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By: Sinead

Lyrics transcribed on: 7 January 2004

Written on: 10 - 13 January 2004



Author’s Note: Well, since I got EXTREMELY bored, and I needed something to torture myself with again, I started two new projects. The first of which was this new, idea-packed series, which showcases the talented and awesome Hacker, and the Beast Warrior of her choice, Depth Charge. And I’m extremely honored that she trusted and allowed me to write about her. The second project is the trenchcoat that Shuichi Shindou wears in the anime series Gravitation. It’s a yellow-and-orange thing, and it’s being made for a singer-songwriter sister-in-spirit who graduated last year, and is currently in an anime-fan-infested college. She’ll be wearing it at Anime Boston, in the costume competition. It was finished upon January 20, 2004 , and I’ll put pics up for you guys to see, somewhere, I guess . . . *smiles* I think that I’ve jabbered enough for now. I own neither Hacker, nor Depth Charge. I don’t own Beast Wars, Clay Aiken, or the song “Invisible.” *grins* But I own Donovan. Take that, Red Baron!!! Woot!



What’cha doin’ tonight?

I wish I could be a fly on your wall



There was one thing wrong, and one thing wrong only. X had vacated the area when Depth Charge had sighted him. Normally, the crab never missed a chance to taunt his disowned brother. When Depth Charge had returned to the cargo bay, where he lived, he saw Primal waiting for him. And he learned of the truce that had been forced upon the Predacons. Depth Charge had asked the simplest question: Why?


Megatron had been assassinated. Terrorsaur was now in charge. And the second half of Rampage’s spark was held by Primal himself, as a desperate measure that the murderer would behave.


Activating his optics, Depth Charge came to the present. A present when he was not allowed to hunt X . . . his once-brother. A present where three bots have been taken from the Wars by some higher-up power, and made human . . . to be paired with another human. Huh, he thought, moving to sit up, I wonder who will be next? Not that I care . . .



Are you really alone

Who’s stealin’ your dreams?



Hacker stared at her mirror in shock. “Holy. Crap.”


Shadows were swirling around the edges of the glass, but in the center, there was a clear view of Depth Charge, who seemed to be brooding over something. Hacker smiled gently, but leaned against her bookcase, not wanting to go through just yet. He seemed to be deep in thought, and not everyone liked to be distracted by someone when they were thinking.


Besides. Just seeing that he was actually real was more than enough for the author.



Why can’t I breathe you into my life?

(So tell me)



I bet that he’ll be Predacon, Depth Charge thought. There’s been two Maximals taken, so it only seems obvious that another Predacon would be brought away. Primus . . . why did the rat have to go next?


He rested his head in his hands, and sighed.



What would it take

To make you see that I’m alive?



Hacker saw his sigh, then walked towards the mirror. She touched the wooden frame of the object of vanity, careful not to touch the glass. Even so, the shadows seemed to recede even further towards the edges of the mirror. Sinead, Starath, and Sapphire all agreed upon all the details about these things occurring, so there was no doubt about what was actually going to happen to her. But . . . why her?



If I was invisible

Then I could just watch you in your room



It didn’t seem possible that it could happen to her. She was . . . just simple old Hacker, the band drummer, the author, the OTFCC reporter . . . nothing special. But the others . . . they were something else. They seemed to take everything in stride. They sounded as if they had been confident about the whole ordeal, even though Sinead said that over half of the times she and Dinobot had been getting to know each other was spent with her bawling. Sapphire had spent it joking, worrying about what would happen next between her and Rattrap. Then Starath . . .



If I was invincible

I’d make you mine tonight


Hacker chuckled. Starath and Megatron had argued almost nonstop, and they still did, over all the most trivial matters. But they all loved their partners, and would die for them, if it ever came down to it. Sinead even followed Dinobot into the midst of a bloody battle, to try to stay with him, to try to save him. Starath braved the depths of Megatron’s fury, to try to get him to see just how much she cared for him. And Sapphire . . . she was four days without knowing if Rattrap were dead or alive. She mourned, and though her mourning, she saw just how much this once-thought cartoon character really meant to her.



If hearts were unbreakable

Then I could just tell you where I stand



Depth Charge sighed, then reached over to turn his light off. Worries would have to wait until tomorrow, and to tomorrow alone. He needed sleep, and he should, as soon as he could get into that mode. But . . . with the dreams that he had, who would want to sleep?



I would be the smartest man

If I was invisible . . .

Wait, I already am



Hacker saw him lie back, and she smiled, knowing that now was the time. She crept through, careful not to make noise, and stood a few feet away from Depth Charge. Should she be nice and gentle about telling him that she was here? It was a possibility.


Albeit a rather slim one.



Saw your face in the crowd

I call out your name, you don’t hear a sound



She grinned, and crept up on the Maximal, until she was inches from his face. Mentally, she was laughing uproariously, remembering all the times that she had done this to friends who had made the mistake of falling asleep before she had. With a deep, silent breath, she formed the words in her mind, then put on the squeakiest, most sickeningly-sweet voice she could manage.


“Hiya! You’re Depth Charge!”



I keep tracing your steps

Each move that you make


The Maximal sat up straight with a roaring yelp, and turned the lights on as he did so, seeing a grinning . . . “What the Pit what that for?!”


The human shrugged, and said, “Well, I thought that I’d say hi, since my mirror decided to link to yours.”


Depth Charge blinked, as Rhinox yanked the cargo bay door open, to reveal himself and Optimus, both armed to the teeth, right there. Cheetor was behind them. Depth Charge’s mind took a moment to sort out the sentence, which meant . . . “Aw, slag.”



Wish I could read what goes through your mind

Wish you could touch me with the colors of your life



The Maximal technician put his gun away, then blinked to the human. “Who are you?”


She smiled. “I’m Hacker. Not a Hacker, but I liked the name. It makes people worry.”


“With what you pulled on me, I wouldn’t be surprised if people worry when they see your face walk into the room,” Depth Charge grumbled. “Why the Pit did you have to do that?!”



If I was invisible

Then I could just watch you in your room



Hacker only smiled, as she replied, “Because I felt like it.”


Cheetor was laughing. “Awesome!” He managed to look around Optimus. “Hey, you’re here to brighten Fish-Face’s day?”


“Or days.”



If I was invincible

I’d make you mine tonight



“Primus, I’m cursed.”


The three Maximal had left them alone (finally) and Hacker was sitting upon a large strip of metal that Depth Charge called his desk. He was sitting upon his bed, watching her. Her answering smile was genuine, as she replied, “If you could hear Dinobot, Rattrap, and Megatron speak about this, they’d tell you that they’re anything but cursed. They really have gotten used to being humans, and they really like . . . sorry, love their female partners-in-crime.”



If hearts were unbreakable

Then I could just tell you where I stand



Depth Charge sighed, then rested his head in his hands again. There was a small thought in Hacker’s mind, one that said that she should go over to him, and at least try to comfort him. After a moment, she gave in to that, and rested her hand upon one of his own. He looked up at her, then away, not wanting her to see the horrors he had witnessed though his optics. She was young, and innocent yet. And she needed to stay that way for as long as she could manage to be so.



I would be the smartest man

If I was invisible . . .

Wait, I already am



Hacker saw him turn away, then smiled a small, sad smile. “Depth Charge, what’s bothering you?”


He glanced at her, then glanced away. “Nothing that you need to know.”


“So you don’t trust me.”


“I never said that.”



Reach out

But you don’t even see me



“But you’re not trusting me.”


“Not you. Your reaction.”


Climbing up to sit next to her favorite Beast Warrior, Hacker thought about the many times and changes that she had been forced to accept. This one seemed to be the kind of one that she would accept gladly . . . although . . . three, almost four years ago . . . that ordeal had to be one of the toughest times of her life.



Even when I scream out

Baby you don’t hear me


The human leaned her back against Depth Charge’s side, causing him to blink down at her. “So you think that simply because I’ve seemed like the innocent, know-nothing kinda girl so far, that I haven’t had to deal with rough times?”


“Well, you were the one acting the part.”


“I’ll give you that one. But I’m not what I seem, sometimes.”


“Who is?”



I am nothing without you

Just a shadow passing through



“You’re not going to tell me, are you,” Hacker said, turning to look up at her idol.


His red optics looked back at her somewhat blandly, as he sighed, then leaned back against the wall. Hacker rearranged herself so that she leaned more against his torso than his side, practically forcing him to rest his arm around her shoulders . . . “You’re slagging tiny. But . . . maybe I’ll tell you later. If you prove to be someone who I can trust.”


Hacker smiled sadly, this time to herself, and hunkered down closer to Depth Charge. This giant robot . . . he was something more to her than just the other infatuations she has had for other cartoon characters. He was something more. Something . . . someone who seemed to be her other half, she had once thought.


But . . . who would have ever thought that getting to know your other heart would be harder than getting to know your own heart?



If I was invisible

Then I could just watch you in your room



“You still awake, human?”


“As awake as you are, robot.”


“You’re not gonna fall asleep here, are you? I don’t think that I can fit into your room.”


“So you’ve been eyeballing that mirror, have you?”


“So what if I have? What are you gonna do about it?”

“Nothing yet. I was only wondering.”





If I was invincible

I’d make you mine tonight



Finally, after a comforting silence between the two beings, Hacker stretched, and slid off of the side of the bed. She walked over to the mirror, and looked it over. It was rough-cut, but polished to a high sheen. Depth Charge watched her with an eerie aching in his Spark. Ignoring it, he, too, stood, then walked over to behind her. “What are you going to do?”


Silently, he was hoping for the answer that . . .


“Come back when I can. If only to have you glare at me again.” She said the second half of the sentence while smiling up at the Maximal, giving him the impression that she really didn’t mean it.



If hearts were unbreakable

Then I could just tell you where I stand



“Uh, er, that . . . that would be okay,” Depth Charge managed to get out, as he tried uneventfully to slow his pump-rate. Slag all females! They always know how to get to you. Even when they don’t know that they’re doing it, they are!


Hacker smiled, and reached up to tug on his hand, smiling even more widely at him. He could feel his mech-pump speed up, as she whispered, “And if you ever need me, call. Or if you even want me to just sit with you, I’ll come as soon as I can.”


And with that, she went back to her own world, her own time, to rush to her computer and start typing a frantic, ecstatic email to three authors, who would all demand answers out of her. Not to mention, that their partners would want to know more about what was happening.



I would be the smartest man

If I was invisible . . .



As Depth Charge saw her run out of her room, laughing in happiness, he whispered, “I wish that you never had to leave.”