A God Among Insects

By: Zucca

Chapter one: Homecoming.

He felt his mind. Something tangible. Something he could touch. Something he could seize. Yes… seize… regain control…

Crimson eyes flickered to life as The Beast stood high atop a volcanic pinnacle, the wind rushing by his face, carrying the scent of brimstone and charred Earth.

His gaze drifted across the scorched, blasted surroundings, recognizing the twin-knife shaped Predacon corvette, The Darkside.

The dark one let himself fall from the pinnacle, wide wings carrying him away with surprising speed for his immense size.

A smile spread across his face, something he knew was rare.

He felt power. All his life he had pursued it, craved it, killed for it, betrayed his government for it, and now, at long last, he was satisfied.

The world sung in his ears. He could feel the life around him, the hardy insects crawling about the hardened rock near the lava pits, the ferns growing just beyond the blackened grounds. He could sense how long each thing had been alive, how long it would live, and even saw the most likely way it would die.

He soon sensed many inside the Darkside, yes… those who had served him, for better or for worse.

Some were worried for him, he could sense, others felt glad that he wasn’t there, while a few others simply didn’t care anymore.

That sensation reminded him of his ultimate goal. Predacon emancipation and the cessation of Maximals.

He landed just outside his old home, a triumphant smile on his face as he strode in. The ceiling was closer to his head then he remembered. Good…


Inferno screamed at Tarantulas at the top of his voicebox. "WE SHALL SEEK OUT THE ROYALTY!" He screeched, his limbs flailing as Loco and Felony restrained him.

Tarantulas scoffed, shaking his head. "Your sad devotion to that lizard will be your undoing. He’s left us all in the dust!" He said, his wrists continually shaky for reasons he wouldn’t share.

Loco had a hard time keeping the powerful ant in check. "Ey’! Spider-dude is right, man. The boss-bot’s gone. That scary monster musta’ you know, gobbled him up."

Inferno growled, trying to take off. "No! The Royalty is invincible! My queen shall never perish!"

Dinobot just stood in the corner, pitying the drone. Now that Megatron was gone, what was his purpose? What was his own purpose now? Lacking free will, he could not decide, so he simply waited…

Alluvia sighed, walking into the room in her beast mode. "Ladies and gentlebots, I’m afraid we’re wasting time here. It is my stout recommendation that we repair this ship and leave as soon as possible. This planet has nothing for us. Our leader lied to us. The Maximals could have destroyed our ancestors at any time, especially when that wolf and spider ran inside after Megatron and the others." Said the German Shepard.

Tarantulas snickered softly. "The female is correct. I also advise we leave this dirtball at once."

Inferno was about to scream again when the lights in the command center began flickering, then died.

In the darkness, all stood still as heavy, heavy footfalls echoed up from the bowels of the ship, then began to echo in the large central chamber.

As a faithful dog would, Inferno cried out in joy. "Royalty!"

The ensuing silence sent a chill down all present.

Breaking it, was a voice… like a thousand trapped souls speaking as one deep, nightmarish symphony.

"I see that I have been missed." Spoke the terrible voice.

Tarantulas switched to his thermal scanner… and saw nothing. No heat signature. Where in the Pit was that voice coming from?

The footfalls rang out again, the lights began to flicker on and off, then came to life again.

As if made from the stuff of nightmares, towering twenty feet above all, was a monolithic humanoid monstrosity. Black, as if molded from living obsidian, the body that their leader now inhabited bore two mighty arms, ended by large hands with long, claw-ended fingers. The legs that carried him were large and powerful, capable of running faster then anything organic on this world. His torso looked as though all the craftsmen of the medieval times joined a cult and created a piece of armor worthy of the Devil himself. It looked almost organic, but was visibly quite hard and unpiercible, bearing runes in an alien language etched down on either side in two lines.

Megatron’s face was the same for the most part, only darker. His face was encompassed by a helmet with slender twin horns that curved back from his head at a 60 degree angle, The helmet itself was similar to that which he had before, but now it was darker, sharper and somehow more menacing.

Behind him, his wings remain folded, a reptilian tail swinging back and forth, like a predator gleaming over it’s prey.

Alluvia shivered, remaining in place as the giant looked her way. "You were saying something, my dear Alluvia? Something about leaving me behind?" He said.

Alluvia whimpered softly, still in beast mode. Her tail lowered between her legs as she backed away slowly. "W-We thought you were dead…"

Megatron shook his head slowly. "You hoped I was dead. Such things for me are forever past. Such a pity you won’t live long enough to see it."

Alluvia’s eyes widened as she flew across the room and into Megatron’s grip, which seized her mid-section, squeezing slowly.

Felony raised a hand to stop him, but one glare from Megatron silenced her.

Sparks began flying from the Transmetal German Shepard, her screams of pain echoing off the walls.

Alluvia whimpered, trying to say something.

"Yes?" Megatron said with smooth, mock politeness, loosening his grip.

"M-Mercy!" She wheezed. "Please!"

Megatron laughed, a cruel, demonic sound. "Why?"

Alluvia could not come up with a good reason. She realized that he knew about her epiphany about his true motives.

Loco came up behind Megatron. "Hey… uhh… maybe we shouldn’t, you know, kill anyone who could be useful in the future, ya?" He said in his Mexican dialect.

Megatron chuckled softly. "Waste not need not, yeees."

Alluvia felt the grip on her mid-section release. She fell to the ground, coughing and gasping, sparks flying from her damaged areas.

Rampage, who had watched the whole affair with morbid fascination, felt a strange sensation as Alluvia was released. Something he knew he had not felt in a long, long time. Relief? The crab’s face remained unreadable, though he was experiencing a torrent of emotion that he’d not experienced since before he could remember. The sight of the Predacon female being squeezed cruelly made his spark skip a pulse.

"No. Do not fear for her. She is not important to you. What is important is the destruction of all who have wronged you. All Maximals. All Predacons. The only one who could understand you is little more then a pile of rubble now, thanks to that filthy, wretched, thrice-damned Maximal." He told himself.

Megatron flexed his fingers, chuckling again. "I actually agree with our dear Alluvia. It is time we Predacons took to the air again. Don’t you think so, Tarantulas?"

The spider’s eyes widened, he began backing slowly towards the exit. "I don’t know what you’re talking about." He said in his raspy, ever-sneaky voice.

Megatron smiled, but there was nothing pleasant about it. "I know however, since you do. The Nemesis. It’s here as well, isn’t it? You’ve found it. Yeees."

Tarantulas swiftly began cordoning off sections of his memory, deleting certain files he knew were too crucial for Megatron to know about, including his own origins.

"It will never fly, Megatron. I’ve already tried." He said dismissively.

Megatron scowled. "Then we shall salvage from it what we need to repair this vessel.

Our time on this wretched world has drawn to a close. We came here seeking power. We shall gather up as many energon cubes as possible. I shall lead our Predacon brethren on Cybertron to victory over the Maximal oppression!" He declared.

Inferno cheered wildly. "Yes! We shall buuuurn the enemies of my queen!"

Megatron was in such a high place now that even that bothersome title didn’t become a pest. "Ah, only the ones who protest our rise to power, my dear Inferno."

The huge, dark Predacon turned to his command chair. "This won’t do at all." He said, then let his optics close. The chair began morphing and changing… it grew with the groan and protest of twisting metal.

Soon, a grand, dark throne was before him, suspended from it’s usual strut.

Megatron laughed as the Predacons all watched in awe. "No longer am I merely a Predacon. I am the Lord of Predacons!" He declared, scarlet eyes blazing in the large, dim command center.

Alluvia limped off to the CR tanks, assisted by Felony and Loco, both of them looking worriedly over their shoulders.

"We’ve got to find out what’s going on here…" Alluvia mumbled blankly, still shaky after her brush with death.

Megatron approached Rampage, a grim smile on his face. "And Rampage, are you happy with your more complete spark? I hoped you would be. Because you’re going to be no better off then you were before."

"I believe it is time I rid myself of your existence, Megatron." Rampage calmly said and pulled out his tri-barreled blaster, firing a few dozen rounds…

… which all stopped before the reached Megatron’s dark hide.

Megatron smiled, waving his finger from side to side. "Ah ah ah, I’ll not have that mentality now." He said, the small missiles being tossed aside, clanging dully against the metal walls and catwalks.

Megatron seized Rampage by the neck, squeezing hard, crushing metal, not allowing the regeneration to kick in. "I kept you around because I find you useful, Rampage. Defy me once more, and you shall suffer for it. You thought squeezing your spark with energon hurt? Try this then."

Megatron reached through Rampage’s chestplate like a hot knife would go into butter, touching his spark.

Dark energy coursed down Megatron’s arm directly into Rampage’s spark, making him collapse on the ground in a screaming heap.

"Had enough?" Megatron asked in an almost gentlemanly manner.

Rampage growled, nodding.

"I don’t think so."

For another half hour, Megatron poured terrible energy into Rampage’s spark, disrupting it, altering it’s pulses, interfering with it’s wavelength, but causing no actual damage.

He finally released the crab, smiling. "There, I think that’s enough of a demonstration."

Rampage stood up slowly, not coughing, growling or groaning in pain. He gave Megatron a dangerous look that would turn a lesser bot into a steaming puddle of molten metal.

Megatron shook his head slowly. "You are all dismissed."

Rampage waited until Megatron had stalked off to his quarters, Inferno walking proudly beside him.

"So, you think you hold all the aces now, do you Megatron? What a fool. Had you known I was in no pain, you would most assuredly try to destroy me. But if I let you believe you’ve collared me, then that puts me in a most… agreeable position for when I bring about your demise."

Rampage thought again of Alluvia.

"Take her when you leave this world. She is unique. Like one I once knew well."


Chapter 2: Oh brother, where art thou?

Optimus Primal sat in his quarters, staring at the holo-portrait of Optimus Prime, contemplating his previous, if un-intentional actions.

"How can I make up my failure to the rest of them? How can I prove to them that I’m a better leader then what I’ve been lately?" He thought to himself.

The stoic face of his ancestor silently stared right back.

"I wonder if you ever had this problem?" He whispered, then sighed.

His door whistled cheerfully, contrasting his poor mood.

"Come." He said, hiding the bleakness of his mood.

Waspinator walked in, his shoulders slightly slumped. "Optimus? Waspinator want Optimus to know that it was not his fault. Optimus could not help what spider-bot did."

Optimus couldn’t help but smile, though a little sadly. He wondered how Megatron ever came to choosing the little Predacon who ultimately joined the Maximals.

"Thank you, Waspinator." Optimus said, impressed that Waspinator had gone to much work to remember the names of his comrades. "Is there anything else?"

Waspinator shook his head. "No. Waspinator just thought Optimus needed cheering up."

Optimus nodded. "That was very thoughtful, but I’m fine."

Waspinator nodded hesitantly, then exited.

The gigantic Maximal sighed, shaking his head slowly. "They’re all depending on me, now, more then ever. I can’t fail them."

Optimus looked to a holoscan of all the Maximals, back from when Airazor and Tigatron were still around. Rattrap had skillfully edited in Blackarachnia, Thundermare and Bounder.

All those faces, full of hope, courage and loyalty.

His eyes settled on Silverbolt.

"He led so well in my wake. If we get back to Cybertron… no… when we get back to Cybertron, I’m going to recommend him for a command of his own." Optimus thought to himself.

He stood up, took a deep breath, then touched the base intercom. "All Maximals, report to the command center. It is time to plan our next move."

Deep slumber.

Deep slumber.

His mind’s eye came to a new scene. He saw two Maximals sitting on the edge of one of Cybertron’s huge buildings, talking.

"I don’t understand why pa’s always hittin’ mama. Why don’t he cut it out? This kinda hogwash is gonna get them split up." Said the gold and aqua-green colored one.

"I know, little brother… he has not been at all supportive. He steals away at home, keeping to his precious war files, he never works and he always hits mother when she tries to get him to do something useful. I don’t know why she puts up with it…" Said the silvery one.

The desert colored Maximals sighed. "I reckon she’s tryin’ to keep the family in one piece. My pa’s a mean sonofagun. I wish sometimes we could all be livin’ with your pa."

The silvery one regarded his younger brother. "But then I would be without you. Cruel or not, your father is why you are here."

The gold and green one made a face, shaking his head. "Ain’t it true that the Matrix spits out everyone in a lineup or somethin’? I’da been here even if it wasn’t my pa who ignited with our mama."

The silver one nodded slowly. "Well then, in any case, I am still glad for your existence, my brother."

The younger one grinned, slapping the silver one’s back heartily. "Yee-haw! That’s right! I’m purdy’ grateful that I’ve got’cha as a big bro."

The image swirled and dissolved…

The two Maximals were older by a few years, but their eyes looked decades older.

The silver one sat in a barren cell, his face buried in his palms.

The other stood on the other side, his eyes narrowed at the silvery one within the bleak cell.

"I won’t tell ya it was a bad thing. The Decepticon was a sick bastard and he had it coming. But why’re you here, big bro?" The gold and green Maximal asked.

"Because, brother, I murdered someone. Murder is a sin as grievous as they get. I cannot undo what was done, but I do not regret my actions. But from this day forth, none of spark nor soul will be put to death by my hand." The silvery one in the cell whispered.

His brother scratched his head.

"What I mean to say is, I will never kill again…"

The image faded, replaced by the silver one and the gold and yellow one standing outside a very familiar starship… The Axalon.

"Well my brother, I am pleased that our careers in the military have brought us both to serve on this fine ship." The silver Maximal said proudly, then lowered his voice. "I trust you were briefed on our mission?"

The shorter gold and green one nodded. "Yup. Make sure these scientific softies can dump some out-of-his-mind psycho on a desert world to exile ‘em. Doesn’t sound too tough. The big ol’ brute’s in stasis, ain’t he? What harm can he do?"

The silver one frowned. "Let us not become lax, brother. This prisoner was responsible for the massacre at Omicron. The High Council said it was a mistake and have paid dearly for it. Perhaps now they’ve learned not to play Primus."

The other nodded in agreement, watching scientific equipment being loaded onto the science vessel. "So, the rest of the mission after we dump that rowdy critter’ll be a breeze, eh? Just babysit a bunch of techies. Oh yeah, I heard of yer’ new name. I just earned mine. They call me ‘Quickstrike’. Groovy, eh partner?"

The silvery one chuckled. "Indeed, my brother! I myself am now called ‘Silverbolt’ by my wingmates. I am not entirely sure I deserve the name, but I shall do my best to live up to it."

Silverbolt spotted a gorgeously curvy black and gold female boarding the Axalon and smiled pleasantly. Quickstrike grinned and sniggered. "I tell ya’ boy, if I were a lil’ red wagon, I’d looove fer’ her to ride in me."

Silverbolt frowned. "Brother! Do not disrespect a lady. It is most uncouth. That... reminds me. I have been meaning to ask you about your latest mission report…"

The other Maximal glowered. "What about it, partner?"

"It seems as though you broke formation to pursue other kills and left the one you were escorting unprotected." Silverbolt pointed out.

"Hey! I scrapped those two Preds easy as pie and got right on back to the colony ship. You fret too much, Bolty." Quickstrike replied.

"I apologize for accusations, but please, stay with the charge next time? Keeping your name at the top of the killboard is not as nearly important as keeping those people alive."

Quickstrike nodded, huffing a sigh. "Okay, point taken."

Silverbolt smiled. "Thank you for listening, my dear brother."

"Ya’know, I’ve heard our captain on this is a newbie. Recently promoted, ya’ dig? The guy is the big O.P.’s great-great-great-great-great-grandkid. Bet’cha he got in just cuz’ of that." Quickstrike said irritatingly. "Hope he doesn’t welt like a lettuce slice in the desert if we run into trouble like that one cap’m did."

Silverbolt nodded. "Like a sponge he was. He was fit for another life, not that of a military Maximal. Ah well. We can pray, can we not? Oh! It appears as though it is time to board and enter stasis. Godspeed, my brother!"

Quickstrike grinned and clapped Silverbolt on the back. "You too, big bro! See ya’ in a coupla’ weeks. How ‘bout you an’ me see if either of us can land a hodown with that purdy lady, huh?"

Silverbolt rolled his eyes. "Please Quickstrike, we are soldiers. It is unwise to fraternize. But… I suppose after we dispose of that villain, there would be no harm if you sought to. But I would rather not."

Quickstrike grinned. "First to ask ‘er out gets a week’s pay!"

Silverbolt wasn’t the gambling type and he disliked the rivalry his brother insisted on, but decided not to be pushy this time. "Very well." He said, already planning on letting his brother win.

The two Maximal brothers, both orphans, boarded the scientific vessel Axalon, destined for a fateful adventure…

Again, the images dissolved.

He could see only darkness.


Pitch black.


A woman’s face, a human woman, smiling warmly at him. Her hair was like pure gold, floating around her head like a halo.

Her wine-red lips were pressed close, her finger resting on them, indicating she desired silence. Her cheeks curved into pleasant dimples, lips forming a warmer smile then before.

She spoke, her voice soothing and melodious. It was like as if heaven itself whispered to him.

"The time is soon, Silverbolt, Salvus, Boldswoop." She whispered all three names he’d carried in his life, latest to first. "The Fabric is once again in jeopardy, and The Devil walks the Earth. You will stop Lucifer, for it is His will."

"Whose will?" Silverbolt tried to ask, yet no words emerged.

"The will of the one who has many names. Primus, God, Allah, Great Spirit. The names do not matter. That His will, the will of the universe and the will of all it’s denizens, be carried out by you, His messenger. His Angel."

Silverbolt frowned, trying to force himself to wake, but it was not possible. "Computer, initiate emergency startup prochedure!"


"Computer!" He cried.

"Warrior of Light, The Devil’s servant shall not stop until he is destroyed. Many say he cannot be destroyed, but nothing, save for the universe, is immortal. What you have seen in your Dreamscape will serve you. Your death was inevitable, but it was also necessary. Destroy Satan’s minion on this world, or all of us… all of humanity, shall perish. He moves soon. Our ancestors will die, and all of us with them."

"Who is the Devil?!" Silverbolt cried. "Megatron or Rampage?!"

"The Devil kills without mercy. The Devil collects souls to fuel his power. He is beyond the Grace. He is without love. The Devil cannot be destroyed by your hand or your sword. But the lack of love can be filled, and the Devil shall be the Devil no more."

He tried to ask why he told him all of this, reaching out…

Blackarachnia awoke with a start and let out a gasp of surprise.

Silverbolt was floating above the bed, his body encased in an eerie blue glow.

"Silverbolt!" She shouted, watching him reach towards the ceiling.

She touched his chest, her hand penetrating the glow.

"Wake up Silverbolt… Wake up!" She snapped into his mind.

The glow faded and the Maximal Knight gently touched down on the bed again.

His eyes opened and he looked up at Blackarachnia.

"My love…" He whispered softly.

"What was it, Silverbolt? You were floating…" She began.

"Yes. I was dreaming… I cannot remember all of it… but… there was a human woman. She was telling me something very important…"

Blackarachnia nodded slowly, listening.

"No wait… I… She was telling me that I am some kind of angel sent back from heaven to destroy some great evil. But… that it cannot be destroyed by weapons." He said softly.

"Silverbolt, dreams aren’t to be taken literally. They are metaphors the unconscious mind gives us to tell us things that aren’t on the surface. Whatever this dream meant, it is about your passion for defending against evil."

Silverbolt drew his arms against himself. "I just wish I knew what all of this means… I had other dreams too… About my past. Blackarachnia… I believe I have a brother. Or a half-brother at least. And… his name is Quickstrike."

Blackarachnia’s eyes widened. "Silverbolt, you can’t be serious… he’s nothing like you! He’s violent, unkind and he stayed with Megatron."

Silverbolt nodded slowly. "We share mothers, but not fathers. I… cannot remember more then that… but I do know that his father killed our mother, and I killed him for it…"

Blackarachnia gently touched his shoulder, saying nothing.

"My brother… he did not blame me for it. He felt guilty about it. As if he were responsible for the death of our mother." He muttered softly.

"Silverbolt… I’m sorry…" Blackarachnia whispered.

"Do not worry… it is of the past. A past… I cannot connect with anymore. But the fact remains… Quickstrike is my… brother." He said.

"If you don’t let him out, I will. This needs settling, Silverbolt." Blackarachnia said.


"No, Silverbolt. You know as well as I do that your family cannot remain divided. We can handle Optimus. Breaking a rule or two won’t hurt."

"Very well, my love… very well. But what of… the children?"

Blackarachnia touched her abdomen, housing the two sparks that were still forming through union the two continued to share. Powerful Transmetal energy would be present in the offspring, this much they knew, but what they would end up ultimately being, was a mystery even to them. "I’ll keep them safe, Silverbolt. The need for union is at an end, so they can proliferate on their own. We need to speak with Rhinox about creating protoforms for them."

"Agreed, dear one. Let us go awaken… their uncle." Silverbolt said.


Quickstrike awoke, expecting to see a pair of Maximal police on Cybertron, but instead looked into the faces of Silverbolt, and his once-obsession, Blackarachnia.

"Wha…? What’s the big idear? I reckon this is mighty low of y’all to be rattlin’ my cage, Wolfy! Totin’ my Sugar-bot around like that." Quickstrike snapped.

Silverbolt sighed softly. "I have not come to taunt you, Quickstrike. I have… come to tell you something."

Quickstrike imitated a hocking, spitting sound, mimicking the culture he absorbed in his time among humans on Station Ceti-Alpha 6. "You can take yer’ big ol’ words and shove each an’ every one of em’ up your feathered, candy rear!"

Silverbolt shook his head. "I shall talk and you shall listen. Unless of course you would prefer going back to sleep."

Blackarachnia cleared her throat audibly, her tri-clawed hand hovering over the RESET button, showing that the threat was not hollow.

"Awright, awright… What is it, Rin Tin-Tinhorn?" Quickstrike asked, his arms and legs restrained by the pod he was within.

"I have recently had an epiphany, Quickstrike." Silverbolt began.

"A what?"

Silverbolt sighed. "I have discovered new information. You do not remember your past, do you?"

Quickstrike tried to scratch his head with his cobra hand, but it was of course, not possible. "Uh huh. Ever’thang’s just a big ol’ blank. Why you askin’, fuzz’n’feathers?"

Silverbolt looked to Blackarachnia, then back to Quickstrike.

"Does the word ‘Brother’ mean anything to you?" Silverbolt asked.

Quickstrike’s eyes flew wide open at the word, his mind flooding with bits and pieces of past memory. Maybe Silverbolt’s presence healed it some. Maybe the word was the key to unlocking a door. Or maybe he just happened to remember at that very instant. In any case, Quickstrike now felt it in his very spark, realizing that he was indeed his brother.

"We are brothers, Quickstrike. By one mother and two fathers." Silverbolt said slowly.

"What in the bleedin’est tarnation….?!" Quickstrike howled. "That’s the biggest load’a bull turd at’s ever been shoved in mah ear!"

Silverbolt winced, hearing his brother fight against the restraints with all his strength.

"Lemme outta this fangled piece o’ junk!" Quickstrike demanded.

Silverbolt reached for the restraint release.

"Silverbolt, no…" Blackarachnia began, but Silverbolt’s hand reached it first.

Quickstrike ran out, screaming: "It can’t be true! It just fricken’ CAN’T BE TRUE!!!"

Silverbolt winced, looking down at his feet. "Optimus is going to have my head for this."

Blackarachnia shook her head. "He’s forgiven worse. Come on. Let’s report to him.

Maybe Quickstrike will come to his senses and come back."

"I pray to all that is good and just, that you are correct, my lady." Silverbolt whispered.


Chapter 3: The truth of command.

Optimus sighed, looking out across the lake of lava to the mighty Autobot Ark. "So… You released him?"

Silverbolt nodded. "I did sir."

"And you believe he is your brother?"

"No sir, it is not a matter of belief, it is a matter of knowledge. I know he is my brother."

"I see. Tell me then Silverbolt… what should I do?"


"Should I reprimand you, punish you, write up a black mark on your already imperfect record? You’ve released a prisoner without my consent." Optimus said evenly.

"I’m aware of that, sir." Silverbolt replied.

"Are you also aware of the responsibility of any good captain? That he must maintain discipline among his crew?" Optimus asked.

Silverbolt nodded. "I am aware, sir."

"Then tell me why you have such blatant disrespect for discipline that you repeatedly go against my orders, sabotage equipment and release prisoners?" Optimus said quietly.

Silverbolt looked at his feet. Had he a fully organic throat, he would have swallowed the lump that would have undoubtedly formed there.

"A good captain must make examples of those who endanger the rest of the team."

Optimus said, then turned to Silverbolt. "You are taken off active duty, effective immediately. You will remain in your quarters until I tell you otherwise. I cannot order you to, but I will ask you, Silverbolt. Please think of what you have done, so you can prevent yourself from doing it again. The fact that you’ve done as many accomplishments of loyalty, courage and honor is why I’m not incarcerating you indefinitely. So think, Silverbolt. So we can prevent these things from happening in the future."

Silverbolt nodded slowly, his head hanging, his shoulders and wings slumped in shame.

All other Maximals were gathered there, ordered to watch and listen in silence.

His shame was for all to see.

Silverbolt disarmed, even though it was not asked of him, detaching the small, alien missile launchers in his wings, laying down his carbine rifle and removing a small chip that controlled his targeting systems.

"May I have your permission to speak freely, sir?" Silverbolt asked.


"I do not regret the actions I took on their base principal, but I regret neglecting to speak of the matter with you, Optimus. I shall endeavor to change my ways so that I may make up to you what I did wrong." Silverbolt said honestly, meaning every word.

"Thank you Silverbolt. Now go to your quarters. Blackarachnia will be assigned temporary lodging until you are taken off house arrest." Optimus said.

Silverbolt winced, but nodded. "I understand, sir. Once again, I apologize and shall seek to mend my ways."

Optimus nodded slowly. "For the sake of every Maximal here, I hope so, Silverbolt."


Miles away, in a hidden lair, Tarantulas was busy writing new programs for his though waveforms. Megatron had gained something new. Something terrible.

He noticed that the gruesome Predacon could not hear Rampage’s thoughts.

"They are too alien. Too different." Tarantulas mumbled as he swiftly wrote. If Megatron found out his other secrets, not only would his position be compromised, but Megatron would have no need for him. The only thing that kept Megatron from slagging him was need. If that need was totally satisfied, Megatron would surely kill him.

"There! At last! Perhaps this will even dispel those two cursed ones from my mind…" He hissed, connecting directly to his terminal.

He had been haunted ever since the incident in the Ark. Every time his optics sealed up, he could ‘see’ Silverbolt and Blackarachnia’s angrily frowning faces in his mind’s eye.

The Unicron spawned Predacon was joyous to discover that the transfer went perfectly, but slammed his fist down in rage when he still saw Silverbolt and Blackarachnia glowering at him.

"Curses! Why can’t I get them out?! It as if they’re always there!" He snarled, going to his regeneration bed so he could slumber while his processors got used to the new data-flow style.

"They will pay for instilling themselves into my mind. Ohhh yes, they will pay. I think I shall look to that delightful Rampage for more assistance."


Chapter 4: I dream of equality

Loco, Felony and Alluvia met in her quarters after Megatron left with Inferno to find Tarantulas. All three Predacons had worried expressions, Alluvia especially.

"How could our commander perform such a brutal thing?" Alluvia whimpered, rubbing her middle, which though repaired, was strangely still in pain.

Felony sighed, shaking her head. "I dunno, shugah. He’s got me stumped for sure."

Loco was pacing back and forth, arms over his chest. "So he got mad, what’s that gotta do with anything? Yer still here, arent’cha chica?"

Alluvia nodded slowly. "Thanks to you. He was going to kill me…"

Felony sighed. "We don’t know that. He might’a been puffin’ smoke."

Alluvia shook her head slowly, her knees curled up to her chest. "No… that look he had… He really meant it. He’s not the right choice… We should have someone else leading us against the Maximals. Heck, I’d be more comfortable with that Inferno guy at the helm then Megatron."

The others, to this, did not disagree.

The door swung open and every hand in the room settled on a weapon.

The huge, towering visage of Rampage stepped through, his emerald eyes boring deep into the spark of all present.

"Your conversation interests me. You all have sedition on your minds, yet some are more willing to speak of it then others." He said, gaze settling on the unsettled Alluvia.

"W-We plan no such attempt…" She said weakly.

Rampage smiled, but there was no happiness or joy behind it. Simply cold amusement. "Do not be afraid. I have no love of our mutual acquaintance either. I wish to ask you all however, when the time comes to rise against him, whose side I can count you being on?"

Rampage already knew the answer to each and every one of the three, but he wanted to hear them say it.

"I’ll help…" Alluvia said quietly.

"To the pit with this… I’m just gonna sit this one out and step back in once it’s blown over. I’m on neither side, shellfish." Felony said, turning around, making a pert little ‘Humph!’

Loco scratched his head. "Well, da’ boss has some real issues, ya? I’m thinkin’… aww whadda heck? I’ll help ya’ out. I’m not ‘Loco’ for nothin’, ya’?"

Rampage chuckled softly. "Indeed, friend."

Felony sighed to herself, shaking her head. "Fine, fine. I’ll help you out a little bit. But don’t think I’m going to play full involvement. I’ll help as far as I please."

Rampage chuckled darkly. "I’m sure."

The colossal crab exited without another word, leaving the trio in deep thought.

"I never had him pegged as a revolutionary." Felony muttered.

"Ya, he’s like, a lil’ nutty in the cabesa, ya? Got a few screws loose." Loco said. "But I think he got a point, ya?"

Alluvia shook her head slowly. "I don’t know… something doesn’t feel right. I don’t like being manipulated." She said slowly.

As Rampage left, he listened, and smiled darkly. "Yes… very good, Alluvia. You’re the only true thinker among them."

Tarantulas heard someone walking down the entrance to his lair and felt a stab of panic.

"Ah, so this is where you’ve made your home, is it Tarantulas? So you used the site I intended as a refueling station. Very clever indeed." Megatron’s voice echoed down the entrance hallway.

"How did you find me?!" Tarantulas hissed back, scurrying about his lab, securing his data tracks and records.

"Why, I simply felt your treacherous thoughts and followed them here. It was like a beacon, you know." He said smoothly, nothing but his shadow visible.

"That’s quite interesting. Perhaps you would allow me to study you?" Tarantulas asked, giving background chatter to keep Megatron occupied, working hard not to think of anything crucial or important that would give away his true nature.

"Well, now that I’m here, perhaps you can show me the entrance to the Nemesis." The massive Predacon said, now standing in the doorway, crimson eyes blazing amidst his dark visage.

"I’m afraid you won’t get very far. Decepticon and Predacon technology is too far apart. Repairing the Darkside with parts from that blasted hulk is an impossible task." Tarantulas snorted.

Megatron laughed, throwing his head back, then narrowed his eyes on Tarantulas, the smile gone all of a sudden. "I’ll make it possible."

Tarantulas felt he was losing ground. A position he didn’t like. "Farces aside, Megatron, what do you want from me?"

Megatron took a step forward. "Simply put, I lack the cruelty and sadism that I treasure in you, my irritable arachnid. I require your works back home on Cybertron. The Maximal Elders will not have the luxury of death, even the luxury of a sparkless void. No, you’ll keep them alive, sane and in pain. Only you can accomplish such a feat."

Tarantulas had his doubts, as usual. "Is that truly all, Megatron? Torture a rabble of old, decrepit Maximals?"

Megatron smiled broadly. "That is it, Tarantulas. Rest assured, if I didn’t need you, I’d ground you into dust for all you’ve done. Yes, I know it was you who shut down our defenses during Ravage’s raid. I know it was you who stole the transwarp cells, and I know it was you who triggered the detonation of the stolen alien ship. If not for your particularly sadistic mind, I’d have dipped you into the lava as a demonstration to the others. You’ll torture those Maximals, or you will find yourself becoming closely aquatinted with Earth’s sun."

Tarantulas would have swallowed the lump in his throat, had he one. "I understand, Megatron." He said quietly, though he knew the lizard had more up his sleeve then just that.

"The Nemesis is this way." Tarantulas mumbled, guiding the towering Predacon through another hallway and into a massive cavern, the bottom glittering with water.

"Ah yes, the Nemesis crashed in Earth’s oceans, didn’t it? You used arachnid drones to built a method of transportation out to the ship. Again, you impress me, Tarantulas."

The arachnid was not flattered. "We shall enter the monorail and you can see it for yourself." Tarantulas said grudgingly, like a child forced to show his stash of hidden cookies.

The two of them entered the monorail car while Inferno’s voice crackled over the comlink.

"Inferno to the Royalty, Maximals sighted in immediate airspace! Requesting permission to buuuurn!" Inferno cackled.

Megatron frowned. "Do not engage unless they approach the entrance. If combat ensues, inform me at once and draw them away from the cave."

Tarantulas turned to the controls of the monorail, smirking as he sent mental instructions to his arachnids, ordering a number of them to walk around outside of his lair, hopefully catching the Maximal’s eye.

He watched through one of his drone’s eyes as the fishy Maximal flew away.

"Curses…" He muttered.

Megatron looked his way, a brow upturned.

Tarantulas wiped dust from the forward window. "This window is filthy. Curses."

Megatron rolled his eyes. "It was my understanding that spiders love filth."

Tarantulas glowered and started the monorail, which slid nicely into the water, moving along the rail, destined for the sunken warship.

Tarantulas looked up at the large Predacon as the massive hulk of the Nemesis entered their vision.

"Why, the takeover of Cybertron by it’s rightful rulers, and the mass conversion of Maximals into Predacons. That way, all shall be on the same level." And for Predacons who disagree, the Tripredacus Council for instance, some minor persuasion shall make them see eye-to-eye with my vision. Then, when that is accomplished, we shall take each and every one of the colonies, then expand ever-outward, forging a vast, powerful empire that shall leave it’s mark on eternity!"

Tarantulas would have crawled into a ball, had he been a lesser bot. He nodded slowly and stiffly, feeling the cart slide into place.

"I must warn the council…" Tarantulas thought to himself as Megatron disembarked.