Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Hunter, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (


FADE IN: EXTERNAL. The starry skies of space reveal a long, sleek ship. It passes through the void quietly. Under-slung to the wing are four stasis pods. From the scale, we can see that the ship is a small fighter of some sort. As it comes close, we can see the MAXIMAL SYMBOL on each wing.

CUT TO: INTERNAL: WOLFANG, robot mode, sans beast-style parts, is sitting at the main controls.

COMPUTER: "Estimated time of arrival to Cybertron, six hours, nine minutes, standard Federation time."

WOLFANG: (quietly, his voice low and dark) "None too soon for my taste. The Elders owe me big for this particular prisoner. Status report on him?"

COMPUTER: "Decepticon Pretender remains inert and shut-down. That is the seventh time you have asked on his status in six cycles."

WOLFANG: "Thank you, computer. He was a tricky one, though... it almost seems too easy."

Suddenly, a large explosion sounds. CUT TO: EXTERNAL VIEW, the engines of the ship explode back brilliantly. The ship begins to pitch over and flip. CUT TO: INTERAL, the lights have turned red. WOLFANG looks around with narrowed eyes.

WOLFANG: "Son of a scraplet. Computer, what the slag happened?"

COMPUTER: "Explosion caused by explosive device somehow planted in energon lines. Reactive mass somehow evaded detection."

WOLFANG: (growling) "Damage report?"

COMPUTER: "Engines are undergoing self-repair. Energon loss, however, is successive. Warp drive and jump systems will be unable to reach intended destination. Warp system is malfunctioning, and fuel supply is inadequate."

WOLFANG: (hitting the console with his fist) "Oh, that's Prime. Lock onto the nearest source of energon and get us there."

COMPUTER: "Warning. Time-Spatial dilation likely. Navigation will become unreliable."

WOLFANG: (darkly) "Like we have a choice, computer?"

CUT TO: PREDACON BASE, main control center. SCORPONOK, BLACKARACHNIA, and TARANTULAS, all in robot mode, are standing. SCOPONOK clanks his pincers together and glares over to TARANTULAS.

TARANTULAS: (annoyed) "Are you quite through chiding me?"

SCORPONOK: (angry and stepping forward) "You've been skimming off energon rations for days now. Where's all that excess energon going? It takes time to refine energon into a useable state, and you're drinking it up like a lush."

TARANTULAS: "Are you saying that I got a drinking problem?"

SCORPONOK: "Oh, you've got a problem."

SCORPONOK steps very near TARANTULAS, standing obviously taller than him, and ready to start something more physical. Quickly, BLACKARACHNIA gently takes SCOROPNOK's shoulder, gently pulling him back.

BLACKARACHNIA: "Cool out, Scorp. We've all had a busy time on the lab and you're just stressed. Maybe we should all go out, get some air?"

SCOROPNOK: (poking her) "Right, and you've shot at me more times than the Maximals. You really think I'm going to hop out on a date with you?"

BLACKARACHNIA: (smirking) "So, some of us like a more... aggressive... stance in our romance."

SCOROPNOK raises his pincers, but winds up growling, more frustrated with the mess than anything else. Twice, he begins to say something, then just stalks away grumbling. TARANTULAS laughs softly as SCOROPNOK heads out the door.

TARANTULAS: (still laughing) "You can really push his buttons."

BLACKARACHNIA: (smiling) "Some Predacons have fairly big buttons, gruesome.
So, you up to some company outside for a little moonlight stroll?"

TARANTULAS: (sarcastic) "My dear, you so honor me with your presence?"

BLACKARANIA: "I don't need you for a walk."

TARANTULAS: "It seems that you don't need me for anything..."

CUT TO: WOLFANG'S FIGHTER, shaking in its descent as the 'mysterious planet' comes into view, energon sparks come from the rear of the ship.

CUT TO: WOLFANG, inside the fighter. The whole ship is shaking and pieces are starting to come off inside. WOLFANG struggles to keep control as the image of the planet starts dominating monitors.

COMPUTER: "Warning, descent unstable. Crash landing is unavoidable."

WOLFANG: (hissing) "Do you have anything useful to say, computer?"

COMPUTER: "Maximal energy signatures located on planet. Unable to get exact location due to energon-interference. Communications system is out. Unable to hail Maximal scout craft."

WOLFANG: "Give me a vector... I'll try to bring you in as close as possible."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: WOLFANG'S FIGHTER entering the atmosphere , still shaking and pitching. It's hull begins to glow as the wind rips around it.

CUT TO: PLANERSIDE. BLACKARACHNIA, in spider mode, is stepping over rocks, putting as much distance between herself and the base as she can. Some meters behind her, TARANTULAS is following, also in spider mode.

TARANTULAS: "Don't play so upset with me, witch."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Who's playing? You two were acting like Terran children. Scorponok would have pounded your head in. Then I would have to listen to him and Megatron without you there for support."

TARANTULAS: "You're saying that you actually care?"

BLACKARACHNIA: (feigning indifference) "Go and make your own conclusions."

A sonic boom fills the air, followed by a quick flash of light. The two spiders look up. CUT TO: The sky, a silver ship streaks red flame behind it, headed to the horizon. It is a long moment before either spider speaks.

TARANTULAS: "A ship..."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Yes. But is it friend or foe?"

TARANTUALS: "Doesn't matter. It's ours."

TARANTULAS begins to scamper away, headed for the craft. BLACKARACHNIA quickly follows.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: THE FIGHTER is wrecked, but not as bad as the Predacon or Maximal base. Scorch marks line through the trees of the surrounding jungle. CUT TO: INTERNAL: WOLFANG's ship. He struggles to stand and sparks fly off of parts on his body.

WOLFANG: "Computer?"

The computer responds in broken clicks and whirrs. WOLFANG stands fully and steps to the control console. Once there, he sees that it's blackened and damaged. Quickly, he reconnects several circuits.

WOLFANG: "Computer?"

COMPUTER: (scrambled and fading) "War-War-Warning... energon...inter-inter....Energon concentration... excessive. Circuit failure... inevitable..."

WOLFANG: "That applies to me as damper field will last for several minutes. Still, that won't help you much. Is there any alternatives?"

COMPUTER: (scrambled, and starting to fail completely) "Adopt... native life... energon... shield... organic tissue..."

WOLFANG: "What about our prisoner?"

COMPUTER: "Decepticon.... Damaged pod... Pretender prisoner... protection needed.... survival."

WOLFANG: (nodding) "Fine, adopt new forms for both of us. Keep him under wraps, and shut yourself down. I'll bring you back up when I get repairs completed."

COMPUTER: "Affirm... Affirmative..."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: JUNGLE SHOT: BLACKARACHNIA and TARANTULAS, still as spiders, come close to the ship as the scanner starts to shake and fade into operational order. The scanner sweeps over them, and the neighboring area, then bursts wildly in all directions, sending scanning beams out for miles everywhere.

TARANTULAS: "Poor Maximal needs a better cable service."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Blackarachnia! Terrorize!"

The two spiders transform to their robots modes and take out their weapons.
Slowly, they move to the ship as the scanner finally dies out in a fizzle. BLACKARACHNIA moves to the front of the ship, as TARANTULAS disappears from view off to the side.

CUT TO: INTERNAL of WOLFANG's ship: WOLFANG looks out of the main screen as his body receives its beast adornments. The 'shoulders' and 'waist' is brought in with repair equipment.

WOLFANG: "Well... a Predacon... at least an attractive one. (rubs his cheek) She's probably the most dangerous one out here."

WOLFANG, robot mode, pulls out his rifle and turns as the hatch opens to reveal BLACKARACNIA, in robot mode, her cannon leveled already. She fires once, but the blast gets absorbed in WOLFANG's personal shield, which sparkles around him under the impact.


WOLFANG fires once, shooting BLACKARACHNIA back out the door outside. He then runs out and follows through with a punch. BLACKARACHNIA falls back and fires again. Again, the shield dissipates the energy. Quickly, WOLFANG stands above her, with his rifle leveled at her.

WOLFANG: "Look, let's make this easy. I know you have friend here. Mind telling me where they are?"

TARANTULAS: "Right here!"

TARANTULAS appears behind WOLFANG and holds him, pulling him tight. As WOLFANG struggles to get free, BLACKARACNIA transforms to beast mode and leaps onto the Maximal. Quickly, she buries her teeth deep into his chest, dripping venom. WOLFANG's eyes fade, and he falls.

BLACKARACHNIA: "Personal energy shield... that'll be worth something in salvage."

TARANTUALS: "Worth quite a bit. Who is he?"

IGUANUS: (off camera) "His name is WOLFANG, a bounty-hunter for the Maximals... sent to rid Cybertron of us Decepticons."

TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA turn quickly to look at the new speaker and see IGUANUS, robot mode, his cannon drawn and leveled at them.

IGUANUS: "I... on the other hand... am the Decepticon... Iguanus."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Iguanus? You served under..."

IGUANUS: "I serve the Decepticons. That is all that matters. I must thank you..." (with a tinge of disgust) "Predacons... for ridding me of that bounty-hunter."

TARANTULAS: "Thank us?"

IGUANUS: "Right. Thank you... mercifully."

IGUANUS raises his cannon against at the TARANTULAS and narrows his eyes. We see TARANTULAS take a nervous step back. CLOSE UP on IGUANUS and FADE TO BLACK.

 Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Hunter, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (


FADE IN: A bright white view fills the screen. PAN OUT of it and reveal IGUANUS, robot mode, firing at BLACKARACHNIA, also in robot mode. TARANTULAS, as spider, leaps quickly, knocking down BLACKARACHNIA just as the blast goes over them. TARANTULAS leaps off of her, and transforms to robot mode.

IGUANUS: "None shall find me, never again! I served the Decepticons loyally...I fought for the cause, and I was betrayed!"

TARANTULAS: (to Blackarachnia) "What's he rambling on about?"

BLACKARACHNIA: (shrugs) "Why don't you go off and ask him?"

IGUANUS fires again, sending a powerful blast near TARANTULAS, who ducks and takes cover behind a large boulder. BLACKARACHNIA fires quickly, slamming hard into IGUANUS, who stammers, but returns her shot with one of his own, coming dangerously near her with his energy blasts.

TARANTULAS: "I don't think he's in a talking mood..."

IGUANUS: (ranting) "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

BLACKARACHNIA: "He's a lunatic... If I can get one well-placed shot into him, it will all be over."

TARANTULAS: "No! Wait...."

BLACKARACHNIA: "I've got him... what?"


IGUANUS starts to fire again, but static discharges all around him as the energon build-up starts to overtake him. BLACKARACHNIA and TARANTULAS move forward as IGUANUS falls over.

COMPUTER: (from IGUANUS) "Warning, stasis lock. Unable to override."

IGUANUS: (trailing) "No..."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Interesting... he didn't last long out here did he?"

TARANTULAS: "No immunity at all. He'll be sleeping like a baby all the way back to our lab."

BLACKARACHNIA: "I would like to get a look into his circuits. I've never had access to a true Decepticon's memory circuits before."

TARANTULAS: "Between him and the Maximal's starship, we've had a lucky haul so far. Once we get his ship back in some working order, the other Maximals won't stand a chance against us."

BLACKARACHNIA: "The Maximal..."

She turns and sees the WOLFANG is nowhere to be found.

CUT TO: EXTERNAL, deep jungle scene. WOLFANG, robot mode, stumbles along. His eyes fade to black, then flicker back on. His circuits are beginning to fail. He stumbles onto a tree, and falls. He barely manages to stand again, and then converts to beast mode.

COMPUTER: (from WOLFANG) "Warning, circuit failure is imminent. Unable to filter out poison from neuro-circuitry. System shutdown in two hours, three minutes."

WOLFANG: (weakly) "Computer... is there an antidote?"

COMPUTER: "Negative. Only chance of survival is from resuscitation chamber."

WOLFANG: "The ship... I can't get back there. I've come too far... I can't fail now, not like this."

CUT TO: INTERNAL of WOLFANG's ship. IGUANUS, beast mode, is propped up on a center table. Debris fills the entire cabin. BLACKARACHNIA and TARATULAS, both in robot mode, are looking around for working parts. TARANTULAS gets frustrated and tosses a broken metal shard aside.

TARANTULAS: "No way we can do this ourselves. We'll have to let the others know what's happened out here."

BLACKARACHNIA: "So much for our private party." (smirking) "Here I was looking forward to a romantic getaway, just the three of us."

TARANTULAS: "Just because we can't repair the ship for ourselves doesn't mean that we can't get something out of this situation."

TARANTULAS moves over to IGUANUS and activates something on him, forcing the beast to convert to robot mode. TARANTULAS then opens up a panel on IGUANUS's head plate and attaches a few wires before going to the ship's main computer.

TARANTULAS: "I just hope this crate's computer is in good enough shape to handle a download."

BLACKARACHNIA: (looking at the screen) "Looks like it."

COMPUTER: "File... access... denied... Decepticon entry... faulty. Connection ... not secure..."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Computer, please override."

COMPUTER: "Subject... reads as... Decepticon... Iguanus.... Pretender under the command of... Scorponok... believed deceased Terran year 2015. "

TARANTULAS: (wryly) "Different 'Scorponok' I would assume."

COMPUTER: "Primary... function... Explosives expert. Wanted for six-hundred counts of Decepticon Terrorism. Current bounty is nine-hundred-thousand energon chips. Capture... completed on... Charr... on date...."

The computer suddenly sparks up, smokes leap from the console. TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA back up quickly as it ruptures. Red flames rush over the wires connecting to IGUANUS. IGUANUS awakes quickly, with a scream.

IGUANUS: "What... have... you... (trails off as his eyes dim a long moment) Memory... database, removed. I am... Iguanus... who awakens my spark?"

TARANTULAS: (annoyed) "Great, we've ruined it! We've wiped his mind!"

BLACKARACHNIA: (sporting a wide grin) "That's just terrible. Of course, with all the damage that poor Iguanus took from that Maximal, it's to be expected."

TARANTULAS: (dawning) "Yes... but I would think that Iguanus could take more punishment than that, though He is one of the most enduring of the Predacons, after all."

IGUANUS: (confused) "Predacon? Do I... Do I know you?"

IGUANUS stands, pulling the wires from his head and closing his helm.TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA look at each-other a moment, then to him.

BLACKARACHNIA: "I am Blackarachnia, and this is... Tarantulas. We serve together against the Maximals. We are... friends."

IGUANUS: "I... do not remember you. What proof do you have?"

TARANTULAS: "We cannot offer you proof, Iguanus. But I'm sure that the Maximal who damaged you in the first place would be happy to confirm our friendship for you."

BLACKARACHNIA:" If he isn't dead already."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW, both in beast mode, scour over the area, stopping occasionally. The two buzz around one-another a bit, then fan out, then back.

BUZZ SAW: "Buzz Saw sees no signs of spiders... maybe they caught up in their own webs?"

WASPINATOR: "Megatron said to look for spiders. Spiders have to be here somewhere."

BUZZ SAW: "Spiders can stay lost for all I care. Buzz Saw not like spiders."

WASPINATOR: "No one like spiders. Waspinator and Buzz Saw still have to look for them, though. Or else Megatron cut off our energon rations."

BUZZ SAW: "Buzz Saw not like Megatron either... but Megatron feeds us..."

WASPINATOR is about to speak when a missile flies between the two of them. We PAN over and see AIRAZOR, in beast mode, rushing down to them. BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR scurry off to the sides, then transform in unison, taking out their weapons.

AIRAZOR: "Hey boys, care to play?"

WASPINATOR: "No play with bird-bot... shoo!"

WASPINATOR opens fire on AIRAZOR, who maneuvers wildly around, doing her best to avoid the incoming blasts. BUZZ SAW fires quickly as well, and AIRAZOR has to dive out of the combined assault. Several blasts wind up hitting her, and she spins downward.

BUZZ SAW: "Bird-bot feel that one in the morning... if she's lucky..."

WASPINATOR: "Bird-bot not lucky! Bird-not feel the sting of Waspinator!"

BUZZ SAW: (sighing) "How many old vids you watch last night, anyway?"

CUT TO: AIRAZOR falling quickly, smashing against the tree-line of the jungle. As she transforms, she breaks through the branches, revealing sunlight above. Finally, she hits the ground, very hard. He hear a large crack as she smashes onto an arm.

AIRAZOR: "That was stupid... I better not tell the others about this..."

She stands quickly, and looks over the trees around her. An obvious burn trail appears through here.

AIRAZOR: "What in the matrix? Something... else... must have crashed through here."

AIRAZOR winces quickly as she stands, her arm hanging limp. She starts to walk in the direction of the burning, deeper into the jungle. PAN to above, where WASPINATOR and BUZZ SAW are looking around for her.

WASPINATOR: "She walked away! Bird-bot walked off!"

BUZZ SAW: "Waspinator need better missiles."

WASPINATOR: (fuming) "Waspinator not believe this. Maximals survive anything Waspinator throws at them. Waspinator can toss a nuke up their exhaust port and they would survive it."

BUZZ SAW: (looking away from him) "Waspinator?"

WASPINATOR: "Maybe throw them into Unicron's mouth... let them get chewed on." (sighs) "They'd climb right back out of it."

BUZZ SAW: "Waspinator?"

WASPINATOR: "Make them watch old cheesy monster vids, watch their circuits fail from inactivity."

BUZZ SAW: (screaming) "Waspinator! Look!"

BUZZ SAW grabs WASPINATOR and turns him to face a line of burnt trees. At the end is a bright spark, where WOLFANG's ship lies in pieces.

WASPINAOTR: "Spiders?"

BUZZ SAW: "Spiders."

CUT TO: WOLFANG's SHIP. BLACKARACHNIA and TARANTULAS are peeling away parts of the computer while IGUANUS does little more than watch. TARANTULAS moves over to the main screen, looking out it to the jungle around him.

TARANTULAS: "We can't abandon the ship to bring Iguanus back. Not with the Maximal still out there someplace. And we can't split up, that would make the odds worse."

BLACKARACNHIA. "Playing it more cautiously than normal?"

TARANTULAS: "With this prize, of course. While I have no doubt that you've done a remarkable job on Wolfang with your venom, there's no telling what other Maximals have been alerted to our presence. We may have to wait here until Megatron sends someone out to find us."

BLACKARACHNIA: "Oh, bliss. Have you tried the communications systems?"

TARANTULAS: "Of course, and I get static. Either it's busted, or we're right in the middle of an energon field. Either way, we can't contact home base."

IGUANUS: "And you're unable to tell them about me, is that correct?"

BLACKARACHNIA: (surprised) "What...What do you mean by that?"

IGUANUS: "You don't know me. I don't know you. If we knew one-another I would be helping you with this wrecked ship. I may be a Predacon now, so you say, but I'm obviously new to your ranks. I imagine the people at your home base would be quite surprised to see me. Am I correct in my assessment? Or have I missed something?"

BLACKARACHNIA: "You... are correct. We stumbled onto your pod, and rescued you from Wolfang."

TARANTULAS: "We are... allies, however, if not friends."

IGUANUS: "So it seems."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL, the jungle. AIRAZOR, robot mode, is walking down the burnt forest trail. As she steps forward, she is tackled quickly by WOLFANG, in beast mode. WOLFANG lands firmly on her, but she throws him off with her good arm. WOLFANG readies for another attack, then stumbles, and falls.

WOLFANG: (faintly) "No... Predacon... you won't... get me... without a fight..."

AIRAZOR: "Fight you? I don't even know who you are. And what makes you think that I'm a Predacon? I'm a Maximal!"

WOLFANG: "I am... Maximal...."

WOLFANG transforms to robot mode, his eyes very dim, his body limp.

WOLFANG: "I am... Wolfang... I crashed here... with my prisoner... Predacons attacked me..."

AIRAZOR: "We didn't see your ship come in?" (notices the fluid leaking from his chest) "Are... you... what happened?"

WOLFANG: "Spark is fading, my lady... only about an hour left, before it's gone. Predacon poison is too strong for me, it seems."

AIRAZOR: "An hour? We can't make it back to base in that time.... Your ship? Do you have a chamber in your ship?"

WOLFANG: (smiling faintly) "Yes... and uninvited guests..."

PAN ABOVE, the tree line breaks, revealing two familiar forms. BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR, both in robot modes, crash through the trees. The two have their weapons drawn, leveled at AIRAZOR.

BUZZ SAW: "Buzz Saw have invitation, new-bot!"

WASPINATOR: "Waspinator find two Maxi-bots hiding here! Not survive this time, no!"

FADE TO BLACK as the two Predacons draw near.

 Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Hunter, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (


FADE IN: EXTERNAL SHOT of JUNGLE as WASPINATOR, robot mode, laughs. Just as he is about to fire, however, WOLFANG shoots him in the back. Surprised, BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR turn to fire on him. Again, WOLFANG's personal shield absorbs the incoming blasts.

WASPINATOR: (fuming) "No... no... Maximals never get scrapped! It's not fair, Waspinator powerful Predacon! Waspinator scrap Maximal with his bare hands."

BUZZ SAW: "Waspinator, look out!"

AIRAZOR, with her good arm, fires at the already damaged WASPINATOR. WASPINATOR spins wildly from the missile shot and falls. BUZZ SAW runs over and picks WASPINTOR up.

BUZZ SAW: "Maximals just wait! Buzz Saw will be back for you, scrap you good for hurting Waspinator!"

AIRAZOR: "Take your time."

BUZZ SAW runs off, carrying WASPINATOR, farther down the trail, towards the fallen ship.

AIRAZOR: (to Wolfang) "Thank you."

WOLFANG: (weakly) "I've always had a weakness... for women in distress..."

AIRAZOR: (smiling softly) "What makes you think I couldn't handle it."

WOLFANG: "Who said... I was thinking?"

CUT TO: INTERNAL: WOLFANG's SHIP. IGUANUS, robot mode, is watching over the two Predacons, BLACKARACHNIA and TARANTULAS, both in robot mode, struggle with repairs. IGUANUS takes a long moment to gaze over the pair and smiles.

IGUANUS: "Since I am conscious now... perhaps I could offer you my assistance in making repairs?"

BLACKARACHNIA: "I suppose that..."

COMPUTER: "Warning, incoming Predacons.... "

The ship's lighting stirs a minute as it switches to red alert. The red bulbs burn out a second after activating, however and the entire ship gets dark. From a corner, however, we see a door open, and the shape of BUZZ SAW, in robot mode, enters. WASPINATOR is slung over his shoulders.

BUZZ SAW: "Spiders fix Waspinator! Attacked by bird-bot and wolf-bot, on they're way, I'm sure. Spiders fix Waspinator now!"

TARANTULAS: "So much for dead Maximals."

WASPINATOR: "Maximals keep going and going and going and going..."

IGUANUS: "As if that matters. The ship's weapon systems are now online. And, while you'll find the communications and star-drive, permanently non-functional, the ship's impulse engines are undamaged."

TARANTULAS: "How... how would you know that?"

IGUANUS: "Who do you think damaged them in the first place?"

BLACKARACHNIA: (in disbelief) "You're memory... it wasn't damaged?"

IGUANUS: (darkly) "It will take more than a little power surge to disable a true Decepticon. Now then, let us attend to the Maximals. I assume that they have a base nearby, be so kind as to lay in our course. Another one of you can man the main cannon."

TARANTULAS: (smiling) "Maybe we can be friends after all..."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL SHOT: WOLFANG's ship, slowly, painfully lifting off, with pieces dropping. PAN OUT to AIRAZOR and WOLFANG, both in robot mode, as the ship flies over them.

AIRAZOR: "No! we got to get you in there. The resuscitation chamber!"

WOLFANG: "The stakes just went up. The only way your... friends would be able to repair that craft is if they know about the nature of the damage. Iguanas must have been helping them."

AIRAZOR: "They're going after our base! The others will be sitting ducks!"

WOLFANG: "Lady, can you fly?"

AIRAZOR: "A little, maybe... not enough to warn them, though."

WOLFANG stands, very slowly. His body failing him. AIRAZOR steps over to him, helping him to stand.

AIRAZOR: "That's not your plan, is it?"

WOLFANG: (smiling very weakly) "Just get me aboard her, lady. "

ZOOM IN on AIRAZOR, obvious concern on her face as the ship appears overhead. CUT TO: WOLFANG's SHIP sliding across the sky. Behind it, AIRAZOR, beast mode, is carrying WOLFANG, in robot mode. CUT TO: INTERNAL of SHIP. BUZZ SAW, robot mode, is looking through the rear viewer. WASPINATOR, robot mode, is lying down quietly. TARANTULAS, BLACKARACHNIA, and IGUANUS, all in their robot modes, are manning various stations.

BUZZ SAW: "See... bird-bot is coming. She's carrying wolf-bot. They're coming after us."

TARANTULAS: "Activate rear weapons, knock her out of the sky."

IGUANUS: "What rear weapons?"

BLACKARACHNIA: "There's no need for concern. There's five of us, and only two of them. And look at them, they're barely functioning."

WASPINATOR: "So am I..."

IGUANUS: "I wouldn't underestimate Wolfang. He can be quite dangerous, dear allies. Man the door, no doubt he'll try to board us anyway."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: AIRAZOR, bird mode, is still carrying WOLFANG, robot mode. The two near the engine ports of the ship as AIRAZOR rises slightly.

AIRAZOR: "I.. can't fly too much more. Are you sure you can handle this?"

WOLFANG: (as he grabs the hull of the ship) "I've got strength enough to do what needs to be done, my lady."

AIRAZOR: "Please... be careful."

WOLFANG slips a second, then manages to secure himself onto the hull. He smiles at AIRAZOR, who lands on the hull next to him and transforms. Without another word, he takes her hand and kisses it, then walks forward on the hull.

AIRAZOR: "Your courage will be remembered."

AIRAZOR gently steps off the ship, sadness in her eyes as she realizes what's happening. She glides in place, watching the ship disappear slowly into the sunset.

CUT TO: INTERNAL: WOLFANG's SHIP. The various Predacons are growing in concern. TARANTULAS is the first to realize something is amiss.

TARANTULAS: "He's walking on the hull. Buzz Saw, stand ready with me."

BLACKARACHNIA: "He won't accomplish much, we're only five cycles to the Maximal base. According to these readings, the main cannon will rip right through Sentinel's shield like paper."

IGUANUS: "It's best not to get cocky. Miss Arachnia, prime the main cannon for firing."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL: MAXIMAL BASE: CHEETOR, robot mode, and TIGATRON, robot mode, are watching the sky. A glint in the blue curtain reveals the presence of WOLFANG's SHIP on attack course.

TIGATRON: "I can't tell what type of ship it is."

CHEETOR: "If it was friendly, don't you think it would have called us up by now?"

RHINOX: (On communicator) "Sentinel just went on-line and hot. That ship's got a mega-cannon powering up with us in its sights."

CHEETOR: "Anything we can do?"

RHINOX: "Get your bits out of here!"

CUT TO: INTERAL VIEW of WOLFANG's SHIP. BLACKARACHNIA, BUZZ SAW, and TARANTULAS are guarding the door, ready to fire into it. ZOON IN on each of them. Suddenly, the front screen of the ship ruptures and breaks open. As HOWLING WIND fills the ship's cockpit, WOLFANG, robot mode, drops in from the front. He falls to one knee, and staggers to get back up.

WOLFANG: "Iguanus, you're in my seat."

IGUANUS: "Well... it looks like the spider's poison has taken its toll on you, old friend. Predacons, destroy that Maximal!"

BLACKARACHNIA, TARANTULAS, and BUZZ SAW start to open fire on WOLFANG. Again, like before, each of their blasts dissipate around the personal shield, though WOLFANG stammers under the blasts.

IGUANUS: "Keep on him, his shield won't hold out from prolonged fire."

WOLFANG: "You're right... Iguanus...."

IGUANUS levels his cannon at WOLFANG and fires. The shield collapses, and WOLFANG begins to dent and break under the strain of the weapons.

WOLFANG: "Internal computer. Safety... override.... Destruct protocol one, code one.... One alpha..."

COMPUTER: "Warning, fusion core detonation in thirty seconds. Warning, explosive charge activated."

IGUANUS: (surprised and in fear) "You... you wouldn't..."

BUZZ SAW: "Buzz Saw not like this... Buzz Saw leave..."

BUZZ SAW runs off, grabbing TARANTULAS and leaping out the open window. WASPINATOR repeats the maneuver with BLACKARACHNIA. ZOON IN on WOLFANG, firing once at IGUANUS, nailing his legs. IGUANUS tries to stand and falls.

IGUANUS: "No... you can't do this... no..."

COMPUTER: "Warning, fifteen seconds to detonation."

CUT TO: EXTERNAL VIEW: BUZZ SAW and WASPINATOR, beast mode, struggle to hold TARANTULAS and BLACKARACHNIA in their robot modes. They gently glide down as WOLFANG's SHIP disappears from view.

BLACKARARACHNIA: "You think he's really going to do it?"

WASPINATOR: (quietly) "Wolf-bot...brave... no go anymore..."

COMPUTER: (off screen) "Five... four... three... two... one..."

QUICK SHOTS of WOLFANG's ship, first close up, then distant, then back to the glint in the sky. We see AIRAZOR, robot mode, standing quietly looking to the sky as it erupts into two brilliant flashes. The energy waves wash over the sky. TIGATRON and CHEETOR, both in beast mode, steps to her, watching her with concerned looks.

TIGATRON: "Airazor? What happened?"

CHEETOR: "Yeah, what's with the big fireworks?"

AIRAZOR shoots a deadly glance to CHEETOR, who backs up ashamed, knowing he's said too much. TIGATRON watches her a long moment.

TIGATRON: It's all right, Razor... you'll talk to us when you're ready. Right now, we need to head back to base.

CHEETOR: (quietly) "Yeah... see you soon..."

AIRAZOR doesn't even turn to watch the two other Maximals leave, her eyes focused on the skies above her. We see many metal glints fall from the sky, showering it with light. AIRAZOR lets her head fall.

AIRAZOR: (quietly) "You will be remembered..."

The End