"First Season Finale: Part I"

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Unread post by Phoenix »

Although Aurora had not overheard Ironclaw's initial concern with Primal taking her along, she had gotten close enough to make out the Maximal commander's response. Tilting her ears to a sideways angle before flattening them against her head, Aurora stopped in her tracks upon hearing her name get brought up.
"And yet, for the sake of my crew, I have to press on and keep my emotions in check to the best of my ability. You see, Ironclaw, Aurora may be emotionally unstable but most of us are after losing a comrade, including me, but unfortunately we can't put everything on hold to grieve. I could use her company to help keep me focused and vice versa."
As usual the other Maximals, and this time Ironclaw of all of them, wanted to shelter her. She could understand, almost appreciate, the sentiment since it appeared he wanted to keep her safe, but above anything else Aurora longed for freedom to explore the world for herself and get to experience life outside of this base. Yes, the death of Icebreaker hit her harder than most, but would being left alone to dwell on those sad feelings and long for those memories of a time when her close friend was alive and well really help matters any? Somehow Aurora doubted that..

Much to her surprise, however, Optimus appeared to share her feelings on the matter. In fact his initial response had been to laugh, which seemed completely out of place for him. It was clear that the Maximal commander, too, was right on the edge of what he could deal with. Some of the other Maximals seemed to almost forget the fact that Optimus had every bit as much compassion as any of them, if not more. To him they were all a big family, with all the squabbling and disagreements such a thing would encompass. Yet he cared for them all and took the blame upon himself if anything bad ever happened to any of them. This fact had become more evident than ever when Optimus had apologized to her moments before, as if taking the blame for Icebreaker's demise.

Deciding not to prove Ironclaw's point by causing a scene, she merely narrowed her eyes a tad as she got close to them. Optimus had given him a much more dangerous assignment, so she hoped he would focus on that rather than the leader's decision to bring her along. Turning her attention to Optimus, she returned his gesture with a brief smile. On the inside she was torn up by conflicting emotions right now, but she would attempt her very best not to let them get in the way.
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Unread post by Wildfire94 »

"She didn't say what it was about nor where, but my assumption would be to try neutral ground Steelclaw." Onyx said, giving the only information he had gotten from Whitegrazer's message. The mare had been fairly vague about why she wanted to meet Steelclaw, and after what happened it might not be wise to meet them again, especially when he himself was unaware of the full mission until now. Regardless he wouldn't ask the bear to what the nature of the conversation might be, "Whether you wish to visit her or not as she requested is your choice my friend, but I won't stop you and I can't say for the other of our comrades. Megatron will always be suspicious of us no matter what." He said before nodding his head and leaving his fellow warrior to his own thoughts.

For Onyx to be formal or passive towards the Maximals would seem unusual, and he was aware others might find him being a traitor to the Predacon cause just for being casual with them. However he was more or less mellowed out from his days in the illegal fighting circuit and military training, having come to learn that being impulsive towards his enemies just would get him in trouble or being 'insane' as some there preferred just wasn't him; he was now more cautious and careful, more observant of his foes then just throwing himself into a fight. None the less he would continue his new path then what it use to be, having learned his lessons the hard way.


Slightly frustrated with the fuzor being given an assignment to greet Saber-Fang the Predacon leader growled and was left to ponder what Primal could be planning now, but none the less he had some valuable information to know they had one less Maximal gone, or to best say two maximals now that Arachnitron had become part of their little psychotic group. His only worries to be concerned of within his own ranks were most of his underlings, especially the spiders and now they had three which wasn't settling right with him. I'll have to keep a closer eye on my pawns, he thought to himself and looked back at the screen. Though seeing a third Maximal, Whitegrazer, leaving the Axalon it made him rub his chin in wonder to where she could possibly be going now and in such a hurry.

Now some of them seemed to be acting very strangely. Finally turning off the monitor the Predacon leader stood from his energon like hot tub, thinking for a moment as he stepped out and starting to pace a bit. There has to be something going on with these Maximals, something we're missing. But what?,Was all that ran through Megatron's mind as he felt there was something going on he wasn't seeing. Shaking his head in frustration he decided to leave it for now and returned to the Golden Disk, observing it once more.
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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

((OOC: I should have been less vague in where Whitegrazer wanted to meet Steelclaw. My fault. Sorry :oops: But Steelclaw can magically know or feel her there :lol:

Also, warning, this post is the longest one I think I have written. Just wanted to warn you guys. XD ))

"Do you really think this will work?"

"Possibly, maybe, does it matter?"

Whitegrazer galloped forward, heading towards a valley covered in foliage, trees shelterig the sky with branches and leaves forming a canopy.

"Expect disappointment."

"I expect nothing."

"Oh well, don't listen to me then. I'm just a pessimist--no seriously, I don't like you talking to this fellow."

"Why not?"

"He's dangerous."

She smirked, "I can handle it."

"No, I don't mean--you know what I'm trying to say?"


"I'm not--all right, look, there are some people in this world you can and can't trust. Optimus Primal, the guy you are so attached to? Trustworthy. Slag, all Optimuses are trustworthy that's a given fact. This one seems less stoical than Prime though...anyway, back to what I was saying...what was I saying? Oh! Dinobot? Not trustworthy."

"I trust him."

"Read his spark again and I think you will change your mind. I know people like him. I was like him except dumber and never changed sides. Okay, Feralnight? Don't trust her a bit! She disobeyed orders! Rattrap? He is a rat. Orcariner? Trust. Cheetor? He's young. Trust. Frilla? Trust. Aurora? That's eas--"

"Mas--I mean, TC, get to the point."

"My point? Don't trust this, Steelbird."


"Steal a claw? Now, you can't trust him with a name like that."

"No, steel! Steelclaw. S-T-E-E-L"

"What am I a toddler? I know how to spell steel! Anyway, stop making me sound old. I'm dead so I'm young!"


"Yeah, yeah, the point is just watch yourself with him."

"I will, but I might not need to watch."

The area had little to no energon so she transformed with a peaceful sigh, sitting indian style upon the crispy green. She could use this time to meditate because something told her she won't have much time to spiritually relieve herself in the days ahead. The region was silent enough for a very deep connection with little distractions until Steelclaw came. Leaving herself vulnerable might be a stupid move, but she didn't care as if there was an immeidate danger, she would know.

Dimming her optics, she toned herself towards the planet, its inhabitants, and the ominous, alien interferences. Her connection to the planet was different than Tigratron's and Airazor's as they were both born on this planet becoming its children. This planet saw her as a stranger, but despite that, her spirituality seemed to mimic the untamed nature of this world, which helped in the planet itself claiming her as a kindred spirit. And she herself has found a kindred spirit in it, but the planet wasn't the only one for whom she felt a kindred spirit with it. Optimus was another. It has been centuries since she felt and made a strong connection with anyone so fast. It had caught her off-guard and it makes her wonder why.

Maybe it was the burdens she and he were bearing?

He wasn't trained for a war, but for scienitific exploration. He was a scientist, not a soldier yet here he was commanding a mix-matched of personalities and people with different functions. Already, he has lost two people under his command and has to deal with Megatron and the aliens. Not to mention, she vaguely implied something was going to happen to him. It has made her question her vision as it hasn't bothered her after she told him. None of her visions did that before. That only suggested two things: her vision wasn't complete or it has been changed. Could something have changed without her knowing or was her vision telling her something else? In time, there will be an answer she knew it. Her burdens were different than Optimus's. Some she had told him before the ones of her stories of her days as a soldier, but there was more than that. He didn't know about what else she had lost in those days. Something that was lost from her own doing and the stab of a sword through the shell of her soul, clinging to life in a horror of her own and the sadistic, animalistic optics that looked down upon her as an enemy when once they cherished her as an equal. She hadn't told Optimus this not because she was hiding. No, she would never hide anything from him. She wasn't ashamed of her past as she used to be. She had learned to accept and hope for a better future, taking responsiblity for her sins as well as the sins of friends who were now enemies. The past was the past and it was done and over even though back at home, people loved to shove their fingers and point at her in ridcule and digust. Some day, when the time was right, she would reveal this to Optimus. It just wasn't the time yet.

Actually, it has been so long when she was in the company of people who cared. The company of one Maximal who showed geniune affection and had a presence of stability and humility that many Maximals back on Cybertron lacked. She felt happy to see it...feel it.

Her spark was beating, enjoying her thoughts.

A peaceful smile was on her face. On her mind, she was eager to speak to Steelclaw. The questions she wanted to ask him, she hoped he doesn't believe her to be tricking him. She asks questions to seek answers, to understand, and to empathize. What was his perceptions of the universe? Was he an optimist or a persimist? How does he view both sides? Was his view of Maximals the same as other Predacons? Did he believe Maximals were the evil ones or was he just fighting for reasons of his own? Would he prejudge or believe she will do that? It would be an interesting conversation if he decided to come, especially for his questions, if he had any towards her, will be fun to answer in return. After all, it was a philsophical conversation, not a physical battle, but a battle of ideals and way of thinking. It was going to be informative and fun at the same time.

She prayed that there was a chance for peace and an end to this war before more lives were lost. She had to try and see what came.

“It appears that the transwarp drive you stole from Megatron will power a ship...that you don't seem to have, but it just so happens, I came to this planet in one." She paused for a moment before smiling deviously. “I might be persuaded to share it with you...provided I get to go along.”

“I imagine Megatron will be pretty irritated if he were to somehow find out his transwarp cell was missing. It'd be a shame if all that hard work were to go to waste,” she flirted winking at him sending him a clear message. She was going with him or he wasn't going at all.
Tarantulas jumped. He didn't expect anyone to have seen him and the fact that it wasn't Blackarachnia. It was...who was the slag was she? She was a black widow like Blackarachnia was, but he had no info on her whatsoever.

He narrowed his visor, but then cackled darkly. He could use her if she had a ship, but she could be lying, "Oh, it seems I have no choice but to cooperate if what you say is true."


Blackarachina smirked, "Follow me."

She lead Starshadow to Tarantulas' lair, but she took a different way that would take them to the cave entrance rather from the entrance he used to enter the Darksyde when he was bellowed by Megatron. She was smiling at the idea of surprising him, catching him off-guard. In the darkness of the tunnel, she motioned Starshadow to go to the other side as they both stalked.

It was then she heard the voices. Did someone else know?

She spied on the two, noticing the new Predacon recruit, "Looks like we have someone else in this exchange, Starshadow. " She whispered to Starshadow.

She wondered if they should show themselves or watch to see how this goes. She hated Tarantulas more and really wanted him out of the way. It was a laughable situation to be honest. This lunatic was going to be done in by three Predacons females and to help and force him to get them an escape ship prepared would be so funny. Then she would kill him. And if there was no room, she would have to fight the other two to get it on reasons for surivival. She was a black widow after all.

Nodding towards Starshadow, she appeared, grabbing the transwarp cell, "Well, if you be so kind, I believe you will need to make room for two more."

Tarantulas looked behind him and growled, "You and you..." he looked at Starshadow and Blackarachnia with disgust.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tarantulas. I thought this was what you wanted." She laughed at him, "You always wanted a harem, but tables turned as you will have to do what we say."

"I hope you all burn in the Pit itself!" He steamed at the females, ready to blow a gasket with a look to kill.
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

What am I a toddler? I know how to spell Steel!
:lol: That was just too funny! I loved that whole interaction between Whitegrazer and her dead master! :-D

Anyway, I'll wait for Starshadow to post before I have my character respond.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
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Unread post by starshadow »

"Looks like we have someone else in this exchange, Starshadow. "
"Well, if you be so kind, I believe you will need to make room for two more."
Starshadow couldn't help but smile.
"You and you..."
"Meow...I'm innocent." she stretched herself and licked her paw.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Tarantulas. I thought this was what you wanted." She laughed at him, "You always wanted a harem, but tables turned as you will have to do what we say."
She just listen as she transformed into her robot mode,
"I hope you all burn in the Pit itself!"
Without hesitation, Starshadow walked towards the scientist, grabbing his throat and slammed him on a rocky wall, "I could make your head with a hole on your face roll around inside the Darksyde's bridge or use it as a trophy. You could either die, suffer slowly and painfully or help us femmes. Take your pick.."
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Unread post by New Moon »

Feralnight smiled but looked back as Whitegrazer headed past them in a hurry, wondering where the mare could be going. Though she didn't question the white equine and nodded after her before looking back to Saber-Fang trying to figure out where she should start. So much had happened since she left during the clone's last arrival, hopefully the last, and she would have to start from there most likely. That's if Saber was up to hearing everything except to what had happened recently.

"Like I said before we're glad to have you back and well during your solitary leave quite a bit has happened. Some good and well some bad." The fuzor began thinking of how to explain the news, feeling the good news may be best then the worse of it.

((Frilla I'll reply with after Blazemane catches up))
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Unread post by WorpeX »


Airazor lowered her head as she was told of the passing of Ice Breaker. While she hadn't known him very well, he was still a Maximal and his loss came as a shock. He was a good bot and always looked over the health of the others. It was a shame that when he was in need of care, they were unable to provide that. He had saved many lives but they were unable to save his. A single tear rolled down her left cheek as she remembered him. The memories rushed into her mind, taking her thoughts away from Optimus and the other Maximal's. It took her a few moments to finally come back to reality and remember that they had a mission that needed to be accomplished. Still, Airazor never wiped away the single tear and it left a temporary stain on her cheek.
"Airazor, you'll carry Rattrap over to the Predacon base and attempt to secretly leave him somewhere hidden. Their scanners will detect you, so you might be confronted by one of the Predacons or their automated defense system. Just be as pleasant as you can and hold your fire. They will likely assume that you weren't just casually flying by and that you brought Rattrap along, so they'll eventually find him," Optimus explained. "Once they do, you two will retreat as a failed attempt and hopefully they'll think that'll be the end of it."
Airazor nodded silently, Rattrap answered the only question she had and this mission seemed like it would be easy enough. They were to be the distraction. When Optimus finished telling the mission details, Tigatron walked over and kissed the top of Airazor's black glove. She blushed instantly ( :oops: ) and to hide her embarrassment, she grabbed hold of the striped cat and embraced him. As they pressed close, the falcon whispered in his ear. "You two stripes" After, she pulled away and focused back on the mission. The last few moments offered a mix of different emotions but it was now time to get back to doing her job.
"Sounds easy enough, eh?"
"For you maybe! I have to carry a half-ton piece of scrap metal on my back all the way to the pred base!" She responded jokingly. She liked to make fun of Rattrap, he always took it well and usually had a snappy comeback to respond with. "That sounds painful to me, not easy!"
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Unread post by Night-Hunter »

After Whitegrazer left Saber turned her attention back to the fuzor.
"Like I said before we're glad to have you back and well during your solitary leave quite a bit has happened. Some good and well some bad."
Saber's ears went back a little bit, she had a feeling that she wasn't going to like the bad news... well, after all it was bad news.

"Well... give me the good news first then the bad news." Saber replied calmly.
"The enemy of my enemy is my bro."
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

(( OOC: New Moon, I'm going to jump in real quick with OP before Blazemane posts that way he can get his idea in for her before Feralnight comes back inside. I thought of this before Glowstick was murdered and was going to reject it but since the Maximals don't know yet that he's dead, and the Predacons could possibly still use his techniques to jam communications, I figured I'd go ahead and play it out anyway.

:lol: I always love those posts of yours, una, Whitegrazer and "TC." Too funny. By the way, nice job with Tarantulas and Blackarachnia. :D

Thank you, WorpeX! Good to see you back! ))

"You two stripes"
After such a sudden embrace, which seemed to last forever for Tigatron in Airazor's arms, leaning against her robotic body, he smiled warmly at her before the both of them returned to their duties that were to inevitably separate them once more. As much as it saddened or disappointed the white tiger, he could not argue their leader's motives and intentions.

"For you maybe! I have to carry a half-ton piece of scrap metal on my back all the way to the pred base!" "That sounds painful to me, not easy!"
Recognizing the tease from Airazor, Rattrap calmly whipped back, "Huh. Probably a bad time to let ya know I ate a five pound slab of steak for lunch, eh?" He grinned and patted his stomach. "I get nervous when I fly, an' when I'm nervous, I eat," he smirked.

Since it appeared no one had any questions about the mission, Optimus simply overlooked Airazor's and Rattrap's playful banter, as well as Ironclaw's reaction to his abrupt laugh, and moved on, addressing the three. "All right. You have your directives. Make sure you unarm yourselves and maintain the cease fire." Assuming such a truce still exists, he thought bitterly. "Ironclaw, don't forget to grab a flare gun on your way out. You'll be alone for a while on the ground during your trip to the Darksyde, but Wintersong will be monitoring all communications. And once you're inside, Airazor and Rattrap won't be too far to help in case you encounter any problems. Move out!" declared Primal.

Sighing, Rattrap very reluctantly drew his gun and set it on the main center console. His pride and joy that he'd been forced to part with. The only down side to this plan was if the Predacons really were faking the truce, he, Airazor and Ironclaw might be scrap by the end of the day. Some how he had to trust Optimus in this decision. At least the Maximal Spy still had his other "tools."

"Frilla," the Maximal leader called over to the frilled lizard who had been patiently waiting for his attention. "What I had in mind for you is to possibly develop some kind of virus or encryption that would automatically block any tampering with our communications. I've had enough of Glowstick jamming our transmissions," Optimus said firmly, "so if there's some way we can send a computer virus of some sort that would immediately attack and disable Glowstick's attempts when hacking into our communication links, it would help us maintain our audio contact with each other and quite possibly save a life. I'm not asking for anything lethal, just enough for his attempts to backfire and hopefully make him hesitate on trying it again. This would be a secondary assignment for you. Sentinel and our defenses are your priority right now." He wasn't entirely certain that what he was asking for could be done, but he was certain he was asking the right Maximal for the job, especially since Rhinox was currently getting repairs. Besides, Frilla knew Glowstick better than anyone on their team. Hopefully she could figure something out because it was time the Maximals fired back at the Predacons' tricks and stopped handing them so much control.

For a moment, the Maximal Commander turned his head to the left, as if he had heard something. But there was no sound or voice to be heard aside from the others getting straight to work. No, this had been another tug on his spark by Whitegrazer. She was a great distance away now and yet she still had a way of sending peaceful harmony to replace his concerns, sadness of loss, but most importantly his anger. For the most part. There was only so much consoling could do right now for a Maximal in his position. Dimming his crimson red optics for a moment in his own silence and thoughts, accepting her reach, they soon brightened again and Optimus returned his attention to the matter at hand.

Turning to the younger Fuzor, Primal said, "I don't know how much flying experience you've had recently, Aurora, but we'll need to make up some time here. So I'll have to ask you to revert to your beast mode and hitch a ride on my back." He started to walk to the lift, intending on leaving the base at once. Once they would be outside, she'd be able to climb up on him. Keeping Aurora in beast mode would help reserve her energy, just in case there was a battle. Since he had to fly in robot mode, he would not be able to remain that way for too long due to energon build-up. Of course, that didn't mean he was helpless in his beast mode. Fortunately, their destination wouldn't be a long trip since it was neutral territory between the two bases. Aurora and Optimus should be able to return to the Axalon before Ironclaw would be done with his mission, assuming he would be successful. And just in case they would be ambushed, they'd be close enough to call for back up which would arrive quickly. Hopefully nothing like that would happen. Hopefully Megatron would show up alone.
"Well, that's just prime!"
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Unread post by Blackrosefencer »

Arachnitron was more than surprised to hear the spider in front of her agree with her proposition. She narrowed her optics suspiciously as he responded.
"Oh, it seems I have no choice but to cooperate if what you say is true."
She rolled her optics. "Of course what I say is true," she answered. "I've lied about plenty of things, but not this. I want off of this rock and I want off now. You have a transwarp drive that needs a ship; I have a ship that needs a transwarp drive. We're the perfect pair." She winked at him again and took a few steps closer to him flirtatiously. "Besides, it will get awfully lonely out there in space all by yourself."

Of course what she didn't say was that she only had the REMAINS of a ship, but she figured it was fairly obvious that her ship was not functional. If it were, would she still be on this dustball? She knew there was a lot of work still to be done, but at least they were closer than if they were to build a ship from scratch. Once repaired, it wouldn't go back to Cybertron, that was for sure, but she didn't want to go back there anyway.

Before anything else could be said, voices from behind the pair of spiders interrupted them.
"Well, if you be so kind, I believe you will need to make room for two more."
Arachnitron turned and found herself face to face with another female spider. Her coloring and stature was different from Arachnitron's and she was taller as well, but there was no mistaking it, the beast form of the other spider was that of a black widow like her own. And with her was the bot that Glowstick attempted to introduce her to, Starshadow. The male Predacon growled and Arachnitron flashed her fangs. She did not like where this was going. Arachnitron stood next to the tarantula glaring at the other two femmes with an "I got here first" sort of expression on her face.
Tarantulas looked behind him and growled, "You and you..." he looked at Starshadow and Blackarachnia with disgust.

"Meow...I'm innocent." Starshadow stretched herself and licked her paw.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Tarantulas. I thought this was what you wanted." She laughed at him, "You always wanted a harem, but tables turned as you will have to do what we say."

"I hope you all burn in the Pit itself!" He steamed at the females, ready to blow a gasket with a look to kill.

Without hesitation, Starshadow walked towards the scientist, grabbing his throat and slammed him on a rocky wall, "I could make your head with a hole on your face roll around inside the Darksyde's bridge or use it as a trophy. You could either die, suffer slowly and painfully or help us femmes. Take your pick.."
While her initial response was a territorial one, she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. The Predacon base just kept getting better and better! She immediately changed her position from standing alongside Tarantulas to standing with the other two femmes. She figured that Starshadow and the other spider would have the same thing to hold over her head that she held over Tarantulas' earlier. So to resist including them would result in losing her chance to get off the planet. The ship would be a little cramped for the four of them....unless they left one behind....

She turned to Tarantulas with a mischievous grin on her face. "This certainly is an interesting switch. We no longer need you," she pointed out. She turned to Starshadow. "Your friend here has the transwarp drive. He now needs us. Let's let him do some begging and pleading for a while." She let out a burst of crazed laughter.

Though on the outside she was cruel and confident, there was one concern she had on her mind. What would happen if one of her alters suddenly took control in the middle of carrying out this plan? She would either be left behind on this slag heap of a planet or she would be destroyed by the other Predacons. She didn't want either to happen. She may have to actually have a conversation with one of them, but which one? The Hybrid was probably her best bet. She was the most like herself. Maybe she could convince the Hybrid to hold the Maximal back until the plan was carried out successfully.

Sig by WorpeX.

"Better be prepared for anything
When those demons rise."
(Str8 to the Bottom, Weaving the Fate)
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Frilla wrote:Think the first thing we should work on are the shields, I've about gotten through half the bug issue Glowstick implanted into the systems so there shouldn't be too much there. But we get those running first and we do face trouble it'll save us some time at least if repairs are still under way.
Tigatron wrote:I'm afraid I'm not all too familiar with our shields.
Where should I begin?
Cheetor was wondering the same thing. He knew about shields. He didn't know about Predacon hacking.

Dinobot hunched over at one of the keyboards and began typing rapidly.

Cheetor looked on in confusion. "Do you actually know what you're doing?"

"Yes," Dinobot answered simply.

Cheetor scratched his head. "Wait... but..."

"In my studies of combat," Dinobot launched into an explanation, "I have had to become familiar with some of the basics of space cruiser defense, should I ever be in a battle between ships. So I have rudimentary knowledge of shield maintenance. Sue me."

A few nanoclicks passed by in awkward silence, which was suddenly interrupted by a frustrated growl from a Dinobot.

"This virus, however, is not rudimentary."

"So you don't know what you're doing?" Cheetor asked playfully. He was answered by a swift elbow.

"Wait... I may have gotten something. Frilla, does this look good to you?" Dinobot asked. He pointed to his screen, which was filled from top to bottom with technical coding in small Cybertronian print. But being, as they were, sentient robots, it did not take long for them to process the information.

"You fixed it?" Cheetor asked, now rubbing his sore chest.

"No," Dinobot answered in annoyance, "I may have completed one step which will lead to another which... At any rate..."

((OOC: Steelclaw tomorrow. 1:45. Going to bed.))
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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Unread post by Alak »

Learning of Glowstick's demise, Terrorsaur fell quiet at this news. He simply let out a "huh" and accelerated his transportation board away from the duo. It was now apparent that Megatron's patience did have a breaking point. Terrorsaur himself had tested the leader's ability to endure stupidity and even outright rebellion. Considering how he was still alive, the pterodactyl had always assumed that everyone was kept alive for the sake of Megatron having able-bodied soldiers. He assumed wrong.
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Unread post by New Moon »

"I'll show you how Tigatron, it's not that hard when you get the hang of it." Frilla said with an assuring smile but her attention went to Optimus when he came over and she listened, a little surprised at the task he asked her to do when this assignment was done. Surely it couldn't be that hard, perhaps she could try making something that would attack the Levianthan's systems, mostly it's defenses and the fact Glowstick mostly used it for jamming the communications. She herself knew the Levianthan's basic defense systems, she was the one who helped Glowstick create it back when she had joined the Predacons several months ago, 'This will be an interesting task.'

Turning her attention back to the other three, Frilla watched as Dinobot worked, mildly surprised he knew some things about ship defenses which might be useful in the long run. Gazing over the screen when he finished,You certainly did get past one step Dinobot, think there's just one more thing we can try." She said as she came to the monitor, thinking for a moment before getting an idea,"Let's see if this little program works."She said to herself and began to type away, her gaze fixed on the monitor as she began trying a program to flush out the virus itself, tracking it down to it's source before nodding.'Nice try Glowstick my friend, but you can't have all the tricks.' She thought as she began to type once more and sent a counterattack on the virus to finally rid of it.

Wiping her forehead a bit Frilla looked at the three mechs with a grin,"Now we can start getting Sentinal back online, getting rid of the virus first was a must."She said.

((I'll edit this post a bit later,doing a quick post)
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Unread post by Blazemane »

Onyx wrote:She didn't say what it was about nor where, but my assumption would be to try neutral ground Steelclaw.
That was odd. If he did want to talk to her, he'd have to get creative.
Onyx wrote:Whether you wish to visit her or not as she requested is your choice my friend, but I won't stop you and I can't say for the other of our comrades. Megatron will always be suspicious of us no matter what.
Steelclaw answered quietly. "Thank you." ...my friend. The words entered his processor so that he could respond to Onyx as Onyx had to him, but he quickly made the decision not to utter them. He had always seen them as a simple amiable gesture. But now he couldn't shake the feeling that they had a true and terrible weight.

He took a thoughtful glance around his quarters after Onyx left while he tried to sort through a number of feelings and suggestions of feelings. When was the last time a comrade's death had really, really mattered? Could he harbor any resentment for Megatron now, the one he was relying on to see his goals for common good carried out? If he had been more successful at the mission at the Axalon- if Nemesis and Sonar had come back with Arachnitron- would Megatron have been so angry? Could he have prevented Glowstick's execution?

The next few nanocycles passed by in a fog as he kept walking through everything in his mind. Soon, he had walked through the halls, into the hangar- where he finally noticed the Leviathan's entire gunning system was gone (where it had gone, he did not know)- and gotten on board Glowstick's transport.

The walkways of the Leviathan were empty; Steelclaw was truly alone inside. With only the lights active, the interior was filled with dead silence, save for by the small announcements of Steelclaw's own mechanics. Even the ambience of the Darksyde was shut out by the walls Glowstick had set up.

He eventually found himself in the bridge, where he turned on the viewing screen to allow himself a display of the pale light in the hangar, and the chance to see if anyone was approaching the Leviathan from the front. He glanced at the gunner's chair, and then at the pilot's chair, before deciding to ignore them both. He walked to the front control panel, and quietly, flicked one switch up. A small green light underneath the switch was then illuminated; Steelclaw knew the long range communication systems Glowstick had designed were now active, seeking out any Maximal frequencies.

"Professor," he spoke, his voice resonating within the bridge for a moment. "Do you plan on telling me where you are, or were you expecting me to stumble upon you?"

((OOC: The idea is that the signal ought to be able to reach Whitegrazer's com-link, wherever she is.

Also, there are probably some awkward sentences up there. I'm trying to figure out ways to convey setting and atmosphere.))
I understand... you are, after all, a predacon.

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RPG Characters: Whitegrazer, TyCross, and Blackarachnia
Location: swinging on Optimal Optimus Primal's finger

Unread post by una »

((OOC: Awww thanks :D My first time really handling someone as creepy as Tarantulas. :lol:

@Blazemane: I think your post conveys well. :D ))

Optimus, you can feel me, can you?

Feeling someone holding on to her, she could only deduce it was him because of the bond that was still growing between them.

Maybe some time we will get a chance to talk, Optimus. There's so much more to tell.
"Professor," he spoke, his voice resonating within the bridge for a moment. "Do you plan on telling me where you are, or were you expecting me to stumble upon you?"
"Hmmm?" Whitegrazer heard Steelclaw's voice through her live com-link then realized she probably was too vague where she was at when she told Onyx, "Oh! I deeply apologize. I told Onyx neutral ground but I was such in a hurry I forgot the coordinates. I'm located in coordinates thirty-six-zero-seven of Grid Zexon. Again, I apologize."

Whitegrazer held a smile on her face, knowing Steelclaw was going to talk to her. She was glad to see he took her offer.
"Without hesitation, Starshadow walked towards the scientist, grabbing his throat and slammed him on a rocky wall, "I could make your head with a hole on your face roll around inside the Darksyde's bridge or use it as a trophy. You could either die, suffer slowly and painfully or help us femmes. Take your pick.."
Tarantulas grunted, sneering at the black panther for even touching him with her flithy hands. The gall of these females thinking they got him where they want him. Oh! He may lose this little battle, but he still has a few tricks up his sleeve.
He was just feign his loss against them...for now.
"She turned to Tarantulas with a mischievous grin on her face. "This certainly is an interesting switch. We no longer need you," she pointed out. She turned to Starshadow. "Your friend here has the transwarp drive. He now needs us. Let's let him do some begging and pleading for a while." She let out a burst of crazed laughter. "
He looked at Arachnition, narrowing his visor. Because of having so little knowledge of this Predacon, blasting his own ignorance, he will have to watch this spider very closely. And if she thinks he was going to plead or beg, she was deadly mistaken.

"Wait, I can make the necessary modifications because none of you have that type of expertise." He squirmed, motioning for the demon cat to let him go, "After all, transwarp cells are very delicate and one mistake...boom! and I trust you all want to get out of this alive!"

Blackarachnia had to laugh at Tarantulas little predicament, but she knew they all had to keep them wits on them because Tarantulas was a spider just like her and Arachnitron, so she knew his little tricks.

"I do though, Tarantulas." She chuckled, making him look at her with false gratitude, "but...shall we ladies take our little slave to where we need to go? Yes, maybe you can provide some use for us. Amusement, perhaps? We can always use extra hands...legs really."

If there was a ship, she might not need to kill the other two. Less work on her part, then.

Tarantulas was growling at all of them, but soon Blackarachnia webbed his mouth and had a web acting like a chain around his neck, yanking him down with a laugh.