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A Life Without Him 

Part One

The Death

By: Blackarachnia

 Can Blackarachnia continue living without Silverbolt?


Blackarachnia sat alone. It had been a week since the tragedy. . A tear rolled down her face. "Silverbolt..." she whispered.


Blackarachnia and Silverbolt walked in a valley hand-in-hand.It was a nice day. "Beloved, isn't it wonderful outside?" asked Silverbolt. "Well, it sure is nicer than it usual is ." "Ah, but no matter how nice or beautiful it may be, it could never compare to your beauty." Blackarachnia smirked," The way you talk." Then, Silverbolt howled in pain. "What is it Jojo?!" Silverbolt collapsed the the ground. Then, she saw the poison arrow in his back.

"He he he." she heard laughter behind her. She whipped around to see Quickstrike.
"No!" she yelled. She shot several times at him then Quickstrike fell over.

"Blackarachnia to Optimus. Silverbolt has taken heavy damage. I need help."

"I'll be there right away," Answered Optimus. Shortly after, Optimus, Cheetor, and Depthcharge arrived. They flew Blackarachnia and a very injured Silverbolt back to base.

At the Ark:

"Rhinox, how bad is it?" asked Optimus.
"It was very deadly. Even the CR chamber couldn't fix it." responded the rhino.
"Will he be okay?" asked Blackarachnia.
"Its all up to Silverbolt now," said Rhinox.

Blackarachnia went to medbay to check on Silverbolt. She sat by his bed and laid her hand on him( not not there you perves). Silverbolt's hand grasped hers.

"Silverbolt, you're up!"
"Yes, but I have little time my love."
"What are you saying?"
"My life is coming to an end."
"Yes, and I want you to know I will always love you and even without me, you must live on your life."
"Oh, Bowser."
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"Goodbye - Beloved." He went offline.
"No!" She was now crying. "NOOOOO!!!!"

All the Maximals rushed in to see what was wrong. Blackarachnia looked up at them, covered with tears.
"He's gone..." she whispered.

They all looked down.  Then she went on a rage.
"He's gone he's gone he's gone!!!!!!!!" She kicked and screamed.
Cheetor ran to her.
"Blackarachnia it's okay calm down!"
"No no no no!" she yelled.
Cheetor shook her hard. She stopped then hugged him. She started crying all over him.
"Shh it's gonna be ok."
"Cheetor, take Blackarachnia to her quarters." said Optimus.
"Sure," answered Cheetor.


Blackarachnia was listening to music. Then a song came on... her and Silverbolt's song:

I love to hear you say that you love me
With words so sweet
And I love the way with just 1 whisper
You tell me everything
And when you say those words
It's the sweetest thing I've ever heard
But when your eyes say it
That's when its true
I feel it
I feel the love coming through
I know it
I know that you truly care for me
Cause it's there to say
When you're eyes say it
I love all the ways you show me
You'll never leave
And the way your kisses always convince me
Your feelings run so deep
I love the things you say
And I love the Love
Your touch convades
But when your eyes say it
I know it's true
I feel it
I feel all the love coming through
I know it
Know that you truly care for me
Cause it's there to see
When you're eyes tell me
There not telling lies they tell me
All that's inside
And its so right
When your eyes say it
All those words they say
Take my breath away
No song ever sang it so sweet
I love every word that they say to me
But when your eyes say it
That's when I know its true
I feel it
I feel all the love inside
I know it
Know that you truly care for me
Cause its there to see
When your eyes say it....

She broke down and sobbed, "Why him? Matrix, why him? I can't live any more!" She took a knife and put it to her chest, right where her spark beat inside of her. Then something stopped her. She remembered Silverbolt's last words: 'Even without me you must live on your life.' She threw down the knife. She lay down and cried herself to sleep.

Click here for part two