Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

by Wes Whitten (

Thunder echoed throughout the Darkside on a dark and stormy night. An energon storm was passing over, and all the Predacons had returned to base for protection. While many of them remained in their quarters, a few others had plans.

In Scorponok's laboratory, Megatron, Blackarachnia, and Scorponok were busy at work. Scorponok, at a huge device, tinkered with the controls as Blackarachnia held a DNA tube labeled 'Dinobot'. Megatron stared over at the progress they had made.

"Scorponok," Megatron spoke, "Is the cloning machine ready?"

Scorponok turned towards Megatron.

"It's almost ready. The modifications I have made to it should allow the clone to transform, unlike our last Dinobot clone," Scorponok reported.

"Do not remind me of that failure!" Megatron barked.

Scorponok only nodded and returned to his work. After pressing a few buttons, he stood upright.

"Blackarachnia hand me the DNA," Scorponok ordered.

Blackarachnia handed it to him without saying a thing. She was in a most bitter mood with Megatron. He had been constantly yelling at her for her repeated failure.

"Megatron, it is ready!" Scorponok announced as he finished pouring the DNA into a slot.

"Perfect, yes, come, let us start the machine," Megatron ordered.

He and Scorponok turned and walked over to a control panel on the other side of the lab. Blackarachnia stared at the two, who were paying no attention to her. B.A. stared at Megatron. There had to be a way to get her revenge.

Then it hit her. Blackarachnia checked to make sure nobody was looking, and then slipped in another DNA tube that was on a nearby bench. Blackarachnia knew it was her own DNA sample, but that didn't stop her from pouring it into the slot with Dinobot's. The once blue DNA shifted into a purple color as the two samples mixed. Blackarachnia hid the empty tube as Scorponok and Megatron turned around to face her.

"Stand clear," Megatron demanded.

Blackarachnia slyly stepped a few feet back as Scorponok started up the machine. A few clanking gears later, a bright light was thrown out. Megatron, Scorponok, and Blackarachnia covered there eyes as the machine exploded, leaving a gorgeous female Beast Warrior in robot mode, almost like Dinobot.

"What the...?" Scorponok began.

"That's no Dinobot! That's a female! I HATE females!" Megatron declared.

"Something must have gone wrong with the DNA transfer," Scorponok spoke as he approached the femme to study her.

"Whoa! Whoa!" she called, "Back off!"

Scorponok jumped back as she spoke. Megatron stepped forward.

"It isn't a clone. It's not even the right gender! Get rid of it!" Megatron ordered.

"What?!" the female spoke, stepping back a few feet with shock.

Scorponok readied a mega missile at her as Blackarachnia positioned her crossbow.

"I don't think I like it here!" the femme exclaimed, "You guys are too weird for me!"

With that, the femme drew out a sword and cut a hole in the side of the room. Before anyone could make a move, the female jumped through the hole and outside into the stormy night. She converted to a velociraptor, similar to Dinobot, and ran off.

Megatron grew angry as he watched her disappear.

"Should I follow her Megatron?" Scorponok asked.

Megatron glared at Scorponok.

"Leave her be. She doesn't know the land, or what she's doing. Besides, the energon storm will most likely claim her spark," Megatron reasoned.

The three Predacons laughed aloud as the sound of thunder echoed through the Darkside.


Dinobot and Cheetor, both in beast mode, prowled through a jungle of trees. They were sent to scout for any Predacon surprise attacks that they could throw during the storm. Usually, Optimus Primal wouldn't let anyone outside in this harsh weather, but Rhinox had just invented a new electron device, capable or directing any energon rain or lightning from it's location.

While Dinobot looked around alert as ever, Cheetor sat himself down on the ground.

"Tired Pussy Cat?" asked Dinobot.

Cheetor yawned, "A tad. There's not enough action right now to keep me awake."

Suddenly, Dinobot's hand held scanner picked up a large life form heading their way.

"Looks like you will receive your excitement, Dinobot Maximize!" Dinobot cried out.

As the two converted to robot mode, a figure appeared over the horizon of bushes and jungle. Cheetor grabbed his quasar gun and ducked behind a bush as Dinobot held his sword in a battle stance.

"See anything?" Cheetor asked, unable to see anything through the thick bush.

"You won't believe it," Dinobot murmured, as he saw the brown velociraptor more clearly now, "It appears to be a velociraptor in my stunning image."

"A clone? Like the one Megatron sent out that once?" Cheetor asked.

"Negative," Dinobot whispered, "There's something different about THIS clone."

With that, Dinobot converted to beast mode and went into a pouncing position. Within seconds, the other velociraptor came within ten feet of the two Maximals' position and stopped to take a rest. Dinobot saw his moment and leapt forward, pouncing on the creature.

"Hey! Get off me!" the newcomer cried as it was pushed down on the ground.

Dinobot jumped off the creature in fright.

"A...FEMALE?! A female clone of myself?!" Dinobot spoke bewildered, as Cheetor rose from the bushes.

"A clone of you?!" the female dinosaur asked, getting up from the ground, "I don't think so."

Dinobot and Cheetor examined the femme. Her beast mode was exactly like Dinobot's.

"Wonder if her robot mode is genuine?" Cheetor whispered to Dinobot.

"Miss," Dinobot began, "What is your name?"

"My name?" she asked.

She stood there blankly for a few moments. She never thought about a name. But surely she had to have one. Then, she remembered what that gigantic purple robot had called her. A Dinobot clone. Dinobot? No, Dinabot.

"My name is Dinabot," Dinabot spoke, a little more happier then her attitude before.

"Can you transform, eh, Dinabot?" asked Dinobot.

Dinabot converted to her robot mode. Dinobot and Cheetor examined Dinabot's robot mode. Very close to Dinobot's, except for a few curves.

Dinobot maximized to see the comparison more clearly. It was indeed uncanny. While Dinobot examined Dinabot's appearance, Dinabot marveled at Dinobot.

"Well now," Dinabot smiled, "Aren't you a hunk?"

"WHAT?!" Cheetor exclaimed.

"You heard me furball. Isn't this dreamy robot of muscle cute?" Dinabot spoke, tickling Dinobot under his chin.

Dinobot pushed Dinabot back. Dinabot stumbled a tad with surprise.

"Hey, what did you do that for?! I thought you were on my side?" asked Dinabot.

"First, let's make one thing clear," Dinobot pointed at her strictly, "I already have a girlfriend, and second, you never said what side you are on."

"What do you mean side?" Dinabot asked more angrily.

"Are you Maximal or Predacon?" asked Cheetor for Dinobot.

"Well," Dinabot thought, "I don't know. I don't like the sound of either of them."

Dinobot sighed as Cheetor eyed Dinabot.

"So she's neutral? What's the matter with that?" asked Cheetor.

"You can't be neutral in a war! You'll be shot down by the enemy unless your with them!" Dinobot declared.

"You mean those evil freaks back at that base? Yeah right, I'm not one of them!" Dinabot argued.

Cheetor maximized and stepped in between the two bickering robots.

"Whoa! Whoa! Easy now! Let's not start killing each other. None of us are Predacons here!" Cheetor exclaimed.

Dinobot lowered his head.

"You are right, Cheetor," Dinobot spoke, "Dinabot, I invite you back to our base. Even if you choose not to stay with us, you surely will need some energon and some tests to see if anything's wrong with you."

Dinabot tilted her head. "All right, I'll go. But only because I'm not sure what to make of all this stuff," Dinabot spoke, "Lead the way hot stuff!"

Dinobot sighed when he heard his 'pet name' and converted to beast mode. Dinabot and Cheetor did the same, and they followed him back to Axalon.

A mega cycle later, Dinabot arose from the CR Chamber. Dinabot noticed Dinobot and Slasher Red together in the corner, and Rhinox, Optimus Primal, and Polar Claw at the main computer, reviewing scores of Dinabot's data and structure.

"Well," Dinabot spoke up, "How am I?"

Rhinox turned around and faced Dinabot.

"Well, your in perfect shape...for a clone," Rhinox stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" demanded Dinabot, a little louder than usual.

Around that time Slasher Red and Dinobot joined the conversation.

"Supposedly, Dinabot was created to be a clone of me, yet something must have gone wrong in the process." Dinobot pitched in.

"You mean, I'm nothing more than a clone? A CLONE?!" Dinabot cried out.

In a fit of rage, Dinabot ran to the man lift and descended down to the ground. Before she hit bottom, she converted to beast mode and was out of sight.

"Why that...." Dinobot began, stepping forward.

"No Dinobot," Rhinox spoke, restraining him, "Let her go her way."

"And let the Predacons get her? I think not," Dinobot spoke converting to beast mode and following her.

"Optimus," Slasher Red spoke, "Let me go after the two, I know I can look after them."

Primal hesitated, "Bring them both back alive. The Predacons may be after Dinabot. And with the storm over, they're free to do so."

Slasher Red saluted and followed in their footsteps.

Dinabot shredded through the forest of leaves as she ran farther and farther away from the Axalon. A clone. All she was is a clone? She's not her own self? She's not her own image? How could she live like that?! Dinabot grew in self pity as she began to grow weak and stopped to catch her breath. As she stopped, a maximized Dinobot flipped over her head.

"What are you doing here? Following me?!" Dinabot screamed.

"Calm down. There is no need for alarm," Dinobot coaxed her.

Dinabot calmed down a tad.

"Why come after me? I'm useless," Dinabot spoke somber.

"No you are not. You are a clone of me, which means you are a part of me. You are like a sister to me now. Please do not try to run from fear. Join the Maximals and we shall help you fight it together," Dinobot explained.

"Nice lecture, but it doesn't change anything. I'm not my own person. There's nothing I have that you or the other Maximals don't have," Dinabot lowered her head.

"Dinabot, please cheer up. The Predacons might be lurking about and we must return to Axalon.


Meanwhile, in the sky, Waspinator and Terrorsaur were on patrol to discover the current status of Dinabot. Terrorsaur glides his head over to his right, where he sees the two raptors in conversation.

"Well well, Waspinator, guess what I see," Terrorsaur amused himself.

"Wazzzpinator don't care what 'dactyl-bot see, Wazzzpinator care what he sees and destroys! Wazzzpinator Terrorize!!!" Waspinator screamed, converting to robot mode and zooming towards his prey.

Terrorsaur transformed to robot mode and followed, with his gun in hand.

Below, Dinobot and Dinabot continued their argument.

"Dinobot, just go back yourself, I don't care what happens to me!" Dinabot bickered.

"But...." Dinobot began, when suddenly an explosion happened at his feet which sent him flying.

"Dinobot, what the....?" Dinabot spoke as Terrorsaur and Waspinator entered the forest for battle.

Dinabot transformed and dawned her sword. As Waspinator swooped by her, she sliced her sword into his wings. The Predacon, instead of soaring upward, crashed into the ground.

"Stupid Raptor!" Waspinator cursed, firing several stinger blasts from his cannon.

All seven blasts nailed Dinabot. Explosions and sparks flew from all over her body as she sagged to the ground. As she fell, Dinobot got up and fired a full force of eye beams into Waspinator. Waspinator was pushed far back into the horizon from the blast, and landed in a bush.

"Wazzzpinator hate nature! Say Predacons retreat now! Clone hurt badly!" Waspinator called off to Terrorsaur.

"Negative bug boy! I'm finishing the job!" Terrorsaur laughed, firing all into the direction of Dinobot and Dinabot.

Dinobot sought cover behind a boulder and fired his eye beams by the hovering Predacon.

Terrorsaur was distracted by Waspinator long enough for Dinobot to give him a solid hit. Terrorsaur was pushed back as Waspinator was. Terrorsaur landed besides his fellow Predacon full force.

"Does Terrorsaur want to stay and fight zem?" Waspinator remarked.

Terrorsaur growled and transformed to pterodactyl mode. He then flew off into the horizon. Waspinator stared after him before following.

When the two were safely out of view, Dinobot rushed over to Dinabot. Dinobot stared at her. She was leaking mech fluid all over, and she was throwing off sparks and missing several gears and parts.

"Dinabot," Dinobot spoke in a calm voice, "Can you hear me?"

Dinabot's hand sprang to life and grabbed his arm as Slasher Red entered.

"Dinobot! I've been looking all over for----oh no...." Slasher Red said when she spotted Dinabot.

"Dinobot?" Dinabot whispered, without opening her eyes, ""

Suddenly, Dinabot's grip loosened, and her hand fell into the forest dirt.

"Dinobot?! Is she alive?!" Slasher Red spoke bewildered.

Dinobot picked her body up, "I....I don't know,"

The two Maximals rushed back towards base. Dinobot could only hope she would make it.

Hope sometimes does not work.


Two days later, the grand funeral for the neutral Beast Warrior was held. Dinabot's body was placed onto a tripod burner, placed in a reverent position. The blue smoke from the tripod began to stream upward as Optimus Primal began.

"In all her life, she was confused. Not knowing what was right, or what was wrong. It felt like going to the Garden of Eden to slag. Yet somewhere, in the folds of the Matrix, she has discovered, and she will understand," Optimus Primal spoke to all the Maximals.

Then, Optimus nodded towards Rhinox. Rhinox, who was at a control station with Rattrap, activated the tripods burners into full force. On the tripod, Dinabot's body burned away into a haze.

"She lived a warrior, and died a hero. Let her spark join the Matrix, the greatest of Cybertrons," Primal spoke as honorable tradition.

Swiftly, Optimus Primal saluted. Cheetor, Tigatron, Airazor, Snowstalker, Polar Claw, and Slasher Red did so as well. But Dinobot did not. He took a moment to linger at her image he was seeing in the sky.

And then saluted.

The End