Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 1 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN: We see a PREDACON SCOUTSHIP, the DEFIANCE, cruising along in space. We CUT TO the COMMAND CENTER. TRANSQUITO, robot mode, is in the command chair. Around him are FRACTYL, robot mode, LAZORBEAK, robot mode, and CICADACON, robot mode, all at their posts. JETSTORM, robot mode, stands behind his commander, quietly.

TRANSQUITO: Are you sure about this, Fractyl? There's barely enough energy readings to detect, much less identify.

FRACTYL: I know, sir, but there can't be any doubt. Megatron's starship-- I mean, the stolen starship-- has a rather unique energon signature. It's unlikely that the Maximal probe knew precisely what to look for, and lost track of the trail when they entered into transwarp.

TRANSQUITO: Yes, yes, well and good, but have you found anything more conclusive?

LAZORBEAK: Yeah, something more than a long speech?

FRACTYL: I think so, maybe. That reading ends abruptly just ahead. It looks like Megatron went into transwarp here.

TRANSQUITO: On their way to Earth. A destination that we've still no clue on how to reach.

FRACTYL: True, but I can latch on to that energy signature and follow it there.

TRANSQUITO (darkly): And if you are wrong?

FRACTYL: I'm not.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. MEGATRON and TARANTULAS, robot mode, are 'discussing' matters over a large table. WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW, robot mode, are in the background playing video-games.

TARANTULAS: Shouldn't we be planning our attack strategies or something? We've been inactive so long that my circuits are starting to rust.

MEGATRON: We have only a slight advantage over the Maximals, Tarantulas. Not enough of one to pursue a measure of attack. Also, thanks to the espionage measures that you and Lady Arachnia have put into place, we can keep an eye on the Maximals in case they make any foolish attack attempts.

TARANTULAS: So you're saying that we're at a standoff.

MEGATRON: For the moment, yes. We need something to tilt the balance of power more significantly into our favor.

TARANTULAS: That being?

As they speak, BLACKARACHNIA, robot mode, appears on the main view. TARANTULAS and MEGATRON both look up as alarms begin to sound.

BLACKARACHNIA: I'm getting something big on the scanners, coming right for us. It just came out the wormhole.

MEGATRON: A starship? Scan its energon signature.

CUT TO: COMMAND CENTER. BLACKARACHNIA, robot mode, is speaking to MEGATRON, in the viewer. On her main screen, however, the image of the DEFIANCE appears, closing fast.

BLACKARACHNIA: It's a Predacon scout craft, coming in hot. What do we do?

MEGATRON: Arm all weapons. It must be a pursuit craft. Have Scorponok attend to defense system control.

BLACKARACHNIA: Shouldn't we try to hail them?

MEGATRON (pausing): No, they're at a position of strength. Remove it first, and then they'll be more likely to talk, yes.

CUT TO: The DEFIANCE BRIDGE. TRANSQUITO, robot mode, sits ready, almost expecting action. FRACTYL and LAZORBEAK pour over their readings. CICADACON looks over the planet on the viewer, and shakes his head.

TRANSQUITO: Well, did it work?

FRACTYL (confused): This is the earth-system-- and these are the right coordinates, but that's not earth.

TRANSQUITO: What are you talking about?

FRACTYL: The geological readings are all wrong. There's energon interference on every level.

TRANSQUITO (annoyed): Almost interesting. That doesn't matter, is Megatron here?

LAZORBEAK: Single-minded, aren't you? As far as I can tell, two starships went down here, two warp trails break up in this area. Megatron's ship must have crashed on the surface.

TRANSQUITO: Good, bring us into low orbit to get a fix on them.

CICADACON: I recommend against that. If Megatron knows we're coming, and his ships weapons are intact, we would be an easy target.

As CICADACON finishes that, a blast erupts from the planet, smashing hard into the DEFIANCE's hull. JETSTORM, the only one standing, gets thrown into the wall, then stammers back to stand. Several panels explode, sending sparks everywhere.

TRANSQUITO (confused): What hit us? What happened?

LAZORBEAK: A mega-cannon blast, but I've never heard of one hitting this range before.

TRANSQUITO: Full power to shields. Fractyl, bring us down range for bombardment.

FRACTYL: Yes, sir.

CICADACON: Kill them from a distance?

TRANSQUITO: Can you think of a reason to get personal?

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. SCORPONOK, robot mode, is manning the weapons system, and priming for another shot. TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA, robot modes, are both at the main computer terminal. MEGATRON is looking over each viewer.

MEGATRON: We'll have two more shots before they reach bombardment range. Will it be enough?

TARANTULAS: We'll cause severe damage to their systems, but I don't know if the thick one here can hit the right components.

SCORPONOK (eager): I can do it.

MEGATRON: While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Scorponok, we need another option. Blackarachnia, attempt to tie into their computer system, using standard frequencies.

BLACKARACHNIA: Sending transmission.

COMPUTER: Predacon Scout Defiance, linkup accomplished. Synchronizing.

CUT TO: DEFIANCE BRIDGE. TRANSQUITO steps over to LAZORBEAK, standing over his shoulder. CICADACON steps to FRACTYL, just as another blast rocks the ship. This time, no one falls down. FRACTYL turns quickly.

FRACTYL: Shields are down to thirty percent. Another shot and we'll lose critical systems.

LAZORBEAK: I've got a bead on them, targets are set. Bombing run in thirty seconds.

FRACTYL: That's too long.

TRANSQUITO: The Pit with the timer, launch the bombs now.

LAZORBEAK: Launching bombs, now.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL VIEW, the DEFIANCE, dropping several bombs towards a spot on the planet. CUT TO: DEFIANCE BRIDGE.

LAZORBEAK: Impact in thirty.

TRANSQUITO: Pull us back, now.

FRACTYL (panicked): We've lost shields. They just went dead.

CICADACON: Someone's hacked into our computer files.

LAZORBEAK: They're firing again.

The whole ship rocks hard and bits of the DEFIANCE are ravaged by the third blast. A large section of the rear of the ship disintegrates into nothingness. CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. MEGATRON stands, leveling his DINO-HEAD to the viewer.

MEGATRON: Incoming bombardment, launch countermeasures.

TARANTULAS: Launching.

TARANTULAS activates several commands on his console, sending up a wave of MINI-MISSILES. CUT TO: EXTERNAL. The MINI-MISSILES detonate on the incoming BOMBS, destroying them all, but filling our view with brilliant light. CUT TO: DEFIANCE BRIDGE.

FRACTYL: All drive controls are out. We're being pulled into the planet's gravity well.

TRANSQUITO: Perfect, just perfect. Jetstorm, launch any surviving stasis pods. Have them touch down immediately.

JETSTORM merely nods in reply and moves to a control panel. FRACTYL turns his attention to controlling their decent. LAZORBEAK and CICADACON quickly strap themselves in.

TRANSQUITO: All hands, brace for crash landing.


MEGATRON: Well done, yes. The ship is making a forced landing. Tarantulas, locate its intended landing zone. Scorponok, contact the flyers, tell them that a large present is about to fall into their lap, yes. I'll be joining them shortly.

TARANTULAS: It's going to touch down here, Megatron.

TARANTULAS indicates a relief map of a ROCKY PLAINS area, we CUT TO: EXTERNAL, to show that area. The DEFIANCE, what's left of it, breaks from the cloud cover, trailing flame. We CUT TO its COMMAND CENTER, where everyone has braced themselves.

TRANSQUITO: Keep the nose up if you can.

LAZORBEAK: Trying, but I can't pull out of it.

TRANSQUITO: Brace for impact.

We see the ground rush up at the MAIN VIEWER, then sparks fly, the entire ship shakes and buckles, then darkens. We FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 2 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

PAN DOWN from STARS. We see the MAXIMAL HEADQUARTERS nestled on its familiar cliff. We CUT TO: COMMAND CENTER. RHINOX and CHEETOR, robot mode, are going over readings as RATTRAP, beast mode, steps in.

RATTRAP: Okay kitty-cat, the real talent's here.

CHEETOR: About time, where is he?

RATTRAP: Oh, nice comeback from the spotted one. Get outta my chair, fuzz-face.

RHINOX (shocked): What in the matrix?

CHEETOR: See, Rattrap, now you've gone and distracted him.

RHINOX (annoyed): Quiet, this is important.

COMPUTER: Stasis pods detected; impact in three megacycles.

RATTRAP: No way, there's not another pod due for weeks!

RHINOX: Yeah, well, Sentinel's picked up four of them headed for the jungles of section seventeen. Right next to an energon deposit.

CHEETOR: Do the Predacons know yet?

RHINOX: Not yet. Something big just happened at the Predacon base, some sort of weapons test. Blast must have knocked out their sensors.

RATTRAP goes over and looks at the screen. The area around the Predacon base is wiped clean; not even the base itself shows.

RATTRAP: Ours, too, from the looks of it. The whole Pred zone is nulled out. Any clue what went on?

RHINOX: Nothing yet, looks like some sort of electro-magnetic countermeasure.

CHEETOR: They were shooting at something. You don't think Megatron's shooting down our pods, do you?

RHINOX: I don't think even he would do that. Better get on the horn to Airazor and Tigatron, tell them the pods are coming down.

CUT TO: The wreck of the DEFIANCE. MEGATRON, beast mode, steps up to the outside of the hull, followed by INFERNO, beast mode. Above, WASPINATOR, BUZZ SAW, and TERRORSAUR, all in beast mode, hover by to check on the wreck.

MEGATRON: Magnificent, and I feared that the damage would be more severe.

INFERNO: The whole drive section is missing, my queen. It cannot be salvaged.

MEGATRON: You misunderstand. We can strip this ship down and build up the defenses on our own, yes.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator see no survivors outside of ship. Waspinator think survivors still inside.

MEGATRON: A distinct and disturbing possibility. Waspinator, continue to scout around the area. It's only a matter of time before the Maximals realize that something is happening here. Buzz Saw and Terrorsaur, give him support.

TERRORSAUR (smirking): You're doing a real good job, Waspinator.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator thank Dactyl-bot.

MEGATRON (sighing): I don't know which one of them is worse.

CUT TO: INTERNAL of the DEFIANCE. TRANSQUITO is deactivated and in pieces. The rest of the bridge crew is missing. A hatch opens on the top, and INFERNO, beast mode, slips in, followed quickly by MEGATRON, robot mode.

MEGATRON: Ah, it's been some time since I've seen a ship like this, yes. This must have been the commander.

INFERNO: The royalty of this colony is defeated. The soldiers should be ours soon.

MEGATRON: Check the recovery chamber, they may in the process of adopting new beast forms.

INFERNO: At once.

INFERNO turns to leave to the bowels of the ship.

CUT TO: ANOTHER HALL of the DEFIANCE. CICADACON and FRACTYL have emerged from the RECOVERY CHAMBER. Both are now with beast modes. FRACTYL looks down the end of the hall, very nervous.

FRACTYL: We've been boarded. Two of them, plus three outside.

CICADACON: Just a few minutes more, and we'll break for it. How are your weapon systems?

FRACTYL: Not that good to begin with, and the crash didn't help much.

CICADACON: Transquito and Jetstorm?

FRACTYL: Transquito got knocked for a loop when we hit. I don't think he made it to a chamber. I don't know about Jetstorm.

CICADACON: There's no chance of holding on to the ship then?

FRACTYL: Afraid not.

CICADACON: Then we take it out. Think we can make it to the computer room?

FRACTYL: Provided that it's still there.

CICADACON: I'll set the ship to blow in five minutes. Make sure that everyone is outside.

FRACTYL: I won't be able to find-

CICADACON: I know, but we've no choice. Hopefully they can manage to get off the ship in time.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. SCORPONOK is in the command chair, going over reports and viewers. TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA, beast modes, seem to be slightly frustrated at the monitors. TARANTULAS smacks his a few times with his forward legs.

TARANTULAS: Long range scanners are still fouled up. I'm getting some signals, but they're unreliable.

BLACKARACHNIA: Why doesn't anything work right on this ship? The counter-measures weren't supposed to react this badly, were they?

SCORPONOK: Not in space. The atmosphere must have messed them over. Megatron we need to find.

TARANTULAS: Calm down, Scorponok. We've got it in hand. I'm locking onto Megatron's transmission signals; he's near where the ship went down.

SCORPONOK (indicating a part of the static-filled screen): He's over there?

BLACKARACHNIA (seeing something): Right-and-

SCORPONOK (indicating another part of the screen): What are those?

TARANTULAS quickly looks over the monitor, seeing four pulses of energy moving and then stop suddenly. TARANTULAS transforms and then zooms in that view on the monitor.

TARANTULAS: Stasis pods! The ship must have launched them out when we were sensor blind.

SCORPONOK: We've got to get them! I'll contact Megatron.

BLACKARACHNIA: There's no time. We'll take care of this ourselves.


BLACKARACHNIA: The Maximals may already know about them. Just tell Megatron where we went. We'll be back for dinner.

SCORPONOK (sighing): Okay.

CUT TO: The DEFIANCE. We get a quick look outside as BUZZ SAW makes another pass in his beast mode. We cut to the RERCOVERY CHAMBER HALL, where INFERNO, robot mode, arrives with weapon in hand. FRACTYL, robot mode, has his gun in hand, but is visibly shaking.

INFERNO: You, Predacon. Pledge yourself to the royalty or perish.

FRACTYL (nervous): Royalty?

INFERNO: The one named 'Megatron'. Pledge yourself to him.

To emphasize the point, INFERNO raises the gun directly to FRACTYL's face. FRACTYL stammers, then activates a switch on the door. The door, in turn, opens, revealing SEA CLAMP and RAM HORN, robot mode, standing ready to attack. INFERNO tries to step back, but their blasts throws him into the wall. They step out quickly, followed by LAZORBEAK, robot mode.

LAZORBEAK: You didn't even dent him. Are we that low on power?

FRACTYL: Had to open you up early. He'll come to in a minute, and we have to get out of here, one minute left.

SEA CLAMP: One minute?

FRACTYL: Self-destruct has been activated. We need to get out of here.

CUT TO: DEFIANCE COMMAND CENTER. MEGATRON, robot mode, turns off the CENTRAL COMPUTER, and smiles.

MEGATRON: As I suspected, some more pieces of the puzzle.

BUZZ SAW (on com-link): Buzz Saw see new Predacons leaving ship in big hurry. Buzz Saw pursuing.

MEGATRON: Leaving the ship? No.

MEGATRON leaps up quickly, reaching to the hatch and pulling himself out. He looks back, notably worried; there is no sign of INFERNO anywhere behind him.

MEGATRON (calling): Inferno, get out of the ship, now.

MEGATRON hesitates, but leaps out quickly, and makes a full run, converting to beast mode as he does so. He stops some distance away, looking back and waiting. We follow him outside the ship, then PAN back to the ship to watch over it.

MEGATRON: Waspinator, Buzz Saw, Terrorsaur, catch those Predacons, I want them alive.

CUT TO: RECOVER CHAMBER HALLWAY. We see INFERNO, stammering and standing as the corridor fills with flame. His form moves with the flame easily, even as the bulkheads begin to give, then explode. INFERNO steps out of the burning wreck as the hull collapses around him. Finally, the hull ruptures into an explosion, and INFERNO is knocked back and out of the ship's hull, damaged, but very clearly alive.

INFERNO (darkly): Inferno will burn enemy soldiers.

CUT TO: JUNGLE SHOT, AIRAZOR, beast mode, flies overhead. TIGATRON, in robot mode, hacks through some of the underbrush. AIRAZOR swoops down low, and transforms. She arrives at the first of the four pods.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (on com-link): Have you spotted the pods yet?

TIGATRON: The first of them. It will take a little work, but they're all here.

AIRAZOR: This one's already scanned a life-form in, should I go ahead and activate it?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (on com-link): Affirmative, I'll be there in a minute.

AIRAZOR presses an activation switch on the pod, and it begins chirping a little. She places in a small chip and looks over the pod questioningly once. As AIRAZOR steps back from it, we see BLACKARACHNIA and TARANTULAS arriving in beast form.

TARANTULAS (whispering): This calls for stealth until we can steal the advantage.

BLACKARACHNIA looks over and spits her VENOM into AIRAZOR, who falls back as the paralysis effect overcomes her. TIGATRON turns quickly, raising his rifle.

COMPUTER: Initiating protoform conversion.

TIGATRON (growling): Okay spiders, I know you're out there. Show yourself.

TARANTULAS: That would be stupid, wouldn't it, Maximal? Come find us.

TIGATRON closes his eyes a moment, and seems to stop moving. TARANTULAS silently converts to robot mode and levels his gun, but TIGATRON sense him and fires first. TARANTULAS falls back from the blast.

COMPUTER: Memory uploading to personality matrix.


BLACKARACHNIA transforms to robot mode and starts firing her leg-lasers into TIGATRON. TIGATRON stammers under the barrage of small fire, his skin and hide getting cut fiercely.

B'BOOM: Maximize!

We PAN OVER and see B'BOOM, beast mode, standing out of the pod and converting to robot mode. TARANTULAS recovers, and fires twin missiles at the new Maximal, who counters with several of his MINI-MISSILES. The Predacon's attack is nullified. With TIGATRON damaged, and AIRAZOR down, B'BOOM is already in trouble, as he gets hit with mini-guns from both Predacons.

B'BOOM: You're causing me pain. I don't like that, not one bit.

B'BOOM launches a powerful missile at BLACKARACHNIA, who nimbly dodges it. The missile detonates behind her, and a crater appears from a large explosion. BLACKARACHNIA is knocked over, but TARANTULAS quickly moves between her and the new Maximal, and continues fire. B'BOOM, now hit many times, falls to one knee, trying to get a bead on his new enemy.

TARANTULAS: Looks like this stasis pod was a dud. Not much of a fighter in him.

B'BOOM: You challenge B'Boom?

B'BOOM stands again, and launches hundreds of MINI-MISSILES from his chest. TARANTULAS looks in disbelief at the incoming attack, and grabs BLACKARACHNIA to move them both to safety. The MISSILES miss their marks, but ravage most of the intervening foliage.

B'BOOM: B'Boom like a challenge.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (off-camera): I can see that.

B'BOOM looks around, and then up, as OPTIMUS PRIMAL, robot mode, glides down, jets flaring. TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA, now more resigned to defeat, merely step away in retreat.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Looks like you scared them away. I'm Optimus Primal, leader of the Maximals. You are B'Boom, I gather?

B'BOOM: B'Boom is I. You leader, B'Boom is your weapon.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Interesting greeting. Right now, let's get the other pods and our friends back to base.

B'BOOM: B'Boom carry leader's friends.

BLACKARACHNIA and TARANULAS stand watching in robot mode, keeping a safe distance away. TARANTULAS is obviously upset.

TARANTULAS: We're too late. With Optimus around, we can't take the remaining pods.

BLACKARACHNIA: No kidding. What do we do now, partner?

TARANTULAS falls silent for a long moment. As BLACKARACHNIA is about to say something, TARANTULAS lets out a small chuckle.

TARANTULAS: We haven't lost the pods yet.


TARANTULAS: Trust me. They may have reprogrammed that pod, but the other three will be Predacons still.

BLACKARACHNIA: What makes you say that?

TARANTULAS (laughing): They're Predacon pods, with Predacons in them. Maximals think they're above reprogramming. They'll not even try. They'll let the pods sit and wait for us to come steal them when the time is right.

We ZOOM IN on OPTIMUS PRIMAL, hefting another pod, and FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 3 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN: We see CICADACON, robot mode, followed quickly by RAM HORN and SEA CLAMP, all in robot mode. They are running across rocky plains, evading the weapons fire from BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR, robot mode, coming up behind them. MEGATRON and INFERNO are there as well. All are in robot mode. LAZORBEAK and FRACTYL, beast mode, rush aside, making a break from the others.

FRACTYL: They're fellow Predacons, we should try talking to them.

LAZORBEAK: You talk, that would leave me plenty of time to escape.

As FRACTYL is about to object, we see TERRORSAUR, beast mode, fly up and ram FRACTYL in his underbelly. FRACTYL stammers and spirals out of control as LAZORBEAK, now more frightened, turns to dive out of the way.

TERRORSAUR: You can't escape me. Terrorsaur, Terrorize!

TERRORSAUR quickly TRANSFORMS to robot mode and fires twice into LAZORBEAK's retreating carcass. LAZORBEAK's wings singe, and he TRANSFORMS, landing hard on the plain's floor, next to FRACTYL, who has also transformed, but is unconscious.

LAZORBEAK (tired): It's done; finished. Enough. I surrender.

TERRORSAUR (disappointed): Do you? Oh, slag. I was hoping to finish one of you off.

As TERRORSAUR moves over to gloat, he gets hit several times with energy fire from SEA CLAMP's weapons. TERRORSAUR falls over, shaken, as SEA CLAMP himself is nailed by a blast from INFERNO. INEFERNO moves down to back up his shot, as does BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR. SEA CLAMP's chest explodes from behind as the three finish their assault.

CICADACON (stunned): Sea Clamp, no.

RAM HORN: We're outgunned, outnumbered. There is nowhere to retreat to. We're finished.

CICADACON: Stand your ground. I'm not letting these pieces of slag get me without a fight.

RAM HORN turns to fire again, but a blast from WASPINATOR knocks him off balance. The shot goes wild, leaving INFERNO and BUZZ SAW the easy follow-through with their missiles. RAM HORN falls to one knee, then falls over completely as the last missile detonates on him. CICADAON is left alone.

CICADACON (stammering and stunned): They're all gone-all of them.

CICADACON looks around, he sees the fallen bodies of RAM HORN and SEA CLAMP, robot modes, next to him. He steps back, getting shot once from one of WASPINATOR's incoming missiles, and falls back. CICADACON stammers as the looming shadow of MEGATRON, robot mode, comes over him. CICADACON reaches for his swords, but MEGATRON merely fires his DINO-CANNON. CICADACON tries to move, but an ENERGY FIELD overcomes him, and CICADACON is paralyzed.

MEGATRON: Good work, Predacons, yes.

WASPINATOR: Waspinator great warrior, prove himself in battle.

BUZZ SAW: Waspinator prove nothing but size of mouth. Buzz Saw better shot than Waspinator.

MEGATRON: Enough, both of you. We must attend to our newest Predacons, yes.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS: BLACKARACHNIA, robot mode, steps in, looking downcast. SCORPONOK, beast mode, scampers over to her as she enters. BLACKARACHNIA drives her claw into the side of the door before stepping in fully. She is obviously upset.

SCORPONOK: Where's Tarantulas?

BLACKARACHNIA: In the recovery chamber.

SCORPONOK: What happened to the stasis pods?

BLACKARACHNIA (sighing): The Maximals got them, idiot. The two of us couldn't defeat Optimus Primal himself. And they had managed to pre-program one of the pods before we even arrived.

SCORPONOK: You didn't secure any of the pods?

BLACKARACHNIA (growling): No, we didn't. The Maximals got all four pods. What part of this don't you understand?

SCORPONOK: Take it easy. Megatron will not be happy, but at least the two of you made it out of there. Maybe Megatron had some better luck than you did.

CUT TO: MAXIMAL HEADQUARTERS. OPTIMUS PRIMAL and RATTRAP, robot mode, are idly chatting over the central table. RHINOX, robot mode, steps in carrying a report tray. RATTRAP types a few buttons on his console, and a HOLOGRAM of a shark appears overhead.

RATTRAP: How about this one, it's a bit limited, but since most of this mud-ball is covered with water, this mode could come in handy.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Maybe. We've got time to decide, Rattrap. I still think adding another flyer to our group is the best option we can have.

RATTRAP: I think a female rat would do great for our ranks.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Very funny. Besides, the gender of a protoform was determined well before it was placed into stasis.

RATTRAP: Oh that's good, ape-head, shatter my dreams before I can even have them. Thanks a lot.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (chuckling): Don't mention it. I'll tell you what, Rattrap, we'll let Sentinel randomly choose each beast form.

RHINOX steps forward, drawing their attention by placing the report sheet in front of them. RHINOX obviously looks very troubled.

RHINOX (quietly): I've analyzed all the stasis pods, Optimus. There's something you should know.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL looks over, crossing his arms. RHINOX steps forward, lowering his head. RATTRAP, robot mode, turns from his console, listening up.

RHINOX: The three remaining pods are all functioning, but they're not Maximals inside. They're Predacons. They must have been ejected from whatever it was that Megatron shot down.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (sighing): Predacons. That's just Prime.

RATTRAP: Well, what's the problem? We'll just reprogram them into Maximals. Problem solved, right?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: It's not that simple, Rattrap. Taking our own to function as warriors is one thing, but stealing Predacon pods is something else entirely.

RATTRAP: Not to be picky, but they wouldn't hesitate to do it to us, monkey-bot.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: That's the point, Rattrap. We're not Predacons, and we can't afford to start acting like them now. It's hard enough fighting these battles, we can't add to the problem by forget what makes us Maximals.

RATTRAP: But we're talking about three more guys on our side. I say the slag with it and get all the help we can.

RHINOX: Optimus, maybe Rattrap has a point. We could use more support here. I'm sure that the Elders would understand.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: I'm not making an answer yet, Rhinox. Let's just say I'm not comfortable with it. Right now, lets be happy that more Predacons haven't fallen into Megatron's greedy claws.

CUT TO: ROCKY PLAINS. SEA CLAMP, RAM HORN, and JETSTORM lie deactivated around the area. BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR, guns out, stand over FRACTYL and LAZORBEAK, also in robot mode, but barely active, and subdued. During all of this, INFERNO and MEGATRON, stand over the defeated CICADACON, battered. Everyone is in robot mode, though the losers of the fight are very obvious.

BUZZ SAW: Buzz Saw not understand, they Predacon, we Predacon. Why do we take fellow Predacons prisoner.

CICADACON (defiantly): Megatron gave up being a Predacon the day he betrayed us.

BUZZ SAW (confused): Megatron, betray Predacons? Megatron leads the Predacons.

CICADACON: You're little band of thieves, maybe. He's no leader. He's just a criminal.

WASPINATOR: Chips and bits may beat gits, but words will never harm me.

MEGATRON: A criminal, Cicadacon? Is that what you were informed?

CICADACON: You stole the golden disk, against orders. That's why we were sent back here to find you.

MEGATRON: You're partially correct, yes. But know this, my cause is my own. My only crime against the Predacon Elders was to keep the disk for myself. Didn't it occur to you that they wanted it stolen all along?

CICADACON (drawing in a pained breath): What?

MEGATRON: I obeyed orders from those fools. I just felt that I should get the energon myself. And I've succeeded. There's more than enough energon here to launch a conquest of Cybertron. And from there, who knows? The Elders can either join me on my path, or be driven under it.

CICADACON: Leaving you as the ruler of Cybertron. You're mad, worse than the one whose name you stole.

MEGATRON: Perhaps. But you are defeated, and by rights you should be terminated, but I may be willing to negotiate.

CICADACON (whispering): Negotiate.

MEGATRON: Yes. Sometimes it's best to put aside such petty violence and let other forms of action take precedence. Wouldn't you agree, Cicadacon?

CICADACON (panting from pain): All right then, what are my choices?

MEGATRON: Join me, Cicadacon, your knowledge of tactics and strategy is legendary. With you at my side, defeat of the Maximals would be certain.

CICADACON: And if I refuse?

MEGATRON: Refuse me, and die a slow lingering death from eventual energon exposure. Not just you, of course, but these four as well.

CICADAON looks over, and sees FRACTYL and LAZORBEAK, robot mode, damaged, and already succumbing to stasis lock. WASPINATOR, robot mode, looks over them, gun in hand. MEGATRON turns back, grasping his claws around CICADACON's head.

MEGATRON: I won't ask again. What is your decision?

CICADACON (resigned): Hail Megatron. I function for you, and you alone.

We CLOSE UP on MEGATRON, smiling widely, and FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 4 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN: We are at MAXIMAL HEADQUARTERS. RHINOX and OPTIMUS PRIMAL, each in robot mode, are looking over three STASIS PODS in the MEDICAL CENTER. B'BOOM, beast mode, stands next to the pods, as RHINOX takes readings on him.

RHINOX: No damage from the reprogramming as far as I can tell.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: At least we know that option is open.

RHINOX: Have you thought about it some more?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: I don't know, Rhinox. The Predacons outnumber us, and it's tempting to turn the tables on them with their own pods. But it doesn't feel right to reprogram pods that aren't Maximals in the first place.

B'BOOM: B'Boom reprogrammed. B'Boom fine. Rhinox say so.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: That's not the point, B'Boom. By rights, you should be a Predacon.

B'BOOM: B'Boom's choice, not chip's.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (resigned): I'm not sure that's true.

RHINOX: We could attempt to free both sets of programming; let them choose their own path if possible.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: It would take years for the protoforms to make intelligent decisions. Which one of us is going to raise a baby protoform? That's what the programming chips were designed to avoid.

B'BOOM: B'Boom a baby?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: In a manner of speaking. The programming chips are supposed to educate and help shape the protoform into a fully-functional member of society. It's an attempt to speed up the rearing process.

RHINOX: Unfortunately, the Predacons use those chips to program their troops. Which is why we've been stopping Megatron from getting to our pods.

B'BOOM (thinking): But B'Boom not one of your pods.


OPTIMUS PRIMAL looks to RHINOX a moment, who then turns to the main console.

RHINOX begins activating sensors and other devices on his console.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Any ideas where these pods came from?

RHINOX (working): Megatron must have shot down an incoming Predacon ship. I found it; location's on the screen. The pods must have ejected from this ship before it crashed.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: That means Megatron might have already gotten his hands on more supplies. We'll need to as well.

RHINOX (grimly): He might have gotten other Predacons as well.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: We'll deal with that if it's true. Right now get Tigatron and Airazor to meet me and B'Boom out there. We'll take what parts we can find and head back home.

RHINOX: Just be careful out there. There's no telling what Megatron might be up to now.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. CICADACON and RAM HORN, robot mode, are being led by BLACKARACHNIA, also in robot mode, through the base. CICADACON makes it a point to stay very near the female spider.

CICADACON: And you are the only female here?


RAM HORN (wryly): Explains this group's attitudes somewhat.

BLACKARACHNIA: Insinuating something, Ram Horn?

RAM HORN: No, Lady Arachnia.

CICADACON: Must drive the others mad that the only female here is more competent and formidable than they are.

BLACKARACHNIA (flattered): I haven't thought about it. too much.

CICADACON: How is Megatron doing on this planet, Blackarachnia? While he is excellent at planning, I fail to see him as a leader. He lacks a certain fire in his soul.

MEGATRON (off camera): Not very encouraging words from our new troops, Cicadacon.

RAM HORN jumps slightly, but BLACKARACHNIA and CICADACON both turn calmly around to see MEGATRON and SCORPONOK, robot mode, standing behind them.

SCOPRONOK: I told you we couldn't trust him, Megatron.

CICADACON (grimly): I've sworn my allegiance, Scorponok. That is all that matters.

MEGATRON: Hardly true. I've scanned your records, yes. It seems that you, Ram Horn, and Sea Clamp were brought aboard the Defiance as mercenaries. Your allegiance only goes so far as you are paid.

CICADACON: And how many potential employers do you see on this planet, Megatron? Thanks to you and your attack on our ship, we're unable to leave here. So what concerns you?

MEGATRON: Frankly, the three of you.

SCORPONOK (accusingly): What were you talking to the spider-queen about?

BLACKARACHNIA: Oh, the usual, just about how wonderful our fearless and glorious leader was.

MEGATRON: Miss Arachnia, return to the lab. Inferno should be reporting back from the Defiance with additional material. See if any of it is useful.

BLACKARACHNIA: I haven't completed giving Cicadacon the tour.

MEGATRON (angry): Now, Blackarachnia.

BLACKARACHNIA sighs and moves off in a saunter, turning back and smiling to Cicadacon as she leaves. MEGATRON steps forward as she departs.

MEGATRON: It would be a mistake to put your trust in her completely, yes.

CICADACON: Didn't Tarantulas study the black-widow's habits more before selecting her beast form?

MEGATRON (smirking): Don't change the subject, Cicadacon.

RAM HORN: Who are we supposed to trust, then? You?

MEGATRON: It would be easier on all of us if you did.

CICADACON: Right. For right now, anyway, I'm afraid I haven't much choice.

MEGATRON: That's the spirit, Cicadacon. I'm sure that you'll be a welcome addition to the Predacon ranks. Waspinator has your quarters prepared, feel free to retire to them.

CICADACON (whispering): Retirement, my thoughts exactly.

CUT TO: The wreck of the DEFIANCE. We see TARANTULAS, beast mode, clawing around on the outside of the ship's hull as BUZZ SAW, beast mode, hovers around on guard.

BUZZ SAW: Buzz Saw bored. Buzz Saw expected more action than this. Where are the Maximals?

TARANTULAS: I'm sure they'll be on their way soon, insect.

BUZZ SAW: Buzz Saw fighter. Buzz Saw hate waiting.

TARANTULAS: Would you like to send a personal invitation to Optimus Primal? Maybe you could fight him. At least then you would be too busy to complain to me.

BUZZ SAW: Why Buzz Saw with spider? Buzz Saw want to stay with Waspinator.

TARANTULAS: Megatron has something against me, that's why.

TARANTULAS uncovers a hatch on the ship, revealing bits of computer equipment and other assorted gear. As he transforms, a LASER fires into his chest. TARANTULAS, surprised, falls back and hits the ground hard.

BUZZ SAW: Spider in trouble. Buzz Saw, terrorize!

As BUZZ SAW transforms, JETSTORM, beast mode, launches from the hatch. JETSTORM doesn't even transform as he launches an acid bolt into BUZZ SAW. BUZZ SAW, caught in mid-transformation, screams out and spirals before finally reverting to robot mode.

TARANTULAS: Another survivor; must have remained hidden on the ship.

TARANTULAS raises his missile launcher at JETSTORM and fires. JETSTORM is hit hard by the blast, losing a wing, but apparently unaffected as he turns to bear on his attacker. TARANTULAS steps back for the fight as JETSTORM unveils his own missiles, while still remaining in beast mode.

TARANTULAS: This is trouble.

TARANTULAS dives out as twin missiles impact where he was standing. BUZZ SAW, for his part, starts firing wildly at JETSTORM. The Predacon dragonfly, without a word, transforms to robot mode, and weathers the blasts, heading straight to BUZZ SAW as the warrior fires constantly. Chunks of JETSTORM's armor and rendered useless and spin off of him, revealing the wires and blood beneath.

BUZZ SAW (fear-ridden): Stop, stop. Buzz Saw order you to stop.

JETSTORM ignores him completely, and grabs his neck. TARANTULAS begins to fire now, smashing hard into JETSTORM with his leg-guns, but JETSTORM continues to ignore the assault. BUZZ SAW's eyes begin to fade.

TRANSQUITO: Enough, Jetstorm. We've no need to kill these two.

We see TRANSQUITO, robot mode, stepping out of the hatch. TARANTULAS raises his weapon, but TRANSQUITO merely steps to him as JETSTORM drops the unconscious BUZZ SAW.

TARANTULAS (daunted): Who are you?

TRANSQUITO: I am Commander Transquito of the Predacon starship Defiance, and I'm here to talk.

We ZOOM UP and OUT of the shot, and FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 5 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

CUT TO: The wreck of the DEFIANCE. OPTIMUS PRIMAL, TIGATRON, AIRAZOR, and B'BOOM, all in beast mode, are scrambling up to it.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (concerned): No sign of any Predacons. Megatron must have already gotten what he needed.

TIGATRON: I don't think so, Optimus. Seems more likely that they hiding, waiting to ambush us.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Maybe. See anything, Airazor?

AIRAZOR: It's all clear from up here.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: It's beginning to sound too good to be true.

B'BOOM: B'Boom stand outside and guard.

AIRAZOR soars up higher to the sky as OPTIMUS PRIMAL and TIGATRON slip inside an open port on the ship. B'BOOM turns and crosses his arms impatiently. AIRAZOR slips some distance from the ship before she sees a GLINT on metal on the ground.

AIRAZOR: Wait a second. I think I see something. I'm going down to get a closer look.

AIRAZOR glides over to where an ELECTRICAL COMPONENT has nestled in a cluster of trees. AIRAZOR looks around her for a minute, and then lands.

AIRAZOR: What have we here? Airazor, Maximize.

AIRAZOR transforms, and then gets punched in the back by JETSTORM, robot mode. JETSTORM, still very heavily damaged, backhands the stunned AIRAZOR once, knocking her out. As she falls, he moves over her still, intent on finishing her, as TRANSQUITO, robot mode, appears and stops him.

TRANSQUITO: No, Jetstorm. We'll need the Maximals in the long run. Spare her.

TARANTULAS: We'll need them on our terms, Transquito.

TRANSQUITO: Agreed. Jetstorm, lock this one into beast mode for now. Allow her a little time to recover.

JETSTORM nods and steps away. TARANTULAS looks back at the DEFIANCE wreck outside the trees.

TARANTULAS: We knew the Maximals would arrive, how do we claim what we need?

TRANSQUITO: There's only one more outside the ship, and he's currently unaware of us. We'll take him out next.

TARANTULAS (dubious): And Optimus Primal?

TRANSQUITO: Leave that to me.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. MEGATRON and BLACKARACHNIA, each in robot mode, are in TARANTULAS's LAB. INFERNO, robot mode, comes in carrying a load of parts and supplies. SCORPONOK, robot mode, can be seen assembling many of pieces together into something.

MEGATRON: Not alone with them for five minutes, and you're already scheming.

BLACKARACHNIA: I wanted to learn the truth behind their motives, Megatron.

MEGATRON: Did you? And what, pray tell, did you discover?

BLACKARACHNIA: Nothing that I didn't know already. Cicadacon doesn't like you much.

MEGATRON: Does that concern me? No. Cicadacon and the others will serve their purpose, as will all other Predacons. I'm here to command you, not earn popularity points amongst the lesser rank and file.

BLACKARACHNIA: Careful, Megs. Many tyrants are deposed when they become unpopular enough.

MEGATRON (smirking): Not this one, Lady Arachnia.

BLACKARACHNIA: What are you going to do about them, then?

MEGATRON: Time will tell. If they cross me, I won't let them regret it, no.

We PAN outside to the hall, where we see FRACTYL and LAZORBEAK standing quietly.

LAZORBEAK is listening intently to MEGATRON's conversation with BLACKARACHNIA.
FRACTYL almost seems completely disinterested.

FRACTYL: Come on, Lazorbeak, we've got things we should attend to.

LAZORBEAK: Like what, sci-boy?

FRACTYL: Solving the energon problem outside for one.

LAZORBEAK: So you can impress our new leader, Fractyl? Why in the pit would you want to do that?

FRACTYL: He is our leader now, and I don't think he would like being spied on.

LAZORBEAK (annoyed): Do I need to remind you that up until two days ago we were going to destroy him?

FRACTYL: We also had a working ship back then, or did you forget?

LAZORBEAK (resigned): Very well, Fractyl. What do you suggest?

FRACTYL: We play it out. We could do far worse than Megatron, after all. He's not the greatest leader, perhaps, but he will ensure our safety so long as it benefits him, right?

LAZORBEAK (darkly): Charming.

FRACTYL: It's all we got.

RETURN TO: BLACKARACHNIA and MEGATRON, both in robot mode, talking in TARANTULAS's lab. MEGATRON crosses his arms, looking a little annoyed. INFERNO and SCORPONOK are in the back of the lab, still working.

MEGATRON: Share this warning with your partner. Cicadacon is a mercenary, and has established a reputation as both being capable and dangerous. I trust him even less than I trust either of you, and yet I cannot afford to not have him in our ranks.

BLACKARACHNIA: Then what is the warning?

MEGATRON: Don't view Cicadacon as a chance to betray me.

BLACKARACHNIA (flatly): Hadn't occurred to me.

MEGATRON: Come now, you're a better liar than that.

SCORPONOK (alarmed): Megatron, I'm receiving a distress signal!

BLACKARACHNIA (smirking): Now there's a surprise.

MEGATRON: The Maximals must have finally found the starship. Inferno, did you gather all the pieces I requested?

INFERNO: As the royalty commanded.

MEGATRON: Oh, this could prove quite fortuitous.

BLACKARACHNIA starts to move out, but MEGATRON grabs her harshly. BLACKARACHNIA turns with an enraged look in her eyes.

MEGATRON: You're going nowhere, Miss Arachnia, no.

BLACKARACHNIA (defiant): We've got to get out there and help Tarantulas. If he's sent a distress signal.

MEGATRON: Scorponok, tell Tarantulas to merely keep the Maximals busy, but to not risk himself or Buzz Saw unnecessarily.

SCORPONOK (confused): We're not going to engage?

MEGATRON: Oh we are, yes. But on my terms. Contact Cicadacon and his troops. It is time we tested their newfound loyalties.

CUT TO: The Wreck of the DEFIANCE. B'BOOM, robot mode, looks concerned over the area. He scans the horizon scanning for something.

B'BOOM: B'Boom no find Airazor. B'Boom smell trouble somewhere. (to com-link)

Optimus, Airazor has been gone for some time, B'Boom concerned.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (off camera): All right, we've found some things we can use. We're coming back up. Are there any signs of Predacon activity?

B'BOOM: B'Boom does not see enemy. If enemy here, they're remaining quiet.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: All right, give Airazor five more minutes to respond. We'll be there shortly.

B'BOOM: B'Boom understand.

PAN OVER to a grove of trees. Inside, TARANTULAS, TRANSQUITO, and JETSTORM, all in beast mode, stand watching B'BOOM from a safe distance.

TRANSQUITO: Well, Tarantulas, did Megatron receive your distress signal?

TARANTULAS: Yes, and he's apparently ignoring it. He's ordered me to merely keep the Maximals busy for a while. He did not state his intentions.

TRANSQUITO: Interesting. Well we must not disappoint your leader, then. Transquito, terrorize!

TARANTULAS: Terrorize!

JETSTORM, TRANSQUITO, and TARANTULAS all three transform and rush from the grove, firing at B'BOOM as soon as they emerge. B'BOOM leaps to the side, but is nailed from a well-placed missile from JETSTORM. B'BOOM watches as his arm gets torn away.

B'BOOM: B'Boom in trouble. Three Predacons firing at B'Boom. Weapons systems are already damaged.

TRANSQUITO: Surrender, Maximal, or perish. My quarrel is not with you.

B'BOOM: B'Boom shot by Predacon. Predacon begin quarrel.

TARANTULAS: Stupid monkey, be silent.

TARANTULAS fires his neural toxin into B'BOOM. B'BOOM is covered in foul energy for a long moment, then falls over unconscious. TARANTULAS steps over to him and kicks the limp body once, ensuring his success.

TARANTULAS: Just the two inside. But I don't feel like taking on Optimus.

TRANSQUITO: We both need to recover from damage still. Agreed, then. Jetstorm, seal the ship. That should buy us enough time.

JETSTORM nods, and begins firing at the hull of the ship. Pieces of it crumble down, and then begin to block the hatchway. We CUT TO: DEFIANCE INTERIOR. OPTIMUS PRIMAL and TIGATRON, robot mode, are each running full speed to the hatch.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Must have been Tarantulas or Blackarachnia, everyone else would have made their presence known long before now.

TIGATRON: They must have hit Airazor too. If she's harmed, I'll see that spider torn to pieces.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Just a few more meters ahead and-

TIGATRON and OPTIMUS PRIMAL stop short just as the last bits of daylight disappear from their view. The hatch has been sealed completely.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Prime Missiles ready!

OPTIMUS PRIMAL arms his shoulder-mounted MISSILES, which launch quickly and ram into the hull of the ship. The hull buckles some, but does not break completely.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Oh this is just Prime.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL OF DEFIANCE. TARANTULAS smiles at JETSTORM's work. The ship is sealed tight, though we can hear muffled explosions coming from the other side of the hatch.

TARANTULAS: It will take them a few hours to cut out of that. That should give Megatron the time he wants.

TRANSQUITO: And us time to prepare.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. MEGATRON, beast mode, is in a MISSILE HANGAR. CICADACON, RAM HORN, SEA CLAMP, INFERNO, and SCORPONOK, all in beast mode, are standing by with them.

MEGATRON: As you know, the Maximals have finally discovered the remains of the Defiance. Since we've taken what interests us most from that starship, we have no need of it, and can, for the moment, ignore the Maximals there.

SEA CLAMP: Provided that Tarantulas does his job.

MEGATRON: Tarantulas is capable of that task, Sea Clamp. It is our task that will be more demanding. Your first mission under my command is about to begin, yes.

CICADACON: So I gathered, what is it?

MEGATRON: Simple, we launch a direct assault against the Maximal base. That will give us a chance to determine your capabilities.

SCORPONOK (clanking nervously): We're attacking the Axalon? We don't have the strength for that. Sentinel will destroy us.

MEGATRON: We'll withdraw if the need arises, Scorponok. This is primarily a test, nothing more.

CICADACON: When do we attack?

MEGATRON: I suppose now would be good, yes.

We close up on MEGATRON, and FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 6 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN. We are in OPEN PLAINS. DINOBOT, beast mode, is on regular patrol. He gazes up to the sky at a noise, and we see CICADACON, beast mode, dropping in from above, rushing very quickly at DINOBOT, and then peel away. DINOBOT stammers at the near-miss, and follows the Predacon's trail with his eyes.

DINOBOT (confused): Who are you?

CICADACON: Cicadacon to Megatron. A Maximal has been sighted; do I have your permission to dispatch?

DINOBOT: You must have permission to strike your enemy? Pathetic. Dinobot, Maximize!

DINOBOT transforms to robot mode, drawing out his energy sword quickly. CICADACON drops slightly, transforming to robot mode and drawing both of his blades. DINOBOT rushes forward to attack, but CICADACON levels his blades, and blasts DINOBOT with a laser burst. DINOBOT falls back from the blast, returning the fire with his EYE BEAMS.

CICADACON: I've not much time to waste on you, Dinobot. Impressive the number of enemies you collect.

DINOBOT: A rare talent, one of many.

DINOBOT unleashes his EYE BEAMS again, smashing into CICADACON, who falls hard from it. CICADACON is not to be defeated easily, however, and throws his blade into DINOBOT, crashing through his chest armor. DINOBOT falls, black smoke coming from his mouth.

CICADACON: Apparently, fighting is not one of them.

CUT TO: MAXIMAL HEADQUARTERS. CHEETOR and RHINOX, robot modes, are scanning over defense systems. RHINOX has a very concerned expression on his face.

RHINOX: I don't like this. No one has checked in for several hours. Cheetor, can you raise anyone?

CHEETOR: All the communications channels are being scrambled. I can't get anything through.

RHINOX: The Predacons are jamming us somehow . Sentinel, increase power to the scanners. Where is everyone?

SENTINEL: No Maximals detected outside of the Axalon.

CHEETOR: It's no good, I'm going out there to check it out.

RHINOX: You'll do no such thing, wait here and try to get it cleared out.

CHEETOR (pleading): But-

RHINOX: I need you here, Cheetor. I don't want you to go missing as well.

As CHEETOR is about to sit down, a blast rocks the entire base. CHEETOR falls to the floor as RATTRAP, beast mode, rushes forward.

RATTRAP: What in the name of monkey-boy was that?

RHINOX (alarmed): We're under attack.

RATTRAP (smarting): No kidding? I would not have noticed. Thank you Mister Obvious.

SENTINEL: Predacon long range missiles launched. Shields activating. Ion Cannon struck and disabled.

CHEETOR: Identify the attackers.

SENTINEL: Subjects identified as Predacon Megatron, Predacon Inferno, Predacon Scorponok. Remaining three Predacon are unknown.

RATTRAP: Oh great, new Preds.

RHINOX: Megatron must be trying them out against Sentinel.

CHEETOR: Yeah, they're doing a good job of it.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL view of the AXALON. MEGATRON, beast mode, rushes forward as SCORPONOK, robot mode, fires another missile from his claw. INFERNO is completing his transformation to robot mode as CICADACON, RAM HORN, and SEA CLAMP each take forward positions.

MEGATRON: Now, my new Predacons, terrorize!

CICADACON (sarcastically): As you command, leader.

CICADACON, RAM HORN, and SEA CLAMP convert to their robot modes, and begin opening fire. CICADACON remains in the air, striking at Sentinel's powerful SHIELD. SEA CLAMP rushes forward and punches into the shield with his claws. RAM HORN leaps up onto the SHIELD itself, and starts to feed on its very energy.

SCORPONOK: Impressive, but we're not making much of a dent.

MEGATRON: Then begin denting it, fool. All Predacons, attack.

CUT TO: INTERNAL of AXALON. RATTRAP is knocked back as MEGATRON and SCORPONOK combine the firepower outside against the ship. CHEETOR stumbles over to the gun ports as RHINOX activates several defense systems.

RATTRAP: Shields down to ninety percent, and holding. Looks like the new Preds aren't much better than the old.

RHINOX: They'll still knock the shield down if we don't strike back. Cheetor, lock onto someone and open fire.

CHEETOR: Trying, that first blast from Scorponok knocked out the targeting center. I think I can still hit them.

CHEETOR grabs hold of the trigger and fires. OUTSIDE: One of the guns on SENTINEL starts to fire through the shield, running a long line to INFERNO, who dodges aside and returns fire with two of his missiles. The missiles slam into the SHIELD, and disappear into a torrent of flame. We CUT BACK INSIDE.

CHEETOR: Not fair, he moved.

RHINOX: You expected him to stay put?

RATTRAP: You gotta be kidding. Not even Megatron's stupid enough to stay in one place out there.

SENTINEL: Shield at eighty-seven percent, and stable.

CHEETOR: I got it this time. I wasn't brought on as a gunner you know.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: MEGATRON and INFERNO rush forward, energy weapons blasting into the shield hard. Each blast from MEGATRON seems to weaken the shield, but no one else seems to be as effective. As INFERNO gets near, CHEETOR's guns finally hit their mark, cutting hard into his shoulder and causing him to flat spin before another blast knocks him down.

SCORPONOK: We're not doing enough, Megatron.

MEGATRON: We're doing fine, Scorponok, even better than expected. Concentrate your missiles near that gun port. They're undermanned inside.

SCORPONOK: As you command, Megatron.

As SCORPONOK fires again, the weapons find a bead on RAM HORN, who gets knocked back several meters. Though his body smokes, his armored hide is still intact. He looks up to see SCORPONOK get pelted with several blasts in succession.

SCORPONOK stammers and falls back, unconscious, but mostly intact.

MEGATRON (darkly): They're getting better at this, yes.

CUT TO: INTERNAL: CHEETOR is cheering himself. RATTRAP loads up a few missiles and arms Sentinel's internal defenses. RHINOX is doing his best to keep track of the various attackers on the screen.

RHINOX: Scorponok is out of the fight, still five more to go. Inferno is lightly damaged, can you get to him?

CHEETOR (nervous): I think so. I haven't seen the Preds push an attack like this in a long time. It's like Megatron's the one trying to prove something.

RATTRAP: He'll just prove how big a hole he'll make when Sentinel vaporizes him.

SENTINEL: Warning, power drain on shields. Shields at eighty-two percent and falling.

CHEETOR: I've got Inferno in my sights.

We CUT OUTSIDE, and show INFERNO, about to launch another missile as CHEETOR's CANNON fires yet again. This time, INFERNO has nowhere to run, and gets hit several times, falling back and then over. Cicadacon lands near SEA CLAMP, who is helping RAM HORN stand back up.

CICADACON: Enough of this! Sentinel will pick us off individually.

SEA CLAMP: In that case I say it's time we got it together.

CICADACON: Friends, terrorize and merge into-

At this CICADACON, SEA CLAMP, and RAM HORN begin a new transformation. We see each one of them adopt a new mode. SEA CLAMP transforms into feet, CICADACON transforms into a main body, and RAM HORN splits to form into arms. Lastly, TRIPREDACUS's head slips out of CICADACON's body, and the combiners transformation sequence is complete.

TRIPREDACUS: Tripredacus. Transformation, complete. Destruction of Sentinel, commencing.

TRIPREDACUS steps past MEGATRON and the others, and smashes his powerful claws into the ENERGY SHIELD directly. The shield visibly buckles under the strain. CUT TO: INTERNAL: CHEETOR and RHINOX, robot mode, look at their falling defenses on the scanners as RATTRAP, robot mode, mans the guns.

RATTRAP: I'm nailing him with everything we've got, and it's bouncing off.

CHEETOR: Shields are doing a major fade. We can't take this much longer.

SENTINEL: Warning, shield failure imminent. Shields at forty percent and falling.

CHEETOR: (worried) What is that thing?

RHINOX: A gestalt team. They were made illegal at the last round of peace talks.

RATTRAP: Nice to know the Preds follow treaty. Well, I'm not sticking around here waiting for Mister Big-Pred to show up.

RATTRAP turns to break and run, RHINOX is about to step after him, but quickly moves over to man the guns instead.

RHINOX (stunned): I can't believe he just did that.

SENTINEL: Warning, shield failure imminent. Shields at twenty percent, and falling.

CHEETOR: He might have had the right idea. Massive system failures. We're losing it.

SENTINEL: Warning, shield collapse. Warning, shield collapse.

RHINOX (downcast): No time now. Radio the others, we have to abandon the Axalon.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: TRIPREDACUS smashes into the shield one last time, which crumbles into shards and fades to oblivion. MEGATRON, beast mode, smiles warmly as all his assorted troops look on. They've won the battle, and they know it.

MEGATRON: Excellent work, Tripredacus, yes. The Maximal base is defenseless, and what few Maximals left inside will be easy pickings. Victory is ours.


Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 7 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN: The AXALON, COMMAND CENTER. A static-filled screen partially shows the image of OPTIMUS PRIMAL, robot mode. The base center is otherwise dark until the upper hatch opens, and MEGATRON, robot mode, steps in.

MEGATRON: Ah yes, the sweet smell of victory. I had expected more resistance once we got inside. But, mustn't complain.

CICADACON and SCORPONOK follow behind, each in robot mode, though each is also somewhat damaged. SCORPONOK, in particular, has seen better days.

SCORPONOK: The Maximals must have scampered. There's no sign of them.

MEGATRON: They've abandoned the base. How interesting. Still, we won't be able to hold it for long, no. Optimus Primal will return with the rest of the Maximals, and Sentinel will no doubt aid them when they arrive. In the meantime, take what you can.

SCORPONOK: The pods?

MEGATRON: Precisely. The Maximals will have them in a secure area; go there and activate them. Once those remaining pods have been turned into proper Predacons, we'll mop up the remaining Maximals and win the Beast Wars.

CICADACON: Before you get too excited, Megatron, shouldn't we set about?

MEGATRON: Agreed, Cicadacon. You and your members find the recovery chambers and repair your wounds.

CICADACON (darkly): As you command, leader.

CUT TO: OPEN PLAIN. OPTIMUS PRIMAL, TIGATRON, and AIRAZOR, all in robot mode, stand outside the wreck of the DEFIANCE. TIGATRON is tending to the last of AIRAZOR's wounds as B'BOOM, robot mode, steps over.

B'BOOM: B'Boom repairs are adequate, leader. B'Boom weapons and defenses are still off-line, but B'Boom function, and getting better.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Glad to hear it. It's fortunate that Megatron didn't take the power cells on the recovery chamber. Otherwise, we may have never repaired your damage.

AIRAZOR: That's not like Megatron to leave all that behind. Megs must have had something else in mind.

TIGATRON: The weapons from the ship have been stripped bare. So has most of the science lab.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Megatron used this hulk to rearm his troops and his own base. That means he's better protected now.

B'BOOM: Megatron not put his troops here, then where Megatron attack?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (dawning): The Axalon.

Each of the assembled Maximals exchange worried looks as OPTIMUS PRIMAL activates his communicator. It's filled with nothing but static.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Rhinox, if you can hear me, respond.

TIGATRON: It's no good, Optimus. They're not jamming any more. It looks like Rhinox lost the Axalon while we were trapped here.

AIRAZOR: Impossible, not even Megatron can overcome Sentinel's defenses.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Normally, no, but we don't yet know what Megatron has up his sleeve.

B'BOOM: Then what do we do?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Head back, and hope for the best. Beast mode. At that, the Maximals convert to their beast forms and begin to walk off.

CUT TO: PREDACAON HEADQUARTERS, TARANTULAS's LAB. BLACKARACHNIA and TERRORSAUR stand waiting in beast mode as FRACTYL, robot mode, continues work on various parts.

FRACTYL (sighing): I-I can't get anything done with you two hovering over me.

BLACKARACHNIA: Don't worry, I'm not paying attention to you.

FRACTYL: Then what is it?

TERRORSAUR: Tarantulas hasn't reported back in yet. We're just wondering what he's up to.

FRACTYL: You know he wouldn't give a slag about you if the situations were reversed.

BLACKARACHNIA (growling): And how would you know, Fractyl?

FRACTYL (flatly): I've worked with him before.

BLACKARACHNIA: And that's supposed to mean?

FRACTYL: You're really soft on the thief, aren't you? (sighing) Tarantulas was a thief on Cybertron, one of the best. It was he who enabled Megatron to steal the Golden Disk in the first place.

BLACKARACHNIA (annoyed): And your point?

FRACTYL: Tarantulas is good, but his plans mean more to him than any other Cybertronian. Any feelings he shows for you are just so he can have your help.

BLACKARACHNIA's eyes narrow, and TERRORSAUR literally has to hold her back from hitting him. FRACTYL, obviously frightened, steps back, but keeps most of his composure. BLACKARACHNIA struggles against TERRORSAUR, but he's doing a good job at keeping her from ripping out FRACTYL's throat.

BLACKARACHNIA: You don't know what you're talking about. You presume too much.

FRACTYL: Do you honestly think he hasn't hurt anyone else before you, Arachina? Like a lab assistant that was supposed to be his friend? Trust me, he's not worth your time.

TERRORSAUR: You better shut your beak, Fractyl; I can't hold her for long.

BLACKARACHNIA (darkly): You won't talk to me about Tarantulas ever again,Fractyl, is that understood?

FRACTYL: I've said what I needed to say, now I have work to do.

FRACTYL turns from her, moving back to his equipment while TERRORSAUR lets BLACKARACHNIA go. For a moment, the female Predacon looks as if she's about to strike FRACTYL, but thinks better of it, and merely storms away.

TERRORSAUR: Why the slag did you do that for? She would have killed you.

FRACTYL: Unlike most of you lot, I happen to like her. She's the only Predacon here worth something.

TERRORSAUR (smirking): Thanks a lot.

FRACTYL: It's true, isn't it? Each of you has a major problem in some way.

TERRORSAUR: And you don't? You need to learn to keep your beak shut, Fractyl. One of us is likely to shoot it off.

FRACTYL (whispering): That would be a favor.

CUT TO: The AXALON, an empty hallway. SCORPONOK, robot mode, is moving through the ship. We CUT INSIDE and see CICADACON and RAM HORN, also in the ship, moving quietly. Finally, we CUT TO the CARGO DECK. RHINOX and CHEETOR, each in beast mode, look at one another nervously.

RHINOX: It's only a matter of time before they look down here for us.

CHEETOR: Then what do we do?

RHINOX: If we can get to the computer room, we can reactivate Sentinel and retake the ship.

CHEETOR: Yeah, but they've got to have guards in there by now. There's six of them, and two of us.

RHINOX: You're forgetting Rattrap. He must be up to something.

CHEETOR: Like saving his own pink tail. Face it, Ratty ran out on us.

RHINOX (downcast): I can't believe that. He's still aboard the ship, somewhere. If we could only contact him.

CHEETOR: Where do you think he would hide?

RHINOX and CHEETOR look at one another a long moment, then smile as the answer dawns on both of them in unison.

RHINOX and CHEETOR: The garbage bays.

CUT TO: AXALON, GARBAGE BAY. RATTRAP, beast mode, is standing atop a mound of trash, which he is munching on in parts, as he fiddles with the controls of three STASIS PODS.

RATTRAP: Man, why did I have to skip out that programming course?

COMPUTER (from pod): Life forms not available for scanning. Terminating programming sequence.

RATTRAP: Primal's going to have my butt for this. Stupid computer, link up with the base's data-files.

COMPUTER: Unable to comply, mainframe computer has been shut down due to defense protocol.

RATTRAP: Slag, there's got to be some way to wake these guys up.

COMPUTER: Programming sequence terminated.

RATTRAP (thinking): Now, you computers can't find a suitable life form with your scanners.

COMPUTER: Affirmative. Compatible life forms not within scanning radius.

RATTRAP: So, I just need to boost your scanning radius, then. Got it.

CUT TO: OPEN PLAINS. TIGATRON, AIRAZOR, OPTIMUS PRIMAL, and B'BOOM, all in beast mode, are covering ground heading back towards base. AIRAZOR flies up ahead.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: How many Predacons didn't you recognize, Airazor?

AIRAZOR: Two of them. Both of them big and nasty. Didn't get to see much of them, though.

B'BOOM: B'Boom see them. Fight them. Transquito and Jetstorm. They working with Tarantulas.

TIGATRON: More Predacons to worry about. The Axalon in Predacon hands. What else could go wrong?

As TIGATRON finishes saying that, AIRAZOR looks outward in shock as an ENERGY WAVE covers the sky. The WAVE rushes past the party, and OPTIMUS PRIMAL looks over to study it.

AIRAZOR: What was that?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Sentinel's long range scanners. They're searching for life form data.

TIGATRON (quietly): That means-

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Someone has activated the Predacon pods.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL looks toward the direction of the AXALON, and we FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 8 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN: We see an ENERGY WAVE rush over a FOREST GROVE. Looking down, we see TRANSQUITO, TARANTULAS, and JETSTORM, each in beast mode, watching it go past.

TRANSQUITO: This is not good. Either Megatron or the Maximals have activated the pods, and presumably reprogrammed them. That means we're on our own.

TARANTULAS: We knew that the delay would be too long.

TRANSQUITO: It sometimes pays to be optimistic, Tarantulas.

TARANTULAS: Not on this planet.

TRANSQUITO: No, perhaps not. Still, our plan remains intact, and if the new pods are in Maximal hands, the task at hand will be easier. Jetstorm, fly out as an advance.

CUT TO: The AXALON. Inside, SCORPONOK, robot mode, is combing the halls look for any traces of Maximals. SCORPONOK hears something clunking near him, and turns, opening his claw to reveal his TWIN MISSILES.

SCORPONOK: Come out, Maximals, I know you're hiding in here.

There is another clunk, and SCORPONOK steps forward, ready to fire. He throws a box aside, and reveals RATTRAP, beast mode, apparently cowering from him.

SCORPONOK: The stupid rat, I should have known. Come out Maximal, or I'll send you to oblivion.

K-9 (from behind): You'll do what?

SCORPONOK turns to see K-9, robot mode, straight punch him into the face. SCORPONOK stammers back, but recovers from the hit and pounces onto K-9, knocking him over. SCORPONOK continues to pound on K-9's helmet, and, for the moment, looks like he's getting the better of K-9. BONECRUSHER, robot mode, throws another crate aside and appears, and kicks SCORPONOK off of K-9.

BONECRUSHER: I thought I was supposed to get in the first attack, K-9.

K-9: I got anxious.

SCORPONOK (worried): Scorponok to Megatron, Maximals in the hold!

BONECRUSHER rushes forward and slams his powerful fists into SCORPONOK, knocking him senseless, then unconscious. SCORPONOK falls as RATTRAP converts to robot mode.

RATTRAP: That's one down, a whole mess of them to go.

BONECRUSHER: Good, bring them on.

K-9: Not even you could take on all the Predacons infesting the Axalon, Bonecrusher. This mission still requires Rattrap's expertise in stealth.

RATTRAP: And don't you forget it.

BONECRUSHER: Skulking around in the dark like cowards. Let me face Megatron in person!

K-9 (calming): Easy.

RATTRAP: We'll have our chance for that. Right now let's get this hulk off of the ship.

CUT TO: The AXALON COMMAND CENTER. MEGATRON, robot mode, is standing in front of the viewer. BLACKARACHNIA, looking luxurious on the viewer in her robot mode, has her arms crossed and is apparently lounging in the Predacon command chair. INFERNO, robot mode, stands next to MEGATRON.

MEGATRON: Ah, making yourself at home, I see.

BLACKARACHNIA: Just keeping the seat warm for you, Megatron.

MEGATRON: Don't get too comfortable in that chair, Blackarachnia. Now, has Tarantulas reported in? I need him to reprogram Sentinel.

BLACKARACHNIA (sighing): Last time he reported, he was still at the wreck, going through equipment for himself, I believe.

MEGATRON: Get hold of him and tell him to report here at once. One of the Maximals has already reprogrammed the stolen pods. I wish to push this advantage as soon as possible.

BLACKARACHNIA: You know how Tarantulas can get when he's got new toys, but I'll do my best.

MEGATRON (smirking): I'm sure. Megatron out.

MEGATRON flips a switch on the console, and draws in a deep breath as the communication ceases. INFERNO crosses his arms and steps up.

INFERNO: And what do you command, my-royalty?

MEGATRON: I can assume that the Maximals will try to reactivate Sentinel directly, yes. To do that they must first reach the computer core. Get down there and secure it at once.

INFERNO: And what of Scorponok?

MEGATRON: He must have found the Maximals in the cargo decks. If you find any of them, destroy them. If you find Scorponok, throw him into the nearest recovery chamber.

INFERNO: As you command, Megatron.

CUT TO: The AXALON CARGO DECKS. RHINOX and CHEETOR, robot mode, and hacking into wires along the wall. RHINOX seems literally wired directly into the wall, as CHEETOR looks on skeptically.

RHINOX: Slag. All I can get activated are the security cameras. Megatron's taken the command center, and he's sitting in my chair.

CHEETOR: We'll get your chair back, Rhinox. Optimus is still out there.

RHINOX: If he hasn't been terminated already. We might just have to cut our losses, forget about trying to reclaim Sentinel.

CHEETOR: What do you mean?

RHINOX: I mean head to the engine room and blow it up. The blast should destroy the Axalon and all the Predacons within her.

CHEETOR (stunned): I didn't hear that right. You want to trash the ship?

RHINOX: If Megatron gets full control he can rebuild his own starship, and be unstoppable on Cybertron.

CHEETOR (downcast): You-you're right. You get outside. I'll do it.

RHINOX: You're not going to do anything but leave this ship. You'll be needed by the others once this ship is gone. I'll set the charges.

CHEETOR: Get over it. I'm not about to throw my life away. This cat is fast, remember? I'll be outside before she blows.

CYBERSHARK (whispering off-camera): Destroy the ship? Perhaps a wise move, but perhaps not.

CHEETOR (nervous): Who said that?

CYBERSHARK steps forward, weapon drawn. He is almost totally obscured by darkness in the hall around him. RHINOX and CHEETOR both get a start, jumping into attack position as CYBERSHARK steps into the light.

CYBERSHARK: I could smell the both of you for a hundred yards. It's a wonder that the Predacons haven't found you already.

RHINOX (hesitant): You're not a Predacon?

CYBERSHARK: I am Maximal, programmed by the one you call 'Rattrap'. He sent me to hunt you, and I have been successful.

RHINOX: Rattrap activated the pods? How many others?

CYBERSHARK: Bonecrusher and K-9 are aiding him in retaking the computer core. Our mission is to take back the command center, when the time is right.

CHEETOR (confused): When the time is right?

CUT TO: EXTERNAL of AXALON. AIRAZOR, beast mode, soars high above as B'BOOM, TIGATRON, and OPTIMUS PRIMAL, all in beast mode, move forward. OPTIMUS draws in a nervous breath as he sees his ship. Outside of it, CICADACON and SEA CLAMP, beast mode, walk on patrol.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: There it is, home sweet home.

TIGATRON: And all we have to do is fight for it.

B'BOOM: B'Boom fight, not a problem. Weapon systems back on line.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Hold on. These Predacons took out Sentinel. Rushing into the fight head long will only accomplish us getting killed. We need to analyze the situation more.

AIRAZOR: I see three guards outside. I don't recognize any of them. Megatron must be inside.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: What about Transquito and Jetstorm? Any sign of them?

AIRAZOR: No. They're either not here or are inside.

B'BOOM: Can't wait long. Predacons build up defenses while we analyze. We must strike.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (sighing): I suppose we can always knock on the door. Prime Jets, on!

At that, OPTIMUS PRIMAL transforms to robot mode, dressed in full gear, with the rocket packs firing and should missiles arming. OPTIMUS PRIMAL flies past AIRAZOR, who is also transforming, and fires his missiles into RAM HORN, marring his armor but doing little else. TIGATRON and B'BOOM take their cues and transform as well.

RAM HORN: Cicadacon! We're under siege! The Maximals have returned.

CICADACON: Sooner than expected, but no matter. You and Sea Clamp dispatch with the others, Optimus Primal is mine. Cicadacon, Terrorize!

CICADACON transforms to beast mode, a flies up, swords out, to meet OPTIMUS PRIMAL. PRIMAL takes out his own blades, enjoying the chance to show off, and clashes his steel against the Predacon's. Meanwhile, RAM HORN and SEA CLAMP have both transformed, and open fire on the charging B'BOOM and TIGATRON. They've neglected AIRAZOR, however, and she gets a few minor shots off into RAM HORN, who weathers the punishment easily. Inside, MEGATRON, robot mode, watches the battle with interest.

MEGATRON: Inferno, the Maximals are here. We need sentinel on line at once.

There is no response. MEGATRON growls in anger.

MEGATRON: Inferno, report in.

RHINOX (from behind): Inferno's not reporting anywhere, Megs.

MEGATRON turns and sees RHINOX, CYBERSHARK, and CHEETOR, all in robot mode with weapons already drawn. MEGATRON dives to the side as the trio open fire. MEGATRON returns fire with his paralysis spray. CHEETOR is the first to be hit, and he begins to freeze up.

MEGATRON: You've beaten me once, Rhinox. But this time, I've sharpened my teeth, yes.

RHINOX leaps out of the way as MEGATRON takes another shot with his cannon into CHEETOR. CHEETOR falls back, eyes dim as an explosion wrecks his chest. CYBERSHARK activates his chest missile, blasting the Predacon leader, who stammers from the explosion.

CYBERSHARK (darkly): Your teeth aren't as impressive as mine, Megatron.

CUT TO: OUTSIDE. OPTIMUS PRIMAL and CICADACON continue their mid-air fight. OPTIMUS is winning, but is clearly having trouble. On the ground, RAM HORN returns to his beast mode as SEA CLAMP provides cover fire. RAM HORN begins to charge TIGATRON, who unloads his weapon into RAM HORN's formidable armor. RAM HORN shrugs off the damage, and tramples TIGATRON in a charge.

AIRAZOR: These guys are good.

B'BOOM: B'Boom still defeat Predacons, no matter how good. B'Boom fire!

B'BOOM launches his shoulder mini-missiles into SEA CLAMP, who shakes visibly from the first few blasts, then falls over as the explosions build into an impressive light show. As B'BOOM moves forward, he too begins to shake.

COMPUTER: Warning, energon overload. Stasis lock imminent.

B'BOOM (bothered): Not now, no. B'Boom go to beast mode. B'Boom fight old-fashioned way.

AIRAZOR (smiling): I don't think you need to, look.

She points down to SEA CLAMP, who watches the electrical discharge appear around him before he reluctantly reverts to beast mode. Above, CICADACON suffers from the same fate, his whole body quaking from the energon overload.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (smiling): It's over, Predacon. Clear out of here.

CICADACON: No! I can still defeat you-only some more time.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: At this altitude, you'll destroy yourself in your stasis lock. Transform and withdrawal.

CICADACON: I must not! I will not take defeat so easily.

CICADACON struggles some, then falls slightly limp as his body fails him. OPTIMUS PRIMAL watches as CICADACON falls several hundred feet before finally reverting to beast mode. After a second, he departs, with SEA CLAMP and RAM HORN following behind him.

We CUT TO: The AXALON COMMAND CENTER. RHINOX pulls out his CHAIN GUN OF DEATH, and opens fire at MEGATRON, but MEGATRON expects this attack, and blasts it, turning it into cinder. RHINOX readies back for a physical attack, but MEGATRON follows through with another blast of his paralysis liquid. RHINOX stiffens in mid-attack as CYBERSHARK leaps forward, kicking MEGATRON in the chest.

MEGATRON: You've a warrior's spirit, Maximal. I like it, yes. A pity it's used so poorly.

MEGATRON grabs the kicking foot in his claw, and slices through it as easy as tin foil CYBERSHARK lets out a painful scream as MEGATRON picks him up and throws him roughly aside.

MEGATRON: Such a delightful diversion. Now, are there any other Maximal surprises?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL (entering into the hatch): Just the seven of us, Megatron.

MEGATRON steps back nervously as OPTIMUS PRIMAL, TIGATRON, and AIRAZOR, in robot mode, step into the hatch. B'BOOM, beast mode, slides in from above. RATTRAP, K-9, and BONECRUSHER, all in robot mode, and with the unconscious robot-mode INFERNO, enter from the hall.

MEGATRON: Ah, I see you haven't lost your flare for the dramatic, no. Very well, Optimus, well played. The battle is yours. But there is one more thing.

MEGATRON activates a switch on the command console next to him and smiles.

SENTINEL: Auto-destruct sequence initiated. Five minutes until auto-destruct.

MEGATRON: Now, you can take your efforts destroying me, or save your ship and yourselves. Which shall it be, Maximal?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: This is just Prime. Fan out and disable the bomb, Maximals. I'll stay and handle Megatron myself.

MEGATRON: No you won't, Optimus. You'll give me my missing Predacon troops, or I'll tell your precious computer to detonate now.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: You're bluffing, Megatron.

MEGATRON: Am I, Optimus? (darkly) I don't bluff, no.

TIGATRON and AIRAZOR exchange worried looks for a moment as OPTIMUS PRIMAL considers his position.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: All right, Megatron, you win. Take your Predacons out of here and get off of my ship. You've lost the day already.

MEGATRON: A wise choice, Optimus Primal. Until next time.

MEGATRON smiles and takes INFERNO's body from BONECRUSHER, then quietly walks out of the hatch.

SENTINEL: Four minutes, thirty seconds until auto-destruct.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Rattrap, get over here and disable the destruct sequence. You've got just over four minutes to save our skins.

RATTRAP: Not a problem, boss-monkey.

We CUT TO: EXTERNAL SHOT of the AXALON. INFERNO is in beast mode, albeit very damaged. MEGATRON and SCORPONOK, also in damaged beast modes, move quietly away.

SCORPONOK: It wasn't my fault, Megatron, they ganged up on me.

MEGATRON: I know Scorponok, and I'm not angry, so quit trying to appease me.

INFERNO: Will they find the bomb in time?

MEGATRON: Oh course, and their pet rat will disable it with ease.

SCORPONOK: Then what happens now?

As SCORPONOK finishes speaking, TARANTULAS appears, in robot mode, gun in hand, but not aimed anywhere in particular.

TARANTULAS: What happens now is that this fool of a leader abdicates his throne.

MEGATRON (amused): Do you dare, Tarantulas? Do you dare to challenge me now?

TRANSQUITO and JETSTORM both appear, transforming to robot mode and taking position at TARANTULAS's side. SCORPONOK raises his claws to fire, but JETSTORM fires first. SCORPONOK, already heavily damaged, falls once again as JETSTORM's acid spray hits him hard. INFERNO then reaches for his gun, but TRANSQUITO launches his own STINGER MISSILE into him, knocking the heavily-damaged Predacon into the bliss of unconsciousness.

TRANSQUITO: You misunderstand, Megatron. Tarantulas isn't the one challenging you.

MEGATRON: And you are?

TRANSQUITO: Transquito, your new leader.


Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Warriors From the Sky, pt. 9 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

CUT TO: MEGATRON, robot mode, who is not happy. We pull pack and see him surrounded by TARANTULAS, TRANSQUITO, and JETSTORM, weapons out and all in robot mode. INFERNO and SCORPONOK, each in robot, are smoking hulks lying next to him.

MEGATRON (growling): You've betrayed me for the last time, Tarantulas, know that.

TRANSQUITO: That's enough posturing, Megatron. Surrender your command, now.

MEGATRON: Take it from me, Transquito.

TRANSQUITO (smirking): I plan to.

TRANSQUITO raises his weapon again to fire, but MEGATRON proves quicker, throwing his massive claw into TRANSQUITO's chest. TRANSQUITO falls under the attack, but quickly rights himself as JETSTORM launches both of his missiles into MEGATRON. MEGATRON falls back, but is still, more or less, in one piece.

TRANSQUITO (angered): No, Jetstorm! This one is mine!

TRANSQUITO leaps forward, firing his STINGER MISSILES one after another into MEGATRON as he rolls away from each strike. Finally MEGATRON has a chance, and fires his PARALYSIS SPRAY into TRANSQUITO. For his part, TRANSQUITO very nimbly dodges the incoming attack, and fires another volley. MEGATRON is hit hard by this one, and he falls.

CICADACON: You've no strength left, Megatron. You're heavily damaged. Surrender now.

COMPUTER (from Megatron): Energon levels exceeded. Stasis lock imminent.

MEGATRON (weakly): Never. Megatron does not surrender.

MEGATRON's body begins to get covered in sparks as both JETSTORM and TARANTULAS return to beast mode. TRANSQUITO fires twice more, each directly smashing into MEGATRON's fallen body. There is not much left of him at this point; his powerful form still carries some magnificence, but there are large holes and burns all over his body.

MEGATRON (defiantly): I lead the Predacons!

TRANSQUITO: You are defeated. By rights, I should terminate you. But you're a powerful warrior when you set your mind to it. I may be willing to negotiate.

MEGATRON looks up, his eyes dimming, very near death now.

MEGATRON (whispering in disbelief): Negotiate.

TRANSQUITO: Join me as my subordinate, as my chief tactician. With you at my side, the defeat of the Maximals would be certain.

MEGATRON: And if I refuse?

TRANSQUITO: Refuse me, and die a from eventual energon exposure along with your only loyal troops.

We CLOSE UP on MEGATRON, who lowers his head as his eyes dim yet again.

CUT TO: MAXIMAL HEADQUARTERS. OPTIMUS PRIMAL and RATTRAP, each in robot mode, are standing in RATTRAP's quarters, which is, of course, filled with trash. OPTIMUS PRIMAL crosses his arms, a bit silent.

RATTRAP: You don't know what to do, do you?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: You disobeyed orders. Not just that, but reprogramming those pods went against everything that we Maximals stand for.

RATTRAP (smiling): So you're mad at me for saving our bacon? If I hadn't done it, Megatron would have won, and had three more Predacons to boot. I think you owe me a word of thanks, fearless leader.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Don't get too far ahead of yourself, Rattrap. We're not out of the woods yet. We don't really know what effect Maximal programming on a Predacon protoform will have in the long run. We may yet wind up in a bigger mess than we were in before.

RATTRAP (sighing): You're worrying too much.

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: Rattrap, you did what you had to do, and I respect that. That's why I'm not punishing you for disobeying orders. But right now, those three newcomers are your responsibility. Keep an eye on them.

RATTRAP (suddenly concerned): You really think something can go wrong?

OPTIMUS PRIMAL: I don't know, Rattrap. I just don't know.

CUT TO: PREDACON HEADQUARTERS. CICADACON, RAM HORN, and SEA CLAMP, all in robot mode, stand talking to BLACKARACHNIA and FRACTYL, also in robot mode.

BLACKARACHNIA: It was only supposed to be a test of your abilities, Cicadacon. You just weren't able to hold onto the luck long enough. Get over it.

CICADACON (annoyed): I failed! Not due to some shortcoming of my own, but to energon exposure. Poisoned by the very fuel which runs in my veins.

SEA CLAMP: It was not our fault. Tarantulas failed to answer his mission. If he would have reprogrammed Sentinel when commanded, the Axalon would still be ours.

BLACKARACHNIA (defensively): Tarantulas knew that Megatron could hold onto Sentinel for long, and the new three Maximals might have had something to do with your trouble on the inside. Chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.

RAM HORN: You would say that, Miss Arachnia. You defend your fellow spider too much. I say he plots treachery, and you're covering up for him because you would prefer to join him.

CICADACON: Hold there, Ram Horn. We've no proof of that. Besides, party loyalties are a bit unsure on all sides, aren't they?

RAM HORN: Perhaps.

COMPUTER: Warning, incoming unknowns.

BLACKARACHNIA turns to the computer screen, and gives it a confused look.

FRACTYL: What is it?

BLACKARACHNIA: Tarantulas is back, and he's brought some new friends.

RAM HORN: New friends? Whose else is there-unless-

TRANSQUITO steps in, in robot mode, and throws the limp and near lifeless form of MEGATRON on the floor in front of him. BLACKARACHNIA raises her weapon, but the appearance of TARANTULAS, robot mode, stops her from firing.

BLACKARACHNIA (hesitant): What is going on?

TARANTULAS: There's been a management shift in our ranks.

FRACTYL: Excuse me?

TRANSQUITO: I am in command here now.

FRACTYL and BLACKARACHNIA look to MEGATRON in disbelief. MEGATRON, shaking, manages to look up and see them. As he is about to try standing, TRANSQUITO places his boot on his back, pressing him back down.

TRANSQUITO: Now, Megatron, tell me where your loyalties lie.

MEGATRON lets out a pained breath, and for a moment does not answer. TRANSQUITO grinds his boot farther, and MEGATRON resigns himself.

MEGATRON (resigned): Hail Transquito. I function for you, and you alone.

We CLOSE UP on MEGATRON, broken and defeated, and FADE TO BLACK.

The End