Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

For the Glory, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

We open up in space, showing Cybertron off to one corner. A fleet of ships has been in standby for some time. Each adorned with the Predacon symbol. Slowly, their engines come to live, and they start moving forward.

RANDOM VOICE (radio): Predacon Flagship to Rampage. Our orders have been received. We're heading down.

We cut to Cybertron, just outside of Darkmount. DIVEBOMB and HEADSTRONG, both in robot mode, land and arrive with RAZORCLAW, RAMPAGE, and TANTRUM. All three of them are waiting in their robot modes.

RAMPAGE: You're late.


DIVEBOMB: We had troubles flying through the cracks in the Decepticon sensor net. We found a few big enough to slip through, though.

RAZORCLAW: Good. IS everything is in place?

RAMPAGE: Yes, Razorclaw. Our ships are starting their descent. Our pawns are on the board.

TANTRUM (nervous): Including us.

RAZORCLAW: You knew the risks, Tantrum. If wish to back out now, however, there would be no shame in it.

TANTRUM: It's better to risk death for honor, than to cower without it.

RAZORCLAW: Well said.

DIVEBOMB (musing): I wonder if it will all matter?

RAMPAGE: It has to. There's too much at stake for it not. Things will work out, I'm sure of it.

HEADSTRONG: Even if we don't live to see it.

RAZORCLAW looks over at HEADSTRONG, and nods slowly. The other Predacons assembled exchange nervous glances.

RAZORCLAW: We try to win, Predacons. Perhaps we can. No matter what, we make it so the others can do what they need to. Is everyone agreed?


HEADSTRONG: Let's do it.


RAZORCLAW: For the glory, Predacons. For the glory.

We cut to another part of Cybertron. GALVATRON is outside of Darkmount, with the Constructicons around him. All are in their robot modes. None look particularly happy at the moment.

GALVATRON: I see the Autobots are nearing, my Decepticons. They must be pushed back. The must not approach Darkmount.

HOOK: We do not have the resources to keep them at bay for long. If our forces were not divided, perhaps then we would have a chance.

GALVATRON (snapping): No one defeats Galvatron!

HOOK: Of course, but even now the Predacon forces approach.

GALVATRON: Dare they?

SCRAPPER: Perhaps they seek to join us, Galvatron?

GALVATRON: An alliance with traitors? Never! We shall terminate them!

SCRAPPER: But we could use -

GALVATRON turns, facing SCRAPPER with a harsh look. Though larger, SCRAPPER has no desire to taste GALVATRON's fury.

SCRAPPER: You are, of course, right, Galvatron.

GALVATRON: Then we leave to intercept them. Constructions, you're with me.

SCAVENGER: We're leaving the Pit behind?

GALVATRON: What of it?

HOOK: But proper guards -

GALVATRON: Aren't needed. We'll deal with the traitors directly. The Pit is safe from tampering.

GALVATRON takes to the air, followed by LONG HAUL, SCAVENGER, MIXMASTER, and BONECRUSHER. The other two Constructicons hesitate, looking towards one-another, as if hunting for some meaning.

HOOK: This smells of an obvious trap. We leave the Pit vulnerable to be attacked from behind.

SCRAPPER: I could radio others to safeguard it.

HOOK: Don't bother. We'll let Galvatron lie in his own bed.

SCRAPPER: Such inspiring faith in our command.

HOOK: He deserves it.

SCRAPPER says nothing, but leaps to the air to follow his comrades. HOOK looks back at Darkmount, as if for the last time, and then follows suit. Above, nearby, and watching it all, is the quiet form of ASTROTRAIN, robot mode, shaking his head.

ASTROTRAIN: Antagony, your turn now. Galvatron's taken the bait.

ANTAGONY (on radio): And guards?

ASTROTRAIN: Can't tell from here, but it doesn't look like much.

ANTAGONY (sighing on radio): All right, on my way in.

We cut back to Darkmount. Devoid of many guards now, ANTAGONY, ant mode, manages to sneak inside. Through oversized halls she scurries down until she reaches a guarded door. Standing there is INJECTOR, robot mode, alongside BUZZCLAW, also in robot mode. ANTAGONY approaches, transforming to robot mode as she does.

ANTAGONY (sultry): Hello, boys.

INJECTOR: No one gets admittance to the Pit.

ANTAGONY: Really, it's so much more comfortable in there than out in this cold hallway, isn't it?

INJECTOR smiles, which is an ugly sight to behind. BUZZCLAW shakes his head in disbelief at the two of them. ANTAGONY strokes down INJECTOR's chest-plate.

BUZZCLAW: Primus, girl, your taste.

As INJECTOR is about to object, SKY SHADOW, beast mode, slams into BUZZSAW, knocking him out. INJECTOR stammers and looks back confusedly to ATNAGONY, who is ready to punch him in the face. In a mere moment, both the guards are out cold.

SKY SHADOW: Oldest trick in the book. Sky Shadow, terrorize!

As SKY SHADOW transforms, ANTAGONY merely shakes her head.

ANTAGONY: Are they functioning?

SKY SHADOW: Out cold, but okay.

ANTAGONY (shivering): I don't want to ever do that again.

SKY SHADOW (smiling): You were good at it.

ANTAGONY: They're just desperate.

SKY SHADOW: Right, I forgot whom I was talking to.

ANTAGONY shakes her head, and steps back, firing a bolt of acid into the door. After a moment, the door weakens and falls out.

SKY SHADOW: I could have just opened it.

ANTAGONY: Call it 'therapy'.

The two Predacons step into the Pit itself. Far from being abandoned, it is a blur of activity below. Numerous Decepticons are placing personality components into raw vats, ready to make new protoform troops for their master.

ANTAGONY (disbelieving): By Unicron's hunger.

SKY SHADOW: He's taking every spark he can find to make new troops. More fodder for his insane schemes. I wonder how many of them will live the day.

ANTAGONY: We'll stop it. There must be a central control system some place.

SKY SHADOW: Up there I would guess.

We pan over to see a large door and windowed enclosure, resembling a sports press-box. ANTAGONY nods and the two of them move forward to it. We cut inside to reveal CICADACON, SEA CLAMP, and RAM HORN, all strapped and mounted on the wall. CICADCON's optics flicker as he looks to the door.

CICADACON: Someone is coming.

RAM HORN: Maybe Galvatron's finally come to finish us.

SEA CLAMP: He could at least give us an honorable death, instead of this.

The door opens as ANTAGONY and SKY SHADOW carefully step in. The two of them are visibly aghast at what they see.

ANTAGONY: Cicadacon!

CICADACON (relieved): Antagony, You survived.

ANTAGONY: Sky Shadow, help me get them down. Did Galvatron do this?

CICADACON (weakly): Of course. We were a threat to him.

SKY SHADOW nods quietly and moves over to the other two Predacons. Antagony looks over CICADACON and begins work on opening up the straps. CICADACON shakes his head.

CICADACON: He deals with all his threats in such a way. He's completely mad. The legends only just hinted -

ANTAGONY: I know what he's done. He can still be stopped, he's about to confront Razorclaw head on.

CICADACON: Galvatron's power remains, Antagony. Even the larger Decepticons won't be enough. Few could match such power.

ANTAGONY: Tripredacus could. We can repair you in the vats, right?

CICADACON: We would need days to recover. He would kill us as we slept.

ANTAGONY: There has to be a way.

CICADACON (resigned): There is someone who can beat him, perhaps.


CICADACON (ironic chuckle): Our worst nightmare.

We look on CICADACON as he shakes his tired head and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

For the Glory, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

Open up on Darkmount. ANTAGONY is letting CICADACON down from his mount. SEA CLAMP and RAM HORN are being aided by SKY SHADOW. The female Predacon looks at the others and shakes her head.

ANTAGONY: You have a plan then?

CICADACON: A plan? No. I have only history.

SEA CLAMP: You don't mean -

CICADACON: I do. Antagony, you must take us to the Pit. We need to get to work immediately.

ANTAGONY: All right. What must I do?

SEA CLAMP: Prayer would be a good start.

We cut to another section of Darkmount. GALVATRON, robot mode, is flying along side the Constructions. Though he's dwarfed some by the green Decepticons, he still somehow manages to look dominant.

GALVATRON: The traitors are here. I know it.

HOOK: Perhaps, but is it wise to invite them here? You are a protoform now. Your power may not be as great -

GALVATRON: My power is everything! Defeat is absurd!

HOOK: Of course, mighty Galvatron.

SCAVENGER: I'm picking up readings, coming in from straight ahead. Wait, scratch that, I'm getting one reading now. It's a big one.

SCRAPPER: Predaking!

We arc forward and see the five Predacons, TANTRUM, HEADSTRONG, RAMPAGE, DIVEBOMB, and RAZORCLAW each folding one of themselves. As the Decepticons approach and land, the giant form of PREDAKING, robot mode, takes shape.

PREDAKING: It ends, Galvatron.

GALVATRON: Not just, yet, traitor. Constructions, transform and merge into Devastator.

HOOK: We cannot hope to beat -


The Constructicons look at one another and resign to their fate. Each transforms to their vehicle modes, then with a whirring and dancing of parts, forms into the giant Decepticon known as DEVASTATOR.

DEVASTATOR: Time to get primitive.

DEVASTATOR rushes forward, but the lumbering form is no match for PREDAKING's sheer speed. PREDAKING easily dodges the first attack, but GALVATRON cackles like mad, knowing that each troop that stands in PREDAKING's way makes him that much weaker. We cut to Darkmount itself. ANTAGONY, in robot mode, stands next to a large protoform tank. CICADACON, SEA CLAMP, and RAM HORN, all in their robot modes stand behind. Each of them is looking pensive and nervous.

SEA CLAMP: Must this be done?

CICADACON: What choices have we?

COMPUTER: Replication of vehicle mode complete, you may emerge.

As the protoform's shadow appears over ANTAGONY, who lets out a surprised gasp, we cut back to the main fight. A few moments have obviously passed. PREDAKING is damaged, but DEVASTATOR has fared far worse. PREDAKING moves in with his blade for the finishing blow.


PREDAKING: Devastator is defeated.

PREDAKING slashes aside with his powerful blade, cutting into and through DEVASTATOR's torso. The green giant cries out and falls, transforming back to the six Constructions, who fall unconscious as they do.

PREDAKING: Now you, Galvatron.

GALVATRON: Fool. Galvatron, cannon mode.

GALVATRON's form collapses on itself to his menacing new drill-cannon mode. The main drill/cannon opens fire, followed by twin missiles from the prehensile tail. PREDAKING attempts to move aside, but the damages keep him too slow. All three blades hit him dead on.


GALVATRON: My power remains, even in this undersized form. Did you dare think otherwise, fool?

GALVATRON's sides open to reveal a sharp set of teeth-like wings, they fan open and lift from the main body. PREDAKING ducks down quickly, but the blades rip through his back, severing his wing.

PREDAKING: Too big a target like this. Predacons, separate.

As the wings return to GALVATRON's body, the black giant severs into his five component Predacons. RAZORCLAW is at the center, struggling to stand. DIVEBOMB has already fallen, and falls limp, turning gray.

TANTRUM (worried): We've lost Divebomb.

HEADSTRONG: Predacons fight to the end!

RAZORCLAW: Transform and attack!

GALVATRON: You still underestimate me, Razorclaw. Beast mode!

The five transformers shift and change. As the four Predacons rush forward, converting to their beast modes, GALVATRON does likewise, reforming himself into a towering dragon form. Though the difference in scale remains, in this form GALVATRON is not much smaller than those he fights against are.

RAMPAGE: I'm on him.

RAZORCLAW: No! Back off, we don't know what he -

RAZORCLAW is too late, however. RAMPAGE leaps up, ready to pounce and shred the Decepticon leader. GALVATRON is too quick, however, and looks up at the attacking Predacon. White-hot flame leaps from the dragon's mouth, engulfing RAMPAGE quickly. The Predacon falls, a burning wreck.

GALVATRON: Each traitor falls! None defy the might of Galvatron!

As GALVATRON boasts, however, HEADSTRONG gets in his attack, ramming into GALVATRON's side and sending him spinning. As the Dragon tries to right himself, TANTRUM gouges into his armor , snorting like mad. This, though only serves to infuriate GALVATRON even more. The tail lashes around and opens fire, point blank, on TANTRUM's beast head.


To his horror, the explosion rips into TANTRUM like he was nothing. GALVATRON is thrown clear, though signs of damage are becoming evident. GALVATRON rights himself finally as HEADSTRONG and RAZORCLAW group near one-another.

HEADSTRONG: He's unstoppable, Razorclaw. He's already healing from his wounds.

RAZORCLAW: There is nowhere to run to, we finish it here.


HEADSTRONG and RAZORCLAW rush forward, in one swift and final move. GALVATRON's powerful dragon head turns to face them, white-hot flame trailing in the move. He sees the two approach and opens fire.

HEADSTRONG and RAZORCLAW: Die with honor!

These are their last words as the breath intercepts them. Flames now adorn everything. Where once there were five Predacons, there are now smoldering wrecks of Transformers. GALVATRON transforms to his robot mode, looking smug and perhaps disappointed.

GALVATRON: What? This is it then? Is there no one left to challenge me?

MEGATRON (darkly, off camera): Oh there is one, yes.

We turn and see MEGATRON, robot mode, in his pre Beast Wars glory. He has a huge cannon on his right arm, smaller spear on his left, and missile launchers at the waist. GALVATRON gives a moment of pause as the newcomer steps forward.

MEGATRON: As one Megatron to another, you are relieved of command.

We focus in on MEGATRON and fade to black.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

For the Glory, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

Fade in, we see two robots facing one another, both looking ready to kill. On one side is the powerful GALVATRON, robot mode. On the other is MEGATRON, also in robot mode. MEGATRON steps forward, repeating his last command.

MEGATRON: You are relieved of command.

GALVATRON: You defy upstart? One who dares steal my name?

MEGATRON: Megatron was a skilled commander of his legions. He built the strongest empire in this part of the galaxy. Now, thanks to you, that empire is reduced to a tenuous hold on one burnt-out city.

GALVATRON (distant): I am Megatron.

MEGATRON: You were, perhaps. Now all that remains is the madness Unicron left you with. (firmly) Step down, Galvatron, or be removed by force.

GALVATRON (snapping): You threaten me? I am your leader! I am no other!

MEGATRON (snapping): You are the past.

GALVATRON (growling): I am your god!

GALVATRON leaps forward, forsaking his weapons and trying to rip into MEGATRON with his bare hands. MEGATRON, being more rational, leaps backwards, levelling his cannon and firing. GALVATRON is stopped in flight, but moves forward.

MEGATRON: Look at you, a model of madness.

GALVATRON: I am the true leader of the Decepticons!

MEGATRON continues his cannon-spray against GALVATRON, who only shows signs of weakening as he approaches. Finally GALVATRON leaps forward again, and smashes MEGATRON in the chest, rearing back for the follow-through.

GALVATRON: I am the most powerful!

MEGATRON: Power alone is not enough!

MEGATRON kicks forward, throwing GALVATRON off of him. GALVATRON turns again, and fires off his knee-mounted chain guns at his opponent. MEGATRON, however, leaps aside, not yet willing to push a brute-force confrontation just yet.

GALVATRON: Power ensures command.

MEGATRON: Which is why your troops desert you -

MEGATRON stands again behind cover, a dark smirk crossing over his face. GALVATRON is arcing in a wide circle, warily now, pulling his scimitars into his hands.

MEGATRON: Which is why your empire has crumbled around you -

MEGATRON looks to the side as GALVATRON comes around. MEGATRON braces back, narrowing his optics. Finally, it comes take for MEGATRON to make his move.

MEGATRON: Which is why you failed!

MEGATRON leaps forward now, as GALVATARON slices forward with his blade. The two powerful forms collide. GALVATRON's blade is parried away with MEGATRON's spear. MEGATRON's strike is more sure, more planned, the cannon arm lifts up in the strike, firing into GALVATRON at point blank range. GALVATRON screams out, and is thrown back. For once, he has difficulty standing up again.

GALVATRON (stunned): I cannot be defeated. I am Unicron's chosen one.

MEGATRON: And you even betrayed him, just as you betrayed Cyclonus, the Decepticons, and even yourself, Galvatron.

GALVATRON: I cannot die.

MEGATRON: Allow me to disagree with you. (Firmly) Computer, allocate maximum power to primary weapon!

GALVATRON, weakened by hours of constant combat now, slowly attempts to stand, but MEGATRON is ready for him.

MEGATRON: And so, to usher in a new age of Predacon glory, I sentence you to the dark abyss. For vengeance on those you've forsaken, farewell, Galvatron!

As GALVATRON cries out his last, MEGATRON fires into him with his cannon. A huge burst of energy rushes out, smashing hard into the matrix-crystal upon GALVATRON's chest. GALVATRON fires his chain guns again, but it's obviously in vain. The shots go wide with no real direction.

GALVATRON (struggling): You - cannot destroy - my destiny!

Finally, at last, GALVATRON falls quiet. As MEGATRON's burst fades, the lights in GAVALTRON's visage go out for the last time. From behind, ANTAGONY and SKY SHADOW step forward, both in their robot modes.

ANTAGONY: He's beaten?

MEGATRON: Finished. He attacked as an animal, and he died as one.

SKY SHADOW: It's hard to believe that it's finished. After all this time -

ANTAGONY: He wasn't an animal, sir. He was once a great leader.

MEGATRON: Then I did him a favor as well, yes. As of now, I assume command of the Predacon military forces.

SKY SHADOW: You don't have the experience yet. Razorclaw would -

MEGATRON: Razorclaw is dead, as are most of your other options. Gather the remaining Predacons and Decepticons near Darkmount, there shall be no more fighting between our members.

SKY SHADOW (resigned): Yes, Megatron.

ANTAGONY (snapping): He's not Megatron.

MEGATRON: Ah, dear Antagony. Now is not the time to argue semantics, no. The Decepticon civil war has ended, and the Predacons have won. We have a lot of work to do, yes.

ANTAGONY (darkly): Whatever you say.

We leave with MEGATRON giving ANTAGONY a disapproving look, but no more words are said at the moment. We change scenes again back to Darkmount. There are literally thousands of warriors present now. Above it all is MEGATRON, robot mode, standing with CICADACON, SEA CLAMP, and RAM HORN, also all in robot mode. SKY SHADOW and ANTAGONY are nearby, in the shadows.

ANTAGONY: He dares take Megatron's name.

SKY SHADOW: It's appropriate in its way.

ANTAGONY: He's a fraud.

SKY SHADOW (smirking): Judgmental so soon?

ANTAGONY: I've earned it.

We change our view to show MEGATRON conversing quietly with CICADACON, with SEA CLAMP and RAM HORN looking on.

MEGATRON: The Autobots?

CICADACON: They know something is happening. They're regrouping for now, I believe. We have a few moments, I believe.

MEGATRON: Long enough to do what needs done, yes.

CICADACON: With hope, Megatron.

MEGATRON nods and steps forward to the edge of the overlook. Below him are the masses, looking up muttering. There is obvious discontent in the ranks, yet, for now, they are waiting.

MEGATRON: Predacons, Decepticons, the old order has passed. On this day, I have defeated and terminated Galvatron. His reign of madness has ended. Now we must look forward to our future.

The mutterings quiet down. CICADACON and SKY SHADOW flank MEGATRON now. Their new leader looks over the crowd.

MEGATRON: Even now our ancient enemies, the Autobots, being their siege on our homeland. The Decepticons alone cannot hold her. The Predacons alone cannot hold her. As we continue our struggles with one-another the Autobots become more assured of victory.

MEGATRON steps to the very edge now, looking down over the ranks. They have their attentions riveted on him now. He is indeed a master of words, even in his youth.

MEGATRON: Do we live in the past with dying memories, or do we look to the future with our dreams of conquest? Do we accept death here, or do we take a new banner and strive forward as one?

CROWD (incensed): Forward!

MEGATRON (incensed): Do we defend our land, or do we let the Autobots lay claim to it once again?

CROWD (incensed): Defend!

MEGATRON (incensed): Join me, Decepticons. Let us usher in a new age, the age of the Predacons! Do you join?

He has the crowd fully now, screams and cries and rage and excitement flood the air as the Decepticons and Predacons are revitalized. SKY SHADOW and ANTAGONY exchange a look, but of them, only SKY SHADOW steps forward.

SKY SHADOW: All hail Megatron, leader of the Predacons!

CROWD: Hail Megatron!

At that, the other assembled Predacons and Decepticons raise and begin their chant. We look once more at MEGATRON, triumphant, with a venomous ANTAGONY staring at him with all her ire. With this story told, we fade to black.

The End