First Season Canon Auditions

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Unread post by Tor »


I return! (after like what? 2 seconds?) Awww, thanks to RC and Sky who made the soccer game an EPIC one. I luv ya guys! Now, game on! Peanut butter 'Ranty time!

Tarantulas though he would go into stasis, just from pure laughing, this whole situtation was completely insane. But so was the spider, so he couldn't complain.

His mainframe just couldn't get over it. Waspinator had kissedMegatron! It was too rich.


The soccer ball slammed into his stomach, cutting off Tarantulas's cackles with a loud, "Oof!"

He looked up, one side of his optic flickering madly.

Megatron sneered at him, "Keep your optic on the ball, spider."

"Of course, mighty Megatron," Tarantulas's optic narrowed, and he threw the ball with all the power he could muster. It flashed toward Megatron and nailed the commander in the place NO mech wants to be hit.

Megatron doubled over, gasping.

Tarantulas cackled. He still held his opinion. Soccer wasn't bad at all.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

Sky started to laugh really hard.

Dinobot snickered.

Waspinator got the ball and kicked into the goal pass Tarantulas' head while Tarantulas was busy laughing at Megatron.

"What in the Pit?!" Tarantulas exclaimed as the ball zoomed passed him.

"Wazzpinator rulezz!" He then began to perform a victory dance.
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Unread post by Tor »


Now back to Dinobot...

"Impossible!" Dinobot snarled, striding over to Waspinator. He glared down at the smaller mech, who cowed with the attention.

"Wazpinator zorry?" Waspinator peeped.

"I do not lose. Especially not to you." Dinobot's optics narrowed dangerously.

"Dinobot, stand down!" Megatron was still hunched over, but he managed to shoot Dinobot a blistering glare, which was definitely returned.

"You do not command me, Megatron. Not anymore, you slagged your chance."

"So it seems. I want to increase my wager. I win, you are a Predacon, now and forever, under MY command."

"And if I win, you owe me a favor that cannot be refused," Dinobot passed Megatron a sly grin.

Megatron crossed his arms, weighing his chances. He had a fair chance of winning, and if he refused, he would seem a coward.

The commander confident grin made Dinobot's teeth hurt, "Do you accept, Megatron?"


Sky swooped down, "1-0 Megatron. Now restart already!"

"Agreed," Dinobot said, transforming into his velociraptor form.

"What is your strategy, traitor?" Megatron murmered.

"Ready, set," Sky shreed again and the game began.

Dinobot leapt forward, a flash of brown, and snatched the ball between his jaws, dashing for Megatron's goalie, the fleshie, Tor.

"Oh you are a clever one," Megatron conceded, transforming. He stampeded after the raptor, but it was too late.

Dinobot was in the goalie box, and he swung his head, releasing the ball to whiz forward at an incredible speed.


"Goooooal!" Sky shouted, and Tor swore. She wasn't a gracious loser.

"Get ready to lose, Megatron," Dinobot snorted as he strutted past the Tyrannosaurous Rex.

"Welcome back to the Predacons, Dinobot," Megatron grinned toothily.
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Unread post by SkyxDB »

"Alright, let's get ready for the next round" Sky announced.

Waspinator sits down to watch with a bag of popcorn.

"Where did you get the popcorn?" Tor asked him.

"From the snack stand over" Waspinator pointed a snack bar.

"Where did the snackbar come from?" Tor acked.

"Rat-bot set it up. He'zz taking betzz too. Wazzpinator hazz 20 credits on Lizard-bot."

"Game begin!" Sky anounced and whispered "Go Dinobot"
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Unread post by Razorclaw »

You are all going to kill me for this...I don't really know how to play soccer. I have some idea,but not enough to really do an audition themed around it. Therefore,I shall be stepping down from the soccer game,yesss.

Megatron frowned,deep in thought,as he sat in a controll seat aboard the Ark,staring at the lifeless form of his ancestor.

"I must admit that things haven't been going the way I intended,no. However,here I am,in the presence of the greatest Decepticon leader in history! How I wish that you could be awake,to share in my victory of knowing that our greatest wish shall be fulfilled.

Ah,how I long to speak to you now,noble leader. I wish that you could have seen all the long solarcycles I spent,pouring over history tracks dedicated to you,studying your techniuqes and stratagies,learning to walk in your footsteps. How I brought honor to your decendants,and finaly,took your name,as a symbol of the honor and glory I shall bring to our people,and as a symbol of the true greatness that is Megatron.

You are the symbol of everything I stand for;Proudly and nobly,you have remained throughout the ages,an inspiration to Predacons everywhere,yesss. If only you could know the mark you have made on my life,the constant toils I have suffered to make your name known once again,and to fulfil your dreams. Our dreams. Our destinies.

The shadows grew long as the sun set in the west. Megatron smiled softly,taking once last longing glance at his hero,before departing from the Ark.

Whew! That was a workout for my fingers. :lol:
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Unread post by Xzuk »


This was Tigatron's 3rd 'week' in activation since his pod made a crash on the planet. He hadn't named himself maximal or predacon yet, but the decision should have been made obvious after he sided with a Maximal the day he crashed. That day, he saw a life taken... one just like his with no remorse... He didn't like wars or fighting... end a war and bring about peace... one ... MUST fight...

These jungles are so... different from Cybertron... but are still so beautiful...

There was a slight buzz from behind his ear and his comm turned on.

"Optomis to Tigatron. Do you read?" ...never fails...

"Tigatron here." He responded.

"Tigatron, multiple enemies heading your way. I've sent Cheetor and Rattrap. We have no idea what they're doing in your sector. PLease engage and investigate."

I will not fight...

"Optomis. All due respect sir, I will not fight them. I will however investigate the scene. Tigatron out."

He began probing the sector for any activity when he came upon an odd sight. A red pterodactyl, a giant wasp, and a scorpion were working on a machine... With a rather large dial with numbers that were counting down... A bomb!? Why here???

(Scorponok) "Energon reading is off the charts. Lets blow this area and reap the rewards of Lord Megatron."

There are animals... everywhere... they can't do this...

"Tigatron... Maximize!"

He glared at the three halfwits.

"I'm going to ask you only once. Stop what you're doing and leave."

They laughed jokingly and transformed.

"Stupid catbot cannot count. There are three of uzzz and only one of you. Waspinatorrr not scared."

They were right... but he had an ace in hand. These Predacons needed to study their surroundings more often.

Tigatron pulled his gut-gun out and aimed, not at the predacons, but at the half dead tree dangling over head.

"Should've listened."

Tigatron fired as the log came crashing down trapping the three predacons long enough for Tigatron to deactivate the bomb.

(Other Maximals)
"Cheetor, Maximize!!!!"

Tigatron turned and flashed a smile.

"Nice to see you again my friend. There's an energon storage here. They were after it."

He pointed to the log... but the predacons were gone. They'd be back some other day to try and settle the score... and Tigatron would be ready.

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Unread post by Alak »

Hey, quick question: is this thread an audition for Season 1 canons or may we begin to audition for season 2 and beyond?
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Hey, Alak! At the moment, it's only open to season one canons. As the game gets closer to season two, then we'll open up auditions for all of those silly Fuzors and TransMetals. :wink: The same goes for season three.
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Unread post by G1990 »

((This is my audition, i kind of did it fan fictiony. It's based upon the toy of Optimus Minor))
Yessssss; Until now everything it's perfect now all i need it's that maximal code and soon well be able to get the sentinel ; Tarantulas! Did Black arachia finished her mission yet?
Upon the negative answer for his most untrusworhty "alie" if that arachnid had any right to be any at any level besides Megatron
Well if she calls, I'll be taking some more important matter
Megatron Stood up and closed all the door behind him after making sure no one was near he took out the gloden dick and quicly proceed to reproduce it "The wordsw of the original Megatron rutembled on him
Soon, I'll be able to even surpass you; Megatron from witch i take my name.....but meanwhileTakes out a rubber ducky[/b]
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Unread post by Safeguard »

Are Air Hammer and Sky Shadow considered canon characters or do I have to create character bios for them? ._.
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Unread post by NaitoKage »

They mean canon like tv show canon. You can just write a bio based from their bio and stats (within the rules) however at this point in time fusors wont be in the game. Thats going to be awhile.. like a year or so. But if you have no problems with waiting then good luck, I'm sure you'll get them.
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Unread post by Optimal Optimus Primal »

Hey, Safeguard! If the character, or toy, wasn't a character in the Beast Wars show, then, yes, they will need bios. But they will not need to be auditioned for.
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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Okay, so here're my auditions! I'll go in order from the list posted in the RPG Forum.

:settles in and tries to channel Megatron:

Megatron Audition by Dalgaroth, Season One Form


Warm, very warm, evening at Predacon base found a disgruntled Megatron tapping his fingers lightly over the keys on the arm of his command seat. He wasn't typing anything, but drumming, just drumming away, the sound hypnotic in the quiet chamber. He'd lost his train of thought several cycles ago and was now simply meditating on his problem, face neutral, his optics focused on nothing. As usual, his problem had to do with a certain ape and his tree hugging, bunny cuddling mongrels!

A scowl crossed his face and his hand gripped the arm of his chair tight enough to warp it slightly.

"Priming main cannons..."

Megatron started out of his thoughts as a bright screen blinked to life in front of him showing a schematic of the ship and a picture of the ship's main set of space turrets sliding into firing position - it's target the cracked rock beneath the ship. The lights flickered dangerously.

"NO! Computer! Abort the Command! ABORT!" he yelled, slamming his beast mode's head down on the opposite arm while repeatedly typing a manual command into the console at his fingertips.

"Affirmative. Disabling main cannons..."

Megatron sighed in relief and frustration and sat back before examining the damage he did to his chair. The lights returned to their normal ambient glow.

A few moment later he noticed a small chuckle as someone stared at him.

"What?" he asked crossly.

"Having trouble with the defense systems?" Tarantulas's smarmy voice inquired from the shadows as he revealed himself on a hover platform. Something in his posture spoke of... hmm...

Megatron's optics narrowed further, his scowl more prominent.

"And what is it to you, Tarantulas?" Megatron replied in the same tone.

"I do fix most computers on the ship. I could fix your precious seat for you as well, my liege." Tarantulas's optic band dimmed sneakily.

"Fix, my dear Weapons Specialist? Your false words do nothing but grate my nervous receptors. What do you want?"

Tarantulas, without missing a beat and still with an infuriating strange look in his optic, stated simply, "The Maximals have just gained three more allies."


Down three corridors, six walls, and 2 right turns, Terrorsaur, Waspinator, and Inferno dropped their cards, the former two ducking and the latter standing at attention to salute the wall.

Tarantulas tsked.

"No need to shout, Lord Meg - "

A large, dark hand grabbed him by the neck and lifted him out of his platform. He choked as Megatron's bright optics burned into him. The tyrant's voice shook with fury, but his voice was low.

"Speak, spider. Speak or forever hold your peace."

The scientist choked again, his voice coming out high and barely comprehensible.

"Atmoshpere... stasis pods... They - they crashed and Primal got there first. No competition. Crashed practically in their backyard!"

"And why was I not informed of this development sooner?

"Khhy-krr - uter failed to detect...falling stasis pods...decayed orbit sooner than expected... no signal!"

"No signal?"


Megatron growled, "If there wasn't a signal we could detect, they landed AT Maximal base, AND they left orbit unexpectedly, then Primal might have something in his possession to somehow control the pods. .. Yeees..." Megatron threw the spider back onto the sled and stared blankly for a moment.

He knew this information could be trusted. Tarantulas may be treacherous but he did not come here to tease him, he came to report, albeit in his own deceitful way. No, Tarantulas probably knows more than he lets on and he came to report instead of use it to his advantage. This meant one thing - they weren't only three random, long lost allies who could possibly benefit the Maximals...they could actually be a threat to both Tarantulas's plans and himself. However, this also meant Optimus might have a way to retrieve pods from space, and if that was the case, then Megatron needed it. He couldn't quite juice Tarantulas of all his information, however. In order to do that, he'd have to use some of the information he'd gathered on the spider's plans and latest activities, but if he revealed any of that, the spider would simply cover his trail, disappear, and Megatron would have to start over...

So what to do...?

Ah, yes, why even ask?


"Royalty!" Inferno saluted promptly, cards still in hand. Terrorsaur and Waspinator also stood .

Megatron stood in the entranceway of the Rec Room, his bulk hiding Scorponok and Tarantulas who hovered behind him attentively.

"Terrorsaur, Waspinator. Fly recon to Maximal base . Do not engage and do not reveal yourselves in any manner. Stay inside the Beta Quad jamming zone and spy from a secure position before returning to my coordinates with your report."

The two flyers nodded curtly, but didn't move. Terrorsaur opened his mouth, a bit uncertain.

"Um, Megatron, you're blocking the only doo - "

Megatron raised his arm and blasted a hole clean through the far wall.

"Now there's two," he said, as if revealing some revolutionary secret. "GET. MOVING."

They were out the door before he finished speaking.

"Inferno, you and I will follow on land as reinforcements while Scorponok and Tarantulas sneak inside the Axalon and find whatever it is they're using to pull stasis pods out of orbit. We'll move in as soon as the flyers return."

"Yes, My Queen!" the ant yelled with a flourish and Megatron rolled his optics exasperatedly.

His soldiers scurrying around him, Megatron strided to the ship's exit, shoulders squared, his optics, and mind, trained on a certain spot on the horizon.


/end Megatron Audition!

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Unread post by Dalgaroth »

Okay, so here I am again with Audition 2 and I'm going out of order to try Terrorsaur! Wewt, lurv that guy. :3 I don't write him much, even though I enjoy it, so I hope I do him some justice. n_n

Here we go! :D

:tries to channel:

Terrorsaur Audition by Dalgaroth, obviously, lol (<---Just realized how redundant that was to say that. xD)


"...Predacons, with one man down and two nature lovers defending the local wildlife as backup, and the rest of the team a click away still, you'd THINK our glorious, fearless leader would get it through his thick noggin that flyin' out from behind cover in the middle of a heated battle is NOT a good idea!" Rattrap ranted, crouching just under a large and, thankfully, thick boulder.

Optimus kneeled just next to him, aiming intensely before firing an arm cannon. He hit Waspinator and the mech practially disintegrated, moaning about life and injustice. The Maximal leader shook his head and retreated behind the rock as the signature thumping barrage of bullets from one of the spiders streaked through the air.

"One flyer down, one to go, Rattrap, and that one is nowhere in sight. He could be anywhere!"

"That's no reason to go flyin' into oncoming, deadly, fast, hot, and piercing traffic, Boss Monkey!"

"Dinobot's life is on the line, Rattrap. We need to get him to the Recovery Chamber now. I know this isn't the best decision, but we're outnumbered and, right now, the flyers are the main threat! Not only to us or to Dinobot, but he could very well be reprogramming the stasis pod as we speak!" Primal explained quickly. As he did so, Rattrap's face changed from shock to worry to resentful acceptance. The rat peeked out from behind cover to see Airazor strangling BlackArachnia who'd discovered the hawk's hideout. Obviously, Airazor couldn't fly out to save the pod and then Dinobot was...

"Ahhh, slaaaag, why does that Saurian always manage to get himself blown up!?" he groaned, but he noticed Optimus looking at him expectantly.
"Fine! Fine! Blast off and get yourself shot! But hurry!"

Optimus half smiled gratefully.

"Can you hold down the fort here?"

"Yeaahh," he whined, "but GO already, for bootin' up cold! You're takin' too long! He could be there already!"

Optimus nodded and fired back into the fray. Rattrap took out a second pistol and, after careful aim that truly came from his desperation, got a double headshot on the spiders.


Optimus took his chance as the laserfire calmed and took off. He circled around the scene to see Tigatron and Airazor now fending a raging Inferno off and BlackArachnia getting back up. He fired a missile in her direction but couldn't stick around much longer. He needed to get to the pod!

Increasing his jet's force, he blasted forward, optics scanning the ground and the air, but his mind was mostly focused on his missing comrade somewhere in the forest below.

Bad mistake.

"Terrorsaur TERRORIZE!"

The screech reached him too late and the red flyer crashed into his back, feet first. Optimus felt a blast hit his jet and something else dislodge and catch fire. He fell into a spinning crash with a yell.

Terrorsaur lifted himself back into the air with a triumphant smirk and a loud laugh.

Megatron had been right! Keep out of the battle altogether and the monkey would come to HIM! Ha! Was Optimus predictatable or what!?

The pterosaur moved on from the ape's crash site and sought for the stasis pod. It had been smoking in the distance before but now there wasn't a trace of it location from the air. He knew it had to be here though. He checked his coordinates and circled, but soon, at a certain angle, he was able to see where trees were burned and the ground scorched. He closed in on it and he could soon make out a silver sheen from the dirt.

"There you are..." he muttered as he landed lightly on the grass. He stepped forward and placed a hand on the controls.

He wasn't a master programmer but Megatron had them all trained to reprogram these things by now. He activated a switch and instead of the computer blinking to life, the scanner popped out.

"Wait!" he squawked. His fingers sped over the keypad to stop the scanner, and luckily, for him, the program paused and went dormant. It already had scanned a couple life forms, however. "Slag!"

Terrorsaur straightened and looked around, then decided he could still try to remedy the situation. He snapped off the scanner and opened a panel next to the controls to pull out the Maximal chip. He did so and fished inside subspace to find the - what was that? A beacon? Oh yeah, he'd used it to trick Waspinator into eating a yellow jacket this morning. One could trick that bug into anything if one used something shiny. Heh. - Predacon chip. He looked it over, remembering that Tarantulas had made it. Was that wise? To put something that spider made into a potential Predacon?

He heard leaves rustle behind him and he shot up straight, aiming his gun into the forest. His optics scanned the trees but he didn't see anything. Weird.

He relaxed slightly before turning back to the pod. A sly smirk broke out on his face. Meh, if Megatron said to put something untrustworthy into the Maximal pod, then it was Megatron who would have to deal with the consequences! Hahaha!

He reached forward with a steady hand to place the chip into the wiring, but a loud shout broke his concentration.

Wait, that sounded like -

A roar and Terrorsaur was flipped over the pod and onto his face. He scrambled to right himself and was faced with an angry ape.

"You!!?" he screeched, standing.

Optimus transformed and Terrorsaur the short pause as his chance to dart into the air. Optimus glanced at the pod, not wanting to leave it unguarded, but was soon into the air after the Predacon.

Terrorsaur swept along among the trees, swooping low to avoid arching branches. Optimus was right on his tail, a small trail of smoke trailing behind him. The Predacon growled in frustration - he thought he'd gotten RID of him! A missile flew by - way to close - and exploded just to his right. Terrorsaur dodged but continued a wide arc as he weaved around trunks and vines.

A few close calls later, he could see the crash site and he chuckled. Something in the air shifted and, somehow, he could just tell without looking that Optimus had realized what happened. With a grin, Terrorsaur locked his targeting system on the pod as his shoulder cannons slid into place and glowed to life.

He fired.

"Say good night, Maximal! Haaahahahahaha!"

But as he heard the explosion, he also felt it - or rather, his own. Optimus had fired at the same time he had and, this time, he didn't miss.

As Optimus landed to assess to damage to the pod, a limp apparent in his concerned amble, Terrorsaur spiraled out of control into a hidden cliff face, knocked out cold on impact.


:Later at Predacon Base:

Terrorsaur onlined again to the dull glow of the inside of the Recovery Chamber feeling whole, but achy. The platform's gears ground, then hummed, as it lifted him out of the nanite liquid. Once it stopped and he regained some sense of balance, hee moaned and lifted himself to his feet.

"Ah, he finally awakens," came the soft baritone of Megatron's voice.

Terrorsaur almost froze as he realized he hadn't quite completed his very important mission. Glancing at the exit, he realized it was still open, as if Megatron had just come in. It was also an escape but that wouldn't do him much good...Cautiously, he lifted his head to meet Megatron's gaze and he tried not to fidget. The mech in front of him had his Poker face on, which was always unnerving.

"You did well, Terrorsaur," came the unexpected compliment. It sounded like he meant it. The flyer nearly blanched and went to say something but stuttered. Megatron, however, continued, unreadable expression still in place. "You not only managed to damage Optimus, you actually effectively lead a sizeable team into battle, employed an excellent tactical move and executed it with precision, kept your wits about you when you were taken by surprise, and kept a valuable stasis pod, and implied protoform, out of Maximal - "

He paused for a fraction of a moment as he swiftly lifted his arm and took the red flyer's head into his massive T-Rex jaws.

" - and Predacon hands. DO NOT. FAIL ME. AGAIN!"

With that, the purple mech dropped his subordinate and stormed out of the room, his heavy footfall echoing off the walls.

Terrorsaur picked himself up, again, and stared resentfully at the door for a moment before the look was interrupted by a wide, proud smile. He'd done well, whether Megatron really thought so or not. In fact, he'd ROCKED, and Terrorsaur was immensely pleased.

Aching joints still recovering and recalibratinglv, he tottered off to his quarters. Along the way, he spotted Waspinator, who was holding something in his hand and giggling to himself.

"Hey, Waspinator. Whatcha got there?"

THe green bot jumped and clamped his hands around something, a "You Caught Me" expression all over his faceplates.

"Well, what is it?" Terrorsaur asked again, raising an optic ridge.

Waspinator's wing drooped a little and he opened his hands to reveal the yellow jacket Terrorsaur had conned him into eating earlier that day.

"Is that- you tricked me?"

Waspinator nodded. He really hadn't wanted to eat it...

But Terrorsaur was once again slowly smirking.

"You sneaky fragger! You didn't eat it after all!?"

Waspinator giggled again, returning to normal and going back to playing with it. Or at least he thought he was playing with it. Terrorsaur could clearly see the thing was doing it's darn best to stab the massive green hands that held it - to no avail. Brushing it off and still feeling amused, he continued to his quarters where he simply fell over onto his berth and dropped into recharge.


/end Terrorsaur Audition :3!

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Unread post by una »

I'm going to try to audition for Scorponok! I hope it's alright.

Megatron and Waspinator were gone chasing that alien pod thingy leaving him alone with that scheming spider and squawking Ptedactyl Terrorsaur.

I'm second in command I should be by Megatron's side!

Then he realized that if he was gone, Terrorsaur would be in charge and leaving that fossil bird here would be trouble. His claws clicked as he could hear Tarantulas munching on something. The sapping and slurpy noise made his body quiver with anixous. Looking up to find that spider crawling on a newly-crafted web above, he quickly went to beast mode to not give that disgusting bot an idea for his next meal.

"Hey, eat your meals somewhere else!"

"Leave me alone or I'll have some Scorponok for dinner!"

"I'm second in command here and you will obey me!"

Tarantulas just scowled and crawled but before he left, he spit some of his saliva onto Scorponok's face. Really, no one gave him any respect.

"You have to clean up this web or Megatron will have your legs!"

He loudly shouted which was drowned out by Terrorsaur's squawking.

"Oh be quiet, you fool."

"No! You be quiet." He pointed at the annoying Ptedactyl.

"Megatron is taking too long to bring that pod. I wonder if it's a weapon?"

"I don't know but when Mega-"

Suddenly the hangar bay doors were opening as he heard two big crashes against the hull. On the ground, moaning, was Megatron and Waspinator who looked like they had been through the garbage disposal.


He expressed in shock and hurried towards the downed true leader of the Predacons.

"Wazzzzpinator aches all over."

The wasp dangled and rolled over trying to fly.

'Terrorsaur! Megatron and Waspinator needs repairs make ready the restoration chamber!"

As Scorponok tried to lift his leader over his shoulders, the weight made his claws and body nearly crack with pain.

Oh! Oh! Bad idea! Bad idea!

Dropping the body of his leader with a loud bang which made him jolt in apology, he grabbed the tail of Megatron beast mode and pulled him inside the Darksyde. Waspinator left getting dirty on the sadly complaining to himself. He didn't care. Megatron was first because he was the leader, powerful and...

"Chambers are online!" Terrorsaur in robot mode interrupted his thoughts

"Good! Carry Waspinator to the chambers!"

He ordered. Terrorsaur did it without complaining which made him very happy.

As they secured those two in the chambers, he waited all too eagerly to see Megatron back online again. Tarantulas, who was standing in teh darkness, chuckled at Megatron's damaged predicament.

All that Scorponok was grateful about was that Megatron was back. He just hoped that he was too damaged to notice that he dropped him.