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Thread Ressurection and You.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:22 pm
by Razor One
What is a thread resurrection?

A thread resurrection occurs when someone replies to a thread that hasnt been posted in for months, or in some cases, years. A resurrection is also known as Necromancy.

The thread thus is "Resurrected" when someone posts in it, despite the fact that there may have been more recent discussions on the same topic.

Threads generally have a useful lifespan. They are posted, discussed in, die off, and sink to the bottom to become fossil threads. No further meaningful discussion can take place when the people that discussed the topic have since left the forum or are no longer interested in the subject at hand, or have discussed that particular topic in a brand new thread only last week.

How do you avoid becoming a necromancer of threads?

The answer is simple. CHECK THE DATE. If the last post was three months or more ago, DONT POST. If you REALLY want to discuss the topic, check for a more recent topic. If you cant find a more recent topic, then go ahead and make one, as long as it's worth the time to read.


Due to a recent spate of thread resurrections I will now be locking any post resurrected that is older then 6 months beyond it's last reply and delivering a very stern warning to the perpetrator. A repeat offense will net a final warning, and a further offense beyond that will warrant your removal from the forums.


The exception to this rule is when the thread has gone without replies and the original poster bumps the thread back to the top where they would have had to copy/paste the entire thread to make a repost. ONLY the OP may do so, and they may do so ONLY ONCE. And even then, they can ONLY do so in a manner not considered to be deliberate abuse of the exception.

So remember kids, Dont fiddle about with Necromancy!

Addendum #2

A Further exception to this rule is with regards to stickied threads. Since Stickies can never sink to the bottom and generally have content that is almost always eternally relevant to new and old members alike, participation in open sticky posts is always welcome no matter the gap between prior posts.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:52 pm
by SilverfromOZ
Personally, I don't really see what the big issue is with raising an old thread. Being one of the (I suppose) "later" joiners, I entered when there was a spate of old topics which I would loved to have dived into. I'm pretty sure I've dug up a few in my time and like I said, I really don't see the problem.

Maybe some people are sick of discussing the same topics, but what about young and exciting new blood who are either able to add fresh ideas or perhaps get the buzz back into one topic which was really good, but everyone was too busy to reply at the time (if I had a 5 cents for every orphaned thread that I've left behind :lol: ).

Sorry if this seems a bit like butting heads with a Mod Razor but I just figure that if we have new bloods who are excited, let them have their fun. So long as the general ettiqute is adhered to, the occasional rotting thread being brought back to life is sometimes a good thing (hey, Optimus was resurrected so it can't be all bad :wink: )

Anyhoo, to go with the ruling of keeping old threads dead, should newbies perhaps start up a new thread? If so, won't we have the problem of haggard clones hovering about afterwards (I say this because I reckon the original people who delved into these topics usually couldn't be bothered going through the process again).

So, just to be clear, don't wanna be the firestarter telling you how to do your job, I'm just trying to clarify a point that I've never really truly understood.

Cheers :D

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 12:23 am
by Razor One
SilverfromOZ wrote: So long as the general ettiqute is adhered to, the occasional rotting thread being brought back to life is sometimes a good thing (hey, Optimus was resurrected so it can't be all bad :wink: )
General etiquette on most every forum I visit stipulates threadromancy as anathema.

The odd thread from a few months ago is understandable. 10 threads from 1 year and more ago is not.

I addressed your concern in my post if you'd care to read it a little more carefully, specifically.
Razor One wrote:
If you REALLY want to discuss the topic, check for a more recent topic. If you cant find a more recent topic, then go ahead and make one, as long as it's worth the time to read.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 2:41 am
by SilverfromOZ
Righto, not to worry. Just clarifying, like I said :D

Keep up the good work :D

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:39 pm
by Beastbot
I am SO going to reply to this thread a year from now.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:25 pm
by Razor One
Not if it gets

