Hard times
By: DarkShadow15

Author's note- I own Darkshadow all the other characters belong to Hasbro. This story takes place in season 2 right after "Bad Spark"


    Predacon Base-
Darkshdow is the youngest and newest Predacon. She is always being teased by her other comrades. Darkshadow only has one friend, which is Blackarachnia the black widow spider. Darkshadow in robot mode looks kind of like Blackarachnia. Like with some physical features. Otherwise she looks like Cheetor only except she is black with blood red eyes, and she has actual hands. She has a gun similar to Rampage's and her claws can be used as a weapon too. Blackarachnia knocked on Darkshadow's door.
Darkshadow- Come in Blackarachnia.
Blackarachnia- How did you know it was me?
Darkshadow- Lets see here first off your my only friend. Second off none of the guys would be caught dead knocking on my door since they hate me so much.
Megatron- (yelling) Blackarachnia, Darkshadow!
Blackarachnia- Oh no Grape face is in a bad mood!
Darkshadow- (sarcastic) Oh yea he's probably going to blame it on one of us.
Darkshadow and Blackarachnia started heading to the control room. When they got there all of the other Predacons were waiting for them.
Megatron-Well now that the femmes are here we can disguise our plans.
Tarantulas- With what? With who? I'm all confused! (laugh)
Megatron- With Dark shadow of course!
Darkshadow- (yelling) Hey grape face what do you have against Blackarachnia and I?
Megatron- Why nothing at all it's just easier to use you as bait.
Predacon Computer- Attention 6 Maximals signatures heading towards here.
Megatron- All Predacons attack!
     Outside the Predacon base-
Cheetor, Rhinox, Optimus, Silverbolt, Dinobot, and Optimus were standing outside firing at the the Predacons who were running from out of the base.
Cheetor started firing at Waspinator. Inferno set Silverbolt on fire. Rattrap got shot in the chest by Quickstrike. Tarantulas went to help Waspinator with Cheetor. Then Tarantulas got shot with Dinobot's laser eyes. Rampage and Megatron teamed up on Optimus. Dinobot regained his battle mood and jumped and grabbed the 2 femmes Predacons. Everyone stopped their fighting.
Dinobot- Surrender Megatron or say good bye to your femme bots.
Rampage- awwwww! Who cares about them anyways!
Darkshadow- Rampage if I live any longer I'll I have to say to you is watch your back!
Dinobot threw Darkshadow and Blackarachnia. But just then Megatron and the other Preds started firing at the Maximals as they retreated.
Megatron- Rampage take Darkshadow to the CR tank. tarantulas you take Blackarachnia.
   Predacon Base-
About a mega cycle (an hour) later Darkshadow and Blackarachnia were completely repaired.
Blackarachnia- (whispering) Lets go see what Tarantulas is doing.
So the 2 femme's went to see what Tarantulas was doing. But while they were just about to enter his lair they got caught in one of his webs. Both of them were struggling to get out before tarantulas saw them. All of a sudden Tarantulas in beast mode appeared and saw the 2 femme's.
Tarantulas- ah dinner is served. (evil laugh)
Darkshadow- tarantulas you can't eat us it's Darkshadow and Blackarachnia.
Tarantulas- What are you 2 doing near my lair?
Blackarachnia- We just stopped by to say hi. Can you get us out of these webs.
Tarantulas let the 2 femme's go and told them never to come to his lair unless he was there or he would slag them. Blackarachnia and Darkshadow entered the base and went to their quarters. Dark shadow was in beast mode as she entered her quarters. But what she didn't know that Rampage was right behind her.
  Darkshadow's Room- 

Darkshadow- (yelling) Rampage get out of my quarters!
Rampage- Don't worry kitty I will! Right after I slag you!

Rampage took out his gun and shot Darkshadow as she roared out in pain. While he was laughing his head off. Darkshadow had died.
  Blackarachnia's room-
Blackarachnia went in her room to discover that inferno was in robot mode holding his guns towards the door.
Blackarachnia- (yelling) Inferno get out of my quarters and go to yours!
Inferno- I will but first I must obey the Royalty!
Inferno pulled the trigger and shot Blackarachnia as she was screaming in pain.
Inferno- Haha foolish spider you'll go to the inferno which is where you belong!
Blackarachnia and Darkshadow had died! But Why did Megatron want them to be slagged?

have a comment  or a question  e-mail me a joyfulljess13@aol.com or DeadlyDiasco14@yahoo.com