Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

The Chain II, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

Black smoke smolders up from the ruined area of jungle. Charred bones litter along the edges. The dead pre-humans here seem to have died running from something terrible and monstrous. Fear is still etched on their faces. In the center of this pyre is the ruined form of a Decepticon Scout ship, removed forcibly from the ground, and lying in pieces. BIGMOS, in his robot mode, looks at the destruction in stunned silence. Behind him, MANTIS, SCISSORBOY, TONBOT, and DRILLNUTS stand in a circle around their battered prisoners. APACHE and LIO CONVOY are in chains, slumped over in their robot modes, beaten.

BIGMOS (growling): This was your doing. Our home, and our followers, destroyed.

LIO CONVOY (quietly): We never attacked this place.

APACHE: We don’t know what happened here.

BIGMOS: Lying now? As if I had reason to believe you. Your fliers came to steal our energon, and we beat them back. This was your reprisal, wasn’t it?

APACHE (scowling): Maximals would never do this.

LIO CONVOY: The Predacons – Only Galvatron has this much power.

BIGMOS (darkly): You blame a Destron faction for this, Autobot?

APACHE: Autobot? We’re not Autobots.

TONBOT: He looks like Optimus Prime himself.

LIO CONVOY (sighing): I’m just modeled after Prime. You’re Decepticons?

DRILLNUTS (confused): Decepticon? Yes, we’re Insectrons, loyal to Shockwave.

BIGMOS: You attack a foe that you don’t even recognize?

APACHE (annoyed): We didn’t attack.

MANTIS: They may speak the truth, Bigmos.

APACHE (surprised): Big Mos?

BIGMOS: The truth. How can you say that? The evidence is all around you.

MANTIS: And we wouldn’t be able to stop whoever did this. Their ship wasn’t even capable of this firepower, sir. They’re not powerful enough to do this.

BIGMOS: They may have allies.

APACHE (frustrated): Or enemies.

BIGMOS: Put these Autobots in the ruined ship. Tonbot, Mantis, you two keep them under guard. If they make any trouble, do not hesitate to terminate them.

TONBOT: Yes, sir.

MANTIS (tired): Right. Come on you two.

APACHE (pleading): We didn’t do this. It goes against everything that we stand for.

LIO CONVOY: Let it go, Apache. They’ll know the truth, soon enough.

The Gung Ho, damaged and smoking, lies ill at rest some distance away. SCUBA and DIVER are both looking over their readings desperately as BIG HORN and KID look on. BIG HORN shakes his head in the command chair, then finally lets his fist slam on the chair’s armrest out of frustration.

BIG HORN (impatient): Dammit, where are they?

SCUBA: I had them until they went so far south. There’s an energy field down there. Between that and the damage the sensors took, I’m surprised that we tracked them even that far.

KID (snapping): Hey, that’s Apache and Lio you’re talking about.

SCUBA: I know. But there’s nothing I can do with this equipment.

KID (impatient): Then we need to go down there and find them ourselves.

DIVER: My grandfather’s dying wish was for me not to fight stupidly. We don’t even know what we would be facing, Taz.

SCUBA: Whoever they are, they’re skilled and powerful. If we rush down there, we might just get ourselves killed.

KID: We can’t just sit here.

BIG HORN: No, we can’t. Scuba, how long before the ship is battle ready.

SCUBA (surprised): We can go in a few minutes, but –

BIG HORN: We don’t abandon our own, Scuba, and we don’t hide from threats. Ready the ship for battle, that’s an order.

DIVER (worried): Big Horn, we’re not ready.

BIG HORN (firmly): Then get ready.

The Gigaplex, far removed from the Maximal starship, stands watch over a large part of the surrounding jungle. The Autorollers move about the outside of the base, continuing their construction work over GIGASCOUTER’s direction. MEGASTORM, in his robot mode, emerges from the base and steps over to his subordinate.

MEGASTORM: How goes the reconstruction?

GIGASCOUTER: The Gigaplex will be mobile within the next few days, commander. The Autorollers do good work, though I suspect that they’re getting quite bored of it by now.

MEGASTORM: It won’t be too much longer. Where are the jets?

GIGASCOUTER: Thrust and Dirge are nearly finished with their repairs. Starscream and BB have yet to report in, however.

MEGASTORM (skeptical): They’re up to something.

GIGASCOUTER: That goes without saying.

MEGASTORM (resigned): All right, we’ll just have to be prepared for it.


MEGASTORM turns to the Autoroller, then back to the sky, looking for signs of an attacker. There is no attack, but the powerful dragon form of GALVATRON rushes down on their position. MEGASTORM seems ready to fight him, but a gentle touch of his shoulder by GIGASCOUTER stops him for the moment.

GIGASCOUTER (whispering): Wait until he’s played his hand.


GALVATRON (calling out): My loyal Predacons! Hear me!

The Autorollers all transform to their robot modes and step over near MEGASTORM. AUTOLAUNCHER merely nods to MEGASTORM before turning his attention to the landing GALVATRON.

MEGASTORM: Have a nice sojourn, Galvatron?

GALVATRON: I did indeed. The Predacons must claim the energon of this planet, and I have located the most powerful source of Amolgois of all. Gather Thrust and Dirge. We attack at once.

MEGASTORM: There’s a threat? Where are we attacking?

GALVATRON (smiling): Artemis’s temple.

The Temple stands as it has for untold years. ARTEMIS is quiet, alone in the depths of the caverns. A series of holograms are playing around her, showing different views of the jungle. She appears to be looking for something, though nothing comes to view. Pain is etched on her gentle face.

ARTEMIS (worried): Moon, where are you?

She starts to look over her scanners again until the loud sounds of clanking metal draw her attention. She stands, clenching her fists, then stepping back as the hulking form of BB reveals itself. The Predacon warrior has in his arms two ruined transformers. MOON and STARSCREAM are in tatters, smoldering from their earlier wounds.

ARTEMIS (whispering): Primus.

BB: Repair.

ARTEMIS: What happened to them?

ARTEMIS looks them both over with concern as BB gently lays them down on the stone altars in the room. BB says nothing at first, instead crossing his arms as he’s forced to trust the femme. ARTEMIS steps over to STARSCREAM, and looks even more saddened before placing her hand over his spark.

ARTEMIS: Galvatron did this?

BB: Roger.

ARTEMIS (softly): I can heal them, but it will take some time. You should return to your Predacons.

BB says nothing, nor does he move. ARTEMIS looks up, surprised, and regards him.

ARTEMIS: You’re staying with Starscream, aren’t you?

BB: Roger.

ARTEMIS (softly): A true friend. All right, help me get them to the fountain.

BB nods and moves over to the two damaged Transformers, ready to help them as needed. He notes ARTEMIS a moment, as she lingers affectionately over STARSCREAM’s prone form. He says nothing, of course, and just moves to carry MOON away.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

The Chain II, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

In the main chamber of ARTEMIS’s Temple, STARSCREAM and MOON lie damaged and broken. ARTEMIS and BB look over them both a moment, before ARTEMIS moves to the large fountain in the center. She gathers up some of the pure Amolgois energy in her hands, then steps to STARSCREAM. She looks softly to him, then lets the energy flow over his chest.

ARTEMIS: This will heal his body, if his spark does not corrupt it.

BB: Roger.

ARTEMIS takes in another breath, and watches as the strange liquid energy seeps into STARSCREAM and starts to take effect. Some of it does indeed corrupt, but most gives new life to STARSCREAM’s systems, awakening his optics once again.

STARSCREAM (weakly): Artemis?

ARTEMIS: You’re very hurt. Rest now.

STARSCREAM (quietly): I’m alive?

ARTEMIS (softly): You’re immortal, Starscream. All I did was start the body’s repairs.

STARSCREAM (resigned): I am a Vok.

ARTEMIS: Somehow, yes.

STARSCREAM (quietly): How? What are you?

ARTEMIS (softly): Our sparks are the same, Starscream.

ARTEMIS stands again, but takes STARSCREAM’s hand in hers. Her optics soften, then look down as she resigns to letting the answers come out.

ARTEMIS: We’re also children of Primus. Our race started on Cybertron, many millions of years ago. We were like other Cybertronians then. The first Great War was being waged.

As ARTEMIS continues, reality changes focus. DARK GUARDIANS are moving over Cybertron, firing massive blasts and smaller, primitive, rebel transformers. A few of the rebels, a very few, wear the symbol of the Autobots. These are the few which strike back with any effectiveness. As the battle continues, the Quintesson masters look on.

ARTEMIS (voice over): An alien race had enslaved our people, and changed us. The war eventually threw off the opressors, but the scars from the wars would never heal. Some of the warriors were unable to return to peace, and live in the first Golden Age. They wanted more conflict. Others saw Cybertron and couldn’t escape the memories of what had happened there.

A few starships lift off from Cybertron, heading out into the depths of space. They separate from one another, each seeking their own destiny among the stars. One ship disappears into a wormhole, appearing in a new system of rich and lush planets. The giant craft sets down on one.

ARTEMIS: In this time, thirteen great starships were sent from Cybertron. These ships contained those fearful and scarred of war. Each set out to form a new utopia. All but one of them failed. We are descendants of the only one to succeed.

The early Vok society is similar to Cybertron’s. The robots resemble the ancient Quintessons more, but are shown engaging in scientific and intellectual pursuits. Generations pass before our eyes, the bodies getting thinner and less ‘needed’.

ARTEMIS: Free of the war and physical conflict, and armed with incredible science, the Vok began to evolve from what Primus had made us. Eventually, after millions of years, and many generations, the Vok lost their connections to their bodies fully. We were a new race, still tied to the old, but different.

Finally, the Vok as we know them appear, and take to the skies. The physical world apparently left behind them now. Reality returns to the Temple, were STARSCREAM looks up to ARTEMIS quietly, taking all that he has learned in.

STARSCREAM: Why are you here? What is all this?

ARTEMIS (hesitant): I can’t –

As STARSCREAM begins to weakly sit up, the entire temple shakes after a loud crashing sound fills the room. Bits of stone and debris start to drip from the ceiling. BB looks around and brings up his gatling cannon as ARTEMIS calls up a few holograms. She gapes when she sees the mass of Predacons opening fire outside, led by GALVATRON.

GALAVATRON: Attack! Destroy the Vok that infest this place.

DIRGE: Death comes to those who oppose us.

DIRGE and THRUST rush down, opening fire with their missiles at the stone temple. Rocks shatter and crumble under the assault as MEGASTORM and AUTOLAUNCHER land their robot modes nearby, opening fire as well.

AUTOLAUNCHER (scornful): A bit one-sided, isn’t it?

MEGASTORM: So far. If I’m right, it won’t be for long.


MEGASTORM: I’m surprised that they’re not here already.

Two of the Maximals, however, have troubles of their own. LIO CONVOY and APACHE are still bound, under watch by MANTIS and BIGMOS. The other Insectrons are nowhere to be found at the moment. APACHE’s looks into the nearby jungle hints that they may not be far away, however.

BIGMOS: When the others return from patrols, we’ll execute these two.

MANTIS (worried): Sir?

BIGMOS: Without our ship, we cannot hold prisoners. They’re too dangerous to us to let free. We have no choice, Mantis.

MANTIS: Defeating them in battle is one thing, but this is murder.

BIGMOS: Execution of the enemy isn’t murder. It’s a fact of war.

APACHE (weakly): We didn’t attack you, Bigmos. We’re fighting those that attacked you.

MANTIS: We are operating on unknowns, sir.

BIGMOS: We have no choice, Mantis. My decision stands.

LIO CONVOY seems about to speak when a beeping comes from his wrist. The two Insectrons turn around quickly, ready for nearly anything. They are not ready, however, for the voice of ARTEMIS to be broadcast near them, coming from LIO CONVOY’s communication emitter.

ARTEMIS (voice): Lio, I need your help. Galvatron is attacking. Moon’s injured. Without him I can’t keep the temple safe. Please – you –

LIO CONVOY’s optics narrow as the transmission is cut off. MANTIS and BIGMOS hesitate, unsure of what to do now. APACHE looks to them both.

BIGMOS: It’s a trick. It must be.

LIO CONVOY (firmly): You must let me save them. If Galvatron gains the energon in that temple, none of us will be able to stop him.

BIGMOS: Who is this ‘Galvatron’, then?

LIO CONVOY: A Predacon, incredibly powerful. Not even his fellow Predacons matter to him.

BIGMOS pauses, unsure, and looks to MANTIS. MANTIS shakes his head.

MANTIS: From what we’ve seen of these Maximals, they didn’t have the power to do this. I believe them, Bigmos. I trust them.

BIGMOS hesitates again, then steps to LIO CONVOY. He regards the Maximal captain for a long moment, then kneels down and releases the bonds trapping them without a word. LIO CONVOY stands and stretches out as MANTIS steps over to release APACHE.

LIO CONVOY: Thank you, Bigmos.

BIGMOS: Primus help you if this is a trick, Maximals.

APACHE looks around ready to counter, but the defeaning sound of engines drowns out his comment. The four Transformers look up and see the Gung Ho, prepped for battle, moving over the clearing menacingly. The main guns lower to lock onto BIGMOS and APACHE.

BIG HORN (firmly, on speaker): This is Lieutenant Big Horn of the Maximal Defense Force. You are commanded to let our comrades go.

APACHE: Calvary’s here.

LIO CONVOY: Excellent timing. Big Horn, stand down and prepare to pick us up.

On the bridge of the Gung Ho, BIG HORN betrays a confused look. SCUBA smiles as he looks over the scene, and DIVER already starts to power down the guns and open the main hatch. KID shakes his head and looks over to BIG HORN.

KID: What happened?

SCUBA: Looks like they’ve come to an understanding.

LIO CONVOY (on radio): Bring the ship down. Galvatron is attacking another Angolmois site. We must intercept him at all costs.

DIVER (sighing): Here we go again. We never get a break.

BIG HORN: Read you, Lio. You two get inside now.

APACHE runs forward towards the descending ship. LIO CONVOY looks back at BIGMOS a second before turning away and heading off himself. BIGMOS finally decides to step forward, grabbing LIO CONVOY by the shoulder.

BIGMOS: The Insectrons are coming with you.

LIO CONVOY: I can’t involve you in this battle.

BIGMOS: We’ve already been attacked, Maximal. Besides, I need to verify your story, and see just what exactly this threat of yours is.

LIO CONVOY (resigned): Very well.

LIO CONVOY wastes no more words, however, and rushes for the hatch, boarding the ship. APACHE waves him in, then starts to close the hatch as the Gun Ho starts to lift off.

APACHE: They’re helping us?

LIO CONVOY: I don’t know, Apache. Let’s hope so.

BIGMOS transforms quickly to his giant mosquito mode and lifts up, followed by MANTIS. As they follow the Gung Ho over the jungle, SCISSOR BOY, POWERHUG, TONBOT, and DRILLNUTS each fly up from the canopy and follow.

At the Temple, AUTOJETTER rushes over the site, blasting once in jet form then transforming. He betrays a moment of frustration with a growl, then rushes back down to MEGASTORM and AUTOLAUNCHER’s position.

AUTOJETTER: A radio transmission was sent out, Megastorm.

MEGASTORM: How much?

AUTOJETTER: Enough. I wasn’t able to jam it until it was too late. My apologies.

MEGASTORM: The Maximals will definitely be coming then. This could be a good thing.

AUTOLAUNCHER (realizing): You want to stop Galvatron.

MEGASTORM: I don’t know. I don’t trust my brother. And I don’t like this.

AUTOLAUNCHER: We have a mass attack against a stone structure, with no real enemy in sight.

Galvatron treats us like pawns constantly. I wonder why you’re suspicious.

MEGASTORM: Speaking of Galvatron – Where is he?

AUTOJETTER: I lost sight of him when we were doing fly-by attacks. He broke formation.

MEGASTORM (sighing): He’s inside.

MEGASTORM gives a concerned look to the temple under siege, realizing that things may already be heading out of control. He steps forward, locking ammunition into his shoulder cannon, ready to take what whatever comes.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

The Chain II, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

BB continues his vigil over STARSCREAM, who stirs slightly as his body repairs itself, aided by the power of the pure Angolmois energy. ARTEMIS is now working over MOON, trying to bring him back around, with only limited success.

STARSCREAM (weakly): We need to run, Artemis. I know what my comrades can do. If Galvatron is leading this attack, this temple won’t hold out for long.

ARTEMIS: I’m not leaving Moon.

STARSCREAM: We repair him somewhere else, Artemis. Please, we need to go.

BB: Roger.

ARTEMIS: I almost have him around. I just need a few more minutes.

MOON (weakly): They’re right. There’s no time. We know what Galvatron can do.

ARTEMIS (firmly): I get you functional, then we run.

STARSCREAM looks mournfully at ARTEMIS, but it’s obvious that he has no desire to leave her. He draws in a breath and stands, then looks over to BB.

STARSCREAM: BB, clear a way out so they can escape. We’ll have to join the others in attacking this place soon.

BB: Roger.

ARTEMIS (scornful): You would help them?

STARSCREAM (weakly): If I’m right, we may need to destroy this temple. Or do you want Galvatron to absorb it too?

Outside, the battle, such as it is, continues. AUTOCRASHER and AUTOSTINGER continue to assault the breaking temple walls from the ground. THRUST and DIRGE continue their blasts from the air. AUTOJETTER and AUTOLAUNCHER, however, have pulled back. MEGASTORM and GALVATON are now nowhere to be found.

AUTOLAUNCHER: Only a few minutes more, and the walls will be breached.

AUTOJETTER: Pointless – Wait a minute. Maximal signatures detected.


AUTOLAUNCHER raises his weapons again, only to see DJ, MOTORARM, and GIMLET rushing down at him at full speed. The three Jointrons quickly fan out to surround the two separated Predacon warriors, and start to transform.

DJ: DJ owes rollerbots aft-kicking. DJ, Samba!


GIMLET: La Bamba!

AUTOJETTER: Well, we knew that they were coming.

AUTOLAUNCHER: No problem. Focus firepower on DJ.

AUTOJETTER and AUTOLAUNCHER open fire on DJ, who nimbly dodges out of the way of the missiles. MOTORARM and GIMLET counter fire, but the two Autorollers show their experience and take solid cover behind some stone. Above them, the Gung Ho emerges from its decidedly shakey cloaking field. LIO CONVOY looks over his crew, narrowing his optics.

SCUBA: Jointrons have engaged. Pretty much all the Predacons are at the party.

LIO CONVOY: Where’s Galvatron?

SCBUA: He must be inside.

LIO CONVOY: All right. Apache, Big Horn, you two take on the remaining ground forces. Scuba, Diver, Kid, you three man the ship and keep the fighters at bay.

APACHE (concerned): You’re going after Galvatron?

LIO CONVOY: I have no choice.

APACHE: I understand.

DIVER: What about the Insectrons? What if they get involved.

LIO CONVOY: Hope that they’re on our side.

DIVER: Well, I’m reassured.

The Gung Ho moves forward, causing THRUST and DIRGE to circle around and open fire on her instead. LIO CONVOY, BIG HORN, and APACHE each leap from the open hatch, and move towards AUTOSTINGER and AUTOCRASHER’s position. The two Autorollers turn quickly to counter, but a quick pounce from LIO CONVOY’s lion mode allows him to head inside.

AUTOSTINGER (scowling): Just like a cat.

AUTOCRASHER: We should stop him.

AUTOSTINGER: Let Galvatron handle him. We’ve got other Maximals to destroy.

APACHE: We don’t destroy so easily. Apache, assault mode.

APACHE quickly transforms to his base mode and opens fire with a barrage of firepower. AUTOCRASHER is hit hard, though he struggles to take the impact of the hits. He finally falls as BIG HORN doubles up the attack. AUTOSTINGER seems happy, however, as he turns and opens fire on the two counter-attackers.

AUTOSTINGER: Finally, Maximals who can fight!

Inside GALVATRON moves through the embittered temple with a purpose. His red optics search through the corridors, looking for his goal. He reaches the central chambers, and large iron doors etched with Cybertronian writing.

GALVATRON: I can feel the Energon’s power from here. Do you really think that you can keep me from it for long, Vok?

GALVATRON transforms to his drill-tank mode, and moves forward. The drill spins and starts to cut into the massive door frame. The work is slow, but effective. Large portions of the thick door are stripped away as he moves incessantly forward.

GALVATRON (growling): The power will be mine.

Inside the wall, and deep within the base, MEGASTORM reaches the central fountain room. The large Predacon command scans over MOON, ARTEMIS, and STARSCREAM. ARTEMIS backs away fearfully, instinctively moving to STARSCREAM.

ARTEMIS: How did you get here?

MEGASTORM: I tracked Starscream’s transponder. It led me right in here.

ARTEMIS (whispering): No.

MEGASTORM: Don’t worry. Galvatron will probably resort to the brute force method. He’ll drill through the walls instead.

MEGASTORM looks over the femme, then over the energon fountain in the room. He draws in a breath, and reaches for it. The Angolmois reacts to his touch, a small amount corrupting instantly. He pulls back his hand and shakes his head.

MEGASTORM: This is what Galvatron wants. He’ll claim the energon just before the temple is destroyed. We’re just to keep the Maximals busy.

STARSCREAM (weakly): You’re claiming the energon for yourself?

MEGASTORM: For the Predacons, I would if Galvatron wasn’t on his way. The question now is ‘What am I going to do with the lot of you?’

ARTEMIS clutches STARSCREAM’s hand, seeking reassurance. Meanwhile, GALVATRON has finally breached the main door leading inside. Iron shards fly everywhere as the central hall is revealed to him. There are no defenses now in his way. He transforms to his robot mode, and lets out an evil smile.

GALVATRON (amused): The road to godhood lies before me.

LIO CONVOY (from behind): You’ve moved far enough, Galvatron.

GALVATRON: Ah, Maximal, you’ve finally arrived.

GALVATRON turns and faces LIO CONVOY, who is in his robot mode, and ready to fight. GALVATRON strokes his chin once in appraisal, and lets out a smirk.

GALVATRON: You don’t have the power to face me now, Lio. You know it.

LIO CONVOY: I intend to try.

LIO CONVOY rushes forward, extending his missile launchers and opening fire. GALVATRON is hit and thrown back from the force, but counters with his machine-guns. LIO CONVOY continues his charge, extending his claws and threatening to gash into GALVATRON’s chest. The Predacon grabs the claw, and kicks LIO CONVOY over the top of him.

GALVATRON (impressed): You have skill, Convoy. You could defeat just about any Predacon.

LIO CONVOY turns and fires more missiles at GALVATRON, but this time GALVATRON is braced for the attack, and merely raises his arms to absorb the blast. LIO CONVOY stands up again, ready to counter, but GALVATRON has another surprise. The large wings on his back rise up and rush forward as a remote blade, slicing into LIO CONVOY’s chest armor.

GALVATRON: But I’m not just any Predacon.

GALVATRON brings his arms together and partially transforms them, using his dragon tail’s missiles. LIO CONVOY is hit hard, and sent into a wall. Fuel and sparks trail out of his nearly destroyed chest hull. He struggles to stand, still trying to fight.

GALVATRON: You have a hero complex, Lio. I’ll waste no more time with you.

GALVATRON fires once more, and LIO CONVOY screams out, falling to his knees, then over. GALVATRON waits only a moment, then turns away when LIO CONVOY is unable to make anymore threatening moves.

Outside, the Maximals fare only slightly better. MOTORARM is in beast mode, pulling an unconscious DJ away from AUTOLAUNCHER’s attacks. AUTOJETTER is propped against a large tree, wounded and out of the fight. THRUST and DIRGE continue to harass the Gung Ho, to little effect. BIG HORN and APACHE have beaten their Autorollers, but are heavily wounded.

APACHE (weakly): All right. I’m going in to help Lio.

BIG HORN (weakly): You’re kidding, right?

APACHE: I can’t leave him in there. I won’t.

BIG HORN: You can’t fight anymore. We’re both damaged. We need to pull out, now.

APACHE (firmly): No!

BIG HORN: You wouldn’t let me stay behind, would you?

APACHE is taken aback by this, but lowers his optics sadly. BIG HORN pats his shoulder, and starts to limp away. APACHE turns back mournfully to the temple, shaking his head.

APACHE: I’m sorry, Lio. I’m sorry.

APACHE turns away again, following his comrade out of the area. If he had waited a moment longer, he would have seen a thin dark shape move into the temple from the surrounding jungle.

Deep within the temple, however, GALVATRON has found his prize. The Fountain room glows brightly with the energon flowing freely within. GALVATRON smiles and looks around, only finding MEGASTORM waiting. STARSCREAM, ARTEMIS, and MOON are conspicuously absent.

GALVATRON (quietly): You beat me here?

MEGASTORM: I knew a shortcut.

GALVATRON: The Vok girl helped you.


GALVATRON scans over MEGASTORM, unsure at the moment. He lets out a warning growl as he considers his options.

GALVATRON: You challenge me now?

MEGASTORM: I’m not here to stop you.

GALVATRON looks over MEGASTORM a moment, then heads to the fountain. He touches it, and the fountain begins to corrupt. The Heart of Cybertron again begins to glow brilliantly.

MEGASTORM (grumbling): You want to be a god, go be a god.

GALVATRON: With the energon of this world, I will be more powerful than even Unicron, Megastorm. You will serve the greatest Predacon to have existed.

GALVATRON begins to absorb the corrupting energon, and loses himself in his reverie. MEGASTORM draws in a breath, then suddenly leaps forward. The large Predacon warrior converts to his tank mode, surprising GALVATRON with the powerful ram. GALVATRON is knocked back fully into the fountain, corrupting it entirely. For the moment, he’s stopped absorbing the power. MEGASTORM lands in his tank mode nearby, bringing his turret to bear on his master.

MEGASTORM (growling): Be the god of the Pitt for all I care, big brother.

GALVATRON (hissing): Dare you.

MEGASTORM (growling): For the Predacons, I dare.

MEGASTORM lowers his turret and fires. The blast does not hit GALVATRON, but the fountain itself. GALVATRON screams out as he is enveloped in exploding energon, but MEGASTORM transforms and takes to the air, flying down the hall at full speed.

GALVATRON (screaming): Megastorm!

On the Gung Ho, SCUBA is the first to detect something amiss. He turns quickly to DIVER and KID, who are still busy fending off THRUST and DIRGE.

SCUBA (screaming): Shields! All power to shields!

KID looks confused a moment, but a series of explosions coming from the temple itself quickly sets his mind. The Gung Ho starts to lift up and away, pulling from the blast site.

DIVER (worried): Lio! Lio’s in there still.

KID: I can’t find him.

LIO CONVOY struggles up, weakened and beaten. Around him, the temple crumbles as explosions rock the very core of the building. He looks around to the exit almost in a daze. The tall figure of MANTIS, however, is what greets him.

MANTIS: You fought well, Lio Convoy. Let’s get you out of here.

MANTIS offers his arm, which LIO CONVOY accepts, and the two start to head out of the base as quickly as possible. Behind him, the screams of GALVATRON still echo through the halls. In another moment, all is white as the fountain’s energon gives into its own death.

LIO CONVOY’s optics flicker to life aboard the Gung Ho. SCUBA, MANTIS, APACHE, and BIGMOS all stand vigil over him. As LIO CONVOY comes around, SCUBA lets out a relieved breath.

SCUBA: I thought we had lost you.

LIO CONVOY: So did I. Mantis saved me.

BIGMOS: I was wrong about you, Lio Convoy. We are not enemies.

LIO CONVOY: Is everyone all right?

SCUBA: Ship’s okay. Apache should be in repair bay. DJ, Gimlet, and Big Horn are hurt pretty bad but they'll recover soon.

APACHE: We were lucky.

LIO CONVOY (quietly): Artemis?

APACHE: No sign of her.

LIO CONVOY: It isn’t over, then. It isn’t over.

The temple is gone, with only a large black mar on the jungle floor marking where it once was. The energon explosion destroyed all around. At its center, however, something dark moves. A humanoid shape, bleeding corrupt energon and barely intact, steps out of the blast zone.

GALVATRON (slow, dark): Revenge.

GALVATRON lets out an inhuman growl, and moves to the distance.