Beast Wars Anonymous:

Beast Wars and all related belong to Hasbro. The story, its original contents and ideas, and any original characters belong to the author and cannot be used or reprinted without the author's permission.

Author's Notes: character 'Slasher Red' created by Slasher Red (also known as Star Ruby and Rodania) is in this story. She has given me permission to use Slasher Red, so don't think I'm stealing the character. This story takes place after her story 'Slasher Red.'

Amazing Romances
by Wes Whitten (

In the silence of night, the Axalon laid still in it's prison of ground. The Maximals near by were enjoying the view of the night sky. Airazor, in beast mode, perched herself of a radio cord hanging at the top of the base. Dinobot, Slasher Red, and Rattrap were all sitting on Axalon's roof in beast mode. They were all wondering at the night stars.

"Aren't they beautiful Dinobot," Slasher Red spoke, "They remind me so much of Earth in the old days."

"Watch what you say lady," Rattrap butted in, "For all we know we are on Earth, in the distant past of it."

Dinobot gleamed at Rattrap and raised him into the air by his throat.

"Now where are your manners Cheese Lover? You should treat a lady more nicely," Dinobot exclaimed. Dinobot dropped Rattrap to the roof. He landed with a loud thunk on his belly.

"Oww! You say something smart and the whole world tries ta' kill 'ya," Rattrap grumbled.

Dinobot sat down with calm and let Slasher Red put her head on his shoulder. Dinobot loved the woman. She showed all the traits he wanted from one: loyalty, strength, cunningness, speed, intelligence, plus, she was an exact copy of his beast mode and had the same defense weapons of him, what wasn't to like?

"Red," Dinobot whispered, "Let's slip out for a night stroll."

Slasher Red giggled and nodded her head. The two slid down the curved roof and landed on the dirt ground.

"Hey, where are you guys going?" asked Airazor.

"We are going to go patrol the area for Predacons," Dinobot lied.

"Shouldn't you tell Optimus or Rhinox?" asked Airazor.

"Don't worry Airazor," Slasher Red stated, "I'll protect him from himself."

Dinobot smiled.

Airazor didn't understand all of that, but the two rushed off before she could make a remark. Airazor sighed and glided into the air to follow them. At that time, Optimus Primal and Polar Claw exited the Axalon from the lift platforms. They spotted Rattrap eating a piece of cheese on the ground.

"Rattrap," Primal asked, "Where did Dinobot, Airazor, and Slasher Red go?"

Rattrap gobbled down the rest of his cheese and then replied, "Red and Chopper Face went out together, Airazor decided to spy on them."

"Prime. Well, at least the Predacon activity's been quiet, maybe they won't get into too much trouble," Optimus replied.

"Don't worry Primal, I can monitor them from the scanners," Polar Claw chimed in.

Primal nodded his head and stepped back on to the lift. Polar Claw approached Rattrap as Primal disappeared back into the base.

"Rattrap, are you sure they went off?" asked Polar Claw.

"No doubt about it P.C.," Rattrap said without looking at him.

Polar Claw left Rattrap to himself. Of all the Maximals, Polar Claw found him the most odd and senseless. Maybe one day Rattrap would figure out that the whole Beast War isn't a fun game.


Slasher Red and Dinobot walked around the region of desert sand and rocky cliffs and mountains. The two reminisced through the mountain area, until they came to an open area.

"No way across," Slasher Red stated.

Dinobot maximized and stood up proud.

"It's okay 'Red, I want to show you something," Dinobot replied.

Slasher Red's eyes lit up. Any thing Dinobot wanted to show her had to be intriguing.

"Slasher Red, Maximize!"

From a distance, Airazor perched herself onto a high rock, and watched the two Maximals approached the canyon even closer.

"Do you see that dip of rock on the other side of the canyon?" Dinobot asked.

Slasher Red put her hand over eyes and squinted a little. "Yes."

"Do you see that dip of rocks right in front of us?" Dinobot asked.

Slasher Red stared downward. "Yes."

"Once a upon a time, a magnificent bridge of dirt and rock existed here..." Dinobot began to tell a story.

"What happened to it?" 'Red interrupted.

"I'll get there...." explained Dinobot. "Now, here at that bridge, was where the once only four Maximals stood a year or so ago. They were trying to cross to get back to Axalon. But, something on the other side stopped them. It was I, Dinobot, only recently who had deserted the Predacons," Dinobot explained.

"You were a Predacon?!" Slasher Red asked promptly.

"Yes, I was," Dinobot admitted, smiling just a tad as he saw 'Red's slight look of surprise. :But that was long ago. At the bridge, I battled Optimus Primal for leadership of the Maximals. I must admit I lost. But Primal was a pure fighter, so I followed his trail and joined the Maximals. That was a great day in my life. I may not show it to the others, but I enjoy being a Maximal. The adventure, the thrill, the suspense, the weaponry it provides..." Dinobot spoke, "But most of all, I enjoy it because I met you."

Slasher Red would have blushed if she could. She sat herself down on the canyon ledge and let her feet drape over.

"That was an interesting story," 'Red stated, "So this is where the first day of your good life began."

"I never said it was the first day of my good life, just what led me to meet you," Dinobot replied.

"Your just trying to flatter me," 'Red chuckled.

"Is it working?" Dinobot asked.

"Yes," 'Red replied, patting the ground next to her.

Dinobot sat himself down there, and the two looked at the moon together.

A distance away, Airazor watched with mixed feelings. She was surprised Dinobot could ever show so much sympathy.

"Well," Airazor whispered to herself, "I guess everyone has their good qualities. I better leave those two love raptors alone." Airazor spread her wings and flew off back to the Axalon. As she fades from distance, three figures creep up to where she just was. The leader of the group unleashes a loud laugh.

Slasher Red and Dinobot both get up and look around when they hear the laugh.

"Dinobot, what was that?!" asked Slasher Red.

"I don't know, but it smells like..." Dinobot began.

"Predacons!!!" Slasher Red ended his sentence for him.

At that time, a black bat arose from the shadows.

"Ah, fresh love makes an opponent weak on guard and on skill, Onyx Primal, Terrorize!" the bat shouted rapidly transforming to robot mode.

Onyx Primal drew his swords as Slasher Red and Dinobot drew out their swords and rotor blade staffs.

Dinobot lunged himself for Onyx, but he only ducked out of the way. Onyx raised his left hand and gave Dinobot a blow on the head. Dinobot dropped both his weapons and fell to the ground.

"Dinobot no!" 'Red screamed, she rushed head on in anger and prepared to slice Onyx with her rotor blade staff.

Just then, Snapper and Iguanus jumped from the shadows.

"Terrorize!" they both yelled.

Slasher Red turned around to see them fire at her. She somersaulted out of the way and shot down Iguanus with her eye beams.

"Fool! The essence of death calls for you!" Onyx declared, grabbing Dinobot by the right leg and slicing it off.

"You leave him alone!" Slasher Red screamed.

Snapper drew his twin cannon blaster and shot Slasher Red at the leg. She collapsed to the ground in pain. She fired her eye beams, but they were off a bit and missed Snapper. Snapper only laughed as he drove another sharp blast into Slasher Red's chest. She screamed out in pain.

"'Red...." Dinobot moaned as he raised himself with his left arm. He tried to fire his eye beams but no energy cam out. He began to twitch, and suddenly an energon surge broke over him.

"Must..transform..." Dinobot spoke.

He began to shift his gears, but he was too injured to transform.

His head fell to the ground in a puddle of mech fluid.

"Dinobot!!!!" Slasher Red screamed.

She threw her sword at a distracted Onyx, it sliced right into his waist and he dropped to the ground lifeless. She fired a round of eye beams in all directions until Snapper had no where to run. Snapper screeched in pain as he fell to the ground.

Slasher Red arose in victory, as an energon surge came over her.

She transformed to Velociraptor mode and rushed to Dinobot.

"Dinobot...?" asked Slasher Red.

She got no response.

"No...." She mumbled.

Just then, the sound of laughter grew, and Iguanus and Onyx Primal both arose to the ground. Onyx transformed to bat mode and grabbed Snapper and Iguanus with his feet. He flew off into the distance laughing and laughing.

Slasher Red only began to grow angry as she looked around and saw Dinobot's weapons and left leg scattered among the area.

Slasher Red opened a communications channel to Axalon.

"Somebody answer me! Dinobot is down! I...I think he's dead hurry quickly!" Slasher Red ordered.

Slasher Red gathered Dinobot's parts into a pile and waited for reinforcements. Almost instantly, Airazor and Optimus Primal came flying in.

"Slasher Red, what happened?" asked Primal.

"The Predacons sneak attacked us, they brutally killed Dinobot," Slasher Red said, a tear rolling down her eye. She tried to hide her face so Primal and Airazor couldn't see her emotion.

Optimus Primal examined Dinobot's body.

"Thank the Matrix., there's hope! Dinobot went into a stasis lock before he died from loss of mech fluid. If we get him back to the CR chamber, I think he'll be all right," Primal spoke.

Slasher Red's spirit lifted as she heard the news.

Airazor placed her wing around Slasher Red and said, "You could use a good turn in the CR chamber too, girlfriend."

Slasher Red chuckled a bit. Optimus Primal transformed to robot mode and assembled Dinobot's pieces into his arms, he then flew back to the Axalon.

"Let's go!" Slasher Red encouraged, rushing off eagerly leaving Airazor behind.

"Hey, wait up!" Airazor called, soaring into the sky.


A mega cycle later, Dinobot emerged from the CR chamber to find Slasher Red, Airazor, Rattrap, Rhinox, and Optimus Primal's warm faces. Dinobot gave everyone a quick glance.

"What is everyone staring at? I'm fine. Worry about other things," Dinobot protested.

"Same old Dinobot," Rattrap said, he and Polar Claw returning to their work.

Slasher Red would have eyed him, but was too excited to see Dinobot.

"Welcome back big guy," 'Red joked, punching him in the shoulder, "Now let me have a turn in the chamber."

Dinobot politely stepped out of the way and Slasher Red entered the chamber.

"Pleasant dreams," Rhinox spoke, as he punched in the activation code.

Slasher Red smiled as the door closed and locked her in. She couldn't wait to see what would happen to her and Dinobot next time they went out. She leaned back in the chamber's chair and daydreamed about all the fun she recently had.

The End