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Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:02 pm
by beastgirl
hi ppls!! im soo happy to be here :D

well lets talk a bit about me, well i love beastwars, no dought in that i loved the old series too, i almost paid 50$ and will soon for a full transformer rampage ation figure,

when i was little and watched bw i loved cheetor and i hated dinobots guts and i always said "why cant he listen to his mommy for once"
and since the age of 7-8 i loved dinobot im totally a fan and as for cheetor..grow up

i love to draw art, make flash moives, i love going on runescape, and watch beastwars on tv HAH its still on along with shadow raiders reboot ect

i am crazy fun and go over the top a bit and i always try to do the least and still be on top, thats a little about me -cricket cricket-...-one clap-

ps. i talk too much......WAY too much

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:50 pm
by Kidcat
Hi!!! Welcome to the forum! :D

I used to hate Dinobot too, but after watching Code of Honor I was all like "T_T Nooooo! Come back!!! I miss you!!!"

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 7:57 pm
by beastgirl
:cry: i was evil when i saw code of hero the first time :cry: i said exactly "hora stupid dinosuar got what was coming last time he wont clean his room" cause in the begging when he was about to kill him self i thought he was cleaning his room but didnt finished lol :? how off was i!?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:32 pm
by Kidcat

How old were you when you first saw the episode anyways? I remember I was 14 and my mom had told me that if he had gone through with killing himself that she wouldn't ever let me watch the show again.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:36 pm
by beastgirl
well i was 3 when i watch the old stinky beastwars and i was 5 when beastwars first aired and it still is whahahhahahah -cough- though i have to wait till 11:30pm to watch it then after i watch shadow raiders

what did you first think when u saw beastwars

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:31 am
by Kidcat
At first I though it was a rip off of the original Transformers, then I realised that the word Transformers was actually in the title. When I was little I had never really given Transformers a chance so I decided to wit down and watch it.

The first episode was "The Web" and I absolutely loved it. Cheetor became an instant favorite. I just loved his disobedient childish actions XD I thought it was awesome how he had so much energy. That and I love cats lol Then I watched Equal Measures and loved him all the more.

It didn't take more than that, I was hooked lol "Power Surge" was the first episode I taped. I remember I watched it so much I knew all the lines.

The thing with Beast Wars is that's how me and my best friend met and how we bonded. We'd call each other and watch the show together and even fought over Rattrap at one point XD Then when she moved away, we'd still call each other to watch it every week :) We'd work of fanfics together and everything.

So yeah, all that to say I loved it right away for many reasons lol

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:57 am
by beastgirl
awww thats such a cute story, me and my friend zu are closer then ever thanks to beast wars we cant keep one converstion without saying something to do with beastwars.
i remember when i went camping i was half asleep and my freind zu came upstairs to were i was sleeping and i said "shut up rattrap" :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 4:00 pm
by Kidcat
Hehe :D Yeah, me and my best friend did that a lot, still do actually lol

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:25 am
by RobotInDisguise
Welcome, Beastgirl. Runescape, you say? I used to play that. As for Dinobot, I'm such a huge fangirl that it's not even funny! I just loved the character development.

And Kidcat, the episode's actually Code of Hero, though it is kinda flattering that you said Code of Honor.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 2:29 am
by Safeguard
Welcome, and enjoy yourself.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:52 pm
by Kidcat
RobotInDisguise wrote:And Kidcat, the episode's actually Code of Hero, though it is kinda flattering that you said Code of Honor.
D'oh >.< I knew it was either Honor or Hero, but I was being too lazy to double check ^^;

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 7:20 pm
by beastgirl
man i feel like im home

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 5:06 am
by Jagna
hiya beastgirl
im new here too, and i luv beast wars as much, or if possible more than, as much as evry bwfan put together, but wouldnt u agree its gr8 to hav other ppl to talk to about bw? its a shame coz in my house, i mention it once and my sis goes 'omg not again!'
can i just say i cant believ u didnt like dinobot! sure at first i thowt he was rough and mean (i was nine!) but u got to luv the dinobot rattrap thing rite?
but i agree...its gr8 to feel at home with these kool kats :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 9:32 pm
by beastgirl
omg dont get me on the rattrap dinobot thing when i was little :oops: i wasssss sooooo kiddy and soo ..silly and soooooo... nto smart for the time i saw beast wars (second time i got it all)
but when i fist saw it at the age of 5 i though dinobot and rattrap were brothers or something and that megatron was there dad :shock: omg what was i on! though i did love them fighting i thought it was cus they were brothers, and i thought rhinox was there uncle :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: whats wrong with me! lmao

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:34 pm
by Jagna
o dont worry about tht thts nothing...i took me ages to work out not the complexity or not of the plotline but the lang they used and the first time i saw the first episode i mssed wht the big deal was with magatron and energon...silly me. but then i got to the habbit of saying slag whenever something bad or ironic hapened...
thing is with the rattrap and dinobot thing i had the same sort of relationship with a guy in my drama group. wed insult eachother or just be really nasty to eachother, but the thing is we had a mutual friend so we hung out with eachother a lot :shock:
but the really scary thing was afta the time dinobot died :cry: and he and rattrap cleared thing up, was the time that we called a truce! :shock: and now we r really good frends!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: