Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Through the Cracks, pt 1 (PG)
by BluePard (

SCENE: Outer Space. A warp hole opens, bending space like a puddle of water. A small space craft emerges, branded with a blood red moon and a black sun. Too close to a small blue-green planet, it is trapped by the planet's mass and crashes.

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base.

RHINOX: It's turning... stabilizing... looks like it'll land in our territory, sector five, but I can't tell exactly where.

OPTIMUS: We better meet it. Maximal, Predacon, or other, we had better find out... and meet it before Megatron does.

SCENE: Plains. The small ship is burning up, obviously not build to code. It crashes, spewing up earth, the Maximals just far enough away to be safe. The second it stops they rush to meet the dazed figure that emerges.... a mink.

OSTRAVA: Greetings, Maximals, I am Ostrava, of Proximis. (she notices Rattrap) Finally, someone who's shorter than me!

RATTRAP: (aside) Just what we need, another Proxian.

OSTRAVA: What are you doing on this remote planet?

OPTIMUS: We were following Predacon criminals and crashed. How did you find us?

OSTRAVA: I didn't find anyone. I'm a diplomat. Like an idiot I tried a shortcut through an asteroid belt. (she sighs) I assume this isn't the Libra Proximis Solar System?

OPTIMUS: Not that we know. But maybe we can help you, repair your ship. We have to get it out of here, though, or the Predacons will attack.

OSTRAVA: But I have nothing to fear from Predacons, I am Proxian.

OPTIMUS: These are Predacon criminals, you have as much to fear as us. (Ostrava shrugs)

OSTRAVA: Oh, well, here goes my diplomatic title.

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base. Ostrava and Optimus are in discussion when Rhinox emerges from the R Chamber.

RHINOX: Who are you?

OSTRAVA: The name's Ostrava. What happened to you? Predacons?

RHINOX: No, Panthera. I stepped out for just a second and she jumped me.

OSTRAVA: Who is Panthera?

OPTIMUS: A renegade Proxian.

OSTRAVA: Oh, I'm sure I could handle her. Assuming she hasn't been through training.

OPTIMUS: She hasn't. She came on-line here.

OSTRAVA: Easily done, then.

OPTIMUS: But, how?

OSTRAVA: A training technique, a scream of pain. If a trainee does something exceptionally the scream is used briefly. All of the trainees suffer when one is punished like that, so usually the trainees keep the offender in line with about four hundred death threats if they do it again. Once out of training we give them the correct frequency to reconfigure their hearing circuits and block it out. The simple truth is that we are more susceptible to corruption, because of our greater abilities. This should be easy.

RHINOX: If you can find her.

OSTRAVA: Also easily done. If she's the average young Proxian, she ought to be getting a scanner full of my ship. What's left of it. (She heads outside, followed by Optimus, Rhinox, Rattrap, and Dinobot. Once outside she opens her mouth in a hiss, but no sound comes out; in an instant Panthera is knocked off of a ledge overlooking them, her hands to her ears)

PANTHERA: StopitstopitSTOPIT!!! (The Maximals transform and draw their weapons)

OSTRAVA: (shouts) Why, hello! You must be Panthera! Come over here.

PANTHERA: (shouts) What are you, nuts?!

OSTRAVA: (shouts) You want me to scream again?

PANTHERA: (shouts) NO, but I don't want them (points to the Maximals) to blow my head off either. (Ostrava turns to the Maximals)

OSTRAVA: Please, beast mode, I can handle her.

RATTRAP: I ain't letting her near me!

OSTRAVA: Let me explain something to you. That scream hits her touch-receiving circuits and tells her logic circuits that the worst thing that could possibly happen to her is happening. It puts her in the worst pain physically possible. I've never met a Proxian who had to hear it twice. (she stops and thinks) Then again, I've never met a Proxian who hasn't gone through the training process.

OPTIMUS: Beast mode everyone. But be on alert. (They reluctantly transform)

OSTRAVA: All right, come here. (Panthera obediently walks up to her) From now on you will work for us. You will not attack those who are not your enemies.

PANTHERA: Well, fine, just take away all my fun.

OSTRAVA: I want your word on that.

PANTHERA: Fine, you have my word that I will not attack anyone... while on this planet... without reason.

OSTRAVA: Better be a good reason, but I'll accept that. Just keep in mind that I can put you into extreme pain any time, for any reason.

PANTHERA: You Maximals have reached a new low. That's just what Barney said to me while I wore a pain collar.

OSTRAVA: Barney?

OPTIMUS: She means Megatron. He leads the Predacons.

PANTHERA: Hey, can I still annoy Rattrap?

OSTRAVA: (shrugs) I don't care. (she turns to Optimus) Tell me about Megatron. (they watch them walk back inside, but taking their eyes off of Panthera)

PANTHERA: And now, for the answer to the question which has plagued Bot-kind for centuries... do rats always land on their feet? (pounces on Rattrap, picking him up in her mouth by the scruff of his neck and jumping to the top of the Maximal Base. She holds him squirming over the edge)

RATTRAP: Let me go! There is no way you're gonna do this, why, you even think about it and I'll... (he screams as Panthera lets him go. Panthera flinches as Rattrap hits the ground hard. She peers over the edge)

PANTHERA: Hmmm, apparently not. (Panthera jumps down, landing on her feet by a distraught rat)

OSTRAVA: Panthera! (Panthera bounds over to her) Panthera, I need to run some tests. Find out how fast you run and such.

PANTHERA: I run very fast. Byenow.

OSTRAVA: No, no, no. I need more information than "very fast" you loopy leopard. Just run to that rock...


OSTRAVA: Without transferring energon.

PANTHERA: But that'll take forever.

OSTRAVA: Do it. (Panthera rolls her eyes, sets off at a leopard's lope)

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base

RATTRAP: We finally have Panthera under control! The cat has been tamed, let your children run free!

OPTIMUS: Yes, it is nice to feel safe, well, safer...

CHEETOR: Ya know, about that, Big Bot.... (Ostrava and Panthera, panting, enter)

OSTRAVA: What? (Cheetor looks from Ostrava to Panthera)

CHEETOR: Ohh, nevermind, I forgot. Nothing important.

OSTRAVA: Perfect. I, personally, could go for forty winks. (she yawns)

PANTHERA: Hmph, a dayworker. Not surprising. (Ostrava gives Panthera a dirty look)

OSTRAVA: Respect the dayworkers, young one, we are half the populace.

PANTHERA: (growls intelligibly) Grrrthedumberhalfgrr... (she waits for Ostrava to leave, catches Optimus' arm before he heads for his own quarters)


PANTHERA: (whispered growl) You should not be trusting her.

OPTIMUS: Why no..

PANTHERA: (whispered) Shush! She can no doubt hear all we say, and I am risking my life by just talking to you. You should never trust a Proxian off of Proximis, don't you know that?

OPTIMUS: (whispered) What does that say about you?

PANTHERA: (whispered fiercely) This is not funny! There are only three reasons to find a Proxian off of Proximis, either they are a traitor, or they are a trainee, or they are on a leader mission. She did not claim one of those, did she?

OPTIMUS: (whispered) No, but why should we trust you and not her, Panthera? She hasn't attacked us; you have.

PANTHERA: (whispered) But I saved Rattrap, I saved Cheetor, (she points to where he still sits) I could have killed you all the second I arrived but I did not!

OPTIMUS: (whispered) Odd, that we owe you our trust because you haven't killed us yet. I'm sorry, Panthera, but you cannot be trusted. We will keep an eye on Ostrava. Don't worry.

PANTHERA: But, Optimus, (lowers her voice back down to a whisper) I can not be held responsible for what I do from now on. I have no control over anything anymore. Do you really want to see me deprived of my ethics? There will be no one to save your skidplate, Optimus.

OPTIMUS: That's my call. (turns and leaves while Panthera looks after him, her tongue out and shaking her head.)

PANTHERA: (to herself) We're all gonna die. (she notices Cheetor is still there, staring at her) And, remember, I don't lie. (she leaves Cheetor there, while he sits there staring after her and Optimus, finally giving up and going to bed)

PANTHERA: "For the good of Proximis...."

SCENE: The next day, Outside Maximal Base. Targets are set in a circular pattern, Panthera standing at the center, beast form. Ostrava stands well out of range.

OSTRAVA: Go! (Panthera transforms, whips out her sand shooter, hitting one target after another until all are broken. She instantly goes beast mode)

OSTRAVA: Hmm, not bad. You must practice.

RATTRAP: Yeah, right. She won't do even the most basic target practice. Says it's a waste of time.

PANTHERA: I have more abilities than anyone on this planet. I don't need to improve.

OSTRAVA: You always need to improve. You may be able to survive on this planet, but once my ship's fixed you'll have an entire universe to contend with.

PANTHERA: Whoopee. (she heads for the jungle)

OSTRAVA: Where do you think you're going?

PANTHERA: To get lunch.

OSTRAVA: What's on the menu?

PANTHERA: Terrorsaur. That guy always bugged me.

OSTRAVA: Some one ought to go with you. You're a target.

PANTHERA: I can take care of myself. Besides, none of you are stealthy enough to follow me... well, except Tigatron. And I'm not going with him.

OPTIMUS: You'll just have to.

PANTHERA: I don't need backup.

OPTIMUS: I think you do. Tigatron, go with her. (Tigatron leans over to Optimus)

TIGATRON: (whispering) But, Optimus, she hates me, and rightly so. It would not be wise.

OPTIMUS: (whispering) You haven't given her any reason to hate you. She's probably forgotten it by now.

PANTHERA: Oh, no, I haven't. (Optimus shakes his head)

OPTIMUS: Just go. That's an order. (Panthera growls as she is followed by Tigatron. She gives him a suspicious look and begrudgingly goes to get her lunch.)

SCENE: Jungle. Panthera and Tigatron walk along. Panthera stops, as does Tigatron)

PANTHERA: Just be quiet and stay here. (Panthera scales a nearby tree, removing a piece of scrap metal and swallowing it down. Suddenly, she is picked up by the entering Megatron, in beast form, who throws her across a clearing. Panthera rights her self and springs back off the ground at Megatron, who turns, striking her with his tail like a whip, and knocking her back down. A white welt revealing mech fluid is across her cheek)

TIGATRON: (on com) We are under attack... (Tigatron jumps out of the way of a laser shot by Megatron, but is hit as he tries to recover. Panthera is slowly rolling her eyes out of the back of her head, and moves to get up when Megatron steps on her middle, crushing her beneath his feet. She cries out as her insides are compacted and destroyed. Megatron leans down low to the ground to gloat, with Panthera unable to move even if she wasn't pinned down.)

MEGATRON: Such a shame we always meet under such distressing circumstances, Panthera. I am afraid this will be the last of such meetings, yes, for, after today, I shall have you melted down. Then no R chamber will save you... (Tigatron, recovered, is shooting at Megatron. He shoots back but Tigatron is now well prepared. As he dodges a missile, Optimus and Airazor arrive, forcing Megatron into a retreat. He hastily disappears into the foliage, the damage already done. Optimus and Airazor look at Panthera without hope, but, nonetheless, carry her lifeless form back to the base.)

TIGATRON: Deja vu. I wonder if she will blame me for this as well.

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base. Optimus walks in carrying Panthera. Airazor follows.

CHEETOR: Wha... happened?

OPTIMUS: Megatron. (Ostrava steps between him and the R chamber, stopping him)

OSTRAVA: Wait, forget it Optimus, the R chamber can't do anything for her.

RATTRAP: But...ah... she's a Proxian...

OSTRAVA: Scrap is scrap. (she looks at Panthera's broken form and shakes her head...)

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Through the Cracks, pt 2 (PG)
by BluePard (

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base. Optimus walks in carrying Panthera. Airazor follows.

CHEETOR: Wha... happened?

OPTIMUS: Megatron. (Ostrava steps between him and the R chamber, stopping him)

OSTRAVA: Wait, forget it Optimus, the R chamber can't do anything for her.

RATTRAP: But...ah... she's a Proxian...

OSTRAVA: Scrap is scrap. (she looks at Panthera's broken form and shakes her head...)

CHEETOR: But what about an energon overdose?


OPTIMUS: That's right, Panthera saved Rattrap with an energon overdose.

OSTRAVA: Well, I suppose it would work... but I don't have the energon, I'd have to get it from one of you...

OPTIMUS: I'll do it.

RATTRAP: Big surprise.

OSTRAVA: Actually, it takes an awful lot of energon. I was thinking of Dinobot.

DINOBOT: Oh, and I suppose I am to suffer so that this feline... with my index codes... can live?

OSTRAVA: Well, you could always just let her die. (everybody looks at Dinobot- massive peer pressure)

DINOBOT: Oh, fine. I suppose I can always kill her honorable in battle later. (Ostrava quickly drains Dinobot's energon... he falls and Rhinox catches him. Ostrava restores Panthera's energon, logging out herself and being caught by Optimus)

CHEETOR: Did it work?

RHINOX: Let's see. (he leans Dinobot against a wall and drags Panthera into the R chamber, closing the door over her. She sparks and heals)

OPTIMUS: Computer, status of Panthera.

COMPUTER: Panthera stable; energon levels at five percent; extensive internal and external damage.

RHINOX: Well, she's alive anyways.

OPTIMUS: We better get Dinobot and Ostrava to somewhere where they can recover. Panthera's going to be in there a while.

Inside Maximal Base. Optimus, Ostrava, Tigatron, Rhinox, Dinobot and Rattrap are there.

RHINOX: Well, Panthera's almost healed.

OPTIMUS: Good. There's something I don't understand from your story, Tigatron... (the R chamber opens and Panthera walks out. She looks surprised and wiggles her toes in front of her face.)

PANTHERA: Odd, I'm still alive. (she looks perplexed at that)

OPTIMUS: Panthera, do you hate Tigatron?

PANTHERA: You have to ask?

OPTIMUS: Yes or no?


TIGATRON: You don't?

PANTHERA: Of course not. I don't hate anyone, not even Barney.

RATTRAP: What, you gotta screw loose? Megatron's been trying to scrap you since you came on-line. You gotta hate him.

PANTHERA: Just because someone tries to kill you is no reason to hate them.

RATTRAP: Oh, prime, now your Panthera the pacifist.

CHEETOR: You said you hated Tigatron, and he didn't even do anything.

PANTHERA: I never said I hated him, that would be a lie and I don't lie.

OPTIMUS: Well, you said you didn't like him.

PANTHERA: I don't like him. I don't hate him. I'm pretty much neutral about the subject of him in general.

RATTRAP: You called him a traitor.

PANTHERA: Nope, I didn't. I was talking about Dinobot. He is a traitor, after all.

TIGATRON: You just made it up and put me through that just as an excuse to leave?

PANTHERA: Sheesh, you say it like it's a bad thing. I didn't lie, I didn't scrap any of you. Therefore I'm as honorable as the day I came on-line.

OPTIMUS: (shakes his head) Remind me to take everything you say literally from now on.

PANTHERA: So, what tipped you off?

OPTIMUS: You attacked Megatron instead of just fleeing into the shadows and leaving Tigatron to die.

PANTHERA: Ahh, my instincts are to blame. Drat. (Tigatron shakes his head)

TIGATRON: I will never understand you.

PANTHERA: Good. (Tigatron sighs. Panthera starts to walk out) Well, thanks for saving my life, anyway...

RATTRAP: Where do you think you're going?

PANTHERA: To finish my lunch. I barely got a bite. (Rhinox steps on the end of her tail, preventing her from leaving)

RHINOX: Oh, no you don't. How about you stay here, out of trouble, and give us all a break from saving your tail. (He steps off of her tail and she tackles him, sitting on his chest in her usual threatening way)

PANTHERA: You know, there are other ways to get my attention. I'm not deaf. (she heads for her quarters)

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base. Rattrap and Panthera, beast mode, are arguing. Rhinox, robot form, is at the computer consul.

RATTRAP: You gotta problem with me? 'Cause I'd love to hear it.

PANTHERA: I can scrap you anytime I want, ya know, Fuzzbutt.

RATTRAP: Not unless you want your brains fried, chowder head.

PANTHERA: May-haps you need a lesson in respect.

RATTRAP: How's dis for respect? KISS MY SKIDPLATE, FURFACE!!! (Panthera growls)

RATTRAP: Oh, sure, you talk big, but... Hey! (Panthera jumps next to Rattrap, engulfs his head and tilts her head up to send him farther down her gullet. His hind end lashes about trying to get free.)

RHINOX: Panthera! Let him go! (Panthera shakes her head. Rattrap's voice is muffled and echoes from inside)

RATTRAP: Help! Get me outta here! She's getting panther drool all over me!! (Panthera growls) Don't do that! You're gonna blow my eardrums!

RHINOX: Panthera! (Rhinox grabs Rattrap's tail and pulls him up; Panthera hangs onto him and is now standing on her hind legs. Rhinox tickles her)

RHINOX: Kitchie coo... (Panthera laughs, letting Rattrap go)

PANTHERA: Hey, no fair tickling! (Rattrap wriggles around by his tail, wiping his wet face off on his hands)

RATTRAP: You are demented, you know that?

PANTHERA: You need to take a bath. You taste terrible.

RATTRAP: Well, excuse me for not being appetizing enough for you!

OSTRAVA: (over com) Panthera?

PANTHERA: Right here.

OSTRAVA: (over com) Training exercises. Meet me outside.

SCENE: Rocky plains bordering a river. Panthera and Ostrava are running. Panthera is panting like crazy. Ostrava shakes her head and slows down.

OSTRAVA: Maybe we'd better stop for a drink. (they stop by the river. Ostrava daintily laps up a few sips. Panthera catches her breath, then ducks her entire head under water, gulping down a couple gallons. She raises her head back out again and shakes it, getting Ostrava wet. She continues to pant)

OSTRAVA: See, you have to train without transferring energon so that you're faster when you do.

PANTHERA: Which is lovely. But shouldn't we be heading back?

OSTRAVA: Oh, well, you see, we're not out here just for a training run. We're here to meet Megatron.


OSTRAVA: If he shows. We can only hope.

PANTHERA: Forget this. I'm going back.

OSTRAVA: No, you aren't. I can see you're confused. You think I'm on the Maximals' side and I therefore won't put you into terrible pain just because you're annoying. But I really work for the preds. I think you writhing in pain is actually kinda funny.

PANTHERA: (blinks) Oh. My mistake. (Megatron steps out from behind some rocks)

MEGATRON: Quite right.

OSTRAVA: There you are. What took you?

MEGATRON: I prefer to be fashionably late. (Tarantulus, Waspinator and Blackarachnia step out. Ostrava addresses them)

OSTRAVA: Keep an eye on her. I'm sure she'd love to have my head on a platter. (Panthera growls)

MEGATRON: You shouldn't have let her scrap Terrorsaur, traitor that he was.

OSTRAVA: I can't keep an eye on her twenty-four hours a day. In any case, that was no reason to attack her. One pred isn't worth it.

PANTHERA: Why do you have to drag me into this? Do your own dirty work.

OSTRAVA: Me? Please, Panthera, I'm smarter and more experienced than you, but you're quite literally a born killing machine. Besides, why risk my life when I could risk yours? (Ostrava continues on while Panthera follows, growling)

SCENE: Inside Predacon Base. Panthera is chained within a closed cell, eating something miscellaneous. Ostrava enters without her noticing.

OSTRAVA: Enjoying yourself... Arcane? (Panthera looks up, surprised) That's right. I left after you entered the Nightrunning. I know who you are, Arcane Nighttreader.

PANTHERA: So? I'm no one important.

OSTRAVA: My dear, you underestimate yourself. You are known by all of Proximis, you have met Moonlight, and you would be a perfect heir to her position. You are so much like her.

PANTHERA: I won't sacrifice my honor.

OSTRAVA: Your honor? Please, Panthera, you must think straight for once. You don't have a choice, in five megacycles either the Maximals fall or I will have to drive you insane until you do. (Panthera growls) No one would question your honor, you had no choice. Don't you want to see your friends again? Don't you want to see Proximis?

PANTHERA: It isn't right. Besides, what do you expect to ransom me off for.... (she looks at Ostrava in surprise) want to see Proximis again, don't you? You're a traitor, banished, you think in return for me you could step onto Proxian soil again? (Ostrava is gritting her teeth) Forget it, they wouldn't allow it, you'd be a threat to the whole of Proximis... you could bomb the Constellation or hold Starmoon hostage... even locate the Light and... (Ostrava screams in a hiss, knocking Panthera to the ground where she squirms on her back half a minute, her paws over her ears, her eyes tearing. Ostrava stops, lifts Panthera's face up by the whiskers.)

OSTRAVA: Don't you EVER speak to me like that, I am not a traitor and I am as sane as the day I left Proximis. (she drops Panthera's whiskers, stomping out the door) You're not quite like Moonlight; she would have had the sense to shut up. (she slams the door closed and locks it.)

PANTHERA: (to herself) Idiot. Actions speak louder than words. (She wipes the tears off her face and curls up. Inside her eyelids she scans two long lists of configurations, comparing them. Every time she comes upon a difference between the two it flashes red, until she finds what she's looking for.)

PANTHERA: (thinks) There! ("Alteration: In 14 MC" flashes in her vision) No! Fourteen megacycles! I don't have the time... (she sighs) ...I'll just have to try and hope for the best. (she sets the alteration in motion and logs out, her energon concentrated in her hearing circuits)

SCENE: Outside Predacon Base.

OSTRAVA: If the shields are not down in exactly two megacycles I will scream until you go mad and destroy them anyway. Don't try to warn the Maximals, I have your com frequency, remember? So, go! (Panthera shakes her head and lopes away.)

SCENE: Plains.

PANTHERA: I'm doomed. I can either be dishonorable or destroy myself, neither of which I'm looking forward to. There's always a third option, there's gotta be a third option. (she raises her head and spots Spots on scouting duty.) And there it is now. (she runs over to him)

CHEETOR: Panthera, where've you been? Where's Ostrava?

PANTHERA: The pred base. Ostrava's a traitor, she sent me here to scrap you all.

CHEETOR: What? Whaddo we do?

PANTHERA: Well, for one, you can let me drain part of your energon, I'm low on it. Then you can run back to the base and tell Optimus to lower the shields in exactly 1.67 megacycles, and to keep them down as long as you can. That oughta by me some more time.

CHEETOR: How am I suppose to make it back to the base if you drain my energon?

PANTHERA: I leave you with enough to run.

CHEETOR: I don't trust you. You stole my index codes.

PANTHERA: Look, Greenpaws, I have your codes, but I can't read them. You're a Maximal, I'm a Proxian. They're Greek to me....

CHEETOR: You could've read them when you were a Maximal..

PANTHERA: But I didn't. I mean, that's private stuff. I swear I'm telling the truth, Cheetor, there's no time left to waste. Please? Dying always ruins my day.

CHEETOR: (sighs) All right. Will this hurt?

PANTHERA: Of course. (she scratches his tail and drains part of his energon. Cheetor shakes his head, nearly falling over)

PANTHERA: Hurry. I'll do the rest. (Panthera curls up behind a rock while Cheetor runs)

SCENE: Inside Maximal Base.


CHEETOR: I believe her. She's never lied before.

RATTRAP: There's a first time for everythin...

CHEETOR: She said she couldn't read our index codes. Was she lying? Can you read hers?

RATTRAP: Well, no, but she's a Proxian, they're weird. She still could be lying, just do she can go AWOL again.

OPTIMUS: And, if she's telling the truth, do you really want her on the Predacon's side? (Rattrap looks between them)

RATTRAP: Okay, okay, okay, so we lower the shields.

OPTIMUS: Defensive positions. Cheetor, get in the R chamber before you collapse.

DINOBOT: Marvelous. She's already cost us a fighter.

OPTIMUS: Prepare to lower shields.

SCENE: Plains meet Jungle, within view of the Axalon. The shields lower. The Predacons, hidden, transform.

MEGATRON: Priceless. Move in!

OSTRAVA: Wait, she may have lowered them before all the Maximals were taken care of, so I wouldn't scream. Let her finish the job.

MEGATRON: We can handle the Maximals. Move in! (the Predacons run for the Maximal Base, Ostrava at the end, slowly following, still in beast form.)

OSTRAVA: I am so brilliant. All I have to do now is get my ship fixed and keep Panthera on her leash. (Panthera's ruby red eyes shine from the jungle)

PANTHERA: Too late... (Panthera jumps out and pins Ostrava beneath a paw. Ostrava screams, but Panthera doesn't move)


PANTHERA: You gave me your index codes when you saved my life.

OSTRAVA: But there are billions of lines...

PANTHERA: And I am a biomechanical technician, the best friend of a programming technician. It wasn't hard.

OSTRAVA: You wouldn't kill a Proxian, would you? It wouldn't be honorable!

PANTHERA: Yes, it would. It is the only honorable thing to do, for the good...

OSTRAVA: ...of Proximis, yeah, there's a phrase I'm sick of. (she talks like someone already dead. Panthera lowers her eyes)

PANTHERA: I'm .... sorry... but at least I'll allow you a quick death, something I doubt you would've given me. (She scratches into Ostrava, transforms her paw into her energon regulator, and drains the life from the mink. Changing her paw back, she makes three large bites of Ostrava. She shivers and jumps back into the shadows.)

SCENE: Outside Maximal Base. The Predacons are charging the Maximal Base. They are within a few steps when the pirated com on Megatron's wrist fizzles into life.

PANTHERA: (over com) Optimus, get the shields up now! (Before the Predacons can retreat the shields are on-line, zapping the Predacons and flinging them across the landscape. The auto-cannons ready, fire)

MEGATRON: That traitorous weasel... retreat! (They run back to their own base, leaving Panthera smiling from the shadows.)

OPTIMUS: (over com) Panthera, report.

PANTHERA: Everything's fine. The preds are gone, I'm unhurt, and Ostrava has gone towards the Light. Which reminds me, thank Greenpaws for the energon.

RATTRAP: (over com) Whaddo ya mean, "gone towards da light"?

PANTHERA: She's dead, okay? Sheesh, I can't be subtle with you guys. (she sounds irritated and not at all happy, despite the fact she's still breathing.) But, forget it. I'm going for a walk. It's almost dark.

OPTIMUS: But you're a target.

PANTHERA: Too bad. I don't do the dependent thing. (she vanishes into the jungle, as Optimus tries to call her back.)

SCENE: Jungle. Panthera sits on a projecting rock, her eyes glazed as she remembers...

OSTRAVA: "No one would question your honor, you had no choice. Don't you want see your friends again? Don't you want to see Proximis?" (the last word echoes)

PANTHERA: "Well, I guess this is goodbye, guys."

PATROCLUS: "You won't be gone long, Arcane, you'll be back in no time. You'll see."

FINAGLE: "Yeah, everyone will be jealous when they hear about the beings you'll meet."

PANTHERA: "I guess. May the Luck of Lightwing be with you."

PATROCLUS: "Nope, you can have it. We'll be together on Proximis but you'll be all alone... (Finagle whacks him)

FINAGLE: "What he means is, well, we'll be together with you on Proximis. We all know that's where your heart is."

PANTHERA: "Thanks, guys..." (they all sniffle through a long silence)

PATROCLUS: "Oh... I can't stand it! Group hug! Come on, just this once?"

PANTHERA: "Aaaa... all right, ya big sap. And you're supposed to be our warrior. Just don't let the Wreath hit you on the way down."

PATROCLUS: "Are you kidding? With my flying talents? Did I show you my backwards triple-somersault... ow!! (he's tripped over his own four feet) My toe!!"

FINAGLE: (sighs) "I'm so glad someone else will be flying the ship."

PATROCLUS: "Hey, just what are you insinuating?"

PANTHERA: "Forget it, forget it... not today, guys. That's an order. (another long and uncomfortable pause) I guess I'd better go..."

PATROCLUS: "Wait, we got you presents!"

PANTHERA: "What? Where'd you find..."

PATROCLUS: "Here, Finagle made the chain and I stole the cloth, you know, for you to wipe your bow off on. I even monogrammed my name on it so I'll take the rap if you get caught with it."

PANTHERA: "You guys are so great! But I didn't get you anythin..."

FINAGLE: "Just come home safe. That'll be out present..." (in the real world a tear falls from Panthera's eye. She looks up into the lonesome sky, silhouetted, her feline form bows, her head resting uneasily on her front paws)

OSTRAVA: "Don't you want to see Proximis....?"