumming her fingers against the trigger.


Rattrap passed out. Tree-Climber grinned, and turned to Kameko who was standing in the doorway, looking like she had run a marathon. Maybe she had… “This is when I'm supposed to paint him all in pink and make him wear a pink frilly dress, but I’ll save it for another time.”


Kameko burst out laughing, clutching her stomach. Tree-Climber grinned. She still had it. She then turned to the others, who were laughing as well. “Who’s next?” They stopped, went back to work and avoided eye contact.


“Come on, Kameko,” she grinned. “Let’s go annoy Sourpuss! I bet he's back in his base, all fixed up, so LET'S ANNOY HIM!” And with that, she grabbed Kameko by the wrist and ran out the base, the poor little girl being victim to hyper ness yet again.