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I Will Carry You

By: Sinead

Lyrics transcribed on: 7 January 2004

Written on: 14 March 2004


Author’s Note: Bored, still looking for things to do . . . I’m hungry, too, so . . . whatever. Anyways, I don’t own the author, the series, the favorite character, the singer, or the song. But I do own the entire Cardcaptor Sakura series, and the complete first season of Beast Wars on DVD! =^_^= (Like that has anything to do with anything . . .) Oh, and I don’t know if the teddy-bear-naming-thing is real or not, but if it is . . . spiffiness.



Yeah, I know it hurts

Yeah, I know you’re scared



Hacker sniffled, then went in search of Vinnie, if only to cuddle upon her bed with the stuffed animal. Only after doing a full search of her room, her closet, and whatever-the-heck was under the bed, she remembered that Vinnie now belonged to Depth Charge.


Then again . . . seeing the Transmetal manta would be a bonus.



Walkin’ down the road that leads

To who-know’s where



Depth Charge saw the small figure walk through his mirror and then glimpse up at him. Kneeling, he came closer to her face. “What is it?”


She shook her head, and asked, “Can I see Vinnie?”



Don’t you hang your head

Don’t you give up yet



Smiling inwardly, Depth Charge reached over to his desk, and picked the small stuffed bear up to hand to Hacker. She held the toy to her chest, bowing her head over it and trembling slightly. She hadn’t felt like this for ages. It wasn’t the best of feelings. It was the kind of feeling that made you feel small, insignificant, horrible, tired . . . depressed.


“Hacker, look at me, please.”



When courage starts to disappear

I will be right here



Swallowing, the teenager did so, only to be enveloped in large metal arms. Before she could even say anything, something inside her told her to be quiet and to accept not only the comfort, but the meaning behind the embrace. Depth Charge sighed. “Don’t you dare think that you can give up on me.”


“But I’m . . .”



When your world breaks down

And the voices tell you, “Turn around”



The tears broke out, and Hacker buried her face in Vinnie, trying to hide them from Depth Charge’s watchful optics. However, her voice showed her tears better than anything physical ever could. “I’m not giving up. But . . . I’m just tired.”


“No, you’re not ‘just tired,’ Hacker. You’ve had a rough week, haven’t you?” The Maximal stood carefully and opened the “back door.” He stepped out into the sunlight, letting it fall upon Hacker’s back. She felt the warm rays, and then looked up at the sky, which was a magnificent blue. Then she looked around at the landscape surrounding them. Depth Charge saw her still holding Vinnie close to her, and then asked, “Are you afraid of heights?”



When your dreams give out

I will carry you, carry you



The teenager blinked at him, then smiled, and shook her head. “Not really.”


“Good.” He set her down upon the ground, and transformed to hover before her. “Hop on.”


She did so, and he took off, only to hear his comm-link come to life. It was Optimus. “Base to Depth Charge. Where are you going?”



When stars go blind

And the darkness starts to flood your eyes



“I’m showing Hacker the ocean. Have a problem with that?”


Optimus sighed. “No. But be careful.”


“You think that I’d willing bring Hacker into danger? I don’t think so. She’s safe, I’m keeping her safe, and I’m not going to fight X anywhere around her.”


“That’s all I needed to hear, Depth Charge. Thank you. Base out.”



When you’re falling behind

I will carry you



Flying over the trees and landscape was a beautiful sight. But even better was the feeling of the wind playing over her face as Hacker held on with one hand, while she held onto Vinnie with the other. When they reached the sea it was almost too soon for Hacker, but she slid off of Depth Charge’s back anyway, and looked over the water. “Wow. Just . . . wow.”



Everybody cries

Everybody bleeds



Depth Charge smiled inwardly, and sat on the sand behind her, watching as she just watched the setting sun’s rays play over the surface of the water, turning it bright shades of oranges, yellows, and reds. It was a truly beautiful sight.


She smiled, feeling the pain of the week start to slip off of her, as if the ocean’s peacefulness and gentle sounds were taking it all from her.



No one else said that life’s

An easy thing



Something heavy landed upon the sand behind them. Something . . . something not good. Something that sounded like a Cybertronian. A large Cybertronian. There was only two that had enough weight to make the sand tremble when they landed upon it. One of the two was Depth Charge.


Depth Charge stood and spun to face the new bot in one smooth motion. “Rampage.”



And that’s the beauty of it

When you lose your way


“Well of course, Depth Charge. Now who is that enchanting little human with you?” the crab replied, looking over the manta-ray’s shoulder and down at Hacker. “Is she another one of those humans?”


“She has nothing to do with you and your schemes.”


Rampage snorted. “I can’t kill her, so don’t get snappy, playmate. I’ve been specifically asked not to kill the humans, if I ever want to be free again. Besides. If I kill her and if the mirror activates for me . . . I never get to leave this place. I’d scare off whoever would come for me.”



Close your eyes and go to sleep

And wake up to another day



Hacker walked up to stand next to Depth Charge’s leg. “Why would you want to leave here? There’s no real rules.”


“For me there is, human. More rules than I can tolerate at times. This would be one of those times.”


“What do you mean?” the young woman asked, leaning against her favorite’s leg.



When your world breaks down

And the voices tell you, “Turn around”



“I’m forbidden to mean harm against any Maximal or Predacon that is eloping with any humans,” Rampage muttered, seeming to crunch into a smaller version of himself at that fact. “I’d only slagging get them out of the way in this time, and onto their way ‘down the aisle,’ as you humans say, in your time.”


Hacker smiled. “You not killing our partners gives us humans more time to really know who they are. Besides. You have a few people who really like you.”



When your dreams give out

I will carry you, carry you



Rampage snorted, then replied, “Ha! In the Pit I do! Prove it.”


“Lady Dementia, and Lady Venom. Both are adamant about the fact that the insane, homicidal, tin can crab-cake of the Beast Wars belongs to one of them. Frankly, though, I don’t know who would win out if the two were to fight over you. They both like you.”


Rampage sighed and said, “In only your dreams, kid. Look, I have Predacons to annoy. I’ll . . . I’ll come annoy you later, old friend. Await for me.”



When stars go blind

And the darkness starts to flood your eyes



The sun set completely. Depth Charge looked after his nemesis, as the crab walked off down the beach alone. Hacker frowned. “Funny. He wasn’t how I thought he’d be.”


Depth Charge blinked once more, then said, “Something’s broken him. Something . . . something in him has broken, and . . . and I don’t know how.”


“You’re not used to seeing him subdued.”



When you’re falling behind

I will carry you



“I’ve only seen him like this long ago, before he had ever killed anything or anyone. He . . . he had been an experiment. His Spark allowed him to heal, but . . . Maximal scientists tortured him into something fierce when he was young. I was there. I was a guard. He was like this when he was brought back into his cell after they poked and prodded him, cutting him and seeing how long that it would take for him to heal.” He sighed, and locked his optics upon Hacker’s eyes. “He calls me his old friend because I was the only one who could talk him out of trying to kill himself or others. I was his only friend. I was assigned to him when he was young . . . when I was young as well. I was too young, I’ve realized. Too innocent. And I befriended one who ended up becoming a monster.”


Hacker wrapped her arms around his leg, causing him to glance down at her. She smiled back at him, and said, “You did what you thought was right at the time. And he trusted you then, and he was a friend to you then. Just because they might end up hurting me in the future, I still make friends. I still trust in them.”



You should know now

That you’re not alone



Depth Charge picked her up and carried her towards the forest. “Hacker, what worries me is not what I did then. What worries me is what he thinks of me now.”

After a few moments of easy quietness between them, Depth Charge spoke in a soft voice. “Hacker I have to ask you something.”


“Go on,” she replied, just as softly.


“What . . . what do you see, when you look at me?”


Hacker smiled and said, “I see a protector. I see someone whose a really good person, and who would do anything to protect those who he loves.”



Take my heart and we will find

You will find your way home



Stopping, the Transmetal looked down at the human in his arms. “You really see that?”


Reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, Hacker replied, “Of course I do. Why else would I come and see you as often as I can?”


“Hacker . . .”


She hid her face from him as she whispered, “I love you. That’s another reason why I come so often. I really love you.”



When your dreams give out

I will carry you, carry you



Depth Charge carefully sank to his knees before he sat. His hand was upon Hacker’s back, but said nothing for a moment, while her words settled upon his Spark, and the true meaning behind her words was soaked into his consciousness. “I think . . . My mind says that I should wait, that I should not jump into this, but . . . but my Spark, my soul . . . it tells me that I feel the same towards you.”


Hacker chuckled, and sat upon his knee, looking up into red optics. “You don’t have to force yourself into saying those three words.”


“I know. I . . . I’m not. But it’s how I feel.”



When stars go blind

And the darkness starts to flood your eyes


Smiling, the author held the bear out to him. He took it, and then looked down at Hacker again. Her smile was warming to his still-chilly spirit, while her voice and words were as warm as her smile. “I read somewhere that if you present a person with a teddy bear named after yourself, that person will love you in return.”


“So who’s this Vinnie character, then?” Depth Charge asked, looking down at her.


“No, no! It’s not like that! Honestly!” Hacker replied, blushing a bright red.


Depth Charge laughed for what felt like the first time in years. It just seemed to bubble out of him without even his permission. With his optics smiling, he asked, “Did you make this one?”


She looked down, blushing. “No. I’m making one right now. And it’s for you.”


The Maximal smiled and laid back on the soft grass of the clearing, feeling Hacker curl up on one of his wings. Her back rested against his side as she looked up at the stars being revealed by the darkness.



When you’re falling behind

I will carry you, carry you



Depth Charge landed outside the base, seeing Optimus waiting there for him. The leader wordlessly and gently lifted the sleeping Hacker off of the larger Transmetal’s back. After transforming, Depth Charge took the human back, and nodded to Optimus slowly, acknowledging the leader silently.


It was the first time he had done so. Both knew it.



I will carry you, carry you

I will carry you, carry you



Walking though the mirror, Depth Charge entered Hacker’s room. It was dark here, too, but not as dark as it was around the Axalon. There were street lamps here, gently lighting the room a slightly different shade of darkness.


He settled Hacker upon her bed, and reached down to brush his hand over her cheek softly. Sighing in her sleep, Hacker smiled, and relaxed fully in her bed.


Depth Charge returned to his own time and place, to fall asleep watching the girl who loved him.



I will carry you