Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Wisdom of the Matrix
by Darzonique (

Optimus Primal gradually became aware. He wasn't sure where he was. He remembered bits and pieces of what had happened. An explosion, then a long void. He couldn't see where he was now, but he heard voices, maybe whispers.

Then something cleared the fog that had set in his memory.

Something told him he was in the Matrix.

He didn't know what told him this.

His vision gradually focused, and he saw the great leaders of the past.

"Welcome Optimus Primal," came the thoughts.

"Why choose me?" he asked, knowing that he was only a captain.

"Because you died for a cause. By stopping the alien device, you saved a planet. We are honored to have such a descendant," came the answer, still in thoughts. Optimus Primal felt uneasy about somebody messing with his head, like something wasn't quite right.

An image of Cybertron's greatest leader, Optimus Prime, who his name honored, appeared. He said, "I understand your uneasiness, Primal. I too felt uncomfortable when I first joined the Matrix. But I was ripped away from it by the Quintessons, and I was never the same again."

"Why am I here?" he asked.

"Because you are not truly ready to join the Matrix. Megatron must be stopped. You must prevent another Great War. That tragedy must not repeat itself; Cybertron may pay the ultimate price for the war."

"What price is that?"

"Primus's grief. If another Great War should break out among us, he may decide that his children cannot live together in peace, and destroy Cybertron."

"But why have you brought me here? Last I remember, my body was scrapped."

"Because we will teach you wisdom. The Matrix is not possessed by any one Cybertronian, but belongs to all."

"So, when do we start?"



"So, Airazor, what's our robo buddy's form?" Rattrap asked Airazor.

"You won't believe it."

"Listen, I've seen enough screwy things on this dirtball to last me a lifetime."

"Okaaay... but don't say I didn't warn you. Come on in, Firefox." In stepped a strange robot that seemed to have the aura of a leader about him. His coloring was the brilliance of a flame, and cobalt eyes.

"Greetings, Rattrap," he said.

Rattrap leaned over and whispered to Airazor, "How does he know my name?"

Airazor told Rattrap, "I told him it."

"Waitaminute, you look familiar. Aren't you that Rod Stewart person?

"I think it's Rodimus." Rhinox commented.

"So, what's your beast mode?"

"I am a phoenix, Rattrap." Firefox replied.

"I thought that there was no such thing."

"Well, for some reason, I am a phoenix."

"Well then, how about a field test, Firefox?" Rhinox asked.

"I would like that."


In the open plains, Rhinox watched Firefox perform stunts and wondered. What had caused a phoenix to be selected as the beast mode? Had the scanner misread the organism's DNA? Or had something else caused the protoform to become a phoenix? Maybe the alien device had some strange effect on the stasis pods. Maybe Optimus was alive.

What was that buzzing sound? Sounds like...... WASPINATOR!

"Rhinox, maximize! FIREFOX! Slag! He's too high up to hear me," Rhinox yelled. But Firefox had already noticed Waspinator, and had transformed into robot mode. He brought out a rifle and shot fireballs at Waspinator. Waspinator evaded them.

"Wazpinator haz had enough of stupid Maximals. Wazpinator will DESTROY MAXIMALZZ! WAZZPINATORR TERRORIZZE!" and Waspinator rushed towards Firefox, getting shot, but ignoring them. He rammed Firefox. Firefox was stunned for a moment. Waspinator grabbed Firefox at the waist, and proceeded to dive towards Rhinox. Rhinox just got his gun out when Firefox's unconscious body slammed into him. Blackness came after that.

Firefox got up and shouted to Waspinator. "COME DOWN AND FIGHT ME!"

"Firebird bot wants to fight, Waspinator will fight Firebird bot." And he fired a few shots at Firefox just to prove his point. Firefox dodged them by leaping into the air. He fired a few shots at Waspinator, landing a few.

"Firebird bot want to fight Waspinator, come and get Waspinator." Waspinator taunted. He flew off. Firefox, who was normally cool-headed and logical, was burning with rage. His body was blazing with fire.

"I'LL GET YOU!!! YOU HEAR ME!" The flames burned even hotter as his rage grew. He sped towards Waspinator, leaving a trail of fire behind him.


Waspinator was flying for his life. He did not want to be melted to death. But he did want his revenge. He saw a large cluster of energon and flew towards it slowly. Firefox, blinded by fury, overshot him and hit the energon. The flames surrounding Firefox ignited the energon, causing an explosion that tore him apart. Waspinator was blown away by the blast.


Rhinox regained consciousness. He saw an explosion in the distance. He saw Waspinator fly uncontrollably past him. He transformed into beast mode and trotted off to see where Firefox was.


The site of the explosion was a blackened crater, Little robot scraps were scattered all over the place. Rhinox shook his head.



"Huhey! Rhinox! Where's the Firebird?" Rattrap asked Rhinox.

"Gone. There wasn't enough of him left to fill a microsample container."



"Very good, Optimus Primal. Now Rodimus Prime will share his knowledge with you." Optimus Prime said to Optimus Primal. An image of Rodimus Prime appeared before Optimus Primal. The scenery changed to Earth. Optimus Prime sat down next to Rodimus Prime and Primal, watching.

"I was on Earth most of my life, and only knew the Great War and the sorrow it was causing. When I was young, I wanted to be just like Optimus Prime. But in my haste, I caused the death of Optimus. And the Matrix was passed on to Ultra Magnus."

"But the Matrix chose you, Hot Rod." Optimus Prime told Rodimus.

"Yes, it did. And it choose wisely, for in our darkest hour, it opened for me and destroyed Unicron."