You have just entered room "chat30922009003893646542."
kismetstar15 has entered the room.
kismetstar15: ooo
kismetstar15: Do you want me to invite some people?
Miss Special9912: you're the only one who's responded to my IMs yet
kismetstar15: I'll wait for others before i invite. i might have some ppl on my buddy list that you might not have.
Miss Special9912: i've contacted LDC and Joshin, but neither have said anything back yet
kismetstar15: Oh, can i invite the others?
Miss Special9912: sure
wolfentakamo has entered the room.
chichan2004 has entered the room.
kismetstar15: Hi!
wolfentakamo: Hey!
chichan2004: 'lo
kismetstar15: Chichan is bloody_kimono, MS.
HoundFanGal has entered the room.
kismetstar15: Hi Amber!
Miss Special9912: ah! hi!
chichan2004: hi
wolfentakamo: Sorry if I don't reply a lot.. i'm having fun on
kismetstar15: ok
wolfentakamo: but i am still here. ^^
Fallenguardian87 has entered the room.
Miss Special9912: i'll probably put off the announcements for 20 minutes or so
kismetstar15: hi!
wolfentakamo: hey FG!
Fallenguardian87: Howdy
Fallenguardian87: and do call me LDC, lol
ChibiScreamer has entered the room.
Fallenguardian87: n_n
wolfentakamo: Gotcha!
kismetstar15: Hi CJ!
ChibiScreamer: Hey folks.
Jackass fan 141 has entered the room.
chichan2004: I was just about to dozed off when i got the invitation
wolfentakamo: Hello, Chibi Screamer, and. O.o
ChibiScreamer: I should throw some food in the microwave.
HoundFanGal has left the room.
chichan2004: a mini bagel woke me up
kismetstar15: I don't believe I have ever had a bagel
chichan2004: O.O
Jackass fan 141: bagel's are nasty
ChibiScreamer: Man, I love bagels.
wolfentakamo: bagels kick ass!
Jackass fan 141: personaly I hate them.
Joshin Yasha has entered the room.
ChibiScreamer: I'd like a bagel.
ChibiScreamer: But I'm on a diet.
wolfentakamo: you just find them disgusting?
Joshin Yasha: *waves*
Jackass fan 141: yessum
wolfentakamo: Hey, Joshin! ah okay
kismetstar15: Hi!
chichan2004: O.o josh??
Jackass fan 141: I'm writing a story, so I may not talk for a while, plus watching a DVD. Just to let y'all know
wolfentakamo: what DVD?
chichan2004: as in cheets?
Jackass fan 141: Doom
kismetstar15: I saw just the beginning of it at work (had to run it for subtitles) and it looked gory
Fallenguardian87: Moooahahahal..
Jackass fan 141: heh. it is
chichan2004: never seen it
ChibiScreamer: A review I heard of that from someone at work:
Jackass fan 141: oh Sapph thanks for the post. For wishing me a happy b-day.
ChibiScreamer: "It's like letting that annoying eleven year old that lives two houses down in to play Doom on your computer, and he's only letting you watch."
kismetstar15: You are very welcome, Dark
kismetstar15: hahahah
kismetstar15: Sorry, that review brings back memories for me.
Joshin Yasha: *runs back in with meal in hand*
ChibiScreamer: I work at Blockbuster. I hear these sorts of things all the time. XD
kismetstar15: Is anyone else coming to the chat that you know said was coming, Miss Spesh?
wolfentakamo: must hear some interesting reviews
ChibiScreamer: I need to make a Maximal shirt for Sakiyo... and a Decepticon shirt...
Miss Special9912: no one's actually told me they're going to be here
Jackass fan 141: Blaze maybe coming. She imed me a while ago, and asked if I was coming
kismetstar15: Blaze said she might come, though she'd be late.
ChibiScreamer: ...totally conflicting interests, but hey, her interests mirror mine, so... ^^;
ChibiScreamer: Anyway. *settles in*
kismetstar15: *is excited for the Awards*
Fallenguardian87: *ditto*
Joshin Yasha: We gonna start soon?
kismetstar15: *listens to her Rampage playlist*
wolfentakamo: *sits*
chichan2004: *lays down in a bean bag chair*
wolfentakamo: wish I had a beanbag chair!
kismetstar15: *writes stars*
wolfentakamo: brb
kismetstar15: kk
Joshin Yasha: *eats chicken, bacon, and swiss sandwich*
Miss Special9912: in ten or fifteen minutes, i think, unless everyone's going to beat me over the head to get started
kismetstar15: *puts away baseball bat*
kismetstar15: :p
chichan2004: *plastic mallet at the ready*
Fallenguardian87: sandwiiich..
ChibiScreamer: *plays with her doll in the meanwhile*
Miss Special9912: ...Sapph, you of all people? D:
Fallenguardian87: I want McDonald's..<_<
Joshin Yasha: *steals Sapph's baseball bat*
ChibiScreamer: Man, stop talking about sandwiches. I'm hungry.
ChibiScreamer: *keeps the FPHoJ on standby, just in case*
kismetstar15: I've had a stressful week. Forgive my impatience! *bows head, ashamed*
kismetstar15: I had a sandwich for dinner!
Fallenguardian87: yay! :-D
kismetstar15: It was ham salad. It was fresh from the bakery my sis works at. It was good. :)
ChibiScreamer: ...*goes and gets a couple of pieces of Pizza*
Joshin Yasha: This is my second sandwich of the day
kismetstar15: Gah, I really need to change my smileys back.
chichan2004: i like pizza when it's cold
Miss Special9912: they're unsettling.
Joshin Yasha: The first was ham, balogne, and melted mozzerella on toasted wheat bread
wolfentakamo: Back!
chichan2004: yay
kismetstar15: :-)
kismetstar15: They're back!
wolfentakamo: I am so excited about these awards.. I've never been nominated before!
kismetstar15: my old smiley.
kismetstar15: oo, what were you nominated for, Takamo? :D
Miss Special9912: this is only the second FA Awards, so a lot of people have never been nominated
kismetstar15: They look like they were quite successful in terms of nomination and vote turnout
wolfentakamo: Uhhm.. I can't remember.. but it was with my little rampage sketch.
kismetstar15: Cool!
chichan2004: I can't draw transformers T-T
Fallenguardian87: Muahah.
ChibiScreamer: I can, but I do so sporadically. XD
kismetstar15: I battle to, but I'm not awful, I don't think.
Fallenguardian87: I can draw DC- and horse based ones..
chichan2004: my 1st attempt was terrible
kismetstar15: I dre Rattrap from his toy.
kismetstar15: That was...decent.
kismetstar15: My original TFs are getting better, but I'm nowhere *near* as talented as a lot of the artists on Bwint.
wolfentakamo: I drew rattrap from a screencap Lady Venom had and put the caption 'Aww.. Rattrap wants a hug!'
Joshin Yasha: *works on picture of JD Collins*
Miss Special9912: TFs are a lot harder for me to do than other things
chichan2004: same here T-T
chichan2004: I love Waywards artwork though
Fallenguardian87: *has her newest Elemental guy dancing to screamer rock in her head*
Miss Special9912: she's very good.
ChibiScreamer: Wayward's art makes me want to stab myself with a pencil, for I will never match her in awesome.
Miss Special9912: i know D:
Blaze Raptor LBT has entered the room.
chichan2004: lol
kismetstar15: yay!
Blaze Raptor LBT: Hello
Miss Special9912: another five minutes and i'll get things underway
kismetstar15: Yay!
chichan2004: k
kismetstar15: I have NO idea who's gonna win.
Blaze Raptor LBT: lol
Fallenguardian87: Muahahahaha...
Fallenguardian87: has anyone ever heard "B.Y.O.B." by Systems of a Down?
chichan2004: nuu?
Joshin Yasha: Yup!
Blaze Raptor LBT: Zako?
wolfentakamo: I have!
Fallenguardian87: awesome song. xD
wolfentakamo: It kicks total butt
Fallenguardian87: Joshin, it's one of HR's favorite songs
wolfentakamo: *giggles*
wolfentakamo: I heard it when watching a Hellsing fanvideo a little while ago'
Fallenguardian87: He;s into heavy-duty screaming rock, emtal, and, oddly, wild Japanese techno. o_o
kismetstar15: My sis a huge fan of them
Fallenguardian87: Heee
Joshin Yasha: I should send you some songs, then :-P
ChibiScreamer: Hm. *goes to the Volks site*
Fallenguardian87: Eh, I like BYOB, but other than that, I don't care for that type of music
Fallenguardian87: but I've fallen into mad monkey love with Breaking Benjamin. <_<
Joshin Yasha: ...who didn't see that coming? *no character raises hands*
chichan2004: i like musicals....current fav is Chicago
Fallenguardian87: ..why?
Fallenguardian87: *eyes Joshin*
wolfentakamo: Chicago's really nice.
ChibiScreamer: I went and saw Wicked Thursday night. ^____^
kismetstar15: *loves old music like Beatles, Supertramp and the Rolling Stones* *Takes out walking stick*
ChibiScreamer: Saw it live, at the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati. Holy crap that was worth the $120 for the ticket.
chichan2004: hehe
Miss Special9912: was it the original cast, or other people?
Fallenguardian87: ROlling Stones? Eh...I don't care for them, bu some Beatel's is good
wolfentakamo: Oh, Sapph! I meant to tell you something!
ChibiScreamer: Other people, but everyone did really well.
ChibiScreamer: I liked the Elphaba in the performance I saw just as much as Idina Menzel.
ChibiScreamer: The Glinda wasn't as good as Kristen Chenoweth, but she did a really good job anyway.
kismetstar15: yes?
wolfentakamo: Was it... Paul McCartney? I think that's who it was.. He was in the Maritimes recently on my local news speaking against seal hunts.
kismetstar15: LDC, I like the Beatles older stuff and their experimental stuff.
kismetstar15: Yes, it was Paul.
kismetstar15: Though it was mostly his activist wife doing the protesting.
Miss Special9912: Paul's occasionally spotted in Truckee
Miss Special9912: which is about an hour from here
kismetstar15: She's a good woman. took out mines in places where they were killing children, and lost her leg in the process. Some ppl think she married Paul to use his fame to DO things about what she felt passionate for or against.
wolfentakamo: No one knows I guess except for her and her hubby.
kismetstar15: *shrugs* I think the love each other, but I don't really care. >_>
Miss Special9912: well, i've waited twenty minutes, so i guess it's about time to get started
kismetstar15: Yay!!!
chichan2004: ^_______^
ChibiScreamer: Huzzah!
Joshin Yasha: @_@ And my neck just popped
Fallenguardian87: YAY!
Miss Special9912: everybody ready?
Fallenguardian87: yes!
Joshin Yasha: Yup!
wolfentakamo: Yep!
kismetstar15: yes!
chichan2004: yea
ChibiScreamer: Yes'm.
Miss Special9912: right!
Miss Special9912: first category is: Best Digitally Coloured Drawing
Blaze Raptor LBT: *drum roll*
kismetstar15: ......
Miss Special9912: and the winner: Enemy Fillet by Fadura Shy. U
Fallenguardian87: Sweet!
kismetstar15: Yay for Fade!!
Miss Special9912: the runner up is Cheetor and Gemini’s Forest by Maria Sunderland
Joshin Yasha: *claps*
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
chichan2004: her artwork is always nice
wolfentakamo: *claps*
ChibiScreamer: *applause*
ChibiScreamer: ^^
kismetstar15: *claps, too*
Miss Special9912: next category is: Best Traditionally Coloured Drawing
Fallenguardian87: *bated breath*
chichan2004: o.o
wolfentakamo: *blink*
kismetstar15: ......
Miss Special9912: and the winner: Inferno Water Color by Wayward
kismetstar15: Wheee!
chichan2004: WHOOOO!!!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
Fallenguardian87: Ah, awesome for Wayaward
wolfentakamo: Yayy! ^_^ *clap*
Fallenguardian87: :-D
Miss Special9912: runner up: Lady Airazor by Markatron
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
kismetstar15: Both were excellent
wolfentakamo: Airazor sounds so cute with the Lady in front of it.
LadyOfIceChaos has entered the room.
kismetstar15: Hi Omie
LadyOfIceChaos: O_o
LadyOfIceChaos: *pops in*
kismetstar15: You have only missed a little of the Fan Art Awards
LadyOfIceChaos: O_O
wolfentakamo: Only two categories you missed.
Miss Special9912: next category: Best Non-Coloured Drawing
LadyOfIceChaos: ooooo
chichan2004: *drum roll*
Miss Special9912: and the winner is: "Get that camera out of my face NOW..." by Starath
kismetstar15: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blaze Raptor LBT: lol Yay!
kismetstar15: Yay for Starath!
wolfentakamo: *giggles* Go Starath!
Joshin Yasha: *claps*
LadyOfIceChaos: Go starath!
kismetstar15: Is anyone on MSN? Is she on?
Fallenguardian87: OH COOL!!
Fallenguardian87: GO STARATH!!
wolfentakamo: I don't think she is.
chichan2004: o.O never heard of that one
Fallenguardian87: *goes to call her*
wolfentakamo: I don't know
kismetstar15: LDC will know. They chat quite often, I think.
LadyOfIceChaos: Starath has AIM?
Miss Special9912
: she asked me to be on MSN, but she isn't right now
Miss Special9912: runners up are Restful Warrior by Sinead and Dinobot and Rattrap by Optimal Optimus Primal
kismetstar15: nah, Omie, she does'y.
Fallenguardian87: no she isn't on
Fallenguardian87: but I can call her!
Blaze Raptor LBT: Yay!
chichan2004: keeeeewwwwwlllll
LadyOfIceChaos: lol
: Ooh, you should, LDC!
Miss Special9912: she said she was having company over, so that might be it
kismetstar15: ah
Fallenguardian87: so lemme get a bit o' business done on the phone and I'll give you guys her reaction
wolfentakamo: Ah.. company has a tendancy to do that.
LadyOfIceChaos: yep
Miss Special9912
: should i wait on the rest until then, or continue?
Fallenguardian87: keep going
Miss Special9912: okie doke
LadyOfIceChaos: hey has Amber been on by chance?
: amber Dawn or Amber Mallrat?
Fallenguardian87: *is SO happy for Starath, hasn't called her yet*
LadyOfIceChaos: Dawn i think, she lives here on the North west
: She hasn't been on AIM in ages.
LadyOfIceChaos: ;__;
Blaze Raptor LBT: *patpat*
LadyOfIceChaos: I was going to pick her up so she can come to the norwest meet
: I emailed her not so long ago - she's been very busy with school lately.
Joshin Yasha: *waits for more announcements of winners*
Fallenguardian87: n_n
LadyOfIceChaos: *nods*
: lalalalala
LadyOfIceChaos: *passes out icecream to every one*
: yay!
Miss Special9912: *waits for other conversations to die down*
kismetstar15: *eats*
chichan2004: sugar
kismetstar15: *dies down*
Blaze Raptor LBT: Oo! What favors?
LadyOfIceChaos: any
Blaze Raptor LBT: flavors
LadyOfIceChaos: I'm the queen of ice and ice cream
: ^_^
LadyOfIceChaos: O_o
Joshin Yasha
: I love mint chocolate chip :-)
wolfentakamo: I'll have some chocolate, please
LadyOfIceChaos: *gets and give*
: shhh, nuff about ice cream. tis awards time.
Blaze Raptor LBT: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, if you please
Fallenguardian87: HEY! Hush now! :-(
LadyOfIceChaos: lol
: *hushes people* shh
chichan2004: yes ppl ssshhhhh
LadyOfIceChaos: *puts icecream away*
Blaze Raptor LBT: kill joy
Blaze Raptor LBT: *sniff*
LadyOfIceChaos: *hugs*
: lol :p
kismetstar15: Do go on, Miss Spesh.
Miss Special9912: is everyone done?
chichan2004: yes
wolfentakamo: *nods*
LadyOfIceChaos: yep
Miss Special9912
: alright.
Miss Special9912: next category is: Best Web Graphic
kismetstar15: oooo
chichan2004: oooooo
wolfentakamo: triple- ooooo
Miss Special9912: and the winner is: Pre-mortem: Rampage from the fic 'Countdown' by Sapphire
kismetstar15: YAY!
kismetstar15: *dances*
Fallenguardian87: WOOO!!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
LadyOfIceChaos: *GLOMPS!*
Miss Special9912
: runner up: A Taste of My Evil by Sapphire
Fallenguardian87: Ooooo
wolfentakamo: Yay Sapphire!! *hugs her*
chichan2004: YAAAYY!!!
LadyOfIceChaos: LOL
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
kismetstar15: oo, wow!
wolfentakamo: She one AND had a runner up!
wolfentakamo: **won
Joshin Yasha: :-D
kismetstar15: I wuv you Rampage!!! ;_;
LadyOfIceChaos: go sapph
: niice Sapph!
kismetstar15: Thank you
Jackass fan 141: COngrats Sapph
ChibiScreamer: Yay!
kismetstar15: Thank you, thank you! *bows and tries and fails to hug Rampage*
kismetstar15: XD
Fallenguardian87: huhn, Starath isn't in right now, but she should be back in ten ir so
LadyOfIceChaos: Rampage: O_o;
: Well, he was my inspiration. Next category?
Miss Special9912: next category: Best Composition
wolfentakamo: please
kismetstar15: oooooooo
Fallenguardian87: >_< ooo
LadyOfIceChaos: kel
: ....
chichan2004: *drum roll*
Miss Special9912: and the winner is: Panteria vs. Megatron by Lynxia
Fallenguardian87: Awsome!
LadyOfIceChaos: cool!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
wolfentakamo: *applause*
chichan2004: ^_^
Miss Special9912: runner up: Rattrap’s Ride to The North by Maria Sunderland
Joshin Yasha: *claps*
Fallenguardian87: n_n
kismetstar15: *claps*
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
Fallenguardian87: *applause*
kismetstar15: Pity most of the winners aren't here.
Miss Special9912: next category: Best Original Beast Wars Character
chichan2004: *big drum roll*
Miss Special9912: the winner: Vermillion by Fadura Shy. U
kismetstar15: YAY!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
ChibiScreamer: Yay! ^^
wolfentakamo: *applause*
Miss Special9912: runner up: Panteria by Lynxia
LadyOfIceChaos: yay!
: Go Fade!
chichan2004: *claps*
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
kismetstar15: Fade is very talented, so she deserves it!
Fallenguardian87: INdeed!
LadyOfIceChaos: yes
: *nodnods*
Miss Special9912
: that category was wide open, and i think every pic got at least one vote
Fallenguardian87: Sweet
kismetstar15: huh. cool.
Miss Special9912: anyways, next category: Best Beast Wars Character as a Human
LadyOfIceChaos: sinead should win this one
: is it Sinead>
chichan2004: ?
LadyOfIceChaos: hahah!
Miss Special9912
: and the winner: Miss Special and Amadeo by Sinead
Fallenguardian87: WOOO!!
kismetstar15: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
LadyOfIceChaos: I WAS RIGHT!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
chichan2004: WHOOOOOOO
Fallenguardian87: I'll call her to!!
Fallenguardian87: too*
chichan2004: me too!! me too!!!
LadyOfIceChaos: GO SINEAD!!!!
: Squeeble!
Miss Special9912: runner up: Tigatron as a Human by Skyfire
Fallenguardian87: :-D
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
LadyOfIceChaos: *does the cearleader thing for Sinead*
: Sky's drawing was also very good
LadyOfIceChaos: that it was
Miss Special9912
: and the next category: Best Beast Wars Character
wolfentakamo: *late applause*
chichan2004: ooooo
wolfentakamo: ^^;
Fallenguardian87: ...
LadyOfIceChaos: kewl
: ...
Miss Special9912: Rampage by Nightfire
kismetstar15: oooooooo!
kismetstar15: Wow!
wolfentakamo: DUUUUDDDDEEEEE!!!!!!!
LadyOfIceChaos: cool!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
Fallenguardian87: :-D
Joshin Yasha: *claps*
Miss Special9912: runner up: Deceiver of Fools by Johsin Yasha
chichan2004: *giggles like crazy*
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
Fallenguardian87: Alright Joshin!
Joshin Yasha: *chokes on rootbeer*
wolfentakamo: *does the happy dance*
kismetstar15: Well done Joshin and Nightfire!!
LadyOfIceChaos: *gives Jochin ice cream*
: C'mon, Joshin, happy dance with me!
Fallenguardian87: VBD!
Fallenguardian87: VBD!
wolfentakamo: vbd?
chichan2004: *happy dances too*
Joshin Yasha: @_@ My name spelled wrong twice in a row, lovely :-P
LadyOfIceChaos: O_o;
Joshin Yasha
: *does the Victory Bum Dance*
Fallenguardian87: WOOOOO!!
LadyOfIceChaos: oops
: XD
Fallenguardian87: :-D :-D
LadyOfIceChaos: *gives her more ice cream then*
Miss Special9912
: hem, musta spelled it wrong when i wrote the results down
Joshin Yasha: What's funny is that all the action of that dance is in the butt, yet no one can see it cause of the pants :-P
Joshin Yasha: :-P
Fallenguardian87: <_<
Fallenguardian87: It's still funny
LadyOfIceChaos: lol
Miss Special9912
: *makes a note to check the spelling on FA award things*
LadyOfIceChaos: hey
: quike question!
: ?
LadyOfIceChaos: did you do the Best Traditionally Coloured Drawing pic yet?
Miss Special9912
: yes
LadyOfIceChaos: who won?
Miss Special9912
: that was the second category
Joshin Yasha: Duck: Quack.
Miss Special9912: Wayward
LadyOfIceChaos: ah
Miss Special9912
: Markatron got runner up
Fallenguardian87: :-)
LadyOfIceChaos: cool ^_^
Joshin Yasha
: Anyway, on to the next awards!
Fallenguardian87: yes!
kismetstar15: yay
Miss Special9912: continuing on, next category: Best Non-Beast Wars Art
LadyOfIceChaos: at lest I was nominated
: OO!
: .......
Fallenguardian87: *drums roll*
kismetstar15: ...
Miss Special9912: the winner: Tenchi No Naka De Yuki: "Angel in Snow" by Sinead
Fallenguardian87: WOOO!!
kismetstar15: yay Sinead!"
Fallenguardian87: TWO of them!
chichan2004: YAY!!!!!
Miss Special9912: runner up: Evil at Work by Miss Special
LadyOfIceChaos: COOL!
: YAY!
Fallenguardian87: Go SpesH!
kismetstar15: *hugs Miss Spesh*
LadyOfIceChaos: *does cear for both*
: *chear
: @_@
: cheer*
kismetstar15: Well done!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
Fallenguardian87: :-P
chichan2004: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy
Miss Special9912: thanks :-)
LadyOfIceChaos: *gives ice cream*
: *gives Spesh and Sapph and NF brownies*
Miss Special9912: second-to-last category: Most Accurate to Show
kismetstar15: mmmmm....brownies
kismetstar15: yay!
LadyOfIceChaos: starath
Miss Special9912
: the winner: Silverbolt and Blackarachnia by Lady Venom
LadyOfIceChaos: O_o
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
Miss Special9912: runner up: Face of Terror by Starath
LadyOfIceChaos: go LV!
: YAY!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
chichan2004: WHOOO
kismetstar15: You must tell her for us, Takamo!
kismetstar15: Yay Starath!
Miss Special9912: finally, the last category: Best Art Piece Overall
Fallenguardian87: WOOO!!
LadyOfIceChaos: *waits*
Miss Special9912: and the winner: Myst and Rampage from "Containment" by Juditangelo (coloured by Sapphire)
kismetstar15: OH JOY!!!!
Fallenguardian87: ALLRIGHT!
Miss Special9912: runner up: Rattrap’s Ride to The North by Maria Sunderland
Blaze Raptor LBT: ysy!
Blaze Raptor LBT: yay!
LadyOfIceChaos: COOOL!
: Hey, Mousey got runner up. ^^
ChibiScreamer: Boy I've been out of it. XD
kismetstar15: *glomps her characters* I must tell judit!
ChibiScreamer: Hurray to all the winners. ^^
Blaze Raptor LBT: *claps*
kismetstar15: *applause*
kismetstar15: This was a very good Fan Art Awards. Thank you Miss Special for hosting it!
LadyOfIceChaos: *gives evey one icecream*
: Congrats everybody!
LadyOfIceChaos: yes many thanks!
: I have saved the chat up to this point.
LadyOfIceChaos: okay
: Would you like to post it for others to read, Miss Spesh?
LadyOfIceChaos: ooooh!
: Like I did the Fic Awards?
LadyOfIceChaos: sapph, before I for get
: ?
Miss Special9912: um, sure?
kismetstar15: Or you can save it and do that, lol
LadyOfIceChaos: did you see my mini fic at the board?
: Probably easier if you do it.
Miss Special9912: i'm checking over a few final things, then i'll get the results uploaded
kismetstar15: I'm sure Sinead and Starath and the others would like to reach the Awards chat
Fallenguardian87: *nod!*
nurannonielTIME has entered the room.
Fallenguardian87: Hey, lemme try to get Starath on the phone again
nurannonielTIME: *waves*
kismetstar15: Hi Nurann
LadyOfIceChaos: HIIIII!
: Hey DC, you're trying to call starath?
Blaze Raptor LBT: Hi
LadyOfIceChaos: *glomps the only other elf she likes*
: *glomps back, then glomps everyone else too*