Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Rabbiterra's Arrival, pt. 1
by Ruth Starreling (

Rhinox was seated in the command center when he picked up on the scanners. "A stasis pod!"

Optimus had just come in from the sky hatch, "Rhinox, what’s going on?"

"Scanners picked up a stasis pod in Grid Sony." He answered.

"Tell the others to report back to base, if my memory serves me correctly one time a stasis pod landed Megatron attacked the base." Optimus said.

"Wouldn’t it be best to at least send someone to get the pod?"Rhinox asked.

"Yes," Optimus said clicking on the comlink, "Optimus to Cheetor, Rattrap, and Dinobot."


"Megatron, I’ve picked up the landing co-ordinates of the stasis pod, shall we go?" Terrorsaur asked.

"No, send Tarantulas and Scorpinok, instead." He answered, "The rest of us shall launch a full scale assault on the Maximal base!"


Meanwhile Rattrap, Dinobot, and Cheetor were on their way to the stasis pod after getting the orders from Optimus, he had sent the three of them for three reasons 1. Rattrap was there to program the protoform.(He got the instructions from Rhinox) 2. Dinobot was there to help fight off any Preds that might come their way and 3. Cheetor was there to keep the peace between Dinobot and Rattrap.

"Think we’ll run into any Preds?" Cheetor asked trying to keep up conversation.

"No doubt we will!" Dinobot answered. "I don’t understand why I was sent on the mission, anyway."

"Just think of it this way, Lizardhead," Rattrap said to the raptor, "You never know what’s comin’ outta dat pod. It just might be a gorgeous female worthy of my charm and affection."

"The only thing she’ll be worthy of is the satisfaction of your silence when I tear your head off!" Dinobot yelled lurching towards the rat.

"Hey guys, we’re here!" Cheetor said. The pod stood before them.

"Great kitty-cat, only one problem," Rattrap said, there was a long camera shot, "WE’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF A DESERT. Fat chance of us findin’ a lifeform ‘round here."

The rodent spoke the truth, the pod had fallen in a desert. By the looks of things, it wasn’t the most adequate place to find a lifeform.

"No, but you might find Predacons even more interesting." Tarantulas said, jumping out from behind the pod. He fired one of his webs and caught Rattrap.

"Dinobot MAXIMIZE!" He shouted.

"Cheetor MAXIMIZE!" He shouted, he fired on Tarantulas knocking him out. Scorpinok leaped from behind and shot Cheetor in the back. Dinobot turned around and shot Scorpinok with his eye lasers sending him flying backwards. So with two Preds out of commission, Dinobot and a slightly damaged Cheetor went to free Rattrap from the web.

"Rattrap maximize!" Rattrap said after being freed. "Now to say hello to our new friend."

He opened the pod, it was slightly damaged, so much so they couldn’t bring it back to the base.

And speaking of the base........


Megatron and the rest were attacking the Maximal base. Optimus had to call in Tigatron and Airazor. Now all were at battle outside the base.


"Whoa! Ultra Gear!" Cheetor said looking inside the pod. "Hey is it just me, or does this protoform look kinda....small?"

Indeed, the pod was of regular size, but the protoform inside was much smaller than it should have been.

"Well, let’s get to work!" Rattrap said punching in some commands on the computer.

"Are you insane?" Dinobot said, "There isn’t a lifeform for miles, this is a lost mission."

"Cheetor, go out a couple miles see what you can scrape up for a lifeform." Rattrap said ignoring Dinobot’s comment.

Cheetor beastmoded and took off like a rocket.

"Hope he gets back soon. Our pal here isn’t gonna last very long." Rattrap said, pointing at the protoform.

"How much time do we have?" Dinobot asked.

"Well considering the damage to the pod, 30 cycles." Rattrap answered.


At the Maximal base.......

"I don’t trust that spider, Inferno," Megatron said to the ant, "let us secure the pod!"

"Yes Royalty!" Inferno answered.

"PREDACONS RETREAT!" Megatron called at the top of his lungs. All the Predacons made a quick exit, stage right.

"Now I wonder where their off to in such a hurry." Airazor asked.

"Their after the pod!" Optimus yelled, "Let’s go!"


"Did you find anything, kiddo?" Rattrap asked the panting cheetah after he returned. Cheetor shook his head.

"Great!" Rattrap said sarcastically, "We only got about two cycles left."

"This is hopeless, it’s done for." Dinobot sighed.

"Wait, look!" Cheetor said looking in the direction of a nearby sand dune. A fury creature poked its head out of a hole. It looked around and wandered its way on the sand. It was a small furry black and white rabbit.

Rattrap snapped his fingers, "There’s our lifeform!" He began typing in the command to bring out the scanners.

"Are you insane?" Dinobot said, "A rabbit is about the most useless animal in its kingdom. I’d be ashamed to have that for a beastmode."

"You got a better plan, Chomperface! We’re runnin’ out of time." Rattrap answered him.

The scanners passed through the odd looking rabbit and the replication started. The three Maximals took a few steps back and shielded their eyes as the light shone out of the pod.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed the creature inside. The replication ended and the lights went out inside the pod. At that moment, the new Maximal sat up from inside, "HOY! TEN THOUSAND MEGACYCLES will give you such a creek in the neck!" The rabbit said rubbing its neck. "That’s the last time I decide to take a trip on the wild side by hiding in a stasis..." The creature looked to its right and notice three other bots watching it, which made it slow its sentence, "....pod."It finished.

Rattrap was the first to approach the new Maximal, "You’re a stowaway?" He asked.

The creature moaned, but answered, "Yes, I am."

"This is worse than just having it a rabbit." Dinobot said.

"What?" The rabbit yelled looking at itself, noticing for the first time its beastmode. The Maximal got very frightened when it found out it was not just a robot anymore, that it jump out of the pod screaming, "Get it off, get it off!" It was jumping up and down.

Cheetor, nearly busting into laughter at this, ran over to it. He transformed and said, "Hey calm down, it’s okay, beastmodes protect us from energon interference."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." The rabbit said blushing.

"How did you manage to get by security on Cybertron?" Rattrap asked in reference to it hiding in the pod.

"What?" The rabbit answered.

"The pod!" Rattrap said.

"Oh yeah, I slip passed security and just hopped into one." It answered.

"Why in the galaxy would you do something that stupid?"

"I did it to get away, to find adventure and excitement, but most of all to get away from school."

"I understand where you’re coming from." Cheetor said sympathetically.

"Shut up!" Rattrap said.

"You wouldn’t have happened to run away from Military school, did you?" Dinobot asked.

"Yes, I did." It answered.

"Do you have any military training whatsoever?" He asked again.

"No, not that much." It answered looking downward.

Dinobot’s expression drop like a rock. "Well then, I hate to say this but we happen to be in a war and unless you have any useful skills you’re of no use to us!"

The rabbit after hearing this shouted, "A war! Holy catfish, I’ve been drafted!"

"Well this a lovely sight, yesss." said a voice from behind them, you know who it is.

All four Maximals turned to see Megatron and his bunch, the five of them(not including the unconscious Tarantulas and Scorpinok).

"You’re too late Megs, we got it before you did!" Cheetor shouted.

"I don’t think it’s going to make much of a difference, we’re taking it anyway!" He said.

The rabbit leaned over to Rattrap and said, "Who is this joker?"

"The bad guy." Rattrap said.

"But since I am in a forgiving mood," Megatron continued, "I shall give you a choice: Will you surrender peacefully, or do you intend to resist?"

Rattrap walked up and said, "Oh don’t be so stupid, of course we intend to resist. Just give us a moment, alright!"

The Preds stood and watched while Dinobot, Rattrap, and Cheetor got into a huddle.

"Alright, five of them, three of us." Rattrap said, punching his fist into his hand.

"Excuse me, but there’s four of us." The rabbit said entering the huddle.

"It’s not your fight, you’re not a trained soldier." Dinobot said.

"I may not have the training, but I believe I have the heart of a true soldier." It answered.

"Warrior?" Dinobot said.

"Comic?" Rattrap said.

"Do you have a name?" Dinobot asked.

"Rabbiterra." She answered.

Dinobot quickly introduced themselves, "Dinobot, Cheetor, Rattrap." He said pointing to each other.

"How do you do?" Cheetor said.

"Nice to meet ya." Rattrap said.

"My pleasure." She said.

"Well, everyone acquainted?" Rattrap asked. The three of them turned around bearing swords, guns, etc, "Now we’re prepare to resist you!"

"Rabbiterra MAXIMIZE!" She shouted, transforming. She was mostly black with a pale gray face and silver feet. She had a small bunny-looking nose and red eyes. A string of blue diamonds were around her neck. She had hands, not pincher thingies.. She was a pretty thing, but probably the most surprising thing about her was she was fairly small, a little shorter than Rattrap.

Her appearance did kind of take the Maximals by surprise, well Rattrap and Cheetor anyway. The battle started. She reached behind her back and pulled out a gun, "Now I wonder how this works?"

Rattrap had a look on his face like he thought she was kidding, "You don’t know how to use a gun?"

"No, but I can pretty much try!" She said, lifting it up and pulling the trigger. The shot flung her backwards. "Ouch! I meant to do that!"

"This is hopeless." Dinobot said while shooting his eyes lasers. Rabbiterra’s shots went everywhere. Not only did the Predacons have to duck but the Maximals as well! Then, as if by luck, one of her shots hit Megatron in the foot.

"Ahh!" Megs screamed, hopping up and down. The Maximals took the opportunity to shoot him all at once. All this knocked Megatron over. Suddenly the Maximals underwent an energon surge.

"Let’s bail!" Cheetor suggested.

"Yeah, pussycat!" Rattrap agreed.

"No!" Dinobot screamed, "We will not run in the face of an enemy!"

"C’mon Chomperface, we gotta beat it now!" Rattrap said.

The four beastmoded and took off. The four remaining Preds quickly followed. The Maximals ran and ran, and when they got tired of that they ran some more. Finally they came to some woods.

"We’ll split up!" Rattrap said, "They’ll have harder trouble findin’ us."

"Okay you and Rabbiterra go that way, Dinobot and I will go this way!" Cheetor said pointing in two directions.

The two groups departed, just as they were leaving Rattrap called out, "See you back at base!"

"Or The Pit!" Dinobot called back.


Inferno, Blackarachnia, Terrorsaur and Waspinator came to place where they had split up. They saw two trails of pressed grass leading off in separate directions.

"They’ve split up,"Black said, "You two go that way, Inferno and I’ll go this way."

Inferno and Blackarachnia went in the direction of Dinobot and Cheetor. While Terrorsaur and Waspinator headed in the direction of Rattrap and Rabbiterra.


Back at the pod area......

Optimus and company showed up, right after they had left. Megatron had gone back to base for repairs.

Rhinox ran over to the opened pod, looked inside the computer and saw the Maximal chip still there. He went back to where Optimus had landed.

"Is it?" Optimus asked.

Rhinox hung his head, but then looked up, smiling he patted Optimus on the shoulder and said, "Congratulations Optimus! It’s a Maximal!" He said it like he was declaring that Optimus was a father.

"The question is where is it and the others?"Optimus asked. He looked and saw the tracks in the sand. "This way!" He said. The four left.


Rabbiterra and Rattrap were running through the woods in beastmode. So far he hadn’t said anything to her. Neither had she to him. Rattrap didn’t know what to say. All she is, is some dame who hides in a stasis pod, he thought, doesn’t have any military training and barely knows how to handle a gun. Sheesh! Why didn’t I hand her over to the Preds in the first place?

Because you’re too soft! A voice inside him said.

"Well that was some pretty fine fightin’ back there, rabbit!" Rattrap said sarcastically, "Never knew you could shoot soooo good!"

Rabbiterra knew he was insulting her but she didn’t say anything.

"No wonder you ran away from school they probably threw you out!" He continued.

Rattrap was unaware that Rabbiterra can get mad very easily.

"But then you had to hide in a stasis pod, endanger the lives of your comrades and commanding officer by having a untrained solider aboard a ship."

"Sorry." She said quietly.

"Sorry? You’re sorry! Sorry doesn’t cut it, sweetheart!" He said.

Once again Rattrap was unaware that Rabbiterra was now gritting her teeth.

"We were better off..." Rattrap started to say but was cut off when Rabbiterra transformed grabbed him by the neck and pinned him against a tree. "Ackk!" He gasped.

"Listen, I didn’t intend on being in this war. I didn’t want to be in this war. But I am, just like the rest of you. I can’t undo what I did but I can help to my full ability regardless of my experience or training and the sooner you realize that the better. So shut up, and get off my back about it!" She said, letting him go.

Rattrap transformed and said, "Sorry," smiling a little, showing that he was.

"Sorry? You’re sorry! Sorry doesn’t cut it, sweetheart!"She said smiling, walking on and then going to beastmode.

Rattrap grinned at this and thought Maybe she ain’t so bad after all! Hee hee hee! He beastmoded and followed.


They approached a clearing, Rabbiterra was in the lead, so when she saw it she stopped and was stunned.

"What is it?" Rattrap said, when he saw the look on her face.

"Look!" She said. Rattrap looked to the clearing. There stood a patch of millions of billions of zillions of rabbits. All of them black and white.

"I really must thank you for picking me out such a rare beastmode!" Rabbiterra said sarcastically.

"Ah shut up!" Rattrap said.

"C’mon we better go before they get restless." She said.

"Restless! Who ever heard of bunnies getting restless?" He said.

"Have you ever seen a rabbit stampede?"


"Keep talkin’ and you will." She said. They started to walk away, "Wait! I hear something."

"What?" Rattrap asked. Rabbiterra stood on her hind legs and looked into the sky.

"I see something too. A bee and a red turkey heading this way." Rabbiterra said.

"Terrorsaur and Waspinator, we better go." Rattrap said.

"No wait!" She said, looking at the rabbits, "Listen Rat, Rat, Rat what’s your name?" Rabbiterra snapped her fingers.

"TRAP! My name is Rattrap!" He said getting annoyed.

"Yeah whatever, I have an idea."She said.

She ran to a log near the herd of bunnies. She started thumping out a message on the log with her foot, something like morse code. The rabbits turned their attention to her. Rattrap froze with fear, afraid the they might get rowdy.

Rabbiterra’s message translated was "Rabbits! Friends! Lend me your long ears!" She continued to explain their predicament and that they needed help. The rabbits stamped back a message. Rabbiterra smiled.

She rushed over and grabbed Rattrap, "Hey, where we goin’?" he asked.

"Hiding!" She said pushing him the herd. The rabbits crowded around him. Rabbiterra ducked into the rabbits.

At that moment Terrorsaur and Waspinator came to the rabbit patch. They came. They saw nothing, just a herd of rabbits. Then Rattrap began to make wheezing noises.

"What’s the matter?" Rabbiterra asked him.

"Dust-bunnies!" He said, trying not to sneeze.

Finally the two flyers left. Rabbiterra and Rattrap emerged from the herd. Rattrap, happy to sneeze freely. Rabbiterra ran back to the log and stamped out another message. The rabbits returned the message. Rattrap and her then left in the opposite direction.

"What’d they say?" Rattrap asked.

"They said "You're welcome!"She answered.

"What else did they say?"He asked.

"Oh nevermind!"She said.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Rabbiterra's Arrival, pt. 2
by Ruth Starreling (


After a while, though they realized they were lost. Rattrap transformed and tried to contact someone but there was too much interference.

"What’s that?" Rattrap asked all of a sudden.

"What’s what?" She said.

At that moment Rattrap was silently gagged and hauled into the bushes. Unawarely to Rabbiterra.

"I don’t hear anything, Ratface." She continued.

Unbeknownst to her, Tarantulas was creeping up to her in beastmode, obviously repaired from the last encounter. He crept up to her ready to strike. Rabbiterra, thinking it’s Rattrap behind her, reached her hand behind her back and swatted at Tarantulas, "Knock it off, will ya?"

Tarantulas stepped back for a second, but then moved closer to bite her. Rabbiterra, still thinking it was Rattrap, reached her hand back and smacked him, "STOP BREATHIN’ ON ME!" She yelled.

Tarantulas could take it no longer, he transformed and pointed his gun at her head. Just as Scorpinok came out holding Rattrap, in front of Rabbiterra.

"Hey Rattrap!" She says finally figuring it out, "If you’re there"(pointing in his direction) "than who’s this behind me." She said rather slowly as she transformed, felt her hand from the back of Tarantulas’ gun to the point. "Ow. That’s gonna hurt." She said after touching the tip.

She turned around to face Tarantulas, "Whoa ugly!" She said.

Tarantulas cackled, "DIE MAXIMAL!"

"Yeah right!" She said stamped on his foot and grabbed his gun. She shot it at him and Tarantulas was now caught in one of his own webs.

She turned to Scorpinok who still held Rattrap.

"Don’t move or the rat gets it."He said pointing his missile launcher at him. Rabbiterra dropped the gun and ran off. Rattrap and Scorpinok stared in disbelief as she left.

"So much for your friend." Scorpinok laughed, "Now I’ll bring you to Megatron."

"Why dat double-crossed, fraidy rabbit."Rattrap uttered. "Next time I run into her man, am I gonna...."

Just as they were leaving, they heard a loud yell and saw Rabbiterra swinging down on a vine and kick down Scorpinok, freeing Rattrap.

"You’re gonna what, Ratface?"She said.

Rattrap, for the first time actually relieved to see her, transformed. Scorpinok was still functional however, and started firing on both of them. Rattrap ducked behind a mound, but Rabbiterra circled round to the back of Scorpinok and shot him in the leg.(Amazingly) Scorpinok grabbed her by his tail and started to crush her.

"Ha! I’m a much better fighter than you!" He said.

"Yeah but there’s something I can do better than you!" She yelled.

"What’s that?"He asked.

"This!" She yelled biting him.

Scorpinok screamed and let her go. She fell to the ground. Rattrap took this opportunity to shoot at him. Scorpinok ran off.

After he was gone, Rattrap walked up to her, "Ah, what a nasty flavor!" She said.

"You okay."He asked.

"Yeah I’m fine, let’s just get outta here!" She said.

They turned around just in time to see Inferno, Blackarachnia, Terrorsaur, and Waspinator.

"Hey, hey, hey! What’s up here people? We just past these guys a little while ago." Rabbiterra said pointing to Terrorsaur and Waspinator.

"We found your tracks and radioed them here." Black replied. They pointed their guns at them.

Rattrap gulped and looked at Rabbiterra.

"Hey don’t look at me, I ain’t biting no more of those guys." She answered.


Optimus and the others had just met up with Cheetor and Dinobot.

"Where’s Rattrap and the Protoform?"He asked.

"We spilt up." Cheetor said

"The protoform’s name is Rabbiterra." Dinobot said.

"Where’d they go?"Optimus asked.

"They heading that way, the Preds were after us but we lost’em." Cheetor answered.

"They might be after them now let’s go." Optimus said. They left.


Meanwhile, Rabbiterra and Rattrap ducked behind a mound of dirt and began to fire on the Preds.

"You’ll have to go on and get help."He said.

"I can’t leave you here. There’s too many of them."She answered.

"I’ll be fine, you just go."

"But-"she started.

"Go or I’ll shoot you myself!" Rattrap said pointing his gun at her.

She gasped and gave him her gun, "Take this."

"Don’t let me down." He said. She left.


"Ah man, what am I going to do now?"Rabbiterra talked to herself while running through the woods in beastmode. "What help? I don’t even know where those other Maximals guys went."

She thought for a moment. A light bulb came over her head, just as she got an idea. She rushed back to the place they had found the herd of rabbits. She once again jumped on the log and stamped a message.

"Friend rabbits, I need your help again." Translated rabbit-morse code.

One rabbit stamped back, "Sure, anything for a fellow cottontail!"

"Okay, a friend of mine is in trouble and I need your assistance in rescuing him."

"Alright people," He turned to the other rabbits, "you heard the lady, we have a class A situation, plan: rescue. Let’s move, move, move, move!"

All the rabbits followed Rabbiterra back to the spot where Rattrap was. Only he was gone, the Preds too.

"They must’ve captured him." Rabbiterra said. Some tracks led off in the direction of the Predacon base. "Let’s go!"


Inside the Predicon base Rattrap was being held in a cage. Rabbiterra and the infinite number of fellow rabbits approached the base, "This must be their base, Rattrap’s gotta be inside. So here’s the move-"Rabbiterra gave out instructions.

Soon the whole Predacon base was crawling with rabbits. Rabbiterra thought it best to stay in beastmode and give herself the advantage to roam around the base unnoticed.

She ran into Blackarachnia, "Another one of those stupid long-eared creatures running around this base."She sighed, transforming, "maybe you’ll make a nice lunch." She picked Rabbiterra up.

"Put me down you long-legged freak!"Rabbiterra screamed.

"You talked!" Black gasped dropping her. She looked closely at her, "You must be one of Tarantulas’ creations, he’s been toying with animals a lot lately."

"Hey, leave me alone. I’m no lab creation."Rabbiterra answered, "I’m here with my family."

"Well, where’s your mom?" Black asked.

"She’s outside." Rabbiterra lied.

"Where’s your dad?"

"He’s somewhere else."

"What about your brothers and your sisters?"

"I’m an only child."

"Where do you live?"

"Uh, I can’t tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Cause you’re a stranger!" Rabbiterra said walking away.

Blackarachnia shook her head and let her go.


Rabbiterra walked on until she came to a computer. She transformed and punched in some keys. "They’ve got to show where he is on this thing."

Just as she found the location to where they were keeping Rattrap she heard the sound of a gun clicking behind her.

"Don’t move!" A nails-on-a-chalkboard sounding voice said. It was Terrorsaur.

"Who are you?"She asked.

"I am the great Terrorsaur."He proudly said introducing himself. "Commander of the Predacons and Destroyer of Maximals like you!"

Just then Inferno showed up, "What’s going on here?"

"Nothing! Just taking care of this Maximal." Terrorsaur said.

"I will bring her before the Royalty then." Inferno said taking Rabbiterra and carrying her off down the hallway.

"Ooo what kind of Royalty am I going to meet?" Rabbiterra asked, pleased she was being treated so special by her enemies.

"I’ll be taking you to my Queen."Inferno answered.

Rabbiterra, unaware he is taking about Megatron, asks "Cool! What does she look like?"

"You’ll soon see, Maximal." Inferno tells her.


The Maximals reach the area where Rattrap was taken.

"They must have taken them to their base."Optimus said.

"Don’t you just hate it when we miss them by that much?" Cheetor said.


In the Predicon command center, Rattrap laying in his cage while Megatron was overseeing the number of rabbits that had infiltrated the base on a computer screen. At that moment Inferno, Terrorsaur and Rabbiterra entered. Megatron was in beastmode, he turned around when he saw them come in.

Rabbiterra, stunned at the very sight of him, said "Now I know this is a dream, first I wake up to see that I’m a rabbit, I meet three total strangers, get attacked and chased out of a desert, meet a bus-load of wild rabbits, and I’m now introduce to a Queen that looks like Barney."

"You’re that new protoform, aren’t you?" He asked, transforming.

"Hey, you’re no Queen you’re a guy!"Rabbiterra said shocked right out of her mind.

"I am Megatron, Commander of the Predacons and Destroyer of Maximals like you!"

"But that’s what he said about himself." Rabbiterra pointed to Terrorsaur, who happened to be sneaking out of the room.

Megatron shook his head, "Pay no attention to him, he lies frequently." He told Inferno to leave.

He sat in his chair and smiled, "Now, what is your name?"


"Would you like to become part of the Predacons?"


"Why not?"

"Because you’re the bad guys."

"What if I was to persuade you otherwise?"

"How would you do that?"

Megatron jumped from his chair on to the floor, "If you do not join, I’ll destroy him," Megatron pointed his rex-head at Rattrap, "and then I’ll destroy you."

"What if I was to persuade you otherwise?" She asked.

Megs laughed, "You and what army?"

At that moment, all the rabbits that had been crawling all over the base, grouped up behind her. "This one!" Rabbiterra said proudly.

Megatron watched in disbelief as she shouted, "Rabbits Attack!"

The entire group climbed on to Megatron completely covering and knocking him off his chair. Rabbiterra, in the mean time, opened the cage and let Rattrap go.

"Nice plan Luckyfoot! I thought I was a deadbot." Rattrap sighed in relief.

"I told you I could do things without military training." She smiled and they both started to leave when Rabbiterra stopped.

"What are you doing?"Rattrap said.

"Wait a second!" She whistled to the rabbits and stamped, "Thanks guys I owe you one but you better leave now." The rabbits left in the couple of seconds. Megatron was left in a daze as Rabbiterra looked down at him, "Ah poor baby!" She laughed and ran off with Rattrap leading the way.


Outside, Optimus and the others were just about to attack when Rattrap and Rabbiterra came running out of the base. Rattrap motioned them to go back.

"What happened?" Optimus asked when they were close enough.

"Long story. I’ll explain on the way." Rattrap said.

All the Maximals were about to leave when a voice rang out "STOP!"

Everyone turned around to face Megatron, who looked half battered, "This is not over yet Rabbiterra, no!"

She smiled and walked up to him, "Y’know you’re right!"

She snapped her fingers. Music came out of no where as Rabbiterra sang:

"Ehh, What’s up, Megs? (Jabs him in the stomach)
What’s cookin’?
What’s up, Megs? (Kicks him in the shin)
Are ya lookin’....
For little Rabbiterra, who’s about disapearra? (Dances around him)
Always try to be a pest
And sweep ahead of all the rest.
What’s up Megs? What’s cookin’?
Hey look out. Stop! (Smashes a pie into his face)
Someones gonna be dead
From that old rex-head. (Hoses him off with water)
Ehh! What’s up Megs?"

The Maximals stared in disbelief as the song finishes and the music died away.

Megatron growled. Rabbiterra took his hand, put a piece of paper into it, saluted, and she and the Maximals are outta there within seconds. Megatron grew calm enough to open the piece of paper. It read:

You have been humiliated by Rabbiterra: Official Maximal Troublemaker.

Megatron growled again and went back inside.


On the way back...........

"So you’re the new Maximal, huh?"Optimus asked.

"Yep!" she answered.

"Well, we’ll be able to straighten things out once we get back to base." Optimus said.

Everyone crowded up to her interested in meeting Rabbiterra and finding out what happened exactly, everyone except for Rattrap. He stood some distance away.

She walked up to him and said, "What’s the matter?"

"Nobody cares about me."He said.

"I do, Ratman." She said.

"Are you sure?"

"I’m positive."

"Only fools are positive."

"Are you sure?"

"I’m positive."He said.

Rabbiterra started to laugh as Rattrap caught on to what he had said, "I fell for it. I should have known."


Back at base, Rabbiterra explained her lack of training and Optimus persuaded each of the Maximals, to teach her each of their specialities. They gave her the tour and appointed her some quarters. When she was alone she sat on her bed and taped on her necklace.

"Ruth," She said, "I made it. I’m in the Beast Wars!"

"Great!," I said over the speaker, "Now you can tell me all the stuff that goes on."

"I don’t think I can do this."

"Sure ya can, don’t worry about it. Do you have any news to tell so far?"

"Starreling," She said, "Have I got a story for you!"

The End.