Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

China Shop, pt. 1
by Neale Davidson (

The Gung Ho is depowered and still smoking. Outside around the base of the ship, DIVER, SCUBA, and BIG HORN are working on various systems. BIG HORN, in charge of the armor, scowls with frustration at a particularly difficult spot of repairs.

SCUBA: How is it coming?

BIG HORN (annoyed): Don’t ask.

DIVER: Careful with it, Big Horn, we’ve got to make these supplies last.

BIG HORN (grumbling): I’m being careful.

BIG HORN growls again, trying to twist a stubborn wrench. He growls and pushes again on the wrench. Nothing happens.

BIG HORN: Come on.

BIG HORN pushes twice more, then finally slams his weight onto the wrench. Sadly, this merely causes the wrench itself to snap, sending the off-balance BIG HORN into a heap on the ground. BIG HORN shakes his hand painfully as a piece of the wrench had pushed itself into it.

DIVER (concerned): Horn?

BIG HORN: Slag it!

BIG HORN slams down the broken wrench, scowling at it. DIVER and SCUBA look over, but seem wise enough not to interfere with his temper tantrums. BIG HORN storms away from his work, heading for the main bridge. DIVER and SCUBA merely shake their heads.

DIVER (sighing): Here we go again.

SCUBA: You would think he would get a handle on it by now.

DIVER: I thought he was getting better.

SCUBA: How can you tell?

DIVER shrugs and starts to work repairing the engines again. Meanwhile, BIG HORN storms into the command center, still fuming. APACHE and LIO CONVOY are discussing the ship’s current status. LIO CONVOY doesn’t look very pleased.

LIO CONVOY: We need to get this ship combat ready as soon as possible.

APACHE: We’re working on it, but Galvatron did a number on our systems. It’s going to be awhile to get everything taken care of.

LIO CONVOY: There’s no telling what the Predacons are doing. We must strike again.

APACHE: Lio, we’re not ready.

BIG HORN (snapping): Damn right we’re not ready.

APACHE (annoyed): Big Horn!

BIG HORN: We don’t got the armor or the time. Lio here’s pushing us too much.

LIO CONVOY (calmly): The Predacons cannot be allowed to pursue their plans. Big Horn, we need to stop them while we still can.

BIG HORN: We can’t, Lio. Galvatron handed us our afts back there. Weren’t you keeping score?

LIO CONVOY: If he gets more powerful here, then all Maximals are at risk.

BIG HORN (angry): Like you even give a slag. You want to kill Predacons, go ahead and do it, but you don’t get to kill the rest of us too.

APACHE (firmly): Big Horn, stand down, that’s an order.

BIG HORN: The slag with orders. The only reason he wants this ship repaired is so he can get it blown up again. And you know what, I don’t want a part of it.

LIO CONVOY (stunned): What are you saying?

BIG HORN: Until you get your Maximal programming back, I’m out of here.

APACHE: Don’t you dare.

BIG HORN: You want to stop me, Apache? Try to scrap me. Doesn’t matter either way.

APACHE is at a loss, as is LIO CONVOY. BIG HORN turns and storms out of the bridge of the ship, converting into his beast mode as he passes a very confused looking DIVER and SCUBA. LIO CONVOY steps out of the ship, watching his warrior leave.

SCUBA: I knew he was upset - but Primus!

DIVER: Want us to go after him, Lio?

LIO CONVOY (softly): No.

At the Gigaplex, the Predacon’s new base, STARSCREAM and BB are scanning over local terrain, looking for supplies and resources. The main screen has already selected a few potential sites, and STARSCREAM is making a note of each one as MEGASTORM comes in.

MEGASTORM: Still at it?

STARSCREAM: We have to replace nearly everything Galvatron destroyed. It’s going to be awhile, and we don’t have the Autorollers, or even Thrust and Dirge to help out. Their repairs will take days.

MEGASTORM: Nothing left aboard the Nemesis to take?

STARSCREAM: I would rather not risk changing time anymore, until I know what’s going on. Besides, I’ve located a few good sites. Now we just have to be sure that Galvatron won’t destroy anything else while I go scavenging raw material.

MEGASTORM: I doubt it. Big brother has been sleeping since you surrendered to him.

STARSCREAM (smirking): Big Brother?

MEGASTORM: He has Megatron’s spark.

STARSCREAM: Yes, he does. Or, at least a clone of it. What do you think?

MEGASTORM: So long as he’s asleep he’s not bothering me. What about you?

STARSCREAM: Other than the fact he shouldn’t even exist? I’m just fine with him. Care to dragon-sit while I go out and get groceries?

MEGASTORM (lost): Groceries?

STARSCREAM (sighing): Nevermind, Megastorm. I’m taking BB with me. Enjoy your control of the base, commander. I’ll return soon.

STARSCREAM heads out of the command room, but MEGASTORM crosses his arms and shakes his head. As STARSCREAM steps out, he turns again to regard the screen.

MEGASTORM: Even you can’t be cocky forever, Starscream.

In the deeper parts of the Yucutan, BIG HORN still storms through. The animals have been wise enough to flee from the running bison. Sadly, it takes far too long for BIG HORN to realize just how far off he’s gotten. He stops in the thick foliage, and looks around.

BIG HORN: Oh, Prime. Good job, Big Horn, you’re lost.

BIG HORN scans around him, and lowers his bison head. Yes, he’s incredibly lost. He rears up and transforms, and starts to call for home, then thinks better of it.

BIG HORN: No way, Lio would have my hide tanned if I called back now. Besides I can’t be too far, right? All I need to do is lock onto the nearest energy source, and that should be the ship.

BIG HORN looks around him and sighs, then starts moving out. His scanners pick up a faint emission from far in the distance, but it’s roughly ahead of him. BIG HORN doesn’t have much choice, though, and starts following after it. Meanwhile, far above him, STARSCREAM and BB rush through the Yucatan skies in their combined jet form. Powerful engines burn brilliantly in the morning light.

STARSCREAM: I found the readings again, we’re not too far from them.

BB: Roger.

STARSCREAM slips back, pulling out of the combined form and separating to his fighter mode. The fighter arcs back then comes along side the larger vehicle, powering up his weapons systems. BB lowers his gatling cannon, which starts to circle below him, scanning the terrain below for potential targets.

STARSCREAM: Definite high energon readings. It could be a ship or something that size. I’m not sure what to make of it.

BB: Maximals?

STARSCREAM: They’re near here, but this isn’t a Maximal signature. This is something else. Let’s go down for a closer look.

BB: Roger.

STARSCREAM and BB both transform, and break through the tall canopy, the two Predacons scan around them a moment. BB taps STARSCREAM on the shoulder, then points off into the distance. STARSCREAM nods.

STARSCREAM: I’m reading an emplacement of some kind. Let’s be careful.

BB merely nods, and the two Predacons start to move through the dense foliage. Meanwhile, BIG HORN is moving towards the same target. He pushes aside trees and shrubs, muttering and cursing about each one that gets in his way.

BIG HORN (scowling): This is not where the Gung Ho is supposed to be.

BIG HORN steps through into a clearing, and his optics go very wide. Ahead of him is a large stone pyramid, adorned with gold plates in places, and etched with symbolic writing along the lower wall. The temple isn’t huge, but is as large as the Gung Ho itself, overgrown in places with the jungle canopy. The wear and style make it look very ancient.

BIG HORN: What in Prime’s name?

BIG HORN looks over the sandstone temple in disbelief, scanning over the lettering and symbols etched into the sides. A vague recognition appears in his eyes as he steps cautiously forward, beast mode now becoming intensely interested.

BIG HORN: This can’t be.

STARSCREAM (from behind): It is. It’s ancient Cybertronian.

BIG HORN turns and spots STARSCREAM and BB, who both step forward. BIG HORN backs up warily, slipping into his robot mode on instinct. BB readies his shoulder cannon, but STARSCREAM does not yet make any hostile moves.

BIG HORN: This isn’t even Autobot writing.

STARSCREAM: Older than that. It’s from the first Great War.

BIG HORN: You know what it says?

STARSCREAM: No. But I’m afraid I can’t let you have this temple. Its secrets will go to the Predacons, not the Maximals.

BIG HORN: You don’t even know what’s inside.

STARSCREAM: True, but I’m in a better position to find out. BB, take care of him, please.

BB: Roger.

BB opens fire, sending a few missiles at BIG HORN, who is forced to leap up and away before spitting out a missile of his own. STARSCREAM, however, knows to leave, and heads inside the temple while the two combatants start to open fire.

BIG HORN: Oh no you don’t.

BIG HORN moves to stop STARSCREAM, but is caught by a quick blast from BB. The Maximal growls out and spits a missile, but BB leaps above the shot and lands, slamming his huge feet into BIG HORN’s chest. The Maximal stammers, trying to right himself.

BIG HORN (scowling): All right. You want a piece of me, Predacon?

BB: Roger.

BB’s gatling gun comes back over the shoulder and starts to spin again, launching a series of attacks at BIG HORN. He braces to leap again, but this time the weapons hit home, slamming BIG HORN to the ground. The Maximal struggles to stand, but the Predacon steps forward, ready to finish his work.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

China Shop, pt. 2
by Neale Davidson (

BIG HORN leaps aside as BB’s attack continues. He screams out, agony in his systems already threatening to overwhelm him. BIG HORN lets out an incensed growl, and spits out another missile. BB takes the hit, and is knocked back to the trees.


BIG HORN readies for another shot, but BB stands again, and starts firing off still more missiles at his opponent. The Maximal warrior leaps aside yet again, this time narrowly avoiding disaster as several trees suffer their fates for him. BIG HORN shakes his head, worry returning to him.


BB rushes forward, intent on finishing his work. Calmer, BIG HORN realizes that he’s not going to win this particular fight. He looks at BB in disbelief then looks to the temple entrance. He braces, then starts running for it. With still more fire coming from BB, he dives inside, disappearing into the temple entrance.

BB (coolly): Damn.

BB steps to the entrance and peers inside. He starts to move through, but his bulk keeps him from entering. Resigned, he starts to pull away the side rocks making up the entrance. Already inside is his partner, STARSCREAM, who makes his way through the corridors, gazing at the markings and the layout.

STARSCREAM: The power surge must have come from here.

STARSCREAM steps to a side passage, looking about him with a renewed sense of reverence. Though the walls are stone, and the symbols were likely etched into them with primitive means, he takes in what he can with all the instincts of a true scientist. He reaches another wall panel, then freezes, recognizing a symbol in the middle of the markings.

STARSCREAM: Cybertron.

STARSCREAM follows the inscription, watching where the lines lead. He finds the Autobot symbol, then the Decepticon symbol, along with many he does not recognize. The Maximal and Predacon symbols, of course, are nowhere to be found. He traces the lines, following a lineage.

STARSCREAM (realizing): The lost tribes of Cybertron. What do they -

STARSCREAM looks over the remaining walls and shakes his head, unable to read the ancient language written there. He takes another long look over them, then heads further into the temple, leaving for larger chambers.

STARSCREAM: When were they on Earth?

Calmer and more focused now, BIG HORN looks through the ancient temple in curiosity. The dim lights provided by still-lit torches cause him some concern, but he steps on anyway, looking over the ancient writings with some worry.

BIG HORN (confused): Our scans didn’t spot intelligent life. Who built this place?

BIG HORN steps further in, scanning over the area carefully. Finally he comes to a large door of polished gold, somewhat at odds with the stone walls around him. Like most of the rest of the temple, the doors are etched in an ancient language. Sadly, BIG HORN doesn’t recognize it. He moves to open the door, but it doesn’t budge. He pulls and pushes at it, but still it remains firmly in place.

BIG HORN: Oh no, Starscream. No locked door is going to keep me out. Beast mode.

BIG HORN transforms, returning to his bison mode. He rears back, and brings his bulk on the door, slamming into it. After two attempts, the door buckles, then gives way, opening up to another chamber. As the doors hit the floor, an echo courses through the halls. He transforms, and takes another look around.

BIG HORN: By the Matrix. What is this place?

BIG HORN steps into the larger chamber, and is instantly taken aback from the sight. There are five altars here. Three of them are occupied, causing BIG HORN some surprise and concern. As he approaches, the shapes of DJ, MOTORARM and GIMLET can be made out. Each of them are in stasis lock, laying in a relaxed posture in their robot modes.

BIG HORN (confused): Who?

BIG HORN shakes his head, and steps over to them. He moves to DJ first, and studies over the downed figure. At the center of the unconscious form’s chest, the Maximal symbol remains. BIG HORN freezes as he sees it.

BIG HORN (worried): They’re Maximals!

BIG HORN scowls, and moves back from DJ’s altar. He turns and narrows his optics, getting murderous intent in his optics.

BIG HORN: The Predacons will pay for this, friends. I promise you.

BIG HORN turns and stalks down the main hall of the temple, heading even further in. A few chambers down, in the very core of the temple, STARSCREAM has made his own discovery. At the center of this chamber, light streams in from above, descending on a brightly glowing fountain, dancing over a golden bowl. He cautiously steps forward.

STARSCREAM (awestruck): What is this place?

STARSCREAM steps forward, and scans over the fountain with interest. He summons a quiet breath and looks at the faint blue glow, then pulls back in surprise.


STARSCREAM approaches the fountain, looking over it with a bit of distrust. The dim blue glow of the liquid energy reflects off of his deep violet form. Hesitant, he reaches out to the fluid, optics ablaze.

STARSCREAM: I’ve never seen this type of energon before. Yet, even from here, I can feel its power.

ARTEMIS (from behind): It’s called ‘Angolmois’ energy.

STARSCREAM turns to the soft female voice, and stands up full again as he takes in ARTEMIS for the first time. She steps forward, looking a little fearful, and for once, it is STARSCREAM who is disarmed by a femme’s presence.

STARSCREAM: Angolmois?

ARTEMIS: It is a form of life energy.

ARTEMIS steps forward and looks to the fountain with some reverence. STARSCREAM regards her still for a long moment, before turning his attentions to it again.

STARSCREAM: I must have it.

ARTEMIS: You can’t, Starscream.

STARSCREAM: You know me?

ARTEMIS (softly): I’ve been watching you for some time. You’re risking everything this world has to offer. You would destroy everything for yourself.

STARSCREAM: Not everything.

ARTEMIS: I wonder if that’s true. This fountain cannot go to the Predacons. You don’t know the consequences, Starscream. You don’t know what will happen.

STARSCREAM: I don’t have anything to lose.

ARTEMIS (sadly): I see.

ARTEMIS looks away, visibly hurt by the comment. The reaction gets a confused look from STARSCREAM, but he’s unable to pursue the matter. BIG HORN has found him, and rushes in with murderous intent in his optics.

BIG HORN (incensed): Murderers!


BIG HORN: I found three Maximals here. What have you both done to them?

STARSCREAM (confused): What Maximals?

ARTEMIS (dawning): The Jointrons. Big Horn, it isn’t what you think.

BIG HORN (angry): I don’t know what you are, lady, but there’s no way you’re getting away with this.

BIG HORN leaps at STARSCREAM, who gets only just out of the way before heavy feet smash into the ground. BIG HORN isn’t finished, however, spinning and bringing his fist to bear on the Predacon’s faceplate. As STARSCREAM is knocked back from the fountain, BIG HORN presses his infuriated attack. He fires off a missile and near point-blank range. STARSCREAM’s chest armor buckles and shatters under the assault.

ARTEMIS: Big Horn! Leave him alone! I was reaching him -

BIG HORN (screaming): He will pay!

STARSCREAM kicks wildly, though the strike hits and throws BIG HORN back off of him, to the main door of the chamber. BIG HORN stands again, ready to strike, when a large violet fist grabs his shoulder and stops him. BIG HORN turns around, and sees BB standing there, looking none too pleased.

BIG HORN: Let go of me.

STARSCREAM (panting): BB. Terminate that Maximal.

BB: Roger.

BIG HORN struggles to get free, but BB merely tosses him aside. To ARTEMIS’s horror, the large Predacon warrior opens fire with his gatling missile launcher, smashing each shell into BIG HORN’s skin, then armor, and then into his systems. BB shows no sign to relenting.

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

China Shop, pt. 3
by Neale Davidson (

BB continues to fire, another series of missiles crashing near and then into BIG HORN. Fuel starts to pour out of vital systems as BIG HORN collapses. He spits out a missile, striking near BB but doing nothing to dissuade him.

ARTEMIS (screaming): Stop!

BB: Negative.

STARSCREAM (firmly): Finish him off.

STARSCREAM struggles to right himself into a stand as BB steps forward, now taking more careful aim on the Maximal. BIG HORN moves back slowly, but knows he cannot run, nor even dodge from the next round of incoming fire.

ARTEMIS: He’s defeated, Starscream. There’s nothing to gain by destroying him.

STARSCREAM: One less Maximal to be in my way in the future.

ARTEMIS: Is that really all it is?

STARSCREAM hesitates, then looks to ARTEMIS who is pleading to him. For a moment, he’s given pause. He’s about to speak again before another figure steps in behind BB. LIO CONVOY arrives, claws already extended, already ready for battle.

LIO CONVOY (firmly): Predacons, leave this place.

STARSCREAM (daunted): Lio. BB, forget Big Horn and take out his commander.

BB: Roger.

BB turns quickly and opens fire, as does STARSCREAM. LIO CONVOY juts out his lion shoulder, and starts spinning the main with high speed, creating a powerful wind turbine. The incoming missiles are knocked together or spun away, damaging the temple walls, but not LIO CONVOY himself.

LIO CONVOY: Is that the best you can do?

As LIO CONVOY stands to be cocky, however, BB shows his experience. Through the haze of the missile’s exhaust, his powerful fist slams into LIO CONVOY’s chest. The two warriors fall from the force, and BB starts pounding into the Maximal the old fashioned way. STARSCREAM is about to offer his assistance, when ARTEMIS grabs onto his arm.

ARTEMIS (worried): Starscream, please. This is - this is what I can’t see. You can’t allow this.

STARSCREAM (annoyed): We cannot lose to the Maximals. What am I supposed to do?

ARTEMIS: Find another way, Starscream.

STARSCREAM (quietly): We’ve forgotten any other way a long ago.

ARTEMIS looks painfully away from STARSCREAM, knowing too well that he’s right. STARSCREAM raises his weapons up for a shot, but cannot find one. BB has gotten too much into the way. As LIO CONVOY and BB struggle, pounding into one another, STARSCREAM growls in frustration.

STARSCREAM: BB, get to distance and we’ll finish him off together.

LIO CONVOY: You haven’t finished me off yet, Starscream.

LIO CONVOY reaches forward, bringing his claw up and running it through BB’s armored hide. BB scowls out and backs away, the pain searing into his form. STARSCREAM growls in concern and starts opening fire immediately. LIO CONVOY, though, stands and weathers the attack, extending his shoulder- mounted missiles for a counter-strike.

STARSCREAM (worried): BB!

BB : Damaged. Functional.

STARSCREAM: Get back from him.

BB nods and moves off, narrowly evading a single missile strike from LIO CONVOY. The blast his the stone wall, though, and shatters it, revealing the next chamber. BB turns back and starts to back off slowly, letting STARSCREAM move forward.

LIO CONVOY (firmly): You’ve lost this battle, Starscream. Surrender, before the combat completely tears this ancient place apart.

STARSCREAM: I won’t surrender, and you won’t drive us away so easily, Lio Convoy.

STARSCREAM readies to fire again, but hesitates as he sees ARTEMIS’s pleading expression looking towards him. LIO CONVOY, however, doesn’t pause, and steps forward, ready again to fire. He seems more concerned with sparing the battle-site further damage, than with anything else, however.

LIO CONVOY: I won’t tell you again.

STARSCREAM (firmly): The Maximals will not claim this energon supply.

LIO CONVOY: The energy here is not for you, Starscream.

STARSCREAM: Not for me?

STARSCREAM turns and looks at ARTEMIS, then narrows his optics and raises his fist, enraged. He holds back, however, keeping from attacking her outright.

STARSCREAM (scowling): I see, you’ve sided with the Maximals.

ARTEMIS: No, that’s not it.

STARSCREAM: I’ve got better things to do than little to a femme’s lies.

ARTEMIS (hurt): You don’t understand.

ARTEMIS looks about to plead with STARSCREAM, but the Predacon turns away, stepping towards LIO CONVOY. LIO CONVOY braces for an attack, but it does not come. STARSCREAM isn’t stupid, after all. He merely motions for BB to follow him out.

STARSCREAM: Come on, BB, we’ve done enough damage for today.

BB: Roger.

LIO CONVOY seems ready to go after them, but is stopped by ARTEMIS gently taking his arm. He looks confused a moment before she indicates his fallen comrade. BIG HORN lies in a heap, leaking fuel and sparking from his damages.

LIO CONVOY (softly): Big Horn.

ARTEMIS: The Predacons are the threat. But don’t forget why you fight, Lio Convoy. Fighting evil doesn’t necessarily make you right.

LIO CONVOY: I understand.

LIO CONVOY steps over and kneels down to BIG HORN. The commander rights the wounded Maximal and regards him. BIG HORN looks up, surprised, though battered.

BIG HORN (weakly): You came after me?

LIO CONVOY: I guess I did, Big Horn.


LIO CONVOY: You were right to be angry.

BIG HORN (surprised): What?

LIO CONVOY: I wasn’t thinking of my crew. I was only thinking of stopping the Predacons, no matter the cost. Whether or not I believe that they should be stopped, I should not resort to their way of thinking. I shouldn’t have forgotten my true responsibilities.

BIG HORN: What are you saying?

LIO CONVOY: I’m sorry, Big Horn. I want you to come back with me. We’ll get you repaired, along with the three Maximals out there.

BIG HORN hesitates, but regards his commander a long moment. He weakly offers his hand, which LIO CONVOY accepts and shakes. The two Maximals nod in their understanding.

BIG HORN: So what happens now?

LIO CONVOY: I learn to be a commander, and a Maximal, all over again. Think you can help me with that?

BIG HORN: I’m not a very good Maximal, Lio.

LIO CONVOY: Today, you were better than me.

BIG HORN looks down again, feeling even weaker. Carefully, LIO CONVOY picks up his comrade and starts to carry them outside. ARTEMIS watches them leave, a bit visibly shaken. From another hall, MOON, in his robot-servant form, steps forward, regarding the leaving commander before speaking.

MOON: Dangerous close to interfering, Artemis.

ARTEMIS: I was reaching him, Moon. If the Maximal hadn’t attacked –

MOON: Starscream would have used you. You should know that by now.

ARTEMIS: He’s different than I expected. There’s more to him than the treacherous spark we had watched. Something’s changed him, Moon.

MOON watches ARTEMIS carefully, and notes the sadness in her optics, and the uneasy way she carries herself. He steps to her, and shakes his head.

MOON: You’re in love with him.

ARTEMIS (offended): That’s not possible. I am Vok.

MOON: We gave up being Vok when we took our new bodies. We’re just like they are now. We can feel pain. We can feel loss. You can fall in love, Artemis.

ARTEMIS: We’re above those things.

MOON: We never should have been.

ARTEMIS glares at MOON then turns away from him. MOON remains quiet, merely waiting for her response. When she composes herself, the turns back, more firm in her expression.

ARTEMIS: Starscream is what we were sent to watch for. That’s all there can be, Moon.

MOON: He’s dangerous, Artemis. Not even he knows how dangerous he is. His schemes and ambitions are greater than anyone we’ve ever dealt with before. The power that he could command –

ARTEMIS: You think we should stop him, don’t you?

MOON: I do.

ARTEMIS sits, closing her optics from inner pain. MOON merely transforms back to his rabbit mode, and leaps to stand on the fountain’s stone wall, waiting for her decision.

ARTEMIS: We’ve already interfered. If we need to, we’ll help the Maximals more. I don’t know what to do if any of this affects the experiment.

MOON: We have to take that chance.

STARSCREAM and BB glide out of the temple. STARSCREAM stops, however, landing on another outcropping, and is just able to make out the temple’s stone roof from where he stands. BB steps over, crossing his arms in impatience. STARSCREAM considers, given pause.

STARSCREAM: This doesn’t get reported.

BB: No?

STARSCREAM: We report we engaged two Maximals, but that’s it. We leave this alone for now, understood?

BB: Roger.

BB leaps up again and transforms to his bomber mode. As he leaves, STARSCREAM watches over the temple another moment, then shakes his head. Quietly, he follows, transforming to his jet mode and racing off after his comrade.