Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Scent of Battle, pt. 1 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

Fade in over an ocean view. The waves are gentle and calm. The peaceful scene changes abruptly, however, when a blue Manta Ray surfaces from the depths. We pan over to shore, where Sea Clamp and Tarantulas, each in robot mode, wait.

Sea Clamp: I may have been rash. The Manta drones seem to be doing their job adequately.

Tarantulas: You doubt my inventions? Besides, better to have a mindless drone perform the work then waste my valuable time.

Sea Clamp (smirking): You mean standing around here complaining to me?

Before Tarantulas can object, the Manta arrives, and transforms to a small bluish robot mode. Tarantulas shakes his head as he goes to the drone. The drone then produces what appears to be a large glass jar full of deep blue water.

Tarantulas: It is as a said, pure heavy water. It is exactly what I need.

Sea Clamp: Exactly what /we/ need you mean?

Tarantulas doesn't bother responding to that statement. Instead he looks over the jar and begins to cackle.

Sea Clamp: How many manta drones do you have completed, Tarantulas?

Tarantulas: Six of them. They are already en route to these coordinates. I'll begin taking the heavy water samples immediately for processing.

Sea Clamp: You'll do nothing of the sort. They remain here until I receive proper word from Megatron.

Tarantulas: Oh, so now you're Megatron's loyal lackey are you? Interesting how quickly you chance your allegiance between Predacon leaders.

Sea Clamp (guttural): Charming. You heard me, Tarantulas. Ram Horn, Cicadacon and I will watch over the operation and ensure its safety from the Maximals. I recommend that you begin construction of the processing station here.

Tarantulas: And I should listen to you for what reason?

Sea Clamp: Simple, you don't and you get none of this supply yourself. However, if you process the material here, you may be able to take your own cut. Provided, of course, that none of us catch you.

Tarantulas begins to cackle again, more understanding of Sea Clamp's position. We pull back some, behind the nearest tree line, and reveal Rattrap and Packrat, quietly watching in robot mode.

Packrat (whispering): Just once I would like to find some Predacons that weren't up to something all the time.

Rattrap (whispering): It will never happen, blue-boy. Besides, spider-bot over there never knows when to call it quits.

Packrat (whispering): What about us? We need to pull out of here and return to base. If Sea Clamp is out there, you know the other two are around someplace.

Cicadacon (off camera): Right behind you.

Rattrap and Packrat turn quickly as Cicadacon, robot mode, steps forward and fires. Packrat leaps to the side and converts to beast mode. Rattrap turns and opens fire on the Predacon warrior.

Packrat: What are you doing? We have to get out of here.

Rattrap: In case you didn't notice, this bug can fly. We got to take him or there is no point in running.

Cicadacon: And where do you plan to run to, Maximals?

Cicadacon fires again, throwing Rattrap aside. From behind, we can see Sea Clamp and Tarantulas, rushing forward with weapons out, coming to investigate the noise. As they near, Sea Clamp converts to his lobster beast mode.

Sea Clamp: Do not play, Cicadacon. Terminate the Maximals and be done with it.

Rattrap: Time to get my pink butt out of here. Beast mode.

Rattrap converts to rat form, and begins to scurry away. Packrat is already leaving a wide berth behind him. The Predacons attempt to pursue, all in beast mode, but they're too slow to keep up. Cicadacon is the only one fast enough to give chase, but he gives up quickly, and lands as the two Maximals disappear.

Tarantulas (annoyed): What are you doing, you let them escape?

Cicadacon: I am not able to defeat them both simultaneously in combat alone, and you two were too slow to provide me with adequate support.

Tarantulas (annoyed): Yes, but now they know our plans. The Maximals will be coming to interfere.

Cicadacon (not bothered): Yeah, they will.

Cut to the Maximal headquarters. Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Dinobot, and Cybershark, all in robot mode, stand around as Rattrap and Packrat make their report. Rhinox, also in robot mode, remains at his computer terminal, looking over readings.

Rattrap: And, the bug patrol is after a new flavor of water.

Optimus Primal: Interesting, heavy water is used in a number of high-energon applications. Any chance they let out what they were planning to do with it?

Packrat: Only thing that I heard was that Tarantulas wants some for himself, and that the lobster was going to let him have some.

Rhinox: Disturbing. If they're after this isotope, it means they've nearly got some device of some kind online.

Optimus Primal: Either that or they're just stockpiling to prevent us from getting our hands on it.

Dinobot (aggressive): Then we must attack them at once, not let them claim any more of that substance. It would be foolish not to strike.

Optimus Primal (considering): Rhinox?

Rhinox: Our own supplies are low. It may not be a bad idea.

Cybershark: I'll go. If this is an underwater operation, no Maximal or Predacon can equal me. And I look forward to facing the Predacons in more open battle.

Dinobot: I will go as well.

Optimus Primal: I'm not going to try to stop either of you. Just be extremely careful. If Sea Clamp and Cicadacon are around, that means you might be up against Tripredacus. No heroics, I just want you to take out their processing station and get back here. We'll figure out how to get the heavy water for ourselves later.

Dinobot (grumbling): I understand. You will forgive me if my enthusiasm has waned some.

Rattrap: Man, chopper-face, your 'angst' chip is in overdrive today.

Dinobot: Some of us do not run from fights, vermin.

Cybershark: Some of us prefer to slay our enemies, then wave our tails at them as we flee.

Rhinox (firmly): Hold it.

Rattrap: You calling me a coward, slag for brains?

Optimus Primal (annoyed): That's enough, all of you. Rattrap and Packrat did the right thing in retreating. Dinobot, Cybershark, you have your missions, now get out there and get to it.

Cybershark: Very well.

Dinobot: Understood, Optimus.

Cybershark heads to the lift. Dinobot transforms to his beast mode and follows. When they both leave the room, Rhinox finally pipes up.

Rhinox: You're letting those two go a mission alone?

Rattrap: Better that they're out there blowing stuff up than letting me have a crack at them.

Optimus Primal (sighing): They'll have to learn to control their aggressions sometime, and this mission is perfect for it. They know that they can't beat Tripredacus head on, they'll have to keep their violent sides under control.

Packrat: And you think that they can do that, Optimus?

Optimus Primal: I think so. I hope so.

Rhinox (quietly): Right.

Optimus Primal: All right. Get Airazor on channel. Tell her to circle to that area, just in case.

Rhinox: Already doing it.

Cut to Predacon Headquarters. Megatron and Blackarachnia are both moving through a long hallway in robot mode. Blackarachnia is walking slightly ahead, with a concerned expression on her face.

Blackarachnia: You're not worried?

Megatron: Is there a reason to be?

Blackarachnia: The Maximals know of the operation. It's only a matter of time before they ruin everything.

Megatron: Even if the Maximals arrive, Miss Arachnia, they'll be too late. I have already secured from the site that which I need, yes.

Blackarachnia: Then why the processing plant now? Why give the Maximals a target.

Megatron: It gives the Maximals something else to concentrate upon. As it does Tarantulas no doubt.

Blackarachnia: Then this is for his benefit? Seems like a waste of supplies to me, Megatron. Or do you have something 'brilliant' in mind?

Megatron: You should learn, Blackarachnia, yes. I always have something brilliant in mind.

Megatron and Blackarachnia enter the main control center of the Predacon base. Fractyl is there, in beast mode, looking over a monitoring console.

Megatron: Fractyl, status report.

Fractyl: The heavy water is only one of the materials we require for our project, Megatron. Have you located the others?

Megatron: Patience, Fractyl. They'll be available when needed, oh yes.

Blackarachnia (curious): Project?

Megatron: Nothing that is of your immediate concern, Miss Arachnia. For now I just want you to watch and learn.

Blackarachnia: What, exactly, and I supposed to be learning?

Megatron (darkly): That a spider's web can be cut.

We focus in on Blackarachnia who seems a little bothered by that statement. Megatron begins a dark, almost casual chuckle as Blackarachnia struggles to determine what exactly is going on. We fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Scent of Battle, pt. 2 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

Fade in on the shoreline. Tarantulas, robot mode, is setting up the last of several 'pre-fab' components in the remote processing plant. Ram Horn, robot mode, aids him. Two Manta drones can be seen in the background, submerging.

Tarantulas (fuming): Why do I have to work on such menial labor? There are other tasks that need to be performed.

Sea Clamp (off camera): Because you need the heavy water for some reason, and you're going to have to work to get it.

Tarantulas turns to see Cicadacon and Sea Clamp nearby, both in beast mode.

Cicadacon glides over.

Cicadacon: Some plan to usurp Megatron, perhaps?

Tarantulas: Idiots, you can not the complexity of my webs. Megatron's power means nothing to me.

Ram Horn: Neither do the rest of us.

Sea Clamp: So you have your own mad scheme in motion, then. Interesting. Care to share it with us?

Tarantulas (laughing softly): It doesn't matter, anyway. There's nothing to be done about it. I'll get what I need, and leave you to your own doom.

Ram Horn: Freak.

Tarantulas: Moron.

Tarantulas again starts laughing maniacally as we cut to Dinobot and Cybershark, walking by a riverside. Dinobot is in beast mode, Cybershark, of course, is in robot mode.

Dinobot (growling): We are wasting time on you. Why did you have to have an aquatic beast mode so far from an ocean?

Cybershark: Fate. Besides, how can I fight the Predacons if I fall into stasis lock? I must recover in the river through the journey. (growling) It is not my fault that this land is so polluted with raw energon.

Dinobot: We could have been there by now.

Cybershark: We are not far from the site at this moment. In fact, I suspect that the Predacons have already heard your mouth.

Dinobot (snarling): You're so anxious to fight, how would you fare against a real opponent? Dinobot, maximize.

Dinobot transforms to his robot mode, blade spinning in his hand. Cybershark rushes forward and lands a solid punch.

Cybershark: Let me know when you find one.

Dinobot launches out a kick, and send Cybershark flying. As we hear the grunts of a tight melee, we pan up and see Airazor, robot mode, just shaking her head.

Airazor: Looks like they're going to kill one-another before they even get to the processing station, Optimus.

Cut to: Maximal Headquarters. Optimus Primal and Rhinox are both in robot mode looking over a screen. The screen shows Cybershark and Dinobot having at it. Behind everyone, Packrat and Rattrap share a bag of popcorn.

Rhinox: So much for a stealth approach.

Airazor (off screen): Should I try to stop them.

Optimus Primal: A good thought, but no. This might just be a bonding exercise for the two of them. Just keep an eye out for any Predacons. You're only a few clicks from the site, and they have to know that we're coming by now.

Airazor (off screen): If this is a Predacon's idea of bonding... All right, Airazor out. I'll report in if I see anything else.

The screen turns off, and Optimus turns to look at his comrades.

Optimus Primal: Well, any thoughts.

Rattrap: I think you should let chopper-face and fin-boy have it out. No fur off of my pink behind.

Rhinox (sighing): Rattrap, they're Maximals.

Rattrap: Not when you listen to them.

Optimus Primal: That's not what I meant, Rattrap.

Rattrap (continuing): I mean, all they both want to do is fight. Let them work it out of their systems, right?

Rhinox: And jeopardize the mission.

Rattrap: Then maybe they get what's coming to them.

Optimus Primal (annoyed): Shut up, Rattrap.

Rattrap: Yeah yeah.

Rhinox: They'll still carry out their mission. But I think they'll bite off more than even they can chew. We should send in an attack force in case they get in over their heads.

Packrat: Those two /are/ an attack force.

Optimus Primal: Maybe this wasn't a bright idea. All right, have B'Boom meet me at those coordinates. We'll provide some cover for them if they screw things up.

Rattrap: You mean /when/.

Optimus Primal shakes his head, and we cut back to Dinobot and Cybershark. They both appear to be laughing.

Dinobot: Your skill is adequate, but I am the superior warrior.

Cybershark: Perhaps, your endless banter is very unsettling to an opponent.

Dinobot: Perhaps you need another education?

Cybershark (suddenly distracted): Wait.

Dinobot: Afraid, fish?

Cybershark: The scent of the enemy is nearby. We are closer to them than I had originally though. The brine of the ocean is in the air. We are no more than minutes away.

Dinobot: Then here is where we break company.

Cybershark: Agreed. Success, Dinobot.

Dinobot nods and converts back to beast mode as Cybershark runs off. The two Maximals leave the scene as they begin their mission. We cut to the mission site itself. Tarantulas, beast mode, is manipulating controls as another Manta drone, robot mode, brings in another sample. Outside, Ram Horn and Sea Clamp, beast mode, remain on their vigil.

Sea Clamp: He's insane you know. He cackles every five minutes.

Ram Horn: Don't know. Doesn't include us, I bet. Gives me the creeps.

Sea Clamp: Still, if he does his job, we'll have what we need to get off this mud-ball and back to Cybertron. Leave these criminals to their fate.

Ram Horn (musing): We could take Blackarachnia with us...

Sea Clamp: I think Cicadacon has that in mind.

We hear a 'thunk' from below. Sea Clamp looks behind him and sees a serrated arm of a Manta drone washing up on shore.

Sea Clamp: The Maximals are here, apparently. Sea Clamp, terrorize.

Ram Horn: Ram Horn, terrorize!

Both Sea Clamp and Ram Horn convert to robot modes, Sea Clamp runs into the ocean while Ram Horn turns to look around.

Ram Horn: Okay, so now what do we do?

Sea Clamp: Look for Maximals, and destroy them.

Ram Horn: Well, duh.

Cut to Dinobot, beast mode, moving through the tree line. He watches Sea Clamp disappear into the water, and Ram Horn begins to pace around with his weapon ready to fire. Dinobot shakes his head, not pleased.

Dinobot (muttering): Where is the other one? Dinobot, maximize.

Dinobot transforms, and looks around. There is no sign of anyone other than Ram Horn. After a moment, Dinobot fires his optic-lasers at the lone Predacon. Ram Horn stammers a bit, then dives to the ground.

Ram Horn (grimacing): Tarantulas, we have company.

Dinobot continues firing as Ram Horn takes cover behind the wall.

Ram Horn (whispering): Start timer.

We hear a computer somewhere beep a chime as Ram Horn converts to beast mode and starts to head to the forest. Dinobot continues firing his optic blast, but the well-armored Predacon takes it all in stride. Dinobot has to leap out of the way to avoid getting rammed by the powerful bug, now ripped up trees with his horn.

Dinobot: Slag, what is your hull made of?

Ram Horn (darkly): Dead Maximal armor.

Cut to underwater. Sea Clamp swims down into the depths, passing two dismembered Manta drones as he moves. Sea Clamp looks around, as if weighing his options. He stiffens suddenly, and turns as we see a large missile heading straight for him. Sea Clamp dives aside, but the missile renders another Manta into scrap.

Sea Clamp removes his gun, but Cybershark, coming forward in robot mode, is well in his own element. Sea Clamp fires twice then begins to head for the surface, chased by Cybershark, who reverts to beast mode.

Outside, Dinobot does not fare too well. Ram Horn is tearing up the tree line, and all the surrounding cover. The Predacon beast is easily dodged, but doesn't seem to be taking any damage from Dinobot's optic blast.

Ram Horn: Give up, you'll run out of power before you can crack my skin.

Dinobot: I have just been using the wrong weapon. Beast mode.

Dinobot reverts to beast mode and leaps at the stunned Ram Horn, Dinobot's teeth rip into the hard shell with massive force. The Predacon is forced to scream from the sheer pain in his systems. Dinobot rears back, and throws his opponent aside. Ram Horn stammers some, and tries to right himself, but Dinobot leaps again, pushing his talons into Ram Horn's already damaged armor.

Ram Horn: Tarantulas! I can use your help, get out here.

Cut to the inside of the processing station. Tarantulas, beast mode, is webbing up a few jars of the processed heavy water. He steps outside and sees Ram Horn in trouble with Dinobot, and Sea Clamp surfacing with Cybershark on his tail.

Tarantulas (cackling): Why should this 'freak' help you? I got what I needed.

Tarantulas heads off, dragging his parcel of goods behind him. Ram Horn is about to curse him but is too distracted by the angry Dinobot ripping into his armor.

Sea Clamp: I knew he was a bastard, but I didn't realize just how much of one.

Cybershark: No honor among your ranks. I am not surprised.

Cybershark transforms back to robot mode, and sends another missile at Sea Clamp. This time the missile strikes its mark, and Sea Clamp is blown back hard, screaming in pain.

We look above, and see Airazor, beast mode, coming down for a closer look.

Airazor: Looks like they're into the fire all right. Airazor, Maximize.

Airazor transforms to her robot mode, and dives in.

Airazor: Airazor to Optimus. The party has started. Tarantulas has already left, and it looks like Dinobot and Cybershark are winning. No sign of Cicadacon, though.

Cicadacon (off camera): That is because you are not looking in the right place, Maximal.

Airazor spins around, and sees Cicadacon, who is coming in from the distance, heading to the battle. Cicadacon, beast mode, rushes forward, and transforms to robot mode as Airazor starts firing. Cicadacon is her better, however, and evades all the blasts.

Airazor spins and is now forced to evade the barrage of firepower coming her way. Cicadacon rushes forward, then arcs away from her.

Below, Sea Clamp looks back at the processing station, then runs from it, almost ignoring Cybershark, who is using his own optic blasts now.

Sea Clamp: Our time is up, we must finish this game.

Ram Horn throws off Dinobot, finally, and converts to robot mode. He too then runs from the base.

Ram Horn: About time Cicadacon.

Cicadacon: I don't know...

As he speaks, there is a loud hum, and the processing plant explodes beneath him. Bits of debris are scattered everywhere as Cicadacon rushes down, transforming back to beast mode.

Cicadacon: I think I'm right on time. Now, transform, and merge into...

Cicadacon, Ram Horn, and Sea Clamp: Tripredacus!

The Maximals regroup and start firing everything they have, but it is too late, Sea Clamp transforms into the legs. Cicadacon transforms into the main body, and then Ram Horn forms the arms. In a split second, the terror known as Tripredacus, robot mode, is complete.

Tripredacus: Now, which one of you Maximal's is first?

Airazor: We have to retreat, the mission is over.

Dinobot: This makes no sense.

Cybershark (growling): I never retreat.

Cybershark rushes forward, firing missiles into the towering form of Tripredacus. The Predacon super warrior, however, seems only slightly bothered by the firepower, and forms his serrated blades into his claw.

Tripredacus: Poor fool.

Dinobot: An attack is one thing, but this is madness.

Airazor: Cybershark, no!

Cybershark reaches forward with his blade, and seems ready to attack the giant, but Tripredacus is too fast and too powerful. The giant reaches down and impales the blade onto Cybershark, smashing completely through.

We focus in on Tripredacus, triumphant, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Scent of Battle, pt. 3 (PG)
by Neale Davidson (

We see Cybershark fall, in several pieces. Tripredacus steps forward, when a large missile barrage hits him from behind. The giant stumbles, turns, and sees Optimus Primal, robot mode, rushing from the sky with missiles firing. Below, B'Boom launches his own volley of firepower. Determined to take out the giant.

Tripredacus: While finishing you would provide sport, my objective has been attained, and further risk is not needed. Thank you for your interference, Maximals, it will aid a most convincing lie.

Tripredacus leaps up, firing thrusters from his hips and waist. The Maxmimals never cease their efforts in shooting him, but the giant takes the hits and heads away. Dinobot seems ready to give chase.

Dinobot: He shall suffer.

Airazor (softly): Dinobot, no.

Dinobot looks back a moment, then to Optimus, who is now standing beside the fallen body of Cybershark. Dinobot steps over, and betrays a downcast look.

Dinobot: He is dead?

Optimus Primal (sadly): Not quite. But there's nothing we can do for him.

Dinobot: Leave us, Optimus. I wish to speak to him alone.

Optimus Primal merely nods, and steps away, followed slowly by B'Boom and Airazor. Dinobot kneels.

Dinobot (whispering): That was tactically unsound, Cybershark.

Cybershark (weakly): I could not retreat.

Dinobot: That was a brave act. You will be honored in Silicon Valhalla.

Cybershark (weakly): Death by a superior warrior. That was all that I asked for. Is it not, the way that you wish to die?

Dinobot closes his optics at that, and pats the fallen Maximal on his shattered chest. Cybershark's optics flicker as he waits for a response.

Dinobot: I will remember you, Cybershark. We will see one-another again, on the other side.

Cybershark (weakly): Until all are one.

Cut over to Optimus Primal, B'Boom, and Airazor, who watch from a distance.

B'Boom: Know the truth now. They wished for this. Dinobot sad he not die too.

Airazor (shocked): B'Boom!

Optimus Primal (sadly): No, Airazor, B'Boom's right. I just hoped that the might have found a reason for living, instead of a cause for dying. I was wrong.

B'Boom: Not your fault, leader. Shark's fate sealed before he even met you.

Dinobot's too. Time to accept and do what you can.

Optimus Primal: Maybe so.

We pan over and around into a tree. Inside, the Cyberbee sits, recording everything. We cut to Predacon Headquarters. Fractyl, Blackarachnia, Megatron, and Scorponok, all in robot mode, stand watching the main viewer.

Megatron: It almost brings a tear to my optic sensor... almost.

Scorponok: My cyberbee has finished transmitting, Megatron. Permission to go destroy Tarantulas?

Megatron (smiling): Temping, but no. Allow Tarantulas to play his hand. I wouldn't want to show my own cards too early, no.

Blackarachnia: Why are you so happy? We just lost our processing station, to fellow Predacons as well.

Megatron: As I said, I expected that to happen. Fractyl, status of heavy water supplies.

Fractyl: Our hold is currently full on that isotope, Megatron.

Blackarachnia: But the materials, and the time. Just to get one lousy Maximal killed.

Megatron: That was just icing on the proverbial cake. It wasn't even an expected bonus. But, mustn't complain.

Blackarachnia: Then all this really was just to find out if Tripredacus would betray you?

Megatron: Among other things. Now, Miss Arachnia, a simple lesson to you. There is no power greater than knowledge. And learning everything that you need to know should be your first step in any scheme.

Blackarachnia: A tip from the expert?

Megatron (chuckling): You have no idea.

Megatron starts to laugh in his trademark deep evil laughter routine. We cut to a small defense installation, covered in camouflage grid. Cicadacon can be seen in robot mode, loading canisters of heavy water into the installation.

Cicadacon: It all went pretty good today, didn't it?

Sea Clamp: Except for Tarantulas. Think he'll tell Megatron what happened?

Cicadacon: You think Megatron would believe him? Besides, who would he rather have around, three of his best warriors, or a sniveling little coward like Tarantulas?

Ram Horn: Can I think that over?

Sea Clamp: Just my instincts tell me something's wrong. I would be more comfortable if Tarantulas had been with us instead of turning on us.

Cicadacon: Doesn't matter. We would have had to turn him in as soon as we got back to Cybertron anyway.

Sea Clamp: When our shuttle is fixed up, though, I want to take that little scum-bug out before we leave.

Ram Horn: Got some time before that. You'll get your chance.

Cut to Maximal Headquarters. Optimus Primal and Rattrap are in robot mode, talking. Dinobot, beast mode, steps in.

Rattrap: We'll, if it isn't the mighty warrior.

Dinobot (angry): Silence, vermin.

Optimus Primal (quickly): Not now, Rattrap.

Optimus Primal takes a long pause, and motions for Rattrap to leave. Rattrap sighs and does so, leaving Optimus and Dinobot alone.

Dinobot: I expect your speech at any moment.

Optimus Primal (quietly): No speeches, Dinobot, I'm not in the mood.

Dinobot: Then why did you call for me?

Optimus Primal: Airazor reported that you fired on Ram Horn first. That you ignored the objective, and both you and Cybershark went after the Predacons themselves.

Dinobot (quietly): That is a correct assessment.

Optimus Primal: Dinobot, why?

Dinobot: It was the scent of battle, Optimus Primal. I do not expect you to understand.

Optimus Primal looks at Dinobot a long moment. He then sits down, shaking his head. Dinobot steps back, a bit shocked by Optimus's reaction.

Optimus Primal: You're right, Dinobot. I don't understand. What I do understand is that we lost one of our own today. Worse than that, I can't explain to myself why. Neither of you had any business hitting the Predacons. You knew that, and you ignored me.

Dinobot (quietly): Optimus.

Optimus Primal: By rights, you could be court-martialed. I can't afford to do that right now. Instead you're confined to base for the next lunar cycle. I don't want to see you during that time, understood?

Dinobot (hurt): Understood, Optimus.

Dinobot leaves quietly, passing a very shocked Rattrap on his way out. Rattrap is about to say something, but Optimus merely shakes his head. Rattrap turns and leaves his leader to his own thoughts as we fade to black.

The End