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Attack of the Kamikaze Penguins

By: Dannn Sanew


Pecked was so excited that he and Cheetor got picked to go after the two stasis pods that landed in sector delta coordinate 6,3. They weren’t even half way there and he was already feeling cold. But that didn’t bother him because he was outside and not at base. He hated being at the base, it felt like he was locked in a cage. That was because he couldn’t’ fly there without getting yelled at. His motto was to live is to fly. “Hey Cheetor how long do we have before the predacons get to the crash site?”


“You got nothing to worry about Pecked. We got a head start plus our base is closer to the crash site. We got plenty of time to go in and get out. Hopefully the stasis pods didn’t get damaged and the process already done and all we got to do is to pick them up and get out of there.”

“You sound almost disappointed Cheetor.” Pecked said with a grin.

“I was actually looking forward to seeing some action. The preds are up to something, they have to be.”

“Is that because there’s been little predacons activity for the past three weeks? Maybe they all killed each other off and the war is over.”

“ I wish, then we had one less problem to worry about. But that not going to happened. They usually get quiet before they do something big.”


At the Predacon base Megatron ponder over his next move. He decided that he and everyone else needed time off (not really he made Scorponok and Inferno tail Hyde, Terrorsaur, Blackarachnia and Tarantulus).  He made them tail one person of their choice knowing that one of the other schemers would come along and another scheme would be born.

I can’t believe Scorponok lost Hyde. But Inferno still tailing Blackarachnia and when you find one spider you find the other. Yes, Tarantulus would come to her first if he were up to something. And knowing Terrorsaur when he comes up with a scheme he never acts alone. But whom would he go to first?


Megatron kept on playing these questions over and over in his head. He wasn’t paranoid he was just cautious. He wanted to know if they had any side projects before he plan anything against the Maximals. He decided to glance at the computer screen in front of him to see if anything was happening. Nothing was out of the ordinary when he saw the computer message on the screen. “Stasis pods detected.” Megatron said out loud as he read out loud. This message was a half-hour old.


He turns off the sound of the computer to try to relax. Maybe it wasn’t too late Megatron thought as look at the sector then the coordinates. Why bother they both landed in Maximals territory and they would get their in a matter of minutes if it already been a half-hour. But somehow he knew that somehow someway he would be welcoming two new Preds to the Predacons. For now he didn’t care. 


“Well what do you know your right.” a surprise Pecked said when they got to the crash site.

“So where are they?” Cheetor asked as he scans the area. “The only animals I see are an Albatross, a Polar Bear and five Penguins.” 

“I got the penguins, you got the other two.”  Pecked said as he flew towards the five Penguins.”

“ Guess that leaves me with the Polar Bear and the Albatross.”  Cheetor said as ran at full speed toward the Albatross first.  When the Albatross saw Cheetor running toward him the Albatross panic and ran. “Guess that not one of ours” Cheetor said as he began running toward the Polar Bear.


That right, a little further, head right into my trap Hyde thought as he watch Pecked headed toward the five Penguins from his hiding place on a cliff. Two of those Penguins were Predacons, thanks to Razor Beak, but the Maximals didn’t know that yet.  He sent his two Cassetticons Razor Beak and Datum deep into Maximals territory two weeks ago to intercept any Stasis Pods that might come into Maximals territory.  It was like being in three places at once. They reported to him regularly. Hyde was already near the Maximals base keeping

tabs on the Maximals when Razor Beak Reported to him. He got to the crash site a couple of minutes before Cheetor and Pecked got there. “Datum, Razor Beak the Maximals are here, get into your positions.” Hyde said he pulled out his Missile launcher and aims it at Pecked.


            “I in position over.” Razor Beak said as he began flying towards Cheetor.

            “This is Datum I in position. You know there a 87.9 percent that this ambush is going to work.”

            “Datum you think too much. Of course it going to work if you actually stop talking and do your job.” Hyde said through clench teeth.

            “Okay I get message.”


“You won’t heard a peep out of me.”

“ So do it already!” Hyde yells as he stops aiming at Pecked and begins aiming at Datum.

“In due time my simple minded friend.”

“Datum would you be so kind to look this way?” Hyde said with a wolfish grin.

“Okay I looking at you and I don’t see a…um…. Why are you pointing your Missile launcher at me?” Datum said as he slowly begins to walk backward.

“YOU DON’T WANT TO SHUT UP LOOKS LIKE I GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU!” Hyde yells as he pulls the trigger on the Missile launcher and a red missile flew toward the scare Datum.

“YOU MANIAC WHAT YOUR PROMBLEM, YOU JUST RUIN THE AMBUSH!” Datum said as he jumps off the cliff into a pile of snow.


Halfway from the Polar Bear Cheetor sees an explosion coming from a cliff and pulls out his Quad Laser. “Looks like we got company Pecked.” Cheetor said as he zoom in on the mountain with his optics eyes trying to get a closer look at what was going on.

            “Alright I get the new Maximals.” Pecked said as he finally reaches the group of Penguins.

            “You barking up the wrong tree Maximal.” one of the Penguins said.

            “There no Maximals here just us Predacons.” Another Penguin said.

            “Tripe terrorize”

            “Snide terrorize” both Penguins transforms into their robot modes.

            “Now prepare to die Maximal!” Tripe said as he and his counterpart both pulls out Diode Blasters.

            “To kill me you got to catch me, and since you can’t fly that not going to happened.” Pecked said as he took off into the air toward Cheetor who was engaging Razor Break. “CHEETOR THE PREDS GOT TO THE STASIS PODS BEFORE WE DID!” Pecked yelled over Cheetor Quad Laser.

            “You want to know something Pecked?” Cheetor asked.

            “Yeah what is it.” Pecked reply as he pulls out his Quasar Rifle and took a shot at Razor Break.

“For the first time I glad that I wrong.”

“ I glad you wrong too. Do you know how many Preds are out there?”

“ So far just the two new Preds, Hyde, and his two Cassetticons.”

“Time for Lynch and Lynx to come out.” Pecked said as his two Cassetticons came out.

As soon as Lynx hit the ground he ran toward Razor Beak, jump into the air and bite into his left wing. Razor Beak panics and flies into the Polar Bear taking all three out.

“Come on Pecked let take care of the rookies before Hyde get down the cliff.”

“Yeah let take out those flying Penguins?”

“Wait a minute Penguin can’t fly.” Cheetor said to Snide and Tripe.

“We not Penguins we Robots.” they reply as they began shooting at them. Snide got hit several times between Cheetor and Pecked. With his last strength he headed toward Pecked, knowing if he got a hold on him it be all over.

“Pecked get out of the way.” Cheetor said as he tries to take out Snide before he got to Pecked. But it was too late. Snide rams into Pecked and takes hold of Pecked arms. The last thing Pecked saw before going unconscious was Snide smiling and exploding. And flames engulf both of them.

“PECKED!” Cheetor yell as he saw his friend charred body hit the ground. “They could self-destruct.”

“Boy you a fast now, unlike your friend.” Snide said as picks up speed.

“Get away from me!” Cheetor said as he begins to run in the opposite direction.

“ Why you running away for I just want to talk?”

“Good for you but I don’t feel like talking.”

Hyde just got down the cliff and was aiming his Missile Launcher at Cheetor when a voice he normally shut out enter his head stronger then ever. Hyde why are you doing this? You known you are on the wrong side in this war. So why do you go on like this, all you are is one of Megatron lackeys? Get out of my head. That going to hard to do since we both share this body. We may both share the same body but I the one in control. Not anymore I am taking over. You can’t do that! Watch me. Hyde begins to tremble and shake violently.

“Ah that better.” Hyde said as he stretches. Hyde wasn’t lying about having two different personalities. He just gave people the wrong idea about his other personality.

The other Hyde a good actor. Instead of letting people know about him the good Hyde, he make up a new personality, the crazy one, using him as a scapegoat. What he didn’t expect is that personality is now real. What once was two is now three. Now that he is in control he going to help the Maximals. He aims his Missile Launcher at Tripe and fires.

            “For a Penguin you pretty fast.” Cheetor said as he continues to run at full speed. And he was. Cheetor thought that he would have lost the Penguin by now, but the Penguin nearly matches his speed.

            “I fast but I not fast as you are. But I am smarter than you are.” Tripe replies as he fires his Diode Blaster 10 meters in front of Cheetor making little craters. Cheetor trips and falls.

            “Can’t run now can you.” Tripe said triumphing before a missile blows him out of the sky. Cheetor was shock that he was still on line. He was shock when Hyde came over to him with Snide on one shoulder (what was left of him). Then Hyde did something more shocking, he just pick up Tripe and put him on his other shoulder and just walked away. Cheetor picks himself and walks over to Pecked and picks him up. When Cheetor went to pick up Lynx he hears a voice behind him.

            “Where you going Maximal?” A tired Datum said as pulls out a small blaster. He used up most of his energy digging himself out of the snow.

            “I wouldn’t do that.” Cheetor said as he picks up Lynx and begins to walks away.

            “WHAT! YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE I SMALL I NOT A THREAT!” Datum screamed. He was furious. He didn’t know whom he wanted to shoot more the Maximal or Hyde. I shoot both of them, then I get the respect I deserve.

            “No I think you not a threat because Lynch is behind you with his Double Barrel Blaster.” Datum forgot all about the other cassetticon.

            “Drop it or get drop!” Lynch hiss from behind him. Datum puts his blaster down calmly and puts his hands behind his head. Lynch then pistol-whips Datum and his body goes limp and falls to the floor.

            “You know, you didn’t have to pistol whip him.” Cheetor said disappointed. He didn’t like Lynch method of handling Datum.

            “It just a precaution.”

            “No it not a precaution. Searching him and taking away all his weapons would be a precaution.”

            “Sure whatever you said Cheetor. Instead of thanking me for saving your life you giving me a lecture.”

            “Alright you did save…wait a minute where were you all this time?”

            “I have no idea what you taking about.”

            “After Pecked brought you out I didn’t see you until now.”

            “I was fighting with Datum.”

            “Don’t lie, if you two fought Datum wouldn’t have forgotten about you unless you were injure. And look at you, there not a single scratch on you. You were watching the whole fight from the sidelines.

            “So I was. You know why? I don’t fight for causes don’t believe in. This is your war not mine, and I not going to die fighting in it.”

            “But Lynch you are in this war whether you like it or not. There are always different sides in war. And like it or not you’re on a side. You’re a Maximal. So you are part of this war. And you think that most people who are in wars fight because of side cost. No they don’t. They fight because they following orders, unlike you. And you think for one minute that you weren’t on a side in this war that the Predacons would leave you alone you are delusional. Predacons would kill for fun. They are unmerciful.”

            “Wow Cheetor that an real eye opener. How could I been so blind?” Lynch said in a sarcastic tone.

            “You worse than Kismet. At least she did what she was told.”

            “Who Kismet? I don’t know a Kismet?”

            “You haven’t met her and you never will.”

            “I don’t understand.” Lynch said a more than confuse.

            “She dead.” Cheetor said softly.

            “What happened?”

             Flash Back

            “Where’s Kismet I told her to meet us here in fifteen minuets?” Optimus asks as he looks from Cheetor to Rhinox.

            “Haven’t seen her all day Big Bot.”

            “Me neither.” Rhinox said as he looks over the blueprints of the Predacons base.

            “Wait, I’m here, don’t start without Me.” A Deer said as it ran into the debriefing room.

            “Kismet where have you been?” Optimus ask as he shook his head.

            “About time you got here. I thought I was going to be here all day.” Cheetor added. Kismet was twenty minutes late. She never wanted to fight. She didn’t want to kill anyone no matter what the cost. Optimus made her a junior engineer so she wouldn’t leave the base much.

            “I was helping Rattrap fix that broken door in your room Optimus”

            “How’s Rattrap?”

            “He got a few minor burns.” Cheetor and Rhinox begin to laugh. Cheetor was laughing so hard he fell out of his chair.

            “Minors burn from fixing a broken door…never mind, I mean as a teacher.” Optimus said as he gives Cheetor and Rhinox a sharp look, which made them stop laughing.

            “Oh as a teacher, he’s the best teacher I ever had.”

            “That because you never had a teacher before.” Cheetor said as he dodges a punch from Kismet.

            “Alright stop it you two, we not here in the debriefing room for the fun of it.” Rhinox said as he picks up the blueprints of the Predacons base he dropped on the floor while laughing.

            “Rhinox is right. I called you three here to infiltrate the Predacons base and steal an alien artifact. Rhinox will use a jamming device to disable their security on the outside of the base. Getting in is up to you. We have no idea where the alien artifact is. That is all.”

            “Let’s get going then.” Rhinox said as he got up.

            “Oh before we leave Optimus I need to ask you a question?” Kismet asks as she takes two step back.

            “Make it quick.”

            “How do feel about having a skylight in your room.”

            “Why would I want…. Oh god you didn’t.” Optimus said as he race out of the room.

            “Is it that bad?” Cheetor asked.

            “KISMET WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY ROOM!” Optimus yell.

            “Does that answer your question?”

            “Yeah it does. Now let get out of here before Optimus finds Kismet.

“So that it” Kismet said disappointedly when they got to the Predacons base.

“What you expect? Rhinox ask.

“Something that actually look like a base.”

“Better put on the Irk 3000.” Rhinox said as he put his jamming signal device in the ground and turn it on.

“Alright how do get in?” Kismet asks.

“We knock.” Cheetor said as he slid down the cliff toward the Predacons base.

Quickstrike was all by himself in the control room watching the various camera screens that show different areas inside and outside of the base. He then sees a screen with Megatron, Tarantulus, and Waspinator faces on it. Quickstrike press a button to speak to them.

“Hold on guys I buzz you in.” Quickstrike said as open the door for them.

“Told you it will work.” Cheetor said as he takes off his Megatron mask and walks inside.

“It did but did I have to be Waspinator?” Kismet asked.

“At least you weren’t Tarantulus.” Rhinox said as he took out his Chains Machine Guns.

“Hey you not Megatr…” Quickstrike said before getting rip to shreds by Rhinox Chain Machine Guns.

“We should go find Tarantulus.” Rhinox suggested.

“If we find Tarantulus we’ll find the alien artifact.” Cheetor agreed.

“But how do we find Tarantulus?” Rhinox asks.

“I don’t know maybe by adjusting your heads to the side there, you see Tarantulus running tests on the alien artifact on the screen label basement two.” Kismet said in a sarcastically.

“Alright let go that way.” Cheetor said as they all begin to walk down a hall on the right. As they walk down the hall a trap door open up and they land in Tarantulus lab.

“What you doing in my lab?” Tarantulus demanded.

“Trapdoor.” Rhinox answered.

“Why is there a trapdoor that leads to your lab?” Kismet asked.

 “I was just wondering the same thing.”

“Who cares we’re here anyway. Hand over the alien artifact.” Cheetor said as he tries to get out from underneath Rhinox.

“NEVER!” Tarantulus yells as he runs over to a level label trapdoor and pulls it. The ground from underneath Tarantulus open ups and Tarantulus disappears.

“I never knew Predacons were so dumb.” Kismet said as she picks herself up and takes the alien artifacts.

“Now all we got to do is to get out.” Cheetor said as he finally got out from underneath Rhinox.

“There a staircase with a exit sign over it. You think that a way out?” Kismet asked as they all walks toward the staircase.

“This victory feels hallow.” Cheetor said as they continue up the staircase.

“They don’t tried any more.” Rhinox complain.

“Maybe they try harder next time.” Kismet said hopefully.

“Nah.” They all said in unison.

Once outside we got Rhinox Irk 3000 and headed home. Halfway there Megatron, Inferno, and Waspinator intercepted them.

“I going to try to make it to base.” Kismet said as she transform into her beast mode and begins to run towards the Maximals Base.

“Cheetor to base we need backup right now.” Cheetor said as he pulls out his Quad Laser and fires at Inferno.

“Base to Cheetor we’re sending all our flyers to give you support.” Dinobot voice came over his communicator.

“Copy that.”

Megatron flew over Cheetor and Rhinox after Kismet.

“You will die Maximal.” Megatron said as sends a shoot that hit Kismet directly in her back.

“Here take it just spare my life.” Kismet said as she tosses over the alien artifact over to him.

“And take away the fun of killing you, now why would I do that.” Megatron Said as his next shot shatters her body into millions of pieces. Just then Optimus, Airazor, and Sliverbolt flies over Megatron head. Megatron then give the order to retreat and he takes off with the Maximals flyers after him. There was nothing we could do to save her. From that day on I vow to never let another Maximal make that same mistake.  Look likes I fail.”

            “Sorry. And from now on I fight with my fullest”

            “You promise”

            “I promise. Let go home.” Lynch said as both him and Cheetor begin to walk back to base.

            Megatron was relieved when Hyde came back with the two limp bodies of Snide and Tripe. He didn’t care what Hyde was doing in that area. He was just glad to have two new Predacons.

“Hyde put those two in the CR chambers.” Megatron said as he thought to himself what was Hyde up to.

“As you wish Megatron.” Hyde replies. He felt like he forgot something.

When Datum came to he was still lying in the snow. He picks himself up and kicks what he thinks is a pile of snow.

“Ouch that hurt. What is this?” Datum asks as he looks at the pile of snow. To his surprise a pair of eyes were staring back at him. Before his eyes the pile of snow turn into a very angry Polar Bear. The Polar Bear then roars and devour him. Datum went down his throat into his stomach.

“Hello is anyone there.” Said as he pulls out a glow rod.

“So he got you too?” Razor Beak said as flies towards Datum.

“Great it you. Do you know a way out?”

“No you?”

“If I knew a way out of here I wouldn’t be asking you.”

“So we just going to sit here and do nothing?”

“Guess so.”


Pecked felt renew when he step out the CR chamber.

“What happened?” Pecked asked as he walks over to Cheetor, Optimus, Lynx, and Lynch.

“Snide self-destructed himself to take you out. But me and Lynch had everything under control, right Lynch.” Cheetor said as he begins to walk out the room.

“Yeah we had everything under control.”

“I think that all three of you should go to your room to rest.” Cheetor said with a smile knowing what was waiting for them in their room.

When Pecked, Lynch, and Lynx open the door of their room smoke came out. As Pecked went in a femme robot of different shades of brown came running out of the room.

“Sorry about the mess.” The femme robot said as she put away her tools.

“What mess… Where my floor?” Pecked said as looks inside his room.

“Don’t worry about that I fixed later, but now I taking a break. By the way my name Kismet.” Kismet said as she walks way from what still remain of his room.

“CHEETOR YOU SAID SHE DIED.” Lynch said as ran to Cheetor room.

“I said a lot of things.” Cheetor said as he sat up on his bed.

“You lied.”

“Only the last part, the rest of the story is true.”

“So what really happened?”

“It true that Kismet ran for base. But Megatron didn’t run after her. He also engaged us. Rhinox and me were taking it pretty hard. Rhinox left arm was nonfunctional and I could barely stand by myself. We thought we were done, but Kismet came back for us. She used her Crossbow that combine with a pistol to take out Megatron left jet. Because of that he spins out of control and knocks into Waspinator. With Inferno distracted by Kismet, Rhinox took him out. Then we all went home. You see Kismet didn’t fight until her friends were in trouble. Maybe you could learn a lesson from.”

“I guess I not mad anymore. By the way can Pecked, Lynx, and me stay here for a couple of days, since our room is destroy?”

“Yeah knock your self out.” Cheetor said as Lynch walks out the room to find Pecked and Lynx. Knowing Kismet you going to be my roommates for a long time. Cheetor thought to himself as he made room for his new roommates.