Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

One's Loss is One's Gain
by Wes Whitten (


The snow crunched heavily under Tigatron's feet as he walked across the snowy mountain top in beast mode. Tigatron stopped walking for a second to take a glimpse around. Nothing but white snow could be seen for miles around. Tigatron hesitated before he began to walk forwards again. Tigatron stopped when he came to a communications satellite.

"Tigatron, Maximize!" Tigatron cried out as his white Siberian tiger form transformed into a tall, sleek robot form.

Tigatron stepped forward to the satellite and grabbed a lever on it's side. He carefully pulled it towards himself. A picture of Optimus Primal's head appeared in front of Tigatron.

"Tigatron, report!" spoke Optimus Primal.

"The Arctic Circle is clear of any or all Predacon interference." reported Tigatron.

"Great," said Primal, "please report back in two hours."

Tigatron nodded his head, "I will be sure to remember, Tigatron out."

With that, Optimus Primal's head disappeared, revealing a screen of black. Tigatron pushed the lever on the satellite back. The black screen vanished instantly.

"Beast mode." Tigatron cried. Tigatron reverted back into his white tiger form.

"What to do, what to do..." trailed off Tigatron's voice.

Tigatron sat his body on the ground and put his head on top of his paws.

"Alert! Alert! Stasis Pod detected!" cried the satellite's computer from behind Tigatron.

"A Stasis Pod? Where?!" asked the bewildered maximal.

"Scanning. Five kilometers due west." spoke the computer.

"Then I'm on my way." cried Tigatron as he ran off.



" Blackarachnia, Terrorize!" shouted the female Predacon as she transformed into a robot.

Blackarachnia found herself high above the mountaintops, where Megatron had stated that a stasis pod was near by. 'Arachnia sighed and sat herself down on the freezing snow.

"This is one trip a man ought to take." she said, as her two traveling companions came into view.

"The colony has requested me to go somewhere where nothing burns. I do not understand this." spoke the fire ant Inferno, as he and Waspinator Terrorized.

"Wazzzpinator freezing butt off. Want warm." said a shivering Waspinator.

"Shut up," said Blackarachnia, swiping her fist at Waspinator's stomach. Waspinator fell backwards.

"Now Wazzzpinator freezing and hurt." said the shivering Predacon.

"Like I said, this a journey a real man should take." sighed Blackarachnia.

"I am a real man! I will burn you on your next remark spider." warned Inferno, who was practically in Arachnia's face.

"You wouldn't dare." said Blackarachnia, crossing her arms.

She was right. Inferno didn't dare.



Tigatron stared around. It was hard to see through the thick snow flowing to the ground. Tigatron knew he was in the right direction of the Stasis Pod, but couldn't see it.

"I must be close by, I must." whispered Tigatron's voice.

Tigatron continued to stare around. Still nothing. He couldn't believe that he hadn't found the pod yet.

Just then, from the corner of his eye, Tigatron spotted a shiny light. It seemed to be the suns reflection on a metal object.

"The pod!" screeched out Tigatron as he transformed into his robot form. He rushed over to find a stasis pod, lying flat on the ground.

"What luck! Everything seems to be in working order!" cried out Tigatron as he started to program the pod.

After a few seconds of work, the pod was ready to scan for a suitable life form. Tigatron pressed a button on the control panel to begin it's scan. Nothing happened. Tigatron looked over the control panel on the pod. The green light that always flashed on the pod was now red.

"It must be damaged." said Tigatron. He pressed the scanner button again.

"Negative. No Proto Form available for scan." spoke the pod's computer.

"No Proto...impossible! There has to be something in there. A pod would never be fired off empty." cried out Tigatron sharply.

He peered into the Stasis Pod's window. It was hard to see through the tinted glass, and the blurring snow didn't help Tigatron either. Yet, Tigatron could see that something was in the pod. But it wasn't a Proto Form, it had a definite shape to it.

"What in the world..." trailed off Tigatron's voice. Suddenly, the stasis pod's glass bursted open, revealing a tall shadowy figure inside. Tigatron jumped back and stared in horror as an object rose from the pod.

"I am alive! I am alive!!!" cried the shadowy figure as it approached Tigatron.

Tigatron hesitated before bringing out his gun, "Stay where you are!"

"Do not worry, Tigatron. I mean you no harm." spoke the creature's voice.

"What?! Who are you? How do you know my name?!" screamed Tigatron with fear. He could see that the creature's body seemed to be a mix of various colors. It's body looked as if it was a robot itself.

"Do not be afraid. I know my appearance must startle you, but I am very harmless," spoke the creature's voice, "To make proper introductions Tigatron, my name is unpronounceable to you, so you may call me, Metrix."

Tigatron stared wildly at how much the creature could do. He had surely underestimated it.

"To tell my story," said Metrix, "I am an alien to this world. I was traveling here to find a golden rock. It was a means of power that my world left here by mistake millions of years ago. I sought out to find it, when I spotted two space crafts crashing to this planet. I sought out to help them, when my ship was destroyed by the planet's atmosphere, and I fell into space. I did not recall anything for a time. I realized I was dead, but my spark somehow drifted into this pod you see before you."

Tigatron stood up, and stared at the alien, "The ship's you saw, must have been the Maximals and Predacons before they crash landed here."

"Indeed. For you see, this pod landed here two months ago I believe. I do not know why you were not alerted of my presence, but for some reason, you weren't. As time passed, I was able to learn much from the pod, and learn about what was happening on this planet. While searching for the rock, I stumbled upon a battle between you Tigatron and the Predacons. This was how I learned of your name. I must say, I am sorry about your friend, Snowstalker." said Metrix.

"Snowstalker?! You saw the battle when Snowstalker was lost?!" cried out Tigatron.

"Yes, I saw the battle through the pod's sensors. I know she meant much to you." said Metrix.

Tigatron lowered his head, "Yes she did. She was a good friend to me. Yet, I am a Maximal warrior, while she was just a mere tiger."

"But, that doesn't mean you care any less about her." spoke Metrix.

"'re right. I miss her so much." spoke Tigatron.

"And she misses you too." said Metrix.

Just then, an explosion triggered besides Tigatron, causing Metrix and himself to fall backwards. As, the smoke cleared, Tigatron spotted Blackarachnia in front of him. Inferno and Waspinator were in beast mode, right behind her.

"Well, it looks like this is one pod Megatron will not get his hands on," said Blackarachnia, "so I guess that means we will get to destroy both of you."

"Yes! You will burn! Inferno, Terrorize!" screamed Inferno, changing from fire ant to robot.

Waspinator did the same. He drew out his gun and began to randomly fire at Tigatron, "Cat bot will die before Wazzzpinator's feet!"

Tigatron took a direct hit in the stomach and stepped back.

Before he knew it, Waspinator had Tigatron pinned down to the ground.

"I shall burn you Maximal!" cried Inferno.

"No you won't!" cried Metrix as he grabbed inferno by the back and flung him at Waspinator. The two Predacons collided and began to roll down the mountain tops.

"Fancy arm work big boy." cried out Blackarachnia as she threw her foot at Metrix's head.

Metrix ducked and grabbed Blackarachnia's other leg. He spun her around wildly, and then let her go. She plummeted down the mountaintops after Inferno and Waspinator.

Metrix stared at Blackarachnia for a moment, and then walked over to Tigatron.

"Are you all right?" he asked, helping Tigatron up.

"For now. Just a few loose bolts in my leg." spoke Tigatron.

"That is good to hear." Metrix said.

" saved my life. Thank you." stated Tigatron.

"Think nothing of it." responded Metrix.

The two shook hands. They both felt the gratitude to give too each other.

"Maximal think he get rid of Wazzzpinator easily. But Maximal wrong. Wazzzpinator will destroy both of you." cried Waspinator as he flew up from the bottom of the mountain in beast mode.

Waspinator tracked his missiles onto Tigatron and fired. Tigatron had no time to react as the missiles zoomed in on him.

"Look out!" cried out Metrix as he shoved Tigatron out of the way. Metrix took Tigatron's hit and was flown back, down the mountain side.

"Metrix!" cried out Tigatron.

Tigatron quickly turned around and nailed Waspinator in the head. The Predacon flew back a bit before stumbling down the mountainside again. Tigatron hoped that was the last of the Predacons.

Staring down the opposing mountainside, Tigatron spotted Metrix lying on a heap of snow. Tigatron quickly transformed into beast mode and tracked down the mountain top. Soon, he had reached Metrix. Tigatron could see that his spark was fading rapidly.

"Metrix...are you all right?! Please answer..." cried out Tigatron.

Metrix raised his hand to Tigatron's face and touched it.

Metrix's hand felt like blood against Tigatron's fur.

"My time here is ending." spoke Metrix weakly.

"You shouldn't have taken that hit for me." said Tigatron, suppressing a tear.

"I took it for a reason. My time here should be well over. Yet, I must leave you something in return." spoke Metrix softly.

"Leave me what?" asked Tigatron.

"When...when I viewed Snowstalker's death. I felt great sorrow for you. I took her spark, and placed it into my soul. It will arise when I pass on. My body exists as a Proto Form for you. I...I am giving you a chance to be reunited with her." spoke Metrix.

Tigatron stared wildly at Metrix. Not believing what he was hearing. The suppressed tears began to glitter down Tigatron's face as the flurrying snow seemed to increase in speed and number.

"You mean...I can bring Snowstalker back to life, as a Maximal??!!" Tigatron gasped out.

Metrix nodded.

"Thank you..." trailed off Tigatron's voice, "In return, I shall find the golden rock for you."

"There is no need for you to find it. For it's need, will no longer be of use when I am gone." spoke Metrix.

"What? I don't understand." Tigatron exclaimed.

Metrix began to move, as if he was trying to answer. But, his body stopped. His spark had died out. Tigatron watched with sorrow as Metrix's body turned into a Proto Form. Snowstalker's spark, glittering above it.

Tigatron lowered his head. Metrix was gone, but he knew what he had to do. Slowly and steadily, Tigatron held out his paws and let Snowstalker's spark fall into them. Staring at it for a brief second, Tigatron then pushed it into the Proto Form's chest. The Proto Form began to glisten and take shape. Before Tigatron knew it, an almost perfect replica of himself was standing beside him.

"Sno...Snowstalker?" asked Tigatron.

"Tigatron? Tigatron!" exclaimed Snowstalker, as she stared into the eyes of her friend.

"Tigatron, Maximize!"

"Snowstalker, Maximize!"

The two white tigers transformed. Indeed, the two looked very alike. Only a few facial and body features differed from Tigatron.

The two Maximals stared at each other for a good long time, then they fell to each other and hugged.

"I have missed you so." said Tigatron.

"Me too." said Snowstalker.

Tigatron was amazed at how used to being a robot and talking Snowstalker seemed to be. Tigatron couldn't wait to tell this story to the other Maximals.

The two Maximals separated and stared at each other again.

"I think it's time to report in to Optimus Primal." said Tigatron.

Snowstalker smiled. She and Tigatron grabbed hands and walked over to the satellite.

"Thank you Metrix." said Tigatron.

The End