- Tied for Runner up for Best Comedy and nominated for Silly and Sweet '04


Beast Wars: Kindergarten

By: Wicked Woman


Note: This idea was inspired by Crazomatic’s fic ‘Transformer Babies’. Plz read and review her fic and mine, you’ll get a kick outta it. Now, onto the story.

The bell rings as the students at Cybertron Elementary (please don't ask) head straight to their classes. The Beast Wars Kindergarteners go to their Kindergarten class. The Teacher-Bot enters the classroom.


Teacher-Bot: Good morning class.

Kindergarteners: Good morning Teacher-Bot.

Teacher-Bot: Now let's get started with the attendances shall we?


The Beast Wars Kindergarteners nod their heads as Teacher-Bot picks up the attendance file.


Teacher-Bot: Air Razor.

Air Razor: Here!

Teacher-Bot: Blackarachnia.

Blackarachnia: What?

Teacher-Bot: Pardon me?

Blackarachnia: I mean here. *mutters* I'll kill you in your sleep.

Teacher-Bot: Cheetor.


No one answers. Suddenly, there is a huge 'AHHHHHHHHH' sound as everyone sees Cheetor falling off the building and onto the ground.


Teacher-Bot: *sighing* Someone please go down to the repair speciallist and tell him about Cheetor. *Thinks for a second* Anyone except Optimus Primal.


Optimus groans as he jumps down from the windowsill and sits back down.


Teacher-Bot: Okay now, Depth Charge.

Depth Charge: Here. *glares daggers at Rampage*

Teacher-Bot: DinoBot.

DinoBot: Here.

Teacher-Bot: Inferno.


Inferno gives a salute and suddenly gets attacked by Rattrap, Blackarachnia, DinoBot, Depth Charge and Quickstrike.


Teacher-Bot: Stop that at once!


The said students stop at once and sit back down. Rattrap clips Inferno in the back of the head before taking his seat.

Teacher-Bot shakes her head and continues.                                                                             


Teacher-Bot: Megatron.

Megatron: Here.

Teacher-Bot: Optimus, you're here. Quickstrike you're here, Rampage?

Rampage: *Grinning with delight* Here.

Teacher-Bot: Rattrap, you're here. Rhinox?

Rhinox: Present.

Scorpinok: *snickers* Who says 'present' anymore?


Rhinox gets up and starts and pummels Scorpinok.


Scorpinok: Megatron! Help!

Megatron: Hmmm, I'm going to allow this.

Teacher-Bot: Well I'm not! Rhinox, stop that you should know better!


Rhinox lets go of Scorpinok and sits back down.


Teacher-Bot: That's better. Scorpinok's here, Silverbolt?

Silverbolt: Present!


Scorpinok is about to comment but remembers what Rhinox did.


Teacher-Bot: Tarranchulas?


No one answers.


Teacher-Bot: Tarranchulas?


Suddenly, the door opens to reveal Tarranchulas.


Tarranchulas: Sorry, I'm late. I was doing my homework.

Teacher-Bot: *raising an eye ridge* This is kindergarten, we don't have homework.

Tarranchulas: Oh.


The room was filled with chibi laughter.


Teacher-Bot: Students, settle down. Now, back to attendance. Terrisaur.

Terrisaur: Here.

Teacher-Bot: Tigatron.

Tigatron: Here.

Teacher-Bot: And Waspinator.

Waspinator: Here.

Teacher-Bot: Now, you can now go off and play. Who's gonna bring the attendance to the office?

Optimus: I will!


Before Teacher-Bot can say another word, Optimus grabs the attendance file and jumps out the window.


Teacher-Bot: Why do I bother? *leaves the room*

Megatron notices Teacher-Bot leaving the classroom. When he is sure she is gone, he turns to Scorpinok and Inferno.

Megatron: Now's our chance.

Scorpinok: For what?

Megatron: For us to destroy the Maximals and get the recognition we deserve.

Inferno: What is the plan royalty?

Scorpinok: By the pit... you moron! His name is Megatron, not Royalty, not The Queen, Megatron!

Megatron: Will you fools just shut up and get the others!

Scorpinok: Yes sir!

Inferno: Yes my Queen!

Scorpinok: -_-()


Cheetor comes into the room to find Air Razor forcing Tigatron to play house. (if tying him up in a chair with energon coils isn't forcing someone than I don't know what is)


Air Razor: *^_^* Hi Cheetor.

Tigatron: Help!

Air Razor: *^_^* He doesn't mean that. Did you try to copy Optimus?

Cheetor: Um...

Air Razor: Cheetor, you heard what your mother told you after that time you went to the medic?

Cheetor: I know. But, Big Bot's so cool.

Air Razor: You're cool too. You're the fastest kid in our class. *notices Tigatron, hopping away on the chair* Hey! Get back here!


Air Razor begins to run after Tigatron as Cheetor looks at her in question. On the other side of the class, Megatron has just finished explaining what the plan was.


Scorpinok: That's a brilliant idea sir.

Inferno: Permission to be in charge of the plan my queen.

Megatron: No, I'll be doing the huge part, but you and Scorpinok can help me.

Inferno: Okay.


Rhinox notices Depth Charge with a whole lot of toy guns.


Rhinox: What are you doing?

Depth Charge: Getting ready to take down X!

Rhinox: What are you talking about? He's not even doing anything.

Depth Charge: Well... HE HAS TO PAY!!!

DinoBot walks over.

DinoBot: What are you guys doing?

Rhinox: Trying to prevent Depth Charge from being a criminal.

DinoBot: Huh?

Depth Charge: Hey, Brainiac, we're only 5-6 Stellar years old so unlike you, we don't know what that means.

Rhinox: *sighs* A criminal is a very bad person who goes to jail. You two do know what jail is do you?

DinoBot: Yeah.

Depth Charge: And X is the criminal.

DinoBot: Will you shut up!

Depth Charge: You shut up!

DinoBot: You don't have any proof!

Depth Charge: Yes I do, you're just too dumb to notice it!

DinoBot and Depth Charge begin to growl at each other as Rhinox stands up.

Rhinox: Okay, just calm down.

DinoBot/Depth Charge: SHUT UP, TUBBY!

Rhinox: Oh, that's it


With that, Rhinox, Depth Charge and DinoBot begin to fight. Optimus comes back in through the window and notices three of the Maximals fighting, one Maximal chasing another and one looking completely clueless.


Optimus: *sighing* Do I have to say in the same room as these guys until their parents show up? Where's Teacher-Bot anyway?


Suddenly, Tarranchulas throws a net on the young Maximal leader. Optimus falls to the ground as Inferno and Scorpinok begin to drag the net.


Optimus: What the heck are you doing?

Megatron: I'm glad you decided to come back to class, Optimus Primal. Now my plan can follow through. *looks up* Men, take him to the fort dungon.

Optimus: You mean that stupid plastic fort? What kind of a plan is that?

Megatron: You'll see soon enough.


To Be Continued...


Will the Maximals, stop causing problems? What does Megatron have planned for Optimus Primal? And when will Teacher-Bot come back to the classroom? You'll find out the answer to these and other questions on Beast Wars: Where’s Optimus?.