Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

The Coming of Onyx Primal
by Wes Whitten (

"Hey Big Banana!" called out Rattrap, in Axalon's command center.

"What is it, Rattrap?" asked Optimus Primal.

"My security run shows a fresh energon trail falling from the sky..." Rattrap informed Primal.

"A stasis pod, am I correct?" Primal said.

"What else could it be?" asked Rattrap.

"Send the closest Maximal group to the pods landing area!" ordered Primal.

"Already done," Rattrap commented, facing his security monitor,

"Airazor, Polar Claw, and Tigatron are on their way,"


"Beep! Beep! Beep!" screeched Tarantulas's computer, located in Tarantulas's very own laboratory.

Tarantulas was currently working on a new gravity negative beam, when the computer screeched on.

"Computer, what is the problem?" asked Tarantulas, with a sound of interest in his voice.

"Stasis pod falling out of atmosphere. Crashing into the forest clearing of sector eight in the course of the next three hours," the computer reported.

"Does Megatron know of this?" asked Tarantulas.

"At the moment, no," the computer answered.

"Good. Computer, ready my computer tracker and crossbow weapon.

I'm going out!" Tarantulas sneered.


"Enjoying the weather?" asked Tigatron, dashing through the rain in his Siberian tiger form.

"I've been in better..." grumbled the Maximal Airazor, flying through the rain as best she could in her falcon form.

"Does it matter what the weather is? We should be thankful to receive a nice refreshing shower every once in awhile," the polar bear known as Polar Claw said, not the least bit disoriented by the rain fall.

"Whatever, a little rain isn't going to stop us from reaching that pod!" Tigatron encouraged all.

"Considering the Predacons aren't aware of it yet," Polar Claw stated.

"Knowing them, they know by now. We should keep our guard up," Tigatron ordered.

"Of course..." Airazor said glumly, as the wind level began to pick up.

The three Maximals continued their journey through the plains, hoping to reach the mountain side before dark. They had a good few miles until they reach their destination, but they had a whole two mega cycles before the pod landed.

"This is going to be one of those days," Airazor cursed, as the wind continued to pick up speed.


Tarantulas scurried through the rain in beast mode. He had his survival pack strapped to his back, and was in 45 cycles reach of the pods presumed landing site. He saw this day as another easy victory for himself.

"Computer, nearest Maximal location?" asked Tarantulas, pondering if he was the only one after the pod.

"Designate Maximal: Airazor, Designate Maximal: Polar Claw, Designate Maximal: Tigatron. All fifteen cycles from your current position," Tarantulas's mini computer reported.

"Slag! They may get there before I can reach the pod and program it!" Tarantulas cursed.

"Subject Tarantulas, Predacon identities are also in vicinity," the computer added.

"What? Who?!" Tarantulas screamed.

"Designate Predacon: Buzz Saw, Designate Predacon: Terrorsaur, Designate Predacon: Waspinator. Designate arrival time at pod landing sight: twelve cycles," the computer reported.

Tarantulas growled with hatred and transformed to robot mode. Without words, he ran as fast as he could. He flung his feet as far as they could go each step he took. Tarantulas wanted that pod. If there was ever any chances for conquest over Megatron, now would be one of those times.

The rain began to clear as Tarantulas covered his first half-mile.

Time elapsed, and soon, the three Maximals had reached the pod landing sight, which was in the forest, beside an open clearing.

"We made it in record time!" Polar Claw said.

"How long until the pod lands?" asked Airazor.

"One mega cycle. We'll have to wait it out," Tigatron said.

"Great! This will be fun!" Airazor said with sarcasm written all over the words.

"Oh, don't worry Maximal, we'll keep you company," said a voice from behind the three.

"Who...?" Airazor stumbled.

"Predacons!" cried out Tigatron.

"Terrorsaur, Terrorize!" declared Terrorsaur.

And as soon as Terrorsaur transformed, the battle began. Buzz Saw and Waspinator flew into the open and opened fire on Polar Claw and Tigatron. The two maximized and drew their weapons. Both sides faired evenly, as Airazor and Terrorsaur took the battle into the air.

"You're mine pretty! I've wanted to tear off your head since you were created!" bellowed Terrorsaur, firing his shoulder cannons at Airazor.

Airazor flew upward, but Terrorsaur kept the blasts coming. She maximized and threw her talon rifle at Terrorsaur. He was caught by surprised, and the rifle hit his shoulder cannon.

"Curse you!" Terrorsaur screamed.

Airazor didn't see the blast coming.

Tigatron launched a dozen blasts from his gut gun. Buzz Saw avoided the first half, but was hit on his left wing by the rest.

"Ouch! Cat-bot hurt Buzz Saw! Buzz Saw mad! Destroy stupid cat-bot!" Buzz Saw declared.

Tigatron didn't pay attention to the Predacon, and fired another round. Buzz Saw buzzed over the blasts, and fired his own at Tigatron. Tigatron rolled out of the way, and swiftly jumped into the air.

"Cat-bot crazy!" Buzz Saw said, as Tigatron transformed to tiger form in mid-flight, and batted Buzz Saw with his paws.

The bee lost sense of his reactions, and fell to the ground damaged, and also covered in claw marks.

"Give up?" asked Tigatron, now securely on the ground.

"Hate cat-bot..." Buzz Saw grumbled.

"Wazzzpinator hate cat-bot too!" Waspinator chimed in, flying towards Tigatron in wasp form.

Waspinator let out some stinger shots, but they were no match for Tigatron's speed. He easily darted out of harm's path.

"Wazzzpinator destroy cat-bot!" Waspinator cursed.

"Hey! Did Waspinator forget about me?" asked Polar Claw, sprinting from the bushes.

Polar claw launched Cyberbat in the blink of an eye, which hit Waspinator full force. Waspinator began to spin around from the impact, and transformed to robot mode.

"Leave Buzz Saw's friend alone!" demanded Buzz Saw, firing his stinger cannon at Polar Claw.

Polar Claw was hit dead on, and was thrown back a good distance into the bushes. Buzz Saw smiled at his victory, but Cyberbat fired it's eye beams at Buzz Saw. Buzz Saw was unaware of the attack, and was caught in a bright explosion. Tigatron took this time to shoot Waspinator down once and for all.

"Two Predacons down!" Tigatron smirked, withdrawing his weapon.

Polar Claw arose from the bushes, and Cyberbat flung back inside Polar Claw's shoulder. The two Maximals stared at the two Predacon fliers huddled together, energy surging through their bodies.

"Wazzzpinator feel loopy..." Waspinator groaned.

"Buzz Saw too..." Buzz Saw added, before going offline.

"That's that. Where's Airazor?" asked Polar Claw.

"Gone!" screamed Terrorsaur, arising into the air from nowhere.

Tigatron and Polar Claw began to redraw their weapons, when Terrorsaur fell to the ground from an explosion from behind him.

"Airazor is that you?" asked Tigatron.

Airazor flew into the open in robot mode, talon rifle in hand and mounted.

"Is that all the Predacons?" she asked with a satisfied look on her face.

Polar Claw stared down at the three Predacons on the ground, they were all too ruffed up to even stand.

"Guess so..." Polar Claw whispered.

Suddenly, the bushes rattled behind the three.

"Uh oh..." Airazor whimpered.

With a brilliant leap, Tarantulas dove over the bushes in beast mode, and fired his energy webs. Tigatron and Airazor were hit by the first web, while the second and third flew nowhere near the Maximals. However, Tarantulas made up for that by firing one last web, which engulfed Polar Claw head on.

"Uh, let us out!" demanded Polar Claw.

"Tarantulas, Terrorize!" the spider exclaimed, transforming to robot mode.

"Now why would I do that? I have the upper hand. The Maximals are out of the way, Megatron's goons our out of the way, what more could I ask for? Except...a stasis pod!" Tarantulas broke out laughing at how easy this would actually be.

"No! You can't!" Tigatron yelled.

Tarantulas continued to laugh as the sky grew bright from a stasis pod, falling straight down towards Tarantulas.

"The Beast Wars is mine!" Tarantulas bellowed.

Polar Claw squirmed on the ground. Tarantulas's web was tight enough to prevent him from firing Cyberbat and from reaching his weapons. Polar Claw stared at Tigatron and Airazor, who were in the same situation.

With a loud explosion, the stasis pod crashed within forty feet of Tarantulas and the fallen Predacons. As the dust cleared from the impact of the pod to the ground, Tarantulas stared at his captive Maximals again and laughed, before rushing to the pod.

"We have to stop him!" Airazor declared.

"How? I can barely move in here..." Tigatron responded.

Airazor grew mad and transformed to beast mode. Her wings spread out, breaking the web. Tigatron and Airazor quickly rose, and bolted for Tarantulas and the pod.

"Hurry!" encouraged Airazor.

"I'm running!" Tigatron exclaimed, reaching for his weapons.

Tarantulas reached the pod seconds before the Maximals and inserted the spare Predacon identification chip he had with him. He quickly opened the control panel and punched in the proper codes.

"Tarantulas, you're dead!" Airazor screamed, using her talons to swoop downward and pick Tarantulas off the ground.

"Your too late, my dear Airazor!" Tarantulas laughed.

Airazor stared downward to see Tigatron finally reach the pod. He reached for the identification chip slot to remove the Predacon chip, but he was too late.

As the pod's computer finished calculating the data, the pod's door burst open. The door hit Tigatron straight on, and he was sent flying a good ways backwards.

Airazor dropped Tarantulas as a black bat appeared from the pod, and rose to her.

"Who are...?" Airazor didn't have time to finish her question as the bat used his mouth and feet, and grabbed Airazor.

She was shaken to and fro, and was then thrown to the ground.

The black bat slowly landed to the ground. He eyed Tigatron, some distance away, under the pod door unconscious. He then eyed Airazor, on her back, beaten and scarred in beast mode.

"Onyx Primal, Terrorize!" the bat screamed, transforming to his fierce robot mode.

"Ha! My creation is alive!" Tarantulas screamed.

"You are my creator?" asked Onyx Primal.

"I am indeed," snickered Tarantulas.

"You should be glad you are, because I would kill you have you not created me," Onyx responded, his words harsh and cold.

"You will be a welcome Predacon addition," Tarantulas stated.

"I serve my creator, if you are a Predacon, then I am a Predacon," Onyx said, not even looking at Tarantulas.

"A Predacon I am indeed..." Tarantulas responded.

Onyx ignored him and drew his twin black swords.

"Excuse me, I must rid myself of these Maximals," Onyx said, raising his swords.

"Wait now," Tarantulas said, grabbing Onyx's arm, "I could use them as test subjects in some of my new experiments, they would be a great help to the Predacon cause."

"Never..." Onyx responded, charging for Airazor's body, weapons drawn.

"Hold up now!"

Onyx stopped to see a polar bear charging for him.

"Who dares attack me?"

"Polar Claw, Maximize!" Polar Claw roared, transforming to robot mode.

"Do you wish to die fast, or slow?" asked Onyx, assuming a battle stance.

"How about C? You die!" Polar Claw spoke, firing his weapons full force at Onyx. Onyx raised his swords in front of him, which easily blocked the assault.

"Nice try, my turn!" Onyx stated, throwing his swords at Polar Claw.

The swords did a full circle around Polar Claw before striking him hard. The Maximal fell to the ground to catch his breath, as both the swords glided back to Onyx.

"Who dies now?" Onyx asked.

Polar Claw wasted no time in getting up. He wanted to fight, but only saw death if he did. He turned around and bolted for Tigatron and Airazor's bodies. After scooping them up, he darted out of the open and back into the forest, on his way back to Axalon.

"My game wishes to elude me. No matter, they will all perish soon," Onyx stated.

Tarantulas folded his arms.

"Come Onyx, let us gather up the fallen Predacons and return to the Darkside. I will introduce Megatron to you as my creation," Tarantulas spoke.

Onyx Primal stared into the forest, as rain began to fall again.

Onyx ignored the rain, but didn't ignore Tarantulas.

"I will only go if you go. I only owe myself and my creator life, the rest must perish," Onyx spoke.

"I like your attitude, I shall be leader yet!" Tarantulas said.

"Make no mistake spider, it is I who will be the assassin, following no one's orders, not even yours," Onyx spoke.

"Delightful..." Tarantulas grumbled.

"I will serve Megatron diligently, for he is the true Predacon leader," Onyx said.

Tarantulas only grunted as he walked back to the original battle site. Terrorsaur, Buzz Saw, and Waspinator were all on the ground still. Bits of broken web could also be found too. Tarantulas scooped up Terrorsaur and placed him onto Onyx Primal's back, who had converted to bat mode. Onyx firmly supported Terrorsaur as he picked up Buzz Saw with his right foot, and Waspinator with his left foot. Tarantulas walked back to the stasis pod and began to drag it, he could use it for spare parts. Onyx and Tarantulas both slowly made their way back to the Darkside. Their trip home to the Darkside would be a long one, but they were in no hurry.


Polar Claw and Optimus Primal sealed Airazor and Tigatron into the CR chambers.

"You sure you're okay?" asked Optimus Primal.

"I'm fine," responded Polar Claw, "my turn in the chamber can wait."

"But this information on the Predacon's new ally can't, how bad is he?" asked Primal.

"Very bad. Onyx Primal always has one thing on his mind: death!" Polar Claw responded.

"And another of our teammates falls to the side of evil," Primal sighed.

"Don't worry, the next pod is ours," Polar Claw assured Primal.

"I hope your right," said Optimus Primal, sitting himself down at a chair, "I hope you're right."

The End