Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

FADE IN. We are on Char. Metal towers dominate the landscape. Midnight-blue sky reveals distant suns. The world is a contrast of bright colored lights and flat gray metal. Tetra-jet fliers arc through the sky. We close in on one tower, standing against all the others.

ANNOUNCER: It is the year 2035. The Decepticons are dying. The binary curse that has plagued the Transformers has spread from the Masters to include all transformers. On the burnt-out world of Char, desperate measures may be taken.

We change views to show RAZORCLAW, Predacon Commander, with his troops, TANTRUM, HEADSTRONG, DIVEBOMB, and RAMPAGE, all in robot mode. The five stand in the center of a huge group of assorted Decepticons. RAZORCLAW is in the forefront.

RAZORCLAW: I have served Galvatron loyally for thirty years. Yet now, when the Decepticons need their leader the most. He remains in that tower, away from troops. Hidden from the curse that is destroying us. His madness must be stopped.

RAMPAGE: Stopped at all costs!

DRAG STRIP (from crowd): You are speaking treason, Predacons.

DIVEBOMB: Galvatron is the true traitor. He has abandoned us, left us to die to this miserable plague. He blames the Nebulans, and the humans, yet all Decepticons are beginning to suffer. We must act!

A large and uneasy murmur flows through the crowd. We look above to a large steel tower. In a viewport, we see SOUNDWAVE and SCOURGE, robot mode, both looking outside grimly. Behind them, two ground-based robots exchange nervous looks. One is a black and violet ground-based female. The other is green and blue, sporting the usual 'seeker' wings.

SCOURGE (coughing): So, it begins.

ANTAGONY: It's been coming for some time, I would think.

SKY SHADOW (quietly): They're just desperate. The longer we go without a cure, the more willing the troops are to rebel.

SCOURGE (coughing): They lack the strength to fight Galvatron.

SKY SHADOW: Perhaps, for now. Razorclaw's been a leader since he was created. Look at him out there. Slowly, but surely, he's swaying troops to his cause. How long will it be before he has his own army?

SCOURGE: Galvatron is our leader! The Decepticons must follow him and him alone!

SKY SHADOW (snapping): Galvatron is an idiot. No work on a cure. His troops are about to riot. The remaining troops are too tired to do so. You're closest friend died to this curse, Scourge, and you're dying in front of our optics. What is your leader doing for us?

SCOURGE (growling): We belong to him! He rewards loyalty.

SKY SHADOW: Yeah, the way he rewarded you becoming a Targetmaster by kicking you out of his inner circle?


ANTAGONY: We have to do something, Soundwave. The Decepticons are falling apart all around us. The Autobots must be relishing this.

SOUNDWAVE: The Decepticons must be preserved, with or without Galvatron. We will act.

SCOURGE (weakly): You already have a plan in mind?

SOUNDWAVE: Affirmative. You will transport the lot of us to Cybertron.

SKY SHADOW: Cybertron? The only things left there are Autobots. I'm sure they would be happy to see us again.

ANTAGONY (musing): It's possible. Autobot medical science is currently better than our own. We could see if they are any closer to a cure than we are.

SCOURGE: I'm not sure I'll make it a full trip, Soundwave.

SOUNDWAVE: You are not expected to.

SCOURGE (grimly): I see.

SKY SHADOW: I can make it back. But not with any of you.

SOUNDWAVE: Then you understand.

ANTAGONY (resigned): A suicide mission.

SCOURGE (Scourge): Fine with me. Better I die fighting on Cybertron, then let this curse rend me from within.

ANTAGONY: Better to serve one last time then watch my home destroy itself around me. I'm in.

SKY SHADOW: Maybe if we find something we can stop all this madness. You bet I'm in. When do we leave?

SOUNDWAVE: As soon as Scourge transforms.

CUT TO: Cybertron, near Iacon, the home of the Autobots. We are within the Autobot Medical center. PERCEPTOR, FIRST AID, and SKIDS, all in robot mode, are looking over the weakened robot mode of CROSSHAIRS. All around them, various Autobots are in disrepair. The situation seems bleak.

FIRST AID: I've tried everything I know. The most I can manage is to stow the degradation of the neural net. All that seems to do is make the pain last longer. I'm hesistant to give that type of treatment to anyone.

PERCEPTOR: Except Optimus Prime?

FIRST AID: He volunteered. I guess he hoped I would find something else to test out on him.

PERCEPTOR: I'm sure you are doing what you can. Even the Quintessons that agreed to help us with this problem cannot determine a true cure.

SKIDS: I would question anything that they would give us, anyway.


FIRST AID: How are you holding up, Crosshairs?

CROSSHAIRS (coughing): I'm weak. I'm tired. My systems feel like they're on fire. I'm not going to pull out of this one, am I?

FIRST AID (sadly): I don't think so. I'm sorry.

CROSSHAIRS (weakly): It's okay. I've been around a long time. It's been a good life so far. I helped win the war, right?

PERCEPTOR: That you did.

CROSSHAIRS (smiling softly): Shut me down, First Aid. Save your power for the others. I did my bid for Primus and country.

FIRST AID (breaking): I can't do that, Crosshairs. That would kill you.

CROSSHAIRS: I'm going to die anyway, doc. Might as well die peaceful. Please.

SKIDS (quietly): I'll do it, First Aid. You and Perceptor check on the others.

FIRST AID: This isn't right, Skids.

SKIDS: Neither is letting him die in pain. Go on.

CROSSHAIRS (smiling, weak): Thank you, Skids. I knew that you would understand.

As FIRST AID looks on, SKIDS moves to CROSSHAIR's support systems and begins the slow and sombre task of shutting them down. FIRST AIR seems ready to protest, but PERCEPTOR gently leads him away.

PERCEPTOR: It's better this way, First Aid.

FIRST AID (grimly): Better of two evils.

We cut to Autobot Command. ULTRA MAGNUS, ELITA ONE, and BLASTER are all in robot mode, manning their stations. ULTRA MANGUS has his head in his hands, showing visible signs of worry and lament.

BLASTER: Reports coming in from medical.

ULTRA MAGNUS (slowly, darkly): I don't want to hear them.

BLASTER: I'll just file them away then.

ELITA ONE: Any other reports? Grimlock? Anyone?

BLASTER: Not a word, Elita. I've been keeping all channels open. I'll let you know as soon as something happens.

ELITA ONE: We can't wait any more then. The Autobots and Humans on earth haven't been affected by this yet. We need to isolate ourselves from them and prevent any further contamination.

BLASTER: Quarantine ourselves?

ULTRA MAGNUS (grimly): We don't have a choice right now. All right, effective immediately, Cybertron is to break contact with Earth. Give the remaining Autobots there our regards, and sign off.

BLASTER (distantly): Good-bye Raul. Good luck with the grandkids.

COMPUTER: Red Alert! Massive energy anomaly detected.

ELITA ONE: An attack, now?

ULTRA MAGNUS: Blaster, get a fix on it.

BLASTER: Working on it. It's near orbit, really close.

ELITA ONE: Teletran Two, identify energy source.

COMPUTER: Energy discharge is chronal in nature.

ELITA ONE: A wormhole.

BLASTER: I'm getting a faint signal.

BLASTER transforms to his cassette-deck mode and links directly into the computer. The screen changes to show the wormhole. We distinctly see the shape of a ship emerging from the wormhole itself. It's damaged and flying erratically.

ULTRA MANGUS: Elita, lock on to that ship. It's heading for the main defensive grid. Blaster, do you have their signal yet?

BLASTER: It's faint. A lot of interference from the wormhole, but I'm getting something all right.

PROWL (static, on radio): This is Prowl. Grimlock sent us. We need to land, urgent. Ship has sustained severe damage.

ULTRA MAGNUS (stunned): Prowl? It can't be.

PROWL: Repeat, this is Prowl. We need to land. Ship has severe damage.

We focus on the ship in the wormhole, and then fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

We fade in to show an Autobot Security cell. PERCEPTOR and ULTRA MAGNUS are both in robot mode, looking over a diminutive, Beast Wars version of PROWL. The room is dimly lit, except for a bright light baring down on PROWL.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Aren't you a little short to be Prowl?

PROWL: I know that my story seems difficult to believe. But Grimlock sent us here to bring this technology.

PERCEPTOR: And these stasis pods rebuilt your systems into what you are now?

PROWL: Right. Grimlock, Silverbolt, Ironhide and I were all rebuilt with this technology.

ULTRA MAGNUS: And where is Grimlock now?

PROWL (sadly): He didn't make it. There was a violent group where we landed. They killed him as we were departing. His remains are in the shuttle.

ULTRA MAGNUS: I'll need some time to think on this. Right now you three are suspect. Decepticon raids have been picking up lately, and I've not got a lot of reason to take your story at face-value.

PROWL (sighs): Logical.

We cut outside the hall as ULTRA MAGNUS and PERCEPTOR step outside. ELITA ONE, robot mode, has been waiting, with interest.

PERCEPTOR (amazed): Incredible, absolutely incredible.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Their story?

PERCEPTOR: No, their construction. They might be telling the truth. I recognize some of the design information.

ELITA ONE: What do you mean you recognize it? That's not Prowl in there.

PERCEPTOR: My cranial scans indicate that the three of them are indeed who they say that they are. They merely lack the memories of their previous incarnations. Their neural programming is identical to what we have on record.

ULTRA MAGNUS stops and turns. ELITA ONE moves up to join them.

ELITA ONE: Then what happened to them?

PERCEPTOR: I can't say, not without more detailed scans. But their construction is exquisite. The only thing which I know of that compares is a human invention known as nanotechnology. I would venture to say that this seems to be a Cybertronian version of that technology.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Say again?

PERCEPTOR: In most organic life-forms, you have cells. These cells perform basic functions. When combined, then life-form becomes more and more complex. A human is comprised of millions of these small cells.

ELITA ONE: How does that apply here?

PERCEPTOR: Well, his construction is similar. Humans were, at one time, working on small microscopic machines. These nanites would each have a specific purpose and function, just as a human cell would. It stands to reason that, with great effort and research, and entire sentient being could be made of these artificial cells. What we have here is a Cybertronian machine, whose every part mimics the behavior of human tissue.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Who would develop that?

PERCEPTOR (calmly): We would.

CUT TO: Space. SCOURGE, hovercraft mode, is beginning his closure on Cybertron.

His Targetmaster component, Fracas, is on his hull.

SCOURGE: Nervous, Fracas?

FRACAS: What's to be nervous for? I'm dying for some action.

SCOURGE: Did you have to phrase it like that?

FRACAS: A blaze of glory, Scourge. Isn't that the best way to die?

SCOURGE: You'll get your chance. Incoming Autobots at ten o' clock.

We look forward and see SHATTERSHOT, QUICKSWITCH, and STRAFE, all in spacecraft mode, closing fast. As they near, the AUTOBOTS fan out and take position.

SCATTERSHOT: Scourge, you must be getting senile. Took us all of one second to detect you coming in.

STRAFE: Maybe he's in a hurry to get blasted?

QUICKSWITCH: Well who are we to disappoint him? Let's deal this souped-up sweep some hurt.

SCOURGE (whispering): Fracas, it's time.

SCOURGE transforms as FRACAS moves to his hand. Behind him, jettisoned back from his cargo-hold, two black tubes spin off from him. The Autobots do not notice as SCOURGE, with his weapon armed, fires into QUICKSWITCH.

SCATTERSHOT (dawning, quietly): He's cursed. He wants us to kill him.

STRAFE: Well, at least he's being fair about it.

SCOURGE: Face me, Autobots!

SCOURGE fires again, blasting away like a possessed madman. STRAFE maneuvers around, firing wildly at the Decepticon. SCATTERSHOT arcs away, realizing the danger that's coming.

SCATTERSHOT: Strafe! Pull out! Don't you see what he's doing?

STAFE: He's getting himself killed, right?

SCOURGE (darkly): Not me alone, Autobot.

SCOURGE fires, goading STRAFE into being right where he wanted him. STRAFE's hull is cut into clean as FRACAS's overpowered shot ripped through him. STRAFE buckles over, and careens out of control.

SCATTERSHOT: Dammit. Quickswitch, reign it in and do this by the numbers.

QUICKSWITCH: What about Strafe?

SCATTERSHOT: Worry about him later. Now, Transform!

QUICKSWITCH quickly transforms to his gun mode. SCATTERSHOT transforms to his robot mode and grabs the new weapon by the hand. SCOURGE proves just a hair faster, and fires into SCATTERSHOT, sending him hurtling back.

QUICKSWITCH: Scattershot!

SCATTERSHOT (gasping): Just shoot, kid! Nail him!

SCATTERSHOT rights himself to watch QUICKSWITCH fire. The six-changer Autobot nails SCOURGE hard into the off-arm, ripping it and a portion of wing off him. SCOURGE growls in pain, letting himself go beyond reason, and returns fire.

QUICKSWITCH is missed, but only barely.

QUICKSWITCH: I've got him. I think.

QUICKSWITCH transforms to his robot mode, and comes to bear. SCOURGE maneuvers a little sluggishly, but manages to fire and hit QUICKSWITCH in the leg. The Autobot stammers, but fires again, missing his target. SCATTERSHOT manages, finally, to return to his comrade.

QUICKSWITCH (panicked): He's too fast for me. I can't get a bead on him.

SCATTERSHOT: We'll get him in our crossfire. Just take it easy.

SCATTERSHOT opens fire with his heavy weapons as QUICKSWITCH composes himself, and follows suit. The two Autobots make a 'V' in space with the weapons fire. SCOURGE ducks down, but he can see that there isn't an escape.

FRACAS: No more Computron. That's worth something, right? Here's our blaze of glory.

SCOURGE (screaming): Beware, Pitt. I'm coming!

As SCOURGE finishes, the shots hit him. One after another the blasts rip into his armor. Finally, light pours out of the wounds as he explodes. After a moment, he and FRACAS are no more.

QUICKSWITCH (dazed): Is he gone?

SCATTERSHOT: Yeah. He did his damage, though. Let's report in to Iacon.

We cut away from the battle to show the cylinders heading to Cybertron in free-fall. We then cut back to Cybertron, where the real interest lies. ULTRA MANGUS and ELITA ONE are talking to PERCEPTOR, watching over reports and readouts at Teletran Two. All are in robot mode.

PERCEPTOR: Very interesting. This is very interesting indeed. I'm positive that this is, or will be, the product of Autobot science.

ELITA ONE: You mean this is our technology? It's our technology from the future?

PERCEPTOR: A possible future, yes. The designs are based around that First Aid was considering. With several years research and testing, this is a likely product of that research.

ULTRA MAGNUS: The wormhole allowed Grimlock access to our own future. But Prowl was telling us that they weren't anywhere near Cybertron.

PERCEPTOR: Intelligence reported that the Decepticons were working on Transwarp technology. It's possible that there is a connection. But there is no way to ascertain exactly what happened now.

ELITA ONE: How does this technology benefit us, Perceptor?

PERCEPTOR hesitates a long moment, looking over readings. ULTRA MAGNUS waits, crossing his arms.

PERCEPTOR: This new design of transformer is immune to the effects of the binary plague. It's possible that this could be our cure. With some time and research, I'll know the details.

ELITA ONE (distant): A cure?

PERCEPTOR: Possibly. I'll know for certain with some time and effort.

ULTRA MAGNUS (concerned): Will using this create problems in our own timeline?

PERCEPTOR: The moment that wormhole opened up, I suspect our timeline already diverged from the one which originated this technology.

ELITA ONE very quietly moves outside the hall, and closes the door behind her.

ULTRA MAGNUS: I want you, First Aid, and Skids to go over this very carefully. More importantly, keep this to yourself. If word gets out that there is a cure, and this doesn't work, we won't be able to handle the repercussions.

PERCEPTOR: Of course, Ultra Magnus.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Meanwhile, I'll go talk to our guests. Now I have to figure out what to do with them. Maybe put them under Fortress Maximus's supervision for now.

We dissolve out to another chamber. It is somber and quiet. Lying quietly is the familiar form of POWERMASTER OPTIMUS PRIME, in robot mode. He is in a stasis field, keeping him in his current condition. Inside is CEREBROS, robot mode, watching quietly as ELITA ONE enters.

CEREBROS (Surprised): Elita. I didn't expect to see you.

ELITA ONE: Spike, good to see you. How are you functioning?

CEREBROS: Bored and isolated. I can't be near anyone in case I get infected. So I'm on vigil duty. Not that I mind watching over Prime. Just that I'm not getting to see to many other people.

ELITA ONE: I understand, believe me. I hate to ask, but do you mind if I have a minute with him alone?

CEREBROS: Of course not. I'll be just outside.

ELITA ONE: Thank you.

CEREBROS quietly steps outside, leaving ELITA ONE alone to approach OPTIMUS's inert form. She quietly places her hand on the stasis field, and looks down on the powerful visage of the Autobot Leader.

ELITA ONE: My dearest one. I hate seeing you like this, resting uneasily with that curse in your lines. I swore that if there was anything that I could do, I would. Primus blessed you, Optimus. I may have something.

ELITA ONE draws in a breath, drawing out a small datapad from her arm. She looks over it, then at Optimus again.

ELITA ONE (whispering): A cure, Optimus. Prowl may have brought you a cure.

We focus in on ELITA ONE, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

Fade in on Cybertron. We're in a back alley in some dark corner. NIGHTBEAT and SIREN, both in robot mode, are on patrol in this area. HOSEHEAD is behind them both, also in robot mode.

NIGHTBEAT: My kind of patrol, nice and quiet.

HOSEHEAD: Yeah, and completely covered in filth.

SIREN stops suddenly, resting his hand on a wall. NIGHTBEAT and HOSEHEAD turn around.

SIREN: Guys, slow up, will you? I'm having a hard time following you.

NIGHTBEAT: No way, you just recharged. You should be just fine.

HOSEHEAD (dawning): Oh no.

SIREN (worried): Not me. Not the curse.

NIGHTBEAT (quickly): We don't know that. Maybe you have a cracked fuel line or something. Just take it easy.

SIREN: No. No. If affects us first, remember. We're Headmasters. The Binary Bonds are breaking down. I need to get to the medical center.

NIGHTBEAT: You're just tired, Siren. Let Hosehead take a look at you.

As NIGHTBEAT and HOSEHEAD step forward, SIREN screams out. A blast from behind him knocks him over. We look up and see SKY SHADOW, SOUNDWAVE, and ANTAGONY, all with weapons out.

NIGHTBEAT (surprised): Decepticons!

SKY SHADOW: You should relax, Nightbeat. We've done him a favour.

ANTAGONY (smirking): And alerted the Autobots to our presence.

NIGHTBEAT raises his weapon to begin firing, but SOUNDWAVE merely opens his chest hull, allowing BEASTBOX and SQUAWKTALK to eject. NIGHTBEAT backs away, but there is no place for him to go. HOSEHEAD steps forward, but realizes that they're in a bad spot.

SOUNDWAVE: Disable them.

SKY SHADOW: Not kill them?

SOUNDWAVE: Cannot risk attracting Autobot attention with a battle. I am jamming their transmissions. Disable them and leave them here to rot. Our mission must proceed.

SKY SHADOW: Disappointing, but if you insist.

SKY SHADOW opens fire as we change scenes back to the Autobot city on Cybertron. ULTRA MAGNUS is listening to QUICKSWITH and SCATTERSHOT both report in. All are in robot mode.

ULTRA MAGNUS: And Scourge attacked all three of you. I was worried about this.

SCATTERSHOT: He took out Strafe. He was dead in space when I went to check on him. I should have acted quicker.

QUICKSWITCH: It's my fault. I kept missing him.

ULTRA MAGNUS (snapping): Stop it, both of you. Scourge is, or was, a difficult opponent on his worst days. He was determined to go out with a bang, and he did just that. You did your best, and that's all I expect.

SCATTERSHOT: One of my team is gone, Magnus.

ULTRA MAGNUS: I know that. But we're losing s lot of Autobots right now. I'm doing what I can. Double up on your patrols in case another Decepticon feels the way that Scourge did.


SCATTERSHOT and QUICKSWITCH turn to leave as PERCEPTOR steps forward. ULTRA MAGNUS shakes his head as they leave.

PERCEPTOR: How soon, I wonder, before the Autobots begin to act in a similar fashion.

ULTRA MAGNUS: They already are, Perceptor. You know the saying about desperate times, don't you?

PERCEPTOR: Unfortunately, I get your point, sir.

ULTRA MAGNUS: How soon before we can start testing our find?

PERCEPTOR: I've done some analysis of Prowl and the others. There is a down-side to the technology. As far as I can tell, each protoform created by the nanites will start to naturally degrade in roughly two-hundred years. Very equivalent to human old-age. If it were to work, any Cybertronian created with that technology would live only a tiny fraction of what we normally would.

ULTRA MAGNUS: I wonder if that's so wrong, Perceptor.


ULTRA MAGNUS: Look at us. Worried about death now, even though many of us have been around for millions of years. Yet our lives are no better or worse that the humans or Nebulans. In all this time that we're alive, Perceptor, how often do we live?

PERCEPTOR: I don't understand your meaning.

ULTRA MAGNUS (distantly): If the humans and Nebulans hadn't interfered, do you think this war would end? We don't often think about how we die, or long we have. We gain more powerful weapons, stronger armor, but we don't grow.

PERCEPTOR: We mature in our programming.

ULTRA MAGNUS: We adjust our programming. I wonder how different we would act if we only had so many years to act within. Would things become more urgent, more necessary?

PERCEPTOR: We would be a lot more like humans, I think.

ULTRA MAGNUS: I wonder if we were supposed to. If all that we have been doing is to take us that one step beyond. Maybe that protoform project is what we have to do to move on.

Cut to outside Iacon. SOUNDWAVE, ANTAGONY, and SKY SHADOW have arrived to the outskirts of the city. The three of them exchange nervous glances as they approach.

ANTAGONY: Few guards?

SKY SHADOW: They probably put all their efforts into the air network. I imagine the plague has taken its toll here as well.

ANTAGONY: Maybe the Decepticons can come back home, then? Retake Darkmount.

SKY SHADOW: If there are Decepticons left to come home. Ready, Soundwave?

SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak, eject. Operation: assimilation. Destination: Iacon Alpha Medical Complex.

LASERBEAK ejects from SOUNDWAVE's chest hull and rushes towards the city in condor mode. The remaining trio of Decepticons watch over. None seem too comforted in reaching this far into their mission.

ANTAGONY: How long before those Autobots report us here?

SKY SHADOW: Long enough to get what we need. I'm just worried about how I'm going to get back to char. The air-defenses are likely to be beefed up now.

SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak has reached his destination. Recommend vacating area pending his return.

We cut back to Iacon. PERCEPTOR and ULTRA MAGNUS have now joined up with FIRST AID and SKIDS. The four, in robot mode, are looking over an empty store of grayish goo in a vat. PROWL, IRONHIDE, and SILVERBOLT, all in robot mode, are nearby, dwarfed by all around them.

PERCEPTOR: I've used Prowl's design for the basic programming, though I've modified it to be closer to
Autobot standards. Hopefully, this will make the transition easier for whomever is placed within.

FIRST AID: If we decide to risk it, of course.

PROWL (objecting): It will work. It has to. Grimlock didn't die just so we can be too conservative and throw this away. This is your cure.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Finish getting things ready. First Aid, is there anyone within Medical center that would volunteer for this?

COMPUTER: Warning, project has been rerouted.

ULTRA MAGNUS (surprised): What?

PERCEPTOR: Teletran, what do you mean rerouted? Get it back!

COMPUTER: Unable to comply. Access has been restricted to personal use.

SKIDS: That's insane? Who would do that?

ULTRA MAGNUS: Computer, where is the program now?

COMPUTER: Top level medical wing has requested resources.

ULTRA MAGNUS and PERCEPTOR suck in a breath, starting to realize just what is happening.

IRONHIDE: What's going on here, anyway? Who's up there?

SKIDS: Optimus Prime.

FIRST AID: You don't think Elita One is -

ULTRA MAGNUS: She is. Perceptor, you're with me. The rest of you stay here and do your best to keep this quiet.

IRONHIDE: A bit late for that.

We cut to the upper medical levels. LASERBEAK, condor mode, has perched undetected outside a window. Within, we see ELITA ONE, robot mode, standing over OPTIMUS PRIME's inert body.

ELITA ONE: Teletran, is everything in place? Can we proceed?

COMPUTER: Affirmative. This is a grade one risk. Do you wish to proceed?

ELITA ONE: Start the process computer.

COMPUTER: Understood. Commencing protoform reconstruction of Optimus Prime. Program activated.

ELITA ONE (whispering): Until all are one.

We watch as LASERBEAK records what is happening. OPTIMUS PRIME's form first turns gray, as is he's dying, then crumbles to dust. It then liquefies as the energy feed into him begins the arduous process of creating the new form of machine. LASERBEAK zooms in to record how OPTIMUS PRIME's original form begins to degrade, then get rebuilt with lasers into a cellular, nanite construction.

COMPUTER: Replicating life form.

ELITA ONE takes a nervous breath as ULTRA MAGNUS and PERCEPTOR barge into the door. Both stop in their tracks as they watch what is happening.

COMPUTER: Replication complete. Subject may emerge.

At first there is a nervous silence, but a familiar, if diminutive gray and blue hand reaches out from the goo. A gold-trimmed, red arm lifts out as the inspiring form of LIOCONVOY, robot mode, removes himself from the protoform bed.

PERCEPTOR (in awe): Optimus?

ELITA ONE (whispering): Prime.

LIOCONVOY: Elita One, Perceptor, Ultra Magnus, I am pleased to see each of you. For me, the binary curse has been lifted. And I am born anew.

ELITA ONE (relieved): It worked.

LIOCONVOY: That it did. Get the system ready to cure all infected Autobots.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Right away, Prime.

Outside the window, LASERBEAK has seen enough. He leaps to the skies and flies off. We watch him leave as we FADE TO BLACK.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 4
by Neale Davidson (

Fade into Cybertron's depths. Three small shadows move in the massive corridors. When they finally come into view, we can recognize RAM HORN, CICADACON, and SEA CLAMP, all in robot mode. Their steps echo in the halls.

RAM HORN: This place gives me the creeps. You realize that if any Autobots find us down here, we're dead?

CICADACON: They won't find us. Autobots haven't come down these tunnels in thousands of years.

SEA CLAMP: Wonderful dungeon. Why was it abandoned?

CICADACON: The war, fewer Cybertronians to inhabit the world, little need to waste resources coming down here.

RAM HORN: Then why are we down here? Just finding a good place to hide?

CICADACON: That's the reason, right down this hall.

We look down the hall and spot a large door, even by Autobot standards. The charred surface betrays the Autobot symbol, but it's been weathered and potted over time. It's obvious no one has used this door in a very long time.

SEA CLAMP (awestruck): Good Primus. What is that?

CICADACON: An Autobot prison.

CICADACON steps over and then lifts up to reach the control panel. He brushes the dust aside and opens it up to begin fiddling with it.

RAM HORN: Big place. So, the Autobots just dumped bodies in here?

CICADACON: Not bodies, just personality components. - There, got it.

The door slides open, revealing a simply huge vault. Steel walls stretch back as far as the eyes can take in. The walls are marked with smaller cells, resembling a filing cabinet.

RAM HORN (awestruck): I had no idea there were so many.

CICADACON: Thousands of defeated Decepticons lie here. This tomb dates back to the earliest days of the war.

SEA CLAMP: Then why don't the Decepticons attempt to liberate this place, particularly now that they're desperate.

CICADACON: Because they don't know about it. It's been forgotten in the annals of war. The Predacons found it a few years before we left. Needless to say that there was an outrage.

SEA CLAMP: Can we do anything with them?

CICADACON: Not yet, but soon. Ram Horn, convert to beast mode and open your shell. We'll load up with as many personality components as we can carry.

RAM HORN nods and transforms. The large shell on his back lifts up to reveal a storage area that SEA CLAMP begins to start filling with the personality components.

SEA CLAMP: Stealing these means that we change history, you realize.

CICADACON: Then we change it for the better.

RAM HORN: How can things get worse?

We cut to Char. GALVATRON, robot mode, stands off against APE FACE and SNAPDRAGON, both in their robot forms. All three have their weapons out. Around them are bodies of other Decepticons.

GALVATRON (enraged): Fools, did you think to challenge the might of Galvatron and live? Did you?

APE FACE: You're letting us die off, Galvatron! I would rather die fighting such a tyrant than to rot away serving him.

GALVATRON: Very well, traitor!

GALVATRON transforms to his cannon mode as both Horrocons open fire. Their shots hit, but if GALVATRON was at all effected, he shows no signs. The cannon fires, sending a white-hot blast of energy rips through APE FACE like here were nothing. APE FACE falls, his paint going to gray.

SNAPDRAGON: No! Damn you, Galvatron! Do you not care who you kill?

GALVATRON: Oh I care. I kill those that defy me! I kill the Autobots, Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime, and you, traitor.

SNAPDRAGON: Not today, Galvatron.

SNAPDRAGON leaps up, converting to his jet mode in an effort to escape. Sadly, he is not quick enough. Ignoring the larger robot mode, GALVATRON instead reaches out for the Nebulan Headmaster and snatches him in mid-transformation.

HUN-GRRR (from behind): Galvatron, the main gates are secured again.

We turn and see HUN-GRR and BLOT, robot mode, stepping through the doorway. GALVATRON makes a crushing motion with his hand, and we hear a disturbingly loud snap. BLOT makes an audible gasp.

GALVATRON: About time. A few of the vermin managed to reach my throne room. I should punish you for your failure.

BLOT (nervously): We stopped the attack, Lord Galvatron. We beat the rebels into a full retreat.

GALVATRON (enraged): Retreat? You let them live? Idiots!

HUN-GRR: They're beaten, Lord Galvatron. We lack the energy to pursue them back to their base-camps.

GALVATRON: Razorclaw and his minions must suffer for their crimes. Leave me now while both of you still function.

BLOT and HUN-GRRR exchange nervous looks to one-another but leave quietly, knowing better than to anger GALVATRON further. They step out, and shake their heads once the blast doors close.

BLOT: He's mad, worse than he's ever been.

HUN-GRRR: I noticed.

BOLT (sighing): Ever think that maybe Razorclaw had the right idea?

HUN-GRRR: Sometimes. I am a Terrorcon, however, not a Predacon.

We cut to Cybertron now, and see LASERBEAK, condor mode, moving to an old, ruined Decepticon Base. AT first, it appears abandoned, but a closer look reveals the sight of SOUNDWAVE, cassette-deck mode, waiting near the entrance. LASERBEAK transforms to cassette mode, and inserts himself into his master.

ANTAGONY and SKY SHADOW, both in robot mode, step forward from the shadows.

SOUNDWAVE: Laserbeak has returned.

ANTAGONY: Hopefully we didn't waste our trip out here.

SOUNDWAVE: We have not. The necessary data has been recorded.

SKY SHADOW (surprised): They found a cure?

SOUNDWAVE: Negative. They have found something more.

ANTAGONY: Something more?

SOUNDWAVE: A perfect symbiosis of mechanical and organic life. They have discovered the final step in the master technology.

ANTAGONY (irked): I can do without the masters, thank you.

SOUNDWAVE: This new technology is immune to the effects of the binary curse.

SKY SHADOW: That's got my interest.

ANTAGONY: To be half-organic though. That's a step down in my opinion.

SKY SHADOW: It saves lives. We should look into it.

SOUNDWAVE: Affirmative. These results must be confirmed.

ANTAGONY doesn't appear pleased, but resigns to knowing that the Decepticons have no other choices at the moment. SKY SHADOW looks on the horizon back to where LASERBEAK flew from. We zoom on the city, and go inside, where PROWL, IRONHIDE, and SILVERBOLT, all in robot mode, are gathered around a table. PROWL seems very pensive, the others seem merely bored.

IRONHIDE: We brought them the cure, now what do we do?

SILVERBOLT: They're busy curing people, Ironhide. They don't have time for us right now.

IRONHIDE: Well, we can do something on our own, can't we? There are Decepticons out there to bust.

SILVERBOLT (smirking): They're still a bit bigger than we are.

IRONHIDE: We'll just pull out the Magnasword and kick some serious Deceptitail. I just have to be doing something more picking my horns. We did our jobs, why we waiting around here for.

SILVERBOLT: Any ideas on what to do then? Prowl?

PROWL (distracted): I'm sorry, what were you saying?

IRONHIDE (chuckling): Prowl's already comatose.

PROWL: Just thinking.

SILVERBOLT: Must be some thought.

PROWL (distantly): It's wrong, Silverbolt. All of this is wrong. It didn't strike me before, but it does now.

IRONHIDE: All of what is wrong?

PROWL: Everything. Us. The Magnasword. This shouldn't be happening like this. It just feels like it's wrong.

SILVERBOLT: We did what Optimus Primal suggested. We delivered the cure just like history said. We've done it right, Prowl.

PROWL stands, rapping his hand on the table a moment in thought. He shakes his head, visibly putting things together. SILVERBOLT and IRONHIDE look at one another then back at PROWL.

IRONHIDE: Is this about Grimlock?

PROWL: Yes, and no. It's more than that. Don't you see? Things are already different. There have been changes already. They're still happening. We broke it. We broke the timeline.

SILVERBOLT: Everything seems fine.

PERCEPTOR (from behind and above): Unfortunately, I'm forced to concur with Prowl's assessment of the situation.

We turn and see PERCEPTOR, in robot mode, standing at the door. He was a very grim and somber expression on his visage.

IRONHIDE: What are you talking about, scopes?

PERCEPTOR (darkly): I'm afraid that it's quite simple. I'm not supposed to be alive.

We focus in on PERCEPTOR, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 5
by Neale Davidson (

We cut into an Autobot medical room. PROWL, IRONHIDE, SILVERBOLT and PERCEPTOR step in. PERCEPTOR moves forward, revealing the body of GRIMLOCK, robot mode, shattered, and with several scanners and probes all around him.

PROWL: Grimlock!

PERCEPTOR: I was looking over his body to learn more about your construction. A gruesome task, I know. However, I was surprised to discover that his memory banks were primarily intact.

SILVERBOLT: You read them.

PERCEPTOR: I did. According to them, your story is true. But this Grimlock could not have been the one that we sent from Cybertron three months ago. We sent Grimlock alone on his mission. He never returned.

PROWL (whispering): Damn.

SILVERBOLT (realizing): He failed.

PERCEPTOR: And I suspect I know why. This Grimlock had a version of me accompanying him. My presence enabled him to escape from Cyclonus and Scourge into a wormhole. In this reality, however, it's more likely that Grimlock simply was unable to escape. He likely perished on the station.

IRONHIDE: Oh that's just Prime.

PERCEPTOR: There are other minor details that differ in his memory than in ours, but that was most significant. According to your version of history, I was to die in order to save Grimlock.

SILVERBOLT: That's doesn't make any sense though. If there were time changes wouldn't they start after we arrived?

PROWL: Yes. Unless someone else is continuing the paradox.

Cut outside to a scenic view of Cybertron. We come to a collection of towers. At one time, it was a proud military outpost, dwarfing all around it. Now, however, it's been stripped and in ruin. We recognize this as the old Decepticon Headquarters. Three figures dare to approach this historical place. RAM HORN, SEA CLAMP, and CICADACON.

CICADACON: There it is, my friends. Darkmount: City of the Decepticons.

SEA CLAMP: In all my years, I never thought to see it.

CICADACON: Home of the final battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. The one decisive moment which changed our destinies. It was Galvatron's last vain effort to reclaim his empire.

RAM HORN: And where he died, if I remember history.


SEA CLAMP: And when does this happen?

CICADACON: A few days, if the timeline still runs true so far.

RAM HORN: We're going to help the Decepticons win?

CICADACON: Wouldn't be wise, even if we could. But there are other things we can do. During this battle, the Decepticons learn of the cure. We'll be the ones to give it to them.

SEA CLAMP (dawning): And become the Tripredacus council.

CICADACON: We'll end our troubles. Megatron will never have been created.

RAM HORN: And with the cure in hand, and the components we've stolen, we'll make the Predacons a stronger force than the would-be Maximals. It's ingenious, Cicadacon. We'll have Cybertron to ourselves!

ANTAGONY (from behind): Not, quite, protoform.

We turn and see SOUNDWAVE, ANATAGONY, and SKY SHADOW all behind them, robot modes, with their weapons out. CICADACON sees them and begins to laugh, stunning those around.

CICADACON: Greetings, Soundwave. Allow me to introduce myself. I am your future.

Cut to Iacon's Headquarters. PROWL, SILVERBOLT, and IRONHIDE are each in robot mode looking at LIOCONVOY, ELITA ONE, ULTRA MAGNUS, and PERCEPTOR, also all in robot mode. LIOCONVOY is much smaller than the others, but nevertheless remains in clear command of the group.

LIOCONVOY: You're saying that this reality isn't right. How am I supposed to react to that, Prowl? What am I supposed to do?

PROWL: I don't know. Someone is still making profound changes on history. I don't know who and I don't know how.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Could it be from where you found the stasis pods in the first place? That seems to be the source of much of the damage.

PERCEPTOR: Even if it is, there's no way to send them back there to stop it.

LIOCONVOY: Stop what? You've noticed changes, Perceptor, but from what to what, exactly. As is it this cure is giving hundreds of Autobots another shot at life. Until we have something more concrete, I'm not about to ask them to give it up.

PROWL: No. I don't want that.

SILVERBOLT: Is it possible that we're doing something wrong now?

IRONHIDE: We delivered the cure like our history said we did. We even brought back the Magnasword.

PROWL: Grimlock was supposed to do that.

ELITA ONE: And since he died on your mission, the timeline shifted. It's just sorting itself out now.

PROWL: No. I don't believe that. Something very wrong is going on here. We have to find out what it is.

Cut to Darkmount, lights dim. Scavenged equipment fills the room. SOUNDWAVE, robot mode, looks over the chamber, remaining darkly cool. CICADACON, RAM HORN, and SEA CLAMP stand quietly nearby in their robot modes.

COMPUTER: Sequence ready.

SOUNDWAVE: This had best work, Cicadacon.

CICADACON: It did the first time, Soundwave. It will work. Sea Clamp, start the feed. Hopefully the supplies we scraped together from this ruin are enough.

SOUNDWAVE: If this fails, you shall be terminated.

RAM HORN: Are you always so charming?

SOUNDWAVE merely looks down on RAM HORN, who steps back from the towering Decepticon. CICADACON gives a smirk and makes a final series of adjustments.

CICADACON: Computer, begin the experiments.

COMPUTER: Acknowledged. Beginning nanite feed.

We watch as the computer begins its work, pumping the gray goo into to makeshift vats, similar the to MAXIMAL RECOVER CHAMBERS. CICADACON watches carefully as SOUNDWAVE remains on vigil.

COMPUTER: Breaking down existing structures.

CICADACON: Soundwave?

SOUNDWAVE: Brain activity still commencing. They do not appear to be in danger. You may proceed.

COMPUTER: Selecting life-forms from database. Selected.

We focus in on the vats which shudder a bit from the strain on them, but they manage to continue their work.

COMPUTER: Replication of animal forms complete. You may emerge.

The vats open slowly, and two new protoform-based Transformers step out. The first is SKY SHADOW, the Fuzor, now sporting a lizard-like appearance and a powerful claw. The second is ANTAGONY, now a dark black female version of INFERNO. She steps out luxuriously, well attuned to this new body.

SKY SHADOW: I'm smaller, yet, I feel as powerful as before.

ANTAGONY (smiling): Yes. So much power, in such a small package.

CICADACON: Satisfied, then?

SKY SHADOW (looking over himself): It's incredible.

CICADACON: You've two hundred years of life now, Sky Shadow. Do your best to enjoy them.

ANTAGONY: Though I do not like from where this science came, it's time to get this back to the Decepticons. Maybe this can stop Razorclaw's revolt.

SOUNDWAVE: We have not determined a way to return to Char.

CICADACON: Oh, you won't need to, Soundwave. The Decepticons will be lining up at our door soon enough.

We focus in on CICADACON, who is far from done with his schemes, and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 6
by Neale Davidson (

We open up on a small battle-station on Char, made from the ruined form of the Headmaster SCORPONOK. Inside, the original Predacons (RAZORCLAW, RAMPAGE, TANTRUM, DIVEBOMB, and HEADSTRONG) are sitting around a conference table. None of them appear happy.

DIVEBOMB (grim): Casualty reports from all over Char. What Galvatron isn't destroying himself, the plaque is doing for him. It's only a matter of time now.

RAMPAGE: We underestimated him. It's only a matter of time before he hunts us out, Razorclaw. What do we do?

HEADSTRONG: Maybe he'll welcome us back into the fold?

RAZORCLAW: Surrender isn't an option any more. Too many have died, and Galvatron is too far lost in his insanity. We can end this fighting if we can somehow manage to get him and him alone.

TANTRUM (smirking): Right, then he can take us out one by one. Not even Predacon can stand fully against him for long. He retains the power of Unicron with him.

RAMPAGE: So did Cyclonus and Scourge, but they're dead. Galvatron's very powerful, but we can beat him. Predacons can defeat anyone, remember? That's why we were built.

RAZORCLAW: In this case, it isn't enough. We cannot even reach Galvatron, and he's not yet come to us. He seems content to let everyone die in this war. What choice do we have.

COMPUTER (voice over): Incoming message from Cybertron, priority one.

HEADSTRONG: The Autobots?

COMPUTER: Negative. Communication is on Decepticon channels.

RAZORCLAW: Decepticons? Put it on screen.

We pan over to the main wall, which shows the illuminated form of the Decepticon insignia. After a moment, the screen changes to show the forms of CICADACON and ANTAGONY, both in robot mode.

CICADACON (overly friendly): Greetings from Cybertron, Predacons. I am Cicadacon. I've heard you had a problem. Perhaps we can work something out.

RAZORCLAW (smirking): And why exactly should we listen to you?

CICADACON: I have want you want. I have the cure.

RAMPAGE: You lie!

CICADACON: We discovered the Autobot technology, and recreated it with Decepticons that were here.

ANTAGONY: The proof is before your optics, Razorclaw.

RAZORCLAW (surprised): Antagony?

ANTAGONY: Sky Shadow and I have undergone a change. The plague cannot harm us. We can cure any of the Decepticons that need it.

DIVE BOMB (smirking): Is anyone else just a tad suspicious?

ANTAGONY: It's your choice. We'll remain in Darkmount while we can. Soundwave will keep us from being detected for a few mega-cycles.

RAZORCLAW (sceptical): You're not giving us much choice, are you? All right, we'll be there. The Autobots will be on their guard already, but this we cannot afford to miss this chance.

Cut to ANTAGONY with SEA CLAMP, CICADACON, SKY SHADOW, and RAM HORN all in robot mode, looking at the screen of RAZORCLAW and his Predacons. Near the group is SOUNDWAVE, broadcasting in his cassette-deck mode.

SKY SHADOW: We're out of time to transmit. You have our coordinates. We look forward to seeing you.

The screen shuts off, and CICADACON turns to face the others.

CICADACON: Are you sure Galvatron received the transmission as well?

SOUNDWAVE: Affirmative.

SKY SHADOW: Setting up both factions into an obvious trap. I don't like this, not one bit.

CICADACON: It can't be helped. The splintering of the Decepticons must stop. They only way to do that, is bring them both to Cybertron.

ANTAGONY: And once here, the Autobots will be forced to attack everyone.

CICADACON: The Decepticons will rally to attack their more pressing foe.

RAM HORN: It will be the greatest battle in Cybertron's history.

SKY SHADOW: Will we win it, however?

CICADACON: This time, we will.

Cut to Char. GALVATRON, robot mode, pats the form of OVERKILL at his side. His optics are narrowed and he almost appears calm as the recording ceases. ASTROTRAIN, SIXSHOT, THRUST, DIRGE, and RAMJET all remain around him, in robot mode.

GALVATRON (musing): So they found a cure, did they?

THRUST: We must get to Cybertron and claim it for ourselves.

GALVATRON (growling): Fool, we must destroy the cure and let the Binary Curse complete its intended goals.

DIRGE: But the Decepticons who've died from the curse already?

GALVATRON: A calculated risk. Scorponok's infestation was not enough. The Autobot masters yet live. Fortress Maximus remains functional. No, we cannot allow a cure to happen now.

SIXSHOT: You're saying that the curse was deliberate.

GALVATRON: Oh yes, very deliberate. It was a Quintesson super-weapon. With some slight modifications, it served the real Decepticons well.

SIXSHOT: You launched the plague yourself? On your own troops?

GALVATRON: Tell me, Sixshot. Do you have any respect for a Decepticon warrior that requires the help of a fleshling?

SIXSHOT: No, mighty Galvatron.

GALVATRON: Nor do I. More Autobots will die than Decepticons. As for the Decepticons that died from the plague, they were infested before the plague was sent into their systems.

RAMJET (fearful): So what happens now?

GALVATRON stands, stroking the barrel of his cannon and turns to face his troops.

GALVATRON: We attack, naturally. The presence of so many Decepticons will attract Optimus Prime's forces into the fray. The true Decepticons will join us. The others who still wish to rebel will die in the crossfire.

RAMJET, THRUST, DIRGE: Hail Galvatron!

GALVATRON: Decepticons, forever!

As GALVATRON finishes, he leaps up and takes to the sky. THRUST, DIRGE, and RAMJET all transform and follow. ASTROTRAIN begins to leap up but SIXSHOT holds him back a moment.

SIXSHOT: And where are you going?

ASTROTRAIN: Didn't you hear the orders? There's a battle to fight.

SIXSHOT: A fool's battle. Go there and you'll get killed, Astrotrain.

ASTROTRAIN: Galvatron will kill me if I don't.

SIXSHOT: Galvatron won't live through that battle, nor will most of us. The Autobots are still strong, and we've not edge. Galvatron leads us to our doom.

ASTROTRAIN (smirking): Then why didn't you join Razorclaw, then?

SIXSHOT (darkly): Personal taste. You going to report me?

ASTROTRAIN (sighing): No point. So what do you want with me?

SIXSHOT: Insurance.

We cut to Cybertron. PROWL, IRONHIDE, SILVERBOLT, and LIOCOVOY are all in robot mode, walking through the huge cooridors of Iacon. Only the occaisional human of Master component makes them seem from being completely out of place.

LIOCONVOY: So far, the protoforms are a rousing success. In time, Perceptor believes he can fully duplicate the ability of the stasis equipment you've given to us.

PROWL: A few years or so, I imagine. Just like we were told.

LIOCONVOY: It's appears you've done your job after all.

IRONHIDE: If you call bein' a glorified Fed-Ex courier a job.

SILVERBOLT: We helped ensure history, Ironhide. That counts for something.

PROWL: What we know of history only, Silverbolt. If Grimlock were here, maybe I would be more sure that we got this all right.

IRONHIDE: Oh come on. We just gotta figure out how we're going to fit in this new Cybertron now. This cure of ours changes all of Cybertron.

PROWL: You know the saying, Ironhide. The more things change -

BLASTER (on speakers): Alert, incoming Decepticon fighters. All Autobots man battle-stations. Repeat, incoming Decepticon fighters.

As the group of four protoform-based Transformers stammer, the lights change to glaring red as klaxons begin to sound.

LIOCONVOY: The more they stay the same. Let's get moving.

IRONHIDE: All right, something I can sink my teeth into. Beast mode!

IRONHIDE transforms to his elephant mode and runs down the hall. SILVERBOLT, PROWL, and LIOCONVOY all transform and head off as we cut to space. A large warp-gate has been opened near Cybertron orbit. The first out the gate is the familiar form of GALVATRON, robot mode.

GALVATRON: Ah! Cybertron! At long last, you shall be ours again. Decepticons, attack!

As GALVATRON finishes his order, hundreds, then thousands of similar warp-gates open, spilling a seemingly endless array of Decepticon fighters. The entire horde of the Decepticon empire is here now.

GALVATRON: Decepticons, forever!

We cut to Iacon's command center. ELITA ONE and UTLRA MAGNUS are gaping at the screen as various AUTOBOTS run in a mad frenzy around them. BLASTER is at the hub of the communications tower, taking in all he can.

BLASTER: Spike has Fortress Maximus on line and ready. He's launching.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Have all Autobots dig in their positions and ready the storm. Let the Decepticons wear themselves out on our defenses.

BLASTER: Ultra Magnus, a second group of jump gates is opening. More Decepticons, about half the number as the first group. It's Razorclaw's faction, commander.

ELITA ONE: Are we just caught in the middle?

BLASTER: They're breaking ranks. Their neither engaging Galvatron's troops or us. Looks like Razorclaw's setting himself up to be the knock-out punch.

ULTRA MAGNUS: Dammit. No matter how this plays out, millions will die today. Activate all planetary defenses, and start praying, Blaster.

ELITA ONE (distantly): Matrix help us.

We cut to space, and show the horde of Decepticons begin their descent on the planet. As the fire few laser cannons fire, we fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 7
by Neale Davidson (

Fade in onto RAZORCLAW's starship. We are on the bridge, with RAZORCLAW and DIVEBOMB both in robot mode. Outside, through the screens, we can see Cybertron. It almost looks peaceful from where we see it.

DIVEBOMB: Cybertron is under attack in hundreds of positions on the planet. Galvatron's hitting everywhere at once. Autobot defenses are strong, but they'll fall eventually.

RAZORCLAW: The Decepticons won't win this battle, Divebomb. They won't win the planet. Galvatron knows that.

DIVEBOMB: Then Galvatron has another plan?

RAZORCLAW: Darkmount, and the cure. That's the only reason he would choose to attack now. He wants to prevent us from gaining it.

DIVEBOMB: Then this whole battle is a trap?

RAZORCLAW: Yes, it would seem so. But it's not for us. Contact the other Predacons, we'll leave this battle for Galvatron.

DIVEBOMB: We come all this way to retreat now. This bodes ill for us.

RAZORCLAW: We pick and choose our battles, Divebomb. Something about this smells. We'll retreat to the moons for now and let Galvatron spring the trap. We'll move in after that.

Cut to Cybertron and a chaotic mess of combat. Decepticon flyers are raining from the skies as the Autobot forces scramble to keep them at bay. We focus in on the Protectobots, all in robot mode, manning a defense station.

BLADES: We are talking great action here.

FIRST AID: Senseless violence. Don't you care about how many are going to die today? Every Decepticon we take down is a waste of life, Blades.

STREETWISE: You did notice that's not exactly breaking their hearts?

HOT SPOT: Concentrate our on objectives, team. If we can hold out here, the Decepticons will have to retreat from this sector. That's the only way any lives are going to be saved, First Aid.

STREETWISE (gasping): I'm sorry to interrupt, but we've got trouble. Coming in from two o'clock.

HOT SPOT turns and looks at the screen. Six green Decepticons are rushing down towards their position. HOT SPOT steps back and gasps.

HOT SPOT: Constructicons! Protectobots, transform and merge into Defensor!

STREETWISE: Way ahead of you, chief.

As the five Autobot warriors begin to combine into the giant DEFENSOR, we cut to the arriving Constructicons. Each are in robot mode, with the planet coming up awfully fast.

SCRAPPER: That defense station is in our path to Darkmount.

BONECRUSHER: Then we'll remove it.

MIXMASTER: Right! Right! Right!

SCRAPPER: Constructicons, transform! Phase one!

The six robots quickly convert to their vehicle modes, adorned with powerful weapon systems. The begin to move together -

SCRAPPER: Now, phase two!

The Constructicons move in a dizzying transformation. Each links up with another until finally the daunting form of DEVASTATOR is created.

DEVASTATOR: Crush the station, and then the Autobots.

DEFENSOR: Getting ahead of yourself, Devastator?

DEFENSOR steps from the defense station and readies his rifle. He hesitates to fire, however, and DEVASTATOR rushes forward to slam his powerful fists into the Autobot giant.

DEVASTATOR: Defensor too weak to be a warrior. Defensor be next Autobot to die.

DEFENSOR kicks DEVASTATOR off of him, but the first blow is telling. Part of DEFENSOR's armor has already been ripped away. DEFENSOR manages to fire his rifle, knocking back DEVASTATOR with a fireball.

DEFENSOR: Not by your hand, certainly.

Elsewhere, the battle rages on and on. LIONCONVOY, PROWL, IRONHIDE, and SILVERBOLT each reach a part of the front in robot mode. THRUST, in robot mode, lands in from of them, weapons out.

IRONHIDE: They're just crawling out of everywhere.

THRUST: Hah, little Autobots. This won't take long.

LIOCONVOY (calmly): Agreed. Weapons mode.

LIOCONVOY's mane opens up, revealing four heavy missile-launchers. THRUST quickly raises his weapons to fire, but is too late. LIOCONVOY launches the firepower, and THRUST explodes in four bursts. There isn't much left of him when the smoke clears.

SILVERBOLT: (worried) Feel better, Prime?

LIOCONVOY: No. This battle is senseless. Galvatron's attacking the entire planet. Thousands of lives will be lost with his madness. He can't hope to take over Cybertron.

PROWL: He's insane but he's not stupid. He doesn't want the whole planet. He's got to be after something else.

IRONHIDE: Maybe he's learned about the cure.

SILVERBOLT: Ultra Magnus reported that Iacon remains secure. That's where the cure is, right?

LIOCONVOY: Affirmative.

PROWL: He's spreading his troops thinly over the planet to keep us busy. He's got someplace in mind for a spearhead.

IRONHIDE (grimly): Darkmount.

SILVERBOLT (whispering): The last battle.

LIOCONVOY: He's making his last ditch effort to save his empire.

PROWL (confused): But he knows it won't work going in to. There's no logic in this attack.

IRONHIDE: And when is Galvatron known to be logical?

PROWL: He wouldn't go there now unless there was a reason to.

SILVERBOLT: Wait. We come back in time, we know something's wrong. What if we're not the ones who screwed it up?

PROWL: What are you saying?

SILVERBOLT: Galvatron attacking for the cure makes sense. But he would attack Iacon to get it, right? He's not. The only reason he would attack some place else if that the cure's there.

LIOCONVOY: The cure's only now been made public. He couldn't have known to launch this attack.

PROWL: (darkly) Someone else could have. And set this trap up.

IRONHIDE: Tripredacus.

PROWL: Our ship was smashed, leaking energy. We wouldn't be able to detect him. He knew why we were here. He knows the history of this battle better than we do.

IRONHIDE: This whole battle is part of Cicadacon's scheme -

SILVERBOLT: To take over the Predacons from the very beginning.

PROWL: Logical. Damn logical.

LIOCONVOY: Then we need to marshal our defenses on Darkmount itself. If what you're fearing is true, this Tripredacus may be doing more damage than he can possibly imagine.

Cut to Darkmount. The components of Tripredacus, SEA CLAMP, CICADACON, and RAM HORN, all in robot mode, stand with ANTAGONY, SKY SHADOW, and SOUNDWAVE. SOUNDWAVE is in his cassette deck mode, monitoring the events happening around them.

SOUNDWAVE: The battle has had massive fatalities. The Autobots are winning, though the cost is high.

CICADACON: And Razorclaw and his Predacons?

SOUNDWAVE: They have not yet joined the battle.

RAM HORN: What's he waiting for? We need him down here too.

CICADACON: We might have overplayed out hand. Razorclaw isn't one to rush into things without looking them over. It's okay, they'll come into the fold soon enough.

ANTAGONY (snapping): Listen to yourselves. My family is getting vaporized out there, and you're all in here just scheming and plotting. I thought you cared about Decepticons.

CICADACON (quietly): I do, but you don't know what's at stake. This has to happen.

ANTAGONY: The hell it does. Sky Shadow, Soundwave, we should go out there and do what we can to help.

SEA CLAMP: You can't leave now. Too much is going on. Besides, what can the three of you do? There are tens of thousands of Transformers in that battle.

SKY SHADOW: It only takes one sometimes, Cicadacon. Keep up your schemes. We're going to help our own.

SKY SHADOW leaps up to the ceiling, which opens for him. ANTAGONY does likewise as SOUNDWAVE transforms to robot mode. SOUNDWAVE looks into the area one last time, and departs.

SEA CLAMP: You're just going to let them leave?

CICADACON: They'll come back, Sea Clamp. Besides, they've done what we needed. We just have to keep everything together.

Cut to GALVATRON lowering his robot mode onto the surface. Ahead of him we see DEVASTATOR sending DEFENSOR into the wall. DEFENSOR shakes a little, then separates after the impact. The five Autobots remain alive, but are unmoving.

DEVASTATOR: Defensor defeated. Station destroyed.

GALVATRON: Excellent. Darkmount awaits.

REFLECTOR (out of breath): Mighty Galvatron!

We turn and see REFLECTOR's three robot forms rushing forward. Laser blasts flying from all around.

GALVATRON (grumbling): You were assigned to watch troop movements. What are you doing here?

REFLECTOR: I was being jammed. New Autobot orders just went over the wire. They're converging on Darkmount, Galvatron.

GALVATRON: What? They figured it out already? Amazing.

REFLECTOR: What do we do?

GALVATRON: We run the gambit. Contact Trypticon and tell him to destroy in his path. He'll pave the way for the rest of our forces. With Metroplex on Earth they'll have no worthwhile defense against him.

REFLECTOR: The Autobots will bring out Fortress Maximus.

GALVATRON: The curse did not kill him? Then I shall just do so personally.

REFLECTOR (worried): Of course, sir.

GALVATRON lets out a cackle and takes to the air again with DEVASTATOR behind.

As he look down from above him, we see the battle raging on. We fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 8
by Neale Davidson (

We're in space. A number of Autobot fliers are swarming around a Decepticon starship. The starship is burning and looks near dead. We focus in and see SCATTERSHOT, spacecraft mode arching around for another pass. AIR RAID and FIREFLIGHT are in their jet modes, flanking him.

SCATTERSHOT: This is one group of Decepticons that won't make it to Cybertron.

AIR RAID: How many more of these hunks of rust do the Decepticons have?

FIREFLIGHT: Even the Junkions have better ships than this. Maybe the Decepticons really are that desperate?

SCATTERSHOT: That makes them dangerous, Fireflight.

AIR RAID: Wait a minute. I've got another ship coming up fast.

SCATTERSHOT: All right, circle around and we'll do it by the numbers.

FIREFLIGHT: That's not a ship -

We cut around and see the huge form of TRYPTICON, T-Rex mode, opening his huge and gaping maw. The Autobots around are seem to get smaller and smaller as the huge city-sized Decepticon closes.

SCATTERSHOT: Dammit! All Autobots scatter!

TRYPTICON: Trypticon hungry, have Autobots for breakfast.

TRYPTICON fires from his maw and sends a huge bolt of energy flying at the Autobot fliers. Many Autobots make it, but most, like FIREFLIGHT, merely disintegrate under the immense blast.

TRYPTICON: Trypticon not challenged.

SCATTERSHOT: Autobots, pull back and regroup.

AIR RAID: But - Fireflight's gone. He's just gone.

SCATTERSHOT: Deal. We're next on the list. Pull out!

SCATTERSHOT leads the fliers away as WINDSWEEPER, jet mode, arcs in around TRYPTICON's head. TRYPTICON doesn't seem to pay much notice.

WINDSWEEPER: You've got orders, Trypticon. Galvatron wants you to land.

TRYPTICON: Trypticon not care about orders. Want to end battle and sleep.

WINDSWEEPER: He want's you to take out Fortress Maximus and end the war. Beat him, and the Decepticons get Darkmount.

TRYPTICON: Trypticon talked into it. Crush Fort Max!

The lumbering form lowers himself, heading back to the planet with the burning starship following close behind. WINDSWEEPER arcs away, unwilling to spend more time with the city.

We cut planet-side now, near Darkmount. ANTAGONY and SKY SHADOW are both running down a main road, protected by SOUNDWAVE's cover fire. All are in robot mode.

SKY SHADOW: It's hopeless. There are too many Autobots in this area. We can't fight them all off.

ANTAGONY: Want to run away? There isn't any place to run. We make our stand.

SOUNDWAVE lets out a monotone scream as an Autobot blast knocks him down. He stands and clutches his chest.

ANTAGONY: Soundwave!

SOUNDWAVE: Minor injury. I'll still function.

ANTAGONY betrays genuine concern for her comrade and moves over to him. She shakes her head, noting the shattered cassette-deck cover that makes his chest.

ANTAGONY: Can you transform?

SOUNDWAVE: Affirmative.

SOUNDWAVE transforms to his smaller tape-deck mode, which ANTAGONY quickly picks up. Sparks and smoke come from the form, and she frowns at it.

SKY SHADOW: I'll lead the Autobots away from the two of you. Try to make it to the Dead End sector. I'll catch up when I can.

ANTAGONY (frowns): Guess we did what we could.

SKY SHADOW: He'll be all right. The Autobots aren't going to hunt him down with this much activity. Just go.

ANTAGONY nods and runs off, leaving SKY SHADOW alone for a moment. He turns quickly, and runs off, firing a few shots into some automated defenses. Weapons fire dances around him a moment, then finally stops as larger explosions sound off nearby.

SKY SHADOW (confused): What? Decepticons?

We pan up and see SIX SHOT and ASTROTRAIN in their aerial modes arcing around and destroying many of the guard towers in the immediate area. At first, Sky Shadow seems relieved but then notices something is amiss.

ASTROTRAIN: I lost track of Antagony.

SIX SHOT: Soundwave is jamming your sensors. We have enough here, anyway.

ASTROTRAIN transforms to robot mode, followed by SIX SHOT. Both land and stand towering over SKY SHADOW. The protoform Decepticon steps back worried.

SIX SHOT: He's our objective, Astrotrain.

SKY SHADOW: (worried, confused) But I'm a Decepticon, like you.

SIX SHOT: I saw the message, Sky Shadow. You're in on Cicadacon's scheme.

ASTROTRAIN: And we've got some questions to ask.

Cut to another part of Cybertron. FORTRESS MAXIMUS, in his daunting and huge robot mode, stands off against a horde of Decepticons. His massive weaponry is enough to destroy them without strain. GALVATRON, robot mode, flies up to the battle.

FORTRESS MAXIMUS: Such a waste, Decepticons. End this battle. There is no need for so many to die.

GALVATRON: Agreed, Fortress Maximus, and only one more death is needed.

FORTRESS MAXIMUS: You challenge me, Galvatron?

GALVATRON: I have something bigger in mind, Maximus. Trypticon!

FORTRESS MAXIMUS turns and sees TRYPTICON rushing to the ground. FORT MAX steps back, but the attack is quick. TRYPTICON smashes hard into FORTRESS MAXIMUS's chest, smashing the Autobot giant along the ground.

TRYPTICON: Time for urban renewal.

FORTRESS MAXIMUS does not respond with words, instead opening up with all of his various weapons. The massive blasts rip into TRYPTICON, stripping away armor. TRYPTICON rushes forward and pounces on the firing Autobot. Metal talons rip and shred into FORTRESS MAXIMUS's armor.


FORT MAX throws TRYPTICON off, but the Decepticon opens fire as soon as he lands. His maw opens, sending another blast into the city. FORTRESS MAXIMUS stammers from the bolts, obviously weakening from the two powerful hits, but remains fighting. TRYPTICON starts to move forward, but FORTRESS MAXIMUS has the edge now, and fires a blast from all his cannons. TRYPTICON falls, prone and burning.

TRYPTICON: No. I was too close.

FORTRESS MAXIMUS (gasping): Was this it, Galvatron? Sending another Decepticon to die for your glory?

FORTRESS MAXIMUS fires one more time into TRYPTICON. TRYPTICON's optics darken then go out as his body goes inert. FORTRESS MAXIMUS turns, and sees GALVATRON in his cannon mode, waiting.

GALVATRON: And now it ends for you, Fortress Maximus!

GALVATRON fires a massive blast, ripping through the already-wounded form of FORTRESS MAXIMUS. The giant Autobot stammers from the attack. His optics flicker and dim. He tries to stir and is unable. He kneels, clutching the wound.

GALVATRON (surprised): You still function? I did not think it was possible. Perhaps I underestimate the fleshlings. Perhaps -

GALVATRON is interrupted by the arrival of the STUNTICONS, who approach in their vehicle modes.

MOTORMASTER: Mighty Galvatron, Darkmount awaits.

GALVATRON (distantly): Yes. Yes it does. Fortress isn't a threat to us any more. Decepticons, advance. Let nothing stand in your way.

FORTRESS MAXIMUS falls, inoperative. As the battle rages on closer and closer to Darkmount, we fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Ripples In the Stream, pt. 9
by Neale Davidson (

Fade into the defeated form of FORTRESS MAXIMUS. CEREBROS, robot mode, stands next to his larger body, shaking his head. Behind him, LIOCONVOY, PROWL, IRONHIDE, and SILVERBOLT, each in their robot modes, look on in worry.

CEREBROS: I failed.

PROWL: You couldn't take on the Decepticon horde all by yourself, Cerebros.

LIOCONVOY: You did what you could, and you did well. Galvatron is out of his greatest weapons, and the Autobots will see this day through.

SILVERBOLT: If someone can take out Galvatron himself.


CEREBROS: You're still powerful, Optimus. But I'm not sure that that form will be enough. There's a scale involved.

PROWL: We'll go then.

CEREBROS: The three of you aren't any better.

SILVERBOLT: Yes we are. Guys, show them what we can do. Transform to Magnaboss.

The three Maximal forms of PROWL, IRONHIDE, and SILVERBOLT reform and combine into what would normally be the towering form of MAGNABOSS. As powerful and large as the Maximal giant is, he is not too much taller than CEREBROS.

CEREBROS: Neat trick, you sure you want to do this?

MAGNABOSS: We have no other choice.

LIOCONVOY: Very well, Galvatron is beginning his final run to Darkmount. Let's take the battle to him.

Cut to Darkmount. GALVATRON is outside, fighting off a horde of Autobot warriors alone. HOT ROD, BLURR, and QUICKSWITCH are rushing forward, all in robot mode, with their weapons firing.

GALVATRON: Pathetic fools. Your cause is hopeless.

GALVATRON fires off his cannon, slamming blasts into QUICKSWITCH, and then into BLURR. The blue Autobot falls back, smoke pouring from his mouth. GALVATRON doesn't relent, however, and fires again. With the second shot, BLURR goes gray.

HOT ROD: Blurr!

QUICKSWITCH: Forget him, Hot Rod. We've got to concentrate on Galvatron.

QUICKSWITCH very weakly moves up to fire. The blast hits GALVATRON dead on, but the Decepticon lord-high makes no sign of it affecting him. QUICKSWITCH falls into a panic and begins to fold into his spacecraft mode. But GALVATRON is not appeased. He fires, and QUICKSWITCH goes down, silent.

HOT ROD: You monster!

GALVATRON: How ironic, Hot Rod. Again you and I stand alone with the fate of Cybertron in our hands. Last time you managed to defeat me. (darkly) But I don't say a matrix anywhere around here. Do you?

HOT ROD: (defiantly) Let's do it, Decepticon.

GALVATRON cackles and readies to fire, but another blast from elsewhere not only manages to effect him, but throws him aside. GALVATRON scrambles up, rage in his optics, looking for his attacker.

GALVATRON: Who dares?

We cut over and see the form of MAGNABOSS, out with the legendary MAGNASWORD. The Maximal giant stands at the ready to fight.

MAGNABOSS: I am Magnaboss, Galvatron. This battle ends now.

We cut inside Darkmount itself to show CICADACON, RAM HORN, and SEA CLAMP, all in robot mode, looking over their equipment. All three of them are pensive and very nervous.

RAM HORN (snapping): It has to be time now. The Decepticon forces are nearly at the door. We'll need our army now.

CICADACON (nodding): You're right. Get the first personality component ready and get started. As soon as Galvatron trips the external sensors, we'll use Tripredacus to destroy him.

SIX SHOT (out of camera): Tripredacus? Your secret weapon?

CICADAON turns to see SIX SHOT and ASTROTRAIN fly in from above. He steps back as the two powerful Decepticons take position within the center. SIX SHOT dumps the limp form of SKY SHADOW onto the floor.

CICADACON: What - What are you doing here?

SIX SHOT: You know why. Sky Shadow let me in on the details, Cicadacon. You planned to lure Galvatron to his death here. Meanwhile, you also planned to announce your wonder-cure for the Binary Curse.

ASTROTRAIN: And claim leadership for yourself?

RAM HORN: So you're going to take it away from us?

SIX SHOT: Yes, but not for myself. You're going to do exactly as I say.

Cut to Darkmount's outer walls. GALVATRON and MAGNABOSS are in heated battle. Each move the GALVATRON makes is countered. Likewise, MAGNABOSS is doing little to wear the Decepticon leader down.

GALVATRON: After all these years, someone who comes close to Optimus Prime. I'm impressed, Magnaboss.

MAGNABOSS: Surrender now, Galvatron. Cybertron has suffered enough because of you.

GALVATRON: (smirking) I don't get defeated that easily.

GALVATRON leaps forward, smashing the Maximal giant into a heavy fall. It buckles and strains, then finally breaks as the two battle their way into the inside of Darkmount itself. We cut inside, though, showing CICADACON, robot mode, working on a new stasis tank. SIX SHOT, ASTROTRAIN, RAM HORN, and SEA CLAMP all look on.

CICADACON: It's ready. You know we were going to make the first new Predacons anyway, Six Shot.

SIX SHOT: Yes, with you as their leader.

SEA CLAMP: So instead you want this new one to be the leader?

SIX SHOT: Yes. We'll program and construct him to be the most powerful of the new breed. He'll be cunning, diplomatic, and capable.

CICADACON (angered): No. I will not work on this. You're ruining my plans.

ASTROTRAIN: These are our plans, now, little mech.

SEA CLAMP (becoming aware): The first of the Predacons.

SIX SHOT: As Megatron was the first of the Decepticons. This new breed will also have its Megatron.

RAM HORN: No! You don't realize what you're asking of us.

ASTROTRAIN: We're not asking anything. You will obey us or you will die.

CICADACON (resigned): We've not changed anything. We created this history.

CICADACON steps over to the main console, and activates it. The other two members of his group look on in shock.

RAM HORN: You can't! Cicadacon, what are you doing?

COMPUTER: Replication sequence commencing.

CICADACON: We created Megatron. Our journeys through time only ensured our fate. We did it to ourselves, Ram Horn.

SIX SHOT (darkly): Explain yourself, Cicadacon.

CICADACON: He was an obstacle to our power in the future. And now we know why.

COMPUTER: Alternate mode selected.

But, as things begin, and loud crash rocks through the room. GALVATRON, robot mode, crashes through the main door, thrown back. The others look on in shock as MAGNABOSS, with MAGNASWORD in hand, step to the door.

MAGNABOSS: It ends, Galvatron. Your time is over.

GALVATRON: I am Galvatron, fool! I cannot be defeated.

MAGNABOSS: You overestimate yourself, Decepticon.

GALVATRON transforms to cannon mode and opens fire. The MAGNASWORD, however, absorbs the energy, powerful MAGNABOSS himself. The Decepticon leader growls, and reverts to robot mode, ready just to tear into MAGNABOSS the old fashioned way.

RAM HORN: You can't fight in here!

SIX SHOT: Astrotrain, get them away from the tanks.

GALVATRON leaps forward to pummel on MAGNABOSS, but the giant Maximal throws up a kick. In a moment that seems forever long, GALVATRON is thrown back, into the active protoform system. Sparks fly out as the casing buckles.

COMPUTER: Error. Contamination of system. Unable to compensate. Error.

GALVATRON: Fools, I will - NO!

GALVATRON suddenly realizes that something is amiss as he tries to move and can't. He looks in terror as his body begins to liquefy around him. The nanites have set about rebuilding him.

GALVATRON (agonized): What is happening?


CICADACON (fearful): Maximal, what have you done?

COMPUTER: Compensation, impossible. Attempting to form new construction.

SIX SHOT: Astrotrain, let's leave. This situation is lost to us.

ASTROTRAIN: What about Galvatron?

SIX SHOT: Leave him to his fate.

SIX SHOT and ASTROTRAIN transform to their airborne modes and leave the others behind. CICADACON rushes to the consoles, trying desperately to control what is going on.

COMPUTER: Assignment of vehicle mode, accepted. Error in mode assignment. Beast form, selected. Unable to compensate. Protoform is self-programming. Unit: Megatron, has been destroyed.

MAGNABOSS: Magnaboss, separate and retreat.

PROWL, IRONHIDE, and SILVERBOLT each remove their robot modes from one-another and step carefully in retreat. The Predacons around them pay little notice as they run.

CICADACON (near-panic): I can't stop it. Open fire on the stasis tank. Quickly!

RAM HORN and SEA CLAMP both do as ordered, but neither manages to do much more than scratch the tank's surface.

COMPUTER: Replication, complete. You may emerge.

SEA CLAMP (fearfully): We're too late.

GALVATRON (angered): What have you done to me?

CICADACON: Predacons -

GALVATRON (darkly): Predacons, yes. I rule the Predacons. I am Galvatron.

A form emerges from the stasis tank. Now only larger than the other Predacons, this is the new form of Galvatron, and powerful-looking lavender robot mode. Sharp wings fan out behind him. His optics are ablaze with fury. CICADACON, SEA CLAMP, and RAM HORN each step back, unsure of what to do.

GALVATRON (screaming): I am Galvatron!

As his echo goes into the distance. We fade to black.

The End