
Beast Wars Symmetries:

Birds of Prey


By: Michael


Authors Note: The Kwaknoota tribe are a fictional Native American tribe that I came up with while I was researching the myths and urban legends of the Thunderbird. I got the name from the Kwakiutl Indians and the Nootka Indians from Canada and simply mixed them into Kwaknoota. There are also different accounts of the Thunderbird myth within every tribe so I simply decided to combine several different versions of the Thunderbird mythos into one for my story.

Dark days loomed ahead for the Native American Kwaknoota tribe near the Catalan Canyons of Arizona. Though many within the reservation denied it, the elders believed that they had enraged the Great Spirit somehow. At night, the shape shifters came, dragging men, women, and children into the darkness as their echoes filled the air.

With glowing red eyes, their piercing howls penetrated the cold, nightly air. Though federal and state troopers were called in to stop the killings, none of them could find exactly where the killers were. As a result, more and more lives were lost each day after the other. The shape shifters were swift in avoiding the law and quick in mounting attacks in the dead of night, taking as many as two or three people.

Dream Weaver feared the worst for his tribe.

He was an elderly medicine man who dressed simply. The only things that stood out were the beads hung around his neck. It was a necklace given to him long ago by his grand father.

Though supernatural afflictions troubled the lands, he was now faced with a much different problem.

“I am quite an agreeable fellow as you will soon find out,” spoke an enormous man who towered before him. “You may name any price you wish.”

To Dream Weaver, Michael Troy was a millionaire industrialist who came from a place called Crimson City in the West Coast. He had come several times in the past, offering to buy the lands that Dream Weaver and his tribe had held for so long. The clean forests, sprawling canyons, and clean rivers had been a staple to his people for quite a long time.

He could not sell them no matter how bad the paranormal ailments got.

“I apologize, Mr. Troy,” he said with as much firmness as he could muster while still being diplomatic, “but I’m afraid I cannot, in good conscience, sell you the lands of our people.”

“I understand completely,” smiled Troy. “I will be back in a few weeks for business again. Perhaps then, we can get together for dinner and another tour of the caverns.”

Dream Weaver smiled weakly. Whenever this large Caucasian man was around, he always felt his strength leaving him. Now that Michael Troy got up to leave, he felt more relieved.

“Yes, perhaps we will, Mr. Troy. I hope to see you then.”

Michael Troy bowed. “Yeesss, farewell.”


What Dream Weaver did not know was that Michael Troy was actually a Predacon criminal from another universe known as Megatron. Though he was not native to Earth, he had learned everything he needed to know so that he and his minions could hide themselves effectively in a world dominated by the human race.

“That senile old fool!” growled Megatron as he entered into his underground base deep in the deserts of Arizona. “The land and its energon will yet be mine!”

He had lied to Dream Weaver about wanting the land for preservation. The true prize lay within the caverns of the Catalan Caves. There was energon in there… raw, succulent energon for Megatron and the Predacons. The deposit was large enough to power their entire ship, the Dark Side. With that power, they would be strong enough to conquer the major cities of the world and enslave the human race. Once that was completed, noted Megatron, they would use Earth’s natural resources to create a better, more reliable transwarp drive to return to Cybertron, with an invincible army of energon-powered drones, powerful enough and strong enough to defeat even Cybertron’s best alloys.

While it was a lofty goal, Megatron still remembered that he had yet to attain even the energon he craved. He did not want to draw too much unnecessary attention to himself and his company by ordering his cyber coyotes to massacre the entire Kwaknoota tribe instantly, no. What he needed was a more people-friendly way of getting the Native American tribe to sell the lands to him willingly. For now, killing on a large scale was strictly out of the question.

“Master, shall we begin another raid tonight?”

Megatron looked down to see one of Megatron Industries’ secretly manufactured Cyber Coyotes. The fur on the outside only hid the mechanical interior beneath the powerful robots. Though Megatron would never admit it, he sometimes preferred the company of his drones over Terrorsaur and Scorponok.

“No, not tonight, Number 3,” sighed Megatron who referred to them by their production numbers. “I must carry out more studies tonight on the folktales and superstitions of the Kwaknoota tribe. Apparently, shape shifting beasts are not enough to galvanize them into submission.”


Dream Weaver looked on as the sun set across the horizon. The lands were too precious to allow them to fall into hands that regarded them as mere property. His grandchildren were growing up already and some were even leaving the reservation to get a college education in other parts of the United States. The ones who stayed were the ones whom he would teach to protect and watch over the lands.

As he walked away, he did not notice a large, metallic object materialize before a cropping of rocks behind his back. Its scanners hummed to life instantly as it could no longer camouflage itself effectively due to decreasing power levels.

In the distant horizon, the cry of a falcon was heard.


“Sheesh, this is some low-tech stuff,” muttered Rattrap as he and Cheetor walked through the maze of Zombie Vacation.

“Don’t be such a spoil-sport, Rattrap,” insisted Cheetor. “Right now, we’re submerged in a completely different culture so we should appreciate what the humans are able to create, given their limits right now.”

“I ain’t sayin’ they’re doing badly right now,” retorted Rattrap. “I just think they could move a lot faster in terms of their tech.”

“But that’ll mean they’re gonna drain their whole planet dry in just a couple of stellar cycles,” Cheetor protested. “The ecosystems will be sucked dry if you want them to move at your pace.”

“Yeah, like I care what happens on this dump,” said Rattrap dismissively. “All I wanna do is go back to Cybertron and re-affirm my position as top dog with the ladies!”

Cheetor rolled his eyes. “Sheesh, guess there’s no pleasing you.”

“It ain’t that I’m hard to please, kid. It’s just that I got standards with a touch of class.”

“You’re impossible,” groaned Cheetor.

After a while, Cheetor entered into the temple with his character and retrieved the hidden gauntlet for an additional level up. He saved his spot and took out the game cartridge. Rattrap held open the machine and inserted his own video game, Battleground Jupiter.

“I will say one good thing,” smiled Rattrap. “These first person shooter games are ‘da finer things in human life that I can get into!”

“What’s your shooting range now?” asked Cheetor.

“Ehh, my marksman skills are kinda rusty, seeing as I haven’t had any Preds to shoot at for a while,” Rattrap replied, “but they’re still up there.”

“Wanna make a bet my accuracy’s gonna beat yours one day?”

“You’re on, Cheetor!”

Optimus to Cheetor and Rattrap.”

“What’s up, boss monkey?” Rattrap greeted Optimus.

Report to the main halls immediately! We’ve got a situation on our hands”


“So what’s ‘dis about?” asked Rattrap as he and Cheetor appeared before Rhinox and Optimus in the main room of the submerged Axalon.

“One of the pods on this planet has been activated,” explained Rhinox. “Our sensors detected it in the Southwestern regions of the United States… in a place called Arizona.”

“So how’d the pod get activated?” asked Cheetor. “Don’t they have enough power to cloak themselves for over a year or so?”

“Some of them do, some of them don’t,” replied Optimus. “We were never exactly briefed on our mission about which crew members’ stasis pods had longer spans of energy than others.”

“From the looks of it, this pod has already activated itself,” said Rhinox. “The new Transformer inside has most likely gotten the beast mode of an indigenous species native to the surrounding areas.”

“Which means we’ll have to get to the new Maximal before Megatron does,” declared Optimus. “Pack your bags, Maximals! It’s time for a road trip!”


“This sucks,” grumbled Terrorsaur. “Why’d Megatron have to ask me to fly all the way over to this stupid desert?”

The large Pteranodon flew over the clouds effortlessly, though his wings were beginning to tire a bit from the trip. He had been careful to dive back into the clouds whenever he spied a plane in the distance. Megatron warned him not to attract any unwanted attention to himself and he had to go out of his way to obey. The Predacon leader would ring his neck if another tabloid on flying dinosaurs were published.

Truth be told, Terrorsaur would’ve rather stayed back at the mansion, playing croquet with Waspinator and Scorponok. It was a new game they had discovered recently, giving them hours of entertainment… whenever Megatron didn’t order them around.

“Just you wait, Megatron,” he grumbled. “You won’t always stay on top.”


It was a bumpy trip that day for the Maximals. Rhinox had fixed the van with his own modifications so that it could support the weight of four robots sitting in there. They did not have to stop for gas as Rhinox had also created a special kind of energon fuel, made specifically to keep the van running as efficiently as possible without polluting the air in any way. To most humans, such an achievement was quite an achievement but on Cybertron, it was just as commonplace as getting an activation code.

“The scenery sure is nice,” commented Rhinox as he sat in the driver’s seat. Optimus sat next to him in the passenger’s seat.

Behind them, Cheetor and Rattrap sat in the back seats. Though the age difference between them was wide, both of them were clearly bored.

“Sheesh, Optimus, are we there yet?” complained Rattrap.

“You asked that two kliks ago, Rattrap,” Optimus sighed.

“Can’t we just take the Axalon and mosey on over there?” asked Rattrap, “or maybe you can just fly over there yourself to fetch the new guy.”

“We can’t attract unwanted attention to ourselves,” explained Rhinox.

“Yeah, yeah…” Rattrap grumbled. “I hear ya.”

Silently, he cursed to himself.

Stupid hairless monkeys always gotta ruin my day…


“What kinda place is this?” asked the newcomer. “Last I recall, I volunteered for… some kinda mission?”

She surveyed her surroundings with great interest. A large peregrine falcon with an enormous wingspan flew from out of the rocks. The area around her was stark in its appeal, although there was still a certain allure to it. Desert landscapes broadened all around her eyesight as she flew higher into the air.

“Nice place,” she said. “I wonder which planet I’m on…”

One thing she remembered was her name, Airazor. Considering her appearances, it was a name that suited her fine.

Seeing nothing within her perimeters, Airazor flew off to investigate the area.


“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Terrorsaur scowled.

“This is no joke, Terrorsaur,” Megatron replied calmly. “You are required to complete this task!”

The two of them lounged around in Megatron’s secret underground base in the desert where the Cyber Coyotes accompanied them.

“This is a lame plan,” protested Terrorsaur. “I say you just blow ‘em up and get the job done!”

“If I were to do that, the government would declare the lands off limits and it would further complicate my plans if they get involved.”

“I still can’t believe you’re afraid of these stupid bipeds,” Terrorsaur groaned.

Megatron leveled his face towards Terrorsaur. “I wish to do this without drawing attention, Maximal or human!”

 “So you wanna play it safe, eh?” asked Terrorsaur.

“Better safe than sorry,” replied Megatron with a smirk. “Although… after we douse ourselves in the purifying baths of energon, we shall have the power we need to grind humanity beneath our heels!”

“Sounds like a good plan, I guess… but I still don’t like what you’re asking me to do!”

“Fool, you really have no say in the matter.”

Terrorsaur’s shoulders slumped. He had two choices right now. He could obey Megatron and make a fool out of himself… or he could just refuse and get squashed flat on the spot.

“Alright, already!” he said in defeat. “Just don’t expect me to like it!”

“You won’t have to,” smiled Megatron. “Just say your lines exactly as I have specified.”

Terrorsaur looked down at one of the Cyber Coyotes that lay down beside him.

“Mind if I shoot one of these things?” asked Terrorsaur with a sneaky grin

“As a matter of fact, I do!”


“Long range sensors are picking up something in the distance!” announced Rhinox as he held the scanner in his hands.

At this point, Optimus was the one driving and Rhinox used the scanner to concentrate fully on the target in the distance.

“It’s a Maximal unit alright!” Rhinox exclaimed. “We’d better go greet him!”

“Which way?” asked Optimus.

“Just turn left on Highway 56 and we’ll be within a few miles of the new Transformer.”


Airazor was pleased. It had taken her some time but she finally found a sign of civilization beneath her. From her bird’s eye view, it was a small village with possibly 200 people or so. She had not flown down to introduce herself yet as she was not sure how they’d react at seeing her. She decided to find a resting place for the night. After all, the sun was almost to the point of setting in the horizon.

Suddenly, her senses went wild. There was something moving towards her direction!

Airazor flew downwards to see what it was. A large metal van below her stopped after parking on the side of the road.

Four strange looking robots like her stepped out of the van. Airazor wondered if they were of her own species.

Immediately, they waved towards her. After she sensed there was no danger, Airazor flew down for a closer inspection.

“Greetings, Maximal!” said the second largest of the four. “I am Optimus Primal and this is my crew!”

“Optimus, huh?” she asked. “Who are you?”

“We’re like you,” said the larger ‘bot as he immediately turned into a strange being of some sort with sharp teeth lining his chest.

The other three Maximals followed suit and greeted her.

After seeing that Airazor was visibly startled, Rhinox transformed to beast mode as did Optimus, Rattrap, and Cheetor.

“You’re one of us,” explained Optimus. “You’re a crew member aboard the Axalon in fact.”

“The Axalon…” she said, “I remember that name somehow…”

“Don’t worry,” encouraged Rhinox. “Just take it slow and easy. For now, state your activation code and your memory will be refreshed.”

“Activation code?”

“Say your name and the word ‘Maximize’ to really discover yourself,” Rhinox recommended.

“Alright, might as well give it a try… Airazor… Maximize!”

Instantly, Airazor transformed into a sleek streamlined robot. The falcon’s head was now located across her chest plates as sleek, dart-like missiles lined her wrists.

“Yes… I remember everything now,” Airazor acknowledged. “I remember signing up for this expedition and everyone aboard it! But other than that, my past life is a blur…”

“Except this expedition has turned into a war, unfortunately,” Optimus nodded sadly. “A Predacon criminal called Megatron sabotaged what was supposed to be an exploration mission with his theft of the golden disks. As we were the only ship available within the quadrants, we were ordered by the Maximal Elders to chase him down.”

Rattrap looked around to make sure there was nobody around. They did not want any humans walking in on their conversation.

“Tell me everything that’s happened,” Airazor inquired.

“Well, I suppose we have time for just that,” smiled Optimus as he, Airazor, and the rest of the Axalon’s crew sat down.

Their conversation was interrupted, however, as screaming was heard from the distance.

“That’s from the village I saw earlier!” Airazor exclaimed.

“Oh, come on!” complained Rattrap. “Do we gotta get involved with the humans again?”

Rattrap did not get a reply. The rest of the Maximals were headed towards the village as fast as they could.

“Hey! Wait for me!” he cried.


Terrorsaur’s cackles filled the air as the Cyber Coyotes raided the village. It was a nice touch on Megatron’s part to have created them. They were relatively easy to produce but the terror they instilled into the humans was well worth seeing.

And then he remembered his role.

“Oh, slag,” he grumbled. “I might as well get it over with.”

He pressed down on a remote control Megatron had given him to call back the coyote drones. Immediately afterwards, Terrorsaur transformed back to beast mode and flew directly over the village for all to see.

Now the people seemed frozen where they stood.

As soon as Terrorsaur was sure he had their undivided attention, he flew down and landed in the center of his terrified audience.

What they saw was a winged monstrosity not unlike the legends of a mythological creature they had heard about growing up in all their respective generations.

This is easier than I thought…

“Hear me, people of this tribe!” Terrorsaur shouted, spreading his wings for emphasis. “You have incurred the wrath of the thunderbird!”

Sheesh, how does Megatron come up with these lines?

“For your crimes, you will suffer drought, disease, famine, and death,” he continued.

Dream Weaver lowered his head. Were the legends of the thunderbird true all along? He had never really given much thought to its existence before but now, his mind was reeling back in surprise. Finally, he found the courage to speak up.

“Mythical bird of the sky,” he said. “What is it that we have done to deserve such a fate?”

Terrorsaur grinned deviously. “It is not what you have done… it is what you have not done!”

The villagers now seemed more surprised than fearful.

“The Great Spirit has walked amongst you several times in the past. He has returned to reclaim his lands! Each and every time, however, you have denounced him with your pettiness and your greed! You may either return the lands that he has bestowed upon you in the past or you may face oblivion! The choice is yours, people of the Kwaknoota tribe!”

Oh, for crying out loud… these lines are ridiculous!

Now the people were talking amongst themselves. Some truly believed that the mythical thunderbird had returned while others were far more skeptical now. Dream Weaver sensed that whatever this creature was, he was a false prophet.

“He must be the thunderbird…”

“Don’t be stupid! That creature’s connected somehow to that crooked industrialist who wants to rob us!”

“What are we going to do?”

“Silence!” Terrorsaur screeched as he flew into the air. “Have your majority consensus this instant or be destroyed!”

Several painful howls were heard. As Terrorsaur looked down, he saw the Maximals in their beast modes smashing into the Cyber Coyotes, beating them back.

“What’s this!” exclaimed Terrorsaur. “How’d the Maximals get over here!”

In an instant, a blur struck him from behind, knocking him down a few feet before he caught himself with a powerful flap of his wings. As Terrorsaur looked up, he saw a magnificent falcon diving into him and knocking him out of harmony again.

“What in the Inferno are you?” he demanded as he faced her.

“The name’s Airrazor!” the femme-bot growled. “And you’re giving all your fine-feathered brethren a bad name!”

“Very funny, lady! Terrorsaur… TERRORIZE!”

“Airazor, MAXIMIZE!”

Terrorsaur reached for his rifle but before he could grasp it, Airazor had zoomed in on him and knocked him back with a powerful punch. As Terrorsaur caught himself in mid-air, Airazor was upon him, driving her fist into his stomach. Terrorsaur coughed violently but struck Airazor across the face with his open hand, throwing her back.

He took out his air rifle and aimed it at her, firing off several shots. Airazor barrel rolled through several of the shots and fired back with a stinger missile that knocked the gun out of Terrorsaur’s hand. As Terrorsaur aimed his shoulder blasters at her, she fired into him with two more rounds, one shot in his chest and one shot into his stomach, incapacitating him.

As Terrorsaur raised his head, a powerful boot from the female Maximal struck him in the face and sent him hurtling into the ground.

He wasn’t sure when he regained consciousness exactly but by the time he did, Airazor and the other Maximals stood over him with their weapons aimed at him.

“I don’t know why Megatron is interested in this village but I suggest an early departure for him now!” warned Optimus.

Airazor glared at him with her wrist-mounted missile blaster pointed at his head.

Then it hit him. He had just lost to a girl.

Terrorsaur got up with considerable effort and dragged himself off as the Maximals and the villagers watched him to make sure that his departure was permanent.

He had nothing to say… no wisecracks or sarcastic comments. The humiliation was too much for him to bear.


“So you think I’m the Thunderbird?” Airazor asked.

“Precisely,” replied Dream Weaver. “You were sent by the Great Spirit in times long past to destroy the Unktehila that had threatened our people and our lands. Whenever severe misfortunes befell our tribe, the Great Spirit would send you forth to bring salvation to us!”

All of them sat around the campfire as Airazor and Dream Weaver continued their conversation. The entire village had thrown a celebration for them in honor of driving out the Cyber Coyotes and Terrorsaur. Surprisingly enough, these humans accepted them instead of trying to destroy them out of fear like so many other humans had tried to do.

“But we don’t belong to this world,” Optimus said with as much politeness as he could without offending Dream Weaver. “We come from another planet...”

“From which the Great Spirit has sent you,” replied Dream Weaver mysteriously.

Cheetor, in the meantime, was playing with the children of the village.

Rhinox and Rattrap sat on the other end of the campfire. From the warm reception they received, it seemed that they wouldn’t be leaving the village tonight.


Terrorsaur fell to his knees. The wounds he had received earlier were healing thanks to the nanites within his body but he wouldn’t be in full health without a CR bath. Not only that, but Megatron would have his head for sure once he found out that he, Terrorsaur, had failed.

As the seconds passed by, Terrorsaur heard a bizarre humming sound emanating from the cave that he was presently near. It was an almost familiar sound… like something Terrorsaur had experienced before but not to the extent that he fully wanted.

His curiosity piqued, Terrorsaur got up and walked into the cave.


Megatron stood outside waiting. It had been hours and Terrorsaur had not yet returned from his duties. Whatever he had done, Terrorsaur would pay for his incompetence!

Several of his Cyber Coyotes had returned badly damaged with claw marks and teeth marks on them. Those were tell-tale signs that the Maximals had engaged them in combat.

“This is a waste of time,” Megatron moaned. He turned around to head back to base.

“I see that you’re eagerly anticipating my return!”

Megatron whirled around. “Terrorsaur!”

“In the flesh… so to speak!”

Immediately, Megatron sensed that there was something very wrong here. Terrorsaur’s body crackled with bizarre red electricity as power surged through his entire body.

“You know, Megatron,” said Terrorsaur. “You were right for asking me to come to his place after all!”

Before Megatron could react, Terrorsaur’s optical lasers flared out and, in an instant, sliced his arm off

Megatron raised his other arm in defense but Terrorsaur blasted him square in the chest with a shot from his rifle. As Megatron lay on the ground, in pain but still conscious, Terrorsaur slammed his foot down on his chest and laughed.

“I never did like you, Megatron,” Terrorsaur chuckled. “You’re always pushin’ me around, thinking you’re somehow better than me…”

Megatron raised his voice in protest but Terrorsaur slammed his foot down on the Predacon leader’s chest again to silence him.

“Well, I think I know now why you despise me so much.”

“And why is that?” demanded Megatron.

“Silence!” Terrorsaur shouted as he kicked Megatron across the face.

“You’re jealous of me,” Terrorsaur elucidated. “You see the ambition I have and it frightens you! You chose the Predacons mainly because you thought they’d all be mindless toadies for you. Well guess what, you picked the wrong Predacon in me!”

“You fool!” Megatron growled. “If you destroy me, how do you expect to conquer this world?”

“Oh, I have enough energon to last me a lifetime,” Terrorsaur boasted. “Using it, I will rule the Predacons in your place, Megatron!”

With that, Terrorsaur flew into the air and fired several missiles from his shoulder cannons that slammed into Megatron’s fallen body, blasting him to pieces.

“And now for the Maximals!”


“Why do you suppose Megatron’s hanging around here anyways?” asked Cheetor.

Rhinox, Cheetor, and Rattrap walked through the open desert in their beast modes. They were miles away from civilization and so, didn’t require the use of their holographic projectors to disguise themselves as men.

“Megatron’s an entrepreneur,” Rhinox theorized. “There must be something on these lands that he finds profitable or useful.”

“Well, he ain’t gonna get it,” chuckled Rattrap. “Especially considering we botched his little mutts up yesterday!”

Without warning, a missile crashed down on them and sent the three Maximals flying in all three different directions. Rhinox smashed against a large rock, knocking him nearly unconscious.

Before Cheetor could get up, a missile struck the ground beneath him yet again, throwing him violently into the air.

Rattrap and Rhinox watched in horror as the charred body of their young friend fell to the desert floor.

“Terrorsaur!” they both exclaimed as their attacker appeared before them.

“I’m back and better than ever!” the red Predacon cackled.

Rhinox whipped out his chain guns of doom and fired into Terrorsaur. The bullets, however, bounced off harmlessly. Terrorsaur’s body glowed with strange red electricity, supercharging him beyond his normal limits. He only smiled and shot Rattrap with a missile that knocked the small Maximal away from the battlefield and into stasis lock.

Cursing in frustration, Rhinox threw his guns to the ground and charged Terrorsaur. As he threw a punch aimed towards Terrorsaur’s head, he suddenly became aware of how Terrorsaur became so powerful and why Megatron wanted the lands of the Kwaknoota tribe.

With a simple block, Terrorsaur deflected the blow and drove his blaster into Rhinox’s torso, discharging a powerful burst of plasma energy that ripped through the Maximal’s body, leaving nothing but a huge gaping hole where his chest used to be. Lucky for him, it was not where his spark chamber was located.

Rhinox sank to his knees and fell to the floor. He was down and out along with his friends.

“Hahaha!” Terrorsaur laughed. “Just two more to go!”

“Rhinox! Rattrap! Cheetor!”

As Terrorsaur turned around, he saw Optimus and Airazor blasting towards him at full speed. He simply let his arms hang loosely near the sides of his body as Optimus smashed into him with a punch that sent him flying into a canyon wall.

“Dear Primus, they’re all in stasis lock!” Optimus exclaimed as he surveyed the bodies of his friends. “How did Terrorsaur do this?”

“Let’s not worry about that now, Optimus!” cried Airazor as she pointed towards the canyon.

In an instant, Terrorsaur burst out from the canyon, sending several missiles towards their direction. Optimus avoided all the missiles and used his shoulder cannons to blast Terrorsaur with his own missiles.

When the smoke cleared, Terrorsaur was still there with a smile on his face. Optimus aimed his wrist-mounted pulse rifle at the Predacon flyer but was knocked to the ground with a simple backhand from Terrorsaur.

Airazor helped Optimus up as she stared at Terrorsaur in amazement.

“Now I think I know why Megatron wants this place,” said Optimus as he stood up.

“It’s ‘cause of the energon around here,” Airazor finished. “That’s how Terrorsaur charged up in the first place.”

“There’s no way his body can hold that charge forever,” Optimus declared. “All we have to do is distract him long enough before he runs out of steam!”

“That’s easier said than done,” Airazor replied. “Right now, I think he can probably eat through any kind of Cybertronian steel.”

“Hey!” Terrorsaur shouted. “Last I recall, this wasn’t some social gathering! Can’t you face death with more dignity?”

“What happened to Megatron?” Optimus demanded.

“If you must know, I destroyed him with my bare hands!” Terrorsaur bragged.

“And I say you’re full of hot air!” Airazor announced.

“What’s this?” asked Terrorsaur angrily.

“From what I remember, you hit just like a femme-bot,” said Airazor, barely able to conceal the contempt she felt for the Predacon. “Just face it, all the energon in the galaxy supercharging you won’t hide the fact that you’re just a loser.”

“Grrr… now you’ve really pissed me off!” screamed Terrorsaur.

“Bring it!” shouted Airazor as she flew into Terrorsaur and threw a powerful punch aiming to dislocate his jaw.

Terrorsaur caught the punch however and squeezed. Soon, Airazor cried out in pain as the Predacon put more pressure on her hand.

Optimus Primal quickly flew up to attack Terrorsaur but the supercharged Predacon grabbed Airrazor by the arm and threw her into him. Both Airazor and Optimus were sent tumbling to the ground yet again.

“I’ll give credit where credit is due,” said Terrorsaur cockily. “You two have certainly put up a much better fight than Megatron!”

“Easy to say for someone pumped up on energon,” replied Airazor sarcastically.

Terrorsaur’s optics narrowed at the comment. He was beginning to like this Airazor less and less.

“You know,” he said. “I was in a merciful mood today but now you’ve ruined it, lady! I think I’m going to kill you and Optimus slowly and painfully!”

Optimus stepped in front of Airazor.

“Looks like Terrorsaur wants to prolong this,” he whispered to her. “I’ll do my best to hold him off and once he runs out of his power supply, take him out with all you got!”

“Don’t worry, Optimus,” Airazor whispered back. “I’ll take him alongside you! That way, he’ll burn off twice as much of his power!”

“Shut up!” cried Terrorsaur. “Both of you are gonna—URK!”

The red electricity around his body had disappeared and was replaced with the traditional electrical surges of a Transformer ready to enter into stasis lock from prolonged exposure to raw energon.

“Slag!” cried Terrorsaur as he transformed to beast mode and flew off. “I need another dose to finish them off!”

“Follow him!” Optimus shouted as his prime jets hummed to life. “We can’t let him get to that energon source!”

“I’m on it!” cried Airazor.

The two of them followed Terrorsaur through the sky, trailing him from behind. In normal circumstances, they would’ve shot him out of the sky. This time, however, they needed to find out where his energon source was so they could prevent any of the other Predacons from using it again. They watched as Terrorsaur entered into a nearby cave.

“In there,” Optimus pointed.

Silently, they entered into the cave. Stalactites and stalagmites littered the entire monolithic cavern. Small veins of energon could be seen all across the rocks and the walls.

Then they saw Terrorsaur… charging himself up as he held a large piece of raw energon that hung out from the walls. As soon as Terrorsaur had had enough, he turned around to greet his unhappy guests.

“Set energon dampeners to full power,” Optimus told Airazor. “This is gonna get ugly.”

“I see you discovered my little secret,” chuckled Terrorsaur. “Too bad you won’t live to tell about it!”

“That’s where you’re wrong!” Optimus shouted. “You may be stronger but that doesn’t mean much!”


“I don’t think you can take Airazor and I all at once,” Optimus explained. “With full, head-on contact, you’re much too soft-headed to handle that sort of thing!”

“WHAT!” demanded Terrorsaur as he bashed his fists together, causing heated sparks from the friction to fly out.

“Let’s see how much of a ‘bot you really are!” mocked Optimus as he and Airazor set both their energon resistance dampeners to full power.

“Fine!” Terrorsaur screamed as he slammed both feet to the ground and stood there with his chest open. “Let’s go! Give me everything you got!”

Airazor and Optimus didn’t need to be told twice as they blasted forward and slammed into the red Predacon. Terrorsaur braced himself and absorbed the impact with all the strength he could muster in his state. However, the combined forces of both Optimus and Airazor forced him back. Two trenches had been created from where his feet dug into the ground. A trail of fire followed that trench as Terrorsaur exerted more and more power to keep Optimus and Airazor from overpowering him completely. Still, despite all this, Optimus and Airazor’s jets grew stronger as Terrorsaur was pushed back more and more.

Finally, he turned his head back and saw which direction Airazor and Optimus were pushing him towards. It was towards the massive piece of energon from which he attained his strength.

“So… I see your trick now!” laughed Terrorsaur as he grabbed both Optimus and Airazor by their faces and shoved them away, far from the energon.

“You want a piece of this energon, don’t you?” he asked.

He walked over towards the energon and held on to it, allowing its powers to freely course into his body.

Airazor saw her chance and shot the crystal that Terrorsaur had his hands on with her wrist missile. Immediately, the energy from the crystal overflowed into Terrorsaur’s super-structure, causing mass damage to his circuitry and his gears. Terrorsaur screamed in agony as the power he had so cherished suddenly became too powerful even for him to handle. He had reached the limits of his body and now, he was paralyzed from head to toe as his systems were experiencing a massive overload of energon unlike anything he had ever felt before. While Terrorsaur cried in agony, the energon in the cave hummed violently and explosively.

“It’s gonna blow!” cried Optimus as he grabbed Airazor and flew away as fast as his jets could carry him.

Soon enough, Optimus and Airazor had escaped from the caverns. As they watched the entire cave go up in a large explosion, they heard the ghastly, prolonged shriek of Terrorsaur within that detonation.


“Boy, talk about an overdose!” exclaimed Airazor as she was perched on top of the Maximal van with Optimus, Rattrap, Cheetor, and Rhinox sitting on the ground besides it.

“I figured Terrorsaur’s body couldn’t hold that big of a charge,” explained Optimus, “and so, it would only be a matter of time before his body would be paralyzed from too much raw energon.”

“You were really somethin’ out there, Bird Lady,” complimented Rattrap. “If it hadn’t been for your quick thinkin’, our body parts would be decorating Terrorsaur’s new throne room!”

“You’ll love our new base!” exclaimed Cheetor. “Sure it’s under a lake, but you’ll get used to it after a while.”

“I’m really flattered guys,” said Airazor, “but I don’t think I’m ready just yet.”

“What’s wrong?” asked a concerned Rhinox.

“This tribe has gone through a lot lately,” explained Airazor. “I want to stay here and watch over them… to help them out whenever I can. Who knows if Megatron will try to launch another attack again.”

Optimus looked at the rest of his crew. Slowly, but surely, their expressions warmed up.

“With your permission, of course,” Airazor finished.

“Permission granted,” Optimus smiled.

“Besides, I don’t think you’ll be requiring any holographic projectors,” Rhinox said. “Seeing as you’ll be living out here where the local humans trust and accept you… not to mention your beast mode can fly.”

“I’ll be sure to visit you guys whenever I can!” Airazor proclaimed. “Just give me a call whenever you need me!”

“We’ll be sure to keep in touch,” Optimus nodded.

Airazor waved goodbye as she watched the Maximals climb into the van. When they were in the distance, she transformed into falcon mode and flew off towards the direction of the Kwaknoota village within the distant sunset.


It had been a long and eventful day. Optimus was now the one at the wheel as Rhinox lay in the backseats. Though he had been conscious, the hole blown through his chest wouldn’t be repaired completely unless he had a good CR chamber with him. Now he had chosen to go into stasis lock to sleep it out for the rest of the trip.

Rattrap looked somewhat glum. Optimus figured it was because Airazor had chosen not to go with them back to the Axalon. He could tell that Rattrap really wanted a femme-bot around their base.

Privately, Optimus also wouldn’t have minded if Airazor had returned with them.

“Think Terrorsaur’s gone for good?” asked Cheetor, interrupting Optimus Primal’s train of thought.

“I’m not entirely sure, Cheetor,” replied Optimus, “but I have a feeling that even if he does come back, it’ll be on Megatron’s terms.”


Megatron glared at the rubble before him. Scorponok stood by his side with his claws chattering. He could tell that his leader wasn’t in the best of moods.

It had taken a while but his Cyber Coyotes had finally gathered his pieces together and had done a semi-competent job at repairing him, considering the fact that they couldn’t even use their hands. As soon as he became conscious again, he had radioed Scorponok to come in and help him. All in all, however, he would need a good dip in his CR bath to repair himself fully.

But his health was a secondary concern right now. What infuriated Megatron was that Terrorsaur had ruined his entire operation. The entire cave of energon, along with all its surrounding veins, had been destroyed. Now the lands of the Kwaknoota tribe were completely useless to him. Months of hard work had gone down the drain all because of that sniveling flyer!

“Hey, umm, Megatron,” Scorponok asked nervously. “Want me to dig out Terrorsaur?”

“You do that,” Megatron replied ominously. “I want to have a special discussion with him right after he’s been repaired…”

The End.